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Updated Dec 08
Updated Dec 08

Meet your Posher!

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Hello! I'm Connie and do you see that handsome masked man in the second photo? This amazing man is a great chef and loves to cook me three delicious meals a day. Lucky me, right?! Yes, but the downside of this is that I cannot fit into most of my clothes anymore, and I have a lot of clothes! I have finally come to terms with this (I joined Posh over a year ago, but finally started listing in September) I was in denial. Someone needs to enjoy this wardrobe. I will list a few new items weekly!
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lindafinds @chammje great closet. 😀😀
Nov 27Reply
chammje @lindafinds thank you, I love yours too! I will be posting more weekly!!!💖
Nov 27Reply
memsies I've never seen this many cute clothes in one place before 💕🍄
Nov 30Reply
chammje @memsies awww you are the sweetest, thank you! You have an adorable closet as well!💖
Nov 30Reply
chammje @monkeydoesspot ahhhh....thank you! Your closet is great as well! And yes, I do have a bit of a plaid obsession! 😉💖
Dec 01Reply
enavant I'm loving every single item in your closet!
Dec 11Reply
enavant I'm loving every single item in your closet!
Dec 11Reply
chammje Aaaahhhh @enavant thank you you are so sweet! I feel the same way about yours!!!! <3
Dec 11Reply
enavant @chammje sorry my comment posted twice! The app kept telling me it couldn't post due to an error, but I guess it actually did!
Dec 11Reply
guylaine @chammje Beautiful and incredible closet!!! 😍
Dec 12Reply
chammje @guylaine thank you! Same to you!!!💖
Dec 12Reply
jkcas91 Love your closet, beautiful clothes!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I wish I was still such a small size! 😫
Dec 12Reply
chammje @jkcas91 how sweet, thank you and I feel your pain. That's why I am getting rid of so much! You're closet is really amazing too! 💖
Dec 12Reply
jkcas91 @chammje Thank you 😊
Dec 12Reply
hugecool I love your fashions, and feel the same way about my clothes! Trying to keep listing too.
Dec 15Reply
chammje @hugecool I am glad that I am not alone! 😉I love your style too!!! Great stuff! And thank you! 💖
Dec 15Reply
memsies Merry Christmas and happy new year, my dear posh friend!!! 🎄❤🎄❤🎄😘
Dec 24Reply
chammje @memsies ahhh you are the sweetest! Thank you so much for the holiday wishes! I hope that you also have a very merry Christmas and. Happy happy New Year, sweet girl! 🎄🎉💖
Dec 24Reply
bettyretro LOVE YOUR CLOSET!!!
Dec 27Reply
chammje @bettyretro I LOVE YOUR CLOSET AND STYLE!!!! It's so easy to share! And thank you for the compliment and shares! 😘
Dec 27Reply
tianalynpdx Hi, Connie! If you ever want to list more Campers, please keep me in mind. Thanks for fueling my addiction! 😉
Dec 30Reply
chammje @tianalynpdx Hi Tatiana! I will gladly keep you in mind, I know how that obsession goes! 😉 Thank you! 💖
Dec 30Reply
missbora @chammje Amazing closet!!! ❤❤❤
Jan 05Reply
chammje @missbora ahhh, thank you so much! Same to you, yours is fantastic! I see why it's almost sold out! 💖❤️💖
Jan 05Reply
amydunn1 Most adorable closet (and person😉)!! Love your retro style❤
Jan 13Reply
chammje @amydunn1 right back atcha!!! Your closet is amazing! 💖 I cannot wait until I have more time to peruse it! 😃 and thank you so much for the kind words! 😊
Jan 13Reply
amydunn1 😊
Jan 13Reply
mollymayhem13 @chammje Oh my gosh! You are just so adorable! Also, I love that your man is a chef! A lot of my closest friends happen to be chefs. I also LOVE your tattoo! Haha you just seem like such a cool person 💕💕💕❤️ I love Poshmark for many reasons, one of them being the awesome people you meet! In fact, I actually met my best friend on here!
Jan 17Reply
chammje @mollymayhem13 haha, this is funny b/c I was just going through your closet and thinking the same thing about you!!! (Not to be creepy but my ex lives in Portland and we are still good friends, so I was thinking hmmm they'd be cute together, I as I am typing it, it sounds weird!). I do love posh for this same reason, I have also met some amazing ladies! 💖It is so good to meet you and I feel we will be PFF's! 😉
Jan 17Reply
chammje @mollymayhem13 oh and yes, I love being with an amazing chef, I hate that I have to give up all of these beauties! 😉
Jan 17Reply
mollymayhem13 @chammje Haha!! Don't worry, it doesn't sound creepy! So your ex is here in Portland? Did you used to live here? I could definitely picture you living here. Yes!! I could also see us being PFF's! 💕 Seriously, so many of my friends I've met on here!
Jan 17Reply
mollymayhem13 @chammje Aww, and yes, giving up clothing you love is so hard 😩 I always fall in love with my clothing. BUT you can always use it as an excuse to get MORE beautiful things! Haha so that's a plus! ❤️
Jan 17Reply
chammje @mollymayhem13 he is, I never lived there but I would! It is a cool city, he made me visit before I chose Denver because he knew I would love it. (We lived on the east coast when we dated.)I was on my way to move to Austin when my current man & I met and he was moving to Denver. So, we tried CO first with the option of Austin or Portland later. Although we do like it here, we may still end up in your city!
Jan 17Reply
chammje @mollymayhem13 so true, I like your way of thinking!😃
Jan 17Reply
vwisemama Thanks a lot for all the shares!!!
Jan 23Reply
chammje @vwisemama of course! It gives me a good break during cleaning! 😉 Thank you for all of the shares too!!!✨💖✨
Jan 23Reply
vwisemama @chammje Of course ! Take care !!!!!
Jan 23Reply
chammje @vwisemama 😊 you too!
Jan 23Reply
barbiemartha what a lovely closet! I love it!
Jan 25Reply
chammje @barbiemartha thank you so much!😊 yours is beautifully fantastic!!!✨💖✨ I love it all!
Jan 26Reply
mottainairesale Connie you are awesome!!!! Thank you for my gift!!!!
Feb 05Reply
chammje @nk0013 you are awesome! Thank you for your patience! Enjoy, my friend! ✨💖✨
Feb 05Reply
memsies Aha!! Yes, I see you've unmasked the handsome devil and may I say...y'all are the absolute cutest (yet also hip, chic, and sophisticated- how DO you do it?) couple!!!❤💃🏼🕺🏻❤ I am so happy you liked everything and I hope the flower didn't get too mushed. Thanks for the sweetie-pie review 💕 You are just the loveliest PFF in all the land!!!🎉🏰💕⭐️🍄🦄💝🎊👯
Feb 07Reply
chammje @memsies Aw shucks!!! Thank you for the sweet compliments!!! 😘 And you are welcome for the rating, you deserve it, as you too are an absolutely amazing PFF!!! ❤🎉🎊☀️oh and the pretty flower wasn't crushed at all, thank you!!!🌺🌸🌹🌷💐
Feb 07Reply
allin420 Gorgeous closet
Feb 10Reply
allin420 Did you see what my friend Rena did to me LOL she knows I have a shopping problem and she brought me into your closet because she knew I'd want everything😉😉😉😉 LOL
Feb 11Reply
chammje @allin420 haha! I have friends like that too! Such bad, but fun influences! 😉 I joined PM to make money, and the hardest thing is not turning right back around and spending it!!!! ✨✨✨💖✨✨✨ Thank you for all the sharing love and I enjoy sharing your closet, you have great stuff too!!! 😃
Feb 11Reply
memsies Heart on my sleeve and a hot pink lip...killed it 😉💕
Feb 14Reply
chammje @memsies yes!!! I knew you would!!! 😉💖
Feb 14Reply
memsies @chammje thanks...and happy ❤ day!!!😘
Feb 14Reply
chammje @memsies thank you my dear friend, you too!!! I still have your card up with my others! 😊💖✨
Feb 14Reply
memsies @chammje we must have had Posh ESP!😃 Night night, friend!🌙✨
Feb 15Reply
chammje @memsies haha! We did!!! Nighty night!
Feb 15Reply
memsies @chammje Connie, I've had a close friend pass away. Same age as us. It was a heart attack. I'm shutting down for a few days and I just wanted you to know what was up. Thanks for all the shares, dear friend.😘
Feb 22Reply
chammje @memsies OH NO!!! 😪 I am so sorry sweet girl, how will be in my thoughts.❤❤❤
Feb 23Reply
memsies I was so moved by your card and the thought behind it that I thought all weekend about what I could possibly say to tell you how much it meant to me. And I just can't. All I can think to say is thank you, dear friend. It meant the world to me.
Mar 06Reply
chammje @memsies you are welcome...and this is all you need to do to thank me, nothing else💖 I know how hard it is to lose someone unexpectedly and I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you, sweet friend.✨✨💖✨✨
Mar 06Reply
memsies Welcome home!!!✈️🎉❤️🇺🇸🇮🇹🇺🇸🇮🇹🇺🇸🇮🇹🇺🇸❤️😘
Apr 26Reply
chammje @memsies thank you!!!! It was amazing!❤🍷🇮🇹
Apr 26Reply
shopcareergirl Hi! I saw that you were interested in a pair of shearling lined Frye "Celia" boots. If you're still looking to purchase, I have a pair listed for 50% off retail that you might like! I'm open to ALL offers, so feel free to send one my way, and let me know if you have any questions. Have a nice day!
Apr 26Reply
chammje @shopcareergirl thank you for the offer, I have already found some. You do have a great closet that I will have to keep my eyes on
Apr 27Reply
maggiesfarm Welcome back! Hope your trip was fantastic!
Apr 30Reply
chammje @maggiesfarm it was thank you!!! I am have major withdrawal!!! I want to be back there!!!
Apr 30Reply
maggiesfarm @chammje so glad it was great! And hope that the transition back to reality isn't too rough.
May 03Reply
chammje @maggiesfarm thank you and it is getting better😉
May 04Reply
draperzgyrl @chammje ...thanks for all the shares. You have a super fun closet! Gonna go return the favor!
May 05Reply
chammje @draperzgyrl you are welcome and thank you for your shares!!! I was thinking the same thing about your closet, I love your style!💖✨✨✨
May 05Reply
draperzgyrl @chammje ...retro gals gotta stick together! And it's our job to keep the vintage going and educate. We're like vintage curators!
May 05Reply
chammje @draperzgyrl haha yes!!!
May 05Reply
draperzgyrl @chammje - always fun sharing your listings!
May 08Reply
chammje @draperzgyrl I feel the same way about your closet!!!💖✨
May 09Reply
jennyum1 @chammje Connie, you have a lovely closet!
Aug 24Reply
chammje @jennyum1 thank you!!! You do as well, I could have spent more time there if I didn't have to get ready for work!!!😉💖✨
Aug 24Reply
jennyum1 @chammje thanks! I'm already considering selling my plasma so I can buy a huge bundle from your closet! LOL
Aug 24Reply
chammje @jennyum1 haha!!! I hope you don't have to go that far!!!😉💖✨
Aug 24Reply
kjoyhm @chammje Thank you so much for your purchase! I'm so glad the bracelet is going to you. 😊 I can't send it out right away because of the holiday, but it'll go out Tuesday morning. Have a great weekend!
Sep 03Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets on posh, but I’d be grateful if you check out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hi and wish you a lovely day! ☺️
Oct 19Reply
chammje @spreadlove thank you! You have a great closet too!!! And I hope that you enjoy your evening! 💖✨😘
Oct 20Reply
open_heart @chammje Thanks so much for liking my Kate Spade items! If you bundle, I can give you 10% off! Have a good one! 💕
Nov 08Reply
chammje @open_heart thank you so much!!! You have amazing items in your closet!!! I just have to sell more in mine in order to shop! 😉💖✨✨✨
Nov 11Reply
memsies Yay!! I'm so glad y'all liked it... Very inspiring ✨
Nov 12Reply
memsies Happy new year, dear one!🧜🏻‍♀️🍄🧚🏻‍♀️😘
Jan 07Reply
chammje @memsies thank you love! I hope that your holidays were fantastic!!!💖✨🎉
Jan 07Reply
sjramcheran Hi! I just purchased your blush color ankle jeans but I didn’t realize I hadn’t updated my profile do you mind canceling and I repurchase or I can send my new address
Mar 30Reply
kelleejoy @chammje sorry for my delay I got a sale that is due in! can't wait to accept your offer.. :)
Mar 31Reply
chammje @kelleejoy I completely understand that, anytime you are ready, just let me know!!! Thank you and enjoy your weekend!!!💖💖✨✨
Mar 31Reply
qlt_fashion I love your style girl! :)
Jul 19Reply
chammje @qlt_fashion thank you!!! 💖✨✨✨ Right back atcha!!!😘
Jul 19Reply
landb77 Hi, I am sorry I left the comment on the listing. Please cancel it. I am very very sorry. This is regarding the wide muse jeans. Thank you!!!
Aug 31Reply
landb77 You are going to think I am crazy but can I repurchase the joes wide muse again? A couple of my other purchases didn’t work out. I promise I will not back out!! Thank you advance! 🙏✌️🤞
Sep 01Reply
chammje @landb77 sorry, I was a bit posh absent since last night... I just relisted them💖✨✨✨
Sep 01Reply
joliexlaide You have such a cute closet! Thank you for the likes and shares :) Totally understand if you're just window shopping, but let me know if you'd be interested in getting an offer on the pieces you liked, I could definitely do better than my standard bundle discount.
Nov 19Reply
chammje @joliexlaide thank you, I absolutely love your closet! 💖✨✨✨ I will definitely keep that in mind!
Nov 19Reply
lindacurlee60 Thank you for the offer💕 I am waiting on a sale to go through!!!! I tried to contact her...I see she received her package this morning and thought for sure she would have already accepted it. I went to her profile page like I did for you but there is no place to leave a comment.🤯 I’m going to keep trying to figure it out. I see my time is running out on your offer. Please keep me in mind if it runs out... I still want to purchase😊💕Thank you
Nov 24Reply
chammje @lindacurlee60 I totally understand and no worries! When you are ready, just re-submit my offer and we can go from there! 😉 Thank you!!!💖✨✨✨
Nov 24Reply
camitay529 Cute closet!!! <3
Nov 30Reply
chammje @camitay529 thank you! Your closet is awesome as well, too bad I am not a that size anymore!!!😉💖✨✨✨
Nov 30Reply
camitay529 @chammje neither am I! 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 30Reply
chammje @camitay529 I feel your pain!!!💖
Nov 30Reply
weelaree I’m declining because I’m not quite through in your closet.... Thank you for returning the likes but you totally did not have to do that. (And not why I did) I know how long that can take. I had the position of passenger with a 10 hour drive ahead of me and way to much time for these idle hands. Again, thank you. That’s dedication to the max my friend....
Dec 17Reply
chammje @weelaree no worries at all! Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate you coming back to my closet and it is fun sharing your closet, you have so many great pieces! Have a great trip!💖✨✨✨✨
Dec 17Reply
kids0110 Thank you for all the closet shares! 🎀🎀
Feb 17Reply
chammje @kids0110 absolutely, you’ve got a great closet!!! Thank you for yours!!💖✨✨✨
Feb 17Reply
kristinwoodson Hiii!! I know it’s a bit delayed, but just wanted to say thanks for the 5⭐️rating!! 😘🦄
Jun 18Reply
chammje @kristinwoodson sure thing, thank you!!!💖✨✨✨
Jun 18Reply
cutesybitsbydee Hey Connie, do you have any more Joe’s Jeans that you would like to sell? Size 26 or 27? I’m in love with the ones you sent to me 💕😊😊🛍🛍🛍🛍🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸
Aug 20Reply
chammje @cutesybitsbydee hi Danielle!!! Thank you so much for asking!!! I am currently on vacation this week, but will have to check my closet to see what I have there! 😉 If I find anything I will tag you, you are the sweetest!!!💖✨✨✨
Aug 21Reply
cutesybitsbydee @chammje Thank you sooooo much and enjoy your Vacay 😘💕🌸🌸🌸
Aug 21Reply
chammje @cutesybitsbydee thank you friend!!!💖✨✨✨
Aug 21Reply
chammje @cutesybitsbydee hi Danielle, I am so sorry that it took me awhile to go through my closet, ugh that task is so daunting! I found a cute pair of AG ex-boyfriend crops that are a 27, the joe’s that I found are a 28, they are both listed. I just didn’t want you to think that I forgot about you! I hope that you are doing well!💖✨✨✨
Nov 27Reply
cutesybitsbydee @chammje Hi Connie, thank you sooo much for checking 💕💕I will be shopping in your closet and I’m heading back now to check out the jeans 😊💕💕💕I appreciate you friend 🥰
Nov 27Reply
chammje @cutesybitsbydee you are most welcome! I hope that you have a happy thanksgiving!!!!💖✨✨✨
Nov 27Reply
cutesybitsbydee @chammje I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving also 🥰💕😊
Nov 27Reply
carolynmcgraw Thank you for the shares. You have a lovely closet!! Carolyn
Jan 15Reply
chammje @carolynmcgraw thank you for sharing my closet too!!!💖✨✨✨You have an amazing closet, I swear I don’t think that I have made it through yet!!!😉
Jan 16Reply
carolynmcgraw @chammje You have an amazing closet and you are a super Posher!! Glad to know you! I am envious of your chef!!
Jan 16Reply
chammje @carolynmcgraw right back atcha friend! 💖✨✨✨And it is pretty awesome having a personal chef (minus the weight gain🤣)!
Jan 16Reply
carolynmcgraw @chammje Weight is not that important. We need to be happy, strong and healthy. Give your chef a big hug. So glad to know you!!
Jan 16Reply
chammje @carolynmcgraw thank you and I finally come to terms with that...which explains the selling of my clothes, lol! I am so happy to virtually meet you too!!!💖✨✨✨
Jan 16Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Connie! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 19Reply
lovenarf Hi Connie. I saw at one point you had an interest in an H&M blouse with three-quarter sleeves, size 8. I just added one to my closet. Plus I have hundreds of other items that might be of interest to you. Would love for you to stop by sometime. Thanks.
Oct 21Reply
chammje @lovenarf hello! Thank you for reaching out, you have a great closet and I will definitely keep it in mind when I have some posh dollars to spend! 💖✨✨✨
Oct 22Reply
lovenarf @chammje Terrific. I look forward to hearing from you sometime in the future.
Oct 22Reply
chammje @bespokenfor thank you so much!!! My husband has a family reunion this summer and I feel that I need “family appropriate pj’s” lol! 💖✨✨✨
May 15Reply
chammje @bespokenfor I can’t wait!!!💖✨✨✨
May 16Reply
ammowife64 Thank you so much for the beautiful review 🥰🥰🥰 I appreciate the love!!
Jun 20Reply
chammje @ammowife64 absolutely!!! Thank you for the lovely bags!!!💖✨✨✨
Jun 20Reply
ammowife64 @chammje You’re most welcome my friend 🥰
Jun 20Reply
chammje @ammowife64 🥰💖✨✨✨
Jun 20Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi. It’s nice to meet you. I hope you’re enjoying Poshing. I’d love it if you would 🛑 stop by my closet and follow me…and I will follow you. Wishing you all the the luck in the world 🌎
Jul 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 08Reply
cutehosiery @chammje Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 10Reply
chammje @cutehosiery thank you! Your closet is great too!!! Happy Poshing💖✨✨✨
May 10Reply
miguel_fym Hello, my name is Miguel. Welcome to Poshmark and 🌴Happy Poshing🌴
Nov 20Reply

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