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Updated Nov 04
Updated Nov 04

Iam not.iam sick of people not knowing how to ship things this was the worst

rea dunn

$15 $10,000

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the worst I have ever seen.paper will not be okay to ship 5 bowls.3 out of 5 made it
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blubay_boutique Wow! it is sad that some people do not have common sense, obliviously breakable items must be cushioned very well. D'oh! So sorry you had bad customer service, hope you were able to get a refund from seller.
Nov 13Reply
poshshopping4me I hear ya. It happened to me, too. It was a special tea cup and saucer. Now, when I purchase breakables, I ask them to double box it. Some people don’t have a clue!
Nov 15Reply
maryann68 I won't buy from her again paid 42 42 for three bowls never again
Nov 15Reply
amiku Hi! I see you’ve left repeated likes on my recipe book holder! Thanks for the interest!I’ve sent several offers which you’ve dismissed. You must be interested in a particular price point. Maybe make an offer on what you feel is a fair price and we can go from there. Thanks!
Nov 23Reply
styles_you_love That's a serious bummer! 😢 I hope somebody took care of what you lost 🙏🤞
Dec 06Reply
eclipse1970s I am so sorry this happened to you.
Dec 10Reply
abbi_916 @maryann68 😔 I’m sorry this happened. If it does again please know you can open a claim with Poshmark to be reimbursed. (Your priority shipping has insurance). Also you can put in your review it wasn’t packed properly. These are hard to find also. Makes me wonder at this price if they were already broken when shipped. (That’s the new scam) 😭
Dec 15Reply
pdxfungal Right at the same shipping mentality: post earrings in an envelope. Buyer pays $7 for bent flat posts upon arrival. Everytime a huge UGH!
Dec 22Reply
taylor_m006 @amiku This account is doing the same thing to me!
Dec 30Reply
taylor_m006 @connerkathi Doing the same thing to me!
Dec 30Reply
fourwildhorses That’s horrible 😳😱
Jan 01Reply
sherib003 @connerkathi doing the same thing to me
Jan 02Reply
sherib003 Hello …. I see that you like an item in my closet. I have lowered the price and offered discounted shipping several times. Perhaps you can make an offer and I will be happy to ship. Thank you
Jan 02Reply
Jan 03Reply
nicolerasmussen 8 listings, c'mon you're all kich smarter then that. I'm so tired of these little accounts being jerks, period. lot of complaints for 8 listings. I just can't. if you don't agree perfect, keep supporting this account.
Jan 03Reply
maryann68 lady how would you feel if it was something you orded.and it all came broken.iam sure you would be upset to.its not a scam.its the fact of the matter people need to know you have got to wrap glass in bubble mail
Jan 06Reply
myagrace17 @maryann68 Awful! So sorry!❤️❤️❤️
Jan 07Reply
neastposher @taylor_m006 @amiku this account has liked one of my items over 10 times. How many times does this account expect people to lower their price? I asked for an offer. no response. I will not follow as there are no available listings on this account either.
Jan 08Reply
amiku @bassgirlfishing If I get another like I am going to file something with Poshmark. I’ve sent the messages for this person to make a private offer if they OBVIOUSLY feel my pricing and private offers and shipping discounts are not fair. I researched how to contact customer care with Poshmark and that will be my next step. This is apparently an issue with this Posher and something needs to be done.
Jan 09Reply
neastposher @amiku I will follow up with Poshmark too. thanks.
Jan 09Reply
agape_threads @maryann68 Hi. Im so sorry this happened to you!! Frustrating for sure. Just wondering if you reached out to the seller??? And did you contact Poshmark. Your priority shipping has insurance. I believe. If I shipped these and they broke…1. I’m an idiot for not packing them properly. And I should take the hit. 2. I’d return your purchase price AND give you some kind of additional compensation. People suck. I hope you can enjoy the three you still have!!! 🙂
Jan 11Reply
whteverislovely oh my goodness! this is horrific... I hope you got your money back somehow. Have a goodnight!
Jan 13Reply
diamond_dealz It is scary how bad some closet package breakables. Sorry that happened those were cute. I work for a commercial moving company so I promise I know how to ship breakable items if you accept my offer 💎
Jan 16Reply
nicolerasmussen @amiku hi sweetie..I know it's late. hope notifications don't wake you. I legit finally got fed up , I've also told this person to her respectful and to stop and they kept loking more I just reiterated how rude it is , and a waste of sellers time. I also reported. funny seems all they do is complain. just wanted to say I feel exactly the same and thank you cuz now I don't feel so dang just sick of these scammer , weirdos. lol
Jan 16Reply
kelliethimmes @abbi_916 seriously? People are doing this on purpose? That is terrible.
Jan 31Reply
kelliethimmes @nicolerasmussen I agree with you!
Jan 31Reply
nicolerasmussen @maryann68 I'd be an adult about it, period!. And? what was your question again?
Feb 03Reply
nicolerasmussen @maryann68 you're the epitome of a scammer. dictionary of a scam artist. your beyond pond scum. You don't have the right to even call me "lady ". you're very ignorant and I hope you have a library card! how pathetically sad, oh sweetie. help is free
Feb 03Reply
hdnurse ‼️UNBELIEVABLE‼️SO SORRY‼️Posh should have a Training Class mandatory for new sellers on do’s & don’ts!!! I, too cannot believe what I have seen from the perspective of the buyer…but by the same token- ALL OF US DO NOT FIT in that category ❣️❣️❣️
Feb 10Reply
boujibellarae @maryann68 they didn’t refund your money?
Feb 11Reply
boujibellarae @abbi_916 There’s another scam buyers are doing. Buyer has an item at their home broken, Buyer orders replacement, Buyer receives item in mint condition, Buyer sends pictures of their broken item, Buyer receives refund! All sellers should be aware of this. I mark my items with a special marker(only viewable by black light) Buyer must provide photos showing damage along w/ invisible code. Caught 1 lady thus far. It was a different selling platform NOT posh & they ultimately sided with me.
Feb 11Reply
thegoodgirls @amiku This is the second year of MANY likes on the same product with no replies on offers, no counter offers etc. You can block the user from your account.
Feb 16Reply
thegoodgirls @bassgirlfishing Same here, you can block the user so it ends
Feb 16Reply
thegoodgirls @amiku Me, too. Block the user
Feb 16Reply
krunk2202 @thegoodgirls I didn’t know you could block people. She’s liked my one item at least 10 times. Will be figuring out the block!
Feb 16Reply
nicolerasmussen @amiku 👏 👏 👏 👏
Feb 18Reply
hthornton1019 @amiku She's done that to my items too, I even offered $4 and declines it , it's always the same time too
Feb 21Reply
deewitt1 Wow!! Things do happen during shipping but i myself always ship with care. I use lots of bubble wrap and use lots of paper to cushion. I want my buyers to be happy.
Feb 28Reply
shopdastash @nicolerasmussen SHE IS NOT A SCAMMER! HOW DARE YOU, AS AN AMBASSADOR, ACT THIS WAY TOWARDS OUR FRIENDS ON POSH! Regardless of how many listings or followers she is still human and a very kind person who is being scammed herself! Instead of being a rude as b to her, HELP HER! THATS YOUR JOB AS AMBASSADOR ON POSHMARK!! Im tired of the bullying- grow up and act your age Nicole!
Mar 18Reply
kaysuniverse @maryann68 Thanks 4 liking an item from my closet. 🤗 I carry quality brands at super affordable prices. As a Posh seller I've kept a near perfect rating for over 3yrs. 😇 All listed items are described in detail already. I ship next day and I'm always flexible on price. If you like sumthin 😍 "don't wait... make me a fair OFFER and I'll accept!"
Apr 25Reply
sharalynne1 I had someone put a claim in when i double boxed a breakable set... Fortunately I had taken pictures of my set - the person was trying to get a free set! Watch out for Fraud this way too guys!!!!!
May 01Reply
winnie42 @maryann68 Hi! I sent you the best deal possible on them shorts :)
May 01Reply
shopmoonbeam Wow. Glad you posted it though.
May 21Reply
sun526 What did the box look like? Was it crushed or just poor wrapping? That's too bad.
May 22Reply
sun526 Those bowls looked real nice. I definitely would of triple wrapped them
May 22Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍 SN:Wow…Those were nice…🤷🏽‍♀️
Jun 20Reply
amandagray914 @blubay_boutique couldn't agree more. they have material made for this reason right here.
Sep 05Reply
amandagray914 I understand your frustration I have recently had a couple of my own. also people saying that the item that was sent was not the correct item I honestly feel like people are trying to scam individuals and it's unfortunate. I'm still trying to figure out this whole app in itself but it doesn't help when we have people purchasing items gently used and then saying that we sent them trash. at this point I don't even know if it's worth my time to continue to use Poshmark.
Sep 28Reply
drewerya13 Yikes! Not ok! Hope Poshmark stood by you 🌞💗
Oct 14Reply
hyflex Don't come back to my closet liking a $15 item over and over again. If you can't pay a measly $15 on here then LEAVE Poshmark with your complaining mouth👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋BLOCKED👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
Oct 19Reply
seaboch7 @boujibellarae I wouldn’t even have a black light available to use..
Nov 04Reply
seaboch7 I go over board when I ship breakables, I shipped a snow globe styrofoam the bottom,wrap it in foam tape w/bubble wrap w/no room to move shipped all kinds of breakables. It can happen. I’ve only happen 2x was weeks ago the box was crushed whole corner. Luckily buyer raved on wrap but when they throw ur boxes, set heavier ones on top & just lazy delivery it happens However if they only wrapped those bowls like that, that’s on them!! Terrible!!
Nov 04Reply
seaboch7 @shopdastash I totally agree don’t think anyone should be talked to like this and Posh should be stern!! I mean I don’t care how many times someone likes my items. I just scroll on by. How’s it a waste of time? I know for a FACT she isn’t a scammer.. she’s bought some of the same bowls from me & let me a note abt how great they were packaged
Nov 04Reply
seaboch7 @maryann68 that’s terrible!! U need to report those calling u a scammer. I’ve never seen such immaturity in my life. U bought some bowls from awhile ago & said u had never seen some package as well as I do!! So I know ur not a scammer. U can like my items as much as u want. It isn’t a waste of time. I’ve several ppl do that.
Nov 04Reply
seaboch7 @nicolerasmussen what is ur issue? She bought from me and was extremely nice. The only one rude is you..
Nov 04Reply
sparker1966 @maryann68 did you report this to Posh so you could be reimbursed? If not, you always should. They are very good about such stuff! Also, you recently (about an hour ago) left me like 10 likes for a cowl neck soft sweater that I’ve sent you offers to already.
Nov 12Reply
sparker1966 Unfortunately, Posh will not let me send that offer again to you and that’s the lowest I will go since I lost over 100 lbs and it wasn’t worn but a couple times. With the offer I gave you I don’t make much for a gorgeous plus size sweater. So, unfortunately at this point you will need to send me an offer. As that’s the only way I can sell it to you. Please do that so we can get this gorgeous sweater to you, it’s getting cold❣️
Nov 12Reply
chanipye Thank you for shopping by. The 7/8 is referring to the waistband, not the size of the pants. The pants are Large. Did you have a question about the Large PINK Yoga pants with the 7/8" band width?
Nov 25Reply
suzzieques You have been liking an item in my closet I wish I could lower it but it’s putting me into the negative. Sorry
Dec 25Reply
suzzieques @hyflex same with one of my items it’s at the lowest price before I start losing money
Dec 31Reply
jacobmeade84 Why does everyone get so mad when you like their stuff, no one has any obligation to buy but has every right to like as mich as they please, thats part of having your stuff listed!! Im sorry this happened to you and you can like 100000000 on my stuff, doesnt bother me because it just helps others see your stuff is likable ❤
Jan 03Reply
joeyconte1985 Please don’t bring negative to my closet like I seee here your blocked ty
Jan 05Reply
kickmybutt6 @nicolerasmussen Hi I just wanted to let you know that you can block them Just push the Follow button and it will pop up from the bottom to unfollow or block them Hope this helps
Jan 26Reply
kickmybutt6 I have mailed a hard plastic cleaning tote before and in the middle where it’s the most thickest got broken by the postal crew and I don’t know how in the world they broke that. I could stand on it and stomp it & it still wouldn’t of broken The person that got it thought it was already like that so if that can be broken anything can but there is a website that the post office has that covers up to $100 on things that they break!
Jan 26Reply
ladihawke68 Hi, Mary! Thanks for the like of my cardigan sweater.  Due to Poshmark's fees, I can't go any lower on this item or offer a shipping discount. If you'd like to buy it now, I'd be happy to ship it to you tomorrow. Feel free to browse through my closet. I have lots of great things at very reasonable prices. You get a 10% discount if you bundle 2+ items & pay only one shipping fee (discounted shipping on bundles totalling $15 or more). Happy Poshing & let me know if you have any questions.😊
Feb 02Reply
maxwellestate @maryann68 That's ridiculous! If they're going to sell breakables, you'd think if they didn't know how to pack, the internet is filled with how-to videos ! there's simply no excuse for this. I'm sorry that happened to you 💕
Apr 12Reply
chrislevesqu546 Hi, I see you liked the swim coverup several times. I made you offers, but reached the limit. If you want to purchase it, you will have to make an offer. Thank you 😊
Jul 01Reply
hotwiarstyles I’ve been selling online for more than 25 years, mostly collectibles, the majority being fragile! You’d think common sense would dictate the correct way to ship!
Jul 08Reply

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