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Updated Oct 29
Updated Oct 29

Meet your Posher, A!

Meet the Posher



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Howdy y’all🌵I'm A. I'm a full time student & I love to shop. I need to sell my clothes. It will help with my tuitions toward school! Some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Lilly Pulitzer, Jack Rogers, Miss me, Bke, and Mac. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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canyondesign Hi there, If you are interested in the necklaces, you can bundle them and then you will get 15% off. I would love to sell them to you.
Jul 26Reply
mferris321 Thanks for following
Jul 31Reply
redfishqueen86 @mferris321 love your closet!!
Jul 31Reply
mymarket4all Thank you for SHARE!!!!
Oct 12Reply
ecr419 If you don't sell the Tory Burch earrings I want them for that price. Thanks!
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @ecr419 ;( it was suppose to sell for another buyer... and it got sold to someone else... I'll prob get another pair of TB soon... I always get them as gifts lol
Oct 19Reply
ecr419 @redfishqueen86 thanks for letting me know. I'll keep a watch on your closet.
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset Thanks for all shares babe! Nice fish! 😍❤️
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @dayandnightlv hey your welcome! Sorry about you getting a ruin dressed...
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset @redfishqueen86 omg you're so sweet 😌🙏🏼 bummer but it's ok... at least none of you will have that happen to you on my watch! ☺️😉 💕✨
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @dayandnightlv I've never traded...I'm so scared something will go wrong! I always have the worst luck!!! And your closet is amazing!!!!!!
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset @redfishqueen86 thank you! Yours is so classy! It's ok to trade with people that have traded or have strong closets and love notes because they wouldn't ruin that for a trade... I'm a giver and don't like to say no 🙈☺️ so it's my fault I wasn't more careful on that one but I've actually done SO many and I reallllly love it! 😌 won't stop me 1 of 30 you're bound to get something not perfect... statistically anyways lol but we can hope! 😆
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @dayandnightlv awww lol thanks for saying that, yours is way more classy then mine! I'm a full time student and it's hard to make everything so nice and take the time to try everything on.. I need to try stuff on so that buyers can see what it looks like on. And I have terrible lighting in my house.
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset @redfishqueen86 school is way more important 😌 and that's why I sell for others it takes foreverrrrrrrr to list stuff lol and I have professional lighting in my office it's def hard to take pics without but yes do post them on you it's easier for people to shop! I didn't at first then after my store blew up ❤️
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @dayandnightlv ohhhh really??? That's a good idea.. yeah most dresses are nicer on so you can see.. im going to have to try that!
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset @redfishqueen86 yes watch! Or get a mannequin! I bet you you'll see sales jump fast! ❤️😆
Oct 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @dayandnightlv ty mam! Your so kind!!
Oct 19Reply
babyscloset @redfishqueen86 anytime you need help on here lemme know ❤️😌🙏🏼😆
Oct 19Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me 🌸
Oct 22Reply
redfishqueen86 @chucky75 same to you!! Happy poshing 😁
Oct 22Reply
chucky75 @redfishqueen86 wow I like this smock too
Oct 22Reply
fortheloveofsam Thank you for the shares, love! 😄
Oct 23Reply
redfishqueen86 @jackncherrycoke you too hun!!!! 😽👍🏽
Oct 23Reply
redfishqueen86 @meggets8282 😅 done! I love @sheashea93 ! spoke with her awhile back! She's soo sweet! Okay I did 10/23 Done and ✅
Oct 24Reply
sheashea93 @redfishqueen86 aww thank you so much ❤️ made my morning 😘
Oct 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @sheashea93 your very welcome!! Happy Tuesday mam 😽😜
Oct 24Reply
sheashea93 @redfishqueen86 you too ❤️😘❤️
Oct 24Reply
kellar100 Hi,I love the horse is it yours? I have an appaloosa and before I got old lol I hog hunted to with dogs mostly I loved it❤️ I miss it to I hate getting old lol 😂
Oct 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 hey! Yes same breed! I don't have him anymore 😭 had to sell many years ago when I was moving & had to sell my truck. Money is tight when your a broke college student!!!!! I'm hoping to get one in 2 years if I have time. My friend owns a lot of horses and she shows her esquire all the time! She has a show coming up. I love the outdoors! I'm a little country girl!!
Oct 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 same old, getting old not fun 👵🏽
Oct 24Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 I'm sorry you had to sell him and I hope you can get another one I wish you much happiness 👍
Oct 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 yes, horses are an expensive hobby... I bought a boat 😂😭 another expensive hobby....
Oct 24Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 Lol I love boats to all we have is a fishing boat for the river we're river rats lol😂😂
Oct 25Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 lol that's what I have, a fishing boat
Oct 25Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 well heck we'd get along just fine except I'm old now lol but I'm not dead😂
Oct 25Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 hahhaa your age is just a number! We can still get along! I had to cancel my hunting lease this year! School sucks! It takes away everything I had for everything I'll have more of lol
Oct 25Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 School will pay off in the long run you can come out here and hunt my son just killed a hog and a deer he's trying to get the coyotes shot we hate those things I despise them with a purple passion I'll give 20 bucks for every one killed I hate those things!! My 2 big dogs try to keep um at a distance but this is a big area and they can only do so much maybe I need more dogs lol
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 It's hard to get dogs like we have ours know what to get after but love my kittys my kittys love these big ole dogs 🐶
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 I got a yota call for Xmas last year!!! I had to cancel my bama hunting lease. But iam on a lot of land here and we kill any coyotes we can Bc they eat the calfs
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 I hate them so bad I use to rescue kittys and puppies and some of the kittys were outside cats they didn't want anything to do with inside I have a few mobile homes that we took the doors and fixed where they won't shut all the way so we had plenty of shelter but they would come up missing I thought they were just leaving and they were fixed and my puppies came up missing I couldn't figure that out!!
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 then one nite we were in bed and heard the most horrible noise we jumped up grabbed our rifles ran out it was a bunch of those suckers had a bunch of cats surrounded An the table I fed some on we shot the crap outa them we thought one got away but he was gut shot made it to our pasture and dropped ha ha!! But they keep coming even with our 2 big dogs I need about 10 more good dogs lol
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 I can't rescue anymore bc I'm just giving them their death if they wonder off to far those creeps don't get to close anymore but a kitty likes to walk around I have 6 left outside their pretty smart tho they've been here 9 years lol
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 @kellar100 oh no! Puppy went missing? certain nights I can hear them howling & I have an outside dog and have to lock him up! My bff she's in GA hunting with her hubby right now! I'm so jealous!I wish I didn't cancel my lease.I'll prob release it again next year.we live on a lot of land here but I have never tried hunting it but have seen many hogs, 🦌, 🦃!!
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 Have it all out here. I don't like it Bc one time I've seen a black panther... so never again... lol so I just ride the 4whler or the jeep out there in the pasture...yes and I cannot wait till I'm done with school! 2019 can't come soon enough
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 girl hunt that s--t kill those creeps lol kill um😂😂 we hunt out here we have 10 acrs but are surrounded with 2000acrs of hunting land lol head lites lol 😂 shine city we don't buy meat we really don't have to hunt the other land we have it rite here last year we watched a buck and a die come from each end of the horse pasture to each other neither one made it out alive lol 😂
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 Not die doe dumb phone lol
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 if you have any small pets outside you need to lock them up to we have killed them in the morning and middle of the day in our yard the get brave!!
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 hahahah wow just like us!! We have 40 acres and 1200 land near us with 3 ponds! It's amazing out here! We are in good ole Fla!!! lol I've only seen 2 bucks here. There has been me lil heard of doe's about 7 of them that I have been feeding for the last 5 years... they are still here and travel together! It's a cold morning.. today would have been a great morning to hunt here but I have to study 😭
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 only have mister buster! My golden retriever. He's a hunting dog that loves the water lol
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 yeah they do we have a Chocolate lab and 1/2 black mouth curr his huge but he has since he knows not to go after those things when there's a lot he stands his ground here tho I keep my bull dog locked up at nite cause she will go after um and then the other dog will and if there's a bunch they'll kill my 2 dogs.. we don't have neighbors for 2 miles and we have a long muddy rode you have to have a truck and know how to get down it😂
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 no car has ever made it 😂I can't even get packages here the trucks refuse to try it😂😂they get delivered at our neighbors 2 miles up it's so peaceful here sometimes to peaceful I get lonely lol nobody can get here😤we have a huge pond that has a lot of huge catfish and big brim it's bout time for me to pull out my rods lol I hate the hot weather I'm in Mississippi very hot and sticky in the summer we're not that far apart😊
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 haha awww I miss my truck! Had to get rid of that too hahahahah I know exactly what you mean!! Love dogs!
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 I love cats dogs and horses and bunnies lol I've never seen a panther but my son and husband said they seen um but I carry a Glock 40 on my hip when I'm out or my 9mm or my 357 mag or the 22 mag lol I'm a pistol nut I use to collect um till I bought one from a guy that was stolen that pissed me off so I slowed up and got rid of a bunch lol didn't wana take a chance but I bought these new!! What are you going to school for what's ya gona be lol 😂
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 I got a bodyguard .308 S&W! Hahah we are a lot alike. I have an AR-15, pink camo shotgun, riffles hahha we'd get along great!!! I'm in school for xray tech
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 Yeah you should have been my daughter lol but I'm worse than granny clampet on the Beverly hillbillies lol I use to be hell on it mean as a tiger but you couldn't of threw nobody on me lol one reason why I carry lol somebody from the past might still hold a grudge haaaa haaa I'm still waiting I'd die b4 I'd back down haaaa haaa for real.. I'm as back woods as they get I guess that's why I never lived in town I would've got kicked out😂😂😂
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 That's a wonderful thing to go for you'll always have a job never have to worry it will be worth it!!
Oct 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @kellar100 hahaha you sound like my bffs mom!!!! She's just like you! She use to own lots of horses too, but sold them all....
Oct 26Reply
kellar100 @redfishqueen86 I had 16 but it was hard bc everyone wanted to rede but didn't wana help me care for um they wouldn't even saddle their oun horse so I said f--k it I picked out my best 2 and piss on um lol, I saw your dog he's beautiful ❤️❤️
Oct 26Reply
shedress Hello. Welcome to Poshmark. Feel free to stop by and check out my closet.😉
Nov 04Reply
eling1 Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the follow!
Nov 07Reply
craftywife Hi! The "RedfishQueen" got me! Nice Snook in the pic....I love to fish too...must be something about being a Florida girl! Cute stuff in your closet...going to share and share with my daughter too.
Nov 10Reply
redfishqueen86 @craftywife hello!!!! Yes I need to post my red on here lol I've been busy with school!!! And thanks so much! I'll share your closet as well xoxo
Nov 10Reply
jessnicole18 Hey girl! I have some stuff in my closet you may like if you want to check it out ☺I accept all reasonable offers and also do 15% off on bundles of 2 or more. Happy poshing!! ❤
Nov 18Reply
redfishqueen86 @jessnicole18 hey to you as well!!! And okay I'll have to check it out.. been super busy and haven't been able to shop...
Nov 18Reply
jessnicole18 @redfishqueen86 no worries! life can for sure be crazy sometimes! 😵😵
Nov 18Reply
redfishqueen86 @jessnicole18 yes, I have a funeral to go to tomorrow 😔😭
Nov 18Reply
jessnicole18 @redfishqueen86 awe o no, I'm so sorry for your loss!! 😢
Nov 18Reply
redfishqueen86 @jessnicole18 thank you hun.. God just wanted another angel 😇
Nov 18Reply
jessnicole18 @redfishqueen86 that's a great positive way to think about a loss! ❤
Nov 18Reply
gretchiepooh hey there bona fide baddie thanks for liking the Lilly Puiitzer...if you are interested my pricing is negotiable &I ship same day. No pressure just checking in...
Jan 12Reply
redfishqueen86 @gretchiepooh howdy!!!!! Thanks for updating!! I love love your page... I’m just a full time student right now... can’t work when you have cliniclas!!! And I don’t want to low ball you... Bc I did that one time.. well made an “offer” and that person bash me and block me and everything else... when people low ball me I Just decline it and make another offer but she just got really offended...
Jan 12Reply
swadesuede Wow wow. Thanks for all the shares!
Mar 11Reply
redfishqueen86 @swadesuede well your very welcome and thank you!!!!
Mar 11Reply
closet_n_sklton Well nice to Meet you there . You Have a Very Inspiring Reason to Sell on Poshmark! I don't honestly read too many "Meet you Posher" Listings but for some reason your caught my eye..Good Luck & Happy Poshings!!
Mar 12Reply
redfishqueen86 @closet_n_sklton awww thank you!! And your closet is pretty nice as well!! I’m a full time student, and it’s so hard to juggle everything and studying.. I have to study a lot... anyways good luck and happy poshing to you!!
Mar 12Reply
nancynorth Thank you for sharing my closet I appreciateit 😀hope you find something that you like 👍💰
Mar 17Reply
grandi48 Thank you so much for stopping by my closet and liking the Tory Burch bag Would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Am open to reasonable offers
Apr 30Reply
jessyjosh 👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 30Reply
redfishqueen86 @jessyjosh awww and same goes for you! Thank you !!!
Apr 30Reply
norasark67 Love the pictures except the dead hog. Anyhow, if you are a horse girl, you are okay in my book!! Good luck!!
May 06Reply
redfishqueen86 @norasark67 hello, actually that hog isn’t dead... it was a catch and release. Hehehe.. and ty! I love horses.
May 06Reply
redfishqueen86 @norasark67 I actually was sitting on her back legs and he was pinning her down...
May 06Reply
norasark67 Cool chick!! Love it!
May 06Reply
jessyb1981 Hey just wanted to stop by and let you know the lily Pulitzer bag is on sale today only!!! My whole closet is BOGO FREE till midnight!!! Thanks for stopping by my closet!!! I absolutely love yours!!
Jun 04Reply
enneexchange Thank you so much for following! 💜
Jun 08Reply
classysl Thank you for the following🐾 Have a nice day.
Jun 13Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 New post for the Old Gringo boots you want in size 6
Jun 19Reply
bonjoursummer Thanks for following! If you like what you see, make an offer!😁🍉🌸👍
Jun 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel I don’t see anything ?
Jun 19Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 I tagged you in the listing
Jun 19Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 at $45 - you get a dream of a steal for Old Gringo
Jun 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel your a life saver!!! I can’t believe you found a post of me dreaming of these! I put in my offer.. but your right.. you CANT ever beat that price, I just purchased it!!! TY!!!!! Your the best!
Jun 19Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 yes, with that price I wouldn't of even bother with the offer... I also would have purchased outright. Trust me if they were my size 8 I would have got them. I just look out for people, and plus I have an Old Gringo fetish and peruse a lot of listings.
Jun 19Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 And... you're welcome 😍
Jun 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel yes, I did what you said! Buy it right now!!! It was meant to be, Bc I was about to put my phone down to start studying again... but your post came up... I tried to search for it and couldn’t... so I wrote you Bc I thought it was your listing... but you really saved me! THANKS SO MUCH! I can’t thank you enough,, I have some size 6 cowboy boots listed.. but I know they are not your size...
Jun 19Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 You are very welcome! Thanks! I only buy Old Gringo though but thanks for the heads up! I am always looking for good deals on Old Gringos, and love when other people can get a great deal too if it's their size. Now you will ACE your tests... LOL...oh I live in Florida too 🌞 🌴
Jun 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel aww thank you... I’m in school for radiology.. 2 tests tomorrow.. LAB and written.. I hope I’ll ace that test... I’m sooo excited for my boots!! Ahhhh and I’m in bowling green... originally from lakeland
Jun 20Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel I was thinking your in siesta keys... beautiful place to live.. we rent a beach house around englewood/Boca grande often.. we have a 4th of July house there next month... can’t wait
Jun 20Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 I am in South Venice!
Jun 20Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 OMG! I used to live on Siesta Key..... and go to Boca Grande sometimes! Love it there! Plus they allow dogs on the beach 😉 That is so cool you have a place to go there! Enjoy 💖
Jun 20Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel yes... we were looking into rental properties within the next five years.... I’m hoping to get a beach house in Boca Bc we live it there soo much! What a small world 🌎
Jun 20Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 Very small world! I love Venice/Englewood/Boca area. Love the Southern part of the coast. The North is way too populated and busy now :/ Although I work in Sarasota!
Jun 20Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel ha that’s 45 Mins from me.. we order parts from new Holland there all the time for our company!!! That’s cool...
Jun 20Reply
siestakeyangel @redfishqueen86 Well, I hope you love and enjoy your boots 😊
Jun 20Reply
redfishqueen86 @siestakeyangel ty so much!!! And enjoy the rest of your week!!!
Jun 20Reply
cathyfrangos Hi Amy! First of all I just wanted to say hello and thank you for the follow next your photos are fabulous...what a great family and fun you seem to have! As I strolled through your closet, I couldn't help but share. It is set up so cute and versatile and priced right!!! It's so nice to meet a new Posh friend!
Jul 11Reply
redfishqueen86 @vtorres0926 awww hello!! I have tons of dresses.. I wear them on Sundays.. so I need to get rid of every single one. I have tons more that I have not listed... it’s a lot of work to list them sometimes lol. But thank you and happy poshing to you!!
Jul 11Reply
jv71 Hi Emy. Thank you for following!!!
Jul 12Reply
redfishqueen86 @jv71 hello!! And you too
Jul 12Reply
jv71 @redfishqueen86 it's a great pleasure!!!
Jul 13Reply
emoore43 @ecr419 text or call me 2816089308
Aug 03Reply
jlanoce Thanks for the like make an offer on the beautful wallet if u like
Aug 12Reply
jodi_marina You are my 38K follower - special - take 30% off any listing. @redfishqueen86
Sep 09Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @bonnieonpaper awww... I have multiple sizes listed...and ty
Dec 27Reply
smxcollectables Hello. Would you like to Share 30 items from our closets? Thanks and happy Poshing!!!
Jul 14Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 06Reply
valentinav83 Hello ! Hope you are having a great day !! If you have Instagram please check out my page @valentinas_organics. For all natural , cruelty free, handcrafted products for body, face and hair 😊
Oct 09Reply
hoova52 Thanks for following me have a blessed night and amazing Thanksgiving!
Nov 26Reply
redfishqueen86 @hoova52 aww you to !! Goodnight
Nov 26Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my ☃️❄.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  🎠 when Christmas coming 🤶. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in. HoHoHo 🎅
Nov 27Reply
gatorman561 Very nice 😜
Feb 23Reply
leonab I’m so happy you love the Lily Pulitzer romper!! I have the same one in a different size and get tons of compliments on it!! Thank you also for the five star rating!! Enjoy!! Thank you again!! Lisa
Feb 28Reply
redfishqueen86 @leonab awww and no thank you! I try to get my hands on all of the LP ROMPERS! Lol ty! I have some LP in my closet if your interested! Everything is negotiable! Have a great weekend!
Feb 28Reply
leonab @redfishqueen86 Thank you so much!! I have more LP rompers, just haven’t had a chance to post yet. Take care and thanks again!!
Feb 28Reply
bertads Hi there welcome to poshmark enjoy poshing 🙏
Mar 15Reply
ringelw Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Forever 21, and Old Navy! Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe Happy and healthy!
Apr 22Reply
redfishqueen86 @ringelw hey!! Thank you!!! I hope you find stuff in my closet as well!! Thank you!
Apr 22Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 23Reply
aserbest Hey @redfishqueen86, I’m glad to see that you are following my closet. Happy poshing!
May 06Reply
rachelbtu21 hi!! im selling a lilly dress similar to one you liked just a different pattern for a much lower price- feel free to stop by my closet :)
May 23Reply
redfishqueen86 @rachelbtu21 hello, unfortunately I only fit into a LP 00... ty for letting me know
May 24Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jun 09Reply
tiffany_harden Thank you for following my shop. I have a giveaway going on right now through July. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 15Reply
fashionpix Cute pics of you... and thanks for the follow!!!
Aug 30Reply
byrdemily Thank you for checking out my closet! 🌊🏝PRE-VACATION SALE!🏝🌊 ❤LIKE your favorite items and I will send private offer for 20% off + discounted shipping! Ends 10/1🖤
Sep 25Reply
staciamartiez @redfishqueen86 thank you for the follow. Feel free to check out my closet😊
Sep 27Reply
redfishqueen86 @staciamartiez your welcome! And check out my closet to!! Happy poshing!!
Sep 27Reply
lrkell20 Hi! Thanks for the follow!
Oct 31Reply
nina33131 HAPPY POSHING!!! 😍
Nov 03Reply
ronip72 Thank you for following me. We can offer discounts on bundles and shipping. Come check us out!
Nov 08Reply
riverson3 Love your closet!! Feel free to check out my closet and two wedding videography businesses!!!! Tis the season to Posh!!! 💍😍🌻
Nov 21Reply
sunsandchic Hi there! I see you're a fellow Lilly fan!! I have a closet full of LP pieces I know you would love! I'd love for you to check it out! Have a great day! xo
Jan 07Reply
redfishqueen86 @sunsandchic YES! And you as well! Thank you
Jan 07Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 14Reply
wolty Hi. Thank you very much for following me. I appreciate it.
Mar 01Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 03Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me! I’ll check out your closet and share to my followers- hope you’ll do the same.I’m recently retired and hoping to downsize the master closet and kitchen cabinets! Too much stuff! 😊😊 Betty
Mar 04Reply
hoarderhaven Just saying hi, is your title related to redfish designs? Thanks so much
Apr 07Reply
redfishqueen86 @hoarderhaven oh no, I love fishing and someone always called me that bc I always caught a redfish! Hahah
Apr 07Reply
kids_poshshop Hello, I’m having a BOGO sale in my closet. Get a free item with every item you buy! Nice clean beanies, plushes and other toys. Offers always welcomed. I have another closet for ladies, men’s clothes and other nice things, richmondsrelics.
Apr 09Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi A, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2021!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
Apr 15Reply
redfishqueen86 @lakedwellerhb hello!! Ty so kindly! And same goes to y’all as well! Thank you
Apr 15Reply
cachendosa Hi! Thank you so much for sharing items from my closet. As a new seller I really appreciate the shares and support. I will do the same for you too. Happy Poshing!😊
Apr 19Reply
redfishqueen86 @cachendosa your very welcome, happy poshing! 🛍
Apr 19Reply
sherylroush Sorry I cancelled my offer on your purse, I found it cheaper.
Apr 23Reply
redfishqueen86 @sherylroush ok, your welcome!
Apr 23Reply
lau27 I am super super excited about the manolos!!! I have been searching forever :) I am so happy they are brand new with no stains or marks!!! Thank You!
Apr 24Reply
redfishqueen86 @lau27 you will love ❤️ then! Your very welcome! They will get shipped out ASAP! Thank you hun!
Apr 24Reply
sargebill hey there, thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha
May 12Reply
craftygranny Thank you for the follow! Stopped by and shared! Hugs!
May 21Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
Jun 02Reply
happyday111960 Hi there and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Jul 14Reply
redfishqueen86 @happyday111960 hey girl! Thanks so much. And same goes for you.
Jul 14Reply
rlh17 Thanks so much for the follow, much appreciated ☺️ please let me know if anything in my closet catches your eye or if you have tips for a new Posher!
Jul 14Reply
jerry_holmes awesome pic 😍😍
Aug 02Reply
orlanree Hey, in the past you sold a Medium Winghouse shorts. I’m looking for Small. Can you get your hands on new Small? I will pay for them plus give you a finders fee. Lmk what you think.
Dec 31Reply
redfishqueen86 @orlanree ok, let me ask my friend.
Dec 31Reply
jewelsbysara Hi🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️
Jan 31Reply
hauteresale Hi there! Thank you for your Like on the MacKenzie Childs teapot in my Closet. I sent you a private Offer which I hope you will consider. Please lmk if you have any questions and thank you again for your Like. 😊🙏🏻
Feb 18Reply
robertkenned475 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💓😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 📲🙏
May 19Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for following my closet. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jul 12Reply
rmsilvey Aloha A! Welcome to my Closet! Let’s all SHOP SELL SAVE AND SHARE OUR WAY TO SUCCESS!!! Happy Poshing!
Jul 16Reply

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