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Updated Jun 18
Updated Jun 18

Meet your Posher, Coco

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Coco. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, FENDI, Nike, Alexander Wang, Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney Adidas, Lululemon, Tom Ford, Balenciaga, Alexis bittar, CHLOE and CHANEL. Love to shop at REVOLVE, INTERMIX, Shopbop, Vince. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sinsofcyn 💖🌷Greetings from Cynthia in Isle 🌅MN. SO 🍡🍭🍬🍭🍬SWEEEEEEET of YOU TO JOIN US🍭🍬🍡. ENJOY YOUR EVENING💋 Cyn
May 08Reply
bloomingbrshpk Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. It can be a bit confusing in the beginning so if you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
May 10Reply
tatumpither Don’t buy anything from jazz_bling she is a scammer, she’ll take your money and never send you anything and have you pay off site somehow. She stole $165 from me and never sent me the item and then pretended to not know me. She’s done it others as well so I’m warning people like I wished I’d been warned
May 13Reply
cocowilliames @rachs1 thx u! I'll definitely take you up on that! ❤️
May 13Reply
cocowilliames @tatumpither I'm new..... Then why isn't she removed? Isn't poshmark suppose to do that?
May 13Reply
tatumpither @cocowilliames I know, I’m shocked they haven’t.. I don’t think they regulate things very Well?
May 13Reply
rileyscloset1 Hi there! You just purchased my fendi monster wallet. I cant find the dust bag for that wallet but I have another fendi dust bag. Would you like me to send with wallet?
May 14Reply
cocowilliames @rileyscloset1 yes that'd be great! And if you have the paperwork too! Thx I'm excited 😍 love it!!
May 15Reply
rileyscloset1 @cocowilliames Done and already shipped. Fendi tags in wallet. Enjoy!
May 15Reply
butterflybaby16 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️ FLYING BY TO SAY HELLO & HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS WEEK 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️
May 15Reply
cocowilliames @rachs1 Hello! So I'm going to take you up on the offer of a little Poshmark help. So I have some questions..... 1. I've just listed a few items. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind looking and give me some feedback back. As in key things to put in listing?
May 19Reply
cocowilliames @rachs1 2. So I read that the goal is to get as many followers and follow people. Is the point of this to get more exposure? Should you even follow someone even if you don't particularly like thier items/style? 3. "Sharing" when people share is it to just a friend who might like a certain item, or is it shared elsewhere like sat Facebook.
May 19Reply
cocowilliames @rachs1 4. I assume including your items in a party is definitely helpful to get your items out there correct? 5. If you have any "helpful hints" or ANY suggestions is love to here. 6. Pricing...... I'm not exactly sure how low or high to put items. I've looked around at similar products to get an item but the prices are ALL over the place. Any "rule of thumb " Thank you so much! 😄 Have a great weekend!
May 19Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames ok I haven’t read the entire post but to answer your question on sharing, if they share your item on Posh it shows up on their newsfeed which means all their followers can see it. A tip i can give you is to share your closet at least once a day to your followers and during posh parties. Posh parties take place (12 pm, 3 pm and 10 PM EST). The 10 PM one is the best one since you can share anything in your closet. The other times are brand specific.
May 20Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames also I wouldn’t worry too much about building a large following. A lot of people are searching for a specific thing on Posh so most sales are random. So Key Words are very important. When you share, people that don’t follow you can see your item and they are the ones that end up buying/following you. I’m not an expert but sharing your items does get you on top of search lists. Posh also has showrooms that rotate everyday
May 20Reply
cocowilliames @unicee99 THANK YOU!! I just did my first share! So you can either share a listing or also share your entire closet correct? That also answer my question of why you want to have a lot of followers. 😃❤️
May 20Reply
cocowilliames @unicee99 uh oh...... Just looked at your closet, I'm in trouble now!! Tennis shoes are my weakness 😉😳🤭
May 20Reply
cocowilliames @unicee99 🙌🏽😉😄
May 20Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames so let’s say there’s a showroom that says ‘Adidas Sneakers’ and u happen to have a pair in your closet, sharing your item throughout the day gets your item on top of the items in that showroom. basically they are thousands of Adidas on Posh and they are in all in the showroom which means if you share, yours gets to the top and just like you are sharing, so are others so yes it’s constant sharing which can be a lot of work😩😩.
May 20Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames So everyday check to see what the showrooms of the day are and see if you have items in your closet that meet the requirements. Sometimes you might need to change the keywords to the exact words used in that showroom. They are usually very specific. Like yesterday they had Black Nike Sneakers. So in a nutshell, sharing your items is one of the main keys😊💕. I know you asked another posher for advice but just wanted to share what I’ve recently learned 😊🤗💕
May 20Reply
cocowilliames @unicee99 very much appreciated! Had reached out to the other posher just b/c she offered advice. You have definitely given me some great tips! 🙂
May 20Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames yes you share every item in your closet lol i wish there was a way to just share your entire closet at once😩😩. You have a small closet though so it won’t be hard for you to do. Pay attention to how Posh schedules their parties(12 pm, 3 pm, 7 pm and 10). Any time inbtwn those times is probably the best time to share. I think Posh has studied the times most users are active so their party times are strategic. The 10 PM one is my favorite
May 20Reply
chicsporty @cocowilliames you are welcome 😊
May 20Reply
nanny0909 Welcome to Poshmark 🍃💕🍃💕💕🍃💕💕💕
Jun 07Reply
renloveslou @cocowilliames Beautiful items I’ll be back when I’m home from vacation 🎇beautiful smile too🌇🌆🌇
Jul 14Reply
cocowilliames @renloveslou sounds good!! I have tons more I need to photograph and post!
Jul 14Reply
jeweledspirit Hi Coco! If you would still like the Rebecca MINKOFF key chain for $16–I will accept the offer. Ive never used it (I bought it from TheRealReal) and she needs a good home! 😊 Sorry I didn’t accept at first! Still trying to figure out how to Posh. Have s great weekend 💜☮️
Jul 21Reply
southern_mimi Hello. You bid on my Alexis Bittar ring last month and I just couldn’t let it go. If you would like to make that same offer again, I will accept it. I want to give you first go at the lower price - I have another offer pending but didn’t want to accept it until you had a chance.
Aug 06Reply
cocowilliames @southern_mimi Oh thank you so much 🙂. I can't even remember what I bid. I'll go look at ring again!
Aug 07Reply
cocowilliames @southern_mimi Hey there..... I'm going to pass this time. Thank you for thinking of me. I got a little out of control shopping on PM 🤦🏽‍♀️ I had to take down a notch. ☺️
Aug 07Reply
southern_mimi @cocowilliames No worries! lol - happens to the best of us!
Aug 07Reply
daydream24 Thank you for purchasing! I will be shipping it tomorrow if you have any questions feel free to ask :)
Aug 09Reply
cmendez1980 Hi. Thank you for your offer. The shirt is beautiful. If you accept my offer I'll drop it off at the post office today.
Aug 19Reply
akoenigsdorf Hey so so sorry for the delay but I have shipped the shoes they’re currently waiting for a ups scan
Aug 25Reply
lynnsclosetllc Thank you so much for the super sweet rating! I’m so glad you love the top! And I will definitely let you know if I find anymore Helmet Lang! Happy Poshing friend!💕
Aug 28Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having a great time! 😉
Aug 29Reply
cowboys456 Good morning, thank you for purchasing the heels but I can not ship until payment has been made. It’s still says pending..
Sep 02Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456 Hi, that's strange b/c on my end the payment has went through? 🤷🏽‍♀️ You've sold on PM before right?
Sep 02Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456y payment has gone through. PM charges me holds the money than releases payment once I accept order when I receive it.
Sep 02Reply
cowboys456 @cocowilliames yes I have several times and every time the funds were redeemable!
Sep 02Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sorry I'm not sure exactly what you're seeing on your end......? In my experience the funds will show as pending when I sell something and then will be released when buyer receives/ accepts package. If something now going on on your end then I'd would contact PM. They are quick to respond, or I can???
Sep 02Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456 my payment has gone through.
Sep 02Reply
cowboys456 @cocowilliames 🤷🏾‍♀️they will be shipped Tuesday morning
Sep 02Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456 ok great! Sometimes under sales you have to "refresh" by hitting the little sync symbol in the upper right hand corner.
Sep 02Reply
cowboys456 Heels has been shipped!!!! Yayy!!
Sep 06Reply
cocowilliames @cowboys456 WONDERFUL! So excited for them! 🙂
Sep 07Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Sep 13Reply
lovingpurple Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz
Nov 21Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays❄☃ I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💖💛 Let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 03Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Coco ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
May 26Reply
karissacliburn Hi, I just ordered a jacket from you, I totally submitted my old address but I changed it. Just want to make sure you have the Washington address and not the Idaho address. 😬 thank you!!
Jul 24Reply
cocowilliames @karissacliburn Hiii :), the printing label still has your Idaho address.
Jul 24Reply
cocowilliames @karissacliburn thank you, I will.
Jul 25Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we were able to connect on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 15Reply
jmmora07 Good afternoon, I purchased the sunglasses:) Is it possible to ship the sunglasses tomorrow? I was hoping to have them for trip next week. Also, can you ship them to in the MJ hard and soft case? These are replacing a pr which arrived damaged. Thanks again, Cheers:)
Aug 15Reply
cocowilliames @jmmora07 sorry for the late reply . They will be sent out today
Aug 16Reply
ladykrc @cocowilliames Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Aug 26Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept. Pay NO attention to the prices you SEE.. Thanks
Nov 20Reply
lilsmallz808 Hello sorry I tried contacting you on the listing but my order hasn’t shipped and it’s been over a week now, if you can’t ship, please let me know so I can cancel the order
Feb 19Reply
cocowilliames @lilsmallz808 hi there! I’m so sorry I’ve been out of the country and recently returned and playing catch up. Please tell me the item you purchased? I just contacted PM support to help me with another order of the similar situation
Feb 20Reply
cocowilliames @lilsmallz808 just found our order!! Dropping them off at UPS TONIGHT
Feb 20Reply
lilyholster1988 Hello! I wanted to see what the status was for the Pedro Garcia shoe dust bags as it’s awaiting shipment? Best, Lily
Apr 03Reply
retailtherapylv Hello Coco, I wanted to reach out to you on a beautiful purchase you made on a Helmet Lang perforated pebbled black leather tote. I found the sold listing from months ago. I’ve been looking for one for quite some time now with no luck. I thought I might reach out to you and just let you know that I’m super interested in purchasing it at the same price you paid. I figured it can’t hurt to reach out and see if it’s a possibility? Thanks & have a wonderful weekend!😊
Jun 20Reply
cocowilliames @retailtherapylv Hello! Which bag are you referring to? One I was selling or that I purchased? Can you shoot me a pic?
Jun 22Reply
retailtherapylv @cocowilliames It’s the Helmet Lang Tote. It has square punch outs on the sides.😊
Jun 23Reply
cocowilliames @retailtherapylv LOL I literally cannot remember. Can u tag m in post
Jun 23Reply
tridge Hello Coco. I purchased the Missoni headbands but I don’t see the shipping information. I’m new to Poshmark, not sure if there is a way to access that. Thank you!!!
Nov 10Reply
cocowilliames @tridge you know what, I was just about to inquire with PM about that b/c it's soon as "scanned" but not tracking. I contacted them waiting to hear back
Nov 10Reply
tridge @cocowilliames ok. Thank you!! I just figured I was doing something wrong lol. Still trying to figure this out. I appreciate your response 😉
Nov 10Reply
cutehosiery @cocowilliames Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 17Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 29

Chicago, IL
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Last Active: Mar 29

Chicago, IL
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