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Updated Jan 14
Updated Jan 14



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Hi! I’m Halley and I have a beautiful two month old baby boy named Rory👶🏼 he is my whole entire world! I have a wide range of different styles of clothing and sizes to ensure everyone can shop my closet ☺️ please feel free to ask any and all questions! I never decline an offer and always counter ☺️ I want you to get the best deal possible ☺️
  • $7.97 FREE Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on orders over $500!

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sjpaque @halle_humphrey - keep up the great work girl :)
Jun 14Reply
savannahfinds @sjpaque thanks so much!!
Jun 14Reply
savannahfinds @surferbaby234 thanks so much Hun!!
Jul 06Reply
everde Do your thing, girl!
Jul 13Reply
hankcollin2013 So impressive! You go girl!
Jul 14Reply
savannahfinds @everde thank you ☺️
Jul 14Reply
alistarrr31410 Whoop whoop!! Fellow BSW student here ! 🙆 much love girl
Jul 16Reply
makay1031 What a beautiful face and beautiful heart to match. So glad you are stepping up to help those who cannot speak for themselves. Prayers and much success for you 💗
Jul 16Reply
savannahfinds @makay1031 thank you so much! That means a lot ☺️☺️
Jul 16Reply
savannahfinds @danceramanda1 Oo that is so awesome! Is it am internship? I really want to get into something like that! My friend actually goes to UK as well! So nice to meet you!
Jul 17Reply
savannahfinds @danceramanda1 Oo that is awesome!
Jul 17Reply
darvintorresnyc Great cause , great person , keep it up wish you the best of lucks @halle_humphrey
Jul 18Reply
savannahfinds @victorcastrousa thanks so much ☺️
Jul 18Reply
robin85 @halle_humphrey wow! We need more people like you in this world...follow your dreams and you will make a difference in those children's lives! I have worked with under privileged children the last two years for the boys and girls club and I love my job!! Could not see myself doing anything else! It's very rewarding. I go home every night grateful! Stay strong and good luck selling your closet, love it to by the way! Happy poshing! 😎💫⭐️
Jul 21Reply
savannahfinds @robin85 aww thanks so much! That is awesome you get to work with children! I can't wait till I get the chance to which will hopefully be this year! ☺️☺️
Jul 21Reply
ellienikole You look very familiar. Do I know you by chance? 👼
Jul 21Reply
savannahfinds @ellienikole bahaha soo weird you hung out with Matt and I was there all the time haha
Jul 21Reply
ellienikole @halle_humphrey Oh wow, i remember. Such a small world. Hope you've been well 😉
Jul 21Reply
savannahfinds @ellienikole hah I know! And ya definitely! I hope the modeling deal is going well! ☺️
Jul 21Reply
ellienikole @halle_humphrey thank you so much 👼
Jul 21Reply
goldenpolkadot @halle_humphrey ur beautiful!!! inside and out! and thank u for the shares...I returned the favor XOXO ~Olga
Sep 01Reply
savannahfinds @partymk999 thank you so much! That is very sweet of you :) and you are welcome!
Sep 01Reply
latoyas_closet Hello Halle...... Your are an amazing posher!! Thanks for being so sweet and sharing my items like you do. Wishing you the best of luck in everything you do!
Sep 02Reply
wade1953 Indiana State is in Terre Haute, right! I live 45 minutes from there!!
Oct 02Reply
savannahfinds @wade1953 and yes Terre haute!
Oct 02Reply
jacimari So awesome, good luck to you! Also a huge thank you to you boyfriend for his service!
Oct 26Reply
savannahfinds @jacimari thank you!!! ☺️☺️☺️
Oct 26Reply
cdcarino Great closet!
Oct 30Reply
savannahfinds @cdcarino thank you!! 😄😊
Oct 30Reply
toopretty Beautiful💕💕💕💕
Oct 31Reply
savannahfinds @cultiverre thank you so much! And nice to meet you too!! ❤️❤️❤️
May 11Reply
poshinistajen That is so cool you want to help others! A very noble cause. Where are you living now? You should get involved in your local Junior Chamber as we do a lot of programs like that and partner with UNICEF and other organizations like the UN.
May 15Reply
savannahfinds Thank you! And I go to school in Indiana but will only be there for one more year then I am moving to Georgia for grad school. So I am kinda all over the place haha. That would be awesome I will definietly have to look into that!
May 15Reply
icyleopard Wow!!! You are one awesome chica!!!! Congrats on all the blessings in your life and for wanting to help create a safe future for others 😊❤️
Jun 09Reply
katzkoz Awwwww....beautiful couple, you two!!💕💕💕I love your hair cut!! I need to get mine cut too! May use your picture when I go get mine! Thank you for checking out my closet too!
Jun 14Reply
savannahfinds @katzkoz Aww thank you soo much!!! That is so sweet of you! I definitely needed one and need another one soon! Haha ❤️❤️
Jun 15Reply
katzkoz Have a great nite!! And, yes....I need a haircut! Maybe next week. That will give me enough time to chicken out!!
Jun 15Reply
dearjamie1188 Your closet is so adorable. I want everything!
Jun 16Reply
savannahfinds @dearjamie1188 Thank you! I am having a BOGO sale that ends in 15 mintues! ☺️Happy Poshing
Jun 16Reply
heather1111 I love your mission in life! Best of luck. L❤ve your closet, too!
Jun 20Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💋
Jun 30Reply
missinfishin @halle_humphrey - You're adorable ..... great closet :) :)
Jul 15Reply
savannahfinds @missinfishin aww thank you! ☺️☺️
Jul 15Reply
evanescence365 @halle_humphrey That literally was the sweetest thing l've read on here. You have such a good heart and it's people like you who make this world a better place! :)
Jul 16Reply
savannahfinds @evanescence365 aww thank you so much!! That just made my day☺️☺️☺️
Jul 16Reply
evanescence365 @halle_humphrey You're welcome! It's amazing what you're doing! :)
Jul 16Reply
pinkblonde7777 You are gorgeous
Jul 16Reply
savannahfinds @pinkblonde7777 thank you so much! That is so sweet of you to say :)
Jul 16Reply
tcmckenry26 @halle_humphrey woohoo!! Cali represent! ☺️ you two are so cute!
Jul 20Reply
shananscloset I hope you can make a difference. You don't have to leave this country... We have a slave trade problem too. I think of the pioneers of civil rights that gave rights to children. This is good work! Is that your twin sister or does your bff look like your twin. Love your style!
Jul 21Reply
savannahfinds @shananscloset I am going to start here ☺️ that is actually my sister she is 4 years younger than me. Haha people think she is older the me 😭😭😭
Jul 21Reply
shananscloset Oh gosh! You do look so similar in photos!
Jul 21Reply
savannahfinds @mpcloset of course ☺️
Jul 21Reply
gracehill95 Love your closet!! & you seem so sweet!
Jul 23Reply
savannahfinds @gracehill95 aww thank you! ☺️
Jul 23Reply
somer2332 You have a great closet! I rarely shop but I'm thinking about picking up a few of your items for my vacation!
Jul 25Reply
savannahfinds @somer2332 aww thank you! Let me know what you like! Some things are unavailable because I am on vacation but most of my closet available ☺️
Jul 25Reply
adriane1b2 What a great degree and focus!!! Good for you!!! If you're ever looking into travel to other countries- I lead teams to haiti and Guatemala with a great organization!! Partners in Development, out of Ipswich MA- but I've traveled with people from allllll over the U.S. They do internships all the time! Let me know if you want more info:)
Aug 04Reply
lidiacon @halle_humphrey you are a beautiful soul and person! I admire what you do! Also love your closet! Good luck!
Aug 06Reply
1pickyshopper @halle_humphrey Your closet is adorable, thanks for sharing my closet
Aug 13Reply
julkim31 Girl! That is a great mission keep it up <3 also you have the prettiest cover photos gahh
Aug 21Reply
kristin_luciano Hi! I love your closet! It's amazing!😍 would you mind giving me any tips? Like where are the best places to buy clothes to sell? Or how to take amazing pictures? 😊 thanks! It would really mean a lot!
Sep 12Reply
savannahfinds @kristin_luciano Hi! Thank you so much! I could definitely help you out! I have just had a lot of clothes that I didn't wear so I sold them on here :) a lot of my stuff is from free people or Nordstrom :) I actually just use my iPhone and make sure there is a lot of light in the room :)
Sep 12Reply
kristin_luciano Thank you so much! I really love your closet and will definitely be watching it!
Sep 12Reply
currentfashion Nice 2 meet you Hali💁🏻.. I'm Vickie my closet is @currentfashion & I also started following you on IS🎥 my username is @currentfashionposher-I Share lots of Poshers Closets .. Good luck with your Studies💫💫
Sep 13Reply
cdelp116 Beautiful You!!! Hello Dear😊💕 You are beautiful and your spirit is as well!! God Bless you and your fiancé for what your goal is and for his service for our country! I will pray for you both, The Lord will bless you abundantly!! Have a wonderful day! 💕Blessings💕
Sep 13Reply
samipoo24 Bravo that is quite a list of things you would like to accomplish. You defintely look like you will be anle to accomplish it all. I will be rooting for you.🌹💐🌷
Sep 13Reply
elizmul @halle_humphrey Wonderful to meet you Halle! My youngest daughter was a competitive softball player...her senior year the won a huge state championship. She's travel all over...been to Cali for a big tourney offered several college scholarships to play softball but decided this year she was done. About crushed us but in the end I want her to be happy. Just hope she continues for fun...she's a power hitter and has an amazing arm! ♡ Good luck with ur studies!!
Sep 18Reply
jamieswanson The world needs more people with a heart like yours! May God bless you in your endeavors😊
Sep 23Reply
sammy63 @halle_humphry thanks for share
Sep 27Reply
sammy63 @halle_humphrey if you like anything is be happy to hold a iteam
Sep 27Reply
sammy63 @halle_humphrey anything you like just let me know I'm easy going
Sep 27Reply
auchieau48 Nice to meet you! So great what you're doing for kids and thank you for making change! 💞Have a great week! 💕✨
Sep 28Reply
poshinista19 Great work and awesome closet!
Nov 03Reply
ahnert325 Will you be shipping my order soon?
Nov 05Reply
savannahfinds @ahnert325 hi! Yes I shipped your package out last night it should be shipped your way today :)
Nov 05Reply
ahnert325 I still haven't gotten any shipping info
Nov 07Reply
savannahfinds @ahnert325 hi I have not either I have contact Poshmark about the issue and all they said is I need to check with the post office. I went to the post office and they basically just said it probably hasn't shipped yet. This is actually the second time in about 2 weeks my items have gone missing. I am waiting till the clock runs our just because I am still hopeful it will ship. I think that it is time for me to use a new post office :(
Nov 07Reply
ahnert325 You must have a receipt from the post office correct
Nov 07Reply
savannahfinds @ahnert325 I never need to because I always just have it ready to go and put it in the drop box
Nov 07Reply
ahnert325 Have you had things get lost in shipping
Nov 07Reply
ahnert325 I'm now getting cancellation requests from poshmark. I really don't want to cancel the order. Aren't you a little concerned that the post office "lost" your package. Any updates would be nice. The other delayed order I ran into had a tracking number with hers.
Nov 09Reply
savannahfinds @ahnert325 hi I'm sorry I didn't see your last comment before. I am concerned but posh said I would have to go look for it and the post office can't do anything about it. I have sold over 300 items and this was bound to happen a few times. I'm glad you are getting your money back i am sorry, it's a loss for me.
Nov 09Reply
sdagostino75 @halle_humphrey where did you get that elephant necklace ? It's so cute 😃, my daughter would love it .
Nov 12Reply
designerbeb @halle_humphrey good luck in all you do!
Jan 07Reply
savannahfinds @designerbeb thank you so much! Happy New Year and Happy poshing!
Jan 07Reply
savannahfinds @sdagostino75 hi! I'm so sorry I thought I commented back!! My husband got it for me off of Amazon. It is one of the best sellers!
Jan 07Reply
shads8412 Wow..what an awesome story...that is great!
Jan 17Reply
marinenhisqueen Great goal in life, and what an adorable puppy! I am the momma of a Boxer and an American Bullldog!
Apr 29Reply
katesaintclaire Awwww I love your goals for helping children get out of the sex trade. You have a great head on your shoulders!!! Also please thank the hubby for his service! 🇺🇸 My name is Kate and I randomly came across your closet. Love love love it! Feel free to check mine out when you're not busy! Hope to make another Posh Friend! 😄 Xoxoxo, Kate Marie 💗
Jun 20Reply
janellno5 I loved reading your bio! So you're not only beautiful You have a beautiful heart!!! I love your goals especially with our evergrowing sex trade problem! I know you will do wonderful contributions with these boys & girls and I will watch you make the journey thru PM! So glad I crossed your path!! 💜💙💛💚❤
Jun 21Reply
lynnk4 @mrshensley1 hi Halle! You look like a really fun girl! Tell your husband "Thanks for his service to our country!"
Sep 08Reply
trouble_247 Please let me know if I need to cancel my order. I'm leaving out of town soon and would like a response back. Your account shows activity yet I've written several times without any kind of response. Even if it is to say your trying to find the items, tied up with something, having trouble with the label, couldn't make it to the post office, anything to show you've made efforts towards shipping these items or have seen my posts.
Sep 14Reply
trouble_247 I really feel ignored and your lack or response is telling me your not a serious seller on post and this is a waste of time. 😕
Sep 14Reply
trouble_247 Are you going to ship my items please it's been 6 days now ?! You haven't responded
Sep 16Reply
trouble_247 Is this account still active. There has been no responses????????
Sep 16Reply
trouble_247 Clearly this account is no longer active if there is no seller to communicate with. Off though it keeps showing someone is coming on the account though. Maybe this has been compromised.
Sep 16Reply
shopahola @mrshensley1, what a cute couple, and I love your goal. So rewarding. Best of luck. 🙌🏼❤️
Jan 06Reply
rjrkbythebay You have a very cool 😎 goal to get your degree and help women who desperately need your help! When I lived in Italy (navy wife) I was working on my masters degree (MHR). In one class, I did a project which involved interviewing women who were deceived into working as sex workers under threat by the man who brought them into the country illegally. We need more people who care, like you do, about these women.
Mar 04Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie very nice to meet you 😘😘
Mar 05Reply
tricegirl Thanks for checking out ✅👀my closet 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 06Reply
m_mont You have such a cute closet. Check out mine ?! 😊
Mar 13Reply
annnoe OMG. I am also from CALI.. My daughter. Who is 16.. Has been playing competitive softball since she was 9 and decided to quit softball and not play in college. She said it is too much and wants to focus on school. Wild huh. 😘😘
Mar 14Reply
loungeinluxe Hi love! ! Wanted to introduce myself! I'm a new boutique but been poshing since 2014! LOVE the posh community 💋💛💛 check out my closet ! Hopefully you'll see something you love. Most items are made her in Los Angeles 🇺🇸 💕💕 thanks again! I'll be sure to SHARE 😘
May 05Reply
urstyl Thanks a million Halle for sharing my closet. 💋 XOXO
Jun 13Reply
lolo_closet17 Thank you very much for sharing my items to your followers. I will also do the same for you.
Jun 14Reply
clothesnall Nice closet!
Jun 17Reply
clothesnall Hope to get there one day! Loll
Jun 17Reply
tannerlc60 GM🤗Halley, Thanks for sharing my closet 💚👗👖👝👜
Jun 20Reply
psychicdana hi please excuse me but i stumble across your profile picture an immediately started to pick up your energy and I see you have a lot on your mind lately and your in need of some answers an insight into whats going on in your life please contact me for more information on getting a psychic reading
Jul 22Reply
shop_mia Hey Halle! Nice to meet you, my name is Mia. You have such a great closet with some beautiful pieces! Love your photos.Happy Poshing !
Oct 22Reply
kriss10fashion nice bio, Congrats! heartbreaking stories on trades. ☹☹
Oct 23Reply
jmbt Thanks for the following
Oct 24Reply
ashlyn_bekah thanks for following my closet!!💞☺️
Oct 28Reply
debbiepw Love your closet. Love your goals. Unfortunately, sex trafficking is everywhere. It is horrid.
Nov 03Reply
elizabethritt Hi pretty baby. 💋
Nov 03Reply
kamietr Your beautiful! You have an amazing closet 👗👠👙👢👛🕶🧥 and I love that you have chosen a profession that will change so many lives! Best of luck to you! 😊🇺🇸
Nov 19Reply
lisamcd801 Hi Halle. I recently bought a black strapless bra from you. It does not fit at all. I think it must be marked wrong. Is there any way I can trade for something else or something? Thanks for your help. Lisa McDonough
Nov 25Reply
themodexchange YOUR FLATLAYS ARE SUPERB ! Ive shared a bit of your items, && im wishing them all MUCH SUCCESS , Happy Poshing :)
Dec 05Reply
lips1 Hi there I couldn’t help but notice savanna my dear friend lived in Richmond Hill, until the summer when he passed away. Gosh your summers are hot😃
Dec 06Reply
turbo_0730 I like that in you as long as you doing what you to do and God is going to bless you and your family
Dec 17Reply
gypsybeauty1111 Halle, I commend you on the tremendously important career you have chosen- and the many lives you will affect- for the better!!!!👍🏼💫⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Feb 06Reply
larevente Done! Thank you for your help!!!
Feb 06Reply
savannahfinds @larevente You are very welcome!! ☺️
Feb 07Reply
dorrifa @mrshensley1 Hi Halle! Thanks for the bundle offer!! I am waiting for a few more of my sales to be delivered and then I can accept ... but question: is the blue vest true to size? I’m more of a L but sometimes vests are big....
Feb 08Reply
savannahfinds @dorrifa hi! Okay sounds good ☺️ and I added the measurement if that helps. I hate to guess and be bummed that it didn’t fit
Feb 08Reply
dorrifa @mrshensley1 thank you!! ...I assume the waist & chest measurements are flat? Lol!
Feb 08Reply
brooklynpook thanks so much for the host pick 😊
Feb 18Reply
finsupmiami Thank you for the HP, I used to play softball too!😁
Feb 18Reply
sami023 Holy crap. So I also went to ISU, then lived in GA after I got married while my husband was stationed at FT Stewart. I noticed his rock of the Marne patch and went ‘no way’ 😂
Feb 19Reply
natalie2393 ✨Love your closet!✨ So many nice things 😊
Mar 30Reply
reaofhope THANK YOU!💗 And, best of everything to you in your academic pursuits, career, volunteerism, and last, but not least, your family!! 💕
Apr 16Reply
savannahfinds @reaofhope thank you so very much ❤️❤️
Apr 16Reply
sofemale Hi! Your item ships Friday morning! Sorry for the delay; I'm on vacation till Thursday!
Apr 18Reply
jacen0905 You're baby is absolutely adorable!!!
Apr 25Reply
savannahfinds @jacen0905 thank you! ☺️☺️
Apr 25Reply
cocovalli 🌸what a beautiful family you have ! Little Rory is adorable! Cherish every day with him.🌸
Apr 28Reply
jkcoastal Hi Halley, Rory is perfectly darling!!! I couldn’t figure out how to leave a message other than comment. I recently purchased from you but I’m now out of the country until the 24th, so I won’t receive the item until I get back. This is my first time purchasing on posh mark and I fear I’ve made an inconvenient situation for you. My extreme apologies. Janet
May 14Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Halley, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
May 21Reply
elvisdiva02 Thanks for your purchase of the espadrilles. I wanted to apologize that I won’t be able to get the package out until Monday. I’ve been busy with graduation ceremonies this weekend and haven’t been able to send out. I’m so sorry.
Jun 03Reply
lea_5504 Adorable baby !!!! Omg obsessed
Jun 25Reply
cosabella05 Hi Halley Thank you so much for sharing my listing. What an adorable baby 👶. God bless ;)
Jul 30Reply
pysanders2009 @mrshensley1 Hi. Di you forget to post the measurement for the jean dress? Thanks.
Aug 07Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet and following :) it is much appreciated! please let me know if there's anything you are interested in. always up for offers. Looking forward to taking a better look at your closet
Oct 09Reply
fortheloveofash Hi there 😊 Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash! Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕 With Love, Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Oct 11Reply
bardek7 So adorable ☺️
Oct 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 bundle 2 or more items of any price and u will receive a beauty pack valued at $10 absolutely FREE
Nov 02Reply
thehoneyposh Beautiful Closet!
Nov 05Reply
yummy2mummy What an adorable little pumpkin! 😍
Nov 08Reply
gloriasgalleria Hi Halley! I really enjoyed looking through your closet! Great clothes!! And your baby is just adorable!! ❤️ Xoxo, Gloria
Nov 18Reply
thejuju2 Hi there, I bought your jeans but was so disappointed to see a huge rip in the seat when you had described them as EUC. I can't wear them at all unless I want everyone to see my business! I was out of town over Thanksgiving so poshmark accepted the order for me automatically but I'm hoping you can issue me a refund somehow. I can send you pictures of the rip!
Dec 03Reply
savannahfinds @thejuju2 hi! I am soo sorry to hear that! I definitely missed the rip. Let me see what I can do for you! I am not allowed to go outside of the app so let see if I can contact poshmark about issuing you refund
Dec 03Reply
thejuju2 @savannahfinds thanks, please let me know what they say! They have been very slow to respond because of some new email system...
Dec 04Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow beautiful 👌🏽
Dec 26Reply
shopwithmartha Really beautiful closet.
Jan 26Reply
pittstopdiva77 Hi there! Thanks for the share. I'm originally from Savannah! Take care!
Jan 28Reply
leblogdejanet Hi Halley ❤️ Check out my closet. If you need any help, let me know. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Feb 04Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Hailey. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 23Reply
andreajackett Hi Halley! When were you planning on shipping my order from 3/15? Thanks! 😊
Mar 20Reply
savannahfinds @andreajackett hi! So sorry for the delay! I shipped it out this morning
Mar 20Reply
spreadlove , I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 19Reply
musicmarth Morning! I bought a Barefoot Dreams cardi from you recently and it doesn’t fit. I’d like to resell it. May I use your photos of the sweater in my listing?
May 02Reply
savannahfinds @musicmarth hi! I’m so sorry it didn’t work out and yes of course! Thank you for asking ☺️
May 02Reply
absolutelykate HAPPY THAT BABY 💙 Happy new Family start 🌸💕 And absolutely. "Happy 1st Mother's Day." What *joy* you must be knowing. ~Kate ✒ absolutely
May 13Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Great Connecting With You!!
Jun 02Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me. I am also following you on Instagram too.
Jun 09Reply
madblk3 💜Hi Halley! YOUR BABY SHOULD MODEL, HE’S SO CUTE☀️the flag photo, really?!? Thank you for following me. I truly appreciate your support. Please check out my closet and, of course, I’ll do the same. Share and care💝Any constructive advice is welcome. In the meantime, Be Blessed💜🥰💐🛍
Jul 09Reply
bethiek12 Hello! Thanks for the follow, I love you closet. Hopefully you could check out mine as well and start making some deals🤩 the first posher to buy something from my closet gets $3.99 shipping and it could be you!
Aug 01Reply
kfab333 @savannahfinds hi there - 👋 Great News- 💕We Extended our VIP PROMO to Include Today! - Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰
Aug 14Reply
lol_princess He is super scrumptious. Thank you for the follow and share 💕
Aug 14Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @savannahfinds! I am just beginning my PoshMark journey and am looking forward to building a great business and network!
Sep 18Reply
danielle_gately Thank you for the following ! Check out my closet! I'm headed to yours ! 🐾🌹
Oct 20Reply
ramosadam92 Hello ma'am and Congratulations ma'am.
Dec 21Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 16Reply
chellier OMG! Great photos! Thanks for following!
May 04Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 10Reply
watsonlilmommy @savannahfinds hello check out my closet all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in as well
Jul 09Reply
cutehosiery @savannahfinds Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 11Reply

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Last Active: Oct 23 2024

Savannah, GA
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Last Active: Oct 23 2024

Savannah, GA
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