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Updated May 11
Updated May 11

Meet your Posher, Bobbie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bobbie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Make me an offer , you never know unless you Ask. ..... NON SMOKING HOME
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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saccardi @rjstrick99 Welcome to Poshmark! I'll warn you it's highly addiction and so much fun. I have purchased and sold the most beautiful pieces and met wonderful women. I specialize in hand bags and jewelry and have over 5000 items. If you ever need any help please feel free to ask. Again WELCOME TO POSH 💕🛍💕
Feb 27Reply
adoyle83 Could you message me at jerbo.chaney1979@gmail about your offer? Ill explain tjen.
Feb 28Reply
adoyle83 I will be shipping in the morning
Feb 28Reply
rjstrick99 @adoyle83 , Thank You for acceoting my offer. I messaged you @ the gmail you posted..
Feb 28Reply
rjstrick99 @saccardi Yes , I see this is addicting. I just realized that . LOL , i'm already HOOKED ....thanks for the warning . LOVE TO SHOP. I guess i need to post my stuff , that i dont need anymore ... let me figure this thing out .LOL I try real hard to stay away from these sights , Im a SUCKER.😛
Feb 28Reply
redsuckared Hello and welcome! When you get a chance check out my closet, I love to bundle and I love offers. Sending good vibes and sell a lot💕
Mar 21Reply
minicoconut Hi Bobbie! Welcome to Poshmark 😍 If you have any Poshmark related questions I'd be glad to help 🤗
Mar 24Reply
rjstrick99 @minicoconut Thank You , that is sweet
Apr 08Reply
spreadlove Hi! 🙋 just stopping in to say hello! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
May 26Reply
rjstrick99 @spreadlove Thank You for the Love , you have a good weekend too.
May 26Reply
arshmani Hi Bobbie, thanks for visiting my closet and the likes😍Please let me know if you have any questions; I'm open to offers🤗😉
Jun 27Reply
arshmani Dear Bobbie, I can drop the price so you can get discounted shipping. It's brand new, but We can always negotiate!!!
Jun 27Reply
rjstrick99 @arshmani Thank You , I understand ..... it's a very Beautiful Dress . I thought I would throw out an offer ! Let me think about the counter offer for $100. , I have some orders coming in , so let me see. Thank You , for sharing . I will get back w/ ya. Hope you get the price your asking for ! It is Beautiful 😎⚘
Jun 27Reply
arshmani @rjstrick99 Sure, thanks for your interest and the offer😘😍also for all the posh love by sharing♥️ l like you and really want you to have the dress; therefore, we can always work things out🤗😉hope to hear from you soon😜
Jun 27Reply
cali1018 🌺🌺WELCOME TO POSHMARK!! My name is Nora and I am addicted to Poshmark!! Lol! I'm sure you will be addicted in no time if not already! It's such a great community of women all coming together and supporting each other in the name of fashion and community!! Happy poshing and if you ever have any questions I'm just a closet away!! Wishing you only the best!! Xoxo Nora 🌺🌺
Jun 30Reply
1graciebug Hello! I noticed that you liked a couple of things in my closet. Just want to let you know that if you bundle, I'm willing to make you an offer of 25%off everything you bundle instead of my usual 15%. Have a great day😊
Jul 22Reply
classyk2 Hi, you submitted an offer on a bundle. I noticed you were active this hour, I countered. Are you able to meet in the middle?
Aug 26Reply
dressinglauren Hi Bobbie, Let me know if you'd like me to lower shipping on your bundle in conjunction with a bundle discount! 🙂 I can ship out today! ~ Lauren
Sep 23Reply
dressinglauren Hi Bobbie, I can sell you everything in your bundle except the Bebe and JS Boutique dresses for the price you offered 🙂
Sep 23Reply
sitpretty Just stopping by to say "Hello"! 💗 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark! 👛 Please fell free to visit my closet! I offer a bundle discount! 💕 If I can answer any questions about buying or selling, let me know! 🎀 Have a happy day! Kelly 💗💕
Oct 01Reply
spreadlove Hello, just stoping by to say hello! I know there are lovely closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you'd check out mine! Either way have a nice day!
Oct 06Reply
foxarazzi Hi Bobbie! My bundle discount is 15% off 3 boutique items. My counteroffer is at 20%-
Dec 15Reply
arshmani @rjstrick99 Dear Bobbie, Thanks for the likes😊😍I'm closing my store very soon; please let me know if you have any questions💞💞
Jan 27Reply
secondpassion Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes. Let me know if you have any questions❤️
Jan 30Reply
shirleygerman Hi I’m Shirley just wanted to invite you to check out my closet 🤗💖
Feb 05Reply
michelly09steph Hi can you please ship back the other package? You will receive a shipping label.
Apr 28Reply
rjstrick99 @michelly09steph Hello, I still havent received a shipping label for your return !
Apr 29Reply
yennymolina01 Sorry Bobbie declined you offer / $79 paid :(
May 12Reply
meaferea Hi Bobbie, Thanks for the likes on my Burgandy ankle boots, my blue suede Ropers, and my beautiful blue and white MK bag! I accept ALL reasonable offers and bundles and these awesome items could actually be on their way to your house as soon as today! Thanks for browsing my closet and Happy Poshing! 😊🎁🌵
Jun 09Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would check out my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 11Reply
iloveaerobics Hi, I invite you to visit my Betsey Johnson closet. Happy Poshing.
Jun 26Reply
terrio7 Hi there, I dropped your bundle off at the post office on Monday but have not received confirmation that it’s tracking. It’s still says pending USPS scanning. So I notified Poshmark and I’m waiting to hear back. I will let you know as soon as I get an update
Sep 26Reply
rjstrick99 @terrio7 Good Morning.., Thank You for sharing this with me ! That's ok as long as I don't get the package on SATURDAY.... HUSBAND WILL BE HOME ! LOL😁!!! No just kidding ! ! Keep me posted & have a good day !
Sep 26Reply
terrio7 @rjstrick99 lol! I finally got an update and it shows your package should arrive today 😊
Sep 27Reply
rjstrick99 GOT IT .... Yes I accepted the package ! Love it , Thanks again.
Sep 27Reply
chaescloset Hello 👋 thank you for liking the brown purse 👜 if you’re interested I take 16$ for it
Oct 06Reply
nicsem Hi! I’ll be shipping out your items tomorrow. With the holiday weekend I didn’t make it to the post office in time thanks again! 😊😊
Oct 08Reply
rjstrick99 @nicsem Hello no problem ! So, I was wondering if you could ship the package out on either Thursday or Friday? I will be out of town over the weekend and I would prefer to receive the package on Monday or Tuesday !!! Hope you understand ?! One more favor, if you could please ship out in an envelope instead of box this way it will fit in my mailbox!!! Thank You for being so understanding. Have a good week.
Oct 09Reply
nicsem @rjstrick99 I can definitely hold on to it until then- no problem! Only thing is it won’t fit in an envelope, I tried. The bag is too big for it - sorry!
Oct 09Reply
rjstrick99 @nicsem Thank you for holding on to it a couple more days before shipping. I really do appreciate it🌹. Also, I understand about the packaging...👜 ! Enjoy the rest of your day 🍷🧀. I will check back with ya later , thx again!
Oct 09Reply
drewecoble Thanks for liking the purse from my closet 🍀
Mar 06Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Apr 10Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brands like PINK, Torrid, Vera Bradley, Vans, Converse, Betsey Johnson, and Coach 🛍️ I also have a number of great brand mystery boxes in my closet right now 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Jun 04Reply
kenlanboutique Hi there! I’m Tara, a Poshmark Ambassador and top rated seller. I invite you to visit my closet. Many beautiful new items were recently added that may interest you. I welcome all offers. Happy Poshing! 💕🛍
May 31Reply

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Last Active: Dec 15 2021

Little Elm, TX
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Last Active: Dec 15 2021

Little Elm, TX
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