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Updated Dec 16
Updated Dec 16

❤️ Meet Moon Goddess ❤️

Moon Goddess Boutique



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Merry Meet! • If anyone has any questions about Posh, 🙏🏼 ask • I love to help, I've been on Posh for over 8 years & run 2 Boutiques on here! (@moongoddessedgy) • I'm a Mentor, Ambassador ll, 105 time Party Host, 7 time Birthday Party Host, 5 🌟 Seller, Same or next day shipping, I Package with Care. • I'm a single disabled single mom with many medical conditions, but I will help each & every posher that I can! 🫶 • I also have my own online store finally open - ☆ - USE PROMO - poshfamily15 🩷 Recently my breast Cancer has come back. I have orders to get my stress down 😆, I wish it was easy, but it wouldn't be life if everything was easy. How would we learn our life lessons? I'm not saying that cancer coming back is a good lesson, but I'm going to find that silver lining because all my babies in the pictures above are my life! I will fight hard & and Smart, which I feel is very important 💯 ☆ Once I'm able to sell off my crazy amount of inventory, I will still be here, selling 🕯 made by me & Crystals - I'll be using my 3rd closet soon as @gifts_from_gaia That will give me my peace ✌️, by making things that can help people! That's all I ever wanted to do, Help people! 📖 I'll also be able to start writing ✍️ my book about my life so I can help in as many ways as possible for me! Blessed Be ~ Moon 🌙 Kitty 😺 Friendly - But they are not around my inventory.
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moongoddess7 I had to make a new "meet the Posher" post because all of my con=mments were full! xoxo
Apr 06Reply
moongoddess7 @shabbychic45 Oh Shabby that is so sweet of you! I haven't gotten it yet but it will probably get it tomorrow. I'm sorry I've been mia in hangouts, I need to go get caught up on stuff there. I'm trying to not bring my black cloud around the people I really care about. xoxoxo
Apr 06Reply
erichan Bless be sister
Apr 09Reply
moongoddess7 @erichan blessed be to you as well my sister!💋
Apr 09Reply
lipsticknjeans You always give so much of yourself to help others! Wishing you a magical week! Much Posh love ❤️🌸🌺🎉❤️💕🤗💫💖🌸🌟🤝✨
Apr 09Reply
moongoddess7 @lipsticknjeans Thank you love, that really means a lot to me. I love helping, it makes me feel good!! xoxox
Apr 09Reply
divakaaren I’ve chosen you as one of my Featured DIVAS! Lots of fun for you The Dancing Diva! Woo hoo💃💃💐💫🌟✨🎉🎊🎈💕💕😉
Apr 10Reply
moongoddess7 @divakaaren Thank you so much love! I'm doing the happy dance 😄💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺🤸
Apr 10Reply
joquico25 Hi lovey do you have a raw crystal black suede wrap choker?
Apr 10Reply
joquico25 Thanx. I ordered it. I meant to buy something fm you as a thank you for purchasing my items. But my daughter kept forgetting. Finally she responded. Thanx for the discount. Appreciate it!!
Apr 10Reply
moongoddess7 @joquico25 You picked a great piece! I will have it out to ya in the morning!
Apr 10Reply
moongoddess7 @chmcg123 I have never thought about doing that, I'll look into it. Thank you for bringing this up for me!!💜
Apr 24Reply
moongoddess7 @chmcg123 thank you so much as soon as I get home I'm going to check it out. Is it just like selling here?
Apr 24Reply
divakaaren hit send too soon! and THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH LOVE!!
Apr 25Reply
moongoddess7 @smason25 I have some as well, but I would love to see if it's one I don't have! Thank you
Apr 27Reply
moongoddess7 @chicover30 lol, Thank you for saying that! I put that in there because I've had people block me because they say my closet is scary because I have tattoos & like skulls lol. So Thank you for ur lovely comment!!
Apr 27Reply
moongoddess7 @divakaaren hey love just wanted you to know I'm working on our game, I'll let ya know when it's up!!
Apr 28Reply
flippingphenom ❤️Thanks for all the love and shares! I believe you’ve helped me get my 2nd sell!! I’m so excited!!! ❤️ I’m sharing the love back at you!
Apr 29Reply
grammiebett Hi Amy 👋😊. Love your pics. Was admiring your ink and family pics. Beautiful 💕💕. Sending blessings from one special needs mom to another💕 💗😊💗💕
Apr 29Reply
artxmarilyn Size sexy! HAHAHA!
Apr 29Reply
moongoddess7 @tomekia_w That's awesome!! This is such an awesome place, If you need anything just let me know!! xoxoxo
Apr 30Reply
moongoddess7 @grammiebett Hi sweetheart, Thank you, my husband owns his own tattoo shop, so I'm lucky. 3 of our kids work there now as well, 2 are tattooing and our oldest daughter does piercings. If you ever need to vent my ears are always open!! xoxoxo
Apr 30Reply
moongoddess7 @art_from_mars HAHAHAHAH You are the first person to notice that!! I was waiting to see how long it would take!! xoxoxo
Apr 30Reply
grammiebett @moongoddess7 💞💞thank you sweetie💞💞
Apr 30Reply
moongoddess7 @convintageous Hi sweetie I'll be at my computer tomorrow from home, so I'll take care of it in the morning ❤️ Sorry for the delay ❣️
May 02Reply
convintageous @moongoddess7 that’s ok. Was just concerned you didn’t get it after all we went through lol. You’ve got to see this fur headpiece . I’m chatting with Cherie under the sold wrap shirt in my listings and if you read the last 4-5 comments you’ll cry laughing. It’s even too much for me and I consider myself relatively trendy: lol. Maybe bc I’m in shorts today
May 02Reply
convintageous @moongoddess7 she’s been helping, so sweet even recommended you for a share game bc I was thinking of making one or joining one
May 02Reply
moongoddess7 @convintageous lol I will have to check out the fur headpiece, I could use a good laugh today!! xoxoxo
May 02Reply
moongoddess7 @shop_kimibrooke Thank you so much sweetheart! I'm excited!
May 02Reply
moongoddess7 @convintageous I will be opening my packages today promise! If u need help with a game let me know! xoxo
May 02Reply
ariesmoon89 🌘🌕🌒💫🔮😘
May 03Reply
listbyangie TFS! 🤗🐾🐾
May 06Reply
bocamomdeals LOVE the pic of all y’all together! Beautiful family!!
May 08Reply
bonnietaber Hi Moon! I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful and kind rating you gave me! If you was truly touched! I am so blessed to have another PFF! Your closet is absolutely beautiful, full of anything any one could want! I will be recommending your closet often! I look forward to having you stop by my closet again! I will be adding new items soon! May God bless you, your family and the continued success of your closet, Sweetheart!
May 12Reply
moongoddess7 @nicolebattista Hey doll, Thank you for the extras, but no worries. I know how life can be! xoxo
May 12Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 💋🤗💋🤗💋 Hi Amy, hey did u notice that Victorias Secret was not on the list of the party this morning? it was always with MK coach LulaRoe etc. But it was not listed today. I was starting to share my closet & then noticed it didnt say 'shared successfully' after i did VS items. *I wonder what this means? have you heard anything? or know where to find out? Big HUGSSSSSSSSSS🤗
May 12Reply
moongoddess7 @bonnietaber Sweetheart u r so welcome, I meant every word!! Thank you! xoxoxo
May 13Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley I did notice that, maybe they are just mixin it up? I know I'm so late in creating the VS share game. I have bags and bags sitting here of VS stuff to load!! xoxoxox
May 13Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 I was hoping maybe they would make a VS featured party, lol. Girl..... i have no idea where you keep the stuff you already have listed, LMAO! 😊💓
May 13Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley lol, u don't want to see my house, my whole living room is full of boxes, my game room, dining room, a whole bedroom and storage room in the basement. My husband must secretly hate me lol
May 13Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 😄😄😄 Speechless, lol
May 13Reply
shedgie02 Happy Mother’s Day, Amy! Thanks so much for always including me in your teams. You have been such a great help to me! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
May 13Reply
moongoddess7 @shedgie02 Oh hun you are so welcome! I love helping!! I hope you had a great Mothers Day as well love! xoxoxo
May 14Reply
chrionjewelry Nice pics! Blessed Be! )0(
May 14Reply
moongoddess7 @chrionjewelry Thank you very much sister! Blessed Be! xoxo
May 14Reply
yummyhandful Hey girl! Gosh you’re gorgeous. Anyhow, I may have prematurely offered on that bathing suit. My daughter is kinda small but a little tall. She will be 4 in just a few months. Do you think the two piece runs big or true to size? Ty so much.
May 16Reply
moongoddess7 @yummyhandful Hi love, Thank you for ur compliment! You're pretty gorgeous urself!! xoxo Umm I haven't heard from anyone that the size is off. I would say that it will fit her if she is small. I always had that issue with my kids when they were young.
May 16Reply
schameleonart Heyyy Amy!!! My name's Sarah I wanted to introduce myself and say hello& 1st saythat u & ur family are beautiful&you personally are def not scary- your'e gorgeous!!💎✨💕❤️💯I absolutely love your style- it's dark and sexy and seductive. .. And ESPECIALLY your boutique!!! I'm browsing through it now and am falling in love with nearly every item!! 😍😍😍💕💯
May 16Reply
moongoddess7 @schameleonart the lingerie I've been blocked by people because they said my closet it to revealing & some of my items r evil. lol to each their own I guess. I'm not going to change who I am, &
May 16Reply
moongoddess7 @schameleonart I have items in here for every style, I wish some people would just be more open minded. I don't even believe in the devil, but some poshers don't see it that way
May 16Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 G Morning Hugs, Hey.... i jsut got an email back from posh about the VS posh party, she said the marketing directors removed it as not trending. BUt she did say that she appreciated feedback and as comments & questions come in about this they are being forwarded to help see how many poshers wanted/liked vs in the party.
May 16Reply
findingdoc1 I Love the name Quinn!!! My youngest child’s middle name♥️ We never plan on our children leaving before us. Your beautiful!!! XO, Lynette🌻☮️
May 16Reply
jlarkins80 Love your tattoos gorgeous
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley Good lookin out, I'll send them a message as well! VS not trending... NEVER, VS will ALWAYS be trending, it's one of the stores that has been around & lasted forever.. plus they always have awesome limited edition items!! I'll get to work on the share game! we will get this POPPIN!!
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @findingdoc1 Thank you, he was and still is to me, such a BRIGHT soul! He could make u smile & laugh for no reason at all, just the sweetest little man!
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @jlarkins80 Why thank you, I have so many more since this pic last year, but my husband owns his own shop so he does all my work, getting another one Tuesday!! xoxo It's my pain therapy, (IK sounds backwards) I can't do much with my disabilities but be in pain, so this is how I get my Anger out if that makes sense, plus my body is a canvas, it was meant for Art! That's coming from the photographer in me!
May 19Reply
findingdoc1 @moongoddess7 Well maybe our children are playing together.. I lost my daughter in 2012. My heart is with you.💝🦋
May 19Reply
beckyl78 @moongoddess7 Hi Amy, thanks for the shares yesterday from our share group. I had told Rachel to delete me from the list yesterday because i was not home all day but seen you had shared so I was just returning 💗🤗😘
May 19Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 🤗🤗🤗 Awesome! Hey, do u think that if u started a listing that would help us spread the word about contacting posh to bring back VS parties, if that would help? and if u did, let me know & i will share the crap out of it, lol. just trying to think outside the box, reading what they said about forwarding the feedback they get from poshers kinda has my mind thinking of what we can do. ps.. anything u decide to do, i will back you 100% TY hugs & Happy Saturday🤗🤗🤗
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @findingdoc1 I like that thought!! Thank you love xoxo
May 19Reply
trunkles Hi Ms Moon Goddess! I'm thinking I want to join your team and run my own SP game. What do I need to do? I'll need help getting started pls 😁
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @trunkles Awesome ❤️. Sorry just saw this! I'll send you the info in the morning! I'm so happy, Welcome 🤗
May 20Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley Girl I'm so sorry, what a crazy fast day. Yeah I'll start posting more of my stuff! Girl I have tons!! I'll start focusing on that and I'll start sharing ur VS & PVS stuff every day! We r getting it back up there!❤️
May 20Reply
moongoddess7 @beckyl78 You did not not have to do that, I like helping & if sharing helps then that's what I like to do but thank you ❤️
May 20Reply
moongoddess7 @tatertots135 Did u get my invite in gmail??
May 20Reply
moongoddess7 @trunkles First I'm very happy u are joining! it's a lot of fun! So what I need from u is a gmail email address (please post on one of my sold items, don't need to put ur info out there) Then download the app "Hangouts" the icon is a green talk bubble with 2 white icons like this " in it. but once i have ur email I can add u & then we can talk about what u want ur theme to be! The best part for me!!
May 20Reply
tatertots135 @moongoddess7 WOOOOOOO I need to check! I’ve been on and off and on and offfff.. you get the the point I think 🤔 BUT it’s because the fam bam is in town. My dad is like ARE YOU ON PM AGAIN 😡🤭I’m dropping them off today and I will have time to sit down and go through everything.. fingers crossed 🤞🏼 it’s there!
May 20Reply
bastrop Hi I had a hard time finding you hope you are doing well
May 21Reply
gemsrpretty So happy I’ve had the honor to meet you via Gayle☺️ you are a true warrior & with such a kind heart💜I will do whatever I can to support your closet😉 I wanted to ask you what app you use for all your beautiful photos I really need to work on that and I find I just don’t take the time but u have inspired me😁
May 21Reply
moongoddess7 @bastrop Hey there, glad ya found me, I'm doing about the same but I'm still going, how bout you?
May 21Reply
moongoddess7 @gemsrpretty Aww Sweetheart you are very kind! Gayle is the sister I should have had. I'm very glad we were able to meet through her beautiful heart as well. TY for any support! I actually am a photographer so i use photoshop but I know there are sooo many good apps to use. Let me find one that is easy but good at the same time. I have a lot of people that ask me so I'd like to help with that. I'll get back to ya love!!!!
May 21Reply
bastrop Hi I’m geting back to my Daly activities my mom passed away early April I had to go to California I can’t seem to get out of this pain I feel my mom is gone now but I’m geting back it’s so hard tanks to my 2 grandkids that I have to take care of or I don’t no how I would have made it this has to get better I was siting hear and you came to my mind your sweet personality I don’t no why but I felt like I had to check on you
May 21Reply
moongoddess7 @bastrop Oh love, I am so sorry to hear about ur mom! That has to be so hard. My mom doesn't talk to me, but when 1 of my sons passed in 10/2015 he was hit by a SUV when crossing the street on his skateboard one of the wheels fell off. I still have a hard time, he was 11 & really close to my youngest who is now 11. I just take it day by day. My youngest daughter Nikoletta gets me through each day, we lean on each other! She's my angel. xoxo Stay in touch! If ur having a bad day I'm here for ya!
May 22Reply
bastrop Oh no you poor dear it’s harder to lose a child I’ll pray for you but if any way you can try to reach out to your mom I’m telling you life to short nothing wort not haveing a relationship with your mom I’m just glad I was so close to mine I was such a wild child when I was young but I realized only have 1 mom and you can’t go back and say I’m sorry when it’s to late just try to reach out you are a gentale soul remind me of myself in some ways when I was
May 22Reply
bastrop Young but reach out to her I’m so thankful I did
May 22Reply
moongoddess7 @bastrop Love, I would try again with my mom, if she were actually a "mom", She is someone who really shouldn't of had kids. She has done some really horrible things to me. Not to put 1 of my horrible things out there but when I was a kid, 9 years old my mom was remarried & my step dad rapped me over & over & she knew but did nothing. That's not even the worst thing she has done either. I really did try with her. I took her in 3 different times just for her to steal from me, lie about me ect...
May 22Reply
moongoddess7 @bastrop My grandfather passed a few years ago, I was really close 2 him & he asked me 2 give my mom 1 more chance 5 days before he died so I did, I let her move in with me again, she had the whole finish & furnished basement, all she did was cause problems, she was stealing again & causing more drama than I can explain
May 22Reply
moongoddess7 @bastrop . My grandpa told me that if she messed up again I could shut her out and live in peace, so that's what I had 2 do 4 myself & my kids & grandkids. She's just very toxic & loves drama!
May 22Reply
bastrop Omg you been through hell I see and understand compleatly you stay strong and just be the best mom you can be god has brought you through so much and you end up being such a sweet soul I Gus’s my childhood not bad as I thought my mom was mently slow when grandma died mom did not no how to raise kids and it was not good but nothing near what you had
May 22Reply
bastrop To go through I do understand my hart goes out to you and your family I can tell you a good woman something made me keep you on my mind I’m going to do something I never do you call me if you ever
May 22Reply
bastrop Need someone to talk to I’m 61 been through lots to 318-261-02-00 when I was a teen I ran away and got kidnap and went through some harible thing so I understand you are a grate person and have the most beauitful family I understand you don’t expose them to no harm
May 22Reply
tatertots135 Soorrryyyy 🤭🤭🤭 I missed your speashhhhh day yesterday!! 😫 Congratulations in allll wayssss alll games! I’ve been stupid busy since the parents came and conquered 👊🏼 I’m getting back on it, in it, with it, for it, about it 🤸🏼‍♀️the tot is hopping back!
May 23Reply
miss_kimba Pretty
May 24Reply
moongoddess7 @tatertots135 girl u always make me laugh, U r going to fit right in with all of us. well especially me because I'm just so super funny lol
May 24Reply
moongoddess7 @miss_kimba Well thank you love, I just looked at ur closet, u r stunning and that gorgeous little granddaughter of urs, just makes me want more grandchildren!! I have 7 living children, Alexis (23) Allison (22) Brandon (21) Tristan (19) KC (18) Dylan (14) & Nikoletta (11) Grandsons Xander (4) & Damon (2) I just keep buyin clothes for little girls cause that are just so adorable lol. When I finally get a granddaughter man she is going to a princess! Which will fit well with my 2 princes!! lol
May 24Reply
tatertots135 @moongoddess7 did you get my message 🤭baha
May 25Reply
breanne1313 Blessed be... I have a skull bracelet in my closet of course at a discount to you...thanks for sharing
May 26Reply
moongoddess7 @breanne1313 Blessed be my sister!! tag me in it love!
May 26Reply
lmdc62 Hi my sister 💜 you bundled the lovely top and I entered the wrong offer! If you want to cancel and I will resend or counter either way is fine or I can throw in the jeans or another top at no charge 💜💜 LMK what you want to do ☺️ I hope your migraine has eased up 😘😘✌️
May 26Reply
moongoddess7 @lmdc62 Hi my sister, Girl I ended up having to call 911, I couldn't stop throwing up. I'm kinda getting barrings together now. I'll cancel the offer & u can resend one, I always feel so bad giving an offer.. I do really want that top. It's so beautiful! You decide what u would like to do, I have to come back for that romper & jeans as soon as I can afford them. I love to much in ur closet girly!!! xoxoxoxo
May 27Reply
lmdc62 @moongoddess7 Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! Sounds like a full blown migraine 😔 I hope you are doing better ❤️❤️ Try to take it easy and stay hydrated. Keep me posted 💜 I'm sending good vibes, well wishes and prayers your way 🙏 💜❤️ XOXO's ❤️💜
May 28Reply
trunkles Hello... should I start designing my SP game slides? I know you're busy and I can at least get started if you want. Thanks 😎
May 29Reply
moongoddess7 @trunkles Hey girl, sorry it's been a VERY crazy week, let me look at what you all came up with today and I'll get right back at ya if that's ok ❤️
May 29Reply
trunkles @moongoddess7 I haven't done much but I can start the pics if you want me to. Let me know and I'll get started.
May 29Reply
moongoddess7 @trunkles Sure Hun go ahead and start them, when u get a slide done just post it in our chat room on hangouts so I can see them! Ur awesome!
May 29Reply
3royalclosets Hello! Just got back home and opened the package. It has 2 packages and an envelope with a bracelet taped on it. I won’t open any of these as you have mentioned these are for another Posher. When shall I expect my order to arrive? It just says “delivered” on my end.
May 29Reply
moongoddess7 @3royalclosets It just sent says delivered because of the time. I'll let them know u got it and they will email u a label. OH LOVE thank you so much!! ur the best!! xoxoxxoxo
May 29Reply
3royalclosets @moongoddess7 ok. Please just let me know if I need to do anything else from my side. Like if I need to open another case or complaint. Thanks!
May 29Reply
fyrenice Thank you so much for the awesome rating 💖and wonderful comments. 💗💗
May 29Reply
moongoddess7 @fyrenice No Thank you! I loved everything!! xoxox
May 29Reply
briaboss Love your energy and your page!! ❤️🌙
May 30Reply
moongoddess7 @briaboss Aww thank you so much, u r so sweet!! xoxoxox
May 31Reply
3royalclosets IThanks! I have shipped the package. Do you know if the other Posher has mailed it yet?
Jun 01Reply
moongoddess7 @3royalclosets Oh thank you so much for getting that out, I'll find out if she sent urs out today to! Again I'm so sorry!
Jun 02Reply
tmccarth I know it's morbid, but you may want to put Kate Spade items on hold. She was found dead a little bit ago. 😫
Jun 05Reply
moongoddess7 @tmccarth I heard that's so sad :(
Jun 05Reply
tmccarth @moongoddess7 It really is. 😨
Jun 05Reply
3royalclosets @moongoddess7 hello! Have you heard from the other Posher if she has mailed my item yet? I’m leaving for vacation next week and was wondering if I’ll receive it before Monday.
Jun 06Reply
moongoddess7 @3royalclosets yeah she told me I think yesterday that she got the label and was sending it out to ya, she got hers from you already, thank you so much for being so nice about this. I understand and deserve the bad review, if u ever buy from me again I will make it up to ya doll!!❤️
Jun 06Reply
3royalclosets @moongoddess7 thanks! I received it today.
Jun 06Reply
moongoddess7 @3royalclosets Oh thank goodness!! Will it let you update ur rating? I am so happy this was worked out, I feel so dumb!
Jun 06Reply
yummyhandful @moongoddess7 hey just stopping by to say hi to my beautiful pff. Hope you are well. I am still around, I haven't been too active, but I'm still here. Once I have some funds I will be shopping again. Also I shared on Facebook, I have over 1100 friends, so I hope that generates some stuff for ya. ;-)
Jun 06Reply
moongoddess7 @yummyhandful AWWW love you are so kind, I hope you are doing ok!! Thank you so much for sharing my stuff on facebook!!
Jun 06Reply
ptjaymebales Love your name! Back in the day when I was 13, when I used to actively practice Wicca, I gave myself the name “SilverMoonLight”. Always been partial to the night sky... ❤️
Jun 08Reply
moongoddess7 @ptjaymebales That's Awesome. I still practice Wicca, not hard core I don't have a group or anything, I'm practicing alone! Most Wiccans are drawn to the Moon (Luna) because she gives us our energy. It's great to meet you Silvermoonlight! You should sign up on my Goddess game
Jun 09Reply
annasposhalley 💕💕💕 So, the other day when i opened the posh app it said trending today Victorias Secret. and it happened again today. Grrr hissss, lol
Jun 09Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley They make no sense, I’m making a post/Petition & a separate Share game just for all VS items. Maybe if we have a lot of people in the share game and sign the petition they will bring back the party!! Xoxo I’m over flowing with VS items to post & I have like $200 in reward money to spend.
Jun 09Reply
lmdc62 Hi my sweet sister! ❤️ I wanted to thank you personally for your support and understanding through the whole Lyme's. It was awful and the fibro one top well, I know you of all people can imagine. Thank you for so many shares, you're so sweet! I am doing a lot better now. Enough about me, are you doing ok? I know you have had a real hard time ☮️ 💜❤️ XOXOXO's ❤️💜
Jun 10Reply
missxmermaid Awesome closet!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Jun 10Reply
missxmermaid Boutique sorry lol I’m new
Jun 10Reply
moongoddess7 @missxmermaid Thank you doll, closet, boutique it doesn't matter to me!! It's nice to meet u, I'm Amy but everyone calls me ~ Moon
Jun 10Reply
moongoddess7 @lmdc62 Hi sweetie!!, I'm so glad u r doing better!! Me well, u know same same, I'm going for my next treatment for the bladder cancer tomorrow, I hate it so much. It leaves me in pain for days!!
Jun 10Reply
lmdc62 I will be there with you tomorrow and every day in spirit giving you extra strength through good vibes and prayers. Those treatments are awful! I admire your strength, courage and your kick ass determination ❤️❤️☮️ 🌟💜❤️ XOXO's ❤️💜🌟
Jun 10Reply
moongoddess7 @lmdc62 Thank you sweetheart! I am in pain just thinking about it. Thank you so much for ur good vibes!! xoxoxo
Jun 11Reply
lovethesale76 Love your card and really sweet gifts... the bracelet matches my Fitbit. You are an amazing PFF... wishing success for us. Glad I could make your map and happy to write more comments-send a photo with my niece in the suit - ❤️
Jun 11Reply
moongoddess7 @lovethesale76 You are to sweet!! I'm happy you love everything! I can't wait to see the picture!! I'll keep sharing your closet love!! xoxoxo
Jun 11Reply
lmdc62 Hi beautiful! Just wanted to check in with you ❤️ hope treatment went well and you're not feeling too badly today 🙏 💜❤️ XOXO's! ❤️💜
Jun 12Reply
kimmysue1979 New pics awesome
Jun 14Reply
thatssovogue @moongoddess7 you are so kind. Just dropping by to share. Hope all is AMAZING🌺
Jun 14Reply
janjan009 Love your ink girl! 😍
Jun 14Reply
moongoddess7 @thatssovogue Thank you doll!!
Jun 14Reply
moongoddess7 @janjan009 Thank you sweetheart!! I have so many more now, that picture is a year old lol.
Jun 14Reply
janjan009 @moongoddess7 omg I want more but I just don’t know what, I always wanted a full sleeve. We’ll see haha
Jun 14Reply
moongoddess7 @lmdc62 They said it will get worse with every treatment.. YAY, lol! Thank you doll for checking in on me!!!! How are u?
Jun 14Reply
littlefire33 Love this😍😍😍😍😍
Jun 14Reply
chmcg123 Thank you for the love note. I’m so glad you were pleased! 😘💕
Jun 14Reply
lmdc62 @moongoddess7 I'm so sorry to hear that ☹️ do you know how many more you have or is it still kinda up in the air? Sending hugs, good vibes and prayers always! 💜❤️🙏❤️💜
Jun 14Reply
juliasr32 Totally dig your style, way to be authentic! I love it!
Jun 16Reply
goin4sold @moongoddess7 🎊🎉Congrats on being chosen as my Starry Unicorn for the day! 🎉🎊 wishing you lots of sales, shares, followers and visitors! 💖💖💖
Jun 20Reply
tristaleigh04 Thank you for being so awesome and supportive to my sister she’s been through a lot she talks about you all the time I feel like I know you I know you haven’t had it easy we’re thinking of you 🧜‍♀️🌛🌜🌙
Jun 21Reply
moongoddess7 @goin4sold Wow! Thank you, I missed it somehow! I'll stop in tomorrow and give some love!!❤️
Jun 21Reply
moongoddess7 @tristaleigh04 You sound just as sweet as ur sister❣️ I hope we can all meet someday! Tell ur sister I think of her a lot! I'm always sending lots of Love her way!😘
Jun 21Reply
tristaleigh04 @moongoddess7 thank you and too you as well I’m the little sister lol
Jun 21Reply
tonibe Moon, there’s something so beautiful about you. You are a beauty on the outside to be sure but I feel your beautiful spirit and it moves me to the core. I love the love you radiate and share. Thank you for being you. 💕
Jun 23Reply
lovemeagooddeal Shared to the kids' party -- I alternated one for party, one for followers so it wouldn't be too crazy. I still think I got 75 into the party, though :)
Jun 25Reply
littlefire33 @lovemeagooddeal You are a machine! Lol, i put some effort into that share too. Not 75 though! Lots of little people stuff in our group. @moongoddess7 I don’t know how you keep up with all of this!!! You are a serious goddess🌙 Off to share more. Just saw new stuff🙊
Jun 25Reply
lovemeagooddeal @littlefire33 I will try to list more things tonight but I have to go to the dentist for a checkup
Jun 25Reply
lovemeagooddeal @moongoddess7 I have to give you big props for keeping up with all of this and your family and your kids and the games
Jun 25Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemeagooddeal @littlefire33 You pff’s are so awesome to me! Trust me I’m basically on here, if I’m not sleeping! I have to keep pushing myself, need the $$ I love you Dream Team!! Xoxoxoxoxxoxooxox
Jun 26Reply
secretflorals @moongoddess7 Hi!! Are you interested in anything in my posh closet?
Jul 01Reply
waytruthlife HAVE I TOLD YOU TODAY JUST HOW MUCH I LOVVVVVE YOU SIS 🌟🌟🌟🌜🌚🌜🌚🌛🌜🌚🌛🌟🌟🌟??!!! WELL, I 💜YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW!!!!!! X INFINITY X 3 X ABOTHER INFINITY X 3 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟😇🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💫🌜🌟🌛💫ALWAYS & ALWAYS YOUR SIS, XOXOXOXOXO G 💫💫💫🌟👑💜🎵😇💜☔🎵🎵🌟👑💫💫💫
Jul 05Reply
divakaaren Hey Kiddo! Hope your feeling well! I see that you liked some of the Miss Me Jeans and I wanted to let you know I can do a 30% PFF Discount for you. Have a great weekend!!🤗😘
Jul 06Reply
lovemeagooddeal @moongoddess7 Can you send me a separate hangout convo? I have some questions for you re items
Jul 08Reply
mhartace Nice to meet you✨ thank you for visit my closet! Love yours❤️
Jul 09Reply
reyna1955 Hello! What do you know about Wicca. I'm interested. Thnx.
Jul 09Reply
dolphinfans4 Hello Blessed Be to you from a good witch from FL
Jul 11Reply
moongoddess7 @mhartace Thank you doll!! I'll have to check out yours as well!! xoxox
Jul 11Reply
moongoddess7 @reyna1955 I've been practicing Wicca 4 as long as I can remember, To me Wicca is a way of life not a religion. All religions started from Wicca or paganism! For me, I follow the way I was taught. I treat people how I want 2 be treated, I bless my house 2 get rid of any negativity, My alter I try 2 have my precious items charged by the full moon! I don't believe in hell, I believe that everything comes in 3's, so if someone does something bad 2 another it will come back 2 them 3 fold! "Karma"!
Jul 11Reply
moongoddess7 @reyna1955 I love nature and how if it wasn't for nature we wouldn't be able to survive, so it really bothers me when I hear my neighbors cutting down trees. People are ruining our home, Mother Nature will eventually take over! I believe I have lived my lives, my youngest is a very old soul, I could tell from the time she was 1 years old. There is a book called "Wicca for beginners" by Lisa Chamberlain. it's a easy read and will give u more info then I did!! xoxoxo Blessed be!
Jul 11Reply
moongoddess7 @dolphinfans4 Hello sister, it's great to meet you!! My name is Amy but everyone calls me Moon! Blessed Be!
Jul 11Reply
reyna1955 @moongoddess7 that's awesome I'll look for it. And Thank you.
Jul 11Reply
reyna1955 @moongoddess7 I want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your such an awesome person. I wish I could just take all this negative stuff around me. And I have a good feeling who's doing it. Sometimes I don't know what to do. Bless you for the person you are and the beautiful family you have.☺
Jul 12Reply
pinkcamellias Thank you for always showing me Posh love!!💗
Jul 13Reply
moongoddess7 @reyna1955do u have any white sage?
Jul 13Reply
moongoddess7 @poshmark4sandy You are so VERY welcome ❣️ I love shareing and helping, if u ever need anything just let me know doll!!💜
Jul 13Reply
pinkcamellias @moongoddess7 thank you sweetie, likewise!💕
Jul 13Reply
shopjackiejay Hi there I saw you put an item in a bundle. I just wanted to let you know I am leaving to out of town and already did my post office run. So I am unable to ship this week. Thanks and sorry about that.
Jul 13Reply
chajesi Sunrise and sunset 🌅 that is so beautiful 😍 I had never seen that 💕👋🏽💐🙏🏽
Jul 13Reply
peacegoddess Moongoddess🌛 I was in Mexico a few years ago for the day of the 💀 dead. I’ll try and find pictures of the parade. 🌝
Jul 15Reply
findingdoc1 Hello Doll! I hope you are having a wonderful day. I had a horrible day yesterday, filled with flashbacks and nightmares😢 Thankfully today is a whole new day! XO, Lynette😘
Jul 15Reply
moongoddess7 @findingdoc1 I must be having your bad day today.... I hope you are doing well ❤️
Jul 16Reply
moongoddess7 @randeeh1 it’s okay hun! ❤️
Jul 16Reply
moongoddess7 @peacegoddess oh I would LOVE to see some. My gmail is moongoddess0626 ❤️
Jul 16Reply
peacegoddess ❤️🌟
Jul 16Reply
krystlesky You have an amazing closet!!! 💗'd your tag list!!! 😊 Hope you have a wonderful Thors-day!! Hehe😘💞
Jul 19Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 ❤️🌛❤️ G morning Hugs, hey the trending party right now has VS & VS PINk, i noticed u havnt shared yet... so i am going to hook you up right now. Funny how the party is called Trending, but we were told VS wasnt trending anymore hahahaha. 💕 Its all good. i am really liking that the parties are giving us a lot more brands to party with. Have an awesome day!!!!!! ❤️🌛❤️
Jul 24Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalley Yeah I missed it, but u right I saw they are including VS again, I bet they got at lot of messages, I sent one. I like that they are including many more brands, so anyway if u don't want to keep sharing everyday we don't have to, I have a lot of items plus I have so many to load yet. Just let me know love!! 😘
Jul 24Reply
annasposhalley @moongoddess7 😘 no worries babe, i shared your goodies to the party. and i dont mind sharing, we dont ever have to be on a schedule or anything, we can share whenever. Its great supporting each other and if theres any other items or brands you would like shared just say the word. Big HUgs
Jul 24Reply
moongoddess7 @annasposhalleySame goes to you love!!❤️😘
Jul 24Reply
moongoddess7 @mkt81 send me an offer lovie!
Jul 25Reply
lynn6008 Hi....I weighed the Bundle and it's too heavy...I can create another listing with just the jeans in it...I think that's what is causing too much weight...and I will pay part of the shipping....otherwise I have to cancel the order...let me know if that would work for you
Jul 26Reply
moongoddess7 @mkt81 Can't wait doll!!
Jul 26Reply
tmccarth @moongoddess7 Hi beautiful! 💝💝
Jul 31Reply
msalaska Hi! so nice to meet you ;-)
Aug 01Reply
moongoddess7 @greenbamboo Here's my closet doll! I hope you are able to find something u would consider for ur party tonight!! Thank u so much for looking! xoxox
Aug 01Reply
greenbamboo @moongoddess7 I got you hun! 🙂
Aug 01Reply
relove7 I thing you dropped me from your tag list, I’m devastated,! WTF MY mentor! I’m completely devastated, destroyed, I doubt if I’ll make it, I’m gong to go lay down, put a chilled cloth on my forehead!
Aug 01Reply
moongoddess7 @relove7 lol Girl I hope you are joking! I would never drop ya doll!! I'm remaking my tag list cause my old post got so messy & I wasn't sure if I had missed people, plus I wanted my list to look better, had to add my Moons!!! Love you hun, I'll go add you now!! xoxoxo
Aug 01Reply
moongoddess7 @greenbamboo Thank you love!!
Aug 01Reply
moongoddess7 @relove7 Goddess of mine! I just looked and you are on the new list, I'm still creating so I only have 6 full lists so far, you are on list 6! I did do a few party tags last night & this morning, did u get any of them?
Aug 01Reply
msleslied1 Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshing where we all work together sharing our closets, buying and selling from ea other creating our own new personal wardrobe. Pls LMK if I can answer any questions at all. Also ck out I’m offering 30% off all bundles of 4 or more...moving END OF giving deep discounts..thank you, Leslie❤️💸👛📫 Ck out my LEVI’S
Aug 05Reply
virtualcool Hello beautiful 💝😘thank you so much for all your kindness💝😘 hope your beauty and charm brings luck to my closet 🤗💕 have a great night. Lots of love 💕🤗
Aug 08Reply
moongoddess7 @virtualcool You are so sweet, Thank you for saying that!!! You have a wonderful night love!!! xoxoxox
Aug 09Reply
bell1971 @moongoddess7 💋💋💋 Your my LIPPIE REVISIT TODAY PFF 😀♥️💋💋💄💄💋💋
Aug 09Reply
hodaya Hey Hun. Plz check out my boutique. For unique pcs, and great bargains. Tnx 🌻
Aug 10Reply
moongoddess7 @bell1971 Sorry I was late to see it yesterday, Life sucks! But I did share everyone's closets including your darling!! xoxox
Aug 10Reply
bell1971 @moongoddess7 Oh please don’t be sorry. Life does suck. Right now for me. Ugggh. My strength is being tested !!!! Good thing I’m tough. (Hope strong enough). Hang in there !!!! You don’t always have to share. I can’t even keep up !!! Lots of Hugs and Love 💋
Aug 10Reply
slackerstyle 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Aug 10Reply
avengedbeauty Hey beautiful. I need your help. I need to buy stuff for my step son for back to school. But you have so much and I'm horrible with kids sizes
Aug 11Reply
legalbeagle922 I'm confused - you just tagged 3 of my tops as host picks but I'm not sure when they were picked! Can you help? ♥♥
Aug 14Reply
moongoddess7 @legalbeagle922 They are from yesterday, I like to go through the parties the next day & make sure everyone who got a HP knows. idk why it happens but I guess a lot of times there are no congrats, so I like to make sure the Posher knows! They were in the Best in Tops Party!! xoxoox
Aug 15Reply
legalbeagle922 @moongoddess7 I didn’t know. Thanks for letting me know. Hope you had a great day. 💕
Aug 15Reply
kiss_my_fancy @moongoddess7 My Dear PFF, I’ve started a game...YAY! Would love for you to sign up and help me spread the word.😘😘😘
Aug 18Reply
convintageous Hi love thank you so much for creating the bundle and all the shares. I hope ur feeling better today💜I can’t make an offer, all it says is I can comment only😂 I tried on all three listings and it does the same thing it shows three items and make a comment or share the bundle is all I can do. So love can you make me an offer on the bundle because my hands are tied. Thank you beautiful. I was
Aug 18Reply
convintageous going to take 25% off of the 2 items, as the bikini top is free. I’m glad u saw that. It’s been there a while and no one else did. Its really cute too🙂
Aug 18Reply
convintageous Gonna give you a winter hat and gloves for you or one of the kids too🙂
Aug 18Reply
moongoddess7 @convintageous I just figured out how you can send an offer, look at the very bottom right of you phone, it should say "offer" ❤️
Aug 20Reply
topsyturvycnsyn Hi Amy! I got on here to do my shares & started to look at my news feed, saw your fibromyalgia post & have been lost in your “meet the posher” listing. You’re are a precious human being who lifts SOOOO many people up & through all their Posh learnings & experiences. I’m grateful to have met ladies like you on this platform! You have a B-U-T-FUL family! xoxoxoxo Shelley
Aug 21Reply
valgriz Thanks a lot for sharing my HP - so grateful. Right back at you🌻
Aug 22Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemymini Thank you sweetheart! Shelley, you put a smile on my face, I really needed it!! It seems like every time I go to the doctor I get another diagnosis but I have to keep pushing as much as I can for my kids & grandkids. I'm trying really hard to get sales so I can get.....
Aug 22Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemymini out of this abusive relationship I'm in, my 12 year old won't even leave her room. But I'm financially stuck, I feel so stupid... This is my 3rd marriage & it's always great for awhile but then flip like a switch & r very controlling. I have no control of the money... Only what I get from...
Aug 22Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemymini Posh & disability, but disability barely gets me through the monthly bills and posh is never a guarantee... Girl I could go on and on! I will write a book one day! I just don't know how lol! Love ya Hun, 🌛🌚🌜
Aug 22Reply
wanderinggypsie Hey doll this is Lorrie @wildtimefashion and I hear ya want to come in to our little world and share on a daily basis the parties? If you are game we are willing to let you in? Just let me know so I can change the list 😘
Aug 24Reply
moongoddess7 @wanderinggypsie Hi sweetie, Yes I would love to join!! Can I start Monday, lots of bad stuff going on around here. Thank you for letting join! Can you tag me in the post that explains what we do so I don't mess up! Much love!! xoxo
Aug 25Reply
wanderinggypsie Yes it is simple - share 1 party a day w/ active group members. We are not always active. And that is ok. We all accept ea h other and don’t go she is not sharing right now - lemurianmuse is out right now and we aren’t sharing her closet no big deal! I had to take 2 weeks off do to remodel etc just as long as we communicate in group no one cares k. So I will add you!
Aug 25Reply
wanderinggypsie @moongoddess7 and let Debbie know you won’t be active until Monday 😘
Aug 25Reply
findingdoc1 I had to ask my 18 year old son to leave today because he has been abusing me for a long time.💔💔💔😭
Aug 27Reply
pjsparkles235 Thank you for the share love! Your page is awesome!
Aug 28Reply
greenirishmoon Thank you so much you sweet sweet gilr! You truely rock and are an amazing person, I really appreciate the extra shares and I am so happy that you are generating sales from this event. Wishing you many more today! xoxo
Aug 29Reply
uptowngirl69 What do I do to join in on the fun???
Sep 01Reply
moongoddess7 @thecoachstore Hi doll, my I ask which fun would you like to know about? I have two games u can join! they are both at the top of my page, one is my tattoo game, all u have to do is comment "tattoo me" then I also have my goddess name game, Just comment with ur real, middle, nick name or all if you want to be picked more then one! I hope that helps!!
Sep 01Reply
findingdoc1 Amy, why does life happen like this? Wednesday night my 35 year old son committed suicide and he leaves behind 2 AMAZING children. My heart is broken again, I have lost 2 of 4😭💔
Sep 01Reply
findingdoc1 The pictures are beautiful ❤️
Sep 02Reply
moongoddess7 @findingdoc1 Oh doll, My heart hurts for you!! That is so sad, I am so so sorry to hear of this! I've lost 2 as well. Nalia I don't really talk about because I didn't even get to hold her, she did save my life tho, I had a baseball sized tumor on my ovary that of course I didn't know was there. It's hard to talk about because it's hard to accept that her dying saved me! I don't understand life sometimes love! My heart goes out to you!! xoxoox I'm here for you!
Sep 02Reply
msilva3639 Hi, just checking to see if you received your items. I really hope you liked the earrings. Take care.
Sep 03Reply
luciao Your closet is amaze balls! 😍 Blessed be! 😘❤️🧙🏻‍♀️
Sep 05Reply
moonmagick23 Blessed be!
Sep 05Reply
moongoddess7 @luciao Thank you love!! I have so much to post yet, and my wicca, goth ect stuff I can't wait to get up!! Blessed Be!!
Sep 06Reply
moongoddess7 @moonmagick23 Very nice to meet you sister Moon! Blessed Be
Sep 06Reply
luciao @moongoddess7 awesome! Curious - will you be adding any plus size? Sadly I can’t fit the awesome clothes you have for sale currently! Lol 😘
Sep 06Reply
moongoddess7 @luciao Hi love, what size are u looking for, I have so much to post
Sep 07Reply
luciao @moongoddess7 I’m either a 1x or 2x depending on style. But don’t worry too much - I probably can’t afford to buy anything right now anyway. 😭😭😭😝😝😝
Sep 07Reply
goin4sold 🎈🎉 CONGRATULATIONS🎉🎈 You are my pick for today's Glamour💄 Unicorn 🦄 Be sure to let all of your PFFs know. May you be blessed with lots of sales, shares, and followers! Take care my lovely goddess!
Sep 10Reply
heathermarieb13 Hi, gorgeous! I want to help you as much as I can financially... Since I can't just send you a handful of cash (booo!), I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way-- buying! So can you tell me what would give you the greatest amount of profit? Jewelry, clothes? Don't care what it is, I just want to know how to get the most $ in your sweet little hands. Thanks! xoxo
Sep 13Reply
bothsidesnow @moongoddess7 are you getting my msgs???
Sep 20Reply
moongoddess7 @24karatpaws You're very welcome sweet pff!! xoxoxox
Sep 21Reply
moongoddess7 @heathermarieb13 Awww I just am seeing this, my mind is all over the place, but I set a goal to be out by Nov. 1st. I opened an account just for posh so every sale goes in there and hopefully I'll have enough by then. Thank you for your purchase again doll, I just wanted to let u know that I raised my bundle discount to 30% off 2 items or more.. to try to bring in as much as I can. I made a new post for the VS case if u r still interested!
Sep 21Reply
moongoddess7 @rlslp1 Let me check my phone hun! xoxoxo
Sep 21Reply
bothsidesnow @moongoddess7 oh that was the day before love xoxo😘😘😘
Sep 21Reply
moongoddess7 @rlslp1 Where did ya send them hun, I don't see anything on my phone.
Sep 21Reply
bothsidesnow @moongoddess7 I think yesterday was a blur for us both. You got them the night before...about what happened to were sleep deprived (making all your moon gorgeous photos) and I was planning for...well everything!! Lol. Well catch up later. Xoxo
Sep 21Reply
bothsidesnow @moongoddess7 I LOVE your pictures! I LOVE your talent I LOVE that we met I LOVE your inner beauty I LOVE that we share some of the same the things and LOVE that you became a part of my life at one of the hardest times! Annnnd I LOVE YOU! Cant wait for you to help me design "me"
Sep 21Reply
moongoddess7 @rlslp1 Did u send me ur email love! You are so sweet, I'm so happy you are in my life!! xoxoxo I love you too!
Sep 21Reply
bothsidesnow @moongoddess7 that i'm not sure of..i'll do now💋💋💋
Sep 21Reply
ykrohn Thank you for sharing my closet. Yours is awesome. I appreciate the posh love and support!
Sep 24Reply
topsyturvycnsyn Hey there....just me your neighborhood pest 😍 Do you know of a Posh seller that does dressy earrings for women with gauges?
Sep 25Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemymini hum, I can look on the site where I order mine from, How dressy??
Sep 25Reply
moongoddess7 @lovemymini and what size gauge
Sep 25Reply
topsyturvycnsyn @moongoddess7 thanks! 00 and something that dangles
Sep 25Reply
topsyturvycnsyn @moongoddess7 My daughter has an invitation to be the date of an ex-girlfriend to the ex’s cousins’s wedding & wants to look amazing....guess she wants Erika to think “look what I’m missing out on” LOL!
Sep 25Reply
littlefire33 @angelatoni23 this is my mama bear❤️ posh legend/mentor/question answered/warrior/goddess.....
Sep 29Reply
angelatoni23 @littlefire33 then I shall follow too! Thank you! ☺️
Sep 29Reply
anabrida Blessed be )0(
Oct 01Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida Blessed Be Sister! Are you ready for our new year to begin? I'm so very much looking forward to it & need it!! xoxoxo
Oct 02Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 We’re almost ready sister. Also, we are planning our handfasting by the end of this month. This is my # 928-234-5453 to talk more about it. Blessed be )0(
Oct 02Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida Oh that's so awesome, My handfasting was on 9/6/15, but we ended things a few days before the 3rd year mark. He's very abusive, & I need to get me & my kids out. I've been saving everything I make on here. I will be posting ALL of my items used for my handfasting in the next couple of days.
Oct 02Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida I'm trying to purge them before the new year so I can start fresh. So sad! I'm so happy for you though for u sister! here's my cell 262-573-1499 I don't get great phone reception but I get great text reception.
Oct 02Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 Sis is so sad what happened to you, but by March of next year you’ll have a new relationship and I see you so happy. Send me some pics of your handfasting, because I don’t have anything yet. Blessed be
Oct 02Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida It is sad sis, I must have veered off my path & chose the wrong partner! Things have been really bad, but I'm saving every penny I get off of posh & I have faith that I will have enough to leave by New years... I will be posting my items, in the next few days. I'm just getting items up for All Hallow's Eve! Then I'll be posting all my handfasting items. Blessed Be sister!
Oct 03Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 Sis I understand you, but by the end of November a lot of changes coming for you. You’ll be so have for sale a dress for handfasting?
Oct 03Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida I do, I'll post it today love! xoxoxo I hope you are right about my future. I've been through so mach abuse, that's why I'm trying to get out of here. I need to have a complete fresh start. so new state where no one know me I feel is the right thing to do.
Oct 03Reply
shop_907 (part #1) So you're my go-to person to ask stupid questions too 😂 What is Poshmark algorithm, regarding sharing to parties? Because I understand that when I'm posting my free people orange hoodie top and I'm posting to a free people party there's over 2 million listings in the two hours; that means 13,000+ listings are being posted each minute; so I get the math.
Oct 03Reply
shop_907 (part #2) However when I go back in to the party and search free people orange and do a specific search criteria in that specific party, I typically only find my top once maybe twice even going back 20-25 minutes, knowing that I just shared it 10-15 times within 5 - 6 minutes.
Oct 03Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 my dear sis you’ll see the good things that coming for you. Txt me if you can. Let me know when you post the handfasting staff. Blessed be.
Oct 03Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 One more thing sis you can move to this state. Xoxoxo
Oct 03Reply
moongoddess7 @shop_907 Okay, 1st u can come to me with any questions you ever have, none are stupid! 2nd when you share to a party, (just you) no matter how many times you share it, it will only show up 1 time in the party, keep i mind anything u share to a party also goes 2 ur followers. The only way for ur items to be in there more then 1 time is if other closets share it. Also u can do NLP which is...
Oct 03Reply
moongoddess7 @shop_907 open ur item, click edit, u don't have to do any changes, then click next & list, what that does is it see your item as new so it will move up to the top of items being seen in the feed or parties! I hope that makes sense!
Oct 03Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida Hey sis, I just made my bracket posts that I will be putting my handfasting items in. so now I'll start editing & posting, I won't get them all in today but each day I will post more & more! Oh & I see where u live, I will be very close to u!! xoxoxo
Oct 03Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 Thanks sis I can’t wait to see your handfasting staff. I’m happy that you’ll move close to me. Yuppyyyyy how close? )0(
Oct 03Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 Sis please tag me when you post the handfasting. Blessed be
Oct 03Reply
shop_907 @moongoddess7 Yes that makes sense. Huge thank you!!
Oct 04Reply
moongoddess7 @shop_907 no problem sweetheart!!
Oct 04Reply
moongoddess7 @anabrida I have a bunch to post so I'll tag you when each item gets posted!! xoxoxoxo
Oct 04Reply
shop_907 @moongoddess7 It still didn't work for me. There's a party going on right now, fall fashions or something and I just posted my white Freshwater Pearl Necklace by clicking edit and then relisting it. Did that about 10 times. Went into the party to search for white necklaces and only saw mine one time. But I saw duplicates and duplicates of other people's same listing. So I don't know how they're doing it.
Oct 04Reply
shop_907 Yeah I just tried again with a fur coat in that party and it didn't even come up at all. I couldn't find it at all in the party after I posted it 15 times.
Oct 04Reply
anabrida @moongoddess7 thank so much sis xoxoxo. Nite nite
Oct 04Reply
starsinhereyes @moongoddess7 CONGRATULATIONS on being picked today!!! Wishing you lots of LOVE & MAD CRAZY SALES!!! :) ;) :)
Oct 05Reply
angelatoni23 Just wanted to say hello and also say how great your family photos are! ❤️
Oct 08Reply
moongoddess7 @angelatoni23 Hi Doll it's great to meet you! Thank you for signing up on my game!!!
Oct 08Reply
angelatoni23 @moongoddess7 So great to meet you too!!! ☺️
Oct 08Reply
jovigraham Hello beautiful. Just checking in. How are you ?@moongoddess7
Oct 08Reply
moongoddess7 @jovigraham Oh you are so kind!! Thank you for checking in with me. Things are getting harder, but I'm still trying to push through & get out by 11/1. Sales have gone down, I even raised my bundle discount to 30% on only 2 or more items. I've been sharing and posting. But I'm nt going to let it bum me out, I have faith that I'll have enough $.
Oct 08Reply
jovigraham Yes my friend keep the faith .. don’t get weary. You’re in my thoughts & prayers. I pray that you will have more than enough when the time comes @moongoddess7
Oct 08Reply
excelencia Hi Moon, how are you doing? Thinking of you and sending good vibes and prayers your way 💕
Oct 09Reply
moongoddess7 @excelenciaHi love, I'm stressed as hell, but the days r counting down. I have the movers set up, need to look for flights to see how much that will cost me..
Oct 09Reply
southern19721 @moongoddess7 Thank you so much for hosting this weekend's share event. Such a great idea to help each other. I may do one next weekend so as not to get in the way of your upcoming ones, if that is ok? I am SO EXCITED! I will share as much as I can during the day today, but that work thing gets in the way. Much love, Dawn
Oct 19Reply
angelaenigro @moongoddess7 💋 ƬǶ⍲ηƘ ỾOư ℱοℛ ỾOưℛ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ && Ƙ℮ℯƤⅈƝᶃ ℳ℮ ȶⒶⒼⒼⒺȡ wǶ℮Ɲ ⅈ w⍲s οƝ ⱴⒶc⍲ȶⅈOη - - - ⅈ'ℓℓ β℮ sℋⒶℛⅈƝᶃ ƤOsǶ ℒοⱴ℮ wⅈȶǶ ƴOư 💋 💘🌸ⒶⓃⒼⒺⓁⒶ🌸💘
Oct 22Reply
lipsticknjeans Stopping by and leaving posh love my PFF😂❤️
Oct 23Reply
trunkles Hi.. the dates are off on the team picks. Do you want me to fix them?
Oct 24Reply
mindysclosets I love the stars tatoo! I actually have been wanting one similar for a while now but I wasn't sure if I was to use foundation on my face how'd that'd work out. Do you have any regrets or anything after doing it? Just curious trying to consider everything before I do it cause my parents will probably kill me afterwards. Lol😎💕
Oct 26Reply
lemurianmuse @moongoddess7 Hi Amy. I was reading some of your story. My heart is with you sweet lady. You are a warrior goddess. 😘😘😘
Oct 27Reply
moongoddess7 @mindysclosets When I wear foundation you can still see my Tattoos! Having them done on my face didn't hurt at all! I don't regret any of them!!!
Oct 27Reply
wildtimefashion Hey doll will you come join the black Rose Share Group with me? It is punk goth Share during day and closes by midnight? It is a new group in our wanderinggypsie punk goth 💀 thanks
Nov 16Reply
moongoddess7 @wildtimefashion Hi love, yes I would love to, is there a kids group as well I thought I saw one buy wasn't exactly sure
Nov 16Reply
wildtimefashion @moongoddess7 yes the kids group I called you out in it started today so you may go in and ask to sign in late not big group this week-end so it should be ok if you ask for late invite. And come play in black Rose group greatly appreciated 😘
Nov 16Reply
peacegoddess 🌟Congratulations on 200,000🌟🥰😘
Nov 19Reply
moongoddess7 @peacegoddess aww ty for noticing! You are so kind! How was your New year?
Nov 19Reply
seriouslyviolet Gorgeous family. I'm so glad to get a chance to sort of know you better with the wandering Gypsys. You kind of remind me of my daughter except the 2 of you really cannot be MORE different. I'm referring to your imaginations & spirits and internal and external beauty that you just can't help but to share with others 😘 Linda 💕💕💕
Nov 19Reply
moongoddess7 @missramona Awww love, that makes me feel so good!! You are so very kind!! I'm glad to get to know you as well hun!! xoxoxo
Nov 19Reply
lee18 OMG! U ARE AWESOME 👏 love ❤️ YOUR CLOSET. Your kids are awesome. I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t understand as a mom but I understand loss. I lost my sister before me. & my dad @ 13. I love ❤️ your look great tats I’m about to treat myself @ Christmas 🎄 & I so want to show u., I could probably be your mom but I want to be u when I grow up! 😂
Nov 25Reply
moongoddess7 @lee18 Oh doll, you are super sweet!! I bet I'm older than u think!! Take a guess?? I'm not one that cares if people know my age! xoxo
Nov 26Reply
lee18 @moongoddess7 ok then I just have 1 question 1st seriously did u meet your husband in pre-school & decide to marry u know, on summer break before Kindagarden. I have u in your 20's I'm just confused about the gorgeous kids that look like u🙄🙃🤔so ya 24 ish!
Nov 26Reply
moongoddess7 @lee18 hahaha ur are way to kind! I'll take that compliment! I'm 42! Those are my kids & my grandson! My oldest daughter just turned 24 not even a week ago!
Nov 26Reply
lee18 @moongoddess7 42! Wow i’m way off & u look amazing! Grandchildren! That’s awesome though u are blessed! So glad we ran across each other! I will be back to say Hi & share your stuff! Hope u have an awesome day! 😘🛍👏🍾🥂
Nov 26Reply
houndstooth @moongoddess7 Hi Amy! We haven’t chatted for ages and I wanted to check in. Things have been crazy and not slowing down anytime soon. I went out of town the week before Thanksgiving, then had a houseful of company for the Iron Bowl. I had only been back on Posh for 2 days when my precious grandson became very ill and was hospitalized for a severe case of RSV. He was in ICU for 6 days and required a feeding tube and oxygen 24/7. It was terrifying! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Dec 10Reply
houndstooth (Continued) He was finally moved to a regular hospital room for another 2 days and was finally discharged a few days ago. I got back to Tuscaloosa yesterday. I’m leaving again to go back to Baton Rouge on Thursday. I made plans about 2 months ago with youngest son to meet there with his girlfriend. Will be back next Sunday, then leave for Houston on Wednesday for medical tests. Praying for a CANCER FREE diagnosis during that trip! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Dec 10Reply
houndstooth (Continued) This has all pretty much kept me off Poshmark since before Thanksgiving until after Christmas... not the best time to be away but it couldn’t be helped. I’m just so thankful that Reid is finally better. Would love to catch up after the holidays when things are a little calmer. Love you! ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 10Reply
findingdoc1 You are so talented and Beautiful!!! I hope you are doin well right now!!! Love ya, sorry I have been buried by my own life lately ugh...💝😘☮️
Dec 11Reply
moongoddess7 @houndstooth Oh sweetie I'm so glad your precious grandson is better!! Enjoy your ur time with your family!! Let's catch up soon!! xoxo
Dec 11Reply
moongoddess7 @findingdoc1 You are such a sweetheart to think about me! Love you take care of your life, I'll always be here! xoxoxo
Dec 11Reply
bakerrachel1969 I love it!!! I had a beginner's tarot card set in my closet and they asked me to take it down because ... You can't wear it!!
Dec 16Reply
bakerrachel1969 I love it!!! I had a beginner's tarot card set in my closet and they asked me to take it down because ... You can't wear it!!
Dec 16Reply
moongoddess7 @bakerrachel1969 lol, yes I completely feel ya on that! I had non compliant items in my closet a few years ago. I didn’t know back then, but poshers were blocking me & I didn’t understand why! Lol
Dec 16Reply
gypsybeauty1111 Hello, Luv! Stopping by to say “HI!!!”🌸💕
Dec 16Reply
moongoddess7 @gypsybeauty1111 Hi Beautiful! How you been doing??
Dec 17Reply
gypsybeauty1111 @moongoddess7 So great to hear back from you! ☺️. I’d been MIA here on PM for a while, but I’m back. 😋. Your closet looks FANTASTIC!!!😍
Dec 17Reply
moongoddess7 @gypsybeauty1111 Glad you’re back!!! Your closet is still gorgeous! Thank you for the compliment on mine! I am almost to where OI want it to be. I’m breaking it into sections. I have a few left to go!!
Dec 17Reply
gypsybeauty1111 @moongoddess7 Don’t know if I already told you this, but u are SUCH a beauty!!!! Your children are precious, and you are blessed with such abundance that you radiate LOVE. Keep shining, beautiful star!!!!! 🌟
Dec 17Reply
moongoddess7 @lilmissy6 aww thank you sweetheart, I will be doing another one soon!! I just can't do ones with restrictions, like share the top 6 cause my closet is in very organized in sections & I won't mess it up, I have to much stuff. Plus in mine I like giving an amount of shares that can be shared over the course of days, other wise it's to stressful & people rush to get through them & don't even look at anything. But I'll be doing another 1 soon ❤️
Dec 20Reply
moongoddess7 @lilmissy6 I have actually learned that by sharing the same things over & over that poshs system just groups them together as 1, so if a bunch of people are sharing the same things at the same time it's a waste!! Plus when people r trying to just rush through it, I see my games being shared instead of items, or they share the same item a few times, which does nothing.
Dec 20Reply
moongoddess7 @lilmissy6 I was going to do 2 this month but with all the other ones and everyone is so busy with Christmas, I felt it wouldn't benefit anyone. But I will be doing them every month ❤️ I was in one of them not to long ago & when I looked in my feed the exact same items were being shared.... I didn't make 1 sale, but when I have mine & get people engaged, I get sales & other poshers tell me the same!! I'm happy to hear u enjoy mine! That makes me smile!!
Dec 20Reply
inspiredbohemia Hello lovely goddess. I am doing a 2 day share cyclone Fri Jan 4 and Sat Jan 5 to start the first weekend of the New Year off by "blowing the roof off". Please join us, if you're available! (only 100 closets x 10 shares=1000 new chances for $ales)~xoxo`andrea
Dec 21Reply
jezebels_mom Hello angel!! I have completely lost track of the Black Rose Group share listing. Will it only pop up at 8? I’m slowly learning all this newfangled tech stuff! Julie
Dec 30Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom lol, ur too cute. I just posted the one for tomorrow, u should have gotten a notice about it. Lmk if you didn’t
Dec 31Reply
kenzicate 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪 #48 Blowing through your beautiful closet & sharing 10 items! Cheers 🥂 to many sales! 🥳 Happy New Year! 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪
Jan 04Reply
jezebels_mom What is going on? Lorrie said I haven’t been sharing and now I’m blocked from answering her!
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom I go to each Group member that signs up and hit share listing and share to my black rose share group folder in Pinterest. What am I doing wrong? I spend hours every day sharing each members stuff. I am not just pretending!
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom Anyone can look on my Pinterest and see my shares. I’m confused and upset! I love the group!
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom I also share to instagram. I really wish I had been asked before I was kicked out of the group! My Pinterest black rose folder has 1600 items in it. Help!
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom I just went to help on posh and I am so upset. I wasn’t hitting the share to my followers button. I was sharing to Pinterest and instagram only. Could my expulsion be reconsidered? I am new to posh and social media. I thought I was sharing correctly. There were no bad intentions. Julie
Jan 06Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom ok, let me look into it hun
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom Thank you a million times. I am going to go back today and share everyone’s items correctly. I feel really bad about this whole thing. Just let me know. Again, I apologize.
Jan 06Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom okay Hun I talked to Lorrie, she said to contact her on her personal page on a sold item @wildtimefashion
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom I must say that sharing people’s stuff the correct way is much easier!
Jan 06Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom lol I bet, I haven’t even gone to instagram yet, posh takes every waking moment, pretty much literally
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom I haven’t been sharing my own stuff correctly either! I’m glad I found out!
Jan 06Reply
jezebels_mom Hello! I found out that I am sharing black rose group members items incorrectly. I am going back and fixing my mistake and sharing your stuff. I’m glad I found this out bc I was not sharing my closet correctly either. 🖤Julie
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom Hi doll, just got off the phone with lorrie. She filled me on everything that you have been doing on Pinterest and instagram!! Wow!! I HAD NO IDEA! That is amazing & a lot of work from you. So I have a question for you, would you want to continue sharing the groups items to your Pinterest & instagram? If u don’t mind doing that, I would make sure the group is sharing your closet everyday. Ally would have to share is 13 items from just the people that sign in that day. ..
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom You should not have to spend hours sharing so much. I can’t say thank y;out enough for what you were doing. I haven’t been able to figure out a balance in my life to go beyond posh.I run this share group, a team of games plus another game In my closet. Amongst other groups and then trying to share my own closet and add things, & I’m sure you can see how OCD I am with my closet...
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom plus I have kids blah blah blah... so I do want to get stuff on other platforms but just haven’t been able to figure it in yet. However you don’t have to do this, you can just do the sharing on posh if you want I just thought I would ask you before I address the group. Lmk ASAP! Thanks doll!
Jan 07Reply
jezebels_mom Hello moon! Yes I am going to keep sharing groups members stuff to Pinterest , instagram and my posh followers. I have been working on figuring out how to connect group members items from instagram to poshmark. I want anyone that comes across my Instagram etc to be able to see something they like,click on it and buy it easily. I love projects and organizing! I’m glad I’m back in the group. 🖤julie
Jan 07Reply
jezebels_mom While we’re talking I need to ask if I am supposed to be sharing group members stuff to whatever party is going on?
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom You are amazing! That is a big task & it won’t go unnoticed by me for sure! Also no u don’t share to the parties, you should try to share 13 items that fit our genres the best that you can ❤️😘
Jan 07Reply
jezebels_mom Hello Moon! I can’t sign in for black rose to share tonight. Could U help? Julie
Jan 07Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom yes of course hun, let me go make sure you are not blocked
Jan 08Reply
moongoddess7 @jezebels_mom all fixed you should be good to go love!!
Jan 08Reply
wendylynnmondo @moongoddess7 Wow beautiful, ty for all the shares, right back at ya❤🌹
Jan 11Reply
hebrewrose1975 Beautiful children
Jan 14Reply
moongoddess7 @hebrewrose1975 Aww thank you so much!!❤️
Jan 14Reply
bell1971 @moongoddess7 😀 Just stopping In to say Hi 😊 Hope you are doing well !!! ♥️ I’m going to feature you tomorrow on my LIPPIE GAME 💄💋💄💋 Love ya xxoo
Jan 14Reply
moongoddess7 @bell1971 Hello beautiful! Haven’t talked in a while I hope you had great holidays! Well you can count yourself as my goddess tomorrow 🧝🏻‍♀️
Jan 14Reply
bell1971 @moongoddess7 Struggling a little bit pushing through. 🥰 THANK YOU SWEET PFF ♥️💋
Jan 14Reply
styledbysamona Just stopping by to see how you are doing? We havent talked for sometime now.
Jan 15Reply
jtouraille @moongoddess7 Hey pretty lady! I hope you are doing well, wanted to let you know I emailed you. Blessings! 🌛
Jan 16Reply
moongoddess7 @jtouraille lol nvm i guess I should read all the way down before I sent u a message
Jan 16Reply
a_fire_inside Hi love! Just a quick question for you- how does one join your black roses? I looked in the wanderinggypsie closet and didnt find anywhere appropriate to ask. Thanks for your time dear, and hope you and yours are well.... Loren
Jan 20Reply
themagicwand Loving your closet! I have some little crescent moon earrings that remind me of you. Blessed Be💫
Jan 21Reply
moongoddess7 @lmw0082 Darling you have a gorgeous closet! I will add you to my call list and I’ll add you to each area so u can start right away tomorrow if u want! Welcome
Jan 21Reply
a_fire_inside @moongoddess7 thank you love! I have heard such great things from @danyell138
Jan 21Reply
moongoddess7 @lmw0082 Nice I Love @danyell138 closets! Yours reminds me of hers! I love it when I come across well kept closets! Not that I’m a closet snob 😂 I’m just OCD crazy 🤫 Don’t tell anyone!
Jan 21Reply
a_fire_inside @moongoddess7 your secret is safe w me ♥️
Jan 21Reply
joanieonie Hey, Moon. Your children are absolutely beautiful, just like their mama. xox
Jan 22Reply
moongoddess7 @joanieonie Aww Thank you beautiful! How have ya been, I’m sure u saw I’m finally after over 2 years do-hosting a party, I hope u will come!
Jan 22Reply
kolie82 @moongoddess7 👋 Amy! Haven’t been tagged in any games or scavenger hunts for a while so wanted to check to see how you’ve been feeling??? I haven’t been as active myself due to an ectopic, but hoping you’re doing much better since the move!! You deserve it!!! ❤️☺️💕🌟
Jan 22Reply
splurgetherapy a fellow Posher said my follow game might be offensive to you. BI wanted to reach out to you cuz I don't want to do that! I got my followers by going to the new Poshers list and the add people's lists and following rules clicking buttons. I made that a bonus in my game. I didn't put 2 n 2 together about it being like yours! I should've realized! If u want me to drop it from my game, I will! I have nothing but admiration for all the ladies I've met on posh,i never meant disrespect!
Jan 25Reply
hellodarrrling Hello Beautiful Friend! Oh my Goodness! Your family is absolutely STUNNING!! What great photos! You can tell you are so loved and appreciated by them all! You are truly blessed Love! Thank you for sharing! Much Love~Alisia🍃🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🍃♥️😘
Jan 28Reply
pinkcamellias @moongoddess7 Such a beautiful family!💕
Feb 04Reply
mlb1006 Amy I love your new family photos! Beautiful!!! I’m so inspired by your closet!! It just keeps getting better! 😘❤️
Feb 05Reply
moongoddess7 @loveeevintage Thank you love that was very sweet of you!❤️
Feb 05Reply
moongoddess7 @mlb1006 Thank you sweet pff, I’m still working on it I have lots i want to change and make better! 💕💋💋
Feb 05Reply
jenxee Your closet is AMAZING!!! Your babies are beautiful! And so are you! 🔥🔥🔥🔥💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☘️☘️☘️☘️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Feb 05Reply
beachposher Heyyy!! We used to be in a share group together, I remember your closet!! Congrats on hosting Best in Shoes tomorrow: if you get a chance, come and check my Posh compliant closet to see if there's anything in there you like! Thanks so much and have fun!
Feb 05Reply
flipnstylz Congrats on hosting todays best in shoes party ❗️❗️ it’s my favorite party 🎉 if you have a chance, please take a look at my closet for a potential HP. I would gladly appreciate it! Wishing you lots of luck and speedy sales ❤️
Feb 06Reply
drippingfashion If it’s not to late plz take a quick look in my closet for a host pick I’m at work 🎉🥳🎈
Feb 06Reply
jules15 @moongoddess7 Congratulations on hosting the Best in Shoes Party!!💕💕💕🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉
Feb 06Reply
smashitup777 Hi! I saw a post about black rose share group wondering if I could join? 🖤🖤🖤
Feb 09Reply
moongoddess7 @aimeeloo77 hey girl I just checked out ur closet and it fits great!! I'll add you in! I'm glad you reached out!
Feb 09Reply
kshipsky @moongoddess7 Thanks for following me. You have a beautiful family! Have a great week! 💗
Feb 12Reply
belltwinz @moongoddess7 You are sooo beautiful!!! Breathtaking. And your babies look just like you, but more importantly, you all look Happy and peaceful!!! It's the basics that matter. Everything else is surface and superficial. Stay true to your light and follow your path beautiful Lady!!
Feb 16Reply
moongoddess7 @kshipsky Awww Thank you love!❤️
Feb 16Reply
heavenlee35 @divakaaren that was a wonderful way to honor this lovely woman!! I love seeing all the love and woman supporting woman makes my day so much brighter !!! Things I see like this is what I most enjoy about poshmark!!!
Feb 27Reply
howiesmom Love your shop 🖤🌑🔮
Mar 03Reply
jezebels_mom @moongoddess7 I am reaching out to you after I read your slide in @shopprincesscam closet and I am so touched by your strength. If you ever need to talk my number is (214) 803-6419. For realz. Julie🖤
Mar 03Reply
theoldgirl What a lovely closet you have. And you seem to be a lovely person as well. Nice to meet you sister.
Mar 07Reply
moongoddess7 @theoldgirl Hello Sister. Thank you very much for the compliment! You are very kind! Blessed Be 🌛🌚🌜
Mar 07Reply
lakeyjen Just saying hello cuz i noticed that you have an awesome sense of taste and i love all those same things that you listed, so i feel like might not have to scroll so much now that ive scrolled upon your closet. 💜⚜️🖤⚜️🌒🌕🌘⚜️🖤⚜️💜
Mar 16Reply
moongoddess7 @lakeyjen it's great to meet you sweetheart! It looks you're starting out on Posh! Great start on your closet, love if you have any questions please just ask, I would love to help you with anything I can!
Mar 16Reply
lakeyjen @moongoddess7 thanks so much! I would like some help actually, i was hoping u might be able to style me. Im bringing my son to a Lakers@Pelicans game at the end of the month and im having hell trying to piece together the look i want from here there and yonder.
Mar 16Reply
lakeyjen I also left a message on ur tshirt slide cuz thats close to what im going for. Ive got some Jordan hightop stilettos i want to coordinate with like a cute dressy short shorts, a jacket and a pelicans shirt, i might have the shirt, or at least i found one on here that may work
Mar 16Reply
lasvegasnv @moongoddess7 Very cool closet! I laughed my bootie off reading some of the lapel pins! Enjoyed sharing!😊❤💖❤💖❤💖 Have a great night!
Mar 21Reply
moongoddess7 @lasvegasnv You are so sweet! Thank you very much, I try to have something for everyone! 😁
Mar 21Reply
leostreatshop @moongoddess7 💁‍♀️Hi PFF! Just wanted to stop in & see how you are doing. Your almost at 🤩250K 🤩 that’s awesome! See you in Posh-World 😘♥️
Mar 21Reply
intocute 🌺Hello! I’m stopping by to ask if you would like to take a look at my closet. I recently added a lot of new items you may like 😊 Happy shopping 🛍 ❣️
Mar 22Reply
lelizabeth8 Awwww I love this
Apr 08Reply
stitchdori1 Blessed Be!
Apr 20Reply
shortydoucette Hi there. Thanks so much for welcoming me to your interesting and fun share group. You should check out my closet it has 100% handmade jewelry items. I'm self taught so I pour my heart and soul into all my jewelry hence the name Made With Love By Mel. I enjoy your group so much. I also make handmade wire wrapped crystals. If you ever want to place a custom order let me know. I have labdorite, crystal and blue colors
Apr 22Reply
shortydoucette Hello again. I just wanted to let you know that @poshpinups does a full week share group of nothing but jewelry. It's already closed for this week but I thought maybe youd be interested. Also @shareshowgrp just started this week a new weekly jewelry share group. It's already closed but maybe for next week. I'm just thinking of you and your awesome jewelry
Apr 22Reply
shortydoucette Hi there. I'm sorry to hear about your horrible situation. I am in a jewelry share group @shareshowgrp. It's still open. Also @poshpinups they have various share groups inclouding jewelry. Most are a week long but if sign up for the daily share 1 iit's open til 2pm. Thought this might help you out. My thoughts are with you
Apr 23Reply
sisterorchids Impressive closet! 🙂
May 06Reply
sjv2011 🌷Beautiful closet🌷
May 09Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your beautiful closet and congrats on being a chosen "Lippie" today! 😘💗💗
May 17Reply
poshcollection1 OK I’ll be working on it as soon as I get home from work I hope you don’t mind I tagged you in another listing I think that would also look fantastic in your party for tonight if not it’s OK but I hope you don’t mind love 💕
May 18Reply
mado2015 @moongoddess7 beautiful family 💐
May 19Reply
moongoddess7 @gamer_princess Aww 🥰 I needed that tonight! Thank you so much 🌬💋 Changing my profile pic was so risky to me, I just was like “ Crap are people going to recognize me”? Just because I’ve had the same pic for almost 3 years! But seriously, you are very kind & I appreciate that so much! 🌛🌚🌜
May 25Reply
moongoddess7 @stitchdori1 Late but Much Love & Light to you my Sister! Blessed Be! ~Moon
May 25Reply
gamer_princess @moongoddess7 😊🌹 how do u do your eyemakeup like that?
May 25Reply
stitchdori1 @moongoddess7 Hello my sister! Blessed Be! I knew there was a reason I found your closet! Sounds like we both have survived Hell! Most of my " bio" family are no longer a part of my life either.
May 25Reply
stitchdori1 To you as well,Merry Meet,and Much light and love sent to you and yours!
May 25Reply
moongoddess7 @gamer_princess I tell ya it is not easy because my hands shake all the time, but seem to get worse when I am trying to do something detailed lol But I use a liquid eyeliner & go from the point of the outside of my eye & make a line going up a bit, then go straight down to the top of where the line lands above my eyelashes. (use a waterproof eyeliner) then just go from the top inside corner of your eye and go across to the line u just made and color it in
May 25Reply
moongoddess7 @gamer_princess . The mascara I use is one of the ones I sell (the black & rose gold color one) I love that one!! I just need to master my bows now! lol
May 25Reply
rainydayspour Thank you sweetheart ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
May 31Reply
junkman71 Was there a reason why those purchases didn’t bundle?
May 31Reply
flgrllife Hey! If you are really interested in my Free People Tunic bundle it and I will give you free shipping and the 10% off which is about my cost. I don’t mind giving deals to my PFFs. Thank you for the shares!❤️🙂
Jun 01Reply
annieotx Beautiful family, beautiful Mom. ❤️
Jun 03Reply
jadinsmom12 I just wanted to stop by and say thanks so much for sharing some of my closet! I’m in love with your closet! Great items and all kinds of variety.. Would love to have a boutique one day 😊 I’m fairly new to all this but getting the hang of it. Again thanks so much, have a great night toots! 🖤💕🖤💕🖤
Jun 09Reply
moongoddess7 @jadinsmom12 ℍ𝕚 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖! 𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕙,𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕥! 𝕀𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥. 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕣 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕤𝕜, 𝕀'𝕞 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕪𝕒 𝕠𝕦𝕥! 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕢𝕦𝕖 ! 🌬💋
Jun 09Reply
jadinsmom12 @moongoddess7 you’re very welcome and thanks so much! I appreciate your help! Have a great rest of your day😊
Jun 09Reply
believer13 Thank you for sharing your family and I am so very sorry for your loss my heart bleeds praying a hedge of protection over your family and abundant blessings in Jesus name 🙏🙌😘
Jun 09Reply
seriouslyviolet I was going to tell you how lovely your new profile picture is but now I'm distracted by THIS image & wondering if this is (gasp) your child???💞💞💞 Linda
Jun 09Reply
moongoddess7 @jadinsmom12 Any time! 🌬💋
Jun 09Reply
moongoddess7 @believer13 Thank you very much, I miss him everyday
Jun 09Reply
moongoddess7 @seriouslyviolet Thank you! The top pic is me from 2 years ago, I finally decided to update it. The second image are my kids & my grandson is sitting on my lap. That's about a years old.
Jun 09Reply
believer13 @moongoddess7 no words an as a nurse for 30 years I saw so much my cousin lost her daughter at 2-1/2 I can’t fathom I pray to God for you and all parents who go through a loss such as this - May God walk closely with you everyday and may his sunshine warm your face hugs - Deborah 🙏🥰😘
Jun 09Reply
coppergirl101 What a beautiful family. I will happily share your closet as I work on building mine. First, I have to go bury my mother in Fl and I will return in July. Then I can focus on my listings and will need the help of talented beautiful people like yourself. Blessings Always,💕💕💕💕💕💕🌺🌺🌸🌸 Arlene
Jun 17Reply
sandras_styles @coppergirl101 sending you and you can family love and prayers ✨🙏🏻
Jun 19Reply
trisha5703 God Bless you Love, I'm very sorry for your loss❤ Your family is stunning I have 4 as well, so I guess seeing the way that you "Posh it to the limit" lol (seriously though) its inspiring, I need to start Posting all my stuff!!! I have so much girly, and I need to be able to pay the Bill's n still stop by n by sexy fishnets with my Moon Goddess Lady🥀😘🐞
Jun 20Reply
moongoddess7 @trisha5703 ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕝𝕝, 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕. 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕡𝕦𝕥 𝕒 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖! 𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕙 24/7 𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀'𝕞 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖. 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕖𝕥. 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕣𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀 𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕢𝕦𝕖, 𝕀 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕛𝕖𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕣𝕪. 𝕃𝕠𝕝 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕓𝕠𝕩 𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕖𝕩𝕪 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕀 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕖𝕥!🌹
Jun 20Reply
susanmckenzie0 Moon ty for sharing my closet. I am also sharing yours, or a portion of lol. I have a question that you don't have to answer here. You can PM me if you want;, are you a wiccan? If so, that's something that I respect. I know that it a faith built on Mother Earth and even some science. As an Earth and Space scientist, you have my respects.
Jun 30Reply
moongoddess7 @susanmckenzie0 hi love, I don't mind telling ya, YES I'm Wiccan! It feels good to say that I had to hide my beliefs for so long. I recently found out that I'm a decent of Witch's from Italy. I don't usually tell people that because then they think I'm a devil worshiper, which is sooo far from the truth. I don't even believe in the Devil, I believe in evil people, & evil actions
Jun 30Reply
moongoddess7 @susanmckenzie0 . I'm actually a very down to earth, nonjudgmental person, I there would open there minds & not block me for No reason! Thank you for asking love!
Jun 30Reply
rockcandystyle My beautiful friend Moon!! 😘💕 I’m so grateful Posh put us into each other’s lives!! Thank you for being such a great friend to me!! 💖🤗 💋💖 Candice
Jul 08Reply
kimmysue1979 Love the pictures and miss you
Jul 08Reply
xxxstunnerbae Awww your family's so cute ahh i need to covert my family to the dark side!!
Aug 08Reply
901trendz Hi @moongoddess7 I've had my account 4 a few years but just 2 purchase, I'm just now setting up my closet. I've tried 2 read everything but dont understand how 2 get a sale. I got some followers but how do I refresh my pieces 2 pu traffic? Please help! I've asked others but they were very negative 2 me😥 I lost my son 12/31/2014 & can't work so I got 2 push forward 2 help my other boys❤
Dec 23Reply
moongoddess7 @leahtaube Oh love I feel your pain, I lost my son 4 years ago & I'm disabled & can't work either! I'm so sorry others have not been kind to you with help! I will check out your closet, but the best thing you can do to get your items seen is to keep sharing them! Share them to the parties, especially the night party because you can share anything in there. keep following new poshers, sign up for poshers games, like I have my tattoo game in this closet. I will send more pointers to help you soon
Dec 23Reply
901trendz @moongoddess7 I totally understand. I have Lupus & 2 other Autoimmune diseases. Somedays I'm n so much pain I can't get out of bed. My husband got a compound fracture that busted thru above his work boot & hasn't worked since 1/26 of this yr. We r so behind on everything so i thought i would try this 2 see if i can get some money coming in. I had no idea that I would b able 2 meet such great people like urself ❤ Thank u 4 all ur help
Dec 25Reply
omsamadhi @moongoddess7 🤶Wishing you a wonderful Holiday🤶 Sending light, life and happiness your way💕 Sat Nam 🕉 Jaemi
Dec 25Reply
babyfirefly1971 @moongoddess7 Hi! So good to meet you! You actually followed me & I came to follow you back & I shared/ & before I knew it, I was at the end! Extremely cool & gorgeous closet! Love your fashion & graphics style! I think I've seen your name before in rockcandystyle closet, or at least 1 of the posts! Just wanted to tell you great job & you have a new Posh friend! Oh, my son's name is Tristan!
Jan 10Reply
moongoddess7 @morticia71 Hi doll, that is so nice of you to say! I think I might have seen you in my @moongoddessedgy closet too. I have a 3rd closet as well @moongoddess2nd don't you just love the name Tristan!! I've heard some people name their daughter Tristan and it drives me nuts!! you have a nice closet as well!
Jan 10Reply
1piratewitch Blessed Ne, and I Bless Those That Bless Me. Namaste
Jan 25Reply
glamthreads Thanks for the follow I followed you back! ❤ Sz sexy lol!! Play my first Follow Game in my closet everyone! Thanks! ⚘❤🌹
Mar 02Reply
tashaintx Hi there beautiful!! I have loved looking over your closets and seeing your beautiful personality shine through in the responses to folks that inquire about items. Just wanted to say keep letting your beautifully dope soul shine!!
Apr 04Reply
moongoddess7 @1piratewitch Love your closet name! You have to check out 1 of my other closets @moongoddessedgy Blessed Be!!
Apr 04Reply
moongoddess7 @glamthreads Followed & shared your game beautiful!! xoxox lol Like my size!! No one really notices it
Apr 04Reply
moongoddess7 @tashaintx Awe!! Thank you so much for saying that, it was my birthday yesterday & I am just really trying to help people feel better, or at least put a smile on their face even if it's just a few seconds! xoxox
Apr 04Reply
glamthreads @moongoddess7 Thank you!! ❤
Apr 04Reply
tashaintx @moongoddess7 HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!🎂🍰🎂
Apr 05Reply
ruemod You are beautiful and so is your family! 💛💛
Jun 04Reply
queendom4all @moongodess7 My Posh Bestie is beyond amazing. Thanks for being 100% you. 💋💋💋❤❤❤😉
Jun 27Reply
daisy381532 I absolutely love your page I’m new at this your children are beautiful just like you. I don’t have children I had a daughter but she passed away mom and I are super close and I have a Godson so I’m thankful for that.. may God watch over you and your Family
Jul 01Reply
moongoddess7 @ruemod Thank you so much sweetheart ❤🌙
Jul 01Reply
moongoddess7 @queendom4all Always Bestie!! ♡♡♡ 👭😘😘😘
Jul 01Reply
moongoddess7 @queendom4all 🤣😂👭🏽 Wth, I'm sorry, Why are there not "choice" emojis!! Maybe I'll invent it!!
Jul 01Reply
moongoddess7 @daisy381532 Omg! I'm so sorry about your daughter!! I'm sure you saw from my photos that I lost one of my sons, I completely understand how you feel! You are so kind, I'm here if you need to talk or have any questions ever!
Jul 01Reply
shenan Merry Meet! I LOVE YOUR STYLE!!
Jul 10Reply
roblyn24 Love the pictures!! You and your family are beautiful.😍💕💗🌚
Aug 19Reply
imantmcghee My fav time of the year and lucked upon your closet🙌🏾so happy! I’ll be taking a look and likes! 🥰
Oct 06Reply
rianbrewer These are great pics!! Sorry I fell asleep waiting for m teen to approve his picky clothing lol
Oct 31Reply
kloth_n_leather Your closet is so cool and you are so unique!! And I love a generous Posher!! 1m shares!!! 😮😲 Congratulations!! Thanks for being an excellent Posher!!
Nov 21Reply
acelestialsoul Hey! Congrats on the make a deals win. I love it when someone I know wins! So fun, right? (I won a few months ago :) Have a great week. ~Tricia
Nov 24Reply
moongoddess7 @acelestialsoul I hadn't even seen that yet! My goodness that's Awesome I've never won before & only have seen a few people I knew win! Yay!!!! Thank you for telling me beautiful!!
Nov 24Reply
nicoleloe Thank you for your order! I will ship this on Monday!! Have a good weekend.
Nov 27Reply
jensworld27 The amount of time you take to create your closet is obvious. Really admire the photos you’ve created for each listing. ❤️😎
Nov 29Reply
baseball_jen Id never looked at all your pics! Your children are beautiful!! (so are you!) but they are so sweet!! I like want to meet them! ❤
Dec 01Reply
sheeleyr Happy Poshing 😉 Speedy Sales 😉 hope you don't mind me sharing 🤗 Have a great evening.
Dec 04Reply
silvernecklace Nice dresses ❣️shared 20 🙂
Dec 11Reply
ylscloset20 OMG. Thank you so much for liking and tagging up my FG!!!!!
Dec 14Reply
moongoddess7 @ylscloset20 You betcha!! Not a problem, You ever need anything just let me know ;)
Dec 14Reply
ylscloset20 @moongoddess7 Too kind. Likewise 😁
Dec 14Reply
deborahdtw Thank you for the love! You have a beautiful closet!
Dec 29Reply
shawnhall42 bad ass shirt' you make these????.....
Jan 19Reply
dakota_savage @moongoddess7 hey moon, I hope ur doing good, I'm not sure if u remember me, but I sold u a bundle of victoria secret bras. anyway I saw that ur one of the hosts for tomorrow's grooming party and I was wondering if u would kindly consider my hemp tattoo lotion for a host pick. thank you sweetheart for ur time and have a wonderful day my dear 🖤🖤🖤
Jan 25Reply
dakota_savage @moongoddess7 hi honey so usps says expected date of delivery is Thursday so everything looks like it's on track. I don't know why it took so long to start tracking but I wanted to let you know honey. anyway have a wonderful day moon 🥰🥰🥰
Feb 02Reply
moongoddess7 @blueeye1987 Awe, Thank You so much! I'm a photographer & Graphic Art Designer, Disabled now but my skills help me on here!
Feb 13Reply
menimasmota Hi Moon, I love all three of your closets ❤ You are an inspiration to many! If you ever have a free moment and care to share a tip for a new, ambitious Posher.. What is your best piece of advice to become a highly successful seller? What exactly makes your shop a boutique? I'm just figuring everything out but I am halfway to ambassador status!nIf you don't have the time, I totally understand! Wishing you the best of luck with all endeavors, now and in the future!
Feb 24Reply
ylscloset20 So sorry. I’ve been playing the game but neglected to share our admin😭 Thank you for your hard work on the games!🥰
Mar 05Reply
moongoddess7 @ylscloset20 Oh dear it's totally fine, really. I'm just happy you play! ♡♡♡
Mar 05Reply
ylscloset20 @moongoddess7 ur too kind! Thank you:)
Mar 05Reply
winter_12 You are in Cali !! I am in Texas , lol 😊💕
Mar 05Reply
chroigra DONE, don’t come to my side of Posh, thank you, your dismissed
Mar 05Reply
moongoddess7 @chroigra You are extremely RUDE! Sorry to burst your bubble but you don't have a "side" of Posh! Just stay out of my closet, I don't deal with Dramatic people! I don't know what your problem is but Posh is a "Community of People", & we prefer Kind, positive, professional people over RUDE, dramatic, mean people!
Mar 06Reply
loud_luxury Thank you for your lovely shares. You have a 👍 wonderful looking closet. I wish you much continued success 🙏 and many sales 💰. Best, Anthony.
Mar 07Reply
valerieshort @moongoddess7 omg! you & your children are SO beautiful!!! loved looking at these pics!!! your box is otw. few surprises in there ;) but...wheres your page 🤷😭
Mar 10Reply
giomt2021 Love your pentacle!! I have one of my own. I am Wiccan. Also Italian!! You have unique things in your closet. I'm looking forward to raiding your closet! May the universe guide you always (:
Mar 11Reply
moongoddess7 @giomt2021 Merry Meet! I'm Wiccan & the "scary SMH" Witch in case it's not obv. I'm glad you like my closet, you might want to check out my other ALL goth closet as well, @moongoddessedgy It's a bit messy right now but I'm working on it!! Blessed Be! Moon
Mar 11Reply
giomt2021 Merry meet to you as well. I wouldn't say scary. I understand what you are saying though. You have the goddess in and around you always, which makes you beautiful inside and out. May the goddess and god bring harmony to you and yours.
Mar 11Reply
moongoddess7 @juniebee4900 You are super sweet!!! I am so happy Vicki joined my team! she is amazing! I do have a game, mine is the tattoo game. it's usually at the top of my closet unless I'm sharing it, otherwise you can always filter by the highest price ♡ ❤
Mar 12Reply
cinderella927 Hi‼️Nice to see you‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured on The RUNWAY this week! I have openings on Wed. April 7 and Thurs. April 8 if you are interested in being featured? Let me know! BTW I see you went to the Art Institute in Pittsburgh are you from there? I live in Pittsburgh
Apr 06Reply
celestialrose39 beautiful moon Goddess I'm back I need some smell good Victoria Victoria SE
Apr 09Reply
brian2nv Hey! 😊 Thanks for the follow sweetie! You’re really pretty!
Apr 11Reply
ed1952 great pictures and lots of nice items in your closet.
Apr 11Reply
starzelda7 Hello Moon G, Hope you are out of the hospital soon & on the way back to tip-top health! It’s no fun in the hospital 🏥!! Great pics on your page and hey, I have a black cat w yellow eyes who looks a lot like yours❣️🐱😍 Get well soon!🤩
Apr 18Reply
luluslatenight Wow! I didn’t expect you to share so much of my closet. I’ll share too. We have to spread the 💜love💜.
Apr 27Reply
johncruchelow Thanks for the support!!🤘🏼
Apr 28Reply
crpumpkin02 Congratulations you made it, I’d like to get there. Your closet is looking really good, I hope everything is going better for you, I know you’ve had some let’s say hard times in the past, I’ve been following you since I started 2 years ago and we’ve talked some. I’m happy you made your goal. Happy Poshing 😊😊💕💕
Apr 30Reply
debba0727 Hi @moongoddess7 I don’t believe we’ve met on here before. Just now I got drawn in here, Glad I did. Just 💜the pics. Ur all such Beautiful beings & I immediately picked up on that vibe what a beautiful soul u have. People gravitate 2 u. Hope I don’t sound 2 🤪 here. Lol Well have a great rest of ur weekend! I’ll def check out ur closet sometime very soon, bye bye 4 now 🧚🏻💖🔮✨
May 01Reply
jensto65 Love your pics of your beautiful family!❤️Also your have a awesome closet of unique items. My name is Jen and its nice to meet you.❣️💕
May 03Reply
moongoddess7 @debba0727 Hi Love, I'm so glad to meet you as well!! There's always a reason we end up where we do! What you said was so kind & touched my heart!! Hope to talk again soon~Moon
May 03Reply
moongoddess7 @jensto65 Hi Jen, Thank you so much for the compliment! My kids are all I have & I love them more then anything! You are so sweet, Glad to meet you! ~ Moon
May 03Reply
mariaisfearless Hi @moongoddess7 I’m selling lots of vinyl records on my page, please check it out! Thanks!
May 04Reply
erinmevans You have such a beautiful closet!! And family!! And YOU!! 😉🥰💜💖 Thank you for all of the shares!! I appreciate it and I appreciate you!! Xoxo 😘🌹💕 Erin
May 11Reply
moongoddess7 @erinmevans You are such a sweetheart!! I love sharing your closet too! You have a beautiful soul! Plus you are gorgeous! I really appreciate all the shares as well beautiful! xoxoxo ~Moon😉🥰
May 11Reply
erinmevans @moongoddess7 Awww 🥰💖Thank you so much, sweet PFF!! That is so kind of you to say!! I think the same about you!! 🌹❤️ I’m wishing you so many blessings and sales, Moon!! 💫🥀🌖 xoxo Erin
May 11Reply
canik9 so are you moving here or am I moving there?
May 14Reply
gigi5555 @moongoddess7 thank you doll for all the shares ❤️❤️
May 24Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 26Reply
epicnz6 hey hey moon!!! awesome pics!!👍👌🧑‍🎤 was looking through your clothes for my daughter... thought I'd stop by and say hey...👋
May 28Reply
moongoddess7 @epicnz6 Hey there, Hi how are you??
May 28Reply
whatsnew354 Hi!! I heard you are an admin of a Posh game!! I'm looking to join a new one! 😃 Could I please be added to yours when you have a chance? Thanks!! 😆
May 31Reply
aredhousebuy I have enjoyed getting to know you and chatting with you I have for sometime now admired your beautiful artwork! I’ll be happy to share your items and please re-follow me anytime you like! Best wishes from South Carolina thank you again Lisa
Jun 04Reply
avill212 Yeah I deleted all my items that were “not for sale” why did posh send me an email trying to block my account because of reported items not for sale?
Jun 06Reply
moongoddess7 @avill212 People are petty, they look for things to report. When things get reported, they get spread out to other poshers to Review, idk how many of your other items went to someone besides me but I disagreed that the item was a replica. If a bunch of people agreed then the system kicks in & will block your account thinking you are a scammer.
Jun 06Reply
avill212 @moongoddess7 wowwww no way 😮😢ok now I’m going to take down everything not for sale anymore. Thank you for the heads up. God bless
Jun 06Reply
lizzardprincess Everything on my page I really marked down 2 night ago to get rid of cause I need more room and I basically am selling everything in my home that is in like new condition. I still want you to know I will reduce to even more price anything you want. Because your a very nice person. Some girls are really mean it’s weird like being back in high school. 1988
Jun 19Reply
moongoddess7 @lizzardprincess I wish I knew why some of the people on here are so mean, it is like high school in a lot of ways!!
Jun 19Reply
redken123 I’m so happy that I’ve found your boutique! I’ve been researching to create my own boutique, focusing on selling items that are special and unique. Receiving my hair pin from you made me feel so good on a bad day. I want to emulate that feeling to my own customers one day. From the bow, to the handwritten note, wishing me well, thank you! Best of luck always with your boutiques. It’s the little things in life that create happiness. <3
Jul 12Reply
trinas217 I wanted to say hi and hope all is going well! ❤️
Jul 21Reply
jerry_holmes cute pic, like your tatts
Jul 28Reply
glendawells1978 can you educate me a little bit on the closet clear out and tell me whether or not you even do it cuz I'm kind of confused I seen the notification once again in my notifications
Jul 30Reply
moongoddess7 @trinas217 Omgoddess Sweetheart how are you doing???
Jul 30Reply
moongoddess7 @glendawells1978 Of Course! Closet Clear Out (CCO) is 1 of the things Posh does to help us with sales. On CCO days, if you drop the price of an item of your by at least 10%, Posh will send out a notice to anyone who liked that item of yours, to let them know it dropped & Bonus, Posh will give them Reduced shipping for the following 6 hours! Does that make sense? 99% of my items are Brand New, so I don't do a lot of the price drops, I'd rather give bundle discounts & send offers.
Jul 30Reply
waltlin65 Love love your closet. You must be a heartfelt wonderful human, judging by all these comments & your reply to each. Feel great I found you. JOINING 🦋
Aug 01Reply
moongoddess7 @waltlin65 Thank you so much for that! Seriously I woke up today feeling heavy if that makes sense but your message got me smiling, I appreciate that so much! ♡♡♡ It's so nice to meet you 🌙
Aug 01Reply
waltlin65 @moongoddess7 Oh, sweetness right back on you. Happy I could improve your day 🐞 Thanks for all the shares & likes. May the sun continue to shine on your beautiful head. 💖
Aug 01Reply
fancymsnancy you go girl🥰😍🤩❣🥳💗
Aug 04Reply
korslover12 Hi we believe that it’s a Chinese sweatshop ring and that there are many people making hundreds of these fake accounts using the same pictures for the Chanel, Louis Vuitton , and Gucci bags. They are making new accounts every 30 seconds to inundate the system so posh Mark can’t keep up with them.
Sep 04Reply
lorriegranthawk I love all your pictures! All of them are adorable! Your little girl looks just like you! 💜💜😘😘🌹
Sep 17Reply
_jodyscloset ▪️▪️@moongoddess7 ▪️▪️Darn it, I’ve been missing out, I’ve really never checked out all your boutiques, shame on me, love love love them, you go girl, I will be back to see what’s new in your goth boutique, my daughter also loves your beautiful uniqueness▪️▪️Blessing moon goddess ▪️▪️Jody
Sep 29Reply
moongoddess7 @lorriegranthawk Awe, thanks so much. That girl is my whole heart! My so is such a wonderful human being, not that I'm biased or anything 😘
Sep 29Reply
moongoddess7 @_jodyscloset Hey Jodi! That is so sweet of you & means so much to me. my Boutiques are probably a mess right now, I just out of the hospital today, so back to getting fun items posted! Especially this time of year, I love Halloween 🎃 You will see that most of that in my Edgy closet. I have do much to post, I got a good amount ready while in the hospital!! yay ♡
Sep 29Reply
lorriegranthawk @moongoddess7 Lol! She is adorable just like her mom! You have a wonderful day. I'll be back to get something for me, haha! I didn't even check out the amethyst lip gloss cuz you wrapped it so cute so I'm leaving it like that. My stepmom will love it. I want some too. You & your darling family stay safe. I'll talk to you soon. Lorrie 💜💟🙂😇🎃
Sep 29Reply
lilyrose1221 Hello! Following all your awesome closets! Blessings sent for you! 🖤❤🖤🤗
Oct 05Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Oct 16Reply
backstagemafia Very cute closet!
Oct 20Reply
moongoddess7 @backstagemafia Thank you so much, you're very kind!♡
Oct 20Reply
seanteresa Your awesome, I looked @ meet your posher... your one cool mom! Im 34, with a 12yr old girl parenting with her metal head jock in high school Dad, me ... punker/gothic weirdo... Anyways, I taught my daughter to never judge or underestimate a person. Shes my weirdo that says, "thank you", when people "compliment her" say shes weird. Yours are as beautiful as you are and I thank you for bringing up awesome little people. May Our kids make this world a better place.
Oct 21Reply
luckygirlinpink Beautiful Closet 🥰💞💕💘💋💥👄💃💜💙
Oct 23Reply
ol_blue_eyes very beautiful you are. how are you?
Oct 26Reply
johnreilly love your stuff iam a dresser as you can tell
Oct 29Reply
jmh02001 I'm looking to buy the Killstar "Tryals" skater dress in a M or L. I have an XL, but recently lost weight. Let me know if you can source one.
Nov 18Reply
robynridge @moongoddess7 How are you? You have great kids stuff!
Jan 02Reply
dragon69139 Looking for female pink boots? or accents
Jan 28Reply
julieanna2269 Hey Moon! It's Julie Adams, I love those pictures! They all came out so beautifully! Can you message me privately by anychance?
Jan 29Reply
guerrillagirls Hi! I love your closet! ❤️
Jan 30Reply
moongoddess7 @sallybennett69 You are so sweet! Thank you so much, I like yours as well, I hopped over & checked it out quick ♡
Jan 30Reply
moongoddess7 @seanteresa I just saw your comment! My apologies for missing it. I have 3 closets so I miss things sometimes. ive been in my @moongoddessedgy closet a lot lately. You really made my night! I believe I was meant to just see this comment now, I've been a bit down & this has me smiling! I just love like minded people!! I'm going to go check out your closet. ♡ 🌙
Jan 30Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Feb 06Reply
nmclean161 Will you be getting any more of the mirrors or witch bells anytime soon??
Feb 08Reply
moongoddess7 @nmclean161 Hi there, I have some witch bells ordered. Can you tell me which mirrors or comment on them for me so I can get them for ya.
Feb 08Reply
mirage2me Followed you sis.. we scrolled through your beautiful closet to meet you. And, then we figured you are on header :) you and your little ones are enigmatic and last photo broke our heart blessings.. also, we were hoping to see black blue white satin velvet woolen long capes thank you take care
Feb 10Reply
poshstylesbyme Hi beautiful! You have always been so supportive over the years and I thank you sweet PFF! If you wouldn’t mind tag me in the listing you would like shared to the party tonight 😃 my way of saying Thank you 😊 I’ll see you there 🥳💕
Mar 09Reply
scubaskip hi, I am going to try and bund li e.....🙂
Mar 11Reply
zapandzam Beautiful you & beautiful family!!💖❤️😍💞 Love your Posh shop!!💖🖤🐈‍⬛🧙🪄💜💟💖💕🥰
Mar 26Reply
benjaminsand494 Do you have any tips on poshing? I just posted my first and am real interested in this.
Apr 05Reply
lee_slaton Hi I just shared a lot of your closet. Please don’t share mine. I’m working on getting my posh 2 badge. I shared someone’s else’s closet and she got mad at me because she didn’t have time to share mine. I told her what I was doing but still was upset😗 happy poshing you have a great closet🌸🌸
Jun 18Reply
moongoddess7 @lee_slaton Hi beautiful! I don't mind, as long as you're not just sharing the same item over & over no one should get upset. I'm sorry about that happening ♡♡♡
Jun 18Reply
alohajen00 🐬❤️🔥👍💜 CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING A POSH PARTY!!💜👍🔥🔥🐬🥰 I would be honored if you would view my closet @alohajen00 for one or two potential host picks! I hope you have an amazing party and I wish you many sales 🍍🐬🌴🍍😎🎵🥳🌺💐🤩
Jun 18Reply
caramelgirl08 Congrats on Hosting. If you are looking for some Host picks, please consider My Closet. Have fun and Happy Poshing!!☺️😀😊😁
Jun 20Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Jun 21Reply
mzzzpink Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾🎈 on hosting the upcoming Summer Is Here 🌞🌻🌞🌻☀️🌞🎊🎉🎈🍾 Posh Party. 🌸🌻🌸🌻🌸🌻 I would 💗 Love for you to stop by my closet @mzzzpink 👗👠👡💎💍to be considered for a Host Pick. Thank You for your consideration. Best of luck 🍀 at your Party today. Happy Poshing 🤩🌸🌺🐾 I'm l👀king forward to your Posh Party ❤️🌻🌸🌸🌻🎊🌻🌸🌸🌻❤️
Jun 21Reply
ditooshop @moongoddess7 Congratulations on cohosting today's Summer Is Here Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Jun 21Reply
madamelagerfeld Hi! Congrats on cohosting tonight’s party! I was wondering if you would consider picking an item from my closet as a host pick?❤️🎉🎉🎉
Jun 21Reply
its_crystal28 @moongoddess7 Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to u
Jun 22Reply
caramelgirl08 🎊🎉🪅 Congratulations on Hosting!👑If you are looking👀 for items to feature, please consider My Closet of Fly selections.👚🧦🕺🥼🎽🩱Have fun and Happy Poshing!!!😁😀😊😏
Jul 02Reply
pshmrkbaby18 @moongoddess7 Congratulations 🎉 on co-hosting! I hope you have an amazing party ❤️ with lots of speedy sales🤗 It would be awesome if you could consider my closet for a hostpick ❤️
Jul 03Reply
foreverandagain ✨ Congratulations on hosting a party!!🎉😃🎊 I would be so grateful if you would consider my closet for a host pick✨😊✨ thank you! 💕 💕✨💞💕See you at the party!!🎉✨🎊💞
Jul 03Reply

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