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Updated Mar 26
Updated Mar 26

Meet your Posher, Amy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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pepperdot Cute doggy 😍Welcome to the Poshest community 🥰 🎉
Mar 26Reply
dontgoblue @pepperdot thank you 🥰
Mar 26Reply
presley523 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark.  Thanks for following my closet. If you plan to sell on Poshmark the formula is post your listings, follow as many poshers as you can, share your listings with your followers as often as possible, and attend as many Posh Parties that you can. Happy poshing. If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help. I accept all reasonable offers in my closet.
Mar 26Reply
dontgoblue @presley523 Thank you 💗
Mar 26Reply
presley523 @dontgoblue You’re welcome. Additionally, I have decided to support Posh sellers by searching the site when I need something instead of going to larger retailers. So far, I have been able to find products and the merchandise in new, near new, and very good condition. I have purchased a phone charger cable, purse, keychain, etc. It seems the Poshers sell just about everything there is to buy.
Mar 26Reply
dontgoblue @presley523 I’m on board with that! Looking around in everyone closets I’ve seen so many things myself or my family could use. It’s great!
Mar 26Reply
presley523 @dontgoblue It’s a great community. Happy poshing. Just remember list, follow, share (your listings and the listings of others).
Mar 26Reply
gigisfaith Hi Amy. Welcome to Poshmark. I'm glad to see that you are getting your closet going. If you need any tips on how to make your sales increase let me know. Thank you for following my closet. Keep watching as new items are added daily. Happy Poshing ❣️❣️
Mar 27Reply
jazdoll82 Welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Poshmark ambassador. Just Stopping by and showing some posh❤️ Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.
Mar 28Reply
dontgoblue @jazdoll82 Thank you 💗 I’m just getting started so all and any advice is wonderful! Everyone one has been so nice.
Mar 29Reply
jazdoll82 @dontgoblue what would you like to know? How to buy? How to sell? Ect
Mar 29Reply
dodger13 Hi, my name is Gina.😊 Welcome to Poshmark.💖 Whether you are a buyer or seller have fun and enjoy🤗 If you have any questions let me know.❣When you get a chance, stop my closet and have a look.🏃‍♀️👀
Mar 29Reply
dontgoblue @jazdoll82 Id love more advice on selling. Ive begun to list. I have only 4 items so far in my closet but will be adding more over the weekend. I follow as many people in a day as I can and I’ve been sharing others listings. But would love to Start actually selling . 😊
Mar 29Reply
stdelzel Thanks for the shares!
Mar 29Reply
jazdoll82 @dontgoblue It takes a while to get a sale... Women for man reasons will eye a outfit for awhile before buying. Sometimes they’re waiting for a sale or the season they can wear it. My posh selling tips: 1. Follow people 2. Compliment other poshers 3. Sharing (self shares and community sharing) 4. The more listings the better. The rule of thumb is 75-100 listings for a healthy return in sales. 5. Join instantgram and follow other poshers for selling tips. Follow me: Doll_House_Dress_Shop
Mar 29Reply
jazdoll82 @dontgoblue 6. Watch YouTube videos of other poshers that are successful. I recently made my first one 😊 You can watch mine. For Easy access go to “About” on posh profile. I hope it helps :)
Mar 29Reply
dontgoblue @jazdoll82 That is tons of help. I have my weekend homework now. Lol thank you 💗 Plus, i love complimenting people, we need more of it in life. and watching you tube too so it’ll be a fun weekend. 😊 Looking forward to seeing your video.
Mar 29Reply
dontgoblue @stdelzel Your welcome. 😊
Mar 29Reply
dontgoblue @gigisfaith thank you for reaching out. Everyone is very helpful and incredibly friendly. I’m happy I’ve join in on this community.
Mar 29Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Amy I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍
Apr 02Reply
sadieada Hi there! I'm eyeballing an item in your closet I thought got away.... check my offer and see whatcha think! 😉
Apr 20Reply

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Last Active: Jul 13 2023

Vancouver, WA
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