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Updated Oct 26
Updated Oct 26

Meet the Posher

Meet the Posher



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Hi there, some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Patagonia, Pink, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment so I can check out your closet too! ☺
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z1z1 I just shared your listing, would appreciate your support, I just started a week ago, 😊 thank you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
May 02Reply
a_dancer14 @z1z1 of course! I would be glad to help, any questions feel free to ask anytime!
May 02Reply
feliciana1 Good morning Happy Friday!🤗 thanks for the shares. Look forward to sharing your closet as well. If you become interested in anything let me know. I love to make a great deal. Bundle and Save🙂🙂
May 05Reply
sandragittleson Hi there, welcome to Poshmark! I'm Sandra I invite you to check out my closet.I have great items, lot of them are BN. Get the best price when you bundle plus one shipping fee. Lmk if you would like help learning how to use the tools or about items in my closet. thanks so much for looking, happy posting & hope you have a blessed week! 🐾😊❤️🦋 ..
May 08Reply
dealsbyeddie Thanks for sharing! We accept reasonable offers.
May 10Reply
smartposh Thank you for your purchase. Your order will be shipped on Monday. 🎀
May 21Reply
1trillionscents Thanks for the follow😊
Jun 03Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
Jun 03Reply
mares138 Hi! I notice you are a dancer. I'm about to post dance shoes if interested. Will share from your closet as well. Happy Poshing!
Jun 04Reply
lvrbnny Welcome! Just so you know my entire closet is mix and match buy 2 get 1 free and buy 3 get 3 free! Act now before it's gone!
Jun 06Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 for sure what's up?
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 I mean it's totally up to you. I typically don't hold things because in the past people have asked me to do so, and then they never buy it because they either forget about it or change their mind and that can cause me to lose out on a potential sale. If you want to leave it then that's fine, technically you were not obligated to hold the, or otherwise you can cancel the order and make another listing for that item and list it as holding for another person.
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 of course, probably the best thing to do would be cancel the order and mAke a new listing, mark it not for sale and then comment (tagging the original person who asked you to hold it) and let them know to notify you when they are ready to purchase.
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 do you know how to cancel the order and mark a listing as not for sale?
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 so to cancel the order, on the red tool bar at the bottom, go all the way to the right and click on the last option. Go to "my sales" click on the item sold, go down to problems/inquiry and then "cancel order" (probably best to notify the person who purchased it first) you can do that by commenting on the original post and "@" then their user name
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 to make any listing "not or sale" click on the listing itself, click edit which will be in the upper right corner, go to the bottom where it says availability and then click "not for sale". It should then change to appear like this listing does. On the gray bar in the bottom so others will see that And not give them an option to buy unless you change it to for sale again.
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 no you have to make a new listing
Jun 11Reply
a_dancer14 @brookeleann81 no problem, it actually won't let you delete the old listing that says sold. Idk why poshmark hasn't figured out a way to do that yet but once it is sold you can't edit it unfortunately, but it's okay, since you'll makes new listing. I've done that several times
Jun 11Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 15Reply
emmperrelli Hey @a_dancer14 did u receive your order of the pink whale shep shirt from my page??
Jun 16Reply
a_dancer14 @emmperrelli yes I did, I've just been so busy I'm so sorry! Thank you again!!
Jun 16Reply
emmperrelli @a_dancer14 ok no worries!! I just wanted to make sure it arrived!! So glad you like it!!
Jun 16Reply
carolinacerv Hi girl how are you?
Jun 24Reply
jasminboutique Hello!!!! Thanks for following! Felt free to check out my closet if you can ;) xoxoxo
Jul 21Reply
richard2702 Nice pic
Jul 29Reply
berkleyd82 You commented on my post and said if i had anything i had to ask u.well i accdently purchased a item from do i get my money back
Aug 03Reply
berkleyd82 It was done this morning
Aug 03Reply
a_dancer14 @berkleyd82 did you make an offer or flat out buy it?
Aug 03Reply
berkleyd82 @a_dancer14 flat out buy it.and i didnt want it
Aug 03Reply
berkleyd82 I just bought a touch phone and i its sensitive i guess
Aug 03Reply
a_dancer14 @berkleyd82 well unfortunately you can only cancel an accidental purchase 3 hours after the initial purchase. You may be able to contact poshmark support though and maybe they can help you out
Aug 03Reply
berkleyd82 @a_dancer14 how do i contact posh
Aug 03Reply
a_dancer14 @berkleyd82 use the red tool bar at the bottom, go all the way to the right and click on it. Scroll down until you find poshmark support center, click on that, find contact poshmark support. Best of luck!
Aug 03Reply
hawaiian7268 Tanks for sharing my listing. U have a great smile
Sep 20Reply
hmlight Welcome girl! 😊
Sep 30Reply
eling1 Welcome!
Nov 07Reply
themodexchange Ive shared a bit of your items, && im wishing them all MUCH SUCCESS , Happy Poshing :)
Dec 05Reply
puffamugel Hi girl! Feel free to make an offer on that backpack! I’m going to the post office soon and could ship it with the stuff I’m bringing to it would get to you super soon ❤️
Dec 07Reply
snow1976 Thanks for following😍😘
Jan 20Reply
camps_boutique CONGRATS on hosting the upcoming party! I have just stocked my closet with tons of trendy styles. I'd love if you would take a look for a possible host pick. ❤ Jen
Jul 01Reply
heymissmichelle Congrats on hosting! Just shared some dresses + skirts with you that I’d be so grateful if you’d consider for the party tomorrow! 😊
Jul 02Reply
here2bfitted Congrats in hosting a party! Please check out my closet for Possible host picks! Thanks 😊
Jul 02Reply
katyyan25 Yay! Congratulations on hosting! Looking forward partying with you 🎊🎉😍😘♥️
Jul 02Reply
lesiastore Congratulations 🎉 🎈 on hosting party today! Please check out my closet for potential host pick. Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Jul 02Reply
poshbunnystyle Congrats on hosting one of my favorite parties. I love dresses and skirts! Please check out my closet for host picks. I will be shopping sharing and listing! Thanks in advance and have fun.
Jul 02Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Abigail. I’m Carol. 🎉🎉Congrats on your party.🎉🎉They can be so much fun. I wish you all the luck🍀🍀with sales💰💰‼️I would love for you to check out my closet for possible HP’s or maybe find something for yourself!😊😊
Jul 02Reply
hicoridee 😊😊 Thank you for co-hosting the Trendsetter Party tonight! I am so excited to share and shop! 🛍🛒 I hope you like some of my items. 😍 Congratulations and thank you again!! 🎉🍾🎊 💗💗
Jul 02Reply
hicoridee 😊😊 Thank you for co-hosting the Best in Dresses and Skirts Party tonight! I am so excited to share and shop! 🛍🛒 I hope you like some of my items. 😍 Congratulations and thank you again!! 🎉🍾🎊 💗💗
Jul 02Reply
lilnitelite Congrats on hosting the party! 🎉🎉 🎉🎉I would love if you'd browse through my closet for a host pick. Thank you for your consideration. We will be there to help, shop & share✨ ✨ ✨ ! Have fun!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸--Leah ❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️
Jul 02Reply
geodeandgem Thank you for selecting a listing from my closet as a host pick!! I wish you many sales and hope you find many great deals!! 🌺💕🌴✨🙂
Jul 02Reply
colleenidell Congratulations on hosting! Can’t wait to see your host pick! I would for you to stop by and maybe consider my closest for one.🐬 Congrats again!
Oct 09Reply
stylabration Congrats hostess! Fashion Favorites my fave party! Many new fall picks NWTS, unique, trending, quality. Id be honored, grateful & share forward! @cmadderom
Oct 09Reply
finickyflair Congrats on Hosting Fashion Favorites🌻🌷⚘🌹🥀🌼 Wishing you much success with quick sales! Pleass look through my closet for a possible HOST PICK. I would be thrilled! Thank you. 😊☺😍🤩
Oct 09Reply
aaaalllleeee Why hi, Abigail! Congratulations on hosting your Fashion Favorites party tomorrow! May I ask you to view my Posh compliant closet for a potential host pick? My listings will be grouped by department. Thank you very much, and good wishes with the party!
Oct 10Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick. I really appreciate it and I hope you have a wonderful party!
Oct 10Reply
marilynjackson Congratulations
Oct 10Reply
acelestialsoul ☀️🌴🌸🌴🌟Aloha! Congrats on the 👜👗👒Fashion Favorites party...I'll be there. 💕 I've got some AWESOME items that would be just right for🌟 Host Picks; could you please take a look at my closet?🌸 I'm a 😊 Poshmark Ambassador, ☀️Top Sharer: 💕Twitter, 💕Tumbler, 💕Instagram, 💕Pintrest, 💕Facebook, 💕Poshmark Fans - Plus I'm a Fast Shipper 🔥 & a 5-🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Seller. Mahalo.🌸 HAGDP-Have a great day Poshing! 👜👗👒
Oct 10Reply
demi5489 @a_dancer14 Hi Abigail! Congratulations on party hosting! I would very much appreciate the opportunity to have one of my items listed as a Host Pick in your upcoming Fashion Favorites Party! I have had 44 successful Poshmark transactions which have resulted in 40 5-star ratings, and I believe I would add a ton of value to your party. Your consideration is greatly appreciated!
Oct 11Reply
forevertee1 Congrats on hosting tonight💐please check my closet for potential host picks!! Have fun hostingt🎉🎉
Oct 11Reply
seaclass Following and sharing some of your CUTE dresses! ! !
Oct 11Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 16Reply
dbarnett1977 Cute closet
Feb 13Reply
winstondunbar Hi Happy Poshing🎆🎉🎑🎍💝😍😄🎄🎇
Nov 22Reply
zanne0921 Thank you for following me!
Jul 27Reply
oliviaami Dear @58d1c74f7e3236aefd031c87 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Jul 27Reply
poshnchiill Hi! thanks for adding me .. if you see anything in my closet i’m happy to give some items free in your bundle!
Aug 01Reply
cannondavid550 Welcome, nice closet by the way.
Aug 08Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 21Reply
_annettegraves I love your baby!!
May 20Reply

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