Meet your Posher, Cassandra
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Hi! Feel free to leave comments and don't be afraid to make offers. If it's marked as 4$ that is my final lowest price when you are only purchasing one individual item!
My closet will offer you a variety of baby, children, women's/junior items and some men's as well. Happy Poshing!

one other
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@cmommy1113 welcome to poshmark! 💐
Jul 23Reply

@cmommy1113 welcome to Poshmark! What a beautiful baby. Great cover pic!
Jul 24Reply

@tracy390 thank you!
Jul 24Reply

Welcome #poshionista !! Wishing you the best of luck !! Feel free to reach out for any tips or advice !! 👗💁🏻👠👜
Jul 24Reply

Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 03Reply

Thanks for visiting and sharing! If I don’t Offend you, please read about my daughter in my closet to learn more about me!
Dec 29Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! Feel free to create a bundle and make me an offer :)
Feb 13Reply

If Your Interested In Bundling Your Likes Thats How I Can Give You The Best Deal Thank You💕
Mar 01Reply

Hi Cassandra. Thanks for liking items from my closet. You can bundle more girls shoes I have in my closet and get one pair for FREE 😉👍
Thanks. Let me know if you need help
May 24Reply

hi i saw you were interested in misguided jeans and i have the exact same pair! i also have a lot of free people, LF, misguided, brandy plus more and I'm willing to take offers! just trying to get rid of everything check it out (: cute closet by the way!!!
Aug 21Reply
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