Meet your Posher, Da Asha!
$3 $3
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Traveling through space and time to bring you items with a history.
Every piece has a story to tell, are you listening?
Zireael's Hav'caaren was started a few years ago from my love of unique vintage Fashions and decor. I Started accumulating too many items and decided what better way to get rid of them than to share them with like minded others!
That's why I'm always open to hearing offers even low ones. I believe communication is the most important thing and you won't know unless you ask. There's too many people on these apps with hateful qnd greedy attitudes. Yes, no one NEEDS a vintage or new dress but it does make you happy and sometimes that's all you need to make your day. All my items are packaged with love and care and Almost everything I pack with is reused.
Always looking for Shell Kepler Lacy Afternoon, and anything grunge fairycore cottagecore or victorian edwardian vibes, but Anything funky or weird too. Love 60s and 70s.

81 others
like this

Greetings, Taylor, and welcome to Poshmark! You are going to love this platform for buying and selling.
Aug 15Reply

Hi I’m having a 2 for $15 summer blowout sale. If you have a chance come check out my closet this weekend.😊
Sep 19Reply

You put a Paul Stewart jacket in a bundle. I gave you a price but haven’t heard back. It could’ve been an accident. No worries either way I just want to let you know I gave you a price and free shipping. Nancy r
Mar 06Reply

Your red hair is so very beautiful!
Mar 08Reply

@22crocheter22 thank you!
Mar 08Reply

Hello! Buy 1 🍒 item and get the 🍒 second free, no shipping discount will apply. Ends Sunday!
Mar 12Reply

Hello! Buy 1 🍒 item and get the 🍒 second free, no shipping discount will apply. Ends Sunday!
Mar 12Reply

Hello! Buy 1 🍒 item and get the 🍒 second free, no shipping discount will apply. Ends Sunday!
Mar 12Reply

thanks for the likes and the shares, babe your closet is bad as hell! xo
Mar 12Reply

@rosezephyr thank you!! you have a loot if great stuff!! mines empty compared to what I've got. I'm just slow lol
Mar 12Reply

Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for your purchase and I will be shipping it out Monday.
Mar 13Reply

@jlwin3911 thank you!! Im so excited!
Mar 13Reply

Omg HI! I ‘met’ you on m èrc ari! Sold you a button up floral print maxi I think 🥰🥰
Mar 13Reply

@featherandflame hey!! i remember you!! i can't use Mec anymore so I'm trying on here! ive been trying to find everyone i followed on here so I'm so glad
Mar 13Reply

@zireaelhavcaren I love posh! Have t been active for a while, there’s also d e p o p if you’re looking for another Avenue.
Mar 13Reply

@featherandflame im started to love posh now that i figured it out lol
Mar 13Reply

@featherandflame i tried d e p o p. but i cant accept payments
Mar 13Reply

because my p a y p a l isn't linked with a b a n k
Mar 13Reply

Hi! You liked an item in my closet. Please bundle and send me an offer. I offer a 15% discount on a bundle of 3 or more items. Plus you would need to pay just one shipping fee.
Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Mar 14Reply

Hi! Love your closet!! Everything in my closet is $2 off! If you bundle it makes it even more off😍 I ship same or next day!! Stay safe🤗
Mar 15Reply

Thanks for the Like on the Black Dress w/ Matching Belt :)
I sent you a Discount!!
If you have any Questions, feel free to ask me. Bundles of 3+ get a 10% Discount. Feel free to make Offers as well :)
Mar 16Reply

Hi, I just wanted to let you know I dropped your package off at the post office.
Mar 16Reply

@jlwin3911 awesome! thank you so much!
Mar 16Reply

Hi...thanks for the LIKE.
I have a CURRENT OFFER....
All Items priced at $10
or less ............BUNDLE 2
Items for only $10!!! 🌷
Or.....BUNDLE 3 Items for only $15!!!🌷
If that's of interest. 💕
Mar 17Reply

Thank you so much for sharing. My turn to share now. May you have a wonderful week or sales. Blessings to you and your family.
Mar 22Reply

thank you for your interest in my closet hopefully you find a piece that you can't live without I love to have you as a good customer thanks again and have a great day
Mar 22Reply

You, my dear, are a complete gem. I came on here to give you a HUGE THANK YOU for all your likes & sharing but then you captured me with your “about me pic” .... we are kindred spirits, I believe. Take care and wishing you all the best in luck with future sales! 🖤💖🖤
Mar 27Reply

@lwainscott aww thank you!! you have some of the coolest pieces!! i love fashion and especially vintage, i get lost for hours looking at items. so i always share stuff i really like because i want everyone to see it lol. good luck to you too!
Mar 27Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 🥰🙏💜
Mar 27Reply

@zireaelhavcaren hey hun the 2nd package is asking me to ship it lol but I shipped it with the other one sometimes the tracking doesn't update and its frustrating. I contacted poshmark that it's shipped but not tracking usually they can figure it out. It should arrive tomorrow unless there's some big issue but I doubt it. I'll keep you posted k 😊
Mar 28Reply

@twinkieheart you're good doll i have the tracking number for it on my infirmed delivery. it went to Florida for some reason lol
Mar 28Reply

@zireaelhavcaren what the heck why would it go to Florida lol the usps is weird right now. I'm praying it has the correct label on it I've only had that happen once before and it was a nightmare to figure out. hopefully it's not and it makes it there really soon 🥰
Mar 28Reply

@twinkieheart i know lol. sometimes they just put them on the wrong plane. ive had it happen to stuff i was sending like 5 hours away lol. but it should have the right label because it showed up in my tracking for usps.
Mar 28Reply

@zireaelhavcaren I sent you a private offer on the bundle of likes. Please also join me on my other accounts newandvintage65 and vintagelover45
Thank you ❤️
Mar 30Reply

‼️Thank you so much for the shares‼️
Happy Poshing! 🌸🌺🌹
Mar 30Reply

@evette212 thank you too! you have such awesome items!! i love it!
Mar 30Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 😎 👍🏽
Mar 31Reply

Hello::: my goodness you have great taste.. I’m so happy that you’ve found things to love in Dellanora..remember if your interested please feel free to make an offer on a bundle.. it might be hard to choose!!! Thanks also for all the incredible shares....Cathy
Apr 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and much success to you and stay safe thanks for visiting my wonderful closet 🎀😊😊🌺💕🛍🎈💌📫🏷
Apr 12Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi & thank you for the like. If you have any questions, please let me know
Apr 16Reply

@zireaelhavcaren love your closet and I appreciate your presence at mine as I’m getting started. You’re kiddos are stinkin adorable! All three! Love Adria’s style (assuming she’s the third pictured). And I swear... you and I could be cousins we look pretty similar AND clearly we both have a love for vintage and thrift. ❤️happy poshing:)
Apr 17Reply

@vntg__finds haha aww thank you!! yes she's the baby. she is always walkin around in some funky getup or makeup.
and i totally agree even the freckles! your 2nd photo looks just like me when i was like 21.
you have some amazing items, especially those books. i swear i could look thru heaps of old books for hours. They're my 2nd favorite next to vintage clothes.
Apr 18Reply

@vntg__finds oh and i hope you do well this time on Posh! i had over 400 sales on another and started all over here i lost all my photos and everything. its for sure a learning curve, since its like a social media store, and i suck at SM. lol
Apr 18Reply

@zireaelhavcaren amen I suck at social media. Don’t have a fb, insta..nothing. I LOVE old books too! If you ever wanna creat a bundle, I’ll give you the family bundle price;) I’m moving out of state and wanna downsize beforehand no price is ever fixed. Nice chatting with ya!
Apr 18Reply

You have beautiful hair 😊👍🏻
Apr 18Reply

@vntg__finds awesome thank you so much! you too!
Apr 18Reply

@terris3cats thank you! yours is so thick and pretty too!
Apr 18Reply

Thanks so much for stopping by my closet. You had a loot of likes. I will share your closet with my posh family. Let me know if you would like to bundle for additional savings. If you purchase 5 or more items I will cover the shipping. Let me know if you have any questions.
Apr 19Reply

@madposh1 thank you! the belts got me. i love love love vintage and funky belts.
Apr 19Reply

@zireaelhavcaren thanks. Please bundle the belts and I can ship today.
Apr 19Reply

Hello! I love your closet and style! Thank you for sharing!☺️☺️☺️
Apr 20Reply

@besupernatural thank you so much! you too! i love sharing awesome pieces!
Apr 20Reply

Thank you for all the awesome shares! Cute photos! 😀🌺☮️
Apr 24Reply

Hi!! Thanks so muxh for the shares!!🤗💙Hope you are having a lovely weekend!! Happy Poshing!!😍💜💕
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for your super sweet feedback!
Apr 27Reply

@jaxransom 😁 i was so happy when i got it. i put it on and wore it all day. it was a really awesome package to get! thank you again!
Apr 28Reply

@zireaelhavcaren ♥️
Apr 28Reply

Hey thanks for the like 🌹 just so you know I do discounts + discounted shipping on bundles of 3 or more, or feel free to send reasonable offers on anything else your interested in 💚
Apr 29Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi! Thanks for stopping by 🌹 if you’d like to bundle the vtg boots and the cutter blanket I’ll give you a sweet deal! 🌹
Apr 29Reply

@wrosegold ahh i wish i could! I've been searching for a chenille blanket and right before i saw it i spent my money lol.
Apr 29Reply

@bxbyymo thank you for letting me know. you have some really cute items.
Apr 29Reply

@zireaelhavcaren no worries beauty, it’s pretty special so it will end up in the right place 💝 at the right time 🔮♾🪄 🐇🐇🐇
Apr 29Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet! The items that you liked... Were you shopping or did you want to bundle any of them? Just let me know. Have a wonderful day!
May 02Reply

Hi Da Asha. It looks like you enjoy retro and vintage styles. I invite you to visit my closet. I have vintage and new in all various sizes. Thank you so much for taking the time.
May 03Reply

Thank you for the tremendous share bomb overnight! I’ve returned the favor this morning, and sent you an offer on the piece you bundled. Let me know if this works for you... Have a beautiful day! 🌻🌞
May 07Reply

@vtgcovergirl hey! i literally had to make myself stop because i was afraid it was too much hut you have some amazing items and i love looking through closets and sometimes i get stuck on one closet for hours lol
thank you so much!
May 07Reply

@zireaelhavcaren I do that too occasionally. Twenty years ago the was collecting pieces a lot like what you have now... (They’re super nice btw...) I love that they come with a provenance. Always a bonus! Hope your Mother’s Day is fabulous! The children are just adorable...
May 07Reply

Hi Da asha. A few days ago you liked several items in my closet. Today is closet clear out day, if you have a favorite item, I can mark it down today and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Let me know if you ate interested in this offer.
May 07Reply

@vtgcovergirl thats awesome! i love them but they're not my style anymore. thank you so much! i hope you have a great one too!
May 07Reply

@lovenarf hello! i have a piece im getting this weekend or i totally would. thank you
May 07Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Maybe another time. Please keep my closet in mind. I am open to offers.
May 07Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi, thank you for your purchase. I will ship to you tomorrow afternoon. Hope your having a great Mother’s Day! Enjoy!
May 09Reply

@now_own_this thank you! im really excited.
May 09Reply

Love the hair. Add additional items to bundle and get free shipping.
May 10Reply

Hey girlfriend!! 😮👋🏽😁, it’s Rosie 😂🌹♻️
May 10Reply

L~O~V~E your models!! 😉😁😁👍🏽❤️
May 10Reply

@rosierecycles hey!!! i seriously have been trying to see if you're here. theres a few people with the Rosie photo and its never you! lol
thank you! i have to force them sometimes.
May 10Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 🙀❤️ I was, for real, excited to see that it was YOU !! 🤣 I just joined a few weeks ago ... bribe them if you have to! 😉😂 I LOVE when people include personal stories and pics of their family 😄 it makes it so much fun 😆
May 10Reply

@rosierecycles haha i try it never works. i had to pay my oldest daughter to model for me the other day. she's 11 and shes my height and already fits in juniors small.
May 10Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 😆😉💰❤️
May 10Reply

Hi, you have beautiful red hair. 😃
Thanks for all the likes and shares. Provide a bundle and I’ll send you an offer or send me one. Hope you have a great night!
May 12Reply

@bellakscloset aww thank you!
May 13Reply

May 14Reply

bundle 3 items, pay 2 and the 3rd lesser price for free!
May 14Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi! I’m selling a vintage denim skirt super similar to the one you liked but for $25 less! Happy to accept an offer too 🥰
May 17Reply

Thanks for the like! Send over any offer and I will accept :) I can also def ship out tomorrow for ya!
May 18Reply

Hello.. thank you soooo much for this shares.
I greatly appreciate you!!! 😊
May 22Reply

@zireaelhavcaren I’m selling lots of vintage vinyl records on my page, please check it out
May 22Reply

Hey there! If you get a chance I’d love it if you could come by and check out my closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing:)
May 26Reply

Thx Da asha , for soooo many likes 😹🥰and shopping my closet .., Happy Poshing 💃👠😎❣️✌️
May 31Reply

Good evening! 🤗Thanks so much for the love & shares!!
Feel free to bundle any items and I can send an offer!
You have a fantastic closet & awesome style! ✌🏼🌈🤍🖤
Jun 01Reply

hey there friend!!! only ever seen you on M e r c but it’s so nice to see ya here! thanks for the love on the Flora Kung dress. i also have it listed over on M E R C so if ya wanna make a deal there we would probably both get a better price out of it! hope you’re doing well!! 💕✨🎉🌈
Jun 04Reply

@libeerobinson hey! i didnt even realize it was yours lol! i was skimming through for boots and it popped up lmao. I cant do Mr. Cari anymore sadly they banned me for basically no reason. i love it here but i for sure made more of a profit and could drop prices more.
i hope youve been doing awesome! i love finding my favorites on here
Jun 04Reply

Hi Da Asha,
Nice to meet you ❤️
Thank you for your visiting my closet.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the sage.
Everything is in stock and ready to mail asap.
Best regards,
Jun 08Reply

@randeescloset hello! you as well. you have an awesome closet
Jun 08Reply

Hello, you previously liked an item in my closet. I’m trying to clear out my bedroom closet to make room for more. Please bundle and make me an offer. I’m accepting incredibly low reasonable prices. Hope to hear from you soon.
Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Jun 09Reply

Hi Thank you for your bundle request of both beautiful mirrors. I had accepted your bundle request and gave your 25% discount at total overall $27 instead of $36. Welcome to submit order today and it will be shipping out on the same day
Jun 11Reply

I just saw you liked one of my purses. Please make me a reasonable offer .. I am ready to move it.
Jun 11Reply

Your closet is soooo cute! Love all your frog decor 😍
Jun 18Reply

@bb_vintage aww thank you!! my mother in law or the lady she took care of collected frogs, and i ended up with a bunch, my oldest daughter loves them but some of them she said creeped her out lol i have some more i havent listed even
Jun 18Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 🤣 that’s funny. Super cute!
Jun 18Reply

Thank you for all the likes! 🌸💕, and shares , have a wonderful day !
Jun 18Reply

I’ll be checking out your closet as soon as I get home tonight 🌸
Jun 18Reply

@beba19745 heyno problem! you have some really awesome dresses and stuff!! thank you!
Jun 18Reply

🎀Hello,You Beautiful Soul!🎀Thank You for visiting my boutique! I went ahead & sent you a special offer, which I hope you’ll consider. I do accept all reasonable offers/counters➕every purchase receives a lovely personalized thank you gift! 4an extra discount, bundle 2®️more items & receive an xtra 15%OFF!🎈TIP:🆓items hidden throughout my shop, see listings 4 details!
Jun 30Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Love Poshmark! Love how everyone has something different and open 24/7. Stop by anytime I have One Of a Kind handmade jewelry and more. @Twinsdesign
Jul 03Reply

@twinsdesign oh yeah for sure! me too! You have some very beautiful pieces
Jul 03Reply

I hope all is well with you and yours. Thanks much for your interest in my page. Feel free to make an offer on anything you like, and we can go from there. All offers are welcome. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, be blessed!
Jul 09Reply

@peggyluwet thank you Peggy for the offer but i wont be able to get anything today, maybe i can when you come back though.I hope you have a safe and fun trip!
Jul 10Reply

Happy you are happy!! 😁❣️😁
Jul 10Reply

JUST opened my package!! LOVE these 🐓🐓🙀🙀🤣🤣😍💋💋🌹
Jul 10Reply

@rosierecycles yay! i lvoed your review i giggled lol i am so happy to get this purse, its so so pretty, even my husband liked it which is rare. thank you so much!
Jul 10Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 😘 and thank you so much for your sweet card! 😁❤️🌹
Jul 10Reply

I’m gonna spray paint them to cover those little chips, I’ll post a pic when I hang them 😉🐓⚜️🐓
Jul 10Reply

@rosierecycles oh yeah that will look o good! cant wait to see them!
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for the shares! 💖✨
Jul 26Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 01Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! Love your closet!! 🤩 Happy Poshing! ✨✨✨
Aug 09Reply

@ohmyresale yw! i absolutely love some of the jewelry you have! so unique! yo utoo!
Aug 10Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Aug 13Reply

Hey girl‼️😁❤️🌹
Aug 20Reply

@rosierecycles hey! I hope you and your daughter are doing good!!
Aug 20Reply

@zireaelhavcaren We are! Same to you & your crew!! 😘❤️🌹
Aug 20Reply

Thank you for the likes! Awesome closet!!!!🙌❤️
Aug 26Reply

@thrivinonthrift hey! you too, you have such cute stuff i wish i would have looked through it sooner!
Aug 26Reply

Thank you for all the ❤❤❤ Stay safe and stay blessed 💞
Sep 04Reply

@ladybug992 aww yw! I love holiday stuff! thank you, safe travels and blessed be!
Sep 04Reply

I saw you liked some from my closet and just wanted to let you know that I lower all prices on bundles!!! Have fun shopping! 🧡
Sep 15Reply

Thanks so much for likes on our beautiful masks! They really look great all together! Feel free to bundle them up anytime so I can send you a great offer! Let me know if you have any questions too! Stephanie
Sep 16Reply

Hi! Thank you for all the shares and for offering your support!! Love your closet!!! ❤️
Sep 16Reply

Wow you have been a busy bee in the past year on PM. What an eclectic closet you manage plus a gorgeous family to tend. Thank you for all the Likes and Shares! Much appreciated. 🌴🌺 Michèle
Sep 18Reply

@leapandfly hello! I love sharing cool stuff I find. sorry if it sent you a bunch of notifications. none of my friends are into vintage and fashion like I am so I love the share button
Sep 19Reply

@leapandfly you have an awesome closet!
Sep 19Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Thank you! I have a 90yo mom and bonus Mom who had to downsize their closets. Still so much to list!
Sep 19Reply

@leapandfly aww that's awesome you're helping them out! tell them I like their style! I'll make sure to keep an eye out on your closet for more stuff
Sep 19Reply

If you see anything please make me an offer
Sep 19Reply

Heh there! U have a beautiful family, & I also have a daughter named Adria!
Like minds. I see u Posh-loved a couple vests in my closet. If interested PLEZ consider Bundling for best pricing. I’ll wait awhile b4 responding, otherwise I’ll do them separately. Take care pretty lady & come visit again! Cher
Sep 20Reply

@sharealike hello, I was actually trying to find the matching pants, and found them but they don't match the top I was trying to get a whole outfit for unfortunately.
but that's freaking awesome because I have never met another Adria at all. we actually couldn't come up with a name but knew A was it, and then Diablo 3 came out and the villain was named Adria lol
Sep 20Reply

hi sweet posh como look a my beautiful ❤️ closet I have some beautiful silver plated mirror and brush and comb vintage very fast delivery
Sep 22Reply

Hello, I seen that you liked something from my closet. Feel free to send me an offer. Let me know if you have any questions
Sep 22Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi, thanks for visiting & liking one of Wen's vintage earrings that I've listed. More are coming shortly.😊
Sep 26Reply

@msistersm hello, they're very beautiful. my grandmother used to wear earrings like them and I just love them. I'll keep an eye out for when you list more.
Sep 26Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hi Da. Thank you. Your grandmother obviously had beautiful, classy taste. Independent artists were always everywhere (so it seemed) making many earrings as they were selling their finished products. They really had a lot of personality (I just added a couple more)
Sep 26Reply

@msistersm haha yes she's very classy. she's where I got my love for fashion and jewelry from. that's awesome, pieces made from love and care are the best
Sep 26Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Thank you for sharing all of your interests & photos! You're lucky to have good looking live models😊, and they are lucky to have a mom with eclectic, funky taste. Did you see her collection of vintage purses?
Sep 26Reply

@msistersm aww thank you. I'm glad you get to share your wife's as well. she was very beautiful. I did! they are so pretty! I love the metal ones.
Sep 26Reply

Hi. Thank you so much for the shares. Why don’t you bundle all the items you like and let me quote you an amazing offer? You are so appreciated!! 🌺🌺🌺
Sep 28Reply

Hi. Thanks for the shares. You have an amazing closet.
Oct 10Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
Oct 13Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners!
HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Oct 13Reply

@sandycupcake tha k you!
Oct 13Reply

@amber2286 thank you!
Oct 13Reply

Congratulations on your win! That’s Awesome 😄🌺. While poshing please visit my closet. Newly added items. Offers always welcome!!
Oct 13Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular, please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Oct 13Reply

Hi hun! Congrats on winning Deal Days! Feel free to browse my closet if you're looking for anything specific and I'm always offering deals! Have fun spoiling yourself!😉🥳🤗
Oct 14Reply

Feel free to send me an offer. I am trying to clear out my closet so I will accept any offers. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Oct 29Reply

I’m still open to offers
Oct 30Reply

Your closet is absolutely adorable!! You're a Posher after my vintage heart!! Have a great week. Sharing your cute stuff for hopes of quick sales. ❤️ 💕 💝
Nov 15Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares and likes...bundle them and I'll give you a great deal!!! Thanks again!!
Nov 23Reply

Bundle you "likes" in 2 bundles please for shipping purposes. If you purchase all of your likes I will offer a much larger discount than the 30% off sale!
Dec 01Reply

How do your trades work?
Dec 11Reply

@clothingfreek hello! I'm open to whatever the other person usually does or wants to. but the beat way on poshmark that I have found is to add everything into a bundle and then offer it for $3+7.99 shipping, which is the lowest price you can do. So the total for each person would be about $11. or make a listing for $3 with the trade items in description. Basically each person is paying for their own shipping. if you have any other questions just let me know!
Dec 11Reply

I’ll be checking you out during the holidays! Thanks for looking at my closet. Happy holidays
Dec 17Reply

Hello. I hope you are doing well. ☺️ I'd like to invite you to check out my cool & eclectic closet. THE PURGE IS ON! Everything MUST GO! I'm trying to CLOSE my closet by the end of the year! I have another venture that needs all of my attention! It involves orphans and foster children. 🥰
So, if you see something(s) that you like, put it in a 'Bundle, as I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. I'll even sweeten the deal...✌️❤️
Dec 23Reply

thanks for adding my sweater with the cardinals to your bundle. It's worth much more than $25, so I just can't take less.
Jan 26Reply

make me literally ANY offer on anything in my closet and and it's yours! same offer goes for ANY bundle! accepting ANY and ALL offers! welcoming our new baby and need all inventory gone sale! 🥰👶❤️
Feb 20Reply

Hi there! I sent you a discount offer =) Let me know if you have any questions! ~Dee
Mar 07Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 01Reply

Hello, Thanks for all the likes and shares. You have a great closet,lovely family, and a beautiful soul.
Apr 05Reply

@zireaelhavcaren hi and welcome to my closet. why pay shipping for only 1 item. bundle and save! 25% OFF any 3 or more listings. all $10 & under listings are 4 for only $20. let me know if you have any questions. I wrap with care and ship fast.
Apr 17Reply

Hello. $4.99 DISCOUNT SHIPPING starts at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time TODAY. 😁 Plus, every purchase you make today, is an entry to win $500!
I will be lowering all my prices for your shopping pleasure.👍 I am closing my closet ASAP, purging all inventory, so everything MUST GO!
Please shop on by.
Apr 21Reply

hello lovely! are you still interested in the ‘boho fringe’ top/dress/tunic? i’m happy to give it to you for what you offered. xx/carly
May 12Reply

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking my items! I’ve sent you an offer on the two that you added to a bundle. Feel free to add anything else you’re considering and send me an offer if you like 💜😊☀️😎
Jun 09Reply

Hi Da Asha. Thanks for licking my Cinema vintage nightgown. Since today is closet clear out day, I can reduce it to $26 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you would like this offer.
Jun 17Reply

Or, if you prefer the vintage Victoria’s Secret nightgown, I can reduce that to $11 and you will get discounted shipping.
Jun 17Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 19Reply

Absolutely beautiful closet!!! 😍👏🏼🤍
Jul 01Reply

Love your closet! I grew up in the 60s 70s and still have have things from that era. Plus I still dress vintage, it’s one of the things I love about PM. You can find those unique one of a kind pieces you won’t find anywhere else. Check back with me as I said I have to get rid of inventory I’m drowning in it! Also decline my offer and make you own bundle if you want and I’ll give you a deal. Take care. Cindi ♥️
Jul 18Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet❤️I wanted to let you know that my most popular sale is BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!! 3 for $25 EVERYTHING is eligible 🎉 As you already know, I have TONS of items in my closet. Hurry before your favorite items sell out.
Jul 22Reply

@zireaelhavcaren hi..thanks for bundling that blanket jacket is super rad! I don’t know how to send private offers but feel free to send an offer
Jul 23Reply

Hey posher !! Huge sale in my closet !! PINK VICTORIA SECRET, FABLETICS, LULULEMON, FREE PEOPLE, NIKE , MAKEUP, SKINCARE and more !! Come check it out!! Happy poshing 😊🛍
Jul 25Reply

Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Jul 26Reply

@zireaelhavcaren Hiiiii! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my closet!
Create a bundle and save!
2+ items you’ll receive 10% off your bundle
Only found one item?!? Make a reasonable offer!
Happy Shopping! 🙂
Jul 28Reply

Hello! Thanks for all these f the likes and shares! You have a beautiful closet.
Jul 30Reply

@naturallyunfold aww thank you! you have such cool stuff! I had to make yself stop looking
Jul 30Reply

Thank you!
Jul 30Reply

Hi. thankyou for the like on the dress. I made you an offer but I have a better one in mind. I'm having a BOGO on 10.00 items and under but I could offer you this dress for 12.00 and you can have any item 12.00 and under for FREE. I marked down several of my items to 10.00 for the BOGO but their definitely worth more but I'm trying to clear out some inventory. If your interested make me an offer. if not no worries and have a great day!! Thanks!!
Aug 07Reply

😁💋 How are you⁉️
Aug 08Reply

I'm taking all reasonable offers
Aug 12Reply

thanks for all the shares and likes. if you see anything please make me an offer
Aug 12Reply

Hi and good morning, thank you for the like on the Haunted House candle holder. I do consider all offers.
Aug 16Reply

Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time! Accepting all offers :) Thank you so much!
Aug 17Reply

Hi and thank you for the like of my Simplicity 6205 Girls Historical Costumes sewing pattern, and thanks for checking out my closet. Shoot me an offer and let's talk. AND THANKS FOR ALL THE SHARES!!! 😊💖😁✨🌈 Have a wonderful day! And Happy Poshing!
Aug 17Reply

Aug 17Reply

Aug 17Reply

@criscolescloset hey! I love old sewing patterns! especially the cool costume ones. I am browsing for now sadly. but if anything changes I'll shoot you a message. thank you!
Aug 17Reply

@zireaelhavcaren 😊👍👌💖 Thanks. I appreciate that. Best of luck!
Aug 19Reply

Hello! I hope this isn't rude, or poor etiquette but by any chance did you purchase the leather fisherman bag quite a while ago? It is my greatest Poshmark regret, so I thought I'd do my best to reach out to the likers to find the purchaser and inquire about it. thank you so much!
Aug 22Reply

@aardvarkannie hello! I just saw your comment. I didn't I'm sorry. did you look under the sellers ratings? sometimes I've been able to find things re listed by looking there. I hope you find it! I hate that feeling!
Aug 23Reply

I love your kids pictures and your description of the cost vs value of vintage! As I’m about to de-list my vintage jewelry!
Sep 04Reply

thank you for the likes. I give awesome bundle deals and send freebies.
Sep 08Reply

Good evening! I saw your bundle, and I was planning on extending an offer to you, but the system won’t let me. Feel free to submit an offer if you are interested. I am open to reasonable offers! Have a great night!🌸
Sep 14Reply

beautiful pictures nice closet hope you are well and in good spirits .Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.expires 09.18.22
Sep 14Reply

Just popped in to say hello. Have a great day and happy poshing. Why not check out my closet too?
Oct 14Reply

Thanks for shopping! My BOGO sale ends Monday evening! Grab ypur favs!
Oct 23Reply

Hey sweets! come check out my Diggs! I am a 5 star rated top 10% seller on here & I think you'll like my shop a lot!💝
I sell y2k revival👻 goth☠, fairy grunge🧚♂️💀 alt😈 egirl⭐ mall goth🕸 Victorian goth💋🖤 cybery2k💌 kawaii🍓 punk😵 trippy hippie 🍄 boho ✌️ and trendy🔥 styles as well as custom RAGE products like OOAK festival skirts🤖 dark humor tees🤬 & fandom themed embellished jackets!🤌 check me out doll!
Nov 25Reply

Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 2 items & receiving your 3rd item free at equal or lesser value. 🥰😌
Nov 29Reply

Poshmark would not let me make any more offers to you with no response. Nightgown is available if you want to buy.
Dec 19Reply

Thank you for all the Shares 🤗 I Love Your Style & Spirit! Looking forward to Poshing w/ you Sweet Soul Sister☮️🌻
Feb 18Reply

Thanks for the Like on the Vintage 80's Avon Fashions Golden One-Piece Swimsuit 💛 :)
I Sent you a Discount!!
If you have any Questions, feel free to ask me. Bundles of 3+ get a 10% Discount. Feel free to make Offers as well :)
Mar 31Reply

Da amazing Beautiful pictures 💘 ,nice closet . Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50.00 or replenish your inventory.expires 04 18.23. Check out the poshmark videos on YouTube,l 've found them helpful in increasing my sales.
Apr 17Reply

Hi Da Asha, thanks for visiting my closet and finding something you like. The 3 pc jewelry set is a bargain for a little over $15 for each piece! The long vest is NWT. Can't find these items in any mall.
Apr 26Reply

Hi! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & receive your 3rd item free at equal or lesser value! 😊🎉
Apr 30Reply

Loved reading your story! 😃😃 Betty
May 02Reply

@bettyboopertoo thank you!
May 03Reply

Jun 22Reply

Hi Da Asha. I saw on Poshmark that you have liked Erika dresses in the past. Would love you to visit my closet where I have several vintage Erika’s plus 1000+ other items that could be of interest to you. Thanks for taking a few minutes to stop by.
Jul 04Reply

I will try and remove swim suit from bundle and reduce price. If I can take item out of your bundle, Poshmart will give you a reduced shipping cost for 6 hours.
Jul 14Reply

Wasn’t able to get the Poshmart reduced shipping cost, but did reduce price of swim suit you liked.
Jul 14Reply

🌄 G'Day Da Asha !
START by adding ONE item to BUNDLE and add a BUNCH of YOUR LIKES
SAVINGS up to 65% off individual
list prices
🧸 Cynthia
Aug 27Reply

Your closet is very fun - like walking through a cool museum 💝
Thanks for liking my horse items,
Oct 29Reply

Hello ,
Poshmark Is A Great Place For
Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝
Stop By and Shop🛍️
Our New Selections Of
Beautiful & Unique Items
Womens Mens Kids Fashion
Holiday & Home Decor
🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗
@enchantedshores 👑🏰💖
Enchanted Shores
Mar 05Reply
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