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Updated Jul 10
Updated Jul 10

Meet your Posher, Anya

Meet the Posher



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Hello and welcome! I'm a big fan of Free People, Jolt, silk, and dresses. Items are priced to sell, but if you feel differently, please don't hesitate to make an offer. I'm a big fan of free speech.
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sportzdude2 No, I did not, as I would need to have more information which is not normally shared. I see no harm in making any offer, as you can easily ignore or decline. Sorry if I have offended you.
Jul 21Reply
slinky_monica Hi, I was going to accept $14.00 for the Victoria secret blue nighty. If you still want it, Im, at a computer right now, I could send it tomorrow. thanks, Monica
Jul 26Reply
fairlygirly I realize you're new to Poshmark, but while you may not see the harm in low balling sellers, it is very offensive and will often result in you being blocked. The women on here put a lot of effort into Posh and submitting lowball offers is insulting. In addition to the time we invest, Poshmark charges a 20% commission on sales $15 and up and a flat $2.95 fee for transactions under $15. This information is made plainly available to every single Poshmark user.
Jul 26Reply
rova1197 @sportzdude2 Hey girl! I just got in town but can't ship out the order till Thursday. I'm sorry for the late shipping!
Aug 01Reply
sportzdude2 @rova1197 Hey! Not a problem, thanks for giving me a heads up!
Aug 01Reply
abstractdreams First, I'd like to apologize for any rudeness you may have encountered so soon after joining, and say : Welcome to Posh!💕I've been here since 2012 & I'm happy to help or answer any questions.👍🏽
Aug 03Reply
sportzdude2 @abstractdreams Thank you! I think I'm getting the hang of this, just had to test out the offer concept, and it was more personal for some (which I shouldn't be surprised, after all most of these items are/were personal possessions). But I appreciate your offer, and I'll remember to come to you if anything comes up.
Aug 03Reply
abstractdreams 👍🏽💋
Aug 04Reply
lavender_thrift Hi feel free to make an offer on the rose pink lace tank from UO!
Aug 04Reply
rova1197 @sportzdude2 Package made and ready to ship today! Thank you for your patience :)
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Just throwing in my philosophy here....buyers should consider what it costs the seller to sell here, and sellers should remember what it will cost the buyer with shipping before getting upset by low offers. I am usually happy to accept an offer of 15-20% off, sometimes more, but many sellers are much less flexible.
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Your best bet is to check out a sellers entire closet including info listings and about me, to get an idea of what they think is fair! I personally don't get offended by low offers, I just counter with my lowest price. And if you really want to get stuff cheap, try bundling!
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Also, is that your hair? It's incredible!
Aug 05Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 Hello, thank you for the suggestion, but unless somebody has several things that are currently up for sale in their closet that I want, what you are suggesting is that I pay extra to have an extra thing I have no need for.
Aug 05Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 It will take space in my closet, which since the rent has inflated like crazy (from the tech companies pumping people into the area at a much faster rates than they can build enough homes for them) is quite miniature, so this extra thing is now still costing me, closet space.
Aug 05Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 And when I finally realize just how many things I have getting in the way of accessing/seeing the items I actually like to wear, I spend a ton of time cleaning out my closet, trying to make the decision of whether or not to get rid of the thing I paid money for, which is also a cost. I would rather be selective in my purchases.
Aug 05Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 I have seen that different sellers are very different in how flexible they are willing to be about the price. Which is totally fine. Depending on how much I like the item, it may sit in my Likes list till I feel I can pay the asking price. On the other hand, some may have had an item up for a while, and just want it out, and may be willing to go down some.
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Of course you wouldn't buy something you didn't want, I just mean it's always good to check out a seller's whole closet before offering! I have had times where getting an extra item made the total cost less than without it, and I liked it everything enough to want it in my own real closet!
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Trust me I am no stranger to limited space.
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 And I'm always trying to clean out things I no longer need, which is why I'm usually more flexible on prices when buyers choose to bundle 😊
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Because posh takes $2.95 on sales up to $15 so the closer it is to $15 the smaller percentage out of my share. Just sharing a little perspective from someone who loves buying and selling here 🙂
Aug 05Reply
hotdog431 Oh and I totally have "likes" that I'm hoping I can afford one day!
Aug 05Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 Thank you for putting it that way, I I'll definitely keep that in mind. So it's actually better to offer 15, than 16, 17, or 18. $19 only gives you 20 cents more, and a $20 purchase makes the seller $1 more than a $15 purchase. I don't know why I didn't break it down like that before so thank you, I honestly do try to be mindful of the seller, and this certainly helps!
Aug 06Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 I try to go through the closet first, to check, but sometimes... well, sometimes I am just being impulsive. And being so pragmatic as to check the closet just ruins the entire impulse part of it.
Aug 06Reply
sportzdude2 @hotdog431 But I'll keep in mind that my impulsiveness is costing the seller $3 each time I order separately what could have been bundled. That's definitely not a good side effect.
Aug 06Reply
sportzdude2 Oh and to answer your earlier question, yes, that is my real hair, not a wig, lol. It always looks kind of wonky when I first cut it, but it grows out alright ;-)
Aug 06Reply
sportzdude2 Or wait, I totally misunderstood that.. the $2.95 fee is on orders under $15 only. I don't know how I do this..
Aug 08Reply
lacesk @sportzdude2 I'm sorry to tell you I have to cancel your order. Someone purchased this from me in the town I live in... I'm sorry for the inconvenience... It was in the comments. But my fault for not putting it as not for sale:( I'm terribly sorry.... I can offer you $5.00 off your next order from me In The future. Thanks...
Aug 08Reply
sportzdude2 @lacesk Bummer, thanks for letting me know. And I appreciate the discount, but I don't think that's necessary.
Aug 08Reply
lacesk @sportzdude2 ok. If you ever change your mind my offer still stands. Sorry again.
Aug 08Reply
cosey1 Hi,did you purchase the bundle pajamas set from me? Cause it's not showing as sold
Aug 09Reply
sportzdude2 @cosey1 I did, how strange, it says "not for sale" now. Well, as long as you receive my payment for it, the bug seems pretty harmless.
Aug 10Reply
cosey1 @sportzdude2 lol. It ended up showing it hours later smh!! I mailed it yesterday
Aug 10Reply
melllaaa_2011 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm Melissa!🙋 I sell your favorite brands, please check out my closet! 👍 I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy 5 or more listings!!🎉 Also please let me know if you have any questions about posh, I'm a posh mentor!✌🏼️❤️❤️
Aug 23Reply
carysgrace Hello. I have a question about your pink corduroy Jolt pants. May I send a picture to you? Thank you
Oct 24Reply
sweetpea49 I have not received my order nor has it showed shipped and it's been 5 days. Can I get any details on the shipment of my purchase? Thanks.
Dec 10Reply
sweetpea49 @sportzdude2 hi it's been 7 days and looks like my purchase has not been mailed out to me. Can you please let me know when it'll be mailed?
Dec 10Reply
sweetpea49 @sportzdude2 ... I wouldn't order from this seller sportsdude2!!! After purchasing jeans and my money was taken I never received my order. Two weeks of both myself and Poshmark reaching out to her with no answered back! Canceled my order and hope to get my money back. Very disappointed 😢
Dec 14Reply
sportzdude2 @sweetpea49 Sorry, I haven't been on here recently. Don't worry, the payment never reached me and was refunded. Sorry this caused you such distress.
Dec 23Reply
kit_kidm Thank you for your purchase.USPS is closed today but your package will be shipped first thing tomorrow.
Feb 19Reply
willandbequeath The “fragile” stickers are hilarious, I know. I reuse boxes so that’s sometimes the reason, but sometimes I just slap them on because I’m feeling salty about the postal service, 😂. Thank you for the rating! Cheers.
Dec 08Reply
lovenarf Hi Anya. I would love for you to visit my closet. I have some items that might be appealing to you. Thanks so much.
Nov 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 11Reply

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