Meet your Posher, Aristea
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Hi! I'm Aristea. Some of my favorite brands are Forever 21, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Hi, Thank you for your offer. I can accept it via 🅿🅿 but Posh takes 20% so its still a bit low here.
Jan 10Reply

I can accept your offer but i dont accept payments through here . 🅿️🅿️, WU, w2w, Munygram, cash app, Apple pay. Posh charges to much love💗
Jan 10Reply

Contact me @ (512) 994-1781
Jan 12Reply

Hi my dear aristea,I just accept your offer on Gucci wallet but something was wrong,check it out with pm, and let me know, thank you for visiting my closet🌹
Jan 19Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase! I’ll ship it out this afternoon, have a blessed day🙏🙏
Jan 19Reply

@bluesea38 ur welcome.
Jan 19Reply

Hello you offered 150$ for the Gucci bag but I only take payments through paypall
Jan 26Reply

@lissylenox ok that's fine
Jan 26Reply

@aristea1 Send the payment on Paypall to : , then email me your address , will be shipping today by 5 pm
Jan 26Reply

Hi! I’ve relisted the disco bag at a lower price if interested. I will accept your original offer if you want to try again.
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for your purchase. I will ship by tomorrow at the latest.
Feb 15Reply

Hi there,
Thank you for your offer on the Marc Jacobs bag. I sent you a counteroffer. Let me know if that works for you.
Happy Poshing 🎉
Mar 23Reply

hi there could you please accept the Gucci tote?☺
Apr 18Reply

@lorievera it says delivered but I didnt get it. Will ask my neighbors. As soon as I get of course will accept it. It happens that mail is mixed up
Apr 18Reply

Happy Saturday! I haven’t heard from you regarding counteroffer...please know, should you remain interested I’m willing to work with you on a counteroffer. 😌 Thank you. 💝🛍
May 12Reply

@mostcoveted it's a bit high for me thank you tho!
May 13Reply

@aristea1 No, Thank You! I appreciate your interest. should $25 more than your offer be feasible to you, I’ll gladly accept. Otherwise, I look forward to your business in the near future! 💗💕
May 13Reply

@jesscapone6 hi! No sorry I dont go thru ppal. I find here using poshmark is much more secure :)
May 17Reply

@jesscapone6 lol it's ok u will get hang of it. Yes I can and I can make offer again. Question: are there are any scuffs, tears visible inside and out? Just asking cuz cant see any from pics but dont know how inside is and other side? Thanks!
May 17Reply

@jesscapone6 yes I just did thanks :)
May 17Reply

@jesscapone6 payment will be made after you send it off and I receive it then I accept it then you get paid. Either a check or direct deposit. You will get an email once I receive it to process payment to you which way you select. Hope this helps. Thanks.
May 17Reply

Hi - did you get the Gucci bag already ? Thank you
May 18Reply

Can I text me about the bag 215 207 1480
May 18Reply

Sorry, can you text me about the waistbag
May 18Reply

@cup526 I'm sorry I only go thru poshmark
May 19Reply

@aristea1 who said anything about off pm?
May 19Reply

@jesscapone6 LOL!! :)!! It's ok no worries and thank you! It takes a little time to get used the app and what you can do with it I'm still learning everyday lol. If an item is over $500 it first goes to poshmark for authentication and then they send it to me. It's their way of protecting everyone involved cuz there are some fake stuff on here. Anyway thanks again will let you know when I finally get it :)
May 23Reply

@aristea1 totally want you to get the amount you want for your bag so I will take your offer if you aren’t willing to go lower - just FYI!! Just wasn’t sure what you’re willing to work with. Thanks!
May 23Reply

@ashleyrmorrison yes of course it just that with poshmark taking fees that's why. You know its hard lol. Great tho thanks :)
May 23Reply

@aristea1 totally understand! Just accepted!
May 23Reply

@ashleyrmorrison great thank you and thanks for understanding! :)
May 23Reply

Hello I See You Like Beautiful Handbags 👜 please Check out My Gorgeous Marc Jacobs’s Handbag feel free to Make a Offer if interested I’ll give you a great deal 😀
May 30Reply

@jesscapone6 hi! Not yet it's at post office need to go pick it up :)
Jun 01Reply

@aristea1 hi thanks for your offer on the Prada bag. Do you know M*er*cari? Just asking as I can do lower price there due to their lower commission.
Jun 01Reply

@jesscapone6 yes I just got it thanks! :)
Jun 02Reply

@jesscapone6 lol!!! I think you can leave a love note as they say on my page lol. I'm getting used to poshmark as well :)
Jun 02Reply

Aristea, my name is Johanna. You made the purchase for the Mike Disneyland cup. Unfortunately, the straw has gone missing. Is it okay if I send it with a green flexible silicone straw?
Feb 02Reply

@aristea1 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jun 02Reply

Hello hey just want to update u that your item was dropped off & shipped on Friday ... idk why it has not started tracking yet 🤷 but I allready made Poshmark aware & I called the post office & they said they have been having some issues with tracking so please confirm when u get it please if it don’t eventually actually start to track .. it was supposed to be there for Tuesday according to the 3day label
Dec 08Reply

I apologize for the inconvenience but it at no fault of either us but I’m still sorry for inconvenience ... thank u for ur Patience and time and shopping my closet
Dec 08Reply

@oldschool2new thank you for letting me know! I will accept order once received! thank you! and no worries. appreciate you reaching out
Dec 08Reply

@aristea1 thanks 😊 ... I dropped 3packages that day & none where tracking but today 2 of them started tracking finally so hopefully yours will soon too
Dec 08Reply

hi, i just wanted to update you on the item you purchased. I have not received the shipping label yet. I informed poshmark so hopefully they send it soon. maybe just double check that they didn't message you about it? :)
Feb 25Reply

@ziggylexis i only got an email confirmation on the purchase that was all.
Feb 25Reply

@aristea1 ok double check your address is correct and i will keep trying on my end as well. i will let you know when i get the email with it
Feb 25Reply

@ziggylexis yes ok all is good with address. ok thanks for update
Feb 25Reply

@aristea1 I finally got it! It's all packed up and will go in the mail tomorrow :)
Feb 26Reply

@ziggylexis great! thank you!!!! :)
Feb 26Reply

Hello. I already packaged and sent your box. Then you canceled.
May 30Reply

@joannmdamico sorry I canceled like 1 hour after sorry for any inconvenience
May 30Reply

It was more like 2 hours. It's already been shipped and I can't stop it. I don't know what happens because I've never had this problem before. I did notify poshmark. You may have to ask them for a shipping label to send back to me. Let me know.
May 30Reply

@joannmdamico I got a confirmation it was canceled because it was a short time after that. you sent it off that fast? like less than 2 hours after? ok of course I will send it back if it comes.
May 30Reply

Yes, I sent it right after because if not the post office is closed on Sunday and Monday is a holiday. Poshmarks policy is to send right away.
May 30Reply

@joannmdamico any response from Poshmark yet? I never received an email about return slip yet only that it shipped and scheduled to arrive by me on Wednesday.
Jun 01Reply

I think you have to request it from Poshmark. I have not heard back from Poshmark.
Jun 01Reply

@joannmdamico I got an email that purchase was canceled, it never went thru. when I go to my purchase items it's not there it says canceled. so what should I request?
Jun 01Reply

I got an email email cancelation for item
Jun 01Reply

@aristea1 Tell poshmark that you canceled after item had already been sent. Ask them if they will send you a label to send back to me or if the postage is your responsibility. Have you emailed poshmark at all?
Jun 01Reply

@joannmdamico no I have not emailed because I got an email saying item is canceled. you should receive an email informing the next steps. if I email whet should I say when I have the canceled number.
Jun 01Reply

you probably got yes same email that it was canceled.
Jun 01Reply

Just let them know you canceled and item was already shipped. How do you go about sending an item back when it was already sent before seller was notified it was cancelled.
Jun 01Reply

@joannmdamico ok I will
Jun 01Reply

@joannmdamico ok I just contacted them will let you know wat they email back.
Jun 01Reply

Thank you.
Jun 01Reply

@joannmdamico I got an email that everything is all good on both ends.
Jun 02Reply

@aristea1 Hello. What does that mean? They will send you a return label to send back to me?
Jun 02Reply

@joannmdamico hi. no in the email o got it said that you also got an mail saying you got paid and no need to return thats wat it said
Jun 02Reply

check your email you should have got a response that you got paid for the item
Jun 02Reply

When did you get email. I checked and haven't received. If you canceled, then how did it get paid to me? My end still shows cancelled.
Jun 02Reply

@joannmdamico this morning I got an email
Jun 02Reply

Thanks for letting us know! We do see that the seller has already been compensated, as well as your refund being processed for this order.
Please feel free to keep this order as a gift from us for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Happy Poshing!
Thanks for reaching out. We'd love to hear what you think of our customer service.
Jun 02Reply

I cannot help you anymore sorry this is it
Jun 02Reply

@joannmdamico I cannot help you anymore I copied my email below sorry this is it the end
Jun 02Reply

@joannmdamico I don't understand why you didn't get an email and u asked poshmark about issue prior to me.
Jun 02Reply

So sorry I missed your offer on the loft jeans! I was away on vacation! I just counter offered (had to add $ so I could counter) to keep your offer going!! Sorry about that!
Jul 31Reply
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