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Hi everyone, I'm Jeanie, I just turned 57 on April 21. Been on Poshmark for 4 years. Yay, another year. LoL.. and I am a proud mother of 2 and 3 grandchildren. I'm a widow from my second husband. Trying to make ends meet. Selling my items lower than everyone else for quick sales. I never have ripped, stains or damage items unless I say they're is. Thank you for taking the time to look. 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

35 others
like this

I just shipped your shoes! You should be receiving an email from posh stating they were shipped with the tracking #- thanks again!!!!!
Mar 18Reply

Thank you sweetie.. :-)
Mar 18Reply

Ty sweetie.
Mar 18Reply

Hi! I seen you were interested in Steve Madden flats... Well I have one in my closet go check it out LMK if your interested
Apr 07Reply

filfil10, thanks for your advice. I hope I spelt your screen name write. My eyes needs new glasses. I was chatting with a lady 3 days ago and she told me that I needed to put @. before her screen name. Perhaps she got it wrong as well. Good luck with your sells as well..
May 13Reply

Sorry fiefie10
May 13Reply

Go Jeanie! !!!
May 17Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares🙏💕!!
May 20Reply

Good luck to you and happy poshing! 💜
May 25Reply

@jeanie52 I noticed that you received your bundle today... If you don't mind me asking, Did it fit, the dress? I hope you liked everything🙏. I don't want anyone who buys from me to be disappointed!!!!
May 29Reply

@lduvall , I'm very angry that you sent me those pants that says its a junior size 9. And not a large that you posted. I have not been a junior since I was in High school. I want my money back on these pants, there's no way I can fit into them. I have not tried on the other 2 items because I'm still fuming about these pants.
May 29Reply

@jeanie52 so beautiful!!!
Jun 29Reply

@upsnowgirl , Why thank you hon.. :-)
Jun 29Reply

@here4looks77 , hi there, thank you very much for sharing some of my items..I love your closet.. Hope we can do business together soon.. :-)
Jul 14Reply

@jeanie52 congrats on the marriage!!! I hope u guys get that honeymoon! Check out the Sandals resorts (there's one in Fiji and they're all inclusive!)
Jul 15Reply

@apergoli , hi hon. Thanks for your advice, however, I have my eyes set on Italy and Greece .. I'm Italian and I have a lot of relatives in norther Italy. I'm just hoping they speak English . My Italian is a bit rusty. LoL
Jul 15Reply

@jeanie52 oh how awesome!!! I'm Italian too! Just don't speak it😔I wanna learn though and go to Italy before we have kids👍
Jul 15Reply

@jeanie52 looking thru your closet is bittersweet. A lot of items you have are the same or similar to stuff my mom had. She just passed away very suddenly in April and I have some of her stuff listed as I've been helping my dad clear a few things out.
Aug 14Reply

@jkrum67 , so what does this mean??
Aug 14Reply

@jeanie52 just saying I like your closet :-)
Aug 14Reply

@jkrum67 , ok ,,, ;-)
Aug 14Reply

@jkrum67 , thanks a bunch hon.
Aug 14Reply

The skirt in stretches measures to 24". I can stretch it out to 40". It is 29" in length. I'll take $15 for the skirt. I think you'll love it..
Sep 01Reply

How do I tag it? I'm new at thus
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , once you change the price you type in my user name and just say its ready.. It's that simple
Sep 01Reply

Ok thanks for the purchase and the info. I'll mail it out on Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , you're welcome sweetie. You to have a great weekend, stay safe.. A lot of drinkers on the road.
Sep 01Reply

Fortunately or unfortunately I'm on workers comp with a torn rotator cuff and surgery not scheduled for the end of the month. Too painful to go anywhere and have fun. Been off work since April. Workers comp is sloooowwww! Probably another 3 or 4 more months off of work til I'm healed up and able to get back. This is why I'm selling as much as I can. Workers comp doesn't pay full salary and its been a struggle. So, me personally, I'm no nuisance this year. Take care
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , wow!! So sorry to hear.. Get well soon.. What about partial unemployment ?? Idk if you can collect both.. Just rest up. I have back problems due to an injury on the job 18 years ago. I'll be needing surgery one day but the Drs do not want to operate now. I'm only 53 and what I need only last 10 years. So , I wait in extreme pain. Good thing for pain meds. If I didn't take any, I couldn't move. But the down side, I'm hooked. Ugh.
Sep 01Reply

Seriously, if we lived close, we'd be friends. I have hypermobility syndrome which is genetic . I've been with pain management for 26 years and finally got the diagnosis about 2 months ago. It's. basically loose joints that are all painful. Each day the pain is in a different place but always lower back. Can't do anything to help that issue until surgery on shoulder, recovery and physical therapy. So like you, I wait in pain. And I'm 51. I have sympathetic doctors that take care of me. And yes, meds are a Godsend.
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , I've never heard of your condition . That sucks for you. I thought my pain was bad but girlllll, you top that.. Where do you live ??
Sep 01Reply

Indio, ca. Close to palm springs
Sep 01Reply

I hadn't heard of the syndrome either. Bit once reading up on it, it all makes sense. Main symptoms are being double jointed in my joints. Since they are loose, it creates pain when joints are used; which of course that's all day, every day. I have found that methadone works the best for long term pain management. You should check it out with your doctor. It alleviates taking the narcotics that harm your kidneys.
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , methodone, I'll mention it to my pain management Dr next month. For 4 years I was taking norco. It worked until my new pain Dr took me off because that harms the liver. So now she put me on 15 mg of morphine which last up to 10 hours. I was scared to do morphine at first but I'm glad I did. It doesn't make me high, it just takes that edge off. It all depends how much I've done in a day. I ice up 4 times a day which help so much. I've had shots and nothing. My husband bought me a treadmill last week and now I'm back into walking 4-5 miles a day, 5 days a week at 60-80 mins a day. I like to do power walking.. I wish we lived closer to. Sounds like we both need a good friend.. But we can be friends still. Here's my email address:, or text me: 805-798-5445..
Sep 01Reply

Where do you live? 805 area code , isn't that north of LOs Angeles?
I was taking 8 norco and 8 somas a day. When I went on methadone, I only took the others for break through pain. Most days, completely off norcos and somas. Methadone is definitely for long term cuz it's supposedly tough to wean off. But I didn't have a problem going from 6 a day to 3 a day. I needed to be symptomatic to get a real diagnosis from a highly respected rheumatologist. Sleep issues go along with HMS. Didn't sleep at all last night. I fall asleep wherever (strange and dangerous places) cuz I'm exhausted. HMS doesn't allow me to get good sleep. Sleep doctor told me last week that he was stumped. I told him it took the others 26 years to figure out a diagnosis, he has some time. Lol
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , that's funny. He has plenty of time.. I'm in Ojai. 90 miles north east of La. such a cute valley. But dirty. Dirty from the oak trees. And there's so many old oaks in Ojai. So, I'm guessing you don't travel.. I'm so sorry about your condition , I sure hope they find a cure or something to ease your suffering.. Lets hope it doesn't take to long..
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , what is your name ? I'm guessing by your user name, is it Lee ?
Sep 01Reply

No, Leets is a family nickname that I also use on my pottery. My first name is Linda.
Sep 01Reply

Email is
Sep 01Reply

@leetsfarrell , it's a pleasure meeting you leets. And I enjoy chatting with you.. If I have time I'll text you in a bit. Gotta start my dinner. I like to eat before 7pm. I'm going to make a pot sticker stir fry so I need to chop up a lot of veggies and start my brown rice.. Talk to you soon sweetie. Text or call me anytime. J.
Sep 01Reply

@charlottefitz , Thanks Kel.. You have an awesome closet too.. :-)
Sep 08Reply

Congrats & Good Luck! 👍💕
Sep 13Reply

Hey doll just wanted to stop by an say hi I hope you had a nice weekend and are enjoy your week as well. Just wanted to touch base and send my love xoxox Kathe
Oct 03Reply

@kayduhh , I'm find but I was wondering why I'm still waiting for those earrings . ?
Oct 03Reply

Hi, love your closet!!! We're neighbors... I'm in moorpark😍
Oct 28Reply

@tammysbeachwear , Hi Tammy.. Nice to meet you.. I love your closet too. I just wish I was small again so I can buy some of your beautiful bathing suits. I think we are an hour away from each other.. So cool to chat with great ladies that live close to me. LoL
Oct 28Reply

Agreed💕💕💕nice to meet you too!
Oct 28Reply

@jeanie52 Love your closet. Love the scarf you are wearing in the pic peace symbol
Nov 16Reply

@tstreasures , thank hon, I have 4 of them. One black, orange, white, and purple .. I love them too..
Nov 16Reply

Wrong tag, I believe :)
Nov 16Reply

@tstreasures , I don't understand what you meant. I asked you if you want to trade for that ring you have that I like. Do you trade hon ?
Nov 16Reply

@treasuretreats commented that she liked your scarves and although they are lovely, I don't trade :)
Nov 16Reply

@tstreasures , no worries hon, have a great night. Xxoo
Nov 16Reply

So nice to meet you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend 😘❤️🎉
Jan 10Reply

So cute
Sep 10Reply

Thank You for all the Shares!!!
Oct 09Reply

You guys are adorable!!!! Congrats😉
Feb 06Reply

@xsrizr , ty but true love passed away13 months ago. I so miss him bad
Feb 07Reply

Jeannie, I am so sorry for your loss. True love is a blessing that many never get to have in their lives. You were truly blessed.😉😍😉
Feb 07Reply

Apr 12Reply

I, too, lost a child. May 22, 2016. He was 12 and amazing. Just like your daughter. If you need someone, I'm here.
(619) 9four0- 8three8zero
Melcooks @outlook. com
It's been a shitty year.
Apr 12Reply

@mbaldan tell me about it. I'm so sorry for your loss. My girl turned 30 in heaven in August. This April 30th will be a year. It still hurts big time. Call me if you wish. 561-762-8185- Jeanie
Apr 13Reply

Thanks for the positive rating. So sorry for your loss.
Apr 18Reply

@only1mitzyrose thank you sweetheart
May 07Reply

I'll be adding more in the near future. Love your closet.. great items you have..
May 07Reply

Hi, i am newly active on poshmark, I just saw your offer, if you can resubmit, I will accept.
May 17Reply
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