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Updated Aug 10
Updated Aug 10

Meet your Posher, Ashley

Meet the Posher



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Hello, I'm Ashley. I'm an artist from Texas. I probably spend about as much of my time on poshmark as I do painting. ☺ Thanks for stopping by. @adriftinmidgard
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libertytrust Hi Greetings from Sin City
Feb 27Reply
willowsong603 Greeting from Tampa Bay Area Florida 💟🛍
Feb 28Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes peeled. 😳Lol. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will try and help. When you have a moment pls check out 👀my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Mar 17Reply
brienneoftarth Hello lovely! A few days ago you ordered the blush Holding Horses Velvet shirtdress from me - and i have been so busy with my husband's thesis that I neglected to ship it out. When I went to wrap it up today, I realized that on the cuff of the sleeve, there are some missing buttons. One sleeve is missing one button and the other sleeve is missing two buttons. I am so sorry I was unaware of this - I assumed because I purchased it new with tags that it was in perfect condition :(.
Apr 09Reply
brienneoftarth ... I would be happy to resell it to you if you'd like - I simply tried to cancel the order so you wouldn't feel any obligation to keep it. Again, I am so sorry! I really wish I had noticed this way back when I listed it. Please let me know if I can answer any questions and if I can do anything for you.
Apr 09Reply
ashleycaren @brienneoftarth Did you already cancel It? I never received a refund. I'll still take it with the missing buttons. I'll look for similar buttons to replace the missing ones.
Apr 09Reply
ashleycaren @brienneoftarth and it's no problem at all that you were busy. I definitely don't mind waiting. Things happen and it sounds like you had way more important things to worry about. I understand completely.
Apr 09Reply
brienneoftarth @ashleycaren you are so incredibly sweet! thank you for being so understanding! I believe the refund should show up in your account within the next few days. If you would like to wait until the refund shows up to repurchase it, that's completely fine with me - whatever works best for you!
Apr 09Reply
ashleycaren @brienneoftarth aw thanks! It really isn't a big deal at all. I'm in no hurry. It's a beautiful dress and I'd like to have it but I don't need it for anything in particular so you can take as long as you need to send it off.
Apr 09Reply
vickidurden165 Welcome to Poshmark 😊. Check out my closet ❣️
May 24Reply
mufassa2 Ashley, thanks for the like. , Pease feel free to make an offer.
Aug 18Reply
pattybak Hi!! I would love you to go through my closet !! I accept offers😀
Feb 09Reply
oksurpriseme 🎁🧸
Feb 19Reply
justxyoubyzari Hi Ashley, thank you so much for the 5⭐️ rating! Have a lovely Thanksgiving 🧡🍁 Ps. Return customers receive special discount 🤍
Nov 15Reply
sohappy804 Congrats Ashley! You are going to love these, they are very special. Will get them out to you right away xoxox
Dec 20Reply
sohappy804 @justxyoubyzari I’m so happy you got them and thank you for the lovely comment! I know they went to the right home and will bring you lots of good luck! Happy New Year xox❤️
Dec 26Reply
theretromuse Hey 👋🏼 Just wanted to tell you that I sent your order out about an hour ago 🚀
Jan 11Reply
ashleycaren @theretromuse thank you! 😊
Jan 12Reply
theretromuse @ashleycaren hey, update:the PO has added extra hamsters to the wheel and sent a notice that you should get your package today! Yay 😃 I’m excited also because my sis-in-law’s package that I sent for her BDay ( Jan 10) on Dec 30 just arrived state over. 👯‍♀️
Jan 15Reply
crystalco @ashleycaren Hi Ashley and I thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Jeffree Star Train Case. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jan 17Reply
estar808 Hey Ashley! I just missed your offer on my Lace Long Sleeve Top while out of town. I sent you an offer back @ $21, idne happy to take the $20 offer, so if you're still interested get back to me.
Mar 22Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Aug 30Reply
ivana_official Hi! how are you, Can you please take a minute to check my closet. Offers are welcome)) Thank you for looking. Iva
Jan 28Reply
joyce_cassidy Thanks for your purchase! Shipping today. Have a great day! Joyce
Mar 07Reply
joyce_cassidy Thanks for the 5 star rating!!! Joyce
Mar 14Reply
cutehosiery @ashleycaren Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 03Reply

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