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Hiii thanks for coming to my closet 💓

196 others
like this

Hi Christina, welcome to Poshmart 💐 if you have any questions on buying or selling, let me know😊
Jul 29Reply

@debjross thank you so much just started listing things today!
Jul 29Reply

@ldadamo123 😊 takes so time to get it started but it's tons of fun
Jul 29Reply

@debjross thank you so so much 💕
Jul 29Reply

@ldadamo123 welcome to Poshmark 🎉
Jul 29Reply

@sayurinita thank you so much!
Jul 29Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 30Reply

@samanthadoc yes of course!!!
Jul 30Reply

@iheartcats97 awww thank you!!!! 💋💋
Aug 15Reply

Hi!! Love your closet 🤓 you have some super cute stuff! I shared you with my followers 🤗
Aug 18Reply

@bvillaverde thank you!!!! R u interested in anything ❤️❤️
Aug 18Reply

You are beautiful
Aug 18Reply

@tommi1213 awwww no I'm not hahaha but thank you very very much 💋💕
Aug 18Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Aug 18Reply

You're very welcome! There is a very supportive side of poshmark! I'm happy to share!! Good luck in all your Poshmark endeavors! ☺️💓
Aug 19Reply

Greetings 🌴🌴from the Florida🐬 Keys🐋if you 💕Vintage Coach👜 and Vintage Dooney👛 then visit my closet🚨it's overflowing🌋 with great bags!!💼💼👜 Suggested User💕top 10%seller💰, fast shipper💨🎁Retired Grandma👵 to 7 adorable Grands!👶👶👶👶👶😈😇
Aug 19Reply

HI!! I'm Karla aka k_woo ... I'm new to poshmark , trying to figure it out :))) ... love ur closet!!!
Aug 19Reply

...and ur hair is gorgeous btw !!!!!!!
Aug 19Reply

@k_woo thank you!!!!!! ❤️❤️😤
Aug 20Reply

Great Closet💐😘
Aug 20Reply

@findingdoc1 thank you!!!! 😊
Aug 20Reply

Love your closet
Aug 21Reply

@christinemaxey thank you!!!! R u interested in anything ❤️
Aug 21Reply

@ldadamo123 your welcome... Maybe.. I'm still getting my stuff together and getting the hang of this. Thanks
Aug 21Reply

Thank you Christina, and I will 👍👍
Aug 21Reply

💖💚💜 your closet!!! 💜💚💖
Aug 21Reply

@ldadamo123 Hi Christina. Love your closet!!
Aug 21Reply

hey Christina, thanks for the follow! i'm really trying to clean out my closet so i am super flexible on all my prices if you're interested 😊
Aug 21Reply

Great closet! Thanks for the invite.. I'll look more when I have some time! Happy Poshing!
Aug 21Reply

You do have some beautiful items
Aug 21Reply

@hillcindy thank you!! R u interested in anything?
Aug 21Reply

Hi! Thank you for checking my closet! I just checked yours ❤️❤️❤️ love it!
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for the note-- you have a nice closet! You might want to read up on posh closet compliance as you have a few items that are not posh compliant. (Stuffed animals) Being posh compliant will help you gain more followers... :)
Aug 22Reply

@catchinzs oh that was for someone specific who requested it for there kids there brand new and I didn't plan on putting them up
Aug 22Reply

@ldadamo123 No problem. When I joined a share group a few months ago someone had given me advice on Poshmark compliance.... Just passing the info along. 🤣
Aug 22Reply

Love your closet! ❤️ I shared my favorites & wish you happy buyers 🛍
Aug 22Reply

You have a great closet. Thank you for visiting mine. Thank you for your like. I consider all offers. Unfortunately I'm not buying or trading right now myself. One of those unexpected life hick ups has me desperately trying to raise some necessary revenue right now. I need the time to keep adding much to my closet. 💕🌷🛍🌷💕
Aug 23Reply

Being noisy I just read some of your comments, those know it all posh police kind of irritate me a bit. The one diplomatic lovely posher that cautioned me was so sweet & delicate in her suggestions. I respected her input and especially her delivery in such gracious well meaning suggestions. Her closet is absolutely fabulous too. I share hers all the time. 🌷😉🌷
Aug 23Reply

@stephanekaye yeah since I'm new I don't really know what is right and what is wrong to list on poshmark but I'm taking some suggestions ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 23Reply

Thanks I love to sew!! Your closet is very nice!
Aug 23Reply

@ldadamo123 what I would never ever do is misrepresent a designer item saying its authentic when it's not. Anyone who has and knows authentic knows instantly. I see many dishonest Poshers claiming its authentic and it isn't. Now that's a lie and stealing when someone thinks they're getting something real & they're not. Your cute little stuffed animals hurt one. My goodness!!!
Aug 23Reply

@stephanekaye the stuffed animals someone requested and I just put them up for them
I didn't know I was breaking a rule I'm gonna take them
Down because a lot of people called me out on it lol
Aug 23Reply

Some people just have much time on their hands. 🙌🏻. Lol. 🌷💕🌷
Aug 23Reply

Hello!!! Happy posting! Thank you you have a great closet as well :) if you see anything you like in mine let me know if prices don't work for you just tel me and we can work out a deal. Have a great day!
Aug 23Reply

@ Idadamo123- Thanks Beautiful! Appreciate
Aug 23Reply

💃🏼👋WELCOME to POSH 💃🏼thank you for visiting 😜🎉 ..😜 & 🌺💋💄Happy POSHing🌹😜🤑
Aug 23Reply

Hi😃thanks for checking out my closet! Love your closet💖
Aug 23Reply

@allisonkelly85 awww! I just started selling last week and has made a ton! Of sales! It's honestly all about interacting with other people and taking really good pictures!
Aug 23Reply

@ldadamo123 Great closet, Christina! 🖤♥️🖤♥️
Aug 24Reply

Practically neighbors lol! Thanks for visiting my closet! Enjoyed yours and shared tons 💕
Aug 24Reply

Love your closet. ❤🌼😘
Aug 25Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the compliment. You have a gorgeous closet too!
Aug 25Reply

You have a very nice closet.😍 I love it.
Aug 26Reply

Since you left new to posh here are some tips I am learning from other posh'ers:
Model everything! (We are currently redoing our closet)
Participate in parties as much as possible.
Talk to people (they are pretty cool).
Hunt down and follow buyers from other people's sale posts (poaching)
Share, share, share!
Post to Pinterest :)
I hope these help. I am in the process of making these changes and it has helped a lot and I have met some great people! 👍
Aug 27Reply

Good morning Christina, thanks for checking out my closet 😊
Aug 27Reply

Hello Christina, I love your closet, is so stylish ! Please take the time to visit my closet ! 😁❤️
Aug 27Reply

Aug 28Reply

@valariemallen thank you!!!! ❤️
Aug 28Reply

Love your closet, gorgeous! 💋
Aug 28Reply

I am so sorry for not responding earlier. I just read this.Thank you and I like yours as well. Happy poshing👌👌👌
Aug 31Reply

Lovely closet!!! Thanks for saying hello 😊 Wishing you many sales & Happy Poshing ❤❤❤
Sep 01Reply

Love your closet! So many adorable things for sale. And you're beautiful beautiful you should wear it curled more often. You're absolutely stunning
Sep 01Reply

@bcielak_917 thanks!!!! were u interested in buying anything
Sep 01Reply

Hi there! Great closet, happy poshing 😁😁
Sep 05Reply

Super cute closet 💜
Sep 06Reply

Great closet!!! You have a really nice closet!
Sep 10Reply

Hi hun at first when I read what you said about my closet I thought u said I really love your a##. Lol I had to look again and saw the extra s's. Too funny. But if you would like to make a purchase then please do so .
Thanks again
Sep 11Reply

@sexy4567 oh hahahahha 😂💋
Sep 11Reply

@ldadamo123 thanks for loving my closet
Sep 11Reply

Always !! You're awesome babe!
Sep 13Reply

Your blonde looks great!! I'm blonde as well and it's maintenance LOL! I swear by Pantene! I have used everything from super high end to Pantene and Pantene makes my hair feel the best! The color revival is amazing! Blonde stuff LOL!
Sep 13Reply

@hellsbelle77 awwwww thank youuuuuu love 💋❤️💕💞
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for the following
Sep 23Reply

Thanks for the share! Share 4 Share? F4F? ❌ ⭕️
Sep 23Reply

Hi love, cute closet! 💕
Oct 08Reply

Beautiful closet!! I love it💕💕💕
Oct 08Reply

Thanks for visiting closet! Came by to check yours out. You have some beautiful items. I shared a few of them 😉👍🏻
Oct 10Reply

Hi Christina:You have a fabulous closet!!!🌷🌸
Oct 11Reply

Nice closet
Oct 27Reply

💖💖awesome closet!!!!💖💖
Nov 01Reply

Hey, would you be interested in buying some Nike SB Stefan Janoski sneakers that I am selling? Can negotiate best offer
Dec 03Reply

@shhmomey no thank you! but i will share them :)
Dec 03Reply

@ldadamo123 Thank you!!
Dec 03Reply

Your closet is beautiful as well!
Jan 06Reply

Good evening Christina. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 06Reply

@hmsimon1 no problem your creations are beautiful :)
Jan 06Reply

@hannerless thank youuu
Jan 06Reply

@ldadamo123 💐🙏😁
Jan 06Reply

Thanks for visiting! I appreciate you reading our story and thank you for the compliment about my closet!❤️
Jan 06Reply

Hi Christina. Your closet is nice..One of the most beneficial things to me when I started was joining Poshmark groups on Facebook. People here are great. Share..your stuff and others as often as possibe...especially during parties. Be prompt and courteous. Welcome to Poshmark dear.
Jan 06Reply

BEAUTIFUL closet Christina! Many Successes to you and a Happy and healthy New Year!
Jan 07Reply

Hi Christina it's Michelle do u trade I have tons of stuff still yet to list
Jan 08Reply

@presentprovider no I’m sorry I don’t :( is there anything you were interested or anything you would want me to lower the price on? I’m so sorry I’m just trying to help my family out so I’m going to sell for a while
Jan 08Reply

Hi Christina, Cute Closet. Thanks for sharing my closet. I’m going to share yours in return. May God bless you and yours!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for Sharing from my closet.
Sharing is a nice part of Poshmark.
I love this.
Have a blessed day. Juell
Jan 12Reply

@ldadamo123 Nice Closet!!!
Jan 29Reply

Hi sweetie shared your closet! Happy posting! I have the exact same towel rack in your picture 🤣🤣 Have a blessed day!
Feb 06Reply

@hbaker702 awww haha thank you!!!
Feb 06Reply

@nicknacknancytx hehehe thank you!!! And what do u mean 1x? Or 2x
Feb 13Reply

You most CERTAINLY are a Poshmark Ambassador, beautiful closet!!
Feb 16Reply

Hi Gorgeous You have super cute closet. Great job on pictures. Will stop by often and share👩❤️💋👩
Feb 19Reply

Thank for the shares, Christina. Have a great weekend!
Feb 23Reply

@georin thank you so much you too! :)
Feb 23Reply

@nicknacknancytx take your time and if I could give u a good discount I know how frustrating it is when you wanna buy stuff but your items aren’t selling haha 😂😒
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx what bag were you interested in?
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx ohhh the leopard one!
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx id be very happy to give you that bag with free shipping if you want to make the offer
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx ok I just submitted the best I can do
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx ohhhhhh it’s because the original offer has to expire after 24 hours it won’t let me make a new one!
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx I’m gonna have to wait 24 hours it won’t let me either 😫
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx awesome haha I will be sure to send you some great free gifts with the bag 💞💞
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx ok I definitely will 💕💕💕
Feb 26Reply

@nicknacknancytx ok thank you I did tape the free gifts to the front I don’t understand and I sealed it but there are so many problems with these boxes im going to stop shipping my stuff in them.
Mar 04Reply

@nicknacknancytx I’m so sorry I included nail polishes, brush sets more brand new makeup etc :/
Mar 04Reply

@nicknacknancytx anything you're interested in?
Mar 04Reply

@nicknacknancytx take a look at everything in my closet if u like something i will drop the price :)
Mar 04Reply

@nicknacknancytx ok! I’ll put some stuff together
Mar 04Reply

Hi😊You have a beautiful closet! Great taste💖How did you become an Ambassador?
Mar 04Reply

@moodyjudy hi i just followed the guidelines hehe and shared so much lolol thank you i love love love your closet as well!!! :)
Mar 05Reply

@nicknacknancytx hi! have you gotten home yet lolol
Mar 05Reply

@nicknacknancytx Ok I totally understand 💖💖💖💖💖
Mar 05Reply

@nicknacknancytx can you be more specific like what you would want for her
Mar 06Reply

@nicknacknancytx ok I’ll list some later
Mar 06Reply

@nicknacknancytx putting together her package now I will post a picture when I’m done :)
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for the Love on IG, came through to show some Posh Love as well! Wishing you many sales and a great day! -Lauren @Seconds2Love
Mar 16Reply

Cute closet! Shared a few for ya ;) Happy Poshing!! Have a great day :)
Apr 04Reply

Your closet is great!! I’ll definitely check it out love ❤️
Apr 11Reply

Hi Christina! Beautiful photos 🌸 I love buying and selling and meeting new friends on Posh! Check out my Closet when you get a chance👍🏼 Thanks. Have Fun!
May 24Reply

@here4looks77 thank you!! i will def share and check your closet out :)))) happy poshing!
May 25Reply

Hi! ✨ I hope you’re having a great experience on Poshmark. Let me know if you need any help. I ❤️Poshmark. It’s so easy to buy and sell🦄 especially Michael Kors and make-up.
Visit my closet sometime & remember:
⭐️Prices are Negotiable⭐️
🛍Bundle for a better deal💰
Free gift 🎁 with $20+ purchase😘
📦Ships next day
See you soon!
May 26Reply

- [ ] Hello my closet is @VINTAGECULTURE1 . I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄💜
- [ ] I really hope you love it here 😍.
- [ ] Want more followers ?
- [ ] 1. Follow me
- [ ] 2. Share my items
- [ ] 3. I'll do the same
- [ ] Happy poshing!
May 29Reply

Omg u look so pretty!!😊
Jun 02Reply

Thanks for liking my closet. Your closet is nice but I didn't see much I could wear.
Jun 15Reply

Hi welcome to the poshmark community if you get a chance come shop my closet
Jun 21Reply

Love ur closet love dogs and I’m a dancer💛😍😍👑
Jul 01Reply

Hi there, I am having closet clear out sale, buy 3 get 30% off, please check out my closet and bundle three or more and get 30% off🌹
Jul 17Reply

Great closet!
Aug 30Reply

You have a great closet!!! Thanks for inviting me to take a peek!! 💗🌸💗🌸💗
Aug 30Reply

Great closet, possibly far fetched question, w the profile name, are you from Idaho? I am originally from there, I seldomly ever see anyone on posh from there✌️
Sep 21Reply

@sassys_stash no I’m from New York hahahaha
Sep 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Feel free to stop by my closet all offers welcome and bundle to save!!! Happy poshing
Dec 08Reply

I checked our tour closer. Tou have so many nice listing. Quite ambitious for 16 but then that does go along with being a dancer. I could tell that you danced before I read your bio. My daughter has danced for 13 years. Dont ever give it up and keep on poshing. I can tell you have a very bright future!
Jul 09Reply

Great closet. You have a lot of nice things. Unfortunately, everything I really wanted was sold out.
That's one thing I've never really understood about Posh. What is the point of checking out someone's closet if there's not much out there.
I'm not trying to be ugly, just need a poshmark lesson.
Jul 09Reply

@tlphillips1723 awww I’m sorry I will be listing more items soon!
Jul 09Reply

@easells36544 awww thank you so much!!!
Jul 09Reply

Hi Christina !! You are a beautiful girl who looks like you keep in great shape by exercising and dancing !! Keep active and keep the shape you have as best as you can. I was going through a divorce 1 day before my 30th birthday. Due to stress of a custody battle 2 yrs later I developed Fibromyalgia & then Arthritis...could not ride my bike...could not do anything at the gym due to muscle & tendon tears & pain all over. Gained a lot of weight. Oh to be 17 again !! Cindy Joy
Jul 10Reply

Great closet! I just started my closet a couple weeks ago & agree with you, I love it! I’ve been a shopper for years so will definitely be looking at yours again soon. You look like a very talented dancer also! Thanks for introducing yourself! Susan
Jul 13Reply

@awhite50 awww thank you so much I just saw your closet it looks so amazing I love it! Keep sharing and reaching out to poshers!!! ❤️
Jul 13Reply

@awhite50 thank you for your purchase!!! Anything you like when it comes to free gifts!
Jul 13Reply

Hi Christina! Thanx so much 4 the invite 2 ur closet.. It is lovely! Its refreshing 2 see ur motivation & energy as a seller on posh, especially being so young! Ur determination & confidence wll play a major role in ur success! I will visit & share often & I wish u many sales! U are awesome! 🌹🎉
Jul 19Reply

@sassiecat7 thank you!!!! I wish u many sales as well ❤️❤️ love your closet too
Jul 20Reply

@ldadamo123 I love that shot in motion, absolutely beautiful. I’m sharing your closet you have some super cute things! Have a great summer 🙏 🍃✨🍃Renée
Jul 22Reply

Send me a message when you reopen as there are a few items from your closet I'm interested in. Thank you & I hope you enjoyed your vacation 😊❤
Jul 26Reply

I left you a message to contact me when you return as there's a few items I'm interested in 😊❤
Jul 26Reply

@imkeallen hi!!!! I’m back! Ask any questions you want ❤️❤️❤️ here to help
Jul 29Reply

Hi Christina! Thanx so much 4 the invite 2 check out ur closet..& 4 stopping by mine! Its so refreshing 2 see such motivation from a younger posher! I believe u'll be successful in anything u set ur mind 2. The 2nd foto is absolutely breathtaking! I ♥️
Oct 19Reply

dance as well..10 yrs & girl is in2 pole art & Aerials. Pole is her specialty..shes so majestic as Im sure u are as well. Keep up the great job on ur closet & dont ever lose that enthusiasm! Ur awesome!! Please stop by anytime 2 visit!
Oct 19Reply

I just realized I had been by ur closet last year I believe..I kept thinking I recognized ur face and it dawned on me! Ur an old pro now! Still doing great. I had an item come up & ur msg was on it 2 visit..they dont put the year of entry so I thought I was so late 2 reply! Lol I need another vacation! I hope u are great! Stop in 4 a visit soon. Id ♥️ 2 hear more about ur dancing! Take care!
Oct 19Reply

Hi! Check our my closet if you want! I’m just getting started, but we’re the same age and same size! I’m going to be adding more soon. Also, if you like something but not the price, make an offer :)
Dec 14Reply

Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍
⭐️ @luckijewelsla ⭐️ @rls3691
(My other 2 closets)
Jan 22Reply

all your pictures are great, but that second one is especially breathtaking!!!
Jun 06Reply

@starraether thank you so much!!! ☀︎
Jun 06Reply

Thank you for inviting me to check out your closet. I did, and it's lovely! Have a great weekend, and I'll check back often. ❤
Jun 07Reply

Hi! What a lovely person you are 💫☀️
Thanks for the comment, and your closet is flippin fantastic 😸
Happy poshing!!
Jun 07Reply

You have a very lovely closet. 🌷I thank you for stopping by mine❣
Jun 17Reply

Thank you! Great closet. 🥰
Jun 22Reply

I really appreciate you! My child also dances, she’s 11 now and is in her way to a beautiful future. You have a lot of great items💕 looking forward to receiving and purchasing more from you 😍 Have a great day!
Jun 23Reply

@crislex123 thank you for those kind words!!! And thank you for your purchase!! I will send your package out tomorrow💕💕
Jun 24Reply

Hey Christina you have beautiful things in your closet...🎈
Jun 25Reply

@hysandlows thank you!! ❤️
Jun 25Reply

Hi! Feel free to check out my closet!! I'm accepting ALL offers!! Thank You :)
Jun 30Reply

Gorgeous closet 🌹❤️
Jul 20Reply

Hi Christina! I’m Missy, nice to meet u here in cyberspace. Ahh to be 18 again. You have a really great closet, lots of cute, fun things. Keep on dancing! Have a great day. 🥰
Jul 26Reply

@ldadamo123 Yes! Yes you are. Because you are indeed a beautiful girl you are going to hear that a lot. Learn now while you are young to accept a compliment and just say thank you. ❤️❤️
Jul 26Reply

Hi Christina I love your closetwas wondering if your into health and nutrition and wanna check out my site at Isagenix if you have any questions and wanna join my team follow me on IG joanneivette81 and i will how you how to make extra money
Jul 28Reply

nice pictures
Aug 28Reply

Hello! Thank you for checking out my closet! I will be looking at yours too! Happy Poshing!!🌷💕😊
Aug 30Reply

Hey Christina! Thanks for saying hello. Awesome closet! Will definitely share.😉
Aug 31Reply

Gorgeous closet !!
Sep 01Reply

I love your closet, thanks for inviting me to look.😊👛👠❤️👒👗
Sep 03Reply

@ldadamo123 Hi Christina, great closet!!! Looks like you've done very well on Poshmark. Great pics too. I wish much continued success....🤗
Sep 04Reply

Congrats on your closet with many sales! 👛 Happy Poshing!
Sep 05Reply

Love your closet great items. The photo of you dancing is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for checking out my closet. I am going to close my closet soon, hopefully for just a short time. If you see anything or want several things for resale, make me an offer. Great Poshing to you beautiful lady!!!
Sep 09Reply

Hi Christina, Just checked out your closet and shared a few things with my followers. You have a beautiful closet. I'll check back often and keep sharing. Be Safe. Lynne
Sep 13Reply

Love your closet! And your photos! Looks like you’ve done a really great job selling and networking. So impressive, especially considering how young you are!! Keep it up!! 💪🙌 Wishing you health, happiness and continued success! 💞 -L + D @schatze_ny xoxo
Sep 13Reply

I checked out your lovely closet.. It looks fantastic 💕
Sep 13Reply

Hi love 💕 I Checked our your closet it’s beautiful 😍 I don’t need anything from it right now but I will mark it and keep checking back. God Bless ❤️💕💕😘
Sep 13Reply

Hello beautiful lady!
Sep 15Reply

Hi Christina. Thanks for the invitation. You have a beautiful closet but I’m not in the market as my closets are overflowing and I’m in the process of donating or posting. It’s so nice to meet a passionate lover of dance. I’ll like your profile for future purchases! Love your pics! Just gorgeous 🤗
Sep 15Reply

Hi Christina,
I browsed your closet & found an item to bundle, & will check back periodically to look again...I like
accents for my home like:
1) Picture frames
2) Oil paintings or framed prints
3) Ceramic vases & sculptures.
4) Various decorating accents for my home.
5) Leather shoes, size 8.
6) Also love Bob Mackie tops & sweaters.
I wish everything good for you & your family, & success in your Poshmark shop. I'll check in again soon. ⚘🙋♀️jlp
Sep 15Reply

P. S. I also LOVE dancing! At 18, I'm sure you dance the night away all the time. I'm 71 now & my husband doesn't dance anymore, but when we were young, we danced til we were soaked with sweat & then danced some more. Oh, to be 18 again! Have fun sweet girl, but be careful out there. It's not as safe as it was when we were young.🥰⚘🙋♀️jlp
Sep 15Reply

@meadowinthewood awww thank you for the kind words I will definitely be posting some more home wall decor soon!! 🥳💕✨🥰
Sep 16Reply

@pdkpt99 thank you so much!!! 🥰✨
Sep 16Reply

Hi this is Serena 4957 thank you for the invite to check your closet out I am you are such a beautiful young woman you remind me of my daughter. So we both love pink that’s really cool I absolutely adore the clothing anyways did you check out my closet I am still checking yours and sharing the key is share share share so we can get others to see things anyways let me know
Sep 16Reply

@jujuscam thank you so much God bless 🥰
Sep 16Reply

@ldadamo123 Hello fellow Posher!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Stopping by to say hello👋🏻and shopped through your fabulous closet store💕Youre welcome to come take a look at my closet store as well #HappyPoshing🛍☺️🌺🍀🌸🌈
Sep 18Reply

Heyyyyyy girl! Thank you for the comment and I like the dance pics... dope! 💕
Sep 18Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 19Reply

🐈 Good Morning! Thank U for being a guest in my closet. Please stop by anytime to say, Hi! Chat! or Shop! Blessings in Ur direction always! 🐈 From The Kitie2u Closet
Sep 19Reply

Thank you for the compliment on my hot mess of a closet. Coming from someone who appears to have this whole poshmark thing dialed in, I'm flattered. I constantly scramble to find the best light or direction to shoot from. Your pics, especially the ones with you in them, are basically perfect. You wouldn't happen to model in addtn to be dancer, would you? If not, give it a thought. Easy money for college rt there. I'm going to share a few things. Stay safe & be well darling.🤘😉🖤
Sep 20Reply

@ldadamo123 hey love.. love ur closet do u trade
Sep 21Reply

@yourbadlilangel Awww thank you so much!!! no omg youre closet is so kawaii!!! I love it so much!
Sep 21Reply

@lizd091391 Hi!!! i actually have never done a trade before!!
Sep 21Reply

@ldadamo123 oh ok
Sep 21Reply

@ldadamo123 if u ever do let me kno
Sep 21Reply

my name is Sherry
I need to fix johnbrown and make a page etc
I think ur dance pics r spectacular. u look so poised
I can't dance if u paid me to. lol
I have no rhythm. I love music...all types and dance silly with my girlfriend
but I have fun
Sep 21Reply

@ldadamo123 🤩😍😋🤭👌🥰☺️🖤
Sep 21Reply

Beautiful 💕
Sep 21Reply

hi hun! I'm looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting most (basically all) offers! I was just named ambassador so in honor of that every 3rd purchase will get a free gift with it: shirt, dress, accessory, etc. Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Sep 22Reply

Hi, Robin from wingedwearables has visited your closet per your suggestion. Your dance shots are very impressive and one with fabric very beautiful. I did order a bracelet. Thanks for the invite let’s follow each other and shine on.🙋♀️🧜♀️
Sep 22Reply

@wingedwearables thank you so much and thank you for your purchase!!! I will mail it out tomorrow morning 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Sep 22Reply

You have a great closet. Your dance photos are fabulous. My nephew is a dancer/choreographer and teacher. They made a whole calendar with poses like that. It’s beautiful.
Sep 22Reply

I checked out your fantastic closet! Too bad you don't have clothes that are bigger! Go get um girl!!
Sep 23Reply

Hi, beautiful closet & awesome pics!
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet and leaving me a note. I’ve looked through your closet and you have a lot of cute things but I’ll have to check back with you, I’m trying to take a break from shopping 🛍 for a little while. Wishing you lots of luck!!!
Oct 04Reply

Heyyyy there pretty lady🤗🤘🏻❤️⭐️💕
Oct 04Reply

@deannarae122 hiii!!!! 💕🥰
Oct 04Reply

Shared your cute closet, best wishes! 💞
Oct 04Reply

Hey hey , I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Oct 04Reply

Beautiful photos!
Oct 04Reply

@ucelloblu thank youuu!!! 🥺💕
Oct 04Reply

Super cute closet and great presentation. Very impressive. Love the pop art for sale on the wall. Too bad we don’t have any more wall space left.
Oct 04Reply

@knoxville622 aw no problem i totally understand! But I hope you love the jewelry it will be sent out tomorrow morning thank you!!!
Oct 04Reply

You are gorgeous love you in the white dress
Oct 11Reply

you have a fabulous closet my dear ❤️
Oct 13Reply

Hi Christina, you have a lovely closet! Thank you for stopping by mine! 💖
Oct 13Reply

well instead of going to bed like I should I think I'm going to shop around a little bit LOL
Oct 15Reply

Oct 18Reply

Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do custom paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Oct 21Reply

Loving the pink hair! 💝
Oct 21Reply

Hi Christina! Lovely closet. I will share to my followers. The picture of you up in the air is magnificent. Beautiful form; great photographer. My daughter was a professional dancer for about 10 years, then went back to graduate school . She is just finishing up her doctorate. If you love to dance... then dance!
Oct 24Reply

hi I'm looking for tops that are XL xxl and bottoms from 8 to 10 med shoes sz 11 if you have any stretch jeans skinny and wide leg cute and sexy thx hun love ya 🌼🌺😷safe
Oct 24Reply

@shopaholic100 ahhh thank you so much 🥺💕🤍
Oct 24Reply

@kloverdennis88 yes I have those sizes!! I will list some stuff today and tag you! :) ❤️🥰🥰🥰
Oct 24Reply

@ldadamo123 I beg to differ that your very pretty 😍
Oct 24Reply

🎃 Welcome & HAPPY POSHING 🎉 Best, Deborah & Gil @sinystylin 🧶
Oct 26Reply

Gorgeous Photos!!! 😍
Oct 26Reply

Hi beauty. We are a boutique inspired by Miami and curated in Miami. Check us out when you have time 💋 xoxo
Oct 27Reply

You have a super cute boutique! & btw I love your pics! You’re absolutely beautiful! Love the pink hair💜I’ve had every color under the sun. Probably going to go dark purple this time
Nov 01Reply

Thanks for visiting g my closet. You have a very nice closet hope you have lots of fun reselling 🌻
Nov 06Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Love your listings by the way!
Nov 15Reply

Well I just Love your closet 🥰 I shared several items. You remind me of my granddaughters, one paints pop art and one dances 🎭 Happy Poshing 💕
Nov 15Reply

Hi lovely one, I like your original art! Is there any way I could get my hands on a Chanel one?? Please and Thank You !
Nov 20Reply

You have a beautiful closet!💗💗😊😊😊😊
Dec 08Reply

Hi, Luv! Hope all is well with you I opened & gave you well-deserved 5-Stars Love Note. As I went to hang my new, I noticed, that on all four of both of my pieces they were splattered/incomplete. I had/have no intention of framing these(Ewww), so I need your Help!!!
Dec 13Reply

I am a crafty girl, if you tell me how to/what to use (brand/color/etc.), I think I can fix em. I do not want a different border, as I like your work immensely, but no justice is being served. I do not know what to do, so I thought I’d put up generic photos so you could see, and tell me how to fix?!?! Thanks much! I k ow we are both busy with USPS date cutoff, but I really want to show these off.
Dec 13Reply

I had surgery and am quite limited, so if you have any ideas? Otherwise, I’ll try to fix as your student. The pics will be on my page, Luv. Thanks much’
Dec 13Reply

hi, I checked your closet out, love it! unfortunately right now everything was either too small, or sold 🙂 but am going to follow you, for sure! thanks Karey
Dec 14Reply

Hi Christina! I'm so sorry, I just left a rating and totally forgot to mention your charming gifts with purchase! They were so sweet and your note was as well. What a great seller you are, you're definitely on my shopping radar and I appreciate the wonderful gifts!! Warm regards, Glamma
Jan 05Reply

@glammashopsalot thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked it! 💕
Jan 06Reply

Love the selections in your closet! I will follow you moving forward.
Jan 06Reply

Love your closet!! Following you now, look forward to your future listings!!
Jan 06Reply

@ldadamo123 hi, your closet is bright beautiful!!!! I shared a few things and I wish you many sales and Happy New Year!!🙏🏾🥰
Jan 07Reply

@ldadamo123 Gorgeous closet!
Jan 12Reply

You have a fantastic closet!
Jan 16Reply

thank you for inviting me to check out your closet it's beautiful as are you. Wishing you all the best, great health, success and prosperity 🌞🤩
Jan 16Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 17Reply

ITEMS MUST BE Listed $40 OR LESS;)))
Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$
Accepting All Offers
Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;)))
Jan 18Reply

Hi Christina! Love your dance photos—beautiful! You have a really great array of items in your closet—-I shared a bunch of them with my followers. Thank you for visiting my closet & leaving a message 💕
Jan 19Reply

Great closet!
Jan 19Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 20Reply

Hi Christina, I'm Cora wanted to let you know I checked out your most awesome closet. I enjoyed sharing it. Wishing lots of Sales, Posh Love and most important Abundant Blessings to you and yours 👃♥️👃
Jan 21Reply

love your hair and those boots!!
Jan 21Reply

Nice closet.
Looks like you work very hard to be a success. I wish you much!!
Happy Poshing 🌞
Jan 21Reply

Hi! All of my items are $2 off! If you bundle its
another 10% off !! I ship same or next day! Stay safe🤗
Jan 25Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 25Reply

Beautiful closet shared your treasures to my followers 🌴🌸🌴
Jan 27Reply

Great pictures love your hair!
Jan 27Reply

Hi Christina, I took a look through your beautiful closet. Your pictures are fabulous. The only thing I can see that you might improve a little bit is your opening description of the item. So buyers can find it in their search. For example instead of saying red dress, say Michael Kors sleeveless fit and flair dress. (Or whatever it is)
Jan 30Reply

(Continued) I always start with the name of the designer if possible, the color,and the size.Then in the description you can put the rest of the information. For your watch I would put “ Vintage Bulova Diamond Watch” and I would not use “Free Gift”.. instead surprise them with a little something. Other than that you have a great closet! Kathryn
Jan 30Reply

@ldadamo123 Thank you for inviting me to your closet! I see you love dance, me too, only I will be 70 this year so I have slowed down a bit. Have a great weekend! 💗
Jan 30Reply

Sure I will do that!!, check out my closet too when you get a chance..thanks
Jan 30Reply

love love love your clóset
Jan 31Reply

Hi Christina, you have a beautiful closet 😊🤗
Jan 31Reply

Hi:) everything in my closet is $2 off! If you bundle its even more off😍 I ship same or next day!! Stay safe!
Jan 31Reply

Hello, you have a very nice closet. Right now I do not see anything I need. I will revisit for sure. Thank you and wish you lots of sales.
Feb 02Reply

Beautiful Closet, and GORGEOUS pictures!!
Feb 05Reply

Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Feb 06Reply

Love your closet!
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for reaching out. You have a lovely closet, beautiful photos and descriptions. Wish you much success, may God bless you!
Feb 10Reply

Hi Christina, your closet is amazing. Sarah
Feb 11Reply

Your closet is lovely and so are you! Many blessings to you and your dancing!
Feb 13Reply

Beautiful!! Well done!
Feb 16Reply

well I looked at your closet but everything was sold
Feb 19Reply

@diane_barbero I have a lot of listing up and available :)
Feb 19Reply

I had a feeling that you were a dancer! in my younger years I was a dancer and did a lot of musicals too.
Feb 19Reply

@diane_barbero awww that’s amazing!!!
Feb 19Reply

must not be in the plus section
Feb 19Reply

@diane_barbero yeah! Currently I have a lot of jewelry and house hold items for sale 🤍
Feb 19Reply

I wish you the very best and always be happy 😊
Feb 19Reply

@ldadamo123 hey! i did what u asked and checked out your closet!! awesome time and effort! beautiful pieces! rhanks for introducing yourself!
Feb 23Reply

Hi - you have a great closet! Once I saw all of the NJ items I figured you might be close - I’m in SNJ 🙂 Enjoy dance and I’ll be checking in on your closet 👍🏻
Feb 24Reply

shared gorgeous great pics model beautiful closet
Mar 01Reply

You're a beautiful young lady
Mar 15Reply

Mix & Match ANY 3 items for only $25
Mar 31Reply

Great closet!
Apr 26Reply

Looking at your closet...🙋♀️ Thanks for the invite...🙂
Apr 27Reply

@karenvesmith thank you so much I appreciate it!!!!
Apr 27Reply

welcome! you have a great closet!! I will spread the word!
May 15Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 23Reply

Gorgeous photographs. Very Talented young lady. I've visited your closet.. Congratulations on your successful sales.
May 27Reply

@salesiav awww thank you so much for the kind words!!!
May 27Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 28Reply

@ldadamo123 Hi! The best way to advertise your closet in my closet is to share my listings. I always share back. Isn’t that the way we Poshers are supposed to do it?
Jul 12Reply

Hello Christina, impressive moves. I have a couple nieces that love Ballet and gymnastics. You are really good. Happy Poshing and I am going to check out your closet.
Jul 12Reply

Hi, wow cool pictures, so flexible! I would be so grateful if you checked out my closet.😊 I have cute items like off shoulder tops and a romper!
Jul 13Reply

3/$25 ... Just LIKE 3 items and I'll send an offer to you for $25
Jul 21Reply

Beautiful closet!😎👏
Jul 24Reply

Thanks for the invitation to check out your closet and Good luck in all you do.Sincerely Sherrie Price
Jul 25Reply

Hi! Please check out my closet as well! The denim jacket I have is brand new handmade and very tiny!
Jul 25Reply

Hi ,
I just love your closet thanks for looking at mine and I came to see yours if you have any questions about anything in mine I have to get a lot more posted ,…
Have a great Summer! Dorothy
Jul 26Reply

I’ve checked out your closet and shared some of my favorites. You have some great items in your closet. I don’t see anything that I need at this moment, but will check back periodically. Beautiful pics off your dancing. My granddaughter has been in dance for years here in the Dallas area. Kudos to you. It’s a lot of hard work and dedication! Good luck with all your endeavors!
Jul 26Reply

Your photos are fabulous! Keep on dancing your heart out🤗
I have inquired already about your opal bracelet. Please let me know the size, weight etc. I have 4 grown daughters and am seriously interested. Also where the opals are is how far across? 1/4”? 1/2”? A photo with a dime would give perspective. An appraisal if written would have all that info. Please respond if even to say you don’t know…thank you.
Jul 27Reply

@marveylust I’m going to put it in a bundle for you and get all of the information on it now thank you for inquiring :) 🥳❣️
Jul 27Reply

@ldadamo123 thank you so much🤗
Jul 27Reply

Hi you have a great closet. Your dancing is beautiful. Very impressive ❤️☺️
Aug 09Reply

oh my God! amazing. If I was a quarter that flexible wow I don't know what to say what gorgeous amazing pictures!
Aug 10Reply

I will do my best and look but I am not in good shape financially right now but I will do my best and I saved forwarded your closet.
Aug 10Reply

@concretegypsy yes very supportive side. I agree with you completely!
Aug 10Reply

Great closet!!! Gave you some shares , xo
Aug 21Reply

Hi Christina I shared some of your closet hoping you will see some sales! You have a great closet we are very different on sizes thank goodness for you!! Lol Looks like you are an incredible dancer too they are beautiful shots!! Thank you for checking out my closet too! 💜💜
Aug 27Reply

What beautiful pictures! Your reviews make me want to order something!! Amazing!! Congratulations!
Aug 27Reply

@catstuart78 aw thank you so much!!!! 💘💘🥺 made my day!!!
Aug 27Reply

Hey! I am looking for women’s high waisted jeggings
Aug 28Reply

Hey I’m looking for women’s high waisted jeans or jeggings
Aug 28Reply

Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Aug 29Reply

@jeggings31 hi!!! I am listing some later today will share with you ❤️
Aug 30Reply

@ldadamo123 i jeed jeggings for a bladder issue. Something that will dry quickly
Sep 05Reply

Let me know when you post the watches. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
Sep 06Reply

Hi Christina 👋. Thanks for reminding me know to take a look at your closet🙂. Awesome pics! My cousin used to be a pretty good dancer back in the day as her early ballet roots led to her passion. I hope you are pursuing your passion or currently dancing as a career 😊. You have a fabulous closet!
Sep 06Reply

I like it lot. Very clean and ur a DOLL.
Sep 26Reply

Hi, Check my closet for the best jewelry collection. for USA.
Sep 28Reply

Thank you for the follow! I have checked your closet out and it is very nice but most of it is already SOLD, lol!! I'll be back!! Happy Poshing!!
Oct 21Reply

👋 You have a beautiful closet. 😊
Oct 31Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 10Reply

Hi Christina, Thank you for inviting me to check out your closet. It is lovely 🌹 I hope my shares bring you many SALES 💲🎉😃
I'd love for you to checkout my closet as well 🛍️
I offer private discounts on bundles of 2 💞 or more listings with discounted shipping 💥
HAPPY HOLIDAY'S to you and your family 🎁🎄🎀🥳
Dec 24Reply

Lovely closet! May shop in future! Spent money on Christmas gifts at the moment.🌹
Dec 25Reply

hello ^^ ! when you shop my closet, 100% of earnings go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. more info on my page. -peach ♡🎗
Jan 09Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewlery
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 20Reply

You have beautiful dance photos above! My good friend owns the dance studio and gym in our town and her twins are about 19 or 20 now with the beautiful form that you have as well. I'm not a dancer, but I love watching and appreciating every form of! Your closet is awesome . . . so I shared some of it🥰. Posh On!
Jan 30Reply

hello how are you doing I have some nice things in my closet feel free to stop by and take a look I would really appreciate it
Feb 01Reply

gorgeous! love your pics
Feb 17Reply

@ldadamo123 hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out all offers are accepted
Apr 10Reply

Hi Christina!
I just wanted to say thank you for getting my sweatshirt in the mail so quickly today! I really appreciate it!
Thank you sweetie ❤️
May 24Reply

Hi I love your closet so far and wanted to know if you would like from my closet and I will give you a discount on shipping.Love your closet!❤
May 26Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for the invite! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything and I’m just selling for now but I’ll be happy to share your items!
May 30Reply

Pretty Ballerina!
Jun 10Reply

Amazing closet...something for everyone🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍋..I've shared some of your beautiful pieces🍥🥮🍡🥟🍦🍧...I hope you will visit mine and do the same🍾🍷🍸....have a great day and Happy Poshing🥂🍬🍨
Jun 11Reply

@littlepeachxo Hello this listing in everyone's closet; Meet the Poshet (if they have one) ..and if not, then in a bundle is the proper place to advertise your closet. Not on someone's active listing. Thank you for the invite
Jun 12Reply

@ldadamo123 hello check out my closet I have some nice things you may be interested in getting send me a offer an I will definitely help you out thanks an have a wonderful day
Jun 19Reply

Hello gorgeous!!
Jun 21Reply

@ldadamo123 good morning check out my closet I have some nice stuff you may be interested in all offers accepted I will help you out
Jun 22Reply

Hi Christina. It looks like you have an interest in Lauren Ralph Lauren dresses, size 10. I just posted one that might be of interest to you. Plus I have 1000+ other items that I would love for you to see. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Jun 29Reply

Lovely closet and impressive love notes.🌸
Jun 30Reply

Thank you!
Jul 11Reply

Hello kindly follow and checkout my closet go new listings update and let me know if you wish to buy anything to buy anything 🙂
Jul 22Reply

I absolutely love your paintings! I’ve tried to paint & realized it’s not a talent of mine, but I still enjoy it. Lovely closet! Wishing you many sales & success! 🌻🌻🌻
Jul 24Reply

Such a STUNNING closet😍
Wishin u $peedy $ales🍀💕😊
if u get a chance stop by Miss-Ink's
💕your posh friend Serah🦋🌸🌺
Aug 10Reply

~Walk into each season in style~
🏝~S U M M E R `22~🏖
Shop w/confidence~5🌟 Seller
🖤Miss-Ink's Closet🖤
Cordially invites u to a unique place
that offers~QUALITY items, many sizes, styles, colors, & patterns.
~💗Prompt replies.
~💕Orders handled by me w/care
~🎁 Extras & Return Buyer coupons
~📫Ships within 12~24hrs
🚫No pressure or rush, & right here when u have any ?'s, or concerns😊
🤗Thank u for🛍$hoppin' by💕
Aug 10Reply

Hello, Ms. Christina I appreciate the follow. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Happy Poshing!
Aug 21Reply

Hi 👋 I wanted to share that my Entire Closet @brizabrigid is 50% off 🌈 I'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of October. ☺️ If you like an item, I'll send the discounted offer💕Brigid
Sep 15Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Oct 14Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Dec 10Reply

how are you? I just checked out your closet and shared some if your gorgeous item. Will be back😄
Dec 12Reply

Thank You For Your Purchase!! Your Package Ships On Monday 🙂
Dec 25Reply

@gmz11 thanks so much!
Dec 25Reply

@nyfashionstore hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me and offer all offers accepted or bundle up for a discount
Feb 24Reply

Hello. I’ve messaged you a few times about a purchase I made on 29 November and have not heard back. Please respond when you’ll be shipping out. If the item is no longer available a heads up would’ve been nice. I’d really like my money to be refunded so that I can look for and purchase elsewhere. Thanks in advance.
Dec 08Reply

hi are you going to put the toner for sale?
Apr 11Reply

Hi!! I added a few if I can resend an offer please at ur convenience!! Tysm!! ☀️
Dec 16Reply

@itsjustme2 just sent :)
Dec 16Reply

Okay last change!! lol I think 😂
Dec 16Reply

My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until December 31, 2024. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Dec 31Reply

🙋♀️Hi. 🧤 It’s nice to meet you. 🧤 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love on Poshmark 🛍️ Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of🍀luck🍀
Jan 25Reply
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