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My hubby. Furry babys &I Like to many brands to list they range from inexpensive to pricy it's about what looks good Fit & feel great. Work as fashion model since 16 posted few of my modeling pict under my profile.To show honesty &transparency have lot high end also own many every day brands I don't discriminate if compliments my scrawny frame feel free to leave comments &il be happy to check out your closets I don't offer discounts on bundle will negotiateonce priced mine fairly Crude Rude &Disrespectful Comments will be dealth with swiftly Happy Poshing

821 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community 😊😉😙
May 16Reply

Thank you that is nicest thing i heard so far really appreciate it that pict u commented on is of me &my husband taken last Thursday still finding my way around this site butt think I'm getting better vanya
May 16Reply

@vanyataycoon Thank you for your kindness, Ironicly we must all be soul sisters as I was just thinking the same thing before you sent it. I was hoping this way I would have a contact for him if he needed it. You are so kind my sister from NYC. I'm sure he will be fine, but is helpful to calm my nerves while he is there, With the terrorism going on I'm always anxious, he is 21 and not very worldly yet, and a bit to trusting. I'm having a few tears from your kindness and you don't even know me😂.
May 30Reply

@vanyataycoon con't. God Bless you both, you are so caring and kind. I'll take you up on your offer if I do need you. THis is my usual sign off , so you will know who I am and not another Pamela. 🙋💞🕊🙏🅿️amela. Bye
May 30Reply

@pavery777 sometimes amazing friends are made in unusual ways I meant every word do not hesitate to contact me and if I can do anything for your son here that's within my limited power u only need to ask Vanya much love big kiss & hug Vanya ps will be mailing your item first thing tomorrow morning
May 30Reply

@vanyataycoon You are so pretty and svelte! Congrats on your marriage and happiness! 🌷
Jun 02Reply

@vanyataycoon , thanks,for the hug an kiss text, carrying my new wristlet today, watching my 10 month old grandson today!!! Just learning to crawl, and he is all over the place!!!!!! LOL Have a good weekend my friends, again say HI to Gary too!! Be safe, 💓Pam
Jun 03Reply

Jun 04Reply

@vanyataycoon ok the hold for me or take down till I'm ready, thanks it could be a month rho. PAm❤️
Jun 04Reply

@pavery777 ok I'm putting it on hold for you I don't mind waiting I'm happy to do it
Jun 04Reply

@vanyataycoon We had a great time. Dinner and a movie, I've raised a great son despite my husbands death. I always get compliments from my neighbors at my apt. About how helpful he is , you will like him when you get to meet him, thanks for asking💋🙋Pamela
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for the hold, I'll be in touch, you are a very special lady with a special soul.🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊Pam
Jun 04Reply

Hi, if you love vintage bags I have an abundance of Vtg Coach, Dooney and Fossil bags! Come take a peek in my closet! Suggested User, Top 10% sales, quick shipper, lovenotes galore!
Jun 12Reply

@lorac2015 I'm sorry thought like would help you sell it I have few I can't even sell for a bargain not to mention many others that much pricier got married may 11moving so trying sell only didn't mean to mislead vanya
Jun 12Reply

@vanyataycoon It's part of the new Dressing Room feature that was introduced to us the beginning of this month. Did you get the Posh email on June 2nd? In order to utilize the new feature, you needed to update your app.
Jun 15Reply

@sharonpandora guess I didn't get the memo lol still stumbling around this site thanx to few nice people such as you learning but I still don't know what it means figuring it out have my burberry jacket coming back from buyer aperentlly buyer said it had odor to it i dry cleaned it before I gift wrapped it &included gift but they still aproves her claim seems really unfair &she bargain me for it I'm very honest &this are my loved items vanya
Jun 15Reply

@vanyataycoon Oh no!!! I've been on Posh for about 6 months. I've learned a lot by reading the Posh support items but the Poshmark Facebook groups have been invaluable. You really need to join because many of these people have been Poshing for years and have taught me so much.
Jun 15Reply

@sharonpandora ohhhhh not alowed on Facebook on contract for 3 years with modeling & acting agency.
Jun 15Reply

@vanyataycoon Understood. I'm a background actress from NYC but in NC for a while.
Jun 15Reply

@sharonpandora awesome u should let me know if back to NYC live in Manhattan midtown east perhaps coffee or chat thanx for helping me understand more of this site Vanya
Jun 15Reply

@vanyataycoon Definitely! Hoping to find a place. Far from a Posh expert but let me know if I can answer any questions. I can ask the FB group and get answers for you. It would be great to meet and chat.
Jun 15Reply

Hey Guys, Today is my last day for most of my items! If you want anything I will accept any fair offer :)
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for sharing! I love your closet!
Jun 19Reply

@jennygeller I like closet as well cool & thank you Vanya nyc
Jun 19Reply

@vanyataycoon I just realized it's a xs I have broad shoulders so it would never fit me but thank you so much you so sweet to offer to hold
Jun 19Reply

@katielisabethmc it runs real small really tight in sholder on me as well
Jun 19Reply

Good morning Vanya. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jun 20Reply

bella214777 your photos & your closet is just fabulous! I might be buying your Marc Jacobs bag for my daughter by the end of the night or maybe tomorrow. Waiting for funds to be released. Will you still be in NYC in September? If so, maybe we can meet for a cocktail?! 🍷🍸🍹
Jun 21Reply

@bella214777 we going for vacation hopefully to our lake cabin in Poconos Friday after labor day for week I I'm always up for cocktail but only drink wine lol. Cabernet happy to meet up live midtown east but on subway lime quick to go either direction was gonna counter on your offer but was canceled before I got to it vanya no worries let me know drinks regardless always ready to meet new people
Jun 21Reply

We used to have a place at Split Rock in the Poconos. Haven't been up there in a long time! My gf's & I try to get up to the city a couple of times a year. Would you believe that I am allergic to wine! But not to gin or! Will keep in touch! Gonna buy now! xxx
Jun 21Reply

@bella214777 sorry to hear that had 3 kidney surgery last year but still saved my kidney it so trust me know how it feels spent most lay year with stent kidney draining thing probably 6 months in bed health us most important
Jun 21Reply

@bella214777 u funny we have cabin on Fairfield lake in Poconos &little fishing boat &I'm happy to meet up with you &your girlfriends love gin &vodka but they don't like me wake up not feeling to good after those nights vanya
Jun 21Reply

@bella214777 OHH I'm happy u got my purse for your daughter kinda sad to see it leave really love it but fact is just got married may 11 that's pict from wedding so we got new apt &i have so much stuff worked as fashion model since 16
Jun 22Reply

@vanyataycoon would be nice if we lived closer then I could go through your closet lol. But really I think we would be good friends I've always wanted to travel to New York maybe one of these days!
Jun 23Reply

@katielisabethmc that would amazing I always wanted to go down south guess we can try to grow this friendship I can always help you find accommodations here @ much more reasonable then online & show you around stuff reall friends do & would love to come down your way as well well future is ahead it's what we do
Jun 23Reply

@vanyataycoon sounds great!
Jun 23Reply

@katielisabethmc but u might have to go trough rented storage room my hubby is @my apt he is saying there is no way those rags Lil will fit into our new Diggs
Jun 23Reply

💕Thxs for sharing 💖
Jun 23Reply

@vanyataycoon well post the stuff and send my way!!!! You have such a sweet soul!!!!
Jun 23Reply

@vanyataycoon Hi and Welcome to Poshmark! Your closet is amazing!
Jun 23Reply

@wlew thanx all my stuff &Amy next door girlfriend few shoes that pict of my wedding may 11 this year so packing my apt in Manhattan NYC to move to new place we just leased not much space lol still have to gigantic Home Depot boxes to go trough &1 realy deep closet worked as fashion model since 16 so have a lot vanya
Jun 23Reply

@vanyataycoon Good Luck on your move! Been through 2 in 3 years ugh!! You are gorgeous! What a fabulous life you must of had! I did catalog modeling as a child, and yes the free clothes were a great perk.
Jun 23Reply

@tennisgirl1821 didn't wonna post under items u liked would like sell them this weekend but il do 400 for both purse &jacket don't want to mention which ones in case someone reeds this vanya
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon okay! Thanks!! I will check out these measurements and see what would work.
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon 3 questions 1) what's the lowest you'd go on red jcrew jacket 2) lowest on red Marc jacobs I'm sure I can't afford and 3) the white Zara shorts I wear a 4 would they fit me
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon I'm gonna make a bundle and you tell me what I can have for
Jun 24Reply

@katielisabethmc told u allready will give u Zara no charge and coat for 185 but bundle them & offer that & I'll acept wish I could better
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon I bundled the Kate spade purse and wallet.. my weakness is coats and purses I'll hold off on coat
Jun 24Reply

@katielisabethmc I don't see anything on my side which Kate spade & wich wallet
Jun 24Reply

@katielisabethmc black Kate spade cross body.& only katespade wallet I have posted is multicolored one ?
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon ok what about just the yellow Roberto cavalli tank, white Zara shorts and black j. Crew
Jun 24Reply

55 u know poshmark takes 20%'meaning il only get only 44
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon please don't think I'm trying to take advantage of your kindness I'm not at all!!!! Your very kind and I appreciate you negotiating with me
Jun 24Reply

What a great picture of you and your hubby! You are just gorgeous and have an absolutely amazing closet! I'm a pretty new Posher myself but have really had fun so far. Good luck to you in your sales! 😘
Jun 24Reply

@omi_omy thanx for liking my wedding photo we just got married may 11 so moving we found new apt so clearing out my old used to work as fashion model since 16 so have a lot of high end designer stuff that didn't even make it up yet to post vanya
Jun 25Reply

@omi_omy thanx doll just did Checked it out appriciete u sending me link she has some cool stuff hope she is mood to buy some stuff lol
Jun 25Reply

@omi_omy how did u come across her .
Jun 25Reply

@vanyataycoon Total accident! I just happened to come across her name when I was adding people to follow. I couldn't believe it was actually her! I'm so glad we met so I could share her closet with you (and you can share yours!).
Jun 25Reply

@omi_omy I just shared all her that's left & like and as marketing tool for myself going after each handle from her comments under each item wether sold or not it's good source of hopfully potential buyers for me lol
Jun 25Reply

@omi_omy I have so much stuff 2 more gigantic Home Depot boxes that are still sitting in my old apt we talking all designer stuff and another really deep closet to go trough have to be out by end of month might have rent storage won't fit into new apt lol got to sell but can't give it to cheep lol
Jun 25Reply

@vanyataycoon You have awesome items in your closet and have them priced well! Your items will fly out of your closet! Great idea to share your items with those in Carole's closet! Thanks for the tip!!!😍
Jun 25Reply

@ally_marc hey have had chance to check that french website vanya
Jun 26Reply

@ally_marc just shared bunch of hears even do I strongly disagree on yo.u selling those at listed price all this boho anthropology & stuff trend will pass next year will be different style but classic stays classic always in fashion for years to come
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc I don't know preaty old perhaps u should take it if it's been sitting in storage how about counter offer first say 185
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc il go check the bag now
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc I looked at purse I would take offer unless u think u counter
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc counter first see if she counters back
Jun 27Reply

Oh no Vanya Jan, you didn't understand, you didn't have to share my closet, you share the lady's who are hosting the party, 6 items from their closets. Because they are important people, mentor, suggested user.
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc I shared theirs as well buy like yours much more frankly like u more then any of this
Jun 27Reply

Not much for important people just care about ones I get to know &like stuff will sell people that I like are much are rare. &have no price tag but yet bring joy to my life
Jun 27Reply

Okay Vanya, click on SHOP- click on ALL PARTIES- click on PARTY INVITATIONS - view parties. That's tomorrow's 4 parties. Now click on the host share 2-3 items & on one of them say Congratulations on hosting a 🎉🎉 see that's what everyone does
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc think il try it tommorow l will read how to again lol having my second glass of wine been long day 2 castings 1 call back vet apt for my doggy dinner for hubby pict having to put on my Balenciaga pants on for pict & my Prada & etro pants will post other 2morow + have to move stuff to storage have to be out of old place by first
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc I don't ever say that &don't offer discounts either negotiate once &I don't deal with going back &foward
Jun 27Reply

@ally_marc year party what for wish we were closer so I would be able to attend wish your daughter happy great party & have lovely time
Jun 27Reply

@wlew thanx will check yours just been busy have only till first to vacate my old apt so last push to pack rented storage room today lol
Jun 27Reply

@vanyataycoon Again good Luck!!
Jun 27Reply

@poshcoffeesnob yes my little buddy had vet appt today couple vaccines so bit out of it I feel bad for it but have to do it he hasn't even eaten tonight just went to sleep feel so guilty
Jun 27Reply

@coleenmay thank you for the likes @ compliment on my closet New here bit over a month so appriciete it Vanya nyc
Jun 27Reply

@katef congrats on hosting your party today wish u a lot of success Vanya nyc
Jun 27Reply

@theamandaweiss congrats on hosting party today wish u great success Vanya nyc
Jun 27Reply

@rosegoldlining congrats on hosting party today I'm sure it will be great success Vanya nyc
Jun 27Reply

@pinkspoon smart to talk here or under your profile I don't do that i stick my prices I d i nt mind my stuff chilling it will sell or it will sell to this french company I post with just don't take low offer on that wallet include pict if u can of serial #& l.v label were it says made in France that should help also mesurments how wide open when closed what's the height &material it will sell post more pict of it
Jun 28Reply

Great pic & congrats on Ur wedding! 🔵🔵🔵WELCOME TO POSH🔵🔵🔵too! Great place to shop & sell and most importantly...all sorts of support here!
Jun 30Reply

@vanyataycoon hi, thanks for the share and like.
Jul 01Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you for sharing my closet!!
Jul 02Reply

@vanyataycoon Love the added photos...seem so familiar...🙃😉👧🏻🙋🏻
Jul 02Reply

@vassdor hi new here less then 2 months just wanted to thank you for likes Vanya NYC
Jul 02Reply

Good morning, hun! My hubby and I are getting ready to leave for the day to do yard work at my home we're trying to sell. Often times when we're there outside people stop by for a look so keep your fingers crossed for me! I just love seeing your modeling pics...especially the one of you in the hat! Simply gorgeous! What nationality are you? I'm nearly all Norwegian with just a little bit of Swede from my grandfather. 🇳🇴
Jul 02Reply

@omi_omy keeping fingers crossed on my hands &I my ugly toes hope u sell it I'm Bosnian by origin or u can say from former Yugoslavia
Jul 02Reply

@vanyataycoon Thanks! I doubt you have ugly toes! I'm laughing since you have an awesome body and as I'm out of shape and need to lose weight, I think my toes are probably my best feature! and I would make quite a pair!
Jul 02Reply

Thank you @vanyataycoon for the Likes and Shares. Your story is intriguing and your closet is amazing! You inspire me!! Have lots of fun today -- hello to Gary!! 🌸🛍✨🛍 Jennifer xx
Jul 04Reply

Wow u to kind but I love it thank you for your well wishes as far as fun trying to organize new apt not much fun we just moved in &closet space in Manhattan sucks +have share now much love from me Vanya
Jul 04Reply

Thank you for the share!! 😍 I'm just getting started on Posh, so I appreciate the love ❤️☺️
Jul 04Reply

@jcrewzie thanx for compliment all my items not nearly done posting have few more gigantic Home Depot boxes waitin for me to get to it but bussy setting up new appt lol il check your closet vanya
Jul 05Reply

@jcrewzie stop by tonight wil be picking up Muir. Mui pants from dry cleaners &derec lam+ think I might post Cristian door purse if I get home some normal hour Vanya
Jul 05Reply

@cassrojas hi there just wanted to thank you for the like on my OrYANY cow hair bog purse let me know if u have any questions vanya nyc
Jul 09Reply

@msavage84 yes I am will check it out now thank you
Jul 09Reply

@vanyataycoon your welcome and thanks!!
Jul 09Reply

@vanyataycoon I am so embarrassed I did not get back to you sooner, my sincerest apologies my friend, I promise to,purchase this on this Friday at 6 pm our time,please don't be angry. I love your kind soul. 🙋😘🕊🅿️amela.
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 I could never be angry @ you like you to much just told you the truth don't worry & please don't hurry with buying dont over extend yourself take care of you & your family first & foremost don't mind it one bit just want u take care of your prioritys first when you are comfortable not before please will be here Vanya
Jul 10Reply

@cassrojas seems as u liked my 3 items valued @ 425 fendi sunglasses Kate spade cross body & Marc Jacobs dark silver gray purse if intrested will let them all go at bundle together for 300 Vanya nyc
Jul 10Reply

I love the new pictures of your modeling career, I am so honored to have met you, my NYC friend, you have more beautiful things in your closet, I love your closet the best. TTUS❤️Pamela
Jul 10Reply

People were calling me out to prove my claim of being model so I did those very only few from so many lol I have guess il rotate bfelet like I had to back up my claim when challenged
Jul 10Reply

@keeneyedkaren u are to kind l see u liked my few purses will make u great deal any I see u liked only one I can't go down on Anya hindmarch that one is 1700 retail + tax and as new posted at lowest I would let it go let me know what u thinking tank you for sharing will go share some more of your stuff Vanya nyc
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 u are so sweet my dear friend I was hoping you will look pict I posted much love and appriciete fact that u love my closet still have 2 gigantic Home Depot boxes to go trough all shoes clothes purses my old appt was finished so only personal stuff that I owned much love from me Vanya
Jul 10Reply

@vanyataycoon my dearest Vanya , I thought about the lady that offered $235 for the yellow bag, I want you to sell it to her you deserve the extra $$$$$ , I have changed my mind about it and no longer want it, please sell to her, I really need to buckle down on my spending and start to sell myself. No worries , I release you from your promise to hold, I get something else when I straighten out the finances. Love always Pamela.
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 don't worry about that women she got upset@ me for refusing to sell it now I would want to sell it her for fear of her ruining it on purpose I would much rather sell it to you when you ready are u sure u don't want no more I don't mind holding it & yes u should start selling stuf u don't use no more il share Vanya
Jul 10Reply

@vanyataycoon No Vanya, you sell it, but ask for more 💸💸💸that is too cheap, re list it again later for more money , you can do that because you own it, you rule my 👸!!!! Love ❤️ Pamela
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 ok your choice I will post it at 250 let me know when your son is coming to town again would like to send you few small things by him think u might enjoy as present to you & that way wont cost us shipping
Jul 10Reply

@vanyataycoon Your are too kind and generous, poshmark is to make money 💰 be a little tougher with the prices of your special, expensive thing, you might as well get the 💰from the things you were given when you modeled. Thanks for being so kind to my son and I. Wish I had a good man I my life, very lonely since he died. Always wonderful talking with you. ❤️🕊🙋Pam
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 reach out any time I mostly text &I even do hate posting my digits here 917 640 5130 that way your son has it when he comes back & me & you. Can chat whenever u feel lonely Vanya
Jul 10Reply

@vanyataycoon You are the kindest stranger I know LOL.😂🤣you really touch my ❤️ and make me 😭💦💦 I'll be in touch, thanks for the out reach to me.
Jul 10Reply

@pavery777 don't cry please chin up & start posting stuff to sell if I can do it you can do it much better Vanya
Jul 10Reply

Wow! I thought you looked like a model! Did you ever work with Rick Guidotti? He took pics of my son! Great guy!! I could absolutely die happy in your closet 😂 love all your items
Jul 11Reply

@nsense o wow such sweet compliment thank you please enjoy my closet I know the photoghrapher u talking about personally but never worked with him he prefers different subjects for his photos more of real life subjects police or medical purposes digital face recognition portraits he avoids high fashion shoots Vanya
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Yes, that's him. I think he did some high fashion shoots in the past but, had been shooting to "break taboos" for a while now. Super sweet guy! My youngest son has Down Syndrome and he loved Rick.
Jul 11Reply

@nsense yes he made money in past in fashion photography but changed direction once he established him self went back to his passion of real life people especially 3 Ed world Africa in particular his specialty cutting edge multifaceted industries in USA that actually seve medical eraser & missing children
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon such an awesome and compassionate person! I think he comes to Houston every year. I missed him this year but, maybe will see him next year. I would love to travel back to NYC. I loved it when I visited years ago! Congrats on your marriage you make a beautiful couple! I will continue to keep an eye on your lovely closet!
Jul 11Reply

@nsense if u decide to come to NYC I will be happy to help you find accommodations know city inside out & afordable but decent places to stay & ufcourse site seeing Cocktails lol check this handle jennerator26 she has beautiful daughter I just sent Statue of Liberty with farragamo purse she also has Down syndrome
Jul 11Reply

@nsense many pict of her there
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon You are too kind. I definitely will take you up on that!
Jul 11Reply

@nsense please do I always have more space in my life for more friends
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Oh, she is adorable! Thanks for sharing that! My son is my angel!! He is adorable also and so very sweet! He makes my day everyday!!
Jul 11Reply

@nsense glad I could share that
Jul 11Reply

@nsense would love to see pict of your little angel
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon will try to figure out a way to do that. I could give you my email address and then you could email me. Then I could send one to you. I know that seems complicated but, we are a little more private about posting pics. We don't Facebook etc. just didn't want it taking over my life.
Jul 11Reply

@nsense we are as well no worry will send my digits in package I mostly text me & Jenny with little Sarah text on daily bases
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon oh cool, that will work thanks 😊
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon Hi Gary and Vanya,sending 🌹💞🙋I forgot to ask you if you come across a Chanel bag I would like first dibs, I have always wanted one and never could afford one since husband income died with him. Please let me know as I know you have more things to go through, also Hannah , my sons GF is coming to see us this Saturday for 5 days . I'll get a picture of them for you to have. Love always , Pamela
Jul 11Reply

@pavery777 ohh my dear friend I have Chanel's bags & all accounted for don't think il posting any of them on posh have them listed on French website for few grand each can his girlfriend meet me when back in town so I can give her some coach stuff for you since u listed it as u like coach she can either ship it to you or your son can bring it to you would be my gift today is my second month anniversary lolVanya
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon that's ok , I know they are very expensive. Hannah is coming here Saturday, I'll check with Matt re her stopping by. My son Matt is very protective, and not as understanding as I am. I'll ask tho, He may want to go with her next time he is down there. I'll call you , much easier that way. Thanks for the update love ❤️ talking with you, you kind soul. Have a beautiful day, GOD BLESS all you do. Your BFF Pamela.
Jul 11Reply

@pavery777 nothing wrong with protecting what you love. I was just offering gift too send you that's all no Need for big production u have my digits was thinking I would meet her or him or both when in town like Starbucks or some other public place
Jul 11Reply

@vanyataycoon they might do that, but I'll check with him.
Jul 12Reply

@vanyataycoon what is her posh name ? So I can seeit
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon no she never contacted me, only you did. That's why I need her posh address @ ??????
Jul 13Reply

Beautiful collection! 😍
Jul 13Reply

@dchandleracc thanx my most prized ones are my new hubby & my fifth limb as I call him my little dodgy
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon Vanya, I never got contact w woman w channel, but I looked in her closet nothing I liked anyway , but 🙏 thanks, ❤️🙋🅿️am
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon I did that awhile ago, I'll have to look again, most of what I like is to costly for my budget. Maybe with my income tax return this year, I might buy.❤️🅿️
Jul 13Reply

@tanjaarella hi there just wanted to thank u for the like on my Helmunt LAng jacket & to tell you tanka is my sister name spelled same way with the j let me know if u have any questions Vanya nyc
Jul 14Reply

@7bliss2 thanx darling top cover photo is from my wedding may 11 this year Vanya nyc
Jul 16Reply

@vanyataycoon Just got home as usual from work. Saw your note. It's ok Vanya, there will always be something else in my future.🕊🙏 ❤️Pam
Jul 17Reply

@chugaluga o wow thank you so much that iis such beautiful compliment new here about 2 months not nearly done posting yet jus got married & we moved to new place so selling some stuff all my personal items + few things from my best friend Vanya nyc
Jul 18Reply

@vanyataycoon ypur photos are beautiful! No wonder you are a model! Thank you for being so kind Vanya! You're the nicest internet friend I have met!
Jul 20Reply

Thanks for all the shares 😊
Jul 20Reply

@tinkerjill hi there would be willing to let my Rebecca minkoff go for 70 that's my bottom line hope it works for you Vanya nyc
Jul 22Reply

',@lrcornwell hi there just wanted you to know I have shipped you purchase few hours ago u should be getting tracking #soon vanya nyc
Jul 27Reply

You're funny too! : D
Aug 05Reply

Hi Vanya, I reduced the price on the vintage leather boots you liked, if you are interested, I can ship tomorrow, thanks Edie
Aug 09Reply

Or if you think they are still too much just make me a fair offer 💞💞
Aug 09Reply

You have so many beautiful things...
Aug 15Reply

Thank you so much for the great rating-thought you'd like the doggie🐶 and beautiful photos-I know modeling is so much more than a beautiful face but great skill-looks like tu have both! I'll be looking for you in ads...and glad you are happy with the Tod's.
Aug 18Reply

Please do a google search to find out what items retail for before offering me a sum total $80.00 for 2 Tiffany rings and a Tiffany bracelet. Maybe if my items were Stolen...nah, I could still get more than $80.00
Aug 21Reply

@ney7kline I truly apologize my girlfriend visiting from California I let her browse posh from my account She asked me if she can use my account to make offer I agreed I don't wear size f that ring that' would fit me nor do I wear Tiffany I m truly sorry should have checked what she was offering for she only asked me if she can offer 100 on something I agreed once again I apologize your items are beautiful &worth every penny u asking my apologies Vanya nyc
Aug 21Reply

@ney7kline just seen her offer she made offer on your Gucci ring &done bracelet of Tiffany that has broken clasp. Not to Tiffany rings & bracelet
Aug 21Reply

@ney7kline still way tolow offer of 100 for 1 Tiffany bracelet and 1 Gucci ring. So I apologize Vanya nyc
Aug 21Reply

Hey girl, thanks so much for your purchase, I hope you enjoy the jeans! And thanks so much for your 5 star rating!! I love your closet 😍😍
Aug 21Reply

@nsense love the jeans can't hardly wait for cooler wether so I can start wearing them They are best looking pair of miss me jeans I be seen on posh if I could I would have given you 100 stars Vanya nyc
Aug 21Reply

@valuevintage thank you very much on compliment I really appreciate fact that u have chosen my closet to future and promote happy poshing Vanya nyc
Aug 21Reply

Thanks for sharing.
Aug 21Reply

You have gorgeous closet! Thanks for many likes and shares again.
Aug 21Reply

@jacaranda1831 new here since May always happy to share &like thanx for compliment on my closet same back @you will share often hope it helps sell Vanya nyc
Aug 21Reply

Truly impressive closet!
Aug 22Reply

@vanyataycoon Nice closet & I hope you enjoy it here. Should you have any questions plz feel free to ask as I'm a Suggested User, Posh Mentor & Party Co-Host. I'll do my best to help & nice to meet you. Happy Poshing
Aug 22Reply

@ses54 wow thank you only been here since May &foreign english is my 4 TH laung been stumbling around the site @first but lucky for me people such as yourself have been kind enough to help &explain a lot but I'm sure I could use all the help I can get will definitely keep you in mind really appriciete you offering help thanx for compliment on my closet make me feel like I'm getting better Vanya NYC
Aug 22Reply

@vanyataycoon You're quite welcome and it takes a while but eventually you will figure everything out & trial & error. I have a chat 💭 listing in my closet & if you have any questions you can list them there. Have a great day & good luck 🍀🤗💕
Aug 22Reply

@vanyataycoon I'll tag you in the chat listing so you can easily locate it. 👍
Aug 22Reply

@vanyataycoon Hello my NYC Posh friend. I am coming that way. I will be there for some acting gigs and celebrating my Birthday, the last week in September. 😊
Aug 23Reply

This is my dream closet!! I love your style! I love fashion but I have a scrawny frame too so it's hard to find things that fit and look great. You seemed to have it mastered!
Aug 25Reply

@rebekah80 wow thank you for compliment so kind it's very hard for me to find clothes but I have gotten much better at finding items that are small enough but long enough think it helps that I work in fashion I'm not nearly done posting got married in may so still unpacking after move have a lot left to post but not enough time vanya nyc
Aug 25Reply

@vanyataycoon congrats on the wedding! I got married in May too, 17 years ago 😳 I would love to work in fashion. Almost got into modeling but my full time job didn't allow for much flexibility. I love that I can find great clothing and share them with others on here. 😊
Aug 26Reply

@luzrco0926 think I go back to look at my Anya lol while there I share your items girl I might be getting to 10xmy own size soon if my hubby of couple months has his wish he has baby's in his mind girl my paycheck depends on size of my waist as you know work as model can't do that yet another few more years to put some more modeling money aside Vanya NYC
Aug 27Reply

@vanyataycoon Hey my friend, I have had a mess with my Internet, it went down and the company had to come and knock down my wall and retire the entire cable in my apt, it even effected the whole rest of my building, no one had Internet it was a disaster they finished it today , but still have tore build the dry wall . What a mess.
Aug 31Reply

@vanyataycoon Welcome to POSH💗😍 Wonderful pics and closet✅😁 I wish you the best! Happy poshing💗💋
Aug 31Reply

@vanyataycoon Great pictures-love the Pooch 🙀 Stop by- closing out all- & @only1mitzyrose - offers welcome at both cousins closet & mine! Also by eB.. some 👗👠👛🙀
Sep 04Reply

@vanyataycoon yeah been busy also, watching grandkids. Today 2 police detectives came to my door scared me, they just wanted some info re the internet outage, they think someone sabotaged the internet to my building. Very scary , they will keep me posted. Just thought I stop to see your closet. Going to bed now have to get up early for work , Talk to you soon, ❤️🙋😘Pam
Sep 05Reply

Hey!❤️🎉❤️Thank you so much for the Posh Love' Please let me know if you have any questions❤️I also love to add discounts to bundles❤️Lots of Love and Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 15Reply

I love your♥️♥️💖💖😘😘😍😍👠👠👢👢 closet!
Sep 18Reply

Thank you for the shares! Beautiful pictures and closet. Congratulations on your wedding 💕
Sep 21Reply

Hi! I know there are so many fabulous closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way have a wonderful weekend!
Sep 24Reply

@vanyataycoon hi 🙋🏻my name is Olga.... pff of Jess @matadora1978 just wanted to drop in & introduce myself. 🌹
Sep 25Reply

@partymk999 hi olga plesure to meet you I just visited your closer as well very pretty vanya nyc
Sep 25Reply

Beautiful pictures😁 love the puppy pics too!
Sep 25Reply

you have a beautiful closet!!!
Sep 28Reply

You have fabulous style, and I love your puppy! What a cutie ❤️
Sep 28Reply

@charpie72 hey girl just shared my tods ankle boots that you were interested in if they were aval .on Friday well they still available and it's Friday let me know Vanya nyc
Sep 29Reply

@vanyataycoon yes, I will please hold I will pay later today.
Sep 29Reply

@charpie72 ok girl il put not for sale till you ready just comment me when you ready to purchase so I can change back f o r sale so u can get them vanya
Sep 29Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you sooo much! Will do
Sep 29Reply

Congratulations on your marriage! Look so happy, I'm glad you found Poshmark it's a lot of fun...I buy way to much my closets are full. Stop for a visit anytime I would be glad to help if you have any questions. Dianne @zipper
Sep 29Reply

I'm ready 😁
Sep 29Reply

It won't let me purchase because it says the boots are reserved by someone else.
Sep 29Reply

Thank you for following me. You have a great NY style closet.
Sep 29Reply

Hola Sweetheart! Thanks for sharing & liking my pic💕💕U have a Beautiful Family & Fabulous Closet 💖💕💕
Sep 30Reply

Sorry, that crossbody like brand new, I used it only couple of times... look it the original price... I can’t do it less then that, I’m sorry 😐
Sep 30Reply

Hi $20 on the Burberry mules is a done deal! I can ship late Monday. I will pay shipping to save on fees. Do you want the box?
Sep 30Reply

Eastern Europe? I just returned from Budapest! Love it!
Sep 30Reply

Congrats on your marriage
Sep 30Reply

Hi dear. I invite you to check out my closet for great deals
Oct 01Reply

@vanyataycoon I love your pics! Your fur baby is adorable!
Oct 01Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Oct 02Reply

Hello! Just curious, where from in Eastern Europe? My husband is Romanian 💐💋💋💋💋
Oct 03Reply

@vanyataycoon Welcome to the Posh World ❤️. Hope you find everything you are looking for. Congratulations on your marriage and also for your fur baby being loved by both of you.
Oct 05Reply

Love the way you described how you feel about clothing and brands. My meet the posher says about the same lol. I'm small as well and completely understand. Please feel free to ask me anything if you ever have any questions. Beautiful pics and I wish you many many sells!!
Oct 06Reply

@vanyataycoon OMG r u bulgarian?😮
Oct 08Reply

Hey lady. How are you? Thank you so much for checking up on me. That makes me feel so good. All your friends are so lucky to have you. I’ve been doing a lot of laying down this week and weekend. I slept in really late my husband would not wake me up.
Oct 08Reply

I was up early but then I went back down lay down and I guess fell back asleep so I don’t now. Just been relaxing at home I’m so happy he’s home and back from work. I am not going to even think about surgery for a long long time. I’m gonna do a lot of research before even think about it. But this weather has not made me feel great either. It’sBeen raining where I live since Friday night so not good.
Oct 08Reply

Love your pooch❣️ Great closet, too!!
Oct 09Reply

Wow you're gorgeous :)
Oct 13Reply

Hi Gary & Vanna! Nice to meet you, I'm Deb. Thank you for the follow❤️ Hope you have a great day today and Happy Poshing! 😊🛍️🍂🍁
Oct 15Reply

@vanyataycoon hey hun are you still interested in Burberry bag? Just wanted to let you know I lowered the price on it , I can ship right away for you if you still want it, let me know😉
Oct 16Reply

Hello, just stopping by to say Hi😊. I know there are lovely closets on Posh, but I'd be grateful if you'd check out mine. Either way, Have a nice Day!😉
Oct 17Reply

Oct 18Reply

@vanyataycoon hello hun!
Are you still interested in my Burberry bag? Is still available nd I’m still getting a lot of offers in it, let me know and feel free do make me another offer I will consider! Happy Poshing😊🙃
Oct 19Reply

Great closet! ❤️💜❤️💜
Oct 22Reply

Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely day! 😊
Oct 22Reply

@vannyateacoon hi sweetheart nice to meet you 💋💋💋💋💋 you are beautiful
Oct 23Reply

Nice stuff in ur closet I love checking out everyone's closet. Nice to see a,real model 2
Happy poshing 💗💗💗
Oct 23Reply

First off thank you for the <3 my Posh account is dedicated to my 9yr old non verbal disabled son appreciate the shares! I want to take the time to say you look very nice in your modeling pictures but you look Great now!! Your closet is amazing I wish you the best of luck selling and even though I have never met you, you seem like a sweet caring person with a big heart.. God bless you and your family and Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply

Found your closet through my friend @andine and wanted to check yours out. Beautiful closet! Welcome to Poshmark! I've been Poshing for several years and enjoyed meeting all the fabulous women I've met on this site. Leaving Posh love!
Oct 26Reply

Thanks for the shares ... great closet 😍
Oct 26Reply

thanks for the mega-sharing!!!
Oct 27Reply

@vanyataycoon we are doing well, weather is changing rapidly, it snowed here today. Matt is still reluctant to meet you. I told him it was ok ,but he is cautious as he should be, so I guess I raised him right. I tried to explain that you are European, and are not like mainstream USA. But he is still young yet and I think NYC scares him somewhat. Always Pamela
Oct 31Reply

@vanyataycoon OMG , I hope you guys were not near that Please of the shooting, !!!!! I do worry about you all. So scary, If you ever get a chance to get to Buffalo NY, give me a ring (716-225 -0754), you need to see Niagara Falls, one of the 7 wonders of the world. ❤️🙋🎃👻Pam
Oct 31Reply

Ok I'll tell him, he does know he can call you if there is emergency etc. his GF is coming here on 10/3/1017. This time , but next trip will be to go to NYC. Yes keep my phone # handy if you need me for anything, I'll be there for you always my soul sis. Sometimes people are just special like you! 😎
Oct 31Reply

@vanyataycoon yes I have yours, in special place as never to loose it, if your phone changes call me,
Oct 31Reply

@vanyataycoon Just got home, had to wk late. Glad you got my #. Hang on to it. ❤️you. Pam
Nov 01Reply

@vanyataycoon I know saw and heard on tv, my condolences, it's not safe anywhere any more. He wanted to kill Americans , but instead killed Argentinians'. on vacation. He didn't do his homework. The police should just not kill the terrorists because they expect death by 👮, they should just mame them , and send them to jail with big Bubba as their room mate. Then Bubba can show him some justice. Sorry had to rant. ❤️🙏me
Nov 01Reply

@vanyataycoon 😂 LMAO, I truly love you, " Big Bubba is a fictional slang term "for a extremely large African American man in jail, who can and would do assorted "things" to a not so likable inmate like a terrorist or a child molester. Jail inmates have their on type of justice, and have their own punishments for different types of heinous offenses, toward other inmates.
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for the like. ♡ Beautiful piece.
Nov 02Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you for the shares!! 😊🌺
Nov 06Reply

Beautiful stunning closet items! ❤️
Nov 06Reply

Thx again 4 all the shares. I am looking for a black balengcia bag about medium if u happen 2 get anything like that please tag me
Nov 07Reply

@thx again can't thank u enough. Do u model in NYC
Nov 07Reply

Love your closet and amazing vogue pics on your
Profile! 👌🏻🙏🏻
Nov 09Reply

Thx 4 the likes. I have Jimmy choo & Gucci left. The Stella I traded 4 a CHLOE. I do have more purses left I just have a hard time letting them go
Nov 09Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing 😊
Nov 11Reply

Thanks again 😘
Nov 12Reply

Great closet!!
Nov 13Reply

@vanyataycoon Hi ! Just stopping by to say hello & congratulate on ur 6month wedding anniversary! I just happen to notice the date in ur bio. Congratulations on being a success & of course ur great closet. I used to live in CT up until almost a yr ago & oh how I miss it & NYC. There is nothing like NYC it’s another 🌍 but , great ! Again, nice to meet u & congratulations 🍾🎉
Nov 15Reply

🎉🎉⭐️ CONGRATS🎉⭐️😉 Today is your furr baby day and yours too as well😉💙💛🧡 Enjoy your day 🥇🎉🤗
Nov 18Reply

HELLO 🐶👋🏻🤗💋 to Mom and Fifth Limb🐶❤️ Have a great day and Happy Poshing💕✨
Nov 18Reply

I put alot on 2 draw attention 2 my closet. Not giving it up as u van c by price lol
Nov 19Reply

Thanks for sharing my listening 😊
Nov 19Reply

Awww beautiful baby fifth limb! Looks like a happy doggy!!
Nov 19Reply

I took a flash pic of the one i thought i was getting, but dont have # 2 send in tect
Nov 23Reply

Thry take my 1st paym checking acct dec. 15
Nov 23Reply

You have an exquisite closet!
Nov 27Reply

Superb❣️ Exquisite❣️ To Die for Closet❣️😍💕❣️ Congratulations on your Wedding✨🎉💐✨ Thanks for following me! 😇
Nov 27Reply

Ok, grabbed a few pics from phone!
Nov 27Reply

I️ just noticed the picture of the dog! Look at my meet your posher of my three pooches!
Nov 27Reply

The Burb scarf you inquired about is NOT authentic. Not even close. My listing include a post on fake Burberry. Take a look.
Nov 27Reply

Hi my love. Ive been sitting here crying, someone stole my identity. I cant buy thats what i do. I cant believe it happen 2 me. Ive never done anyone wrong. Thx for sharing love💋💖
Nov 28Reply

Thx so much
Nov 28Reply

You have an amazing closet. Keep up the good work!!!🤗🤗🤗
Nov 30Reply

Thx love 4 all the likes & ur shares u r the best if i say so myself
Nov 30Reply

Oh! The seller just deleted the ad for her FAKE scarf. That’s why you couldn’t find it anymore.
Dec 07Reply

That's the best I can do. The bag is pretty much brand new.
Dec 12Reply

Awesome, dream closet! ❤️
Dec 13Reply

All I can say is. Wow what a closet
Dec 14Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I think you'll enjoy my closet! Come by and check it out!
Dec 18Reply

Man i love this purse
Dec 20Reply

Thanks for the follow! I love your closet!!!! 😍😍😍
Dec 20Reply

Hello,I updated the photo picture#8,she is stamped 1856..☺🎄❤ Happy Holidays.
Dec 22Reply

So Happy she will be going to get a new look..She needs this.Thank you for your purchase I will ship tomorrow..Happy Holidays 🎄❤🎀🎁
Dec 22Reply

I love ❤️ your brands and site here!!!!
Dec 23Reply

@vanyataycoon Wishing you and Gary a very Merry 🎄 Christmas and Happy New Year, 🎊 your best friend ever from Buffalo, always Pam🎄🙋🕊🎁☃️🎅💋🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊💋💋💋🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄☃️☃️☃️☃️🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🙋
Dec 24Reply

Hi! You have such a beautiful closet! Love your style!
Dec 24Reply

Love your closet! 😍 sharing in hopes of many sales for you. 💕. Happy New Year
Jan 02Reply

I LOVE your positive spirit. Be blessed my friend.
Jan 03Reply

@vanyataycoon Hello beautiful friend! How are you?
Jan 04Reply

@vanyataycoon I just bought a gorgeous orange leather medium Givenchy Nightingale! Love it! Love Orange!
Jan 04Reply

Love your closet. Very chic, high quality.
Jan 08Reply

Hi! I just had noticed that you had made 3 items as bundle. If you would like to purchase it you can pay for 2 and get jeans free. Sorry, for late response. Thank you.
Jan 09Reply

Thank you so very much for the kind words in your review, I really appreciate it. It makes me so happy to see that you loved your new item ✨
Jan 12Reply

Awesome closet! Love your photos! ❤
Jan 12Reply

Your closet is stunning 💜.
Jan 12Reply

Happy 2018! Such cute pics of you and your husband. Love your closet!
Jan 13Reply

So Happy to hear your girlfriend loved her gift 💜🙋♀️👍
Jan 13Reply

Nice to meet you congrats on your wedding , I was just married on 7/27/17 so we are both newlyweds✌️❤️😊
Jan 13Reply

Vanya, my Mother was born outside of Munich Germany, she spoke very little English when she came to the US she was 20 years old when she came here, after 7 children she had no choice but to speak English, I wish I would have learned more German befor she passed
Jan 14Reply

Your closet so bomb!
Jan 19Reply

Thank you for the follow! Let me know if you like anything I always give great discounts! 🤗
Jan 21Reply

Thank you for following! I feel welcomed ☺
Jan 22Reply

Morning! Quite a beautiful closet you've got there. Congrats on your marriage, you two look like two gigly birdies. Nice pics. 👗👡👢🎉🎉👑
Jan 23Reply

Jan 25Reply

Such a wonderful pic of you and your husband. Now if only I could afford your closet, lol. I hope for many happy sales for you. 😊💜
Jan 25Reply

@j0llybean owwww thank you so much for liking pict of my hubby and I really sorry If closet to pricy I really tried to list at fraction of original price for brand that my items are to make it affordable to many wish you best in new year Vanya nyc
Jan 25Reply

Don't be sorry, at least you're not like more so the one trying to sell new very low priced items from companies or trying to highball anyone. Your prices are reasonable for these high end designers. One day I will be able to afford on the high end. Thanks, I wish you the best in the New Year too. J
Jan 25Reply

Hi dear, thank you for the shares, was a few time ago but I didn’t see it, I travel a lot but when I got back,I try to do my best for all the nice peoples that share my closet 💝 I really appreciated it😘 stay bless 🙏🙏
Jan 26Reply

YOU ARE SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!!!! So hope you’ll share how things go in February with fashion week - no matter what it sounds absolutely glamorous and exciting haha! Much love and hugs - it will be amazing!! XOXOXO
Jan 27Reply

@vanyataycoon Thank you so much for the shares! You have an amazing closet and adorable little pup! 😘
Feb 02Reply

@vanyataycoon Hi Vanya...been thinking about you...I didn't fall off the face of the earth...but close...had to have my neck completely fused (C2-C7) in Nov. and before that was in excruciating pain. Still recovering...long process. My phone isn't working (hasn't for months; tried to change the battery myself...ugh), and my laptop is just too heavy (for real)...I'll email you soon...xoxoxo...Sarah has been sick and says hi... :)
Feb 02Reply

Vanya! I have been trying to find you? Thank GOD you are still here, I just move into my new house,Now I have to get some cleaning people here to help me unpack, that’s why I took a vacation to get this house in order, I am not selling, buying yet! BUT I WILL BE SHARING for everyone I can, but not my Stuff until I get my Posh room( closet ) together, I have so many Rooms in this house, I will have a separate room just for my Poshmark, I will be sharing your Excellent closet right now!!!!✌️❤️😊
Feb 02Reply

By the way I love all your Photos, my Favorite one is with your husband you and your furry baby❤️❤️❤️
Feb 02Reply

@vanyataycoon thanks for sharing
Feb 08Reply

Vanya, hi lady you should’ve seen me at the post office today I was trying on the boots like a little kid at the post office in front of everybody they were all staring at me like I’m out of my mind 😂but I didn’t care they fit like a glove I love them and the pants I didn’t try in the Post office but when I get home I will thank you so much you are too sweet I can’t thank you enough the boots fit like a glove😘
Feb 09Reply

Vanya, almost forgot to tell you I hope the runway one great for you yesterday wish I could’ve been there I would love to see you✌️❤️😊💯
Feb 09Reply

Stopping in to say Hi 😊 and to give a big thanks for sharing my cute little tops. Blessings 😊💗
Feb 10Reply

Hi! Just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful ♥️
Feb 15Reply

@stewy68 thank you for compliment vanya
Feb 15Reply

@vanyataycoon you’re very welcome! I love your closet but unfortunately I’m not your size anymore...hopefully soon though 😊
Feb 15Reply

@stewy68 we all come in different shapes &sizes I'm sure you will find some beautiful items that will fit you great on this site
Feb 15Reply

Beautiful closet 💗
Feb 18Reply

@vanyataycoon Hello - I bought the silver Gucci wallet. Could you pls help me locate the serial #?
Feb 18Reply

@sunstroke46 sure which Gucci wallet is it could you tag me on a listing ?
Feb 18Reply

Love your closet!!! Great prices!
Feb 22Reply

@phuonglinh1080 wow that is just horrible I’m really sorry that happened to you can you send me her handle on posh so I can look her up i mostly purchase on here to give items to my girlfriends to keep them from my closet but I must admit found few thing I just had to keep for myself lol mostly positive experience but found my self having to block many people lately Thanx for reaching out to me
Feb 22Reply

@vanyataycoon so sorry to have bothered you . I will make sure not to send anymore offers.HAPPY POSHING 👀😊
Feb 23Reply

@delilahwear I’m really sorry I had to say it I hope you sell a lot of items I have just been swamped day in & day out by offers on any of my likes since this weekend really hard thank you Vanya nyc
Feb 23Reply

@vanyataycoon I totally understand . It was an honest error . I do agree with you , I have at least the same offers too . My Best to you for lots of sales too .
Feb 23Reply

You have an amazing closet!
Feb 23Reply

Hi, sweet lady! Thank you so much for the private offer, but my sweetheart said he would rather purchase in person a new bag that I really like. ( Online consignment is not for him.) I love your pieces, though, and thank you for thinking of me! Have a great weekend!
Feb 24Reply

Thank you dear for the shares🌹not need to share back, is my pleasure❤️ you know I have an apartment in Manhattan, Lexington and 85, near to Bettina’s apartment, my older daugther live there, she graduate from NUY and now she’s an editor at RL Corp, I’m very happy for her, have a blessed sunday you both 🙏🙏
Feb 25Reply

I sent you measurements 😊
Feb 25Reply

@lana1760 got so many could you tag me on listing so saves us some time
Feb 25Reply

@lana1760 perhaps that way I can be clear on wich listing thank you &sorry if inconvenience
Feb 25Reply

My lowest will be $45 , if you are interested 💞💝
Feb 26Reply

How you are?? I'm sure you're getting a lot of private offers from me, since you like so much of my items. I'm probably closing up my Posh closet for good in a few months, so I am trying to sell as much as I can.
Feb 28Reply

@lunasolei yes I am getting many fro you but don’t worry every time I get one from you I try share bunch of yours when I decline so sorry for decline do but will share bunch any time
Feb 28Reply

Hi great pics, thank you for sharing.
Mar 01Reply

Your closet is a dream! With the youngest of 5 in her 2nd year of college I'm still on a limited spending budget but if I could of my goodness! For now I dream.
Mar 03Reply

@deforrest5 owww thanx for compliment seems you have a lot on your plate il try share yours some more hope you sell bunch of your nice items vanya nyc
Mar 03Reply

Mar 04Reply

Thanks for Sharing your Pics! Your style is sooo Chic!
Mar 04Reply

Vanya, Check out my closet real quick if you get a chance I think you’ll be surprised make sure you read what it says😘
Mar 05Reply

I love the new photos you have on they’re fabulous🔥💯
Mar 05Reply

Cool picd😊
My name is Emily, thanks for following 🥀
Mar 05Reply

Hi Vanya,I'm Vanya too.💕😙
Nice to meet you 🌺🤗
Mar 07Reply

@vanyataycoon hi Vanya! I just got your note. I can give you a really great deal on the Shoes. I’m honestly needing to clear everything out because I’m running out of room in my chalk apartment. So I can give you a really awesome deal on them like way better than the price you see now. Go ahead & make an offer ;-)
Mar 09Reply

@vankakalpazanka I could let them go for only 100 & mail today would you want to take that deal? ;-)
Mar 09Reply

@shopherposh I don't know what you talking about, maybe wrong user😉🙈
Mar 09Reply

@vankakalpazanka the gold shoes you wanted in size 40
We were just talking you were going to do so $318 I can go as Low as $100 if you want that deal ;-)
Mar 09Reply

@shopherposh no its not me.So sorry.
Mar 09Reply

@vankakalpazanka the Marant shoes :-)
Mar 09Reply

Check out your previous messages, it's different Vanya.😉
Mar 09Reply

@shopherposh maybe you need @vanyataycoon 😊😉
Mar 09Reply

@vanyataycoon hi Vanya! I can do the Marant shoes for only $100 instead of $318 which is what you were going to offer. Really need to clear out items in my tiny apartment ;-) I had just retagged you in then ;-)
Mar 09Reply

@vanyataycoon hi Vanya you there?
Mar 09Reply

@vanyataycoon You have an AMAZING closet!!!
Mar 16Reply

I miss you Vanya!! Hope you are doing well my friend!!
Mar 18Reply

Cool closet! Thanks for the follow!
Mar 19Reply

Awesome closet!!! 🌈✌🏽
Mar 26Reply

@aliraerich owww thanx girly still unpacking since got married in may &moved in July my hubby started to complain lol of home depot boxes still unopened since move lol
Mar 26Reply

Beautiful closet awesome🌴🎉🎈💖💙💗💟😗
Mar 28Reply

Greetings! Your closet is spectacular. Thanks for sharing your modeling pictures, what a neat life that must’ve been. I’m sure by now you’ve mastered Poshmark but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ve only done a few transactions on this site but am always willing to lend a helping hand or bit of advice when asked. 🎁🛍💝
Mar 28Reply

V, just stopping by to say Good morning!
Mar 29Reply

I recognize you!!!!!!!❤️👏🏼👏🏼💋
Mar 31Reply

@here4looks77 💖👍🏼
Mar 31Reply

@lotus1234 lol funny hope from some nice pictures vanya nyc
Mar 31Reply

@evolvesquared lol been rough flew out at wee hours Wensday like 5 15 am flight meaning I was up Thursday morning at 3am to Chicago &flew back in we hours last night grrrrrrrrr exosted but holiday weekend still have red eye to San Francisco all day shot &red eye back next week happy holiday weekend
Mar 31Reply

My lowest is $100 for the gucci wallet
Apr 02Reply

@jillm141 works for me can change listing price on wallet to 100 so I can buy now
Apr 02Reply

@vanyataycoon ok I will right now. Thank you.
Apr 02Reply

@vanyataycoon Hola, hope you had a great holiday weekend, and perhaps by now you had a chance to get some sleep. Sounds like you are rockin and rollin lately. Good for you! Talk soon!
Apr 02Reply

Vanya, I have still been organizing my closets, when I find them I will give you one for free! You have been so good to me, at this point I just found out my youngest sister has stage 4 bone CANCER, You are the only one that I have told this to on Poshmark, you are one of the people on Poshmark that seems to be a very good hearted person, I will keep you posted when I find them,I will sell them for what ever you want to buy for, remember 1 will be free
Apr 04Reply

Congrats on reaching, and surpassing, the 100k followers mark. With your passion for fashion and kindness towards others, I am not surprised. Cheers Vanya! 🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂🌹🍾🥂
Apr 05Reply

Vanya, I have people asking me who is this top seller that I am talking about! I said ( none other than Vanya nyc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💯if I find one of the small Balmain Tops I am just going to give it to you, I have so many boxes still to open from the move and trying to work, also my baby sister is very sick, stage 4 bone Cancer, I will keep you posted when I find one of the Balmain Tops✌️❤️😊to you and hubby
Apr 06Reply

Awesome closet...
Apr 08Reply

Your closet is absolutely fabulous!
Apr 13Reply

Vanya,This may sound stupid but I do not know how to tag someone do you know how?
Apr 14Reply

Hi! Just a quick note; I am new to Poshmark. There are so many beautiful closets out there; I hope you will take a moment and view mine. Thank you, and happy Poshing!
Apr 17Reply

You have a beautiful closet!!!
Apr 22Reply

Love your closet!!!!
Apr 30Reply

Thanks for the purchase. I will have it out first thing tomorrow morning
May 06Reply

You are truly stunning 💄👠👢👑
May 07Reply

Hi, sorry but I think I sent you the wrong package, let me know
May 08Reply

Love every picture!
May 09Reply

@vanyataycoon You have it going on!!! Congrats!!! I am still trying to sell my Jimmy Choo heels!
May 09Reply

Love your closet .
May 17Reply

I love your closet 😍
May 25Reply

@sameli77 thanx girly your closet is beautiful vanya nyc
May 25Reply

Thanks once again I will have it out today 😙
May 25Reply

@poshmepnw don't worry none of being new I only joined last April as was getting married in may really didn't know or posted much but few j crew &theory till about late September it's only then i started posting more since moved in July &my hubby told me he will take unpacked boxes to good will if I don't do something with them lol so think you will do great if I can help I will vanya nyc
Jun 01Reply

@vanyataycoon 😂🤗
Jun 01Reply

Oh my Goodness you have some beautiful stuff on here I love the way your closet looks very pretty 💕😊
Jun 10Reply

Amazing closet! Thanks for the shares
Jun 10Reply

You have an amazing closet!
Jun 18Reply

@4steph829 thank you still have a lot left in moving boxes unpacked as got married last year &moved in July trying to post as I unpack them but lots of travel for work & life in general so only get to post few on weekends I truly appreciate compliment I might have joined more then year ago but only really been posting last 6 months thanx again on compliment much appreciate it Vanya nyc
Jun 18Reply

The city is so ALIVE!!!
Jun 24Reply

@deedee_barr that’s great family always comes first much love from nyc
Jun 24Reply

@vanyataycoon 😉😘
Jun 24Reply

Hello there was just asking did you have a problem with the lady with the orange Invicta lupah watch. What’s up with her. Thank you.
Jun 27Reply

@nittt72 don’t think I had any problem with anybody as never looked at invicta watches perhaps you got me mistaken for someone else Vanya nyc
Jun 27Reply

Her name was queen Dionne!! Was just reading your post. It’s all good thanks
Jun 27Reply

@nittt72 lol that’s some name I think I would have remember that don’t think I came across her handle or closet I’ll try check it it out as flying back to nyc bit bumpy flight lol chick next to me holding to seat so hard her knuckles turning white
Jun 27Reply

@nittt72 appears as I had issue with her as I can’t comment under her listing I’m blocked lol I must have spoken my mind on something I m really super nice for me to have issue with any body takes a lot But appears as I had something I said to her she didn’t like hard to keep track of perhaps u make your own decisions as I have made mine appears so
Jun 27Reply

Hi thanks for the follow! Check out my closet anytime!😊😊😊
Jul 02Reply

Adorable pictures doll
Jul 04Reply

Love your style! I am from Riga, where are you from? Are you guys watching the World Cup? Marina.
Jul 04Reply

Hi dear vaina, I posted a belt in silver but this buckle have several scratch on in, my daugther will sending me another one in very good condition because she’s no longer used and I’ll tag you first, and thank you for all the shares,I’ll share back in a few ...I hope you enjoy the 4 of July !🗽🗽🗽
Jul 05Reply

@bluesea38 please do tag me when get another thank you so much I was super excited to see silver buckle one &coming from your closet I'm beyond happy as u have stellar reputation looking forward to see one your daughter sending you enjoy your holiday vanya NYC
Jul 05Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you dear🌹I’ll 👍
Jul 05Reply

Vanya I opened my package this morning absolutely love my sandals fit well and thank you for bag!! You are awesome lady. Much love from Alabama!!
Jul 13Reply

@marcylafavor13 owww super cool I’m glad you love then &that they fit well and purse perfect for beach &easy to clean since coated canvas just wet clothe &wipe it lol did you wAnt your Gucci pants and theory shorts today ?
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon I do want them how much as I need some money for beach but I would love to take them to beach lol if not now definitely August 3 just let me know. You can always email me price. Love ya😘
Jul 13Reply

@marcylafavor13 would 200 work for both ?
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon yes thank you so much if you can do now and I will get
Jul 13Reply

@marcylafavor13 sure just bundle those 2 and offer what we agreed on
Jul 13Reply

@marcylafavor13 lol marcy u frogot accept prada sandals perhaps when find time I know you supper bussy with everything that's you g on any news on Bentley from courts yet much love vanya
Jul 13Reply

@vanyataycoon sorry hon I accepted about 30 minutes ago. Court sometime in August! I will let you know how all goes. He spent the night here with Noah. Noah is his half brother who I have had since two months old. So blessed and thankful. Thank you for keeping Bentley in your prayers!
Jul 14Reply

Very chic closet❤I love it!! thank you for the shares😊
Jul 15Reply

Thank you so much😊💖 for the shares . Your a beautiful model 😍😊
Jul 16Reply

Hi Vanya! H r u dear? You are very beautiful & classy lady. I love your designer closet! I’m very happy to meet you on Poshmark. I wish u all the best dear Vanya.
Jul 17Reply

@maraltroy1 thanx if can helpl m in perhaps try explain how I can help thanks
Jul 17Reply

@maraltroy1 tdont need dear or nothing bed cose &day other then that not in mod need honesty blot sca0m such as yours don't ever come to my page again 0ask for anything as nothing more but scam u are reported. To posh
Jul 17Reply

@pkjorn thanx girly u nailed it we super happy &content wish you the same Vanya nyc
Jul 22Reply

Very cool!
Jul 22Reply

You have a great closet! Best to you and your sales❤️
Jul 23Reply

Thanks for the share. Your closet is fun to shop nice to meet you.
Jul 23Reply

You have some amazing modeling photos listed but I really love the one of you and your hubby 🎉🎉🎉🎉🤗
PS..your closet is amazing!! 😍Love NY!!
Jul 29Reply

@misscloset15 owwwwww thank you pict of my hubby &I are my favorite as well hope u having wonderful Sunday Vanya nyc
Jul 29Reply

@karina_369 nope u good girl i like your comments i fimd them complementarity lol and as far me being willing to negotiate im open to negotiations that are reasonable for item that beung negotied on &original price brand & condition but conditions of my tems are super high as if has defectes due to use i take them to lather spa to fix them prior to posting vanya
Jul 29Reply

@randl morning &thank you your pants are coming in today my girlfriend is super excited about your lululemon gary gonna be home to reactive package Vanya
Aug 03Reply

Hi girl, thank you for all the shares! I was out but I’ll share back as always! Stay blessed🙏🙏
Aug 08Reply

@bluesea38 i enjoy sharing your closet its chanel hermes &gucci heaven spent bit bit of time looking trough your wonderful items vanya nyc
Aug 08Reply

@vanyataycoon yours as well!😍I wish to have more time to expend here but my daughters are a big help!😰 take care 😘
Aug 08Reply

Love love love your closet!
Aug 08Reply

@webyty thanx girly
Aug 08Reply

Love your closet
Aug 09Reply

@mustardseed2005 thanx
Aug 09Reply

Happy Sunday Vanya! Noah starts third grade tomorrow so been busy weekend. Thank you for all your shares! I am babysitting Monday and Tuesday for my granddaughter but I need to share so many people closets and I hope to do so Wednesday lol. Where does time go! Love to you and Gary 😘
Aug 12Reply

@marcylafavor13 thanx Marcy i love sundays its my favorite day of the week &only free day as i have school on Saturdays lol🤗🤗😁 o wow noah growing up &school starting perhaps u might find bit more time when he is school so you can post more items to sell i shared 2 i found lol enjoy rest of your evning much love your way vanya
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for the follow!!💕💕
Aug 13Reply

Wow!! Thanks for all the shares!!!💕💕😎
Aug 13Reply

@cheeseheader1 ❤️👍
Aug 13Reply

Dear Vanya, I haven't even looked at your Posh Mark website yet, I am just reading the wonderful comments about you, and your work. I just know I am going to love it. My sense is that you are a very generous loving person,. who loves the arts, and reaches out to people as a mentor. Please look into writing, and acting. Your pictures are beautiful, and show an expressive Brilliant, whirlwind Beauty.
Aug 13Reply

@babbles1 Hey Arlene! Did I share this closet with you? Another REALLY spectacular one, and the seller is just a lovely person!❤
Aug 13Reply

@happydaysahead perhaps use your eloquent speaking ability elswere might be more valuable wish you best but im blocking you as your little speach to much &self centered @best u like to hear yourself speak you have given elaborate story on all 3 love notes on items u purchased from$20 down items nice your little tribute to yourself lol to much
Aug 14Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow. Feel free to look through my closet. I am trying to clear out my closet and always open to offers! Happy Poshing :)
Aug 17Reply

Hi, I just saw your comment on the Chanel Boy Caviar All Black. Is it definitely a fake?
Aug 17Reply

@citron yes it is it really upsets me that people post such things don’t go of this website when buying it’s always scam if you do when looking to buybchanel always go trough here posh will authenticated anything over &¥500 for free look for love notes that other buyers have given to that seller if want see what real leboy looks visit @tapnae handle she will be happy I’m sure to point you toward handles that have real as she knows Chanel well
Aug 17Reply

Simply fabulous!
Aug 17Reply

@dragonfly972 owew thanx for compliment vanya nyc
Aug 17Reply

@willysdee owww you are to kind i just went to vist your closet shared few while was looking trough it &thank you on compliment vanya nyc
Aug 17Reply

Gorgeous couple and equally as gorgeous/dangerous merchandise
Aug 18Reply

@jeanie953 oww so sweet of you to say hope you enjoyed looking trough my closet
Aug 18Reply

@vanyataycoon ..... far too much. I think I’ll just be throwing my life savings at you. Beautiful pieces. I’ll stay closely tuned in ❤️
Aug 18Reply

@jeanie953 yup dont do it save money as much as can
Aug 19Reply

@jeanie953 im sorry guess i should push for sales but i feel way more important u pay bils &put money aside for rainy day first then if left over that yeaaaaa shopping timme lol
Aug 19Reply

Hi my friend I just added a Chanel Bowler bag😊
Aug 19Reply

Hi :) I have an Burberry on my closet let me know 😘
Aug 22Reply

Hey lady, just stopping by to say hello. It’s been a while. Hope you’re doing well.
Aug 26Reply

@erikabob thank you so much for your kind words il make sure to check yours as well im sure its fabulus vanya nyc
Aug 30Reply

@shop_kimibrooke tagged with comment under your sold much love from Vanya
Sep 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing fellow NYer :)
Sep 06Reply

Sep 08Reply

@linditagjolaj 🤗🤗🤗
Sep 08Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings☺️
Sep 09Reply

I would love for you to visit my closet also when you get a chance. Lol, Melissa 😊❤
Sep 10Reply

@yokomar I visited your closet your Chanel jumbo flap bag is simply stunning Vanya nyc
Sep 10Reply

Thank you for looking ! Melissa 😊❤
Sep 10Reply

@fatimaaulakh il do better then check your closet i will block u dont please spam other people closets
Sep 15Reply

💕thank you💕
Sep 15Reply

Your closet...❤️❤️❤️
Sep 16Reply

@jackie_sez thanx for compliment girly Vanya nyc
Sep 16Reply

Your closet is fabulous!💕💕💕 Happy Poshing!!
Sep 16Reply

Wish could be out &abou2stuck in bed still not much longer stent coming out 28 this huge exciting night in our house gary from Clevlaned ohio browns playing nyc team Jets so its on tv we have huge tv so my house full &i mean bursting gary making bufalo wings many friends but im still in bed 😁
Sep 20Reply

@shop_kimibrooke been nightmare recovery spent more time in ER then home my last stent was last friday managed to get home Saturday
Sep 20Reply

@shop_kimibrooke but fact im great now almost done 😀😀😀
Sep 20Reply

@shop_kimibrooke il be up &runing by October 1 &im booked solid trough new year so no worries
Sep 20Reply

@shop_kimibrooke 🤗🤗🤗🤗😗😗😗
Sep 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 22Reply

@clasiqcouture thanx girly i visited your closet u have beautiful items vanya nyc
Sep 22Reply

@vanyataycoon Thanks so much for all the shares, I really appreciate it! Your closet is simply magnificent--it's my goal closet! I used to model back in the day, in the islands, as well--loved it!
Sep 22Reply

@clasiqcouture not surprised u super preaty with wonderful kind smile
Sep 22Reply

@cbsell yea are of to great start with your closet I’m sure it will only get better &better enjoy your Sunday Vanya nyc
Sep 23Reply

Hi Vanya! Love your style. I’ll be checking back often to see what’s new. 👠👜
Sep 24Reply

@randalj1 thanx girly i ve been super bussy with September fashion week but its over now so il try post much more as will have much much more free time please feel free to stop by any time hope you have a wonderfull upcoming week vanya nyc
Sep 24Reply

Love your closet, your pictures are terrific!
Sep 28Reply

@marnotary thanx girly im glad u like my closet &pict vanya nyc
Sep 28Reply

Hi, I’m a newbie on here! And just came across your closet and love it! All your stuff makes me miss NYC so much! I don’t belong here in AZ I miss the Hussle & Bussle so much! I hate flip flop ... I miss the style, you’d see everywhere from soho to philly, I can’t find street style anywhere! So your a breath of grey wash air! Tks paty
Sep 29Reply

Btw.. any tips on where to get started ... please let me know! I have soooo much great stuff for I worked at the HOME OFFICE OF ANTHROPOLOGIE! Sample SALES!
Sep 29Reply

@patypal69 hey thanx for compliment i just checked your closet looks great &yes kerp posting more antro sells excelent on this app follow at list 300 people day share your closet few times a day join posh partys by sharing to them build your closet by pisting more &build your network by following read posh glossary as they add good tips often &dont hesitate to tag me if think i can help
Sep 29Reply

@patypal69 &spread posh love share other poshers items they thank you by sharring yours so more people will see it
Sep 29Reply

Thanks so much for the share! 😘
Sep 30Reply

@divalov22 lol I would share more but you only have one item listed beautiful chanel wallet from my favorite CAMBON line it’s stunning Vanya nyc
Sep 30Reply

Oct 02Reply

Holy crap! I need to get off this cell and start using my lap top for this App.. I only log onto P through cell
Oct 02Reply

I’m in love with your closet and drooling over everything in it! 🤤🤪❤️
Oct 03Reply

@sarahverzwyvelt thank you for sweet comment I’ll make sure to check your closet. I’m sure it’s fantastic
Oct 03Reply

Thanks for the shares ❤️love your closet 😊🌸
Oct 03Reply

@mvolpend thanx girly vanya nyc
Oct 03Reply

Thank you for sharing God bless you guys
Oct 05Reply

@anna_jer ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 05Reply

Hello my beautiful friend!!💖 Thank you so much for sharing my listings😘 you are so wonderful to do that for me! I have been in bed for the past two days with a migraine headache 🤕. I cracked my head open and had to have emergency surgery a few years ago so I have 3 plates in my head and get awful headaches. I have so much to list but need to feel better😝. I want to buy your boots!! Can I offer you $900?
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne my pleasure to share your closet im super sorry about your headache hope they dont come often &sure il do 900 on boots if u want them vanya nyc
Oct 07Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you so much my beautiful friend 💖‼️ I am so excited to get these boots you have know idea!! I will make my offer now. I hope you and your handsome hubby have a wonderful weekend! Safe travels to you this week. How exciting to model and make a catalog. I love looking at your beautiful pictures you had on your intro. Let me know how your trip goes! Thank you again my friend😊💕
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne no problem my plesure i hope u enjoy boots &please wear them often im leaving for San francisco tomorrow night but will pack boots tommorow during the day so my hubby can take them to post office on monday lucky for him our post office only block away from our appt building so easy task enjoy your weekend vanya nyc
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne lol i acepted offer but says there is problem with your payment perhaps u need to update your billing info most liklly your bank flagged transaction due to amount it happen to me before &person contacted bank via phone &then payment went trough just explain to them what site u trying to purchase from &amount then we can try again
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne i belive poshmark sent you email just now to let you know that your payment didnt clear
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne hey girly it just cleared they are yours hope u enjoy them for long time hope your headache is getting better im of sleep as its 2 30 am on east cost vanya
Oct 07Reply

@vanyataycoon so sorry about that, I resubmitted it so it should have gone through this time. How embarrassing!! Too much buying!! 😂
Oct 07Reply

@jackiekonechne dont worry none it's called life
Oct 07Reply

Thank you so much for the shares!!!!! I really am so grateful. 😊
Oct 07Reply

@vanyataycoon Thank you so much!! I will wear them all the time and think of my beautiful friend in NYC who made it possible for me to own them💖😊. Thank you so very much!! I will take very good care of them. Sleep well and hope we can some day! Much love and blessings to you and your sweet husband.💕💕😊💖💞💕
Oct 07Reply

Hi 👋🏼
thank you for following my closet ❤️👍🏻💫
Have a great day 😘
Oct 12Reply

@karicansell my plesure hope u have a wonderfull weekend vanya nyc
Oct 12Reply

@vanyataycoon Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Oct 12Reply

@kfab333 hey girly i like your items becose of ypu modeling them they all super nice i was just paying u compliment vanya nyc
Oct 12Reply

@vanyataycoon again many warm thanks 💕😊
Oct 12Reply

@kfab333 ❤️👍👌👏👏👏
Oct 13Reply

Your closet is amazing. Loved learning about your modeling career too. Very cool.
Oct 18Reply

@haynowbrown thank you for kind words &for enjoying browsing trough my closet hope u having a wonderful evening vanya nyc
Oct 18Reply

Hi Gary & Vanya! My new is Rachel. Thank you for stopping by my closet. I am so sorry the way it looks. I awoke sick this morning. I am having a big sale right now,$15&under is 5 for $25! It's overflowing and I need to clear it out to make room for the new items! Anyway thanks again. Sincerely Rachel P.S. wow I want to make as much as you and have that many follow me!! Any advice would be wonderful! Sincerely, Rachel
Oct 18Reply

Whoops on typo thank you for the heads up!! It is Rachel by the way! I left a comment under Gary and you under the about/ meet the poshers. Again thank you! Sincerely, Rachel
Oct 18Reply

@bakerrachel1969 think u doing great just follow as many as can they will follow u back keep sharing your items few times a day share to partys keep posting &keep sharing other posher items & interacte with other posher like items that u think pretty give compliment to poshers when see something cool &keep sharing rest will come have wonderful night vanya nyc
Oct 18Reply

Thank you so very much for your advice and kind words! Have a wonderful evening!! Sincerely Rachel
Oct 18Reply

@bakerrachel1969 my plesure
Oct 18Reply

I wasn’t aware that you couldn’t use other poshers pictures,,,I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know! I have deleted💕
Oct 18Reply

@thecoachstore no problem girly We all learn something new every day I’m certain u can take beautiful pict of those shoes to post wish u best and many sales Vanya nyc
Oct 18Reply

@shirleyt707 thanx girly
Oct 18Reply

You look so tall! I’m 5’7” and I wear a 34” inseam. I have a hard time thinking a 27” inseam would fit you. No matter you look great in your photos! 😃 💗
Oct 19Reply

You have an AWESOME closet! Uh, I'm in love!! 💕❤ Happy Poshing!
Oct 22Reply

Welcome! Wow I know I'm younger but you have some lovely stuff and brands ! lol jealous. I wish had some those . Thanks for the sharing !
Oct 23Reply

Stopping by to say hello! I've got a gorgeous CHANEL bag available, as well as a NWT See by Chloe satchel if you're in the shopping mood. I'd love it if you checked out my closet! Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply

Thank you again❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 27Reply

Absolutely stunning closet as well as even more stunning beautiful pictures of yourself!!! I’m somewhat close to you in CT, my 15 year old is wanting to get into modeling she’s super model tall and just gorgeous. Do you have any suggestions on how to get her started? Thank you in advance!!!
Oct 30Reply

@pineapple06091 sure thong take bunch pict of by self no need to higher photographs do goggle search modeling agencys not schools but liceneced agencies &call them see if theyhave open calls so can take her interwiw pr u might have send pict via mail first if thwy ask for money to take pict then they froud. Good agency will not ask you for money hope this info helps u
Oct 30Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you soooo much for taking the time to write me back!! I have looked for local modeling agencies but the only one I found in CT doesn’t have very good reviews $. I added a pic of my daughter to my “about me”, could you take a peek and see if you know of any opportunities for her?
Oct 30Reply

@pineapple06091 lol I take look at pict but I’m on contract with my agency I can’t really help her besides give start info. Barn s&nobles has book called models &talent egencys from all around us only look for once that have IT #posted so u.can check them with better business birow then start calling them lol hope. It helps u Vanya nyc
Oct 30Reply

You and your closet are both fabulous!
Jan 22Reply

Very cool! You’re beautiful, Vanya 🔥
Jan 23Reply

@somemeanin lol she bad apple will get tossed out dont give her more of your time i bloked her so she can't advertise on my page again by the way u have beautiful closet i just shared some vanua nyc
Feb 06Reply

Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful! Wishing you a day full of ❤️
Feb 14Reply

Hey love working on building my followers, can you help me w/ some shares? Just shared 10+ of yours. Have a Blessed week. 😊❤️
Feb 15Reply

@yourstylist84 sure thing girly im heading to your closet now Vanya nyc
Feb 15Reply

@vanyataycoon thank you so much. Really appreciate it. ❤️
Feb 15Reply

Thanks for all your support, you are showering me with your kindness
Feb 25Reply

Love your closet..😍😍😍
Feb 27Reply

You have the best items!
Mar 04Reply

Vanya you have a beautiful closet. Love the family photo.
Mar 06Reply

Hi Beautiful 🥰 So fun meeting you and your family ... love your fur baby 🐾🖤🐾Thank you for the shares ... so kind! @vanyataycoon 💎
Mar 11Reply

Omg amazing closet
Mar 12Reply

#closetgoals. It’s 🔥. 💞😍🥰
Mar 19Reply

@glatfest thanx for compliment girly I’ll make sure to check your closet as well I’m sure it’s fabulous Vanya nyc
Mar 19Reply

Hello 👋🏻 Please take a look at my closet you might find something you like thank you
Mar 20Reply

Beautiful belt u rock it. Mmmm :)
Mar 20Reply

@zotoozllc its my favorite belt i wear it often i guess that was something old to wear on my wedding day as its pretty old gucci model but i love it so much goes with everything 😎
Mar 20Reply

Thanks for the follow! ♥️ Tons of bikinis have just been added yesterday and a long list of activewear will be coming shortly! Please feel free to make an offer! Prices are flexible! Hope to hear from you soon!
Mar 21Reply

Thank you much for your shares and you’re posh love and shares
Mar 22Reply

Thank you for following!
Mar 22Reply

Thanks SO much for shares!!!!!
Mar 22Reply

Hi, you should take a look at my page 🙌
Apr 04Reply

Best closet ever!
Apr 07Reply

THANK YOU so much for sharing my items. I’m new to this and I will take all the help I can get! Love your modeling pics- so beautiful 😍🦁
Apr 16Reply

@lisaofthelion just follow a lot of people u can go to right top corner tap on my followers or me following should give u long list with blue just tap on it don’t look will take less time just tap so u expend your network share who shares yours comment on items u like try share your closet @list few times a day I’m not expert this advice given to me be nice polite stay on app selling or buying trough only &u should do great hope this helps vanya
Apr 16Reply

@vanyataycoon very helpful. Thank you again!! Have a great day 😍
Apr 16Reply

Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply

This closet is amazing 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Apr 18Reply

@brooklynleslie thank you for kind worlds &compliment I’m heading to check yours I’m sure it’s fabulous Vanya nyc
Apr 18Reply

@vanyataycoon you’re a doll. When I have time to sit and go through your closet better I’m getting something. Just so much to choose from. Thank you so much for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your week 😋😋
Apr 18Reply

Great closet! I couldn’t help myself from sharing ☺️🙌🏻🔥
Apr 20Reply

@polarpandashred thanx girly il share back vanya nyc
Apr 20Reply
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