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Updated Nov 15
Updated Nov 15

Join Us in Kicking Cancer's A$$

$888 $999

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If you make a purchase from me anytime from now until further notice, I will be mostly shipping out later than usual. I have had people complain about the delay. If you do still decide to purchace from me, I will be adding free gifts to any order that takes me 7 days to ship. Also, know that if you still support my closet, your purchace proceeds will be going towards me helping care for my mom. She was diagnosed stage 4 colon cancer 3 weeks ago and it has been tough, as we have a long road ahead
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voodoo13 〰😗LoVe💛&LiGht🌟〰Ya'll Are On My MiNd•You are Wonderful Taking Care of Mama🙌I'm in no rush•Family Comes First•🍂☕️🍂🍁🦃💌Do what you need to do•HaVe A Good Day•Blessings to your Family•💌🙂🦋🌹💟
Nov 18Reply
elizabethpena Best of luck with your mom. Blessings to you and your family.
Nov 20Reply
ashleijue @voodoo13 thank you so much 💘
Nov 21Reply
ashleijue @elizabethpena thank you so much. All of the love and support from my fellow poshers has helped keep me going 💙 you all are the BEST!!
Nov 21Reply
voodoo13 @ashleijue 〰🙌☺️You are WelCome•HaVe A Wonderful Thanksgiving With Your Mom & Family•🍂🦃🍂💕🛍🎉💃🏼👕👖👠🍂🦃
Nov 21Reply
ashleijue @voodoo13 i hope you had a happy Thanksgiving as well!! All the love, peace and harmony I am sending the vibes your way!! I am so delighted that you enjoyed your purchace 💙 your love note made my day so special 😃 have a fabulous evening, my PM friend
Nov 25Reply
juniors_mom Im so sorry to hear hun....! My dad went thru cancer last yr. but God was gracious enough to provide us w a superb surgeon to remove successfully and hes been doing very well since! We will b praying for u and ur family hun! Be strong! God is on our side~~~! God bless!
Nov 26Reply
annmarielin Thinking of you and wish you peace and healing 🙏🏻
Nov 27Reply
g7jb Sending you and your mom LOVE ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 08Reply
ashleijue @g7jb thank you soso much! You wouldn't believe how many people are not-so-understanding! You are the reason I keep trucking on with this even though I have so much going on. We are hoping she will get out this week fingers crossed. Bless you and yours today and always 💙
Jan 09Reply
ashleijue @annmarielin thank you so much hun. We are hoping she will get out of the hospital this week! Your continued thoughts and support rock my world. Blessings to you and yours 💙
Jan 09Reply
ashleijue @juniors_mom thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers it means more than you know! You ladies are the reason I love this app. You all are what is beautiful in the world 💙 hope you and your had happy holidays and that the blessings continue to pour all year long!
Jan 09Reply
lovingdress thank you so much for sharing my items... Blessings!
Jan 26Reply
ashleijue @lovingdress anytime sweetheart 💙 thanks for the shares as well as the positive energy our way! It means a lot to us all 💘 I need all the sales I can get and don't mind paying it forward 👌 💋 👠 👛 👑 have a beautiful evening and stay fabulous posh mate
Jan 26Reply
slvrtigress Many thoughts, hopes and prayers for you and your family!! 😊💕
Mar 12Reply
ashleijue @slvrtigress thank you so much sweetness that means the world to us all ♥ have a beautiful day
Mar 12Reply
slvrtigress @ashleijue aww thank you, you too!!! 😘💕
Mar 12Reply
thyme2posh My ❤️ goes out to U! The best gift my Dad ever received was Hospice x 8+mo. He had the best care & quality of life w/ Stage 4 Colon CA that had metastasized. He didn’t give up; he kicked cancers a$$ by making the best of the time he had left. Most people think Hospice = death sentence & WAIT. But, It actually gave My Dad (& Gpa) quality of life. It wasn’t our first rodeo. Each to their own; in their battle against cancer. Live in the moment & U will have great memories & no regrets. Best 💫
Mar 16Reply
ashleijue @4beachthyme thank you dearly for your uplifting comment ♥ I really needed that today
Mar 17Reply
amy7740 @ashleijue so sorry to hear about your mom. My mom is being tested for lung cancer. Your mom & you will be in my prayers🌼🌷🙏
Apr 01Reply
lvnut66 Hi my name is Ginger, I seen a message on a closet ❤️ you we're down today😪!!If this helps in anyway? I'm 2xsCancer survivor, Ovarian and Lymphoma stage 3B, 2 years remission from lymphoma. Your mom can Kick Cancer's A**!! We will pray for you and your family and especially your Mom❤️❤️❤️May God bless you all,🙏🙏🙏
Apr 07Reply
ashleijue @lvnut66 you are truly a miracle, here to spread your message of encouragement and strength to those of us who so deeply need to hear it ♥ Thank you, kind soul, from the bottom of my heart. Keep fighting the good fight my beautiful posh mate
Apr 07Reply
ashleijue @supergal2018 thank you so very much ♥ we need all of the prayers we can get
Apr 10Reply
poshster10 Thanks so much for the shares😘 sending prayers your way for your mom.
Apr 12Reply
ashleijue @poshster10 thanks sweetie it means the world to all of us ♥ and thanks as well for all of the posh love ☺
Apr 12Reply
eriley755 love and prayers <3 My mom has stage 4 also (n-hL). Cancer sucks but you and your mama will be in my prayers.
Apr 14Reply
ashleijue @eriley755 thank you so much babe. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers as well ♥
Apr 14Reply
lizfromny @ashleijue , thanks so much for your generous shares..... shared back.... blessings 🏵💮🌸🌼🌷⚘🌹🏵🌻🌱⚘🌷
May 04Reply
ashleijue @lizfromny you are so very welcome ☺ thanks so much for the well wishes ♥ I am following and will continue to promote you now 🆒 I adore your closet! Have a beautiful night 🌛
May 04Reply
joinemar When will order ship?
May 07Reply
ashleygraumann God bless you. My mom lost her life to cancer. I'd love to help! Xoxoxo
Sep 04Reply
ashleijue @ms_finds18 thanks for all the poshlove, your closet rocks my sox! I would love to style you, let ne know, gorgeous ♥ 👑 happy poshing
Mar 02Reply
lpeter1224 Please take your time shipping the shorts and best of luck to your Mom! ❣️
Aug 20Reply
ashleijue @lpete petit, sweet Poshmate you! You would make me
Aug 20Reply
ashleijue @lpeter1224 sorry phone cut me off, anyhow, as I was saying, you would make me smile when I have had a horrendously hectic day! thank you for that and all of the well wishes ❤️ I will pass them on to my Ma and I will ship your sexy shorts ASAP with a little something extra for being your fabulous self 😉
Aug 20Reply
lpeter1224 @ashleijue please don’t rush my heart goes out to you and your Mom. Whenever you have time💕
Aug 20Reply
tttrudy Praying for Momma, you and your family. Cancer is tough fight hard. Brother passed five and a half years ago. Y’all have this !!!! God bless y’all and I’ll keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ♥️🙏♥️
Jan 11Reply

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