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Updated Sep 20
Updated Sep 20

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Hi! My name is Sheena, I'm a mom of two beautiful boys and 1 furbaby. I live in Arizona and enjoy hunting, camping, and fishing. I love to workout and spend time with my family! I love the little things in life! If you would like to know more, just ask me!! 😘
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ari12 Meet the seller not the family dumbass bitch
Feb 03Reply
ari12 P.s Ugly ass fuck
Feb 03Reply
srwood1985 @ari12 I'm a big girl and won't block you from my closet, unlike what you did you me. You can say whatever you would like about me, that's fine. You're obviously showing your manners and your maturity by posting those things. You're not bothering me one bit. It's cute how you think doing something immature like this will get under my skin, it actually makes me feel sorry for you, really it does. I don't see you posting anything that lets others take a peek into your personal life, you don't even have a real photo of yourself on here. Quit trying to scam people and you won't be questioned. I never got rude to you, and I won't get rude. I'll simply block you, because that's what LADIES do, they don't stoop to your level. Have a wonderful day 😊
Feb 03Reply
srwood1985 @dongocthuy09 just thought you'd enjoy the immaturity of her antics.
Feb 03Reply
srwood1985 @loveshopping99 hi hun! Since we are both blocked by her because we saw through her lies, she does this ^^^ she will probably do the same to you.
Feb 03Reply
poshshop13 @srwood1985 Wow, how childish & immature. She's just angry she got caught. Not once did she defend herself saying her items are in fact authentic. So basically it is fake & she's scamming people. Don't let her bother you. It's good she let her true face come out like this so people can see what kind of person she is & stay far away from her page & think twice before buying anything from her.
Feb 03Reply
poshshop13 @srwood1985 I also feel sorry for her. Must be in desperate need for $$ to stoop so low to rip off innocent people, then have the nerve to go cuss people out. Wow what a character. Must be a lil girl......
Feb 03Reply
srwood1985 @loveshopping99 I agree! Well, I'm glad there's no guessing on her 'authenticity' of her items and she's also removing all doubt from our minds about her level of maturity and ignorance.
Feb 03Reply
bombona Beautiful family, your kids are super cute. ;) Shame on the girl who dared to comment such a nasty stuff here. Love your pictures!!!!
Feb 21Reply
srwood1985 @bombona awww thank you hun πŸ˜ƒ
Feb 21Reply
aeasterling @srwood1985 are you kidding me? You are so beautiful!!! What's this broads problem? I hope she catches herpes.
Feb 22Reply
srwood1985 @aeasterling LMFAO!! I freakin love you!! You crack me up! She's mad because she was lying on a post about some heels, I questioned her about her lies and then she blocked me from commenting on anything then posted those rude comments above lol you can see it in her closet, it's the post with the red heels. My comment is at the bottom, I wasn't even rude lol she's just feeling guilty for lying.
Feb 22Reply
stitchesforyou I personal love seeing the family photos would love to see the pits. I have 2 myself they are my favorite breed of bigger dogs
Mar 19Reply
liss620 Wow crazy all the dishonest people on this site, checked out her page and seems like she tried to screw a bunch of people over! Well you are beautiful with a beautiful family.
Mar 22Reply
srwood1985 @liss620 thank you hun!! I appreciate your kind words! ZπŸ˜ƒ
Mar 22Reply
iloveto_sparkle OMG WHAT AN AWFUL DISGUSTING THING FOR SOMEONE TO POST ON THIS GORGEOUS POST OF YOU & your family! Your beautiful! Ugh I want to smack that girl! Def makes you look even better! Wowwww sorry you had to deal with that!!!!
Mar 22Reply
srwood1985 @iloveto_sparkle awww! Thank you hun! I really appreciate it! πŸ˜ƒ
Mar 23Reply
dreamadj Hey I have sz med all pink vs out fit would fit has Tshirt and pants ill trade for the jeans and Tshirt. I haven't listed it yet but I will for you I put it up once for $65 and changed my mind because I liked it so well but I feel bad because the pants didn't fit u.
May 13Reply
dreamadj Omg I cannot believe she wrote such nasty things. You are beautiful both inside and out. You have a beautiful family yet most of all u are a great seller. People amaze me of how they can post these types of posts yet want people to respect them and buy from them 😳🚫🚫❌🚫❌never will she get my business.
May 13Reply
srwood1985 @dreamadj I know, the girl that wrote nasty things was really upset I had called her out on lying about the red heels. I think she's a scammer and didn't like that someone saw it right away lol she's crazy. But, if you could, could you post a picture of the VS set you had mentioned?
May 13Reply
dreamadj Ill post pics later when I get home. I think u will love it.
May 13Reply
srwood1985 @itskimmys awww!! Thank you so much for the compliment! You're very beautiful!!
Jun 11Reply
laura4849 Hey saw you're in Arizona and wondered what part you live in? :) I'm in Scottsdale, near Cave Creek/Carefree and have 3 boys and a pitbull ☺
Jun 14Reply
srwood1985 @laura4849 awww! That's so awesome! We have quite a bit in common! I always love meeting other pit owners, they're always the coolest people lol
Jun 14Reply
cherryblast @srwood1985 I admire how you spoke to her! That takes a lot of positive energy to not fly off the handle when called a name or when someone says nasty things. You are so right though. Ppl that do things like that are usually just jealous and have nothing going for them. Maybe you saying what you did will help her look into the negative person she is and Try to help herself become a better human being. We all have to live on this earth together why not live happily instead of unhappily? Kudos to you sheena. Your family is beautiful by the way and I love put bills too. I love that show pit bulls and parolees! It's on the animal planet. Have you ever seen it?
Dec 08Reply
srwood1985 @cherryblast thank you! πŸ˜ƒ I appreciate it! But, yes, I love that show! It's one of my favorites! I've really wanted to start up my own pit bull and bully breed rescue, but it takes quite a bit to get it started, and to be a non-government funded rescue would be terribly difficult, but we rescue when we can, nurse them back to a healthy state and rehome them into good homes, we don't ask for much, most of the time it's free, we just want to see the dogs well taken care of and happy. We do home checks (I will drive hours away to the person's home just to be sure it's safe), and I'm starting to wrote up a contract for people to sign stating that they will spay/neuter the animal within x amount of months after receiving the animal, and we can come check on the animal at anytime between now and a year from now.
Dec 08Reply
cherryblast @srwood1985 wow that's super awesome. I'm happy to hear when others give animals a second chance. I also love kitties. I have a feral colony of cats. There is five now used to have seven but two Passed. I have got them all spayed/neuter with the help of humane society. So now I don't have to worry about anymore babies from my colony- I love them so much. Are we ready to trade yet? I guess I'm just gonna go with the laptop and the cookbook by top chef.
Dec 08Reply
vickyshannon You're very pretty with a beautiful family! I love your closet btw :-) and what's wrong with @ari12? She seems to have problems
Feb 17Reply
srwood1985 @vickyshannon awwww thank you so much! You're beautiful too!! And her issue was that I had pointed out she was lying and trying to scam someone, so she got upset with me.
Feb 17Reply
vickyshannon Wow that's pathetic. There's this girl tagdhf on here that keeps trying to scam people. Everything she has is from other poshers closets or the internet.
Feb 17Reply
srwood1985 @vickyshannon oh wow! Some people amaze me. I can't see how they're so low.
Feb 17Reply
stfredrickson Beautiful & gorgeous family! :)
Dec 11Reply
stfredrickson I'm in Gilbert, Az!
Dec 11Reply
seacjcloset13 Mom youve tradee before with britne. Pleaae give me feedback looking to trade with her
Nov 22Reply
susanvee13 @srwood1985 Hi I think you're a very decent person from just having a few conversations with you.. This person above must have a personal problem... Anyway I can't wait to see what jeans and other things you'll add to your closet soon..? I'm desperate for jeans 😳😳😘😘
Dec 29Reply
asweetness Your children are beautiful & I have 2 fur babies. I too enjoy the outdoors. Hiking, fishing, hunting. It's nice to get to know the people behind the poshing. Sorry you had to experience the evil in the world. Love your closet!
Jan 12Reply
srwood1985 @asweetness thank you so much for your kind words! It is really nice to get to know the people behind the closet! 😊 I hope you're enjoying your time on here πŸ˜€
Jan 21Reply
susanvee13 @srwood1985 Hey there sweet lady I haven't been on much lately.. Please tell me this person is gone?? 😱😱😱 you are so kind and idk what's wrong with people who act like her.. Her problem tho!!! Hope you're good!😘
Feb 22Reply
srwood1985 @susanvee13 hi sweets! I don't know if she's gone or not, I truly hope so! I hope she's been banned from ever making future accounts as well. She was a scammer. She made a reputation for herself. it's sad to see other people treating people so poorly. I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Feb 26Reply
kberg134 Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes! FYI: I ship out same or by the next day , offer 10% off Bundles (2+), I’m 5 star rated and always open to reasonable offers! Happy Poshing! πŸ‘–πŸ‘’πŸ’•
Dec 15Reply

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Last Active: Feb 13

Bagdad, AZ
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