Meet Your Posher!
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Hello, and welcome to my closet!
I started out my Poshmark journey having a passion for shopping, especially for Men's items and all things vintage, in every category. After four years of selling, I switched my focus to mainly contemporary and vintage jewelry and goods for your home. I disclose all flaws in everything I list, so there are never any surprises. I promise, the utmost care will be taken to assure your item arrives quickly and undamaged. Relax and shop.
Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
Thanks for stopping by.

43 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! 👕👚👔👗
Follow, Share, Like, Bundle
Oct 31Reply

Hi, welcome to the Poshmark community 🌻
Oct 31Reply

@upstairscloset Welcome to Poshmark🎈🎈🎈. Success in Sales👍🏽
Oct 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark‼️I’m a Poshmark Ambassador as well as a Top Rated Seller. I love everything about fashion and love to help mentor newbies here on PM. I hope you’ll reach out to me if you have any questions as to how to get started. Happy Poshing‼️
Oct 31Reply

Hi Wendy! Thank you for the like!! :)
Dec 15Reply

Thanks again so much for the likes! I'm so happy you like the jewelry ❤️ 😀
Dec 15Reply

Hi. Saw you liked a couple of items in my closet, if interested in buying feel free to bundle for a private offer. Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Dec 21Reply

Welcome precious! I see u hav only few shares. You want to share share share to promote/expose ur items to potential buyers.
U must follow follow follow ppl to gain followers, they r only ones who'll see ur items when u share. See my followers & shares.
Go to ur feed, share & follow ppl who share/follow u -its how u spread the posh luv.
Read posh blogs, search success tips in posh search & lotsa utube. Happy to answer questions😊Much success & happy poshing ❣😊
Dec 26Reply

@upstairscloset We see that you have followed our closet and we would love to have you share with our group❤
Jan 03Reply

Thank you so much for all the likes! I hope you’ll visit my closet again. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Jan 05Reply

Thanks so much for the likes! :) 💕
Jan 29Reply

Hello Wendy,I'm packing your order, the Scarf Vest isn't available, was sold in a bundle ,would you choose another one please or another item ,I' m giving Earings,as a gift also choose which ones
Feb 07Reply

Cont'd....from the large Rack.
I'm sorry for the mix up.
Thank you !
Feb 07Reply

@upstairscloset Hi! Thank you for visiting us and for your like on our beautiful Trixxi Black Dress with the pink sash! It really is perfect and such a great style! Perfect for any special event! Please let us know if you have any questions.😊 We would love to wrap it up for you and mail it out when we make our next post office run🎁 We hope that you will visit us again soon!
Your Friends @3southerncharms 💖💖💖🌸🌸🌸
Feb 22Reply

I’m so glad you like the shoes. If you watch, every so often Poshmark supplies are offered for sale. They sale out fast, so you have to be quick. It took me three times they were listed before I succeeded. They are really nice. Wishes that you get them.
Mar 02Reply

@upstairscloset You have a great closet ypurself!!! ☺😉😉😉😉😉
Mar 09Reply

Frye Boots are expensive, I bought these for 264$. Adi I'm selling them away a deal already
Apr 03Reply

Thanks for liking some of my items. I'll offer $30 for all the clothes you liked.
Apr 06Reply

Hi there, could you contact me? I received a Morgane Le Fay dress from you that I did not order or purchase. It is a sleeveless size medium, dark olive dress. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Apr 10Reply

@scottashleyj I am researching this now. I used the posh label.
Apr 10Reply

@upstairscloset I purchased Betsey Johnson cat earrings from you, which arrived as well.
Apr 10Reply

@scottashleyj It looks like I used the same label twice. Not sure why the mailman didn't catch it. Can you forward that package if I send you the label? I should have known something was up when he didn't scan both packages.
Apr 10Reply

@upstairscloset absolutely! You can reach me at to send the label!
Apr 10Reply

@scottashleyj You are wonderful.
Apr 10Reply

@scottashleyj. Email sent.
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for following happy poshing 👠👙👗👜🥂 New things being added all the time.😘
May 02Reply

Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
May 04Reply

Thank you so much for all of the shares.
May 10Reply

Thanks so much for stopping by my closet and for sharing.💞
May 14Reply

Thank you for all the shares!! You’re an awesome posher. Much appreciated. Happy poshing. 💕🌸
Jun 14Reply

Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador too, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market.
Jun 25Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I’ll get this out the door in the morning. I appreciate you shopping my closet and I’ll look at yours too!
Jun 26Reply

Thx for the shares and of course your purchase. It will ship Fri bc of July 4th holiday. Hope you find fun and make a few new memories tomorrow! 🇺🇸🌞 Ps any other Summer 🌞Sun item can be added to your order w nice Savings! See what else I have or adding any other closet items and I'll send you a price...thx
Jul 03Reply

Thank you Wendy for your purchase! I will mail it tomorrow . Have a good July 4th!🇱🇷
Jul 04Reply

Good morning and thank you for checking out my store I have sent you an offer on your liked item with discounted shipping thank you for your like and have a great day.
Jul 11Reply

Wendy, I’ll mail this tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the treasure. Best regards, Elizabeth
Aug 21Reply

@daffodildog23 Very cool. It will be a little time to practice before next Easter. I can't wait to try it. I can't wait to continue the tradition.
Aug 21Reply

I love your closet!!
Aug 21Reply

@breecreativ_ Wow, thanks. It is always work in progress. You made my day and motivated me at the same time. 💘
Aug 21Reply

Hi Wendy, I noticed you liked the betsey johnson earrings. I sent you an offer I know it's not great but I have lowered them so many times. To go any lower I would not profit. They are brand new and very pretty. I hope you get them ty Lola
Aug 31Reply

Beautiful shop. Thank you for the likes.
Sep 05Reply

Fun closet! Love the variety!!😍😍😍😍
Sep 28Reply

@zloteaeco You rock. Thanks for the motivation. Happy Saturday.
Sep 28Reply

Hi Wendy! You can bundle your likes 3 or more bundled gets an automatic 15% discount plus only 1 shipping which is also discounted 😉🤗🍾💋❤️ have fun thanks for the likes! Alyce
Nov 22Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Nov 27Reply

@thriftybedhead How sweet you are to mentor Neebies!
Dec 08Reply

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Dec 08Reply

@darlenebsexton Thank you for the compliment. Wish you and yours a Merry Christmas too! #KeepOnPoshing
Dec 08Reply

Hi love and happy holidays 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
Dec 09Reply

I reposted those coasters😊
Dec 17Reply

Hey welcome to Poshmark! I have a ton of new items for sale including M&Ms and I Love Lucy coffee mugs. Check it out and let me know what you think! Happy Poshing! 😍💖👑✌🏼🥂😄
Dec 27Reply

Hi! I see you liked a pair of shoes in my closet and I wanted to make you aware – I have them priced extremely low – if you purchase at list price you can choose any item ($10 and under) to include free with your purchase. TY
Jan 21Reply

@upstairscloset Wendy. I wanted to send you my most sincere thanks for the ultra fast review and acceptance of your order. Your review really made my day! Thank you so much! XOXO XOXO XOXO
Feb 21Reply

@sarah_boynton Are you kidding? One of my favorite orders yet. Everything was better than expected. You are the #BestPosher!
Feb 21Reply

I was just checking out your do have a lot, that’s great!! I just started in January, so I’m adding everyday but I don’t think I’ll get anywhere near yours!!?
Feb 26Reply

I started October 2018, then moved the end of November. Needless to say, it took me a while to get my groove back. I started my home store in September 2019. That is my passion. I was a past, long time eBay seller, but I gave up that up a long time ago.
Find what motivates you and stick with it, but don't be afraid to branch out to all categories. The more exposure, the better. #KeeoOnPoshing
Feb 26Reply

@upstairscloset Hi Wendy welcome to Poshmark I would love to invite you to check out my closet & boutique when you have time - thank you blessings 🥰❤️
Feb 27Reply

@upstairscloset Hi Wendy good morning - you had asked about getting a host pick - a good thing to do is get on a tag list - this will allow you to know who is hosting - or you can go to the day of or before & see who is hosting a party - ... continued read below !
Feb 27Reply

Then you should introduce yourself to the party host or co host - share items in their closet & that party listing - ask them if they can check out your closet for a potential host pick - your closet needs to be posh compliant meaning no items banned by Poshmark - then when the party starts share your closet to the party - example tops - frequently - hosts only have a few selections they can make - keep reaching out thanking them
Feb 27Reply

@upstairscloset you should also share & congratulate other people who got host picks that party even if you didn’t get one it shows good team support 🥰🙏
Feb 27Reply

Thanks for the valuable info. I will give it a whirl. I appreciate your time.
Feb 27Reply

@upstairscloset you’re very welcome 🙏🥰
Feb 27Reply

Good evening! May the coming day be a great blessing for you - new do, new dress))) new friends! I work as a fashion photographer, and sometimes I have amazing items for sale after my photo-shoots. Feel free to check my closet, Arthur.
Feb 28Reply

You weren't kidding. You have an awesome closet. Thank you for the invitation.
Feb 28Reply

thank you for all the likes and shares! I've put together a bundle of some of them, feel free to bundle/offer on any. 😊
Mar 10Reply

Thank you for liking my listing! If you are interested please feel free to send me an offer, all are welcome and considered! I will be shipping tomorrow!
Mar 17Reply

hi Wendy 🙂 thanks so much for the generous offer but i think I may have "liked" or bundled the item by mistake when I was quickly trying to share items 😔 so sorry ,
be well & I wish u continued success during this crazy time
Mar 29Reply

@zuzu6431 No worries. You stay safe, clean, and motivated!
Mar 29Reply

Hi, I posted more items today. You can still bundle 3 listings for $15. Free gift included. Thank you so much for your last purchase.
May 07Reply

Hi Wendy, I am so glad that you are happy with your beautiful glass candlesticks. Thank you so much for your kind words and rating. Both are very much appreciated 💜 Stay well and thanks again.
May 18Reply

My pleasure.
May 18Reply

Hello Wendy. Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my Closet. I appreciate you are likes and wondering if you are just liking these items or are you intrested. Please let me know if you have any questions. Love your closet . Wishing you speedy sales and happy poshing.
Jun 24Reply

Hi! Nice closet! I also wanted you to know, 2 more items and you will earn 10% off your order! Happy poshing and thanks for the shares!!!😊
Jul 15Reply

good morning Wendy, thank you so much for shopping my closet! your Black Down Puffy Jacket is ready to ship out this morn. Have a wonderful week!
Sep 08Reply

hi! 😊i wanted to let you know that the jeans are no longer available! tysm for your interest!
Happy Poshing!
Tami 💥🦋❤🌻👍🐦
Sep 29Reply

Sep 29Reply

Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Nov 13Reply

About the ornament, I've listened several times ..its a soft sweet tune but sounds Christmas-like
Nov 22Reply

Thank you for your purchase I wrapped your box tonight and I will get it in the mail first thing tomorrow morning. Have a wonderful evening
Nov 30Reply

Hi I gave you the lowest zi could for all the items you bundled.Anything lower would not make it worth my time on here.Im sorry.I am going to remove the items.TY
Dec 07Reply

No worries. I love your closet and appreciate the offer. Happy Poshing. *</: )~
Dec 07Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and ordering a few items in your bundle. Tomorrow is a Federal holiday so USPS is closed, but will ship 1st thing Tuesday. Thanks again!
Jan 18Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jan 26Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares, amazing that you did all that for little me! You're the sweetest, and I love your closet! Thank you! Mireille :)
Feb 05Reply

Our Closet is on Vacation Mode due to ice and snow storms here in the Deep South. Will be back on selling and shipping as soon as possible after this ends
Feb 14Reply

Sorry I’m new here but I myself am old, that’s my excuse! Thot I’d asked if u trade ever, but I don’t recall what u liked now. Probably only item of urs would be the tunic, thanks again
Feb 15Reply

Hi Wendy,
Thank you for the 5 star rating.
He is sooo cute!
Mar 04Reply

Mar 04Reply

Hi Wendy I just thought I’d give you a heads up since today is closet clear out day I sent out an offer to Lakers on that Roset iron but we were messaging back-and-forth on I hope you see it @5stella555
May 07Reply

Items must be listed $40 or less;))
Thank you for your interest
Aug 15Reply

Thanks so much Wendy for your purchase. I will get your things shipped today. Hope you have a great weekend. 🙏❤
Sep 10Reply

Thank you Wendy I appreciate your kind words and rating. I'm so glad the beakers got there ok. I was keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks again so very very much. 🙏 Becky
Sep 14Reply

Hey, Just wanted to let you know that my site is opened until Thursday so let me know if you need measurements and feel free to send me an offer and I will accept. Happy Poshing 😊
Sep 14Reply

Oh thanks so much friend. I would love to see them. You have a wonderful weekend. 🙏 Becky
Sep 18Reply

Hello, I seen that you liked something from my closet. Feel free to send me an offer. Let me know if you have any questions
Sep 22Reply

May I ask why only 4 stars on the Harley Davidson clip ? I made a total of $1.05 and I get 4 stars? Where’s the posh love.? Wow
Oct 15Reply

Wendy your note was heart felt, and I’m sorry for your loss. The bracelet was a piece I lost from my Fav Aunt who passed away. Therefore didn’t matter when I received it, just to find it! Thank you so much. 🙏
Nov 01Reply

@0648hair Thank you for your kindness and understanding.
Nov 01Reply

@feeneysfinest How do we make that happen?
Nov 08Reply

Hi Wendy,
Hope you are healing. 💐
I just purchased another spider bracelet from you. And wondering if you have anymore?
Nov 13Reply

Hi, nice to hear from you. Everything I have left is listed in my store. Thanks for asking. I am healed and walking again.
Nov 13Reply

Hi Wendy. I just dropped off the jeans you mailed to me in error at the post office. Would you kindly on your end cancel the pill case I ordered. This situation has taken way too long and I purchased a pill case at a local store in my area as I was in need of one.
Nov 16Reply

Just wanting to wish you a Merry Christmas and say thank you. Becky
Dec 25Reply

@bitsofcountry Hi Becky. Merry Christmas to you too.
Dec 26Reply

hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 16Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 04Reply

@upstairscloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 17Reply

@cutehosiery Well thank you so much. You are very kind.
Jun 17Reply

Hi Wendy, My name is Barbara and I want to thank you for liking the Calzeat of Scotland throw 😃
WHEN I'M ASKED through comments, I will drop the price by at least 10% on listings $12.00 & over (unless stated otherwise in the listing) on CCO DAYS (Fri & Sun) so your bundle will qualify for Poshmark's discounted shipping cost of $4.99 💥 Be familiar with Closet Clear Out Guidelines 🤩
Jun 19Reply

Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 19Reply

Hi Wendy! You may have liked an item in my closet a while ago or just recently, but regardless of when it was, I want to thank you for taking the time to look at my closet. 🥰 I am currently trying to turn over items in my closet. 🤩 I am open to all reasonable offers. I’ll either accept your offer or counter offer back my lowest price. 🥂😊 Don’t forget, if you like something but don’t necessarily like the price, send me an offer. I would love to help you find something new!
Jan 18Reply

Hi Wendy! Thanks for shopping my closet and liking my pretty lavender sundress! For your convenience I’ll put it in your bundle. blessings and Happy Poshing! Marilyn
Mar 23Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Mar 31Reply

Hi Wendy! It’s great to meet you!💝
May 05Reply

Hi! Thanks for the likes! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi! It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you.
😊 ...Lisa fyi: I’m running a FLASH SALE w/$5 off sweaters & jackets if you’re interested…and a Spring Special $8 All TOPS in my closet.
May 11Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
May 17Reply

Hi. Great shirt! Like and bundle any 2 or more item for a bundle discount. Have fun shopping in my closet. 🙂🌺
Jun 07Reply

Hey? You liked an embroidered eyeglass case too. Want to bundle them?
Jun 07Reply

@more4u123 only window shopping tonight.
Jun 07Reply

LOL. I was too and bought 2 tops! Fun. 😆
Jun 07Reply

Hi Wendy. Would you consider a discount price in the hydrangea pillows I liked during closet clear out today so I could save on shipping ? Heartfelt thanks for considering.
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you are having a Happy Friday and successful Poshing!😊
Jul 21Reply

Thank you for your interest in my closet items!!
Aug 03Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many unique and vintage items in my closet including china, seasonal decor, books, craft items, DVDs, video games, clothing, jewelry and religious objects. All reasonable offers will be considered and you will get a 20% discount (or more) when you bundle two or more items together ( up to 5 lbs per box)saving on shipping costs. I hope you’ll visit my closet and I’ll visit yours.
Aug 06Reply

Your closet is so lovely!💐
Aug 25Reply

@lilanastasia Thank you for your kind words.
Aug 25Reply

Hi @5bc2b3a234e48a81d8b78429 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 01Reply

Hi there! Thank you for the follow and liking items in my closet! I noticed your bundle and have made you an offer. I always welcome and consider counters… If you have any questions please let me know. Have a great day! ☺️
Sep 14Reply

@upstairscloset , I ad♥️re vintage jewelry & you have some gorgeous rare finds! 😍
Sep 26Reply

@cherylw929300 Thank you so much for the nice compliment. I am changing my focus from clothing to jewelry and home goods.
Sep 26Reply

Yes earrings are laminate plastic and very light.
Oct 27Reply

Ring is one size about 8
Oct 27Reply

@jeanniepawlo112 I shop Posh often, so I am not sure what items you are referring to.
Oct 27Reply

Nice items in your closet!
Nov 04Reply

Hi, I am going live tomorrow @ 11am PST. I hope to see you there! I appreciate your business 🩷
Nov 07Reply

@lorlea33 Thank you for the reminder.
Nov 07Reply

Thanks for the follow! I have a great Black Friday deals on most of my items this weekend only. Take a look! Plus every order comes with a free mystery gift! Thanks again!
Nov 24Reply

@upstairscloset Thanks for the likes on my Heidi Daus bracelets. If you are serious about buying one or more, let me know as I will give the best offer I can. Buy 2 for 20% discount. Just FYI as I appreciate your interest. Thanks, Annie
Dec 30Reply

@anniel11 thanks, just window shopping last night.
Dec 30Reply

@upstairscloset one of my favorite things to do!
Dec 30Reply

Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Mar 28Reply

Hello there🥰❤️ Thank you for visiting! Happy you are here - I still offer bundle discounts and gifts 🎁 with each order! Bundle for your discount! Or use that offer button! My Best! Kimberly
Apr 05Reply

Hello Wendy, thanks for stopping in on my live show. I really enjoyed your company and conversations. 💕🥰
Jul 28Reply

@stylingitup Thank you for having a show. It was nice to meet you.
Jul 28Reply

thank you for coming to my show. I added an extra piece of jewlery. I added more pics of vintage goodies. Please bundle and I will gladly give you a great deal.
Sep 04Reply

You have a beautiful closet 🥰
Sep 11Reply

@pennymd1 Why thank you. I appreciate that. ❤️
Sep 11Reply

Thanks so much for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's, men's, kids in my closet & if you are interested in LIVE shows, I normally have LIVE shows Monday- women's S-4X, lots unlisted, nwt, nwot, 1
$15& under. Tuesdays- kids share show Marathon train and pop-ups too. also, each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway and in my LIVES you pay 1 shipping & I cover anything over 5 lb. thanks so much! -Ania-
Sep 27Reply

Hi🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 11Reply

Hi it’s Betty thank you for your likes and bundle I’ll send you an offer in the next few days . ❤️
Nov 19Reply

Hi, thanks for checking out my closet. Put your items into a bundle and shoot me an offer. Have a great holiday.🦃🍁
Nov 26Reply

Nice to meet you 🪴
Thank you for liking my Be Kind long sleeve tees and cowboy Christmas cards🐴
Dec 18Reply
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