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I know there has been a recent rise in scams and I’ve had a couple happen to me as well. As a result I now record all sales from the item, to packaging, to boxing, and shipment. This is for everyone’s protection in the event there’s a “claim” 🥰 buyer’s remorse is tough (I know!) but not an excuse to abuse the Poshmark claims process! Sales are final.
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emmab18368 Hi! Another scammer is @muddkids4 she has scammed many people out of our items by requesting a refund and claiming the item never arrives or saying it’s in poor condition and not returning the item while getting a refund. Do not sell to her, she’s also rude. Spreading awareness because she has scammed many people recently.
Jan 26Reply
mahins_closet @emmab18368 I sincerely appreciate this heads up!
Jan 26Reply
peacefullygab Ugh people are the worst sometimes!!! 😔
Feb 03Reply
mahins_closet @gabking2 I know!! I agree--I feel silly doing it (all the pics and video) bc I have only had that problem a couple of times--but I literally had someone SHRED/CUT a brand new dress just to try and return nuts! So this has officially saved me taking these pics now. But I am with you--those people are the worst!!!
Feb 03Reply
peacefullygab @mahins_closet omg 😳 that’s really insane.
Feb 03Reply
taylor93087 @emmab18368 I am just curious if anybody has ran into this issue I’m currently dealing with so I place an order and when I receive the order it’s an empty box inside of a box the seller did not send me what I was thinking I was buying and it did not match the description or photos so I let Posh know before except the order and understood the seller admits to sending me an empty box and now posh is approving me for a return in order to get my money back and
Mar 03Reply
taylor93087 I’m just confused on why they’re expecting me to send a box where for all anyone knows it could’ve been a scam and I am now expected to waste my resources and I emailed posh and they told me that the box could be a value to the seller
Mar 03Reply
emmab18368 @taylor93087 I completely understand, that sounds ridiculous. I think you just have to mail the box back because it is part of poshmarks policy. Maybe someone on here will have better advice but that’s all I know, sorry!
Mar 03Reply
taylor93087 @emmab18368 It might be a policy like I know one time I had purchased something and it had a hole in it when I received it and they didn’t even make me send that back and I still have that sitting around with a hole in it because I can’t even use it😂 so for this scenario I am just so confused on what they want especially when the seller admitted to sending me an empty box maybe I’m just more annoyed than anything lol
Mar 03Reply
emmab18368 @taylor93087 I understand, that’s completely a waste of your time!
Mar 03Reply
taylor93087 @emmab18368 that’s literally what I explained in the email when I finally got a response from somebody from posh via email and that’s when they told me that it could be a value to that person and I’m just like what what about me the person who could’ve potentially just been caught up in a scam but now I have to waste my time when she admitted what she did and they could see that like what the heck
Mar 03Reply
mahins_closet @taylor93087 yea super weird situation!! Thankfully I’ve never had that happen 🙏
Mar 03Reply
taylor93087 @mahins_closet This is the most bizarre situation that I’ve had to deal with on here.
Mar 03Reply
falco2 Hi I love this post can I copy it ..I have been scammed to and this is great .Thank you🌺
Apr 02Reply
falco2 Also if you ever have any sunglasses or Gucci bags tag me .I’m an honest trader😊
Apr 02Reply
mahins_closet @falco2 oh man! I’m sorry you have been scammed too 😞 I hate that I have to do it but it has been a great practice to live by and copy away!! I’ll definitely keep an eye on your closet too!!
Apr 02Reply
falco2 @mahins_closet Great Thank you ..I always like to ask first😊👍
Apr 02Reply
mahins_closet @falco2 I thought that gorgeous dog profile pic looked familiar! I just got my package from you and you are WAY TOO kind!!!! Thank you so very much-I am beyond pleased!!!!
Apr 02Reply
falco2 @mahins_closet Your do welcome and thank you for the lovely review ..❤️will be checking your beautiful closet too👍
Apr 02Reply
luxlau426 I had a buyer claim i sent a wrong item and filed for a return thT was accepted. She took a picture of a random item and said thats what i sent her. Im waitimg For posh to reply have reached out 3 times! I hope they domt side with her shes a fraid! I have pics n videos Of packaging being packed. Its a $500 item also so idk whats goimg to hPpen im so upset that she might be able to keep my item and they wont help 😩
Jul 05Reply
mahins_closet @luxlau426 oh I am so sorry that’s happening 😣 I would definitely send your pictures and videos and make sure in the subject line as well as the top of your email you put the order number!! I know sometimes Posh can be busy and a little slow to reply, but as long as you have your proof you should be good! I wish you the very best of luck!!!
Jul 05Reply
kacy030 Hi! I was scammed as well, please read my first closet post and share if you can, i will share yours, thank you 💙❤️💚💜
Jul 26Reply
mahins_closet @kacy030 oh I’m so sorry that happened to you 😔 I hope somehow it works out 🤞
Jul 26Reply
kacy030 @mahins_closet thank you so much for the share 🤞💜
Jul 26Reply
spazoid65 I just had a pair of Dansko shoes be destroyed they sawed the entire heels off the shoes and when they arrived I was mortified!! Like wtf it’s not my first choice but if you want the shoes for free just say so I’d rather give them away then have them be destroyed 🤬
Aug 01Reply
mahins_closet @spazoid65 😣 that’s horrible!! That’s the same feeling I had about my dress that got cut up. People are ridiculous sometimes and I’m SO sorry you had that experience!
Aug 01Reply
shelbmake May I use this picture in my closet?
Aug 21Reply
mahins_closet @shelbmake oh of course!! Please feel free 🥰
Aug 21Reply
awesluxury90210 I am tired of scammers on this app! I just had a buyer accept a order then two days later they changed their five star review to a one star review stating the item did not work. Where is the seller protection from Poshmark. once the order is accepted and review is left the buyer should not be able to change the review because they destroyed the item.
Oct 30Reply
mahins_closet @awesluxury90210 I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I agree, there’s not a lot of protection! When I sold my dyson I made sure to take a video of it operating just in case—it’s so annoying but I’d recommend doing that in the future so you can tell them they’re wrong! Totally unfair that you have to, but they’re not going to look out for you!
Oct 30Reply
awesluxury90210 @mahins_closet I have video and photos
Oct 30Reply
mahins_closet @awesluxury90210 and Posh won’t help you?? That’s horrible!
Oct 30Reply
awesluxury90210 @mahins_closet posh said since seller accepted there is nothing they can do. um yes they can, get rid of of the bad review they gave after they ruined the item
Oct 30Reply

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