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Updated Nov 08
Updated Nov 08

Meet your Posher, Cindy

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Hi! I'm Cindy. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch, Coach, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

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lisaslade Hi welcome to posh your going to love it here 😁
Feb 25Reply
closetoneeleven Greetings, thank you from the bundle you purchased. I am dropping it in the mail today. Your business is appreciated.
Mar 09Reply
buysel1497 @closetoneeleven thanks so much!
Mar 09Reply
closetoneeleven @buysel1497 You are most welcome.
Mar 09Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Cindy. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Mar 28Reply
lemonposh Hi Cindy! Welcome to Poshmark 🤗
Apr 03Reply
buysel1497 @millicentgar Thanks so much!
Apr 03Reply
vintage2new4you @buysel1497 Hey hun! I absolutely love your closet! The variety & the quality are impressive!🌻 Whether you're buying or selling, I wish you tons of continued success! Much Posh Luv, Cyn❤🌼❤
Apr 08Reply
buysel1497 @vintage2new4you thanks fellow Texan Cyn❤️ Having a great time here on Posh😃 Love your eclectic style! See you around and thanks for the shares!! 👗👚👠😍Cindy
Apr 08Reply
belovedsparrow @buysel1497 Hi Cindy, thx for stopping by my closet luv yrs 🌻I enjoy helping folks learn about PM & increase followers/sales by sharing posts w/ my Tag list. I also nominate closets that follow prohibited items policy for PM party host pics (items selected r showcased @ party).🎉 If interested in joining my tag list, being nominated, let me know. 💖Best, LA
May 03Reply
buysel1497 @belovedsparrow Thanks Linda for the shares, follow and the invite! ( What does " prohibited items policy" exactly mean? Only been on PM a couple of months, still learning new things everyday!! Would love to be on your taglist! <3 : )
May 03Reply
belovedsparrow @buysel1497 Ask away...I still do! 😄 You can Google search PM prohibited policy list. It's a list of item that aren't allowed to be sold on Poshmark. It's important to review & comply. Let me know if u have trouble finding it. Any other questions, feel free to get on my post w/ the pink let key...that's sort of "My office" 😘
May 03Reply
buysel1497 @belovedsparrow Perfect, will do! Thanks again and look forward to being tagged!: )
May 03Reply
belovedsparrow @buysel1497 You're doing gr8 sharing btw! A gr8 way to ⬆followers is to create a follow game post. I'll tag you on a good example🤗You can pick a theme & find pix 4 the post (like traveling, silly animal-people picks, yr fav things, get creative!) Or just "Help me get to 5K..or 10K (yr goal)). Let me know what u think 💕LA
May 03Reply
buysel1497 That would be so awesome..I have been trying diligently to get more followers. I love sharing, so would love to try a sharing game! Thanks for all your help!! I really appreciate you taking time to help me!!!
May 03Reply
buysel1497 @belovedsparrow That would be so awesome..I have been trying diligently to get more followers. I love sharing, so would love to try a sharing game! Thanks for all your help!! I really appreciate you taking time to help me!!!
May 03Reply
belovedsparrow @buysel1497 I noticed - keep up the gr8 work! And let me know when you post yr follow's all about building a good follow base and networking w/ active poshers (which I will if u intro yourself to those I send posts from). 🙆 Also sharing yr closet 1 to preferable 3 times daily is recommended by PM experts. It dings the system to push yr items higher on search engine.
May 03Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
May 03Reply
buysel1497 @jassieboo92 Thanks so much!! Appreciate the follow and the shares : ) I will definitely be going back to your closet <3
May 03Reply
mysticalblue Hello❣ I'm Carolyn😊Welcome to Poshmark❣ You will find a community of Poshers who will help you, encourage you & share their Posh Love.💜Remember to Follow 👠👠other Poshers & Share👗👛to grow followers to your closet to buy. Check out 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK and POSH ETIQUETTE🌸for Posh compliant closets & other info for Beginners, and 💖 If you have any questions, I'm always here to help, just message me at @mysticalblue. I wish you much success!! Happy Poshing🌹💄👗👒👠
May 06Reply
buysel1497 @mysticalblue Hi Carolyn and thanks for the warm welcome! Have a great weekend😊❤️
May 06Reply
mysticalblue @buysel1497 😁you're very very welcome❣️🌼💐
May 07Reply
benicedenice Hiya ! Many thanks for following 💓
Jun 23Reply
nicolescorner Thanks for all the shares, you rock!! 💞🌸💞🌸💞🌸💞🌸 Will be sharing back when home later 💝💝💝
Jun 24Reply
buysel1497 @nickybluv Aww you are welcome!!!! I see you are a big "sharer" like me!! Sharing works : ) <3
Jun 24Reply
nicolescorner @buysel1497 It really does! It's so easy too when I come upon an awesome closet like yours & want to share every piece lol! Happy Poshing! 😘
Jun 24Reply
buysel1497 @nickybluv 😆😃👍😍 yours too!! I love your somecards too!! Perfect ❤️
Jun 24Reply
nicolescorner @buysel1497 Thanks, I had fun picking them! There are so many funny ones, I had trouble narrowing them down lol 😆
Jun 24Reply
buysel1497 @nickybluv seriously I was reading some the other night for like 2 hours!!! 🤣
Jun 24Reply
nicolescorner @buysel1497 I know, some literally have me almost crying 😂😂 so funny!
Jun 24Reply
dames_doll Omgosh! Thnx for the love!! Right back at you!! ❤️❤️
Jun 24Reply
buysel1497 @dames_doll you are more than welcome and thanks for your shares as well!!! I truly appreciate it🙏😍❤️👍😃
Jun 24Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie very nice to meet you 😘😘thank you for visiting my closet 🎉🎊please let me know if you're interested to buy any thing ⭐️😉I love to bundle it's the best and smarter way to save money 💰 so you buy multiple items with only one shipping fee. Thank you and happy poshing 🌹🎊💰💰😊😘🤗😍☺️😋💚❤️I'm going to one month vacation and I need to sell everything as soon as possible before I go ❤️😊😍🎉🎊
Jun 30Reply
buysel1497 @tatiana730 thank you!! Checking it out now!😎👍 Happy 4th,!
Jul 01Reply
poshhanger32 Thank you for all the shares! Love your closet!💜💜💜🌸🌸
Jul 02Reply
buysel1497 @celiahdz32 you are welcome! Thanks for the extra shares as well.. speedy sales ! Love your bathing suits👍😍
Jul 02Reply
poshhanger32 @buysel1497 no problem!!!! and thank you so much!!! Happy Poshing to you!!🌺🌺
Jul 02Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Cindy. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 09Reply
Jul 17Reply
skullvr Hi Cindy 🙋 Thank you for all the shares 🎉🌹😍 Happy Poshing 💋
Jul 19Reply
buysel1497 @skullvr you are welcome Doreen, and thanks to you as well! Love your eclectic closet!!!👍😍
Jul 19Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks so much for following my closet, I can't wait for you to find things in mine that you like. Your closet is great!
Jul 24Reply
fabbaby Hi welcome to poshmark happy poshing !Have a blessed night.
Jul 26Reply
buysel1497 @fabbaby Thanks Irene! Hoping for fast and abundant sales for you! : D
Jul 26Reply
guusje thanks for all the shares!☘️☘️☘️☘️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 06Reply
buysel1497 @guusje thanks you as well!! Speedy sales : D
Aug 07Reply
aliciacorinne30 @buysel1497 thank for sharing my items I'm still working on building up more inventory & how this site works lol
Aug 07Reply
buysel1497 @aliciacorinne30 You are welcome, if you ever have any questions, just ask! It gets confusing sometimes but it's a lot of fun!
Aug 07Reply
aliciacorinne30 @buysel1497 thank you! I'm used to online sales since I have my own business but every site is different. I've already had 2 spammers
Aug 07Reply
buysel1497 @aliciacorinne30 yes you will get spammers at almost every listing🙄ignore/report if they use email. They are annoying but can't do anything as long as you don't engage.
Aug 07Reply
buysel1497 The best success most Poshers have is to share as much as you can... and try to list new items as often as you can. Follow as well..more followers you have, more exposure.👍
Aug 07Reply
aliciacorinne30 @buysel1497 awesome thank you for the tips!
Aug 07Reply
cwood008 I loved your closet! I hope you LOVE Poshmark as much as I do! Have a great day! ✨✨✨✨
Aug 11Reply
cynriessen Thanks for the shares!!💙⭐️
Aug 11Reply
buysel1497 @cynriessen thanks to you as well👍😃
Aug 11Reply
cynriessen ❤️⭐️
Aug 11Reply
cesca56 Hey Cindy thanks for following me 😊
Aug 22Reply
buysel1497 @cesca56 You are welcome! You can also gain more followers by going to a persons closet and click on their followers.... click on the blue to follow. Usually half of them will follow back! The more followers, the more sales!
Aug 22Reply
cesca56 @buysel1497 Only 3 weeks, and boy is there a learning curve, especially for me, I had a flip phone until a year and a half ago 😂
Aug 22Reply
unclaimed Nice Closet!
Aug 25Reply
buysel1497 @unclaimed thanks!!! Yours as well!! Wishing you speedy sales!👍😃
Aug 25Reply
jmbt I saw u shared 4 items. Child watch$17. Sheer tone shirt $9. Short sleeve round neck $9. Cropped butterfly$9. Total $44. Will sell. $30. If u interested or anything else let me know
Sep 04Reply
hwnislegal2005 Thank u so much for ur purchase. Enjoy xoxo ❤❤😍
Sep 16Reply
hwnislegal2005 Thank you so much for the five star!!!! You are too sweet!!!
Sep 19Reply
korinaponce Thank you for sharing my closet 😊💐🌸🌷
Oct 18Reply
buysel1497 @korinaponce you are so welcome and thanks to you as well!! Such cute things : D
Oct 18Reply
fleurdetaronga Thank you for follow my closet 🌸💖
Oct 24Reply
rosalovestx Whoop and Gig ‘em!
Oct 24Reply
desireeroy18 Love your closet! And I have to comment on your photo, obsessed with your "Stephan Jenkins for prez" shirt 😍 That man is a national treasure and everything he says and does makes my heart happy, we need more of him in this world🙌🏼 Third Eye Blind has been my favorite band since I was a kid.
Nov 08Reply
buysel1497 @desireeroy18 omg!!! Love😍3rd EyeBlind! Met him at a meet and greet for the Houston concert this summer! He loved the shirt and asked for a photo of my daughter and I for his twitter, lol. The concert was amazing.. right in front in the pit! Best day ever!!! I'll post a pic! 🤣
Nov 08Reply
buysel1497 @desireeroy18 and I will definitely check out your closet!!! Thanks to much !!👍😃😍
Nov 08Reply
desireeroy18 @buysel1497 omg that's is so great, love it! I got the chance to see then twice in CT this year and met him back during the summer of gods tour at their after party, so humble and so kind 😊
Nov 08Reply
buysel1497 @desireeroy18 This was our 4th time to see them... they are still my favorite! That is so amazing to go to the after party... I would faint, lol. He is just so sweet!! And your closet is fantastic, by the way! Good luck with your film career as well! And sorry we, ( Astros) beat the Sox this year!! But it was a really great series. : D
Nov 08Reply
desireeroy18 @buysel1497 aww thank you so much! I was secretly rooting for the Astros when we lost 😌
Nov 08Reply
urmysweetpea Thank you for all the shares!! 🌸
Nov 16Reply
buysel1497 @urmysweetpea you are welcome! And hope you are recovering well from your surgery👍😍
Nov 16Reply
urmysweetpea @buysel1497 Thank you! It’s long and slow but will be worth it in the end not to be in constant pain! 😁
Nov 16Reply
buysel1497 @urmysweetpea I I teach yoga and have many with chronic back pain and it can be so debilitating! Hoping it will give you that freedom again!
Nov 16Reply
urmysweetpea @buysel1497 I love yoga! Practiced for 7 years until I just couldn’t. My 5 discs from L2-S2 completely degenerated, vertebrae were bone on bone. 7 hour surgery! But to be pain free, the long recovery will be worth it!
Nov 16Reply
buysel1497 @urmysweetpea wow that's a long surgery. wishing you a speedy recovery and hopefully you can get back a 'normal ' life., and hopefully back to some restorative yoga. 👍
Nov 16Reply
javaidmahwish Hi!!! Love you pieces. Is it possible for you to do free shipping?
Dec 13Reply
buysel1497 @javaidmahwish Well, the original bundle discount was at $101, so my offer of $75 is free shipping plus an additional $20 off the already discounted bundle. After Poshmark takes their fees, I will not get any profit. I do appreciate your interest and if purchased will be shipped today. Best, Cindy
Dec 13Reply
metal_head You created a bundle from my closet of a black pair of pants and a blue and whitish dress unfortunately the dress is no longer available but I did do a counteroffer on the pants for $9 if you're interested. Thank you.
Dec 17Reply
adrianmarianna I’m not receive my order
Dec 20Reply
buysel1497 @adrianmarianna hi, it showed delivered by USPS. poshmark emailed and said you could not find it, but then it showed that it was delivered. Unfortunately, I can not do anything on my end since it is closed, do you will need to email Poshmark Customer service . I am so sorry you did not receive! 😳
Dec 20Reply
ecoastboutique Good morning Cindy thank you for shopping my Closet 🙂 I'll get your item sent out today thanks again
Feb 01Reply
buysel1497 @jog2013 thanks so much 😍👍
Feb 01Reply
ecoastboutique URW no problem☺️
Feb 01Reply
a1fashions Hi ... I’m Amy .. Just stopped by to say hello.. Happy Poshing 💕
Feb 08Reply
buysel1497 @a1fashions thanks Amy for the shares and great to meet you : )
Feb 08Reply
jnoelles_closet The shirt you purchased from my closet was dropped off at the post office this afternoon. Thanks for your order
Apr 05Reply
buysel1497 @jnoelles_closet thanks so much !!!😃
Apr 06Reply
thriftshop441 bundle the 3 shirts. I will make it 25 plus a shipping discount
Apr 17Reply
buysel1497 @thriftshop441 ok...thanks.. still looking : )
Apr 17Reply
pdirv Hi Cindy. Thx for the like of one of my items. if youre interested in bundling i will give you a nice discount. take a peek.🍀🙂
Mar 24Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the Nike shorts. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Mar 30Reply
cutehosiery @buysel1497 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 03Reply
missamyrogers 🌼Hi Cindy🌼 I apologize, I just sold this Unicorn onesie on another platform. I will update this listing immediately ☮️🌸 🌷Thank you🌷for shopping my closet 🥰 Posh On!
Mar 11Reply
martwise The rainbow cons. Have been returned to me if you still want them. The order had been canceled by Poshmark
Sep 28Reply

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Last Active: Feb 26

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Last Active: Feb 26

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