Meet your Posher, Crystal
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Welcome everyone! Thank you for checking out my posh closet 🥰! My store is called The Metamorph Oasis. Please feel free to ask questions or simply say hi 👋. I run my posh closet (and other store) full time from home while I finish up my 2nd degree program. I am a mom of all girls whom I homeschool full time. I am a full time student myself. I ask that you be please be respectful with your offers. As a precaution, I do take photos of all of my orders/shipments. I do like to trade, I think its a great way to get items my family can use or resell, so don't be shy to ask ❤️ the worst i can say is 'not at the moment'. Happy Poshing!! 🥳

42 others
like this

Hey there! :) Have you tried listing yet? Just tap "Sell", snap a few photos, and describe your item. It's super easy! Let me know if you have any questions or need help.
Aug 03Reply

Sep 06Reply

💖💖Welcome to Poshmark! 🤗 I recently added new items into my closet, I hope you’ll stop bye to visit me! 👗👙👕. I’m really excited you joined our Poshmark community to buy or sell! Here are a few of the brand I sell 🌸Ava & Viv, 🌼 Wild Fable, 🌺 Knox Rose, 🌻Universal Thread, and much more! 💖💖💖 Happy Labor Day Weekend! 🥳
Sep 06Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Oct 14Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Dec 02Reply

@safaia_bara Awww thank you so much also for your support!! I am such a huge Ghibli fan myself and I have a soft spot for noface 😆... plus Bob Ross!! I couldn't resist lol. I have another larger store, there's a link by my profile picture, if you ever see anything you like there just let me know and I'll bring it over to posh:) Thanks again!
Dec 13Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Commando, D&G, Dior, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Moschino, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Feb 11Reply

So glad your liked it and everything arrived in order, enjoy the extra games. Thanks for the order
Feb 26Reply

@2poshbaby23 My girls are so excited!! Everything was clean and packaged so well... it arrived so quickly:) Thank you for all of the extra goodies <3
Feb 26Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Mar 13Reply

Ciao Crystal! I’m so happy that you live all of the bracelets! Thank you so much for your purchase. I hope the “soon to be” big sister loves hers. Please come by anytime 😊💕
Apr 07Reply

@bellabostonposh Awww thank you so much! The first one was so pretty, I had to come back for one for me and my sister in law 🥰
Apr 07Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
May 09Reply

@metamorphoasis Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 10Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 19Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 29Reply

@eliberryjams I added some pics of Mae for Lily 🥰
Jul 20Reply

@metamorphoasis Awe to cute 🥰 I will show her before I go to work. Thankyou
Jul 20Reply

She said Awe so cute ☺️ 💗
Jul 20Reply

@eliberryjams ❤❤❤❤❤
Jul 20Reply

Hi Crystal, thank you so much for your sweet comment and the 5 star rating. I really appreciate it! 😊 You have such a nice closet! I didn’t realize you trade when you liked the items you purchased from me. I would have offered to trade with you.
Aug 18Reply

I have so much inventory that still needs to be posted. I have been slowly adding stuff over the past few days but I have so much more. I have more unlisted then I do listed. If your looking for some specific items let me know, I might have them. Let me know if you would be willing to trade. I totally understand if you don’t. 😊✌️
Aug 18Reply

@mindypnw Awww you are so sweet!! Thank you!! I love trading <3 My kiddos are always outgrowing their clothes, there's always a holiday or birthday I have to shop for, or occasionally just a want/need for something LOL so I'm pretty open! I have an ISO list that I am updating often that I'll tag you on <3 <3
Aug 18Reply

By the way you have a adorable family! Your girls are beautiful just like you! 💓😊
Aug 18Reply

@mindypnw Thank you <3!!! You have such a BEAUTIFUL family as well! (Not to mention some amazing artists ;) )I love when other poshers share photos of their babies :D That's the reason why we do any of this, isn't it? <3
Aug 18Reply

@metamorphoasis yes, my kids and grandkids mean everything to me! ❤️
You have your hands full with homeschooling and your schooling.
I will post some items on your wish list later this afternoon and then I let you know. 😊
Aug 18Reply

@mindypnw I honestly do not know what I'd do with myself if I didn't have a million things going on LOL. This is actually my secondary store, I have a larger store with the link listed under my 'About Me'. If you ever see anything over there that you like, I'd be happy to bring it over to posh for you! I'll be done with my degree in June and I have been debating going for another year after that LOL. We'll see where the world is taking us...
Aug 18Reply

@mindypnw Thank you so much :D I'll be trying to get some new items listed as well <3
Aug 18Reply

@metamorphoasis wow girl, I just checked out your beautiful pics! So, so pretty….you and the girls! ❤️
I can’t believe you juggle all that you do- truly something I aspire towards….especially the homeschooling and being a student yourself! I want to get my masters degree online next fall semester (that’s the goal anyways) but it seems impossible. You make it look easy ☺️ I need to copy your routine! Lol
Aug 19Reply

@juliekattke Awwwww 🥰!!! Thank you so so much!! How sweet of you! ❤🤗 My daughter I was talking with you about, Mae, she's the oldest in the pics, miss tall and skinny with the dinosaur lol. 🦕 I attend University of Phoenix Online, their tuition isn't bad compared to others and you only have to juggle 1 class every 5 weeks, which makes things a little more obtainable 😁
Aug 19Reply

Sooo beautiful and 2 girls (GOOD LUCK 😜LOL) i have one she’s 16 n killing me but boy are they just gorgeous. Seriously ur family n you r so perfect my soul sista 💗💗
Aug 30Reply

@deehelene Awww!!! Thank you <3!! You are so sweet :D My husband thinks there's too much estrogen in this house hahaha!
Aug 30Reply

@metamorphoasis I just got home from camp a bit ago. My son lives across the road & just brought my package over from you. The Amazon gifts. Thank you so so much!! I appreciate that tremendously. I was thrilled! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 05Reply

@busygirl88 Awww I am so happy you got them!! 😍
Sep 05Reply

To really do have the best closet!!! I love Eve you sell!! Hope to hear back from you!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Sep 19Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know !
Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Fall ~
Sep 25Reply

Beautiful family, shared a bunch of stuff :) Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Sep 29Reply

Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Oct 04Reply

🎃@bunnydrmz66 @lia_isabel @lovey_kenzie
Oct 26Reply

Dear Crystal💎💎💎💎
I'm Jennifer a Poshmark ambassador and artist.
Please explore my closet! *Vintage*,Jewelry, Contemporary,Ralph Lauren, Luxury, Women's, Mens, Kids, Home and original artwork.
Wishing you a happy, safe and joyful year❤️❤️❤️
Nov 19Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Nov 30Reply

hey, would you like to take a look at my closet and see if there are any items in there you'd be interested in for a trade?
Jan 15Reply

so good to see you at Tonight Show! It’s been a while, I have been busy with building my closet and spending too much money in live shows! Hope you are well, my friend, still using my products I bought from you and loving them all!
Jan 22Reply

@karen_alkemeyer Awwww so great to see you too!! I heard you won on one of the auctions last friday and got to host a live show through a friend!! Congrats!! I wish I had been there 💕
Jan 22Reply

@metamorphoasis yes! i purchased some items from @vsantis , a great seller, and was entered into a drawing for the opportunity to have a tray that she would run, I called at the Karen show, lol it was a huge success, we sold 30 of my items! Be sure and check out her show, she is awesome!
Jan 22Reply

@karen_alkemeyer Oh my gosh, yes, been loving her shows!! I heard it was incredible!! what an amazing opportunity right?!
Jan 22Reply

Hi, please let me know if you ever would like to trade I do have alot unlisted
Feb 08Reply

@pinkstarzz Hi 👋 ☺️ I saw tons of cute items in your closet!
Feb 08Reply

Very cute pictures 🙂
Feb 08Reply

@pinkstarzz Awwww!! Thank you ❤️ 😊
Feb 09Reply

Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet!✨✨✨Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! Have a wonderful day! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 22Reply

hey, hey did u get my message??
Apr 04Reply

Do you want me to save the burn book on the side for you for whenever next time you feel like tradeing
Apr 05Reply

@pinkstarzz Awww no go ahead and sell it hun 💕 I'll just keep my eye on it or maybe even buy it when I can ❤️
Apr 05Reply

just let me know if you ever can or want to trade again I'm always here I would of put it in your box but it's all sealed
Apr 05Reply

Thanks so much for the rating im so happy you guys liked everything ❤️ I'll be opening up your box today so watch for your rating 😊
Apr 13Reply

Hi, if and when you decide you would like to trade let me know
Jul 11Reply

Hi! I saw you had Sugar Goddess of Flawless mattifying sunscreen 5/$50, but I couldn't figure out how to order 5 of them so I just ordered 1. I'd love to buy 5 if you have them! Thanks
Jul 14Reply

Hello, how are you today) Hope you will find a minute to check my closet. Thank you, and have a wonderful week. Ivana 💛 @ivana_official
Aug 02Reply

Hi I just liked your store on other site it won't let me write the name so you know it's me lol would you be interested in any nail polish for the girls? they seem like fun colors and maybe for Halloween there all new in this long tube I have
Aug 03Reply

@pinkstarzz Awww thank you but the girls decided the paint their bathroom counter with their nail polish 😆 so we are down to nail wraps lol
Aug 04Reply

@metamorphoasis Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I'm offering free shipping on bundle orders! I'm also including 2 free gifts!
Aug 15Reply

@metamorphoasis helloo! I’ve missed you and your closet! I declined the most recent offer bc it has a $260+ offer in it meant for someone else! 😂💚😂
I love your new hair color! So vibrant and beautiful!
Aug 20Reply

@tracib2013 😆 hello hun!! No I'm just testing out this 'My Shoppers' settings and I have no idea what I'm doing 🤣 it sends the offers automatically so I'm sure it's spamming everyone 😅. How are you? 💕
Aug 20Reply

@tracib2013 Awww you're so sweet!! I wish it was my current color but it's an old pic ☹️ Just felt festive 😆 ❤️ 🎃
Aug 20Reply

@metamorphoasis well your inner beauty makes your outside sparkle! So your hair looks great no matter what!💚💎💐🤩
Aug 20Reply

@tracib2013 Awww thank you hun!! 💕 I was curious... did the automatic bundle offer come through for 40% off? I just saw someone only got offered like $1 off 😳😖
Aug 20Reply

Good Evening! please take a minute to check my Artisan Closet, hope you will find your little Treasure here 😻 Thank you for looking, Albina @modnaya_koshka
Sep 20Reply

@gothicgirl14 This is my beautiful friend that I would like you to meet. We met on here on posh she is such a sweetheart like you.
Sep 26Reply

@eliberryjams thank you!!! I feel so blessed to have met so many hardworking ladies. You all have such amazing closets and are willing to deal and trade. I look forward to checking out your closet @metamorphoasis
Sep 26Reply

@gothicgirl14 @eliberryjams Awwwww omg 💕 Thank you ❤️!!
Sep 26Reply

@_cutiepies see how my friend has hers
Sep 29Reply

Hi, I'm going to save all the other items you wanted and try to send them to you when I get a chance I'm so sorry I couldn't
Sep 30Reply

@pinkstarzz No worries!! :)
Sep 30Reply

Thanks for following!!💛🙌 Welcome to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing! ✨
Oct 11Reply

Hi please check out my closet, send me offers on anything
Dec 15Reply

I only added a few little things so far
Feb 01Reply

@metamorphoasis Well I just love 💕 all your photos!!! Beautiful family!!! Beautifully person you are 😘♥️✨
Mar 08Reply

^**Beautiful person you are!!! XO
Mar 08Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too! 🙋
Mar 10Reply

Hi Friend, question - do you know anyone who trades Bath & Body works - need a ton of hand soaps. Thank you 🙏 🥰
Apr 14Reply

@kks2001 Oooo yes... my beautiful friend Carolyn @carolynchamnes is a great person to check with and also my friend Gina @atrendylook also Samantha @stylishmommy23 💕
Apr 14Reply

@metamorphoasis thank you 🙏
Apr 14Reply

@metamorphoasis oh yes! I saw your love note for her and I knew she’d be OK :)
Apr 14Reply

@metamorphoasis awe thank you!! ❤️
Apr 14Reply

@metamorphoasis 😘🥰
Apr 14Reply

Hey girl it’s me Kristin ( pinkstarzz) I have a different profile closet now someone hacked me and got on my e mail stay in touch here
May 11Reply

Thanks for the rating my beautiful friend
Jul 02Reply

Aww, your just a Doll! Thank you for saying that! I LUV ALL of your photos and, Your Family is BEAUTIFUL 💜😇🩵
Aug 25Reply

Gosh Beautiful Lady, Thank you so much for all of the LIKES ♥️.
Your just a Doll! 🥰😇🦋
Aug 25Reply

@bucknersusieq Awwwww thank you so so much 💕 💞 ♥️ 🤗🥰 so are you!!
Aug 28Reply

@metamorphoasis Your very Welcome!
Aug 28Reply

Hey Beautiful 😍💕🩷💕
I am sorry I missed talking with you last night, I have been sicker than a dog with the flu the last couple of days, but feeling lots better today. I hope to see you soon. 😊🤗🥰🌸
Sep 14Reply

Hello, please check out my closet. I think your closet is absolutely fabulous. 😊❤️❤️
Feb 10Reply

Crystal would love to hear from you, as well as a young lady you know. Trina
3 days agoReply
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