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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Ashley lynn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ashley lynn. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, 7 For All Mankind, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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alejandra2105 WELCOME TO POSH 🎀👠👗‼️ When you get a chance you should check out my listings. ALL my items are priced 💗🎁🎉$15 OR LESS😀 ( except some shoes.)
Apr 15Reply
i_want_crazy Welcome to posh!
May 11Reply
savinglandfills Hi love I see you've received your package!! I hope you love it. When you get an opportunity please accept the order to release my funds. Thanks for shopping my closet 💗
May 12Reply
calitantric @mharris0 so sorry! Just barely landed back home when I saw the package! Should be released now!
May 13Reply
toffee_nut_cafe Hey @calitantric 😺😺😺 it occurs to me that you've already paid for shipping on the "comfy" White Mountain sandals u purchased from my closet - maybe we can figure out a way for u to also get the 👣Jambus👣 u wanted at a discounted price without having to pay a second shipping fee?? I haven't packed the first pair yet and I'd love to ship both to you in the same box!💌
Jun 19Reply
toffee_nut_cafe @calitantric I think I've figured out a solution!🤓🤓🤓 I can cancel your existing order for the first pair of sandals, then bundle both pairs in a new order reserved for you. That way you get BOTH pairs at a discount and pay just one shipping fee!!! What do you think? 👯😺😽💟☕ If you respond by noonish tomorrow (6/19), I can still get your order shipped out on schedule. Lmk! 😙😙😙
Jun 19Reply
calitantric @toffee_nut_cafe hey! Thanks so much, that would be wonderful!! Let's do it! I'm up at 5am tomorrow, so tag me and let me know what to do to make sure we can do that and avoid the second ship fee! You are awesome! Thanks! :) I need to see what the discount comes out to so I know what total overall will be. :) So Tag me and let's get it sorted!!
Jun 19Reply
toffee_nut_cafe @calitantric ok, still up 🙃 so let's do this: I'll see if I can cancel your existing order, then make both pairs unavailable for sale (so nobody can swoop in), and create a new "reserved" listing for you at $36 to include both pairs. Then posh will add the usual shipping fee and you'll be all set!😉 Sound good? 💗💟☕
Jun 19Reply
toffee_nut_cafe @calitantric hi again 🤓 so when I went to cancel your order, it gave me the option of selecting the reason "to bundle with another item(s)", so I chose that - who knew?? 😃😄 So in order to give u the discounted total of $36 for both pairs, you can send me a counter offer on the Jambus at $24. Once I accept that, I think we should be all set! 💟💗😺😺😽☕
Jun 19Reply
calitantric @toffee_nut_cafe you're awesome! I'm doing it now!
Jun 19Reply
calitantric @toffee_nut_cafe thanks so much!!
Jun 19Reply
toffee_nut_cafe Hi @calitantric! 😊 An update: I accepted your counter, packed both pairs in one box, and dropped it off at the post office this a.m.!😺😺☕ The earlier transaction is still marked "cancelled" on my end for some reason, so I've already contacted posh CS support to try and get everything squared away. Thanks for bearing with me on this! 💟💗☕😚
Jun 19Reply
calitantric @toffee_nut_cafe I appreciate it so much that you were so awesome with it all! Thank you! I got an email that said it could take a few days for my card to reflect the cancelation, so hopefully it'll all go smoothly :) I appreciate you being so helpful!!
Jun 19Reply
nikashops @calitantric Hey Ashley, thanks for stopping by my closet. I’m Warmly open to offers on the Miss Me’s 😉
Nov 11Reply
emmabesttt hey love! thanks for liking my listing. feel free to make an offer on any of my items & i will counter with the lowest price i had in mind for that item. thank you!💕
Jan 05Reply
candicecouture Hi Ashley. thank you so much for the likes. Please let me know if you have any questions at all. i am open to bundle offers always :)
Jan 10Reply
calitantric @candicecouture awesome, thanks so much!
Jan 10Reply
ggen Hi Ashley, Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for liking my Nike Shoes. Please feel free to send me an offer. I’m willing to negotiate if you’re interested. Thanks! Happy shopping and happy poshing! 😊❤️❤️❤️
Feb 26Reply
calitantric Hey everyone! I'm trying to get rid of the things I have no room for- so offers are very welcome!!
Mar 07Reply
etins28 Hi there. Thanks for ur likes. If interested I offer private bundle offers of multiple items. Click add to bundle for all ur likes and recieve an no obligation private offer.
May 12Reply
etins28 Hi there thanks for the likes! I see u have bundled just Shared to u my closet off for items listed at $13 and UNDER. Open to learn more. BUNDLE to recieve discounted offer I will send u. Questions please ask💕 happy poshing
May 12Reply
tneph Hi there :). I sent you a counter offer earlier- I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to accept your first offer, but my items are already priced so low.. are you still interested in the bundle you created?
May 20Reply
calitantric @tneph hey! I totally understand about the cost - posh takes quite a bit of commission and then that $6.49 for shipping is just another blow! Let me go back to my bundle - my step daughter bundles on my account too, so let me verify if it is mine or hers 😀 I'll reply before tomorrow early afternoon! Thank you for reaching out!
May 20Reply
tneph @calitantric the fees are brutal ☹️ thank you so much for being so kind- i had a feeling you were going to understand being a seller as well. There are a lot of buyers out there who aren’t sellers (and also some that are sellers too), that aren’t as kind unfortunately 👎🏻
May 20Reply
calitantric @tneph oh my gosh I know! Some people are so rude!! Oh, so! The only thing I need to check on is the leg opening - how wide is the flare at the bottom of the jeans?
May 21Reply
tneph @calitantric 9 1/2” ☹️
May 21Reply
tneph @calitantric 😊 I mean!
May 21Reply
raefreddy92 Huge Memorial Day sale, 20% off almost everything in my closet. Take 20% off the asking price and send me an offer I'll accept it. 25% off of bundles.
May 27Reply
eponbak If you ever can get it to work, I will accept your offer on the boots. Maybe it will be cleared up tomorrow. Have a good evening!
Sep 28Reply
calitantric @eponbak aw thanks! My mom has my posh login too, and she's crazy about the boots. I will try to offer again in the morning, if you don't see one, see if it will let you send me one please? Have a wonderful night!
Sep 28Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Nike, Yellow Box, Clinique, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 19Reply
saraposhsf Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet and for your like! Happy poshing! ✨
Nov 17Reply
egtc_ Hey ! I haven’t been on this app in forever , I can give you the jeans for $11 if you’re still interested
Dec 04Reply
ifeoma1 Thank you Ashley for your purchase. I will ship it tomorrow.
Dec 10Reply
calitantric @ifeoma1 thank you!!
Dec 11Reply
ifeoma1 You're welcome!
Dec 11Reply
novadog OMG you’re ❤️ note was the Best I’ve ever received. Thank you you made my day!!!☃️🎄
Dec 15Reply
alainamarie12 Hi thanks for the like on the shoes! Feel free to send me an offer and let me know if you have any questions 😊
Dec 06Reply
alainamarie12 Hi thanks for the like on the shirt! Feel free to send me an offer and let me know if you have any questions 😊
Dec 10Reply
marlaeckhoff I would like to purchase your boots! If you see this let me know! Thank You
Dec 04Reply

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