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Updated Aug 03
Updated Aug 03

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Hi, I'm Nicole! I'm addicted to handbags, love fashion and jewelry making. I'm new to Posh. I would greatly appreciate your support, which will always be returned ;). Feel free to make offers! I've always been a bargain hunter and will be willing to do bundles and negotiate prices! No trades at this current time. Stay tuned as I will be adding more items. Happy shopping!
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paintedjezebel Nicole welcome to posh my fellow artist! I'm Lisa and I'm here to help and answer any questions you may have.. Your closet is looking great! I think you may need a little help from my friends to help you out. @mickmee @Joanna98 @ridinghood13 @kewpiedoll @noy2312 @la_boutique @dressyu ladies meet Nicole! She is new to posh and could use our help. Thanks ladies 😘😘
Jul 18Reply
dressyu @paintedjezebel Welcome u have a mentor that id very Faithful AND Supportive. Welcome!!? MAY ur closet need CONSTANT refilling
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel @sjimenez74 Sandy meet Nicole she's new to posh and I can just tell she's going to do very well here with a little help from her friends! Thanks Sandy 😘
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade Thank you, that means a lot to me! I need some mentors lol. I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. I need to add tons more!
Jul 18Reply
sjimenez74 @posh38handmade - 🙋 Hi Nicole and Welcome to Poshmark- My name is Sandy- you will be in great hands with our amazing supportive ladies- and the poshmark community- especially @paintedjezebel - she's such a beautiful soul (yes again I said beautiful) - she will definitely guide you with whatever questions or concerns you might have plus she has an extra unique and special closet. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns- I will put you on my share list so we could get you started with more sales- 🌼🎉Ladies let's help our fellow new gal to poshmark with shares... @sheokay @jimenezap @paperpearls @kaylinml @tamiller @noy2312 @katefrancis
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel @sjimenez74 awwwwwe she makes me blush every time she says that...Nichole the advice I just gave to you in my listing Sandy gave to me so many months ago and I'm proud to have her as a mentor.
Jul 18Reply
sjimenez74 @paintedjezebel - awwwwww I love you girl - thank you for always letting us have this great unfailing friendship and sisterhood - may god always be by your side and may to have a blessed weekend - 😘
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel @dressyu Doll! You are so very sweet for saying thank you! @sjimenez74 right back atcha!
Jul 18Reply
paperpearls @posh38handmade Welcome to poshmark! 👋🙋 You will love it! I'll bookmark your closet so I can come share your closet often! 😀😃 If you have any questions feel free to ask 😉 or @sjimenez74 She's great! One of the nicest poshers on here 💕👍😃🙌
Jul 18Reply
kaylinml Hi Nicole! @posh38handmade - Welcome to Posh!! Happy to help with any questions and sharing your closet 😍 Thanks @sjimenez74 for the tag! 😘
Jul 18Reply
sjimenez74 @kaylinml - thank you sweetie for welcoming our new gal- hope you are having a great happy friday👭💃💃🎉🌼💕
Jul 18Reply
mickmee Welcome Nicole!! You're gonna have a blast on here!! We've got your back girl! Your closet is fabulous and you'll be selling like crazy in no time. Feel free to ask any of us questions. My best advice is share share share follow follow follow. I tried in the beginning to share 5 items out of 10-20 closets per day and I spent 20-30 mins on my feed sharing (cause I have a whole other crazy busy life outside of Poshmark). Lisa @paintedjezebel is an amazing artist and person and she or any of us would love to help in any way we can! Look at others closets to get ideas on styling yours. Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 18Reply
kaylinml @sjimenez74 No problem, Sandy! You have a fabulous Friday too! ❤️😃🎉
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel @mickmee Michelle! Love you girl! Thanks so much for helping my new friend here! Nicole she should talk! Have you seen Michelle's closet!? She inspires me! Ha! We argue this all the time and I love it!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade I will definitely check it out after work! Thanks a lot everyone. You girls are awesome!
Jul 18Reply
mickmee @paintedjezebel Right back atcha my sweet! 😘
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel You are so welcome! Don't forget to tag so we see what you wrote! I came back to read something and saw that you commented.. But I wouldn't have known. So just a little @ and the closet tag ex. @paintedjezebel .. :) xo
Jul 18Reply
saltydeals <3 Welcome Nicole <3 you are going to enjoy this lovely community of ladies>>>> Thank you for the tag @paintedjezebel <3 @daisyd0102 @rooney52 @mtnhiker @mixitup @janet0103 @sophia2 <3 New Posher <3
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel @la_boutique thanks Bobby for your kind words and posh love as always!😘
Jul 18Reply
janet0103 Hi Nicole! I'm Janet. Nice to meet you! Please, if you have any questions, just ask! We are all willing to help!!❤️❤️@la_boutique Thank you Sweet Bobby❤️
Jul 18Reply
rooney52 @posh38handmade 🎀💕Hi! Nicole, my name is Rooney, your handmade jewelry is very pretty, you have a great closet. Hope we make you feel welcome!!! Thanks for the tag @la_boutique >>>>>@djgross5💕🎀
Jul 18Reply
daisyd0102 Hi there. Welcome to posh. My name is Daisy. If you have any questions or concerns let me know. I am more than happy to help. Great start to your closet. @la_boutique thanks for the tag.
Jul 18Reply
djgross5 @posh38handmade 👋 Hi Nicole, my name is Jodi... WELCOME TO POSH!!! 😄👍 thx for the tag @rooney52
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @sjimenez74 It's so nice to meet you! Thanks for the warm welcome!!!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @dressyu Thanks for the advice!!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @paperpearls Thanks for keeping my closet in mind! I will so the same! :)
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade Hi @kaylinml it's great to meet you and appreciate the welcome to any questions!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @mickmee I hope it happens soon ;). I've been adding, following and sharing like crazy! I just need to add a lot more to my closet!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @rooney52 @janet0103 Thanks for the inspiring words, and I'm sure I will have questions! I'm here for all of you as well!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @daisyd0102 So lovely to meet you!!!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @djgross5 Hi Jody! Nice to meet you!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @djgross5 I misspelled your name, my apologies Jodi!
Jul 18Reply
posh38handmade @paintedjezebel thanks so much for the introduction to everyone! I feel very welcome and I always support all of your beautiful closets as well!
Jul 18Reply
janet0103 @posh38handmade Sounds Great! 😄😄
Jul 18Reply
paintedjezebel You are so very welcome Nicole! It's my pleasure.
Jul 18Reply
mickmee It'll happen for you!! It takes time but you'll get lots of followers. And with the followers comes sales! 👍😁
Jul 19Reply
posh38handmade @mickmee Thank you SO much for all of the shares!!!
Jul 19Reply
aprils2ndcloset Hi, I'm April, & It's nice to meet you! I'll start following you and help share your closet with my followers. Following & sharing are two of the most important things you can do to increase your exposure to potential buyers and make new friends on this site. By the way, welcome to Poshmark, it's a community of wonderful, helpful, & supportive women! If you ever have a question, I'm just a message away. 😊💖🎉🎈🎊@paintedjezebel Thank you for the intro Lisa! 🌹
Jul 19Reply
posh38handmade @aprils2ndcloset I'm so happy to meet you! I feel like this is a sisterhood where we all borrow each other's clothes just like back in high school, but in a modern era. I love it! I will always share all of your items as well (@paintedjezebel and more!). Xoxo
Jul 19Reply
paintedjezebel I love that idea!! so cute..
Jul 19Reply
aprils2ndcloset I agree, it's a fabulous site! You're going to have so much fun on Poshmark! 😊💖
Jul 19Reply
posh38handmade @mytherapy I've got a question. Do you buy clothes just for reselling?
Jul 20Reply
posh38handmade @paintedjezebel Thanks to your help and everyone else's help, I'm finally making sales! Your jewelry is GORGEOUS! I'm in the new stages of making jewelry... Love yours!
Jul 20Reply
mytherapy I don't, but I think there are people who definitely do that. Posh started as consignment, but over time it seems that it is a little bit of a online boutique too! I am just addicted to shopping, I'm an impulsive buyer- and everything looks cute in the store next to other cute things! When I get home, I end up not liking the way some of the things look on me- wish for my pre-baby body back on most days! The things that I sell that are not new have been worn a couple of times at most, so still look new. I just have too much stuff. I need to focus on selling, but I keep buying!
Jul 20Reply
paintedjezebel Chi Nicole! Thanks so much for your kind words! I knew it would happen for you! I'm so happy good job!!. If you have any questions about jewelry design I'd be happy to help with that too. :)
Jul 20Reply
posh38handmade @paintedjezebel I appreciate that in regards to jewelry designs!
Jul 20Reply
paintedjezebel Yay! Sales!!
Jul 21Reply
laurie2u @posh38handmade hi Nicole Welcome! To Posh😊if there's anything I can help u with. Please don't be a stranger I'm just a closet away 👍 happy posh selling 🎀
Jul 22Reply
posh38handmade @laurie2u Thanks so much! I would love to help you out by sharing your listings! It's a pleasure to meet you :).
Jul 22Reply
marykat 💕 Hi Nicole, so nice to meet! Lovely closet! @janet0103 @tmc3526 @bkimh @bthereasap 🌹 Hi Loves, meet Nicole!
Jul 30Reply
janet0103 Hi Nicole! Nice to see you here on Posh! Welcome! We all love it here and we sure hope that you do too!! @marykat Thank you so much for sharing with me!
Jul 30Reply
bkimh Hello Nicole. I'm Kim and it is very nice to meet you on Posh. I wish you the very best on here and I know that you are going to meet so many sweet ladies. Willing to help you with any questions you have. 🎉💖🎉💖💖 thx @marykat for tag.💖@janet0103 @daisyd0102 @dstiletto @lisadraper
Jul 30Reply
posh38handmade @bkimh Hi! So nice to meet you! I'm really enjoying this site! Everyone has been so supportive. I'll be happy to share your listings as well!
Jul 30Reply
posh38handmade @janet0103 Hi Janet! Nice to meet you! I enjoy sharing other ladies closets ;)!
Jul 30Reply
posh38handmade @marykat Nice to meet you!!! It's a pleasure!
Jul 30Reply
bkimh 👍🌟💖💖
Jul 30Reply
posh38handmade @janet0103 Hi Janet! I love it here! So nice to meet you and thanks for your sharing!!!
Jul 30Reply
daisyd0102 Hi,there. Welcome to posh!! My name is Daisy. If you have any questions or concerns let me know. I am more than happy to help. Great start to your closet. @bkimh thanks for the tag.
Jul 30Reply
posh38handmade @daisyd0102 Hi Daisy! It's so nice to meet you! Thanks so much for all of the shares and, of course, will always be returned :)!
Jul 30Reply
daisyd0102 I love to share too :)
Jul 30Reply
zharah 💞💞💞
Jul 31Reply
elizabeth3374 Hey Hun come back bye running more great deals love returning customers
Dec 20Reply

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Last Active: Dec 01 2024

Birmingham, AL
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