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Updated Jan 21
Updated Jan 21

☆ Meet Ambassador Ana ☆

Meet the Posher



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Hello babes ♡ Beautiful clothes from a beautiful & clean space Comment with any questions It’s ok to make offers xox
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globalboutique I am chiming in to say hello and Namaste. 🙏 Poshmark has a wonderful community and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and Party Host. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I hope that you are having a great experience using Poshmark. Best regards, Annie 💜
Oct 26Reply
quizassfcv2000 Hi wish you all the best.
Jul 02Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we were able to connect on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 01Reply
kbarrera1196 hello thanks for sharing my closet, thank you very much, 🌸🌼😊😍🌼🌹🌷
Dec 15Reply
anajoli @kbarrera1196 of course!! Xoxoxo
Dec 15Reply
shop_fabrique Thank you so much for all the Posh love 💕
Dec 20Reply
anajoli @shop_fabrique of course, gorgeous!! xoxox
Dec 20Reply
linda0606 Hi there!! I saw you liked an item in my closet. Feel free to make an offer! Please let me know if I can answer any questions
Jan 22Reply
cinderellayella Hi! I’ll be shipping the Totoro keychain ASAP. Sorry your order must have gotten lost in my inbox. Shipping tomorrow!
Apr 25Reply
anajoli @cinderellayella hello! Thank you for your message! I absolutely understand. No rush 🥰
Apr 25Reply
cinderellayella @anajoli thank you for the rating! glad you love it!
Apr 27Reply
anajoli @cinderellayella you are most welcome!!! Takes me back to when I was living there 😭 💕
Apr 27Reply
cinderellayella @anajoli oh how lucky! We visited and can’t wait to go back.
Apr 27Reply
anajoli @cinderellayella also I low key love your plant page on insta! 🌱
Apr 27Reply
gocat_ Ana, how do you test bakelite?
Jun 02Reply
anajoli @gocat_ hello! There are several safe ways to test. 1. Rub the piece of Bakelite with your thumb until it smells warm. If you smell a chemical smell, it’s Bakelite. 2. Run the piece of Bakelite under hot- but not boiling- water. If you smell the piece after it has become warm/hot, and it smells like a chemical smell, then it’s Bakelite. 3. If you take a q-tip that has a small amount of 409, and rub it against the inside of the bracelet, the q-tip should appear yellow.
Jun 02Reply
gocat_ Thank you so much for all the tips. Greatly appreciated! My mom passed away years ago....never knew what she had, plastic or bakelite jewelry.
Jun 03Reply
anajoli @gocat_ I’m touched that you shared your story with me. I love meeting others who have interest in Bakelite or discover new pieces they never knew they had! Xox
Jun 03Reply
doublesouthern Intellectual & Creative Beauty Posher 🙌🇺🇸❤️🤗🌸✅
Aug 23Reply
therusser Hi! I was about to ship the bras and noticed the cream one says “Favorite Push-up”...I thought it was Favorite TShirt. Let me know if you want me to cancel the order. My sincere apologies!!
Sep 15Reply
anajoli @therusser hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Yes, unfortunately I am looking for the favorite t shirt bra only. If you wouldn’t mind cancelling the order, I would greatly appreciate it 💕
Sep 15Reply
therusser @anajoli of course. Again, my apologies for my mistake!
Sep 15Reply
anajoli @therusser omg no I’m so grateful to you!! Wishing you many sales 💕
Sep 15Reply
modig @anajoli Ana- if you bundle more than one item, I can help out a bit or feel free to send a reasonable offer🌷Enjoy your week!
Mar 01Reply
mybargainhunter Hi Ana! Thank you so much for the great review. It was a pleasure doing business with you.
Mar 02Reply
anajoli @mybargainhunter oh my gosh thank you!!!! I am such a happy customer. I will be sure to drop by again soon and share your closet also!!
Mar 02Reply
meghanfifield I just now read your review of the Mother Jeans you purchased. I’m so happy to hear that you love them because I LOVED THEM... tho admittedly they were always a bit too tight haha! I bet they look incredible on you. I was less concerned about making money (hence $10 ha) and just wanted them to live on and be loved and your review sounds like those wishes are granted! ENJOY! #poshmarksuccess
Apr 17Reply
anajoli @meghanfifield 😭 😭 ♥️ let me know if you ever need anything or want to negotiate a price. I’ll try to share your closet every so often!
Apr 17Reply
meghanfifield @anajoli thank you!! You make using Poshmark so much fun, thank you for Spreading the GOOD VIBES!!
Apr 17Reply
karlensclassics @anajoli Hi Ana Congratulations on hosting the Vintage & Viral Posh Party tomorrow. I will be there sharing my vintage listings. I hope you have fun and make many new sales and followers. Happy Poshing 🥂
Jun 07Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats to you and thanks for tomorrow’s style party hosting!!! Drop by on the hunt for vintage and viral looks! ⚡️👢⚡️
Jun 07Reply
relli_2628 Hi and congrats on hosting! I hope you will check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks and have fun hosting. Wishing you many sales.🌸🌼
Jun 07Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jun 08Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Jun 08Reply
mrs_mannequin 🎉🎉🎉💐💐Congratulations on being chosen for a Posh Party Host💐💐🎉🎉🎉. I would love items in my closet to be considered for a Host Pick! 💕💕💕 Have fun and Happy Poshing!💥💥🎉🎉🎉 Suzie
Jun 08Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Vintage & Viral Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Jun 08Reply
jaspears8632 🚪👀🏆❤💯
Jun 08Reply
ditooshop @anajoli Congratulations on cohosting today's Vintage & Viral Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Jun 08Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Jun 08Reply
myhacker456 💚💛💚💛💚Congratulations on your hosting! Check out my closet for a host pick!💚💛💚💛
Jun 08Reply
lynda721 Congratulations on Hosting Tonight’s “Vintage & Viral” Party! I would love it if you would take a look in my Closet and those of my PFFs. You may find something perfect that goes with your theme. ~Lynda 💕
Jun 08Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on your party‼️🥳💞🎉🎈🌸🤩💖 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider featuring my closet @wishuponastyle for a 💖Host Pick!💖 Sending you lots of love 💓and wishing you a Successful and Spectacular party full of Sales!! 🎉💗🛍💐💚🌼💜🥰🌸✨❣️🛍🌈🌹💙💥🤗🧡
Jun 08Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Vintage & Viral Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Jun 08Reply
51twenty Congrats
Jun 08Reply
rachelbtu21 Congrats on hosting! please check out my closet for a host pick. TIA and good luck!!
Jun 08Reply
luluslatenight 🎉Congratulations Ana🍾on hosting the 🥳Vintage & Viral Posh Party 🥳Can’t wait to party with you. I’m following you🏃🏻‍♀️ (not in a creepy stalker kind of way🤣) and I’ve left you some 💜share love💜Please 💜share the love💜 with my PFFs 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️ they have awesome closets too.Thanks for considering us for a host pick. @theposhypeacock @ohheyitsray @cuti1959 @missharleyangel @808dragonheart @vampirestyles @pbnv Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Jun 08Reply
celestestu Hi Nan. Congratulations on hosting tonight posh party. I was wondering if you might have room for one more item from my closet to use as a host pick. If not I absolutely understand. Thank you and have fun tonight. Celeste
Jun 08Reply
ghny Hi Ana! Congrats on hosting. If you're still looking for host pics please consider my compliant closet! I'd really appreciate the support. Thanks so much and can't wait!
Jun 08Reply
abiscloset2019 Hi, congrats on hosting the Vintage & Viral Posh Party this evening! If you're still looking for Host Picks, I'd appreciate your consideration of my closet. I have lots of vintage & vintage-inspired pieces that would fit the theme well, both women's & men's as well as home items. Thank you! :)
Jun 08Reply
ciaobellaposher ✌🏻 ✌🏼 ✌️ ✌🏽 ✌🏾 ✌🏿🙌🏻 🙌🏼 🙌 🙌🏽 🙌🏾 🙌🏿👏🏼👏🏻👏👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 On Co-hosting tonight’s “VINTAGE & VIRAL POSH PARTY”! I'd be thrilled if you could peak into may closet for a possible HOST PICK! Appropriate items are at the top of my page for convenient viewing. Wishing you much success & tons of fun! 👏🏼👏🏻👏👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 🙌🏻 🙌🏼 🙌 🙌🏽 🙌🏾 🙌🏿 ✌🏻 ✌🏼 ✌️ ✌🏽 ✌🏾 ✌🏿
Jun 08Reply
acelestialsoul Hi, Ana! 🥳🎈Congratulations on hosting the 🧥👗👔👚 Vintage & Viral Party! 👜🕶👒👠 Woo-Hooo! I’d love it if you’d check out 👀my Poshmark Compliant 🚪 Closet for🏆Host Picks. You might love my >>Vintage Muu Muu & Hawaiian wear, Jewelry, Collectibles!<<< I’m a 🦋social butterfly & share to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter & Poshmark!❤️C u there! 😊Tricia
Jun 09Reply
jaspears8632 ⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤Congratulations on hosting... please ✔ out my closet🚪 for a host pick🏆... Best wishes and thank you for your consideration! ⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤⭐🖤
Jun 09Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi Ana! Congratulations on being one of the fantastic hosts for the “Vintage & Viral Posh Party“! You and your amazing closet deserve it! I’d appreciate it if you could check out my closet! Again, congratulations! Have a fabulous day! 🥂✨💃🏻
Jun 09Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Jun 09Reply
kylaraynerose Hi there!! Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 🥰 I’d be thrilled if you’d check out my closet for any potential host picks 🤗 regardless, congrats again and have a beautiful night! @kylaraynerose
Jun 09Reply
emmemed Hi there—congratulations on hosting! I have some vintage items, so if you’re still looking for some hostess picks, I’d love for you to check out my closet! 😍
Jun 09Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 27Reply
hausbklyn @anajoli Thanks so much for the rating! Hope you enjoy!! 🌻🌻🌻
Sep 08Reply
mela9 Hi! I have some lovely items for the moms-2-be. Check jeans, pants, dresses and shorts. Thanks for your consideration for a host pick!
Oct 21Reply
thj123 yay congrats on hosting!! please consider my closet for a host pick 🥳
Oct 21Reply
tottie_poshmark I am not happy with my purchase. It was described as a coach card case. I looked at hundreds of card cases on posh and all of them had a coach stamp or marking on them the item I purchased does not have any kind of stamp inside or outside of the card case. This is a disgusting rip off and I want my money back.
Jan 07Reply
anajoli @annieblake512 hello I’m so sorry! This one is rare because of the Rexy emblem. I can post a new listing with the order history from my coach premier account to allay your concerns.
Jan 07Reply
tottie_poshmark What is a coach premier account? How is that going to prove the authenticity of this card case?
Jan 07Reply
anajoli @annieblake512 I have an extensive order history with COACH. This product was first released in April 2019.
Jan 07Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jun 05Reply
blingoriginals Hi! Congratulations on hosting tomorrow night! I am going to be sharing many of your closet items to my followers, Twitter, and Tumblr. If you could kindly Consider something for my closet as an HP, I would truly appreciate it. By the way, please don’t match me share for share! You are busy enough! Have a great night❤️🎈🌈🎆🍀
Jun 05Reply
kjoyc Hello! Congratulations on hosting a party! You have a beautiful closet! Blessings to you and happy sales! ❤️
Jun 05Reply
foreverandagain ✨ Congratulations on hosting a party!!🎉😃🎊 I would be so grateful if you would consider my closet for a host pick✨😊✨ thank you! 💕 💕✨💞💕See you at the party!!🎉✨🎊💞
Jun 06Reply
shopbeautyhype Congrats! Please check out my closet for potential host picks. I’d love to be chosen by you 😊🙏🏻🎉
Jun 06Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Jun 06Reply
lynda721 Congratulations on Hosting Tonight’s “Closet Comeback” Party! I would love it if you would take a look in my Closet and those of my PFFs. You may find something perfect that goes with your theme. ~Lynda ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Jun 06Reply
toopretty Congratulations 🌸🌸✨✨✨
Jun 06Reply
myhacker456 💚💛💚💛💚💛 Congratulations on your hosting. Check out my closet for a host pick.💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💛
Jun 06Reply
trunkstar Congrats🎉✨🎉✨ on hosting the Closet Comeback Party! Have a blast 🥳 and wishing you speedy sales on all of your picks. 🏆🥇 If you are still looking for HP’s, I would be honored to have one of my items considered. Thanks, and Happy Poshing. 💗💗 Julie
Jun 06Reply
its_crystal28 @anajoli Congratulation for Hosting a Party🎉🎉🥰Im Crystal 🌹 just wondering if u could do me a favor and take a look at my Simple closet, have lots of cute, unique affordable items for the upcoming Poshmark Party, just wondering maybe u will happen to like something for a Host pick 🌹 that would be greatly appreciated🥰👗 God bless and Happy Poshing. speedy sales to you🌹🌸🚀🎉
Jun 06Reply
acelestialsoul 🇺🇸🥳You’re Hosting the 😎🍉☀️ CLOSET COMEBACK Party?🌻👙🌞Yay! I’m so excited - I love to showcase my things. My closet is Posh compliant. Will you look for 🏆Host Picks🏆for the party from me? TY! See you in the party. Tricia🎈🇺🇸
Jun 07Reply
kiwilderside Thanks and congrats for hosting. Hope you can find a Host Pick in my closet! 💗
Jun 07Reply
kylaraynerose Hi there, congrats on hosting!! I would love if you’d check out my closet for any potential host picks 🥳 either way, congrats and have a wonderful evening! @kylaraynerose
Jun 07Reply
barb79 Thank you so much for the host pick!! Have a wonderful party!
Jun 07Reply
Jun 07Reply
projectmode @anajoli Hello!! Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!
Jun 07Reply
kiwilderside Thanks so much for the Host Pick! Much appreciated! 💕
Jun 07Reply
cutehosiery @anajoli Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 09Reply

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Captiva, FL
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