How to Spot An Authentic Prada bag
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I am posting these two pictures to help shoppers spot a potential replica Prada bag. The first picture is from an authentic bag and the second picture is the replica. Compare the two and see all of the differences. Notice the lettering is precise in the first and there is a very slight indentation in the “R”, also all stitching around the logo is even. In the second lettering is not precise, and each letter is much skinnier it doesn’t match the authentic font. Also no indentation in the “R” and if you look closely the stitching is uneven, closer to the logo on one side. The BIG difference is DAL should be 1913 not 1973. Be careful of sellers using real pictures to sell replicas. A new bag that retails for $2000 is not going to listed for a few hundred dollars.
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Also, the real one says Milano on it.
@elburk505 Exactly that has to be the worse replica I have seen and it was from a listing on here
@altonfamily Yes.
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