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Updated Jan 09
Updated Jan 09

Meet your Posher, Angela Posh Ambassador

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angela. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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gothicself Hi 🙂Welcome to Poshmark, if you have any questions, please let me know! 🎈🎈
Nov 03Reply
agpmartin @gothicself Thank you so much!
Nov 05Reply
agpmartin @lollipopkissies Thank You So Much!
Nov 07Reply
timepeacecloset Welcome to Poshmark ! You will find this is a great place to buy and sell your favorite fashions. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you have any questions I may be able to help you with please don't hesitate to ask.
Nov 17Reply
agpmartin @lollipopkissies Thank you so much, This is Awesome!
Nov 18Reply
agpmartin @timepeacecloset Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing my closet, and your willingness to help me.
Nov 18Reply
agpmartin @gothicself Thank you so much, I am sure will have questions! Thanks Again!
Nov 18Reply
sparkandblue Angela, thank you for sharing the posh love ❤️ sending you positive vibes and wishes for a super successful new year! 🛒🛍🛒🛍🛒🛍🛒🛍🛒🛍💕
Jan 04Reply
agpmartin Thanks For liking my photo!
Jan 04Reply
agpmartin @sparkandblue Thanks so much! Blessings to you also!
Jan 05Reply
raquella3 OMG I LOVE your closet! Beautiful 😍
Feb 05Reply
agpmartin @raquella3 Ahh!!!!Thank you so much! You made my day!😊
Feb 05Reply
agpmartin @raquella3 You have a nice closet also! Blessings and much success!
Feb 05Reply
raquella3 @agpmartin thanks...much blessing and success to u as well 😬
Feb 05Reply
jefe4141 Thanks for your purchase 🤓 will ship out ASAP
Feb 16Reply
agpmartin @jefe4141 Thanks so much!
Feb 16Reply
junjulaug I love your closet. I have trouble finding these styles on Postmark.
Mar 31Reply
agpmartin @junjulaug Ahh! Thank you so much, that really means a lot. Please keep coming back to see updates on new postings! Blessings!
Mar 31Reply
new10me Are the shoes comfortable. I Ned you to be honest because I have back problems so I can only wear comfortable shoes. Hope you understand.
Apr 03Reply
agpmartin @new10me My foot slid down in them, I tend to do that in that type of shoe so that made it uncomfortable to me ,because my toes hung out, the straps are stretchy and heel was a great size and felt great. I hope this helped .
Apr 03Reply
purplearies @agpmartin Hi I’m Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Apr 03Reply
greatfinds111 Thank you for the rating. I greatly appreciate it. 💕
Apr 05Reply
vizsla5 Awesome to meet you today. We will need to get together and play posh. I am so intrigued by this and want to get better at it. We can share ideas ❤
Apr 12Reply
agpmartin @vizsla5 It was such a pleasure meeting you also, You really made my day! And yes we must get together and Posh !
Apr 12Reply
vizsla5 Thank you for all the shares!!!!! You are awesome ❤
Apr 14Reply
agpmartin No! Thank you so much for sharing my closet! You ROCk!
Apr 14Reply
agpmartin @vtorres0926 Hey! My Posh Sister, No,You Have and awesome closet! I will definitely share your closest! And thanks for liking and sharing mine! Blessings!
Jun 01Reply
lornawink2 Thanks for the Likes♥️ closin down closet for August - Bundle & i will take good care of you!
Jul 20Reply
cpchallenger Angela!! How are you? Hopefully the east coast storms aren't in your backyard. They're in ours! Please tell me if I can sell items from my desktop computer - and not my iPhone. I don't see anything about that here and I've searched. Thanks. Cindy Patterson
Sep 15Reply
agpmartin @clpatclpatclpat Hey! Cindy, I am doing fine, How have you been? No rain so far here, I hope and pray you will stay safe during the storm.Yes, you can do it from your desktop. Just go to and log in!
Sep 15Reply
croweart Hi Angela! Michelle from vizsla5 told me you would be coming to our Posh N' Sip in a few weeks! Yay! And also that you are attending Poshfest! That's fantastic!!!!! I would love to connect and see if you could do a mini-talk at our Posh N' Sip about your experience...everyone would love to hear about it!!! Whatcha think? xoxox Lisa
Oct 09Reply
agpmartin @croweart Hi! Michelle did mention it to me and I would be glad to share my Posh Fest Experience. Looking Forward in meeting you!
Oct 09Reply
croweart @agpmartin Fantastic! Let's touch base when you return and make a little game plan for our Posh N' Sip! I hope you have a blast at Poshfest!!!! Safe travels! Lisa
Oct 09Reply
agpmartin @croweart Thanks so much Lisa! Talk to you soon!
Oct 09Reply
croweart was Poshfest!!!!!?????
Oct 16Reply
agpmartin @croweart It was a great experience! I am so exhausted!
Oct 16Reply
croweart @agpmartin I bet!!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it!!!! Not sure if you saw our Posh N Sip photo for speakers on Saturday, but was hoping you could commit to one of the times to speak with all of us about your experience? Thoughts?
Oct 16Reply
agpmartin @croweart I am sorry, I did not see the photo, I am at work now, What are the available times?
Oct 16Reply
croweart @agpmartin No's not a super firm schedule...but 1, 3 or 4 would be good, whatcha think?
Oct 16Reply
agpmartin @croweart 3:00pm , is fine, you just want me to share my experience and what I got from it?
Oct 16Reply
croweart @agpmartin Perfect! And yes, whatever you're comfortable with....You can prepare something small and ask for questions, or I can help you put some ideas together, just let me know! I'll be there with you too....I promise you won't be alone!
Oct 16Reply
croweart @agpmartin It's going to be alot of fun!!!!
Oct 16Reply
croweart Hey Angela....checking to make sure we're still a go for tomorrow! It looks like it will be a pretty good turnout! Give me a heads up so I know you got this and all is good! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! xoxox, Lisa
Oct 19Reply
agpmartin @croweart Hey! Lisa, I am still planning to be there, I don’t know about having this though???,Lol! Do you have my number? I would like to ask you a question?
Oct 19Reply
bargaingirl66 @agpmartin , It was so very nice meeting you today! 😊 You did a great job speaking and I hope to see you at another event soon 💗
Oct 20Reply
agpmartin @bargaingirl66 Thanks so much Chandra! It was a great pleasure meeting you also! Let’s keep in touch. Wishing you much success!
Oct 21Reply
bargaingirl66 @agpmartin, Yes, let's do 😊 Much success to you too 💗 I'm Chandra Dickerson Jones on facebook!
Oct 21Reply
yourdesign Thank you for wearing your natural beauty hair -matthew
Oct 21Reply
pureplace I wear a 7 1/2 or 8 regularly; however I’m a 8, 8 1/2 or 9 in Christian Lou. I want a very nice black pair for church.
Dec 01Reply
coolingwaters I love everything about your closet. I'm new to this so bare with me. I'm thinking about getting a closet together, right now I'm just learning how to buy things.
Jan 30Reply
vizsla5 Good Morning 🥰 hope yo are doing awesome 😊 just thinking about you!!!! We need a shopping day together ❤
May 03Reply
agpmartin @vizsla5 Good Morning! All is well! Hope you and the family are doing great? Yes, we must plan a date to shop soon!
May 03Reply
joy_land Thanks very much for the share, I love your closet as well 😉
May 06Reply
pinkloverfriend Where has the time gone? Are you planing to go to PoshFest in Phoenix this year ?
May 06Reply
agpmartin @pinkloverfriend Hey! I can’t believe it either! How have you been? I probably will not make it this year, we are doing home improvements and I am doing a surprise birthday party for my husband. So I might not have the funds for all that. I would love too! Are you going?
May 06Reply
pinkloverfriend @agpmartin I am 85% sure i am my mom wants to go with me. If you decide to go we could always just rent a arb and just split the cost of the house. The hotels are pretty high there.
May 06Reply
pinkloverfriend I snagged 2 tickets yesterday. If you decided you want one I’m going to hold on to it. My mom is going to tag along to source but she doesn’t do posh so attending the conference would be pointless.
May 07Reply
agpmartin @pinkloverfriend Thanks so much for the offer, just not sure if I will have the extra funds. I not giving up yet, got to get my hustle on!!! I will let you know?
May 07Reply
pinkloverfriend @agpmartin me to me to! My 9-5 has been crazy busy and Ive been doing hiring.
May 07Reply
angrymomvintage Sharing your closet on pinterest,Wishing you a very profitable weekend :)
Aug 01Reply
katz_meow Really LOVE your closet! You are a woman after my own heart...
Aug 07Reply
agpmartin @katz_meow Thanks so much!
Aug 07Reply
katz_meow I have already formally accepted my purchase, which arrived today. Thanks for EVERYTHING - AND BE SURE TO VISIT MY CLOSET AND SEE WHAT A GREAT MATCH WE MADE!!!!
Aug 16Reply
katz_meow ...NOT FOR SALE, of course!
Aug 16Reply
agpmartin @katz_meow Thanks again for your purchase and great ratings! That was a great match! Thanks for sharing and by the way, I am a Texas Girl Too! Blessings!
Aug 16Reply
agpmartin @katz_meow You have a very awesome closet!
Aug 16Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found your closet on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 09Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 01Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Nov 01Reply
rampabel54 30 shares for 30 shares?
Nov 04Reply
lsbaumgart Please note before you ship the blue sweater, my address has changed... please use the Red Fawn Road address
Jan 11Reply
agpmartin @lsbaumgart Hi! Thank you so much for your purchase, I mail it out tomorrow (Red Fawn address).
Jan 13Reply
sophiee323 Hello, my name is sophie!! I’ve added lots of items to my closet today if you’d like to take a look I’d appreciate it!
Feb 03Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jul 17Reply
poshmf Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime for some good deals. I have something for everyone! Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Apr 06Reply
watsonlilmommy @agpmartin Hello check out my closet send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 11Reply
lmilanese2002 Thank you so much for your kind offer, but I realized I have something very similar to this item! Chipmunk brain! Appreciating your time. Hoping this finds you well and happy. In peace and love
Sep 06Reply
cutehosiery @agpmartin Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 06Reply
ri_prettygirl @agpmartin Hello dear, I hope all is well. I'm Ri ☺️ Today I've been going around checking closets out. I'd also like to invite you to mine! I just posted some great things ( 🩷@riprettygirl ) I would love for you to come stop by, shop & save! ☺️ or if not for you, then for someone who you know will love it! Happy Poshing 💳🛍️🛒💕
Jul 25Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! thought I would invite u to check out my closet I'm a disabled RN and all profits go to my medical bills,home and car repairs.i have all sizes and over 500+ items to list! trying to CLEARANCE my current closet.under black " everything must go" box.pick ANY 3 ITEMS LISTED AT $15 OR LESS FOR JUST$15 OR LESS EACH FOR JUST $25 PLUS SHIPPING AND PICK A $10 OR LESS ITEM FREE! JUST BUNDLE ALL 4 AND OFFER $25 AND THEY R URS!
Aug 25Reply
agpmartin @tutuwig Hi! Thanks so much for the sweet compliment,following me,and sharing my items. Your closet is very nice and have some beautiful wigs. Wishing you may blessings and success!
Nov 20Reply

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Powder Springs, GA
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Last Active: hours ago

Powder Springs, GA
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