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Updated Oct 20
Updated Oct 20

Meet your Posher, Danielle

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Danielle. Some of my favorite brands are torrid, Lane Bryant, and Catherines. I love ❤️💕sterling silver medieval antique and very original items. We are a smoking home 🚬 We also have Pets 🐁🐍🐶🐱Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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chrissyfurb Hey, sorry I saw your inquiry about the charms authenticity. I thought it was Pandora as it fit on my bracelet, but my mom said she can not remember for certain whether she bought it from the store. I do not know much about the brand, but I should looked into the matter before listing.The charm came with the ring as a gift. Please let me know if there is anything I can do, as I want to make this right, and I do apologize for the inconvenience.
Sep 29Reply
designbyyilda Hi Danielle, Welcome to Posh. It is a very fun and social site. I am one of the Posh ambassador if I can help let me know. I see we share a common love for Disney. If you choose to sell on Posh focus on sharing your closet several times a day. Don't decline a low ball offer either counter or let it expire. It hurts your ratings when you decline. If you choose just to buy. Please be considerate with your offers. Hope you enjoy Poshing. Happy shopping🤗
Oct 11Reply
gracefullymade1 Hi, I haven’t received my order yet. Status just shows shipped but no update on location. Should I have received it already? Poshmark is giving me option to cancel the order. Is everything ok on your end? Please let me know.
Oct 24Reply
daniellewild81 @jyoungj26yahoo it was shipped I apologize I had a death in the family I literally shipped it yesterday just got back home yesterday I threw in some free goodies in your box due to the wait but you will definitely have it soon
Oct 24Reply
gracefullymade1 @daniellewild81 oh ok, thank you. I’m sorry for your loss. Prayers n blessings. Take good care of yourself.
Oct 24Reply
daniellewild81 @jyoungj26yahoo thank you so much 😊 I hope you like your goodies and the hoodie
Oct 24Reply
bargainfancy 🦃🧡😁🦃. Welcome to Posh and Happy Thanksgiving! I am here to help if you need! I am checking out your closet and hope you will check out mine too! Bundle with me and receive a special discount! Happy POSHing! 🦃🧡🧡🦃🦃
Nov 27Reply
daniellewild81 @bargainfancy awe thanks hun! You also!!! Following and shared!
Nov 27Reply
eebiestyle Hi there Danielle! I have a weird question for you. I had a blue face turquoise and silver watch from your closet that I had saved and was about to purchase, and now I can’t find it anywhere in your listings! I was going to purchase it today. Is it still available? Thanks! ❤️
May 23Reply
daniellewild81 @eebiestyle no Ma'am it sold lastnight on another platform sorry hun i post things on multiple sites atm its my family's only income
May 23Reply
eebiestyle @daniellewild81 Noooooo! Ahhh I should have been faster. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It was a beautiful piece. Thanks for your quick response. Congratulations to you and happy sales! ❤️
May 23Reply
daniellewild81 @eebiestyle sorry hun! I do have a beautiful sterling silver watch band I haven't posted yet with mother of pearl
May 23Reply
eebiestyle @daniellewild81 ooh I’d love to see it! Will you message me when you post it please? Thank you!
May 23Reply
daniellewild81 @eebiestyle yes ma'am i will post it tomorrow
May 23Reply
daniellewild81 @eebiestyle I apologize for the delay but I have posted it i misplaced it had to find it
May 27Reply
shellia_harrow have you shipped the dressbarn sandals yet? it's been about a week. I'm really looking forward to wearing them!
Jul 25Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow they were picked up this evening
Jul 25Reply
shellia_harrow @daniellewild81 what do you mean picked up? like shipped?
Jul 26Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow yes they pick up my packages it’s a scheduled pickup as I sell on 6 platforms so instead of driving an hour away to drop off they pick up once a week
Jul 26Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow unfortunately they pick up and don’t always scan right away it will probably be scanned Monday I saw you liked lane Bryant and torrid what sizes? I have a bunch not posted
Jul 27Reply
shellia_harrow I'm usually about a 22.
Jul 27Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow let me look I’m not sure if I have something that small usually 24 26 28 or 4 5 6 in torrid
Jul 27Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow Hey hon I have no idea why that package has not been scanned yet I am terribly sorry hopefully it will be scanned soon all my other packages were scanned except for yours if you purchase anything else for me in the future because I have a terrible memory remind me about this situation so I can add a freebie to your box
Jul 28Reply
shellia_harrow will do thanks!!! I'm going to start posting my stuff this week. :) I'm new to this. where are you from?
Jul 28Reply
daniellewild81 @shellia_harrow New York and I JUST got the notification it started tracking YAY!!
Jul 28Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 I’m fighting with the postmaster because they’re saying it’s over the dimensions allotted I’m supposed to get an answer tomorrow
Oct 07Reply
slister07 The nightmare before christmas greeters
Oct 07Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 i’m having a really big problem trying to get these shipped post office is not allowing me to ship them the dimensions I am going to go to another post office it’s about 30 minutes away in the next town I will make sure that these get shipped to you I am so sorry that people are being difficult I have now taken them out of the box and wrap them in craft paper and taped the living hell out of them so no damage it so that it makes it slightly smaller
Oct 10Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 I am working very diligently to get you your items I need to greatly apologize for the inconvenience due to the dimensions I have argued with the postmaster and everything one way or another I will get these to you
Oct 10Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 Poshmark won’t allow me to the only allow Usps unfortunately but I’m low to the other town post office here shortly it’s 30 mins away
Oct 10Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 you pay posh Mark for shipping so I have to ship through Poshmark And they only allow Usps but let me try this to the post office today and I’ll let you know here shortly I’ve never have I had such difficulty shipping some thing
Oct 10Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 they took it! Waiting for it to register
Oct 11Reply
slister07 Thank you very much. I was about to give up hope. 😬🤞
Oct 11Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 I went to 3 different places but I got em out!
Oct 11Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 Post office must be slacking they just started tracking Maybe because of Columbus Day I don’t know I hope it gets to you on time I really went through hell to get it to you I hope he’s happy happy anniversary honey
Oct 14Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 there was NO box big enough that poshmark would ACCEPT and I PAID the extra shipping I made $23 off that order I went to 3 post offices because it was oversized I went above and beyond to get that to you I can’t believe you did that and bad ship time?
Oct 19Reply
daniellewild81 @slister07 I had absolutely NO CONTROL over how long it took to ship once the post office had it ALL mail is being delayed please don’t ever purchase from me again as I have a ton of nightmare before Christmas items being posted I will cancel the order
Oct 19Reply
cutehosiery @daniellewild81 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 18Reply

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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Middletown, NY
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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Middletown, NY
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