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💥I'm selling Awareness from this Beast💫



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Hello this is part 2of my Cancer awareness...please if you get a moment go to the original thread right next to this one usually in the top of my closet ...a posher made me aware you can no longer add comments to that one.....for I am a Colon Cancer survivor...and must bring I had it young and through genetic testing found out I’m a carrier which is ver RARE❌…please help me tag as we start this new Forum to save lives🥳🥳🎯


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gettumgirl @karensglam ...hi hunny new forum....-how old was your aunt who passed away from the Colon Cancer and how old was her daughter that passed from it..Rest there souls...
Sep 28Reply
karensglam Hi. Great new post. My aunt was 60 when she passed 3 yrs ago and her daughter was 46 when she passed last month. R.I.P. Aunty Babs and Sharon 😢💞 Thank you for mentioning the silent killer symptoms - I had no idea!
Sep 28Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam ....all her your cousin children must be genetically tested!!!...46 is way too young for the disease ...I had it young and that was one if the first things they did...come to find out...I DO carry the Gene😳 guys must save her children...please let someone in your family see will save there lives!!!!...
Sep 28Reply
karensglam Yes for real. When I heard my aunt was diagnosed I cautioned my mother and other aunt to get tested - I thought that naturally her daughters would have automatically been advised to be tested - but sometimes people just don't WANT to know for fear of the reality. My cousin left behind 4 girls!! They all need to be tested. Thanks this feels good getting these thoughts out of my head 😃
Sep 28Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam ...please Karen stay on them!!!...if we can save just one person ...we have done our jobs as ambassadors😘😘😘
Sep 28Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam ...again it's called Genetic testing...but question...what state do you live in??
Sep 28Reply
karensglam Didn't know about the Gene. Always assumed that you just "got" it. Its so sad how even though health care is free in Canada...the health care system are biased and keep you in the dark as to what your options are when you are a person of color...not trying to be political or stereotypical, just the truth...they don't advocate for life, they just assume death. I will be getting that test to see if I have the gene.😢
Sep 28Reply
karensglam My aunt lives in Canada and I lived there for 20 yrs before moving to the US.
Sep 28Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam that where everybody is still at...because they may not offer the genetic testing there..because in Canada health insurance is automatic there ...and though that's great ...there is a price that comes with Free...the country gets to pick what will and will not be done...because it was automatic to have genetic testing done because of my age...and they let me know what age my kids needed to be tested...are the kids still there😔
Sep 28Reply
karensglam Yes. That's where they still are. You raised some good points - that's the unfortunate part of FREE...there's always some hidden cost! I'm in Connecticut. In Canada though the health care is Free, I was more referring to once someone IS diagnosed there is little to no advocacy to do screening for other family members and no education on what or how you can start the fight against being a victim of colon cancer or other types of cancer - I say this because I see the difference between patients who have advocates and those who don't - and in the US, there is advocacy and it changes and saves lives. In fact, many Canadians who have been diagnosed end up seeking treatment across the border for this very reason - so the situation becomes even more dire for someone like my aunt who never had a sick day in her life and faithfully went to the doctor every year to suddenly hear the diagnosis then have to accept that within 6 months you are gone - because there simply isn't any education on what you can or should do to try to survive...😢
Sep 28Reply
karensglam Just re-read the other post. Your story is amazing. You were meant to a survivor! To be used as a vessel...why else would all the dots line up to lead you to this point? You have helped me, you have inspired me to stop being silent and share awareness - I couldn't be an advocate for my aunt or my cousin but maybe I can help someone else. 😃
Sep 28Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam ...Yeah!!!!!🎉💥🎊✨...this is what it's all about!!!!
Sep 28Reply
just_poshing_2 My mother in law just 2 weeks ago found out that she has colon cancer as well as pancreatic cancer. She's a 5 year breast cancer survivor. She's going down to The Cancer Center of Americas today because she's having a tough time with her insurance co. It's unbelievable that you pay your health insurance then you get sick and all of a sudden all these "clauses" show up in small print in your insurance. My heart breaks for her but she's in wonderful spirits and so determined to kick this. My daughter will be going for her genic testing this week because my husband was tested and carries the gene so they're moving down the line to my daughter. My fingers are crossed right now. My sister is a 7 yr breast cancer survivor ! I'm so happy you "Kicked" your cancer❤️❤️My heart goes out to all that have cancer😘😘❤️
Sep 29Reply
bonniesc I was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 37, I thought I had a busted hemorrhoid and was embarrassed at the time but finally went and that was the first and third diagnosis of colon cancer (I've had 6 bouts now) so far I've made it a year out but now I'm disabled and fighting the damage from treatment! I now have a permanent colostomy among other issues but as far as the discussion about relatives being checked I've heard from several sources that if your relative is diagnosed you should begin your check for cancer at ten years younger than the person diagnosed, in other words if your relative is 50 when diagnosed the family members need to start at age 40 and have regular checks after that!! I'm still trying to get my brother to go for several years (he is 32 now ans should have been checked at 27) he does not want to get a colonoscopy and I don't blame him but two days of discomfort and embarrassment is much better than a lifetime with a colostomy trust me!! Love and prayers to you!! Keep up the fight!!!
Oct 01Reply
gettumgirl @loriscloset50 ..Lori so sorry just seeing this...give me about 2 hours in traffic...want to talk with you😘😘
Oct 01Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc in traffics give me 2 hours...want to chat!!!
Oct 01Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc had 3 diagnosis of Colon Cancer??
Oct 02Reply
gettumgirl @loriscloset50.....Genetic testing is key!!!!! guys are sooooo smart....
Oct 02Reply
raynamarie 🎉Congrats to you🎉 I have several family members that had/have been navigating through colon cancer as well.
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @raynamarie ..Thank you Rayna😘😘💨
Oct 04Reply
nurse2425 My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer this past summer. He was supposed to go for his first screening when he turned 50, but waited until he was 61. He had refused to go, even though I'm a nurse and kept nagging him. Luckily his cancer was easy to remove and didn't require chemo or radiation. He had no signs or symptoms either. PLEASE folks if you're age 50 or older, get a screening colonoscopy, or age 40 or earlier if you have a family history of colon cancer. It's a very easy test, and if clear is needed only every 10 years. By the time a person has pain or other symptoms, it's usually very advanced, that's why screening and early detection is key!!
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @nurse2425 ...Courtney thank you for allowing us a little peep into your life..every bit of info is so important to save lives😘😘💨
Oct 04Reply
sustainableswg I just wanted to stop by and say hi! 👋👋👋 😊
Oct 09Reply
gettumgirl @imposhable ...well thank you Kemi...very much appreciated💥🎊🎉✨😘
Oct 09Reply
mahoganycharm @gettumgirl congratulations on being cancer free!!! It's great that you're bringing awareness to colon cancer. My sister is also a colon cancer survivor. She's 50 now, but when she was diagnosed at the age of 25 her doctors were shocked. 25 years ago colon cancer was known more to affect elderly Caucasian males and not a 25 year old African American female. This is why it is so important to know the symptoms and get tested. So glad you're cancer free and you've started this forum!
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl @mahoganycharm ...Tina...thank you for sum topping by!!!!...FYI...your family member having it at 25 means there is a mutation somewhere...she needs genetic testing I have...I found out I carry the Gene for here in Atl cancer hospitals they are on it...because I too was young with it....I'm given several test every year...including the tummy cam...which is a $1700 pill you swallow and is a camera...I gene I carry is of my dad's side which is white...please if your family member has children ...they must be tested!!!!
Oct 14Reply
gettumgirl 💫@sweethatttrick@hopesparkles@mistyheart💥@michelleannette@65ds_do_btr@poshlove78@lizdt....hello ladies I tagged you into my listing here because I too am a survivor of Cancer...while some I tagged are survivors some are still struggling with this beast and this forum is to bring awareness...your symptoms..what you have gone through other options...etc...this is open forum other listing for cancer awareness is right next to this one and they stay on top of my closet ..the first one is I had to make a second listing...because before selling any of my items awareness is my first you much...Charm✨
Oct 19Reply
julia_rose Thank you so much we definitely are sisters by heart💏👼👼You must have incredible strength and courage going through yourself and with your Mom I also lost my grandmother to the disease it took the 2 people who raised me. I am a mom & adore my family God & life. I'm so glad to meet you & share this wonderful PM community it's becoming a wonderful family to me. I'm now a contributor for the official user forum so check it out if you haven't already they post party line up Upcoming Co-hosts & other info to help us all to be more affective through providing tools to do the best we can 🌺💋💋💋💋💋💋💃💃💃 by the way I'm Jamie I named my closet after my Mom & Grandma enjoy your weekend
Oct 19Reply
gettumgirl @julia_rose ...Jamie it's so nice to meet you my selfless friend🎉🎊💥
Oct 19Reply
poshlove78 @gettumgirl I want to thank you. I'm a little down today but will get back up. Your words are so genuine and real. Hit my heart 💜💜. Thank you
Oct 19Reply
gettumgirl @poshlove78're not well...what's wrong😔 sorry in the delay was at church
Oct 19Reply
gettumgirl @emikulik ...thank you Liz!!!...However I am a survivor now trying to let people know what the symptoms are for this silent killer,...most of the time by the time someone realize what's going on they are in stage as you can see by the Cancer forum right next to this one(it's full had to create a new one)'s working!!!!'s so important to spread the word💥🎉🎊
Oct 24Reply
jntsnv702 @gettumgirl hi charm, I hope you and your daughter are doing well. I will pray for you and your daughter. God will take good care of you. Please stay strong. Gos blessed. Xo
Nov 02Reply
gettumgirl @jntsnv702 ...hi hunny..God is good...and this too shall pass my friend😘💨
Nov 02Reply
gettumgirl's really nice to meet you...and yes God is great!!!!...and I love him so!!!!
Nov 12Reply
gordomom Happy holidays, my dear friend! 💝
Dec 25Reply
vmtshop Hello😃 Merry Christmas ⛄️⛄️🎅🎅🎄🎄🎁🎁
Dec 26Reply
gettumgirl @vmtshop ...Merry Christmas Vern...I'm so sorry I'm late...not really on here anymore😔
Dec 27Reply
gettumgirl @gordomom .....Happy Holidays my dear friend Michelle...sending you love throughout the new year!!!🎉🎊💥
Dec 27Reply
vmtshop Hey girl 😃 what's up. Why did You give up poshing. Is everything ok.💕
Dec 27Reply
gettumgirl @vmtshop ...everything will be fine...just had to fall back from it for a little bit...trying to find balance💝
Dec 27Reply
vmtshop Ok 😃 enjoy your break from poshing. Hopefully you will be back soon. 💕 take care
Dec 27Reply
wassermanalison Wishing you a very happy and HEALTHY new year Charm! Much ❤️ to you and your beautiful kids! 😘😘
Jan 06Reply
gettumgirl @wassermanalison ..Happy Newyear 🎊🎈🎉
Jan 06Reply
vmtshop Hello😃 thanks for the love💕 how have you been doing. 🌺
Jan 15Reply
gettumgirl @vmtshop ...sorry for the delay...daughter is pushing through...but God is faithful😃
Jan 15Reply
vmtshop Hi😃 what wrong with your daughter. I didn't know any thing was going on with her.💕
Jan 15Reply
gettumgirl @vmtshop ...Vern Thankyou for asking...she will be okay...just going through...I see her getting better daily...there are some issues with her health as well...
Jan 16Reply
bellasbeauties So do you have one also?
Jan 18Reply
gettumgirl @bellasbeauties ...No I don't...most of my colon is gone though...
Jan 18Reply
73v3n how are you doing sis?
Jan 22Reply
door4 @gettumgirl hi Charm , how are you ??.. i hope the new year is treating you well .. sending peace and prayers your way ✌️🙏
Jan 25Reply
gettumgirl @4sq ...hello Susie...I'm good Happy Newyear toyou🎊🎉🎈
Jan 25Reply
door4 @gettumgirl 😘😘😘
Jan 25Reply
gettumgirl @flashie ...Kathie awareness is soooo important ...I have promised that I will bring awareness to every arena of life...I had colon cancer young...and become like a spectacle if you will...bringing some of the top doctors around me...including the top Doctor Jesus!!!!!...there were Angels at every point of my testimony...when you get a chance...go to the top of my closet and look at the other awareness page I has reached its limit...but just look through the testimonies on that one...look at how God works😃🎊🎉💓
Feb 19Reply
narkay Heyy just please ask her to tell u the confition of the box bc mine was in bad condition
Feb 20Reply
donnamz2 @gettumgirl Hi, my name is Donna and my Aunt died of colon Ca in her early 50's. I'm 52 and have put my colonoscopy (sp?) for 2 years because I was too busy or something always comes up and it has not been my priority. After reading the symptoms you posted I made my appt. today😄thank you so much for taking the time to share about this😍this is one of the cancers that isn't well known because people don't like talking, thinking about bowel habits! I think you are saving lives and helping so many people by sharing your story😄😍😘
Feb 20Reply
gettumgirl @donnamz2 ...Donna I can't live in vain!!!...My Personal Savior has spared my life not because I deserve it but because he is so awesome!!!...I must spread the word somehow...I'm so sorry about your aunt...and awareness is necessary a lot of people die of this disease because of not knowing of its symptoms...buts also doctors not knowing either!!!! testimony is very long life was intercepted and I'm so happy I have the opportunity to spread the word...please keep me posted about your appt😃😃
Feb 20Reply
flashie @gettumgirl found out my older sister has liver cancer today. :(
Feb 21Reply
gettumgirl @flashie ...Kathie I'm so sorry...what state is she in?...and what stage😔
Feb 21Reply
flashie @gettumgirl not sure about anything right now. She just found out 2 days ago. She is not saying much.
Feb 21Reply
gettumgirl @flashie's understood ...what state is she in...does she have insurance ...I'm jut really concerned with that type of cancer of getting correct treatment...are you near her
Feb 21Reply
flashie @gettumgirl no I am not near the family is looking into things now.
Feb 21Reply
gettumgirl @flashie ...will be praying for her...please keep me posted Kathie😘
Feb 21Reply
gettumgirl @cvz15 ....Carol been thinking a lot about you these are you😘
Feb 26Reply
kaleebby Lost my sister this past October.. live your life you beautiful soul. God bless!!!!!
Mar 04Reply
gettumgirl @kaleebby ...thank you so much🎊🎉....however I'm so sorry about your sister...what happened😔😔
Mar 04Reply
kaleebby @gettumgirl THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! XOXO CO two years ago she had a kidney transplant and Feb 4 of 2014 dx st 4 non small squamous cell carcinoma. Passed away October 7..I was her lucky caretaker wouldn't trade that part for anything. She was like my left when I was 10 and sissy took me in. She is as free as a bird now though..
Mar 04Reply
gettumgirl @kaleebby ..Wow!!! she survived the transplant and ended up with Cancer?!...God said enough!!!!!...and took your sis home to be free indeed🎊🎉🎈
Mar 04Reply
kaleebby Yes ma'am she was a strong fighter and a sassy stubborn one :) but my guardian angel :)
Mar 04Reply
11thstreet Congratulations hunni, wishing you to be cancer free forever, xoxo
Mar 06Reply
gettumgirl @11thstreet ...thank you hunny😘😘
Mar 06Reply
gettumgirl @flashie ...Hi is your sis doing😔
Mar 11Reply
flashie @gettumgirl she's doing ok. How u doing gurlie
Mar 11Reply
1203sam Wow, I didn't know you had colon cancer. You are one lucky girl. I lost my Mother to that terrible disease. I miss her everyday. One a good note, I found your pants, it's like they want to play hide and seek with me. Now I can't find your address. Can you help me out. Thanks😄. The tee shirt is so cool!👍
Mar 25Reply
gettumgirl @1203sam ...Joy so sorry for the late response...been running all over the place😁...Yes I'm not Lucky I'm Blessed as I know who held my hand through this whole testimony!!!!...yes my personal Savior Jesus Christ...for he is my Superstar!!!!.....I'm so sorry about your mom though 😔 address I can email you...I don't want it on posh😘
Mar 26Reply
1203sam Totally understand, mine is Your right, you are Blessed
Mar 26Reply
jazaire22 Congrats!!!! I don't know you but I am so happy you beat this!!
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @jazaire22 ...Aweee thank you so much!!!...just trying to bring awareness...for I had it young...I just had my annual colonoscopy (sigmoidoscopy) they took most of my was on Friday...and they found a cancerous polyp and removed must stay on it!!!..Colon Cancer is number 2 for death of Cancers...but with awareness it does not have to be😃😃😃🎊🎉
Mar 27Reply
jazaire22 A really close friend of mine had breast cancer age 27 she beat it too.. It's just so scary but you have to keep fighting and like you said stay on top of it!!
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @jazaire22 ...please tell your friend EVERYYEAR...she needs to be tested do not miss one year...I don't care what they say...when you have Cancer MUST test every year...the first year I got tested...there was nothing..the the year cancerous...please have her to read this if she must!!!!
Mar 27Reply
jazaire22 She does. You know Sloan hospital treated her and saved her life. She's on it. She is married with three children. She had the last one while she was fighting it. She goes every year. She even calls her doctor if she's not feeling right.
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @jazaire22 ...that's great!!!! happy for her💖💖
Mar 27Reply
jazaire22 Thank you
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...Ahhhh...Lisa...when was your last must go back...every year...I'm a carrier and because I was so young with it...I'm tested like clock work every will save your life...please go💖💖💖💖
Apr 07Reply
shugahs Woooow, your strength is amazing! Prayers going up for your continued healing in Jesus name.... May you be blessed immensely!
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @shugahs ...thank you my sister in Christ!!!!...I receive your prayers in Jesus name...Amen😘😘😘
Apr 08Reply
shugahs @gettumgirl 😄😉😆😀
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @shugahs ...😘😘😘💖💖💖
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 message was thrown in with a mass of shares...and I was on vacation...I'm so sorry😔...please tell me what's join in Lisa ..and what's going on with your son...if you want I can give you my number or we can continue to talk in here😃
Apr 16Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...been praying for you and your son too...God is Faithful and Able...Please keep me posted ...I really mean it😔
Apr 16Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...checking in on you Lisa
Apr 17Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...ok please let me know when that appt is...are you light headed at all...please have them to check your blood ...😔
Apr 17Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...Lisa that was one of my symptoms...that's why I asked because with Colon Cancer it absorbs the blood into the colon where the Cancer is...I had to end up getting 2 units of blood I was admitted over night...then I had the colonoscopy and it was confirmed😔
Apr 17Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...why do you have to wait for records ...that's ridiculous !!!!!...every second counts....they won't just schedule a colonoscopy for you?☺️
Apr 17Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...okay...and no need to fear...knowledge is Power!!!!
Apr 17Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ..hello checking in on you😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...will contact you again soon😌
Apr 25Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...Pleaseeeee keep me are included in my prayers 😘😘
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...yes will be Praying for the Lord that his will be I have become a walking miracle...I had to go through what I went through to help bring awareness to the next person 💖💖💖💖
Apr 28Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 she is definitely watching over you....keep me posted😘
Apr 29Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...hello my friend...appt made😁😁
May 07Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...yeah🎊🎊😉🎉🎉🎉❗️❗️❗️❗️...I'm so happy you were proactive in getting everything done...I'm even happier for your results😃😃😃💖💫
May 07Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 💖💖💖💖💫
May 07Reply
ssdesigner Wow! Amazing!!! God is gooooooood!
Jun 05Reply
gettumgirl @ssdesigner ...yes Blair he is💖💖💖🎉💫
Jun 05Reply
ssdesigner This disease took my fav Aunt Susie from me. She was older and it just took all her features away she looked so different so fast. I'm surprised my uncle is still alive with her. They were married for 51 years so I didn't think he would last long without her. But to God be the glory he is still here and still too funny to even have a serious conversation with. 😘
Jun 05Reply
gettumgirl @ssdesigner ...Aweee I'm so my first cousin was taken away really young with this disease as well😔
Jun 05Reply
donisalon7 @gettumgirl Hey Charm! It's been a while and just wanted to say HI! 😄 Happy poshing and keep kicking butt.
Jun 07Reply
gettumgirl @donisalon7 ...hi hunny !!! are you...hope all is well with those cases😘😘😘😘
Jun 07Reply
donisalon7 @gettumgirl All is well, God is good! Cases going well. I'm getting some much needed down time, but I was checking in on you and baby girl! How are you both doing?
Jun 07Reply
gettumgirl @donisalon7 ...we are good! daughter was diagnosed with a brain disorder January 23...amazing how certain dates just stick out with you😔...anyway God is using it for his good after all the tears girl he is molding us for HIS good and realizing that he is my source NOT my job❗️❗️....I love you my sister in Christ😘😘😘😘😘💙💚
Jun 07Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...just dropping by to say in life we go through trails but God is bigger than any trail we have in life❗️...I love you my sis in Christ💚💙💖
Jun 07Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc @loriscloset50 ...hello my posh sisters how are my survivors doing💖💖💖
Jun 07Reply
donisalon7 @gettumgirl Wow Charm! I will continue to pray that God have his way in your life! Much love, peace, blessing and favor to you both. 🙏🏽😘
Jun 08Reply
gettumgirl @donisalon7 😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 08Reply
skirk102011 @gettumgirl and I see why your name is gettumgirl! I'm so HAPPY you are here with us and it has been such a blessing to meet you. I am a awareness freak. I believe everyone should help and support every cause in this world. Having Kody opened up my eyes and heart to helping others.
Jun 08Reply
gettumgirl @skirk102011 know everything has a season and God uses everything for those who love the Lord for HIS good...we are here to testify for everything we go through...he did not keep us here to be silent about things we go through's called a TESTimony daughter was diagnosed with a brain disorder in Jan of this year...however God is so faithful!!!!!....
Jun 08Reply
skirk102011 @gettumgirl your so right!
Jun 08Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 complaints lisa😘😘😘
Jun 11Reply
bonniesc @gettumgirl hello back!! I'm getting by!! Been busy lately but so glad to hear you are still kicking a@@ and taking names!!
Jun 11Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc glad to here from blessed always😃
Jun 12Reply
akjajoo After seeing what @bonniesc wrote about I'm nervous now because I've had some issues but a little embarrassed to put myself out do you just go get a colonoscopy and they will let you know what's up.
Jun 22Reply
gettumgirl @akjajoo ...Amanda...nothing to be nervous about...just now you did not come across this post by chance...what symptoms are you having Hun
Jun 22Reply
akjajoo Well I notice if I wait to long to eat and then decide to I have to make way to the bathroom real quick. I am on metformin though for type 2 diabetes, was diagnosed last year, so my doctor says I need more fiber. As to other situation I bleed from some tissue I might "cut" from wiping to hard or to much.
Jun 22Reply
akjajoo It's a bright red and not dark so I know it's not internal. It just scared me a little reading things here. There are times it hurts in the anal area to sit if I go too much but also depends on what I'm sitting in. I noticed when I was in India a few years ago I had no issues because we have a bidet toilet so water is used. Trying to google all these terms I'm seeing be used.
Jun 22Reply
akjajoo Just googled hemorrhoids and I think I'm okay now but I'm glad you are out there to help others and spread awareness. 😎✌🏼️😊
Jun 22Reply
gettumgirl @akjajoo ...Amanda...look at my other Cancer can't post ...its full...but read some of the symptoms...
Jun 22Reply
bonniesc @akjajoo first off don't be embarrassed! I realize it's easy to just say that but at least try, please!! I started with my regular doctor, I went to him first. Do you have a family dr or regular GP that you go to?
Jun 22Reply
akjajoo @bonniesc yes I do actually, I have wanted to tell him about it many times but just felt awkward.
Jun 22Reply
bonniesc @akjajoo I know I really did too, my best friend forced me to go but he's someone you know already. Maybe if it makes you too uncomfortable how about your gyno?
Jun 22Reply
bonniesc @akjajoo also, I read your posts from earlier (I was at acupuncture) please be careful looking up symptoms and other health issues on line, some of it is just not true and with others that are true, they can just plain scare you and run you crazy!! Please go get looked at, once you tell your dr you will relax, they have seen it before!!
Jun 22Reply
bonniesc My Mom always said I thought they were going to run screaming from the room and call all the other drs to come look at my butt (please laugh - I use humor to get me thru) telling him will be over in just a second - about the time it takes you to sneeze!!
Jun 22Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc ...thank you for supporting @akjajoo ...we all need it sometimes😃😃....please get checked out could save your it saved mine😔
Jun 22Reply
heartmykids So glad you are here!!! Much luv to you... 💕💞💗😘
Jul 01Reply
gettumgirl @heartmykids ...Thank you Jennifer🎉🎉🎉...will share you back as soon as I'm off😃
Jul 01Reply
heartmykids No need to return the shares... Was just sharing the luv.. 😉💞💞💗💗💕
Jul 01Reply
fastfind Congratulations x100 hallelujah glory to god @gettumgirl
Jul 09Reply
gettumgirl @fastfind ....Awee thank you hun💥💥💥...God is faithful...and now I'm an ambassador ...To God be the Glory🎉🎉🎉
Jul 09Reply
fastfind All the time @gettumgirl
Jul 09Reply
akjajoo Well I waited to long and ended up in the emergency room Sunday night. Had a sonogram and CT scan. They could not explain the pains but it's most likely related to kidney stones, 7th one since December. So just trying to pass the stone so they can analyze it to see what's causing it. Between my back injury, job loss to do the injury and now this I'm exhausted. Plus starting to get upset with people who want something for nothing on here. Sorry just aggravated and venting.
Jul 23Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...Lisa what happened with your son???...remember bleeding from the rectum....please tell me he too went to the doctor???
Jul 23Reply
gettumgirl @akjajoo ...Amanda God is faithful always remember that and you have a purpose here in life...just make sure you stay proactive with your health...I saw that you said you were embarrassed that you lost your job and now you have to sell your stuff?..why are you embarrassed ? happens and we all move on😃😃 far as people low balling your closet...don't take it personal...💖💚
Jul 23Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 ...this saddens me😔
Jul 26Reply
chiemiranda @gettumgirl I hope you are all well and healthy now!❤️❤️❤️
Jul 26Reply
gettumgirl @chiemiranda ...yes thank you much💚💙
Jul 26Reply
sharlovesalex That's awesome! Keep on surviving! Great closet, by the way. Love all your vintage stuff!
Jul 26Reply
gettumgirl @sharlovesalex ...thank you hunny😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 26Reply
soonerfanatic Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear that you're a survivor of this cancer! And thank you for speaking out to raise awareness! Too many people find out too late, simply because they're too embarrassed to be checked. I'm 39 years young, & just had several removed that were HUGE! the good Lords Grace..they were pre-cancerous! I'm proud to meet you, & have a blessed day! 🌞✌💜
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @soonerfanatic ...thank you Hun!!! yours were Pre-Cancerous...what did they tell you as far as going back for your next colonoscopy??
Jul 28Reply
soonerfanatic I gotta be honest, I was so shocked just at hearing THAT.. I'll have to ask my mom, because she was with me. Or I guess I can ask when I go back to see the doc. I've been through 3 scares already, & now they've found a mass in my lower right lung. So far it's been cervical, skin & I have to find out about my lung. I had a complete hysterectomy at 36, just to take that out of the game! 😕
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @soonerfanatic must be proactive with this could and will save your life!!!....don't be afraid to ask need a genetic testing done to see if your a carrier...I was young to have Colon Cancer too....and I had several masses...thank God for his Angels and Mercy on my life!!!...I had a Genetic testing done and I am a carrier...I will test once a year for the rest of my life
Jul 28Reply
soonerfanatic Thank you so much! I had no idea about that! I have 3 kids, so I definitely want to know! I just watched my Grandma go to our Lord, from a very brief battle with Pancreatic cancer :'( I will definitely be asking about the testing now! The good Lord has a reason for you being on this Earth! You're doing a beautiful thing, & I sincerely thank you!
Jul 28Reply
gettumgirl @soonerfanatic ..Nikki..I can't live in vain...when you are saved from must bring's the only way you know💚
Jul 28Reply
patricewymore YES MAM. GOD BLESS YOU.
Aug 04Reply
slave2stuff06 @gettumgirl Wow. I just got the news that i'm in remission (for now) 2 weeks ago. Congratulations on beating the demon. Much respect. People who are fortunate enough not to battle potentially fatal illnesses just don't is so short. I have a totally different outlook on life now. Praise the lord. Sending prayers your way. Happy anniversary!!
Aug 16Reply
gettumgirl @slave2stuff06 remission❗️❗️❗️....I love it...what kind may I ask😳
Aug 16Reply
fashionchicaz Your beautiful mama😘😘
Aug 17Reply
gettumgirl @fashionchicaz ...thank are you💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
Aug 17Reply
gettumgirl @tracy ...Joshtaylor1979...he is selling like maybe 12 LV Together and telling everyone it's 900 for all however you must purchase through Google wallet...unfortunately he has scammed a few ladies already the he deletes and changes his name...please look into this..I'm concerned about other poshers😔...@manish
Aug 17Reply
carolsjazzyjunk PrAise The Lord! Stay blessed & keep the faith sister!
Sep 16Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl @slave2stuff06 I just want to say that this was the most sad & happy thing I ever read! I would like to tell you about my story ! It's sad but at the same time it's happy! First I need too apologize to both of you I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you said! Reading this made me realize how wrong I was! Crying because I hurt a beautiful person, so sorry!
Sep 20Reply
slave2stuff06 @anniesegrue I can only speak for myself, but mistakes happen. We are only human, my dear friend. XX
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue @slave2stuff06 😘😘😘's okay💙💖💚
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...please tell us your story so we can learn💛💚
Sep 21Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl 12 yrs ago my twin brother died of kidney cancer at 36😢on our! My older brother found out he was sick, and never told us, he drove his car off a cliff 54, my mom was 75 when she found out she was stage 3 ovarian cancer 2 years later she was told she was cancer free! I had a hysterectomy following the advice of her doctor because she had the bracket gene, my stepfather died 1 year later on his 75! More on next post
Sep 21Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl right after he past away which was on thanks giving & bday, my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer stage 3 oh my moms was 4 and they didn't think she would live very long, but thank god he saved her! Then my husband my husband is now living with 1/3 of his kidneys they took 1 out then the other was 1/3! I know h goes every month for blood work and imaging! Not to mention I am crippled from falling of an escalator when I worked for airport security!
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...I'm so sorry for all your lost and tragedy...however God is able...all your Test are now your Testimonies ❗️❗️....He brought you through to tell everyone about his goodness my dear😃...Jesus suffered at the cross for us and he did NO who are we not to suffer...I will keep you in my prayers😘
Sep 21Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl I am never to work again I am in a wheel chair, although, when I think I'm worse off I still have the people I loved the most were saved! And my mother in -law died 2 weeks ago! When I think of the ones who left me I always remember what the lord said😇the meek shall inherit the earth! 😇so I know that they will be back with us as soon as we are with them! Love to you and your soothing words!
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...You're so welcome💙💖💚
Sep 21Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl just wanted to let you know that I am having a colonoscopy in 3 weeks it not because its Not because of any symptoms, but because It's the time I'm 50,and not scared no matter what happens, it's in my doctor and gods hands!
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...yeah!!! happy you're getting it's all about being proactive 😃😃😃
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @slave2stuff06 ...hello Barbie how are you thinking about you hun😃
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...hello Ann hope all is well😘
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @mahoganycharm ..hi's your sister doing💫💫
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam are you hun💙
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @loriscloset50's you mom in law Hun 💚
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc ...checking up on you😘
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @raynamarie's you're family doing with the Colon Cancer💛
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @soonerfanatic ...Nikki how are we doing...and are you on top of this Hun 💚💛
Sep 23Reply
karensglam @gettumgirl 💕💕❤️💕💕 thanks for the check in...after my post I did follow up with getting a colonoscopy and I have polyps but they are NOT precancerous THANKS BE TO GOD... Thank you Charm - for LISTENING, being present and THERE for anyone who is in need - HUGE HUGS to you for that...I will continue to get checked, advocate and continue to push others to do the same, and I will continue to keep you in my Prayers. 💕💕 You Are A Survivor 💕💕
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @karensglam ...Yeah🎉🎉🎉🎉...good news...when do you need to go again 10
Sep 23Reply
karensglam @gettumgirl thank you! Dr said yearly but may be sooner due to 2 losses in last 5 yrs? Will keep you posted, thanks for asking 💞😁 And the colonoscopy is not terrible procedure it just sounds "horrible" but they lube up, lol and its uneasy but as women, its NOTHING compared to some of our other trials, so if anyone out there is hesitant about doing it, just suck it up...your good health is what matters most 💟💟✌💟💟
Sep 23Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl doing ok still in the hospital until Saturday! Hey do you know how Barbie's doing?
Sep 23Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue are you Ann
Oct 02Reply
dujani2 You make me want to get a survivor tat 😊 GOD is better than good!!! Im a 6 year breast cancer PROUD survivor
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @dujani2 ..Janis Congrats❗️❗️❗️🎉🎉🎉🎉....I'm so Happy for you...and yes I have my Tat...and when ever I get my finger nails and Toes done ..I always have a purple cancer ribbon drawn on the pointer finger and big toe...purple is for Cancer Survivor not matter what cancer you survived...a lot of people don't know that......
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @dujani2 ....continued...I know God is Great...and saved me from the beast for a reason which has to do with purpose...I can go on and on with my testimony girl!!!...what were your symptoms Hun
Oct 04Reply
dujani2 @gettumgirl AMEN!!! I had a ump that i put off from getting checked until it was stage 4 .... very dumb. i now encourge ladies to get regular mammograms and monthly checks,,, this is a must!!
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @dujani2!!...stage 4?!?!...yes you must be glad you are here to give your testimony 😃😃😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue @slave2stuff06 ...hello ladies how are you today💚💙💛
Oct 04Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl swing on a cold but surgery went well on my Antrim last Friday 😷😷😷
Oct 04Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl how are you sweetie
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...praise God!!!...won't he do it❗️❗️❗️
Oct 04Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl please don't get in this with @slave2stuff06 I have done nothing but try to make things right and she told me a bag sh paid $199.00 I just wanted to trade my bag back and she has done nothing but hurt maybe because of my brain does not work well sh is going to use it against me! I respect you please try and stay neutral because I have not sent so many rude and hurtful things
Oct 06Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl your a sweetheart and I don't want you to get caught up by someone whir is being horrible blessed remember I have a heart to apologize and please make me know bad good of a person Mary said you were I think of you like an angel, the work you do made me go have call and set up for this colonoscopies ! Go on the 19th and then have in over that weekend!!
Oct 06Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...not sure what's going on with you 2...however it does not look good for either one of you😔
Oct 06Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl no her gift was a pair earrings, I purchased some and she gave me the other ones that said gift! I swear on my husbands life that it was not a gift! I gave her 3 purses and a IPad for her daughter! I can send you what I sent here it's still in my stuff!! If you want to take sides take hers! I have god I know the person I am!
Oct 06Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...I'm not taking sides...merely asking questions...I'm not that person...I'm trying to help you guys not hurt you...I saw she mentioned the bag as a gift that's all
Oct 06Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl I don't want or take sides right now I'm hurting to the point I want to hurt my self because she didn't list she just kept throwing everything she could to hurt me I was just saying she traded me a bag that was s lot more than the bag she had was $999.00 who would want to trad my pink bag that's only worth $595.00 but still more than she showed me which is $99,99!
Oct 06Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl I'll move on and let the other people cast the stones have been trading with them longer! And they know I'm honest I'm not asking for you to be the road to be between us ! Nothing she gets has nothing between you and I you are beautiful person who does not have to be in the middle!
Oct 06Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue ...I appreciate that😘😘💨
Oct 06Reply
sweetrebelfashn Congrats! My fiance's mom went through colon cancer treatment a few years back! So glad you won the battle! So did she. :)
Oct 12Reply
gettumgirl @amg246 ....thank you so much💙💚
Oct 22Reply
saramorgan30 Hello. Was just looking thru your closet and seen this. My mom was just diagnosed with colon cancer 2 weeks ago and goes in for surgery on November 4th. I ask for your prayers as she goes thru this. And may God bless you. Please tag me with any of your other pages. I would love to join as well.
Nov 02Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ....I would love to talk with you/'s important...that you have 2nd/3rd opinions....when was she diagnosed...what state are you in...what were her's something that God has sent you here...I was released of Cancer Nov 11th through my Anniversary is coming up🎉🎉...I was young with I had genetic testing as well...anybody else with Cancer??
Nov 02Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ....Sara right next to this on the top of my closet is another Cancer Awareness...however it's no more comments can be made on I created a part 2...please feel free to read through the thread😘
Nov 02Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl she had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago. No prior symptoms, just checkup and they tested a polyp and it tested posture. She goes in for surgery Wednesday, it's on her sigmoid, then they will also take out lymph noids to see what stage. And what the followup treatment Will be. I'm in new York. My great aunt from my mother's side just passed in may of colon cancer. That's all we know at this point until her surgery.
Nov 03Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl congratulations on your anniversary. May the angels continue to watch over you thru your journey in life. Xoxox
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...hi Hun...why are they giving her surgery on the strength of 1 polyp which I'm sure was removed with a snare during the colonoscopy?...also I'm from NYCtoo...I now in Atl...make sure of why surgery is being done...for I too had surgery...however I had large masses in different parts of my Colon...
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...what hospital is she going to...NYC...LongIsland...etc...please let her read this thread too...people perish from this form of Cancer for the most part...because of lack of knowledge...and not getting additional opinions...
Nov 03Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl she had a test done where it showed a mass on her sigmoid they are not sure how big it is so they're going in laproscopically and depending on the size if it's bigger than what they think they will have to make an incision
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...thank you for your compliment about me being a survivor...but I know my life was spared by my personal help others get through it too😃
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...that doesn't make disrespect at all...when the colonoscopy is are all up in the colon...they know just from many mass you have...and how big each one is...I know I've been in that space...each one was measured when I was under...from the colonoscopy
Nov 03Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl that's ok. This is all new to me. I may not know everything, what I do know is she went in for her colonoscopy and endoscopy at the same time. They found polyps, removed them. A few days later the dr. Called said that the polyps had tested positive for cancer. She had to undergo many test for a few days, bloodwork, mamogram, other test that i dont know the name of,
Nov 03Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl and get a clearance from the doctor that will be taken care of her after the surgery. She has to do her cleanse tomorrow because her surgery is Wednesday morning orange Regional Medical Center in Middletown New York the surgeon is Dr. Oy. He is supposed to be the best around.
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...ask your mom...why are they doing surgery and what are they doing during the surgery...if all she had was a polyp and it was snared off...why the surgery...even if it was cancerous..they took it off with heat...and it's gone now....something is not right...I'm not saying her doctor is not good...and I don't care if Dr Oz himself said he was the owe it to your mom to get another opinion...
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30 ...I was diagnosed August 23rd...did not have surgery until November 11 because of me having 2nd and 3rd opinions..and I'm so happy I waited...All of the Doctors was supposed to be the "BEST"...however you must find the best Dr for you..not the your mom from NY originally?
Nov 03Reply
kitty_kat ❤️
Nov 13Reply
gettumgirl @kitty_kat ...🌷🌷🌷🌷
Nov 13Reply
dejavu_dv God bless you! Health is everything 🙅🏼😚
Nov 15Reply
gettumgirl @dejavu_dv ...thank you Vivian😘😘💨
Nov 16Reply
dejavu_dv Wishing you a happy thanksgiving day! 💞
Nov 26Reply
gettumgirl @dejavu_dv ...Thankyou!!!...same to much to be thankful for💜💛💚
Nov 26Reply
lovesdesigner Hi beautiful. I wanted to stop by today and say hello. Thinking of my pff's and wishing you love 💕💞⭐️💕💞⭐️💕💞⭐️💕💞⭐️ HAVE A BLESSED NEW YEAR. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 25Reply
gettumgirl @lovesdesigner ...thank you hunny...Happy Holidays🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 25Reply
cherylannnofear ❤🙏👯😘💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 May God continue to bless & keep you!👼
Dec 26Reply
gettumgirl @cherylannnofear ....Thankyou so much💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
Dec 26Reply
wynnsdoll10 May God continue to bless you...
Jan 16Reply
gettumgirl @wynnsdoll10 ..thankyou🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 16Reply
breezee13 God bless you and God speed in your recovery
Feb 19Reply
saintsandaints How are you? I am looking for your original post. I have been prodded and poke from both ends. :) Still nothing. I even swallowed a small camera. Pill size:)
Feb 25Reply
gettumgirl @lizzydavis123 was full that's why I made this one...hold on...I will share both so that they will be at the top again😃
Feb 25Reply
gettumgirl @lizzydavis123 ...heeeyyy..I swolled a pill cam last year myself😬😬😬
Feb 25Reply
saintsandaints @gettumgirl thanks. I kept telling them I don't remember passing it they said not to worry. ;/
Feb 25Reply
gettumgirl @lizzydavis123 either😳
Feb 25Reply
saintsandaints Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Our plans maybe many, but thank God His prevail. Continued blessings and good health.
Feb 25Reply
alottadiamonds Celebration time!!! So proud and happy for you! You deserve to be cancer free and enjoy your life beautiful lady! What an amazing survivor you really are! Sending so much love prayers and happiness your way @gettumgirl
Feb 27Reply
alottadiamonds Your other post had max comments :) glad to see everyone is happy for you too! You deserve to bask in this celebration hunny!
Feb 27Reply
gettumgirl @alottadiamonds ...Thankyou so much🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💚💜
Feb 27Reply
mensdesigner Hi, I'm happy to be a part of your trusted trading circle. Always a pleasure doing business with folks who understand the value of honest business practices and believe there's still such a thing as free (gifts 🙂🎁).
Mar 01Reply
gettumgirl @mensdesigner ..yes same here💜
Mar 01Reply
gettumgirl @rose515 ...Rose what type of Cancer did your sister have😔
Mar 05Reply
gettumgirl @cancun_gal ...5years Cancer Free❗️❗️❗️...Whooo-Hooo!!!
Mar 05Reply
skrewboll Congratulations!! I had infiltrating basal cell carcinoma- but it has not returned since my surgery in 2011! Thank you for sharing this and I will help you spread the word. Keep smiling- I know you cherish and appreciate every day! Bless you!! 💕
Mar 06Reply
gettumgirl @skrewboll!...Danielle I'm so glad it was no retuning bad are a survivor too🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉...tell me/us some of the symptoms to look for with your type of Cancer you there's know what to look for💙
Mar 06Reply
rose515 @gettumgirl breast cancer
Mar 06Reply
skrewboll @gettumgirl- Unfortunately, I did not notice any symptoms. I had gone to the Dr and she noticed that areas of my skin with freckles seemed abnormal. So, she did a few biopsies and they all came back as cancerous, so I went in for surgery asap. I learned that the infiltrating basal cell carcinoma is not a skin cancer, rather it lies underneath the top layers of the skin and down inside the fat tissue, hence the term "infiltrating".
Mar 07Reply
skrewboll @gettumgirl- It is nearly impossible to detect without a biopsy. Thankfully I had a very observant Dr who took the appropriate steps immediately, even though she stated it was just a precaution, but I'm glad she did. I would recommend that all women, whether you're a sun lover or not, have your moles, freckles, birth marks and overall skin examined by your Dr on a yearly basis. If you question anything, get a 2nd opinion and don't be afraid of getting a biopsy.
Mar 07Reply
skrewboll I'm not an expert, but I'd be answer any questions I can to the best of my ability. Plz feel free to message me anytime should any of you have a question or would just like to vent, cry and/or share your experience. I never judge anyone and promise to respect your privacy and feelings- I would never divulge anything discussed. However, I'd like to disclose that professionally I am a case manager and counsel adults. Therefore, I must follow the law when it comes to reportable subjects.
Mar 07Reply
skrewboll On a final note, I send all my love and best wishes to all of you and your loved ones who are survivors, currently battling this ugly C and my heart goes out to the families and friends to all those who we have lost. Stay Strong- Stay Positive- You Are Loved! "Is what you're doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow?"
Mar 07Reply
gettumgirl @skrewboll!...well said Danielle...I'm so fortunate to have people to read my post and comment....together we are helping to make another survivor...and yes I have Cancer Survivors...and ones along the way that did not make it...may they all rest in peace...however I will continue to be an open Vessel helping to spread the word on possibly how to survive 💜💖💚💙
Mar 07Reply
skrewboll @gettumgirl- Amen!! I can't express enough how precious life really is. I was in a coma a few weeks ago from severe encephalopathy and almost died. Every day is a gift and if I can help just one person with their life, than I have accomplished something wonderful. I hope to help teach others that same thing. Thank you for creating this post, doing what you do and for being you!! May you always feel blessed.
Mar 07Reply
slave2stuff06 @gettumgirl Hey stranger!!! How are you and your lovelies? Sorry I was MIA for so long. I just took a much needed break from Posh. Too much drama and unneeded extra stress. Just stopped logging in for a few months. Not sure I'm sticking around but was thinking about you and a few other friends and wanted to check in. Hope all is well! P.S. I still have the LV Ipanema!
Mar 12Reply
annluggen Thank you🌹
Mar 18Reply
gettumgirl @annluggen're so welcome!!!!💚
Mar 18Reply
scarlettstained @gettumgirl happy resurrection day!!!love love my Charm!!
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @scarlettstained ...Happy Resurrection Day...My friend 💖💜
Mar 27Reply
singaporejones Congrats on another Easter! 😁 Hope it's not offensive to say that maybe the big C helped you put the smack down on the not-as-big-as-it-thinks C? 😆 (Yes, I'm a total stranger 😜 but wanted to say hi because I saw your post about that teal Alfani bag, asking about the figurine in the background. Frankly, I was curious myself but hadn't asked. (And wow, now I'm really not going to. Geez!) I think it might be a traditional Thailand figurine, but I'm not sure?)
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @singaporejones ...thank you!...Happy Resurrection Day to you as well...I'm a born again Christian...and I don't judge anyone...However I'm not ashamed of my God...I asked what the prop/religious symbol was because I'm very particular about what comes into my house...whatever a persons faith is...I guess I just expect them to be ok with it😃
Mar 27Reply
singaporejones Well, it seemed a perfectly reasonable question to me. ☺ I'm interested in both religion and mythology, so it got my attention as well. I'm also Christian, and have a lot of Jewish blood in me. (I kinda wish Christian churches had feast days. That could be cool.) I'm picky about what (and who 😆) comes into my house as well - once it's here, it's welcome, but I have to get to know it first. Hope your house has been a happy one today!
Mar 27Reply
gettumgirl @sei_molta_bella ...wait Brain Cancer?...or tumor???
Apr 03Reply
gettumgirl @saramorgan30's your mom hun✨🙋🏽
Jul 04Reply
hillaryshouston @gettumgirl big hugs and lotsa loves from a sister survivor. I have been in remission going on 4 years now I am an ovarian cancer survivor myself and I just wanted to let you know that I don't know you but I love you and just wanted to reach out to tell you that. If you ever need to talk to someone who has been there, by all means feel free to contact me. Xoxo 💋 Hillary Marek from Hillary's of Houston Vintage Boutique
Jul 05Reply
hillaryshouston @gettumgirl the woman who helped get me back to normal after my hysterectomy and radiation treatments is an angel who is a stage 4 and she has dedicated the rest of her to help people with cancer go to her website and tell her your story. I know she would love to use it as a testimonial for others who are still suffering. Tell her I sent you.
Jul 05Reply
gettumgirl @hillaryshouston ...thank you so much for your testimony ❗️❗️❗️...we have lost so many yet so many have been saved I thank God for his mercy and grace on my life 💜💚❤️
Jul 05Reply
saramorgan30 @gettumgirl hi love. Thank you for asking. She is doing great. She had the surgery to remove the cancer immediately and while the dr. Was operating he seen she had diverticulitis in which they removed. But when she went to see the oncologist for her follow up he said he rarely gets to say she did not need radiation or chemotherapy so we've been very blessed. Thank you so much for asking I hope all is well with you
Jul 06Reply
khbutler2 God bless.. Keep spreading the word survivor!!
Aug 25Reply
gettumgirl @gardengoddess...thank you for the kind words as we just sent home another family member to be with the Lord with Colon Cancer...I try to bring awareness as that family member did not have to die...awareness is key❤️❤️
Sep 07Reply
gardengoddess @gettumgirl Oh, Chanel, I am so sorry. I do tell people to get screened, MAKE my husband go. If people would just realize, as you said, it is needless to die from a cancer that can be cured with early detection. For some, it is fear. But we know that "perfect love cast out all fear" ( my first memorized Bible verse 48 years ago, when I let Him into my heart. Praying today for your family's comfort.💕🌅
Sep 07Reply
gettumgirl @gardengoddess ...thank you hun...He's in my heart always!!!!
Sep 07Reply
shawna7493 I am also a cancer survivor I hope you are ok Hun
Oct 19Reply
noy2312 @gettumgirl Hi Sis! Just dropping by to say hello! I hope all is well. God bless!
Oct 27Reply
gettumgirl @noy2312 ...hi Sharon of SanDiego how's my favorite nurse doing😘 you my sis in Christ✨❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 27Reply
njdiva1908 God bless you
Jan 14Reply
gettumgirl @njdiva1908 Thankyou So much❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply
njdiva1908 @gettumgirl to God be the glory. I have relatives that had cancer. Some went into remission whereas others succumbed to their circumstances. Continue to stay strong!!
Jan 14Reply
gettumgirl @njdiva1908 ..❤️❤️❤️❤️💜
Jan 14Reply
marleyalden09 Hallelujah
Jan 29Reply
gettumgirl @marleyalden09 ...yes he is worthy to be praised❗❗❗❗❗
Jan 29Reply
gettumgirl @tinker_bell are heavy on my's my phone number...404.578.4630..I love you
Jan 30Reply
gettumgirl @tinker_bell ...Tina pleaseeee call okay ❤❤❤
Jan 31Reply
vmtshop Hello 💜 how have you been? I hope all is well.💕
Feb 03Reply
gettumgirl @fordlake ...thank you Cynthia ❤❤❤
Mar 04Reply
coolmelanie I love you survivor! It's been so great knowing you on Poshmark. Due to my health issues over the last year and a half I haven't been able to be active and I'm at the point where I can't keep up so I'm sadly closing my closet indefinitely. I hope we can keep in touch.
Jun 17Reply
gettumgirl @coolmelanie ...hi sorry just getting this!!..friend me on f/b...Charm Dones❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jun 18Reply
gettumgirl @ex_globetrotter ...Shiela...@gordomom .. Michelle...@janis_marie ..Janis..@queenmumm ...Brenda...@katjo ...Kathy...I'm sooooo proud of you guys for being upon the Elite at Posh fest this year!!!....I've known you guys from the beginning...I just wanted to Congratulate my original PFFs🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 14Reply
queenmumm @gettumgirl You are too sweet, Charm! Thanks so much! 👑😘💕💞
Aug 14Reply
katjo @gettumgirl Awwh Charm, thank you. I love ya girl❤️😘💋💋
Aug 14Reply
gettumgirl @katjo you more❤️❤️
Aug 14Reply
gettumgirl @janis_marie are such a sweet person...and you are going to be exactly where you are supposed to be❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 14Reply
katjo @gettumgirl ❤️😘💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Aug 14Reply
gordomom @gettumgirl thank you so much, Charm! We have known each other forever in Posh time! I hope to meet you in person some day! 💝
Aug 14Reply
gettumgirl @gordomom ...same here Michelle❤️❤️
Aug 15Reply
gettumgirl @tinker_bell alazjah and I love you❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Sep 21Reply
bean5669 @gettumgirl congrats!!! Prayers w/ u! Thank u for spreading awareness! Shared!!!
Oct 04Reply
gettumgirl @bean5669 ...thank you hunny❤️❤️❤️
Oct 04Reply
bean5669 @gettumgirl ur welcome💗💗
Oct 04Reply
unclaimed Beautiful pictures, nice closet ,best wishes for your success Thanks for your support
Oct 25Reply
gettumgirl @unclaimed ...thank you!
Oct 25Reply
goldenpolkadot @gettumgirl congratulations to us loveeze im also now a cancer survivor as well (breast cancer) cheers to us... cheers to good health & happiness! Stay well sweeeeeeeeetness God is good! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Formerly partymk999 😘 Olga
Feb 01Reply
gettumgirl @goldenpolkadot ...Hiiiiii Olga! are you???...wait?!?...Cancer Survivor ❤️❤️❤️☝🏽...God is Faithful and you were given that torch to spread must give people the warning signs...I’m so glad you are in Survivor Mode...Congrats hunny 😘😘
Feb 01Reply
goldenpolkadot @gettumgirl Praise God you are a survivor! So am i but im a recent breast cancer survivor in end of 2017. It’s a hard battle but God is good and we are blessed right? I am so happy for us both! Thank you for posting this and thank you for being not only a PFF but one of my BREAST Friends! PS in honor of my victory i changed my closet name from partymk999 to @goldenpolkadot I had it on my left. God gave me a new set & new chance at life! We are blesssed right? 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼😘 Olga
Feb 07Reply
goldenpolkadot @gettumgirl my warning signs were pain n blue veins leading to my left area. I heard cancer doesnt hurt but it did me! Later a sml tumor grew in that area. I asked dr why they say cancer doesnt hurt. He said my pain was my body rejecting tumor i was stage 2. chemo, radiation & double masec, but gained my life & now i have myself a God Given New pr. Thus i changed my closet name to reflect God’s Gift! Early Detection cuz 1 in 6 get cancer, Plz Get your Check up TODAY!😘olga Formerly partymk999
Feb 07Reply
tsambiz God BLESS you, @gettumgirl!!! You are a true inspiration. You keep pressing on and being a BLESSING, girl; it goes right around, because won’t He do it?! You getting, girl 😉🤪😘😍😎🤩😇
Jun 03Reply
gettumgirl @tsambiz ...thank you so much!!!...yes I Thank the Lord for many people did not/will not beat this monster calledCancer😞
Jun 03Reply
gettumgirl @tsambiz know the only way to heaven is through Christ right?
Jun 03Reply
beauparillo Me too!! You are AWESOME! KEEP it UP my DEAR! 😍👍🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 25Reply
mimi757 Super awesome.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Feb 15Reply
gettumgirl @mimi757 ...Thank you Amy❣️❣️
Feb 15Reply
cancun_gal @gettumgirl hello Charm!!!!! How have you been? This is great news I’m so happy for you. I’ve been cancer free for 8 years from breast cancer but am going to see my medonc in a week due to some issues, I’m sure everything is ok. It’s amazing me that you reached out to me just as I have some weird symptoms. Happy to hear from you my friend 😘😘😘😘
Feb 17Reply
gettumgirl @cancun_gal aweeee it will work out...I reached out to michelle too...Gordomom...and her mom is fighting Pancreatic Cancer...she too is a breast cancer survivor but like me she carries the Cancer gene😕
Feb 17Reply
cancun_gal @gettumgirl yeah can Cancer sucks!!!! I got married for the second time in June after turning 55 man I would hate if this turned out to be lung or bone C.
Feb 17Reply
gettumgirl Not claiming that no no❣️...I’m So happy for your new life though😁😁...@cancun_gal
Feb 17Reply
patricewymore You are a hero! Keeping the faith Charm. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Feb 18Reply
gettumgirl @3lwfinds ...I wanted to find out how did your mom know she has stomach cancer I’m trying to bring awareness to all kinds of cancer...together we could possibly save a life❣️
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @3lwfinds o my gosh!!!!...I don’t if I should be mad or sad...this is why I’m have these listings bring awareness...I’m sooooo sorry she was misdiagnosed for so long...I’m so sorry 😞😞😞
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @3lwfinds have you ever reached out to an attorney? you still have your dad in your life?
Apr 08Reply
gettumgirl @3lwfinds I’m so sorry...and I wanted to apologize for making an angry face as God is in control...and things are allowed for a reason...He is Faithful ❣️❣️
Apr 09Reply
lanamomof4 @gettumgirl Thank you for sharing your story my grandma was very healthy women all her life , then some say she started losing weight very fast . When we found she has colon cancer it was too late she was gone so fast 😢😔
Apr 22Reply
theysgaffair I just happened to see this as I was looking at your closet. I have all the symptoms... I’m going to go get checked. Thanks for sharing!! 😭
May 08Reply
gettumgirl @lanamomof4 just seeing this!...I’m so sorry colon cancer is a silent killer as it mimics different stomach issues!..I thank God for I was finding hard to breathe and colon cancer was the last thing on my mind because I was so young with it..I would find out I am a carrier of colon cancer
May 08Reply
lanamomof4 @gettumgirl no worries hun. It’s just so scary and sad to know how fragile we all are .
May 08Reply
candy258 🙏🏽God Bless You🙏🏽
Oct 13Reply
gettumgirl @candy258 aweee thank you🙌🏽❣️❣️
Oct 13Reply
bryer2021 You go girl you gorgeous woman!! I am loving your closet, your photos, your stories, all of it. Truly enjoying every bit of it. We have the same taste in things on many levels. I wanted to ask if you had any kind of Louie bag you’d sell for around $150-$200, even a project bag. I can’t afford anything so far that I’ve found so something that needs TLC and elbow grease I’m all for.
Mar 08Reply
lynnw13 God bless I’m not great at any of this stuff but I’ll certainly try . Hugs and prayers
Oct 27Reply
gettumgirl @lynnw13 God Bless you too❣️
Oct 27Reply
lynnw13 @gettumgirl thank you very much
Oct 27Reply
gettumgirl @bonniesc …how are you?!
Oct 03Reply
gettumgirl @shugahs hi my sweet friend…how are you❣️❣️❣️
Oct 03Reply
gettumgirl @lisamarie2269 hello friend ❣️❣️❣️🙌🏽
Oct 03Reply
gettumgirl @soonerfanatic ..Nikki are you still ok😊
Oct 03Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue hello Anne …how are you😁
Oct 03Reply
anniesegrue @gettumgirl I’m fine how are you doing?
Oct 03Reply
gettumgirl @cooperjenny2347 hi how are you ☺️
Jan 11Reply
gettumgirl @anniesegrue hi I’m well thank you 🥰
Jan 11Reply
fashion_scrilla @gettumgirl Happy New Year beautiful! Wishing you fabulous, healthy, glamorous New Year! ✨🥂✨💜✨
Jan 11Reply
kindluxuries You go girl! You are a beautiful soul inside and out! Thank you for stopping by my closet and reading my cancer journey. In this case, sharing really is caring. I won my battle (5 years clean from uterine cancer)! Unfortunately my mom lost her battle with lung cancer just three long, long years ago. She is very much missed each and every day 🫶🏻! My mama was a non-smoker and they found the tiniest little speck on her lungs from random testing for a …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … medical trial that was being conducted by a clinic that shared the building with her heart doctor. She had no symptoms at that time and even though her speck was teeny tiny, they took out half of that lung and only gave her four months to live … IF SHE HAD CHEMO! My mom was 82 years old but lived her life almost prescription/OTC med free, so putting chemo in her body was something she wasn’t willing to do. Especially …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … when they could only offer her four months and she was very serious about living to 103! Why 103? No one knows, I think it was just a random number she picked when she was in her 50’s… so dying at 82 was out of the question for her… and she certainly wasn’t willing to live the remainder of her life sick from chemo. So on with her goal to make it to 103! She was going to eradicate cancer from her body the natural way. She started by reading everything she could get her hands on …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … so she could understand what she was dealing with. She needed to understand what makes cancer grow and what makes it die. She was following the lead of other lung cancer survivors who cured themselves naturally (without chemo). At age 82 she became vegan, gave up alcohol, sugar and oils. She ate only non-processed and organic foods. Her skincare and cosmetic routines also became organic. She was a warrior, still determined to live cancer free to 103! …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … I’m sad to say she didn’t make it to 103, but she lived for 18 months, not the four her doctor said was her destiny! I moved in to take care of her during the last three months of her life, still believing with her that this was a hiccup in her journey, but NOT the end of her journey. Those three months are one of my life’s greatest blessings 💕! We had always been close, but during her last three months, I saw how beautiful she made dying. That sounds like such an odd …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … thing to say, but she glowed and believed she was going to make it, up until about three weeks before she died. I’ll never forget the morning when I went into her room to help her get her day going and we sat on the edge of her bed, holding hands as we often did in those last days and she said to me in a voice so quiet, it was almost a whisper, “I don’t think I’m going to make it, do you?”. I whispered back …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … “no mama, I don’t think you will?”. I hated to say that, because it meant the end was near. It also meant she would be with God and her pain would be healed. During the quiet, still of the morning, I laid my head on her shoulder and whispered “I’m going to miss you so much.” She laid her head on my head and said “I’ll miss you too, sweetheart.” As much as she felt like she was losing the battle, she wasn’t willing to give up her strict dietary regime because what if …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … her body was just taking a pause? She lived for a total of 18 months from the time of her diagnosis. She lived like a warrior and I couldn’t have been more proud of her! Having shared my moms journey, I definitely don’t want to have anyone look at it like this is the only way to fight cancer. Cancer is a very personal journey that happens to touch the lives of all those who love the warrior. In my moms case, that was many! She lived …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … for a total of 18 months from the time of her diagnosis. She lived like a warrior and I couldn’t have been more proud of her! Having shared my moms journey, I definitely don’t want to have anyone look at it like this is the only way to fight cancer. Cancer is a very personal journey that happens to touch the lives of all those who love the warrior. In my moms case, that was many! She lived her life …
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries … with an open heart and collected dear friends everywhere she went. And, of course, her family adored her! She was much loved! If it’s possible to be in heaven and still be with those you love who are still living this earthly existence, I know she’s her with us still. Loving on us like she always did! 💞 I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your feed, but you invited me to share and I didn’t know if this is what you had in mind. Smiles, Lesli 😊
Mar 12Reply
gettumgirl @kindluxuries …aweeee yes!!!!…thank you for coming over and sharing your heart with us💞💪🏽…that’s what it’s about right?!?!…no letting our battles that are allowed be in vain 🙌🏽…you took up on this feed..just what you needed to take up…and when this one gets full…I’ll start #3🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳💞💞💞
Mar 12Reply
gettumgirl @kindluxuries …also on a different note…I always say the Lord…my Personal Savior is in the healing business…rather that’s here…or in Heaven with him my friend💞💞💞❤️
Mar 12Reply
kindluxuries @gettumgirl bless your sweet heart
Mar 18Reply
gettumgirl @libraestates54 @j_barcelona10 …please look at the original listing first full of great news and not such great news 🥹…it’s about brining awareness nevertheless…you can’t post on the other it’s full now🌹🌹🫶🏽🙌🏽
Jul 28Reply
breezy8312 Okay… PRAISE GOD! I believe everything happens for a reason, nothing is by chance, luck or coincidence! I’m ever so grateful for u & ur INCREDIBLE journey/story/testimony (if I may be so bold)! I’m more than happy, and very much willing, to spread the word!🙏🏼🙌🏻❤️🙏🏼🙌🏻❤️
Aug 29Reply
gettumgirl @breezy8312 aweeeee Jesus is soooo Faithful…that’s why we MUST tell our journey to help otbers🫶🏾🫶🏾❤️❤️❤️
Aug 29Reply
solesoledef 🙏🏽👑💕
Sep 21Reply
gettumgirl @solesoledef 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❌
Sep 22Reply
gettumgirl @girl_in_blue 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Sep 22Reply
girl_in_blue As a breast cancer survivor, touch your girls!!! It will save you life. We know our bodies best - never be afraid to ask for a second opinion. 💕🌸💪 It takes a village! 🙏 @gettumgirl
Sep 22Reply
gettumgirl @girl_in_blue yessss it absolutely takes a village❌❌💯…thank you for sharing my new friend💝💝💝🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️💝
Sep 22Reply
lizcbaldini Good Morning @gettumgirl Congratulations on kicking Colon cancer's butt and at a very young age. How old were you? Did you have to undergo chemotherapy and radiation? God bless you for all that you do to spread the Awareness. @lizcbaldini
Oct 15Reply
gettumgirl @loves_326 ..please go to the top of closet
Nov 10Reply
jennbfour My Father is battling Colon cancer and he is losing his fight 💔 Thank you for spreading awareness! My family has lost many people to Colon cancer and still we don't talk about it.
Nov 23Reply
gettumgirl @jennbfour oh my gosh..noooooo😭😭😭😭…I’m trying so hard to bring awareness ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Nov 23Reply
marcyli What???? Just receive a message about purchasing something ? Some Gucci notebook or something? I did not buy anything .
Nov 23Reply
gettumgirl @ugadawgs_4life …like I said…even when we don’t understand ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‍🩹
Nov 27Reply
dawgnationjen @gettumgirl oh, bless your heart! If you only knew my story, I understand yours very well and I’m so glad you survived. Thank God for that blessing.
Nov 27Reply
thishermitcrab @gettumgirl 👋☺️🌺🌺 can you tag me on the original post to read up? I can’t find it 😬😬😬
Dec 08Reply
gettumgirl @thishermitcrab @thishermitcrab …let me find it real quick❤️❤️
Dec 08Reply
gettumgirl @thishermitcrab hi hun…it’s now at the top of my closet❤️❤️
Dec 08Reply
saleallday You gorgeous woman! Wishing you amazing health, love, joy, and prosperity for 2024🥂 I’ll be live-at 5:00 tomorrow 1/1 to bring in the New Year with laughter and surprises 💗💗 Much Love, Donna
Dec 31Reply
gettumgirl @saleallday …Happy NewYear my friend 🫶🏾..May The Lord Bless you and keep you drawn to him❤️❤️❤️
Dec 31Reply
kimberlysvintag I'm so sorry for your loss. I also am currently fighting cancer. I know how devastating this fight is. My prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you and keep you always.
Jan 03Reply
saleallday Hey Beautiful, missing you Charm💗 Hope you are well. Stop by and say hi💗💗 Donna
Jan 24Reply
alleykatz20 @gettumgirl hi I just found your closet and came across this listing. thank you so much for spreading awareness. I had a friend pass a few months ago at the age of 32 leaving behind 2 very young kids. I'm so happy to hear you survived. you are a blessing.
Jan 24Reply
smply_authentic Hello, I’m so happy to hear that you’re a cancer survivor. I’ve never had cancer but want to tell you that you’re a fighter and a warrior to be able to overcome this fight. I’m a stroke survivor so when I see anyone else that have had any medical conditions it touches my heart. You keep up the awareness!🎗️I apologize if my words are not coming out right. My speech has never been the same.😊
Mar 08Reply
gettumgirl @kyliecosmeticsx please let shaybaby know I’m still fasting and I touched the top of my screen just when Andy flashed her show…❤️
Mar 17Reply
gettumgirl @monkeymouse41 ..🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️…how are you Andrea💕💕💕
Apr 12Reply
gettumgirl @violetvixen818 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Apr 14Reply
cakez23 I love you 💜💜💜💜
May 20Reply
tjdesignerbags Amen Sister, I am on my 3rd year Cancer Free of Lung Cancer
May 23Reply
gettumgirl @sugardogify ..when you get a moment…like this one and my other cancer post that’s full the journeys of many..❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️🙏🏽
Jul 29Reply
sugardogify @gettumgirl I didn't know exactly what you have endured until I scrolled through this! You are truly a walking testimony for how God is instrumental in so many aspects of our lives 🙏 Thank you so very much for keeping my Sister in your prayers! I feel so lost and I feel as though I am grieving her already. I wish I could take her pain and sorrow away but only the Lord has those powers. I will talk to you soon friend 🫶 Blessings 🙏
Jul 29Reply
gettumgirl @sugardogify ❤️❤️❤️…Jesus is Faithful in all…please consider being a platform for your family members that have already passed from this deadly disease❤️‍🩹…tell people the silent warning signs too…look at my other Cancer post read all the comments ❤️❤️..sending my number in your package today Phyllis😘😘
Jul 30Reply
sugardogify @gettumgirl Yes, I believe its important to give people useful information so that perhaps someone’s life is spared. One’s race, monetary status, religion, cancer does not care. Thank you for being proactive about this silent monster. Last, I wanted to tell you that I am happy that you are here with us to speak your testimony. You are a warrior, a fighter, a survivor but most importantly of all , you are here! It is a pleasure to know you and to know of you friend 🫶 Blessings 🙏
Jul 30Reply
newyork222 Same. ❤️ here’s to all the warriors 👩🏻‍🎤
Aug 05Reply
newyork222 not colon, though and CONGRATS to you and may you stay cancer free forever
Aug 05Reply
gettumgirl @sugardogify I thought I replied 🥺..must not have hit sent❤️
Aug 06Reply
gettumgirl @newyork222 ❤️❤️❤️🥺
Aug 06Reply
gettumgirl @newyork222 what did you have/had❤️❤️
Aug 06Reply
gettumgirl @rohjen2 …if you need to see other people going through the same thing my friend💕
Nov 03Reply
gettumgirl @sdshopper❤️❤️
Nov 11Reply
gettumgirl @gaddisgroup ...I wanted to tell you I'm so sorry about you loosing your daughter to cancer💔❤️‍🩹...I too am a follower of Jesus Christ..and love him with everything within me❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏾
Nov 21Reply
phoebescloset11 WAIT! WHAT? Why didn't I know this? I feel awful for not knowing this. I am so sorry. I would have been reaching out asking how you are doing….i will be now! I hate this for you. I’ll read the other posts on your page. How can I help? My ex bf, who I’m still very close to had colon cancer & beat it. DON’T EVER GIVE UP! I have so many stories I would love to share with you. You have my love and many prayers. 🙏🏻❤️ I will be checking in often. Love u
Dec 27Reply
gettumgirl @lorac2015 ...please share the type of cancer and symptoms to help others in need of information...if you're comfortable ❣️❣️
Jan 11Reply
gettumgirl @phoebescloset11 ...just seeing this🥹🥹...I love you toooo...and yes I'm good!...the other post is had to create a part 2!!!...take a peep at that one...though you can't can read all the testimonies ❣️❣️
Jan 11Reply
gettumgirl @lorac2015 ...when you get a moment though you can't post on some of the gives me life that what we go through ..we can help others...if we will allow what we go "THROUGH"...for His Glory🙏🏽🫶🏾🫶🏾
Jan 11Reply
boopsiegirl @gettumgirl thank you!! I love the bottles.. I don't know why she can't hear me
Feb 08Reply

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