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Updated Dec 06

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💯Please read before making a purchase from my closet. ✔Do to buyers letting poshmark release funds when your item is either shipped same day as purchase or next day at the very latest ✔I have started to block people. It's unacceptable when your on and off the app but you can't accept a package. ✔It's extremely rude so if that's how you do things please don't make a purchase from my closet because you will be blocked. I understand some sellers don't ship in a timely manner but I'm not like that.
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glitterpinkcake AMEN!!! 🎉🎉🎉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Jan 25Reply
fab_fashionista Interesting...what's your take on sellers who only can ship on specified days? For example, I keep a listing at the top of my closet with my shipment day. I only ship once a week due to med school/work. I make it known before and after purchase. I've never had anyone complain. Sometimes I'm able to ship next day or 2 days out depending on my rotation. Still fair to hold funds even if buyer is online sharing, etc?
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista I'm addition this issue of holding funds has just gotten worse on posh period. Even when I've been able to ship 12 hrs later, and the package arrives in 2 days. People still hold my funds. Two are pending now I shipped 12 hrs after purchase. As soon as posh released the funds, I received a 5 star rating this morning ...?? It makes no sense. So I do agree with you there.
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista I put that listing up because it goes both ways for me. I'm a seller & a buyer and unfortunately you have sellers who want you to purchase but take days to ship and if they have that in the description that they only ship one day a week then you're already well aware of that if you purchase from that closet. However these sellers I'm talking about say they ship same-day or next day witch is a lie.
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista @fitzwater79 ah gotcha. Yeah I try the best I can to ship earlier but make buyers aware it may be the specified day. I shop a lot myself on posh and have experienced the other end of it so I like to keep buyers updated. Thanks for explaining! :)
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista Cont- the other part of this is on the selling part if someone makes a purchase from me and I do everything that a seller should do making sure items are wrapped properly, shipped in a timely manner & have good communication with my buyer then why be on & off the app but can't accept a package and let poshmark do it on the 4th day? No its unacceptable& rude. Yes I also have had people rate after posh releases funds.
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista @fitzwater79 totally agree, it's fustrating. I wonder if enough of us poshers email posh, maybe they would implement some type of system where repeat offenders would have their account limited. (Limited buying/selling for a specified time) I feel this will change the rating. Of course this is a business so not sure if they'd do it .
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista Things are out of control on poshmark. It's seems no matter what you do it's never good enough. They don't like to accept items to release funds but you best believe they would have a fit if the item wasn't shipped in a timely manner. You also have buyers even after posh releases funds that don't rate you. It's extremely frustrating.
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista Idk if poshmark would do anything like that because like you said this is a business and of they started to limit rear fenders rather if it's the buyer or the seller they would start losing people on the app. The more people on poshmark the more money they make. It would be nice if poshmark could come up with something different.🤔
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista Sorry spell check is a pain. Re offender's is what it should have said.
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista @fitzwater79 I hope so, I sent an email regarding this issue about a year ago and they said they will look into solving this issue. Hopefully one day!
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista Off topic, but do you know if posh has some sort of system for releasing funds? I know it says the 4th day but I never know when they will release. Sometimes I get it at 4 am the next day, sometimes not until late night (like 11:30pm). Sometimes I get one released before the other even though one may have been delivered first. Just curious.
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista I'm not exactly sure how posh does it to be honest. I know they say by the 4th day and it's supposed to be after the time it was delivered. So if something was delivered at 9:00 am on friday morning & the buyer doesn't release funds then by 9:00 monday the funds she be released starting at like 9:01 am would technically be the start of the 4th day.
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista It's weird because I have had the funds released at strange times also sometimes it's right when it should have been and other times a few hours after and this last time it was a couple of hours before going into the 4th day. So that's a very good question. I have emailed them before about that and all I was told in the email returned from Poshmark is that funds are released on the 4th day. Very strange to say the least.
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista @fitzwater79 same! Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me on these topics :)
Feb 01Reply
fitzwater79 @fab_fashionista Your welcome. Have a wonderful evening. 😊
Feb 01Reply
fab_fashionista Saved this to my likes so I can share more tonight. I love to help fellow poshers in anyway I can and you seem genuinely nice. Happy Poshing!
Feb 01Reply
gracekellie13 What about for those of us who bust our ass to ship same day or next day and then buyer doesn’t accept ... doesn’t respond to your inquiries yet has clearly been on Posh... what can we do???? It’s incredibly rude
Feb 18Reply
fitzwater79 @gracekellie13 Hello well Idk if you only read the listing that says as your buyer but I also have more in the description if you didn't read that? I don't mess around anymore. I buy & sell on poshmark & I have had to wait days to get items and I have also had to wait until poshmark released funds on the 4th day after shipping the item the same-day or the next day. I also took notice several times that the buyer was on & off poshmark
Feb 18Reply
gracekellie13 @fitzwater79 I agree with you... it sucks to wait on either side
Feb 18Reply
fitzwater79 @gracekellie13 Cont - and would have absolutely NO Communication at all. However if I wouldn't have shipped in a timely manner they would have had communication or they would just give a bad rating or something! Unfortunately some people on poshmark could really care less about it as long as they get what they want. Be choosy to who you sell to. Put something up in your closet that's all I can say.
Feb 18Reply
yesi_posh @fitzwater79 i love love LOVE this!! I am with ya 100% 💀😄😚
Feb 24Reply
fitzwater79 @yesi_posh Thank you kindly dear. 😆
Feb 24Reply
jewls90 Yes!!!
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 Are you having problems with a seller dear or a buyer? Idk why people do that. Shipping costs so much on Poshmark & to make a buyer wait is just wrong & to make a seller wait that did what they should have is also wrong. It goes both ways. Sellers always get mad when they don't get a good rating well then maybe they should step up and do what they should. I believe in treating people the way I like to be treated.😉
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 yes, I’ve just had two sellers who took their time on shipping and never let me know what was going on. On one of them (tarte lip stick) i purchased on the 17th and didn’t receive it till the 26th.
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 Asked on day four when she would be able to ship, she said “was going to do it today” she didn’t.. no other form of communication and when i finally got it in the mail, it wasn’t wrapped, no thank you for your purchase and it was just thrown into a large unpadded envelope with no form of protection.
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 Just felt like there was no care or thought put behind packaging. I gave her a 4 star rating ONLY because the item was exactly as described but added a comment to the rating with my disappointment.
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 Wow yeah that's not ok!! Well I'm glad you left the seller know that it's not ok to do that. I just don't get it with these sellers who do this because if they don't want to ship in a timely manner then why even post anything? What just so you can show sold signs in your closet or are they just that lazy to ship and make sure it's packaged the right way. So many sellers just throw stuff in a box / envelope & think it's ok. We that's why items arrive broken.
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 Then the sellers wonders why a case gets opened against them. Well maybe they should take the time to package items the correct way.😁 I don't mess around anymore. If a seller does a bad job I let it be known on the rating I give them & well you read what I do to buyers who allow poshmark to release funds. I got sick of it. When I would see the buyer on & off poshmark but they refused to accept the package no way!
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 I had a buyer that purchased back to back a day apart & so 1 item got shipped the next day & the other item was shipped within like 3 hrs of her purchase & she wouldn't accept the 1st item left the app release funds & so I asked if she received her package the day it arrived & she snapped on me saying well if it's a problem that I don't accept my item as soon as I get it in the mail I won't make the mistake of purchasing from you again. Umm
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 seriously she wanted to give me attitude when she had already received the first item and it had been 3 days & she just received the 2nd item and it was like 9pm & she was on and off the app all day long so that's when I sent a message and needless to say she got BLOCKED. The next day poshmark released funds for the 1st item she received. It was crazy. I don't need people like that purchasing from my closet.
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 sounds like such a rude lady!! I recently purchased a T-shirt (a little more than what i would want to spend on one especially with the shipping cost) said it was in perfect condition. the pictures looked good, no stains. Got it in the mail and it had a few brown marks on the bottom!
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 Opened up the case against it and said that i was going to wash it and see if it comes out. She didn’t seem the least bit apologetic and that she didn’t notice anything when she mailed it off that it could have been from the post office (no way bc it was like doubled wrapped) i said “as a fellow seller, always remember to check the items thoroughly before sending it out” she seemed like she didn’t appreciate my comment lol 🤷‍♀️
Mar 01Reply
fitzwater79 @jewls90 Yeah well she probably knew that it had stains. If she didn't then she should have been very apologetic about it. That's not cool. Unfortunately some poshers don't know what good communication, customer service is at all. Did the stains come out?
Mar 01Reply
jewls90 @fitzwater79 definitely!! For the most part it did. It’s not even noticeable anymore. I liked the shirt enough that I really didn’t want to go through the hassle of returning it.
Mar 01Reply
jewdy09 Too Faced Banana Pudding is $21 on Too Faced right now.
Mar 08Reply
fitzwater79 @jewdy09 Thank you kindly dear I actually just got an email from too faced about 70 % off products and it's 1 of them. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to let me know. 😊 Much cheaper for sure.😉 Have a wonderful day dear.😄
Mar 08Reply
anamaria2594 @fitzwater79 how about when they are on and off after receiving the package and don't accept it and then decide to wait literally minutes till time runs out and except it ugh. I sold a pair of jeans the other day and stated that the tab for the zipper was broken and the girl receives them takes all three days to accept then gives me a one star
Mar 28Reply
anamaria2594 rating and says I should have told her..IT SAID IT IN THE LISTING AND I HAD ZERO CONTACT WITH HER BEFORE I GOT THE NOTIFICATION THAT SHE PURCHASED THEM. needless to say I was upset I've never got less than a five star review and of course pm won't do anything :/
Mar 28Reply
fitzwater79 @anamaria2594 I have had buyers wait until it was right before time ran out and poshmark would have released funds to accept the item before and those days are over because if they do that I still block them. I'm a grown woman & I don't have time for games especially when you can see they have been on & off poshmark the whole time after they received the package. However some people just don't care because they might only want 1 item.
Mar 28Reply
anamaria2594 @fitzwater79 it's so frustrating
Mar 28Reply
fitzwater79 @anamaria2594 Cont- as far as the rating goes I also had that happen & your right poshmark can't or won't do anything about it. It's absolutely ridiculous what some of these buyers do but at the same time it's also sellers as well. I buy & sell & it's been down right crazy with some sellers!! I think poshmark needs to add a feature where you can rate the buyer as well not just the buyer rating the seller!! I think that might change the way people do things.
Mar 28Reply
anamaria2594 @fitzwater79 I agree ratings should go both ways
Mar 28Reply
legumegirl I think it's not a grey area. For instance, I live in an apartment and all my packages are left at reception which keeps 9-5 hours. I have sometimes been notified that my poshmark package has been delivered, but cannot physically take possession of it until the next day. I am loathe to press 'accept' without examining my purchase. And I'm sure there are many others in similar situations.
May 20Reply
fitzwater79 @legumegirl Well that is something you take up with the seller or in some cases the buyer. However I have been on Poshmark for some time now and I'm a seller & a buyer. When I'm paying 6.49 for shipping and a seller don't ship for 3 plus days & once they do finally ship and want you to accept an item as soon as you get it then no if they can't ship in a timely manner then I can't accept in a timely manner. As I said I'm a seller also & I ship same day or next day
May 20Reply
fitzwater79 @legumegirl Cont- it's unacceptable when people receive an item & are on & off poshmark but can't accept an item that clearly shows delivered. If they let the app rate I have started to block people because it's not ok. A buyer wants you to ship asap but once they receive they could care less if they accept the item. I find that to be very disrespectful. We all have our opinions.
May 20Reply
lous_shop @fitzwater79 How do you block a buyer? I have 2 to Block. Lou
Jul 11Reply
fitzwater79 @ltugwell Hello go into whoevers closet it is and at the top right corner will be 3 dots hit it and it should give you the option to block that person. I hope that helps you. ☺
Jul 12Reply
fitzwater79 @ltugwell your welcome.
Jul 13Reply

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