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Updated Nov 10
Updated Nov 10

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Please tag me if you have any books listed or any that you're planning on listing. I love just about everything.❤️
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ashleydianne @stephaniamaria hey love I have some in my closet, "prophecy of the sisters" is amazing
Apr 16Reply
alysha_worthen @stephaniamaria OMW!! Me too!! : ) I have one book I can part out of my many! : ) Maybe we could trade that for a few pets. : ) Will you be posting those today?
Apr 16Reply
stephaniamaria @ashleydianne ah that sounds good!
Apr 16Reply
jordannbaaby I also have some books c:
Apr 16Reply
stephaniamaria @jordannbaaby that would be great!!! :)
Apr 17Reply
jordannbaaby Sorry girl, I'll have to post everything tomorrow:( I got home a lot later than expectedz
Apr 17Reply
rachelbanas I have a ton, mostly fantasy.
Apr 17Reply
jayfloyd @stephaniamaria i have "me before you" by jojo moyes plan on listing more! 😊
Apr 18Reply
stephaniamaria @jayfloyd do you know what others you'll be listing?
Apr 18Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas I'll take a look at your closet!
Apr 18Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas fantasy like vampires and werewolves or fantasy like dragons? Cause I'm all about the first two lol
Apr 19Reply
stephaniamaria @jordannbaaby posh never told me you responded!!😒 just tag me when you list them please! Or if you know of some you have off hand, can you just tell me? Thanks so much!!!
Apr 19Reply
stephaniamaria @alysha_worthen So far I found a skunk lol let me know if you'd be interested in the skunk
Apr 19Reply
rachelbanas Mostly the first two lol. I also read a lot of fallen angels type fantasy and true love stories mixed into all that. I have all the beautiful creatures books. I also have the vampire academy and blood lines books. Along with all the city of books also known as immortal instruments series and then I have the entire fallen series too. As well as hush hush series (silence, crescendo too) LMK if you are interested in any of those. Lol. I'm a book worn and I love on the beach which in the summer makes for long wonderful days... But I have a ton of books. I wanted a kindle. I got one and didn't love it, I like the feeling and weight of a book.
Apr 19Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas that sounds great! I have the first beautiful creatures books and I have hush hush, I read all of VA, but not bloodlines. I'm looking for books for the beach too lol I LOVE my iPad but don't wanna take it on the beach
Apr 19Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas I have the first fallen book as well
Apr 19Reply
rachelbanas I will make a listing of a few I can part with rich. Away and I will update the listing as I finish some too. I lent a few to my friend and will get those back to list as well. I have a set alcapled "immortal beloved" it is followed by asequal called "darkness falls" it was a really good series and along the same lines as the others so you may want to check those out.
Apr 20Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas sounds great!! Please tag me :) thanks! Happy Easter! :) xoxo
Apr 20Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria hi I was wondering what type of books you are looking for like what Authors do you like? I have tons of books by Jane green, Sophie Kensala(spelled wrong) VC Andrews, Richard laymon etc you name it I got also Sarah Dresden
Apr 22Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie I love Sophie Kinsella! Do you mean Sarah Dessen? I love her as well.😊 Ummmm let me think.....Nicholas Sparks definitely, James Patterson, Phillipa Gregory, and some authors I've been wanting to check out are: Jodi Picoult, Nora Roberts, Joyce Meyers, and Jackie Collins. 😊💜
Apr 22Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria I'm a horrible speller 😁 I'll list some in a few hours
Apr 22Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie you're fine! I wasn't sure if she was a different author-there's so many now it's hard to keep up
Apr 22Reply
yoshi_egg @stephaniamaria I have many books I could post for you!!
Apr 23Reply
stephaniamaria @yoshi_egg that would be great!! What genres do you have?
Apr 23Reply
alysha_worthen @stephaniamaria What genres are you looking for?
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @alysha_worthen mature teen, young adult, and I like crime books, thrillers/suspense novels, Nicholas Sparks type books, James Patterson, girly books like The Carrie Diaries and Confessions of a Shopaholic, vampire books! Lol
Apr 24Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria hey I'm going to delete my book listing so I can share my stuff to the party and not have the posh Police all on my back lol vinted shipping says 6.70 or more If still interested tell me and I'll create a listing
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie how much for all the books besides Sarah Dessen and 50 shades? Like the Sophie Kinsella, It Girl, Jane Green
Apr 24Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria what price do you think is good
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie sorry forgot to tag you $10?
Apr 24Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria do you mean $10 for all 19 of the books which is all but the ones you said you don't want
Apr 24Reply
alysha_worthen @stephaniamaria Oh. We don't read the same thing.
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria 19? I don't remember liking that many. I wish the listing was still up lol I'm getting confused
Apr 24Reply
alysha_worthen @stephaniamaria Christian fiction....historical fiction that sorta thing.
Apr 24Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria let me like when your on and I'll repost
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie hi love! I'm on :)
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @ashleydianne @rachelbanas @jordannbaaby sorry about the mass tag! Do you any of you girls know anything about the USPS app? I downloaded it...I think...and it's telling me something about scanning brackets? No clue.
Apr 24Reply
rachelbanas I've never used it. I am guessing it's asking. For you to scan the barcode that's on the prepaid label?
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @rachelbanas oh my goodness Rachel thank you so much for your quick reply! I'm wracking my brain over here! I just need to tell them I need a pickup but it's just a stupid scanner thing!?
Apr 24Reply
rachelbanas Lol. I don't know anything about the app. If it wants u to scan a preprinted label u do it with the camera on you phone thru the app usually. Again I don't have that specific app so I'm not sure what it is asking some of these other lovely ladies probably do use it so they may be of better assistance to you.
Apr 24Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie sorry I was out.... I can't make a list when you keep deleting the pictures. I just bought some books today so I'll have to hold off. Thanks.
Apr 25Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria umm ok I deleted because we are not suppose to post books I explained that once before so I did not want it posted at the top of my closet which is why I said tell me when your on. I was out as well but I was trying to provide great customer service thank you
Apr 25Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie it's an app lol they're just books, not like you're trying to sell drugs. You seemed to be demanding me and I'm sorry I wasn't home all day to respond. I could only do $10 which I'm guessing is too low
Apr 25Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria I know it's an app but they have people who go around and report listings of items that posh do not allow and then posh can close you closet. I'm not sure how I seemed demanding I was just asking exactly which books you wanted so I could bundle them for you
Apr 25Reply
stephaniamaria @hayleesherrie I see people selling USED bathing suits, which is disgusting, so I think you're good. Oh well. I just thought "can we get this settled" was kinda bossy, I'm not on posh all day. Sorry
Apr 25Reply
my_boutique @stephaniamaria well sorry if I came off that way I was not trying to demanding or bossy I was just trying to get it done in a timely manner . I'm not on posh all day either which is why I was trying to get it done so sorry I won't contact you again
Apr 25Reply
jordannbaaby I don't I'm sorry :(
Apr 25Reply
jwitte @stephaniamaria hey girl I see you are interested in Joyce Meyers I am a huge fan and I probably have whatever book of hers interested I don't have them posted but if interested just lmk . My dad is an evangelist so I have had Eady access to lots of her books.;)
May 13Reply
lily_olmo I have a book!
Jun 23Reply
special_stuff I highly recommend the OUTLANDER series by Diana Gabaldon!! The series will be on TV next month....The books are awesome, including time travel, mystic rites, witchcraft, and real history, combined with amazing characters!
Jul 13Reply
kmw618 Not sure if you're still looking for books but I just posted some!
Jul 16Reply
stephaniamaria @shopaholic502 how dare you call me such an evil name. I apologized to you. And sorry but plenty of things in life are free. You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder because you have to work. I am a Christian, and I'm also human. I made a mistake and apologized for it. What did you do? You continued to go on and on..yet I'm the one who loves drama? You're scamming people by selling a FREE bag for $20 + $5 shipping. I told God I was sorry and that I hope your shop does well...and what do you do? Call me the devil? Your karma bullying a child of God will NOT be good!!! Shame on YOU lady!!!
Aug 29Reply
bethymarie617 @stephaniamaria do you read Nicholas Sparks? I have a bunch listed :)
Sep 01Reply
fashiontopshop I'm listing a whole bunch of scandal , murder , sex books for $4 a piece which I got $10 to $15 a piece (: Lmk if interested I'll post Em up n
Feb 20Reply
seangregory Hi, I was wondering what kind of no shed dog you have. I'm trying to decide between standard poodle (black) and Portuguese water dog. I'm not allergic but my mom has a collie and I'm totally grossed out by all the hair even though I totally love the dog .
Feb 28Reply
peacelovealexah Im addicted as well. I am looking to trade for books now!
Apr 17Reply
selenaxx @stephaniamaria I have so many books!! Probably over 100 that are sitting around waiting to be sold! I'll list some and tag you soon!
Apr 26Reply
geekchic23 I have some unlisted
Dec 21Reply
laurelxo @stephaniamaria Hi ! I just came across this listing and I have some books listed in my closet if you were still interested in looking for some. ☺️
Mar 12Reply
jerrilm Girl I am a huge book hoarder. Need to unload some of my collection. What kind of category do you like? Authors etc?
Jan 07Reply
jerrilm @my_boutique lmao posh police! IKR 😑
Jan 07Reply
chrisreads99 I might be a little too late but what kind of books are you looking for?
Jul 28Reply
bjdunham2727 I will tag you in some listings!! :)
Jan 06Reply
blessupfinds Hi @stephaniamaria , we have a couple of books that we’re on the process of listing and have some listed already ☺️ Please free to like and / or create a bundle. We’re taking offers as well! Thank you for your time 🙌🏻
Jun 18Reply
bettyspaghetti2 @blessupfinds Hi there! I have several James Patterson books listed as well as several more I haven't listed yet. I also have several more books listed. Let me know if you are interested. I can give you a great deal on a bundle 😊
Oct 20Reply
jojopet18 @stephaniamaria just posted a bunch of books :) come check them out
Mar 23Reply

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Last Active: Jun 21 2015

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