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Updated Mar 12
Updated Mar 12

Meet your Posher, Ann

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ann. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. Please feel free to make offers. Weight loss by Keto lifestyle.
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

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alison61 🙋Hi there... Welcome to POSHMARK. Remember to like and share share share. Most of all HAVE FUN. 😃
Mar 17Reply
great_goodiez @ann3martinovich thanks for sharing.....lots of love 🥰
Jul 27Reply
ann3martinovich @kaptcha your welcome, have a great night!
Jul 27Reply
lastel22 Many nice listings!
Jul 28Reply
ann3martinovich @lastel22 thank you, you as well. Have a great day!
Jul 28Reply
shopmoments Hi just wanted to say you have a really nice closet! You do well to represent Poshmark!
Jul 29Reply
ann3martinovich @modastar thank you so much. Your kind words are truly appreciated.
Jul 29Reply
yahscloset I just wanna say that I luv luv luv your closet/boutique. I could lose track of time! Beautiful!
Jul 30Reply
ann3martinovich @angelrencol thank you, I’ll take a look at yours!
Jul 30Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet my pleasure, thanks for sharing mine as well. You have a lovely selection, easy to share. Good luck with your endeavors.
Aug 01Reply
kaysuniverse hello 👋 im Kay... im still very new 2 Poshmark so im actively tryna reach out 2 meet other poshers and build up my following. instead of just clicking "blue buttons" i like 2 formally introduce myself with a mssg. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow me. i carry such brands as: bebe, Calvin Klein, Jessica Howard, WHBM, and so much more. i also welcome comments, likes, shares, and offers. 😀 happy poshing!
Aug 04Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet glad to share. I’m home during the day so when the parties happen, I can share purses, shoes etc, depending on what’s happening. Thanks for sharing mine as well, Ann
Aug 06Reply
ddpalmer2 Thanks for sharing! Love your closet! Happy Poshing!
Aug 06Reply
ann3martinovich @ddpalmer2 you are welcome, thanks as well. ☺️
Aug 06Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet you bet! I hope things are moving in your closet. You have such nice things.
Aug 11Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet there was a best in jewelry party earlier. Yours deserved to be seen.
Aug 11Reply
mybabyclad Hi, thank u so much for the offer, they look beautiful and can't wait to receive them.Thanks again
Aug 12Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad thank you. This is my first bundle sale. I can have those in the mail tomorrow morning.
Aug 12Reply
mybabyclad I'm so .excited.I finally get to treat myself TY again.
Aug 12Reply
simonpriscilla Thank you for you shares!🤓
Aug 13Reply
ann3martinovich @simonpriscilla thank you as well.
Aug 13Reply
mybabyclad Thank you again Ann, I see it shipped. Christmas in August for me😁
Aug 13Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad glad I could get it off to you.
Aug 13Reply
paperbagclothes @ann3martinovich hi. I’m Lucy. 🙋🏻‍♀️. Thank you for the shares. Have a wonderful day. Many Posh Blessings. 💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗💐🍀💗
Aug 15Reply
mybabyclad Hi,this is ,Annie, I bought the Coach purse and wallet from you and I'm having issues.posh is saying I received them but I never did.I talked to post office but they need a tracking number.can yo please send that to me,I'm upset that their saying it was delivered and it wasn't.thank you
Aug 17Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad so sorry you are going through this.
Aug 17Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad are you in NM. ?
Aug 17Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad I made several shipments that day, they are all on e one receipt. It would be helpful to know which state at least, because Poshmark is not listing shipment information due to it already being delivered.
Aug 17Reply
mybabyclad Hi Ann, thank was going to Alamogordo, New Mexico.IM SO UPSET AT OUR POST OFFICE.Thebonevtime I treat myself and no package.
Aug 17Reply
ann3martinovich @mybabyclad destination Alamogordo N.M. Tracking number: 420883109405510899359839398074. Praying for a quick resolution for you. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
Aug 17Reply
mybabyclad @ann3martinovich Thank you for that, the ost office is now closed but I spoke to the main office and they are going to track it down.imbdobupset, the one time I treat myself and this happens and with all the theft going on in post offices, I cringe.If I hear anything,I will surely contact you.eithervway, you will get paid.It is neither of our faults.
Aug 18Reply
mybabyclad Hi Ann, omg, my doorbell Rand about 1/2 hr ago, a neighbor was standing there with a box..... From you.Omg talk about honest, it was delivered to her house, 1 block over and she brought it to me.I can't wait to file a complaint with p.o.,making me feel like I was lying I am accepting it now.TyTy
Aug 18Reply
wildandhippie89 Thank you so much for your share🌷
Aug 24Reply
forever80sjb You are most welcome! The more Posh love I give, the more sales I make! 😁🌷🌷🍃🌷🌷
Aug 27Reply
devosbyadv Hi Fashionista! Thanks for the follow! 💖 Please check out more of my foxy, fashionable Athleisure 🧘 Many items to share & love! ❤️ Instead of boring black, our eye catching & durable yoga outfits are inspired by photography 🌈📸 happy poshing!
Aug 27Reply
katz_meow Stopped by to check out your closet and stayed aWHILE! (And enjoyed every minute. ) Great job!
Aug 28Reply
ann3martinovich @katz_meow thank you so much, I really appreciate that.
Aug 28Reply
breecreativ_ I love your closet!!
Sep 02Reply
ann3martinovich @breecreativ_ thank you so much! I enjoyed yours as well.
Sep 02Reply
ann3martinovich @masucci12 you are very welcome.
Sep 02Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet no problem, you have some new listings, very nice. I hope you had a good weekend.
Sep 02Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet no problem. So sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you are on the mend.
Sep 04Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet it’s really no problem. Glad to do it.
Sep 07Reply
ann3martinovich @ashiyana37 you need to start sharing your own listings. Share to the Sunday party going on now. Share each one once. Then everyday share your listings. If people follow you, follow them back. If people share your listing share a few of theirs.
Sep 09Reply
ann3martinovich @ashiyana37 if someone offers a different price than what you have listed, Poshmark will send you a message. If they buy something Poshmark will send you a message.
Sep 09Reply
ann3martinovich @ashiyana37 no problem, I hope I helped. The more you share your listings, follow others and share others listings the more views your closet will receive and possibly get you some sales. There are a lot of YouTube videos about beginners selling on Poshmark. I watched some when I first started.
Sep 09Reply
mariahgomez16 Thanks for showing our closet some love 💛 My daughter and I appreciate it very much ✨ Happy Poshing😊
Sep 16Reply
kaydonna0529 Thank you for taking the time to check out my closet and for also sharing my listing, I truly appreciate it. Happy poshing!!
Sep 20Reply
ann3martinovich @kaydonna0529 no problem. Thank you for your shares as well.
Sep 21Reply
kgiampietro Thank you for all your shares sweetheart if you want I’m trying to get rid of everything so I’m doing a buy one get one free!!!!! Pick a couple things out and I can make the adjustments😃
Sep 22Reply
liliyalieva Hi, Ann! Thank you 🙏 so much for all your shares!!! I am really appreciated!!! 😉😊🥰
Sep 26Reply
ann3martinovich @liliyalieva thank you as well.
Sep 26Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet my pleasure. Raining here in Michigan today.
Sep 28Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟🧚‍♀️ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 30Reply
thymetrends Thanks for the return shares! You have a beautiful closet! Happy Poshing!
Oct 09Reply
ann3martinovich @katieg04252 thank you as well. Your closet is beautiful also.
Oct 09Reply
lakedwellerhb Hey Ann, thanks for following me!👍 I'm Jimbo & my wife is G.🤠🙋 We are still working on our Posh' closet. Our new printer arrived yesterday.😎 Soon we can REALLY get to Posh'ing.😉 I hope you have many sales and find lots of bargains.📈 Have a great day!☮️n💗
Oct 10Reply
ann3martinovich @lakedwellerhb can’t wait to see your closet once you get it open.
Oct 10Reply
jujuzblessed @ann3martinovich thank you so much for the kind love note and five star rating 🥰 many blessings 🙌🏼
Oct 14Reply
ann3martinovich @jujuzblessed you are very welcome.
Oct 14Reply
oszo_boutique Wow Ann you look great ! Congratulations on the weight loss . 👍 it’s inspiring xo
Oct 28Reply
ann3martinovich @sealover5 thank you so much.
Oct 28Reply
hoosier_1994 Thanks for the share
Nov 02Reply
ann3martinovich @hoosier_1994 you are welcome, thank you!
Nov 02Reply
oszo_boutique I’m so sad that the brown necklace is gone. That’s a beautiful piece. I looked for it tonight to purchase
Nov 04Reply
ann3martinovich @sealover5 yes, just sold, sorry.
Nov 04Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet Nanette, you are very welcome.
Nov 04Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet Hi Nanette, all is well. Thanks for checking in and all your shares.
Nov 12Reply
howie3636 Thx for sharing. Very new. howie
Nov 13Reply
ann3martinovich @howie3636 you are very welcome. Good luck with your closet.
Nov 14Reply
howie3636 Thank you again
Nov 14Reply
raisingpraise Hi Ann! Thanks so much for the shares! Wishing you much success! God bless 😊
Nov 19Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet you are very welcome my friend. I hope you are on the mend. Wishing you a wonderful holiday as well.
Nov 24Reply
bunheadyogi I love the Keto lifestyle! Congrats on your weight loss! 💕
Nov 24Reply
ann3martinovich @bunheadyogi thank you! It changed my life.
Nov 24Reply
bunheadyogi @ann3martinovich I’m so happy for you! 🌻 It’s truly amazing.
Nov 24Reply
findsbyerica You have a Beautiful Closet! Nicely done on your weight loss! Lots of hard work and dedication. My daughter also, has lost weight (70lbs) over two years period. Loved! Watching her journey Happy Poshing and Much Success Always! Tamara
Nov 29Reply
ann3martinovich @findsbyerica thank you so much, for the compliments on my closet and my weight loss. I’m so happy for your daughter, I’m sure it changed her life as much it it changed mine. Have a great holiday season and good luck with your closet.
Nov 29Reply
ads939598 Thx for the shares Ann! I appreciate it!
Dec 01Reply
ann3martinovich @ads939598 no problem, thank you as well!
Dec 01Reply
drjeannie0208 Hi Ann! You are a stunning lady with a beautiful closet! You look amazing! Thanks for the sharing as I am a newbie and need others’ expertise ! Happy Sunday !💕🥰🥰👠👗👚🎉👜👡🎁
Dec 01Reply
ann3martinovich @drjeannie0208 thank you so much. I’m so glad to help out.
Dec 01Reply
drjeannie0208 Hi Ann, thank you so much for sharing my closet. Sales are slow so I really appreciate your kindness!
Dec 02Reply
kaysuniverse @ann3martinovich hi there 🙋 im Kay (Posh Ambassador) im just reaching out 2 introduce myself and share a few items. it wud be so wonderful if u shared afew of mine also. im actively trying 2 increase my followers and i like doing this 2 meet my fellow poshers. plz feel free to visit my closet anytime 2 like, share, or make offers 😀 happy poshing!
Dec 03Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet it has really been my pleasure sharing your closet as well as having you as my PFF. I hope you have a great holiday. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. Looking forward to sharing your closet and keeping in touch in the coming year. Ann
Dec 22Reply
jialove124 hello happy poshing :)
Dec 24Reply
jialove124 love your closet beautiful bags
Dec 24Reply
ann3martinovich @jialove124 thank you. Good luck with your new closet.
Dec 24Reply
jialove124 @ann3martinovich thank you i am very new to this
Dec 24Reply
ixy_r Hi Ann! You have a lovely closet! Congrats on the amazing weight loss & Happy New Year 🎆
Dec 31Reply
ann3martinovich @imrecarte hi Ixy, thank you. Also thanks for the likes. I shared some things for you. Good luck in the coming New Years.
Dec 31Reply
ash_att113 Thank you for the shares! it's greatly appreciated.
Dec 31Reply
ash_att113 Thank you for the shares! it's greatly appreciated.
Dec 31Reply
ann3martinovich @ash_att113 you are very welcome. Have a great New Years.
Dec 31Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Ann on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy happy New Years 🎉🤟🏻🤟🏻❤️❤️💜💜🎊🤟🏻🎉🙏🎉
Jan 01Reply
ann3martinovich @05teddy11 my pleasure Katherine. Have a healthy and prosperous New Years.
Jan 01Reply
ann3martinovich @garbos_closet Happy New Year Nanette. Thanks for your shares. May 2020 be a healthy and prosperous year for us both.
Jan 01Reply
ann3martinovich @cherish_km my pleasure. Thank you.
Jan 10Reply
daisy_s_duds Thank you for sharing!
Jan 16Reply
fgchs Hi Ann!!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I’ll either accept it or counter to a price we both can agree on, have a great rest of your weekend 👍😊
Jan 19Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Ann on sharing from my family e💜🙏💜. Your inspirational 🎉🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jan 29Reply
bertads ❤️Hello Ann I’m Bertha thanks for the follow wishing you many sales ❤️
Feb 13Reply
ann3martinovich @bertads thank you and ditto!
Feb 13Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Apr 04Reply
bigcanoe1946 You look amazing. Congratulations on your weight loss 😊💜💙
Apr 23Reply
ann3martinovich @bigcanoe1946 thank you so much. I’m living a much healthier life style now.
Apr 23Reply
megansm22 Hey! Welcome to Poshmark I love the items in your closet and would love it if you checked out mine, I have super trendy pieces and I am negotiable on prices! Leave a like on the ones you like or create a bundle and I will give u a offer! Comment if you have any questions! Thanks so much and happy poshing! Megan😙
May 06Reply
ann3martinovich @mwstull01 you are very welcome. Thank you!
May 12Reply
bjoh515 Thank you for following me! I just wanted to say Happy Belated Mothers Day to all the Poshmark moms! Also, in honor of Mothers Day I am having a 3 for $15 sale on items marked with a 💞 symbol this week. Happy Poshing and Belated Mothers Day!
May 13Reply
ann3martinovich @bjoh515 Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated. I’ll check out your closet.
May 13Reply
retroragz22 do you have Chicago blackhawks masks
May 22Reply
ann3martinovich @kayd44 no just Sox/cubs
May 22Reply
ann3martinovich If you are interested in any that I have I will send you offer with discounted shipping?
May 22Reply
retroragz22 I'm open to all offers
May 22Reply
ann3martinovich @kayd44 if you like or bundle any masks I’ll send an offer
May 22Reply
complimentsltd Thanks so much for working with me. Sometimes the system is crazy!! Have a great weekend
May 23Reply
ann3martinovich @complimentsltd my pleasure. I’ll make that one tonight. Monday is a holiday so shipping on Tuesday.
May 23Reply
febusmaria13 How much for the ones I pick please
May 29Reply
ann3martinovich @febusmaria13 can you decline the original offer and I’ll bundle all the masks and send new offer
May 29Reply
ann3martinovich It would be 90.00 for 10 masks. A 90.00 savings.
May 29Reply
psi1497 Thank you for your offer on the CAbi tank I've liked. However, I must curtail my spending per my husband. LOL! Thank you again.
Jul 16Reply
ann3martinovich @psi1497 you are very welcome. I think I have the same husband, lol.
Jul 16Reply
thriftedmitten Thanks for the shares! 😗
Jul 18Reply
ann3martinovich @thriftedmitten your very welcome!
Jul 18Reply
fgchs Hi Ann! I would love for you to check out my closet, I hope you find something you like, I’m a same/ next day shipper and looking forward to do business with you very soon, you look gorgeous by the way, have a great rest of your day and happy poshing 👍😊
Aug 14Reply
kelleyvecchitto Thank you for the offer on the pocketbook as soon as a couple of my sales come in I’ll purchase it for my mom for Christmas hopefully it’ll still be there thank you
Aug 14Reply
fromcali2tn hi I just wanted to let you know that in the next couple of days I will be adding new items, lowering prices and having sales. if you see any thing you like feel free to send an offer
Sep 08Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you! The bag is beautiful, but it’s just not right for me going into fall
Sep 10Reply
ann3martinovich @dulciesdelites No problem. Thank you for the like on the bag.
Sep 10Reply
new_to_you1 🥳 woohoo congratulations on your win!! Enjoy 😊🎉👏🍾🎊🌈
Sep 18Reply
ann3martinovich @new_to_you1 thank you so much!
Sep 18Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 18Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Sep 19Reply
tjrandal Congratulations, YOU look amazing!!! I'm so happy for you. I know you feel wonderful. I love your transparency about your weight loss. Believe it or not, I was 350 pounds. I had to come to terms with certain issues and while peeling the onion layers back I now for the last 9 years have kept the weight off... God Bless your beautiful soul🙏🏾💕🦋🙏🏾 XO, Tandria
Mar 05Reply
lindabak I bought masks from you along time ago. I can’t believe how many things you have in your closet it’s beautiful. Thanks again
Apr 18Reply
ann3martinovich @lindabak thank you, I appreciate that.
Apr 18Reply
ann3martinovich @tjrandal Thank you, congratulations on your weight loss as well.
Apr 18Reply
lindabak @ann3martinovich Thank you for all the shares I didn’t expect anything like that but I appreciate it you are truly a beautiful person to deal with and do business with thank you so much
Apr 18Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless. Congratulations on your weight loss. You look wonderful.
Apr 24Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 25Reply
susanjacobs465 That’s awesome! You don’t even look like the same person! 😁🐶👍
Apr 27Reply
ann3martinovich @susanjacobs465 thank you so much!
Apr 28Reply
susanjacobs465 You’re welcome! You deserve the praise!! I have never had to lose weight, oh maybe 5 pounds but I know it can’t be easy!! Ya look great 👍! 😁🐶👍
Apr 28Reply
deborah_yastre hi, thanks for the offer. I added those jeans accidentally and removed them this morning. I'm sorry I should've let you know sooner...I'm sorry!!!
Apr 30Reply
ann3martinovich @deborah_yastre no problem. The offer expires in 24 hours. If you are interested in the other items, you can decline the offer and make a new bundle.
Apr 30Reply
deborah_yastre yes I will want everything else, just won't get paid until the 3rd. Sorry again about the pants. .
Apr 30Reply
mpenn Hi, nice closet with great prices!❤️❤️and thanks for following me on Posh! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
May 31Reply
ann3martinovich @crymsyn thank you. Do you like natural fibers or synthetic?
Jun 04Reply
ann3martinovich @crymsyn I am de-stashing my yarn collection. I was an avid knitter, but found I was too sedentary and gaining too much weight.
Jun 04Reply
ann3martinovich @crymsyn I tried my had at nuno felting with silk scarves and roving. A lot of work. I do have some roving. If I post it, I'll share to your closet.
Jun 04Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jun 14Reply
martinbd6029 Hi Ann, I hope that you will check out my closet, & make me an offer on anything that you like
Jul 04Reply
perlerbeads Hello! I love your closet! If you can could you please check out my closet it would be much appreciated because I spend a lot of time on everything I do! If you want something I don’t have then you can always request it!! (I can make almost anything) Have a wonderful day!😊😊😊
Aug 07Reply
sargebill Ann hi and good afternoon, thank you for your follow, congratulations on the weight loss, totally awesome, I had a huge truckload of limestone delivered, been shoveling that stuff,with the sun,heat and that ,the weight came off me too. Anyways, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Sep 12Reply
pazarhino1313 Thanks for the follow. You are styling in those pics! ❤️🔥
Nov 22Reply
pazarhino1313 @ann3martinovich you’re welcome ❤️😘😍
Nov 22Reply
tatnaples Hi Ann, great job on Keto!!! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 30Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Jan 05Reply
bimmy123 @ann3martinovich hi Ann! I'm really enjoying your closet! Many beautiful things you have that I want! How many years have you done Keto? It's a great system, huh? I lost 150 lbs with Keto, 11 years now. Still maintaining 🤞🤞🤞... You are so beautiful, I just need a full body lift at my age, lol...🤣
Mar 18Reply
ann3martinovich @bimmy123 I’ve been keto for 4 years. It probably saved my life. Lost over 90lbs. Reversed type 2 diabetes. I still carve carbs, I was a total carb addict so keto keeps me in check. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my closet. Thank you so much. Congratulations on your weight loss as well. I fully get the body lift comment.
Mar 18Reply
mabarnes44 amazing transformation, absolutely gorgeous 😀. inspiring for sure, but also just genuinely super attractive 😉. its a good look. hope the poshing is going just as 😃
May 15Reply
ann3martinovich @mabarnes44 thank you . Appreciate you stopping in.
May 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 29Reply
cutehosiery @ann3martinovich Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 16Reply
ann3martinovich @cutehosiery thank you for your compliment.
Jul 16Reply
ann3martinovich @tutuwig thanks, shared!
Jul 28Reply
bjosborne5 Greetings, I am Belinda. Is your Patrons Metallic Gold Yarn still available?
Aug 30Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, Ms Ann I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. Plus, teaching her about saving and financial responsibility. We have a variety of clothing for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 04Reply
rose_gold_allie ❤️🛍 Love your closet! So many great items! Happy Poshing—here’s to an October filled with SALES!! 🛍❤️
Oct 17Reply
ann3martinovich @rose_gold_allie thank you! I hope so!
Oct 17Reply
rose_gold_allie @ann3martinovich Judging by your awesome closet here, I think you will! 😃❤️🛍
Oct 17Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Oct 18Reply
nabea930 Hello! I missed your last offer for the Adidas vest (Boys, XL) : offered $12 and $4.99 shipping. I would be interessed! Thank you.
Apr 15Reply
jmsmooth23 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽 My closet is buy one get one free‼️‼️‼️‼️
Apr 28Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👜 closet👖 to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️ and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Feb 15Reply
deviboutique Hi. I love these Anatomie pants and I am on such a tight tight budget! Thank you my dear
Jun 10Reply
kozdoc Thanks for following Ann 😊
Jul 09Reply
lvraiders2020 Very nice!!
Dec 01Reply
lvraiders2020 You can see the confidence level change in the before and after pic!
Dec 01Reply
lvraiders2020 You’re welcome! You don’t even seem like the same person in the before pic. You can see the lack of confidence in your face. It so crazy how the way we look makes us feel, at least for 98%. Some people are happy to be overweight unhealthy. That’s the biggest issue HEALTH!! Keep it up you’re looking great!
Dec 01Reply
mainstreetstyle Wishing you many sales! ✨✨✨ ❤️ Happy poshing ❤️ Have a wonderful day! 😊
Jan 27Reply
ann3martinovich @mainstreetstyle thank you! To you as well.
Jan 27Reply

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Kalamazoo, MI
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Kalamazoo, MI
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Love Notes