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Updated Aug 23
Updated Aug 23

Meet your Posher, A Clothes Horse

Meet the Posher



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Welcome! I'm A Clothes Horse who's finally getting around to building a closet. I'm so happy to rescue these garments fated for the landfill and see them live a second life! If it's not NWT, I have laundered and/or steamed the garment. I take health and safety very seriously. My home is smoke free, and your purchase will be conscientiously stored and packaged. I consider all reasonable offers, but not interested in trading. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you drop in often!
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gemsandjewelry Good morning & welcome to Poshmark…we’re glad you’re here! If you have any questions, I’m happy to help. Happy Poshing and Happy Independence Day🇺🇸!♥️
Jul 04Reply
gemsandjewelry @awalkncloset You’re welcome!😁💕
Jul 04Reply
miriam_nicastro Welcome!! Thanks for visiting my closet and thanks for following me! I am a Poshmark ambassador so if you have any questions I am more than happy to help and, I offer a 15% discount on items of three or more as well as discounted shipping…Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 05Reply
beautylove719 Hey there thanks for following me check out my closet and if you see anything you like add it to your bundle. 🛍🦋 I have some great things . Bundle and save always🤞🏽 reasonable offers send them. I am willing to ship out today depending on time 🛍 thanks in advance
Jul 06Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You’ve got a GREAT start on your closet!!🥰 Whenever you get more items up too, lmk and I’ll be more than happy to share
Jul 08Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba That is so sweet! I'm going to put more clothes up this weekend. I'm a part time newbie at this, and my full time job is all hands on deck at the moment. But all I really want to do is play in my closet, lol. And share other people's lovely things!Thank you very much for taking a moment to say hello!
Jul 08Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You are so welcome!!! Personally, I love both too 🤭 it’s fun to move things around and definitely stroll through other closets ☺️ please be sure and tag me when you get other items up!!! Until, I’ll keep sharing too 💗💜💗
Jul 08Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba hello! I was wondering --- I am having a little trouble. I have offers on items I would like to accept, but I don't have an accept offer button. I am wondering if it's because I haven't set up a payment method, but I can't figure out how to do that. If you have a moment, could you share some wisdom? I am excited and don't want to lose the sales. I apologize for any imposition, but I can't seem to fins an online! Thank you thank you thank you!@
Jul 10Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba oh gosh! Never mind...I see now, there hasn't been a counter offer yet. Apologies for bothering you!!! I will get used to this interface, hopefully sooner rather than later. Have a great weekend!
Jul 10Reply
1sumrgrl Welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you much success! Thanks for the follow; I'm sharing your items in return 😊 I hope you'll stop by my closet to say hello 👋
Jul 10Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset I am soooooo sorry for not responding sooner :..( My grandson got here last night for a few days and this Grammie stayed up waaaay too late, lol!! I sounds like you solved the problem, YAAAAAYS!!!! And i feel TERRIBLE for not responding, I really do. It will never be an imposition for you to msg me and ask for anything<3 I'm usually here long before now. I'm still trying to figure things out too.Please don't hesitate to reach out and hopefully I can help or find the answer for you
Jul 11Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba That is SO kind! I was a little panicked, but I got it, lol! I'm trying to optimize posting using both the app and the desktop, and the learning curve is a steep! I hope you had a delightful time with your grandson, and I can't thank you enough for responding, and doing so with such warmth. I don't have any social media accounts, so this is a brave new world for me, and I'm a little out of my depth. I'm really grateful for your lovely presence!!!! 💖
Jul 11Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Awwww🥹 you are tooooo kind😭 Idk if you’ve read my Meet your Posher 😆 but I’m a terrible people pleaser 🤭🤷🏻‍♀️😉 and am always more than willing to help anyone out. I haven’t been here too long either and just wing it. But if I don’t know the answer I’m pretty sure I can find it 🥰 And tysm!! My grandson and I are having a blast!!
Jul 11Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset And I mean it when I say to never hesitate to ask any questions you might have🥰 it’s no fun being “lost” kinda daunting actually 😭 I hope you have a wonderful evening and let’s GET TO THAT POSH PARTY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 11Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba You're a gem, and it's delightful to know there are kind and generous people to bump into here. I will be looking in your closet very soon! 💗
Jul 11Reply
awalkncloset @1sumrgrl Thank you for this sweet note! 💖
Jul 11Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset YOU GOTS NEW ITEMS UP!!!! 🎉💗🎉💗🎉 That dress is 😱🤯🤩 the Zara!!! That’ll go super fast, it’s gorgeous 💗💗💗💗
Jul 25Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I hope so! That dress is so flowy, I was having a teeny issue getting far enough away to photograph her, lol. I'm hoping someone makes me an offer toute suite! 🤩🥰🤞She wants to go out on the town somewhere! I'll be putting more things up in the next coupla days, too. I made my first sale yesterday!!!! Whee!!! Hope you've had a terrific weekend! 😁
Jul 25Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 that is AWESOME!!!!! It gets better, I swear 😵‍💫😛🤓 my best advice is to be patient…I have no idea what that word even means 😱🤯🤣😉🤷🏻‍♀️😭 things will sell. Your closet is looking AAHHHHMAZING😍😍😍
Jul 25Reply
awalkncloset You're the sweetest, ever! I am trying to be patient and keep the faith! Slow and steady wins the race . . . eventually, lol! 👠👗👕👟🏆
Jul 25Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset WHOOTIE WHOOT!!! 😘😛🤓 Just saying howdy and hope you’re having a wonderful day 🥰💗
Jul 25Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Yes it does…I take my walker with me 😆 jk!! For me the hardest part is being patient and wanting to lower prices because things are moving 😭 eventually we will move our items 🎉💕🎉💕🎉
Jul 25Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Hey there, my favorite Posher! I'm great. I got myself organized today. I took off today and tomorrow, and I ran to Walmart and got a clothes bar and a bunch of hangers. I kind of threw myself into this with no real plan, so I'm not too worried yet about not having sales to speak of. I'm trying to get all of the items that are within my control checked of the list to become an ambassador. Once those are finished, I will start trying to signal boost myself through friends
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba who have social media accounts. I don't have any to speak of. I created a twitter a few days ago, but it's in lock down mode, lol. But, having organized a spare bedroom into the working space for this, I'm feeling more like I can manage all the stuff better. I have been thrifting like mad, and the piles were getting out of control! I have men's and children's
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba clothing, and purses and hats, lol. I get in these thrift places and I kind of go a little crazy. I enjoy laundry, which is odd, but it's meditative to me. And I love textiles. I come from women who were gifted with the needles, be they embroidery, knitting, crocheting, or sewing. I just love being around cloth and clothes. And there's nothing I love more than a treasure hunt! I hope you had a great Monday, and now that I am increasingly organized, I think listing is going to get
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset THAT SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!! You’ve been a busy posher! And it sounds like you’re accumulating a “death pile” as it’s called 😂😂😂 sooooooo many items to list and BUNCHES of $$$ to be made!! Be sure, if you want to join some share parties 🎉 excellent way to get more coverage and followers!!
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba a lot easier. A few more housekeeping things to do tomorrow, and hopefully I will be listing a lot more stuff soon! Be well, and chat soon! 🥰🤗🤩💕
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 🤪🤪🤪🤪I LOVE YOUR EXCITEMENT 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 It’s exactly what happened to me too when I first started!! It was kind of a chore at first and extremely overwhelming for me with my anxiety but it’s much better now 💗
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset PLEASE TAG ME WHEN YOU GET SOME STUFF LISTED!!!! Have a WONDERFUL evening and ttys!!!💗💗💗💗
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I hear you about all those things! I was a wreck until I got my first sale to the post office this morning, lol. But yeah, I am just trying to figure out the interface on both the phone and the laptop, and I *think* I joined a party for a minute today? Maybe? I joined, and then shared the one thing I had that they accepted as theme appropriate. So, basically, do you just join in and keep sharing the stuff you have that meets the criteria? I wasn't sure if I should just keep
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba sharing the same one thing over and over? That seemed odd, but I have no idea what's actually showing up in anyone else's feed. Still so many mysteries!
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Give me until tomorrow and I’ll find some share parties to the you in. It’s usually up to 100 closets but only 5 shares per. Sounds like a lot but it really doesn’t take long. Then you follow that persons followers..not all 😂 but several! Your closet gets shared too by all in the party
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Idk about a theme 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve got one I’ll tag you in right now. Every day 4-5 closets are “featured” and everyone shares your closet. There’s a certain comment you put to show you’re joining. Can’t remember right now. Once you’re done sharing for the day you share the host closet and comment all shares completed
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You can look through the thread and I’m sure it’ll make sense once you see what and how others are doing it. Very simple to do and helps a lot 🌸 There’s other share parties that have a “buy in” but I’m too broke for that 😂
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Just tagged you 🥰
Jul 26Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba OK! Having no social media, I didn't really even know what "tagging" is, HA HA! But I see you just went over to mama's comments and @'d me there. Got it. So, I will like that listing, and I think that will get me included in the action. I won't put my name in the hat until I get my closet more loaded up😊. But, if that's all I need to do to play, I think I can figure out the rest! Again, many thanks to you!!!
Jul 26Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You got it! And again, because my memory is 😩🤭💩 I think you comment whenever you’re ready, @awalkncloset which is tagging yourself 🤣 that’s tagging miraculous ladybug and then you’re in. And tagging is @stella_n_bubba like that 😘😉🥰
Jul 26Reply
missamyrogers Thank 🌼 you for following & sharing my closet 🌷
Jul 29Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset MORE SALES?!?! MORE LISTINGS?!? 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 GET IT GIRL!!!! THAT IS AMAZING 🎉🌸🎉🌸🎉🌸🎉 WHOOTIE WHOOTIE WHOOOOT!!!
Jul 29Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Right?!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH for cluing me into @mama_of_8's game! I am seeing so many new follows and so many beautiful closets!! It's VERY inspiring. You are an absolute joy! 💗💕🥰💗💕🥰🤗
Jul 29Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You are so welcome! I hope the sharing is getting easier!! You’ll definitely get into a routine with everything here and at least for me, it’s STILL very overwhelming every day for me but I keep on putting on foot in front of the other!!! MANY SALES FOR YOU TODAY!! 💗🌸💗
Jul 29Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I just keep on clicking away, lol, clickity click click. Many sales to you, too, sweet posher, and have a beautiful weekend🌞💗🥰🏖️🌞💕🌷🥀💐😎☀️
Jul 30Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset You are the best! Your positivity is so refreshing 🥰 it always makes me smile and I thank you 💗💗💗
Jul 30Reply
stocktonlaw100 Hi favorite  shoppers,   I'm  currently  running a sale , pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00
Jul 30Reply
jenne1968 Welcome to Poshmark! 🌻
Aug 01Reply
awalkncloset @jenne1968 Thank you!!! 🌈👗🌠👠
Aug 02Reply
debwine56 Hi! Welcome to poshing! I hope you enjoy the app, grab some great bargains, make a lot of sales & have fun! I am a posh ambassador and 5-star rated seller and would be glad to try and help if you have any questions. Thanks for the follow and have a safe and healthy week! 💞
Aug 02Reply
awalkncloset @debwine56 Many thanks❣️
Aug 02Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 🤩🤩🤩🤩 your closet keeps getting better and better 😍😍😍😍😍
Aug 08Reply
sell528 Welcome to poshmark!❤️
Aug 08Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Thank you so much, sweet posh friend! I am trying to get some of these items actually listed! Ya gotta play to win, lol. MUAH! 😊💕🥰❣️❣️❣️
Aug 08Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset I am so sorry I didn’t respond 😢 I hope you’re having an awesome day and you’re killing me on the shares 😆 trying to keep up but dang 😱😉🤭 I am so happy for you that your closet is seriously gorgeous!!!! KEEP IT UP AND SELL SELL SELL!!!🎉💗🎉
Aug 09Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Alright, my wonderful closet building friend!!🤭 TAG!! You’re it! 😆😘😛 Hope you’re having a wonderful day 💗💗💗
Aug 11Reply
fancycandy007 Happy Friday! Thank you sweetheart for all your beautiful shares! Shared your closet and may we have lots and lots of success! xo
Aug 12Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Hey there! I am back on it today! You will see me caring and sharing! I hope you had a great week and that your weekend is full of fun, sales, and ☮️❣️🏵️🥰
Aug 13Reply
awalkncloset @fancycandy007 You are so welcome! And yes! Success, sales, and fabulous serendipity to all of us hopeful poshers!!!!
Aug 13Reply
laruelabelle Thanks so much for the follow! We appreciate it and are happy to follow back and share:)))
Aug 13Reply
awalkncloset @laruelabelle wonderful! Many happy poshing sales to you!!!
Aug 13Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Hey there sweet pea---I didn't realize until I did my ladybug follows today that you were a featured closet yesterday! Congrats on that, and I will be making it up to you! MUAH! ❣️❣️❣️
Aug 13Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset STOOOOP GOING AWAY 🥹😭😛 jk!! HOWDY!!! Hope you’re AWESOME TODAY and SELL🎉SELL🎉SELL!!!!!! Hugs and 😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 13Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I know!!!! This incredibly irritating day job just keeps getting in the way!!!!! I wish I knew another way to keep a pay check and health insurance, **huge sigh** . . . . . When I miss a day here, I feel like I've missed a year!!!!
Aug 13Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Oof…that adulting is some tough stuff 😭 But I got your back, sweet friend 💗💜💗💜💗
Aug 14Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Aug 16Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Alright..every time I visit you’ve either got new stuff and/or sold things!!!! THAT IS HOW YA DO IT!!!🎉💗🎉💗🎉💗🎉💗🎉 Hope you’ve had a wonderful day and hope to see you soon!! 🥰🥰🥰
Aug 17Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Hey there sweet pea. I am doing fine! Although, sadly, I'm realizing I can't keep the super pace here quite every day! It looks like my pattern is going to be maybe 4 days on and 3 days as much as I can. I wish I could just do this full time! I do seem to have hit some kind of plateau with sales. I will be able to list more this weekend tho, and maybe that will help!
Aug 17Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I hope you are having an amazing week, too!!! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for checking in on me. You're a doll! And, also, it looks like maybe you moved some merch here recently, as well!!! Hopefully today I will be able to🐞🐞🐞🐞!!!! Be well, and we'll chat again soon. MUAH!!!
Aug 17Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Can’t wait to see what you list!!!!! 🥳🤩🫣🤔😘 And I understand 😭 It’s exhausting at times 😩
Aug 18Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 🥹🥹🥹🥹 you are the most awesome person I’ve met here 🥰 I have had a few sales 🎉 and listed a few more items. I just need to get more inventory ☹️ Big MUAHS TO YOU 😘😘😘😘😘 and even more hugs!!! See ya this weekend 💜💗💜💗💜
Aug 18Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 😘💗😘💗😘💗😘
Aug 19Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset Hope you have a wonderful weekend and LOTS AND LOTS OF SALES😘😘😘😘
Aug 20Reply
fleur_de_lisa @awalkncloset ~ Welcome to Poshmark! I thought your closet's name was "an awkward closet" @ first glance, but then I realized it is "a walk-in closet", so clever, love it! 😍 I def wanted to check out your "awkward" closet, so that's what made me visit your closet, LOL! 🙃😂🙃😂🤣🤣 Good luck 🍀🍀🍀and happy poshing! 🛍🛍🛍🛍
Aug 23Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 🎉🥰🎉🥰🎉🥰🎉🥰🎉
Aug 23Reply
awalkncloset @fleur_de_lisa LOL, thank you!!
Aug 23Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset THERE’S MY BUDDY!!! 💗💗💗
Aug 24Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba I'm here! I'm here!!! Hope you are doing GREAT and have had a wonderful start to the week🥰😊💕🌷🌼🏵️❣️❣️❣️
Aug 24Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset I’m doing 🥹 my granddaughter was here for a few days and just went home 😭😭😭 I hate it when they leave ☹️ but then I can look forward to the next visit, right?! I hope you’re doing FANTASTIC!! 💗💜💗💜💗💜💗
Aug 24Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset LOOK AT ALL OF THE SOLD SIGNS!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 your closet looks FANTASTIC 🤩🤯😱🤩 I hope your day is just as wonderful as you are 🥰
Aug 24Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba It sounds like you have so much fun with your grandchildren! I'm so happy for you that you get to visit! And yes! We must always look forward to the next wonderful thing! Also, I guess people really like a sale, huh? LOL I just want to turn over some inventory! ❣️❣️❣️🌷🥰🚨🐞💕😊🌼👗👛👚🦋👕🧥👗👠👞🩴👡🧣👕🧤🥻👘❣️❣️❣️
Aug 24Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 🤯😱LOOK AT ALL OF THE SOLD SIGNS 😱🤯. 💗🎉💗🎉💗🎉💗🎉💗 WHOOTIE WHOOTIE WHOOT WHOOT!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS 🎊🍾🎉
Aug 25Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset 😩😩😩 I am so sorry that so many days have passed and I haven’t been here to say HEY THERE!!!! How are you doing?!? Is my skirt here yet??….What about now? 😆 Well…..I guess I’ll have to be patient 😛 How about now? ☺️🤭🤪😘 Hope you’re having a wonderful evening and can’t wait to talk to you 💗💜💗
Aug 30Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba Hello! I hope it flies super fast to you! It is tracking now, so hopefully you can watch its progress! I know that like me, you're here as often as you can be! Never any worries, but thank you for checking in on me! I put a little surprise in with your skirt; I hope you like it! If not, you can sell it!!!! LOL Muah! ❣️❣️❣️❣️🌻🥀🌷🌹💐🌸❣️❣️❣️❣️
Aug 30Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset It’ll be here pretty quick! Can’t wait to se it and…you gots me a surprise?!?🥹🤭😛 Me likes surprises 😘 Once again, hoping your day was as wonderful as you are 💗🥰😘💗🥰😘💗🥰😘
Aug 31Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset BIGGEST SMOOCHIES EVER FOR YOU TODAY!!!! I LOVE MY SKIRT SO MUCH!! And CRAP!!! 😭😭😭😭 I for got some add my goodie to the love note!😭😭😭😭 I AM SO SORRY!! I went down the list in my mind of everything I wanted to write and just felt I was forgetting something 😩☹️🥹 It’s BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you so much my friend. So happy that we met 💗💗💗💗💗
Sep 01Reply
awalkncloset @stella_n_bubba are most welcome! I found that little goodie and had to put it in there because pink and brown💓🌰💞🌰💖🌰 💗🌰🌺🌰🌸 is so beautiful cherry blossoms! I love making people happy!!!!!! I'm glad it got there so fast, too! 🛫....📦....🛬....📬 is almost the weekend, YAAYYYY!!! Hugs to you, sweetpea!!! 🌷🌠🌷 May we both have time to list much and sell more!!!! 🍀✨🙏✨🍀
Sep 01Reply
stella_n_bubba @awalkncloset I absolutely adore the scarf!! And yep!!! The pink and brown are probably my favorite color combo’s. And everything was wrapped so pretty 🥹 it really was. Thank you again for the time and thought you put into my package 🥰🥰🥰🥰 MUAHS 😘😘😘😘
Sep 01Reply
stella_n_bubba MUAHS 😘😘😘
Sep 01Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Sep 08Reply
fancycandy007 Enjoy your vacay, catch you when you get back.
Sep 09Reply
stella_n_bubba HURRY UP AND COME BAAAAAACK! 😭😉☹️🥰😘
Sep 13Reply
stella_n_bubba I is pullin' a heckin' sad.....where u be?!?!?
Sep 23Reply

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Last Active: Jun 20 2023

Tallahassee, FL
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About the seller



Last Active: Jun 20 2023

Tallahassee, FL
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