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Updated Feb 08
Updated Feb 08

Meet your Posher, Dawn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dawn. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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mlejea and 15 others like this
martinbd6029 Hi, I hope that you will check out my closet
Aug 22Reply
hobodog @martinbd6029 oh Hi yes I will and thanks for my first sale👍
Aug 22Reply
debbiedarrell Good morning Dawn, First I want to thank you for your purchase. Also wanted to share with you that when you see multiple offers on your “liked” items you don’t have to “decline”them as they will automatically cancel out in a certain timeframe. We will all send offers to all offers of our individual liked items and not just picking you out to force a purchase. This was confusing to me when I was new to Poshmark. Just want to help you understand why you see those come through. Hope this helps🩷
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell thank you so much for sharing that info💞👍
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I appreciate all your knowledge and help thank you again😘
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog You are so welcome. I didn’t have time to pack your order last night so it is being picked up In the morning. Since we both live in the same state you should receive it in a few days.If there is anything I can help with please message me. 🫶🏼🩷
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell no hurry at all! Thank you for sharing my items
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell do I message you here? If I have any questions
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell want to know all my options since I’m a newbie to the posh world❤️
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Yes you can. I don’t know all the answers so as you heard last night Im always asking questions:) I just love helping others if I can.
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell More tips-You can share all items by bulk just scroll down on the share screen and that way they all go at once.Get a picture of something you like add description put your closet name on and zero the price out send that to your followers to bring them to your closet. It’s like doing a listing but Add NOT FOR SALE where they see the first description! Anything to send out will bring people to your closet AND it adds an “item” to your closet for your numbers to go up! Hope this helps:)
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell all the info you can give me will definitely help me out
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell One more thing,, There are several scammers on trying to say they can’t get good pictures and ask you to send them by text BEWARE they are trying to get into your account! I don’t respond and Poshmark told me to go on their closet and top right click report and block and I always take a screenshot of it and send to Poshmark customer service so they can ban them. It just happened to me again and wanted you to know.
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell more info I know better I am keep it coming thank you👍💞
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I do find it takes a lot of time not to post stuff but looking at the shows looking at the information checking peoples closets🤣time consuming but FUN
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog You got it! I feel like I’m bombarding you but I know I’m all ears when it comes to any kind of help.
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Yes posting and waiting on your items to be auctioned off are the worst things about it. I just added 5 more items today so my inventory grows. I have soo much I need to list but Ugghh it’s no fun. Some people have thousands of items in their closet. Lol
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I’m starting out slow for now! Building up my followers and sharing out at the moment🤣
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell omg not at all sometimes I get stuck when it comes to the bundle thing
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell am I pressing the right button to do this to get to that all over the place lol
Aug 28Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog I think your doing great!
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell oh thanks for the vote👍of confidence-like they say every day you learn something new🌺
Aug 28Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell sorry have to vent what a dumb mistake!! I reached out to the buyer she hasn’t answers me I definitely do not want that jogging suit geez
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Go on your purchase and cancel it. They give you 3 hrs to cancel! Poshmark will notify her and she won’t get your payment. Do it now
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell how do I do tgst
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog I think when I go to your purchases click that and it will show it. Should be a cancel button
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell Go to your purchases select that order and look for problems/inquiry and hit accidental order!
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell Make sure you hit YES at the end to cancel
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I got to that point and tried to cancel I tried to reach the seller they didn’t answer and proceeded to posh support prob wrong thing to do Posh said no!!! Error Purchases made with auctions cannot be cancelled due to accidental purchase
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell that’s what I should have done from the beginning ridiculous
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Try again. Go to your purchase Click the order and problems /inquiries and hit acccidental purchase and yes. Someone did it to one of my sales the other day! You get 3 hrs.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog I left a message with the seller to reach out to me in the morning
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell I know it can be done!
Aug 29Reply
hobodog So mad
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog That will be too late
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I contacted support first then went to cancel prob why there saying No.
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog It’s so frustrating I know. I’m sorry. I wish I could help🥲
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I did after the fact
Aug 29Reply
hobodog I guess it’s up to the seller now if they will cancel it
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Let me try again
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog That’s awful. How much was it? At least be looking in the sellers closet for something you can use for IF they message you back!Thats what I would do!
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I tried again it was $25 just what they asking for It
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell I was giving my cat a treat one night while on a live and hit that bid button and heard them congratulating me. I didn’t even know what I did. It was for a mystery box of 4X clothes! Luckily the lady offered to cancel for me!Its a horrible feeling. I’m so scared of that button now!
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Went to the order-accidental purchase and it clearly says you have 3 hours to cancel tried again Said same thing as before
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog They should have had some respect and told you on the live! Must not be a hood posher. Sad for you.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I know I moved I was sitting in my bed and next thing I know I was the winner🎉🎉
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Ughh the feeling is so bad. I know from experience
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I know they were gone Immediately I reached out in a second
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell all I can do at this point is see if she reaches out to me in the am
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Yes that’s about all you can do. I wish I could have helped you. Let me know what they say or if they answer you.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell thank you so Much for listening I have a big headache now
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Maybe I’ll leave one more message about trading it for something else
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog You are so welcome. Don’t let it stress you too much. If you do get stuck with it then re posh it but add your shipping to what you paid so you don’t lose money. Hope your headache goes away. Have a goodnight. Talk tomorrow. 🩷🫶🏼
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell good morning well as I expected no response from the seller this is her user name @thats_vogue check out her closet not too much to choose from🤭thank goodness it was only $25 but still annoying. She also has a flyer 1st image in her closet talking about cancellations give me a shout out after you look at it
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Wait a sec I went to her closet and it’s different now WTH
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Maybe try thats_vogue
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Sorry to be a pest it should be @thats_vogue
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Not getting it when I go there from my purchase I can pull it up idk this poshmark😡
Aug 29Reply
hobodog This is her flyer Please Read: I am extremely tired of “accidental” purchases. I understand it happens but constantly is not my fault. Please consider sellers. Therefore, I am no longer canceling purchases. It you know how to bid, you know how to buy. You can always Reposh. Thank you. And this was updated 10 hours ago.
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Wow That’s just bad business period! I bet she posted that after she seen your message and heard us asking on the live! That’s why she was quiet! That really makes me angry for someone to have such a nasty attitude. Make SURE you give her a rating letting buyers know how she conducts herself.I will see if I can do something to let everyone know how bad her credibility is. I don’t like that..
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell I know it’s not crazy. I was flabbergasted by that.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog So so
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell after the sale, she disappeared. That was a bad business.
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell It says she hasn’t been on Posh since 2020. I didn’t find that statement in her closet. She has not shared one single time and everything in her closet says “Sold”. This is a strange thing!
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell are you sure you’re on the right site?
Aug 29Reply
hobodog She’s doing a show August 31
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Wrong site there’s another vogue
Aug 29Reply
hobodog I can only pull it up when I go to my purchase, which is strange
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Can we get to shows that are dated for August 31?
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog You can’t re run shows that have already ran. That’s unfortunate and I really wish we could.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell no her show is scheduled for Aug 31
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog I’m sorryI read that wrong. I’m thinking and preparing for this hurricane and don’t even know what day it is🙃 You can find her show and “save” it.
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Debbie I’m so sorry you got involved in this drama you have enough to worry about your sick husband🙏and the storm etc. it’s prob all my fault I made the stupid mistake of hitting the buy button by accident which baffles me?!? most likely she would have canceled the order but when she didn’t respond right away I then went on to hit the 3 dots and got posh support involved; more than likely then she posted the cancellation banner!! another mistake-another lesson learned🤣
Aug 29Reply
hobodog In this POSH world
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell yes I’ll do that. I left you a lot of messages did you get them
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Awe it’s okay. I just don’t like people like great one and I’m always here to help if I can. I was up all night for the fourth night in a row. I’m g to try and get a few hrs sleep before the storm hits because I know It may exhume more energy that I just don’t have. I get migraines when I’m tired. I got up at 3:30 AM to put your package out so the mailman would get it . It’s already showing you should get it in Thursday ( unless the storm causes delay). I appreciate you 🫶🏼🩷
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell oh Debbie you didn’t have to send it out so fast! Go get some have more than gracious to me😇my guardian angel
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell God Bless and be Safe!!!
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog You are so precious and I thank you for your kind words. I wanted you to have it asap. I hope you enjoy it🩷🫶🏼♠️
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell hey Deb I’m sure I will🤍♠️💞🩶absolutely love it coming from you😇
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell also wanted to let you know the beotch “did I say that out loud”created a shipping label at 3 am ish and shipped her out
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell posh did reach out to me I explained to them what happened and that she never had the common decency to message me anyway that’s enuff of that biz pisses me off but not everyone is nice like us.. love you lady🩷😇♠️🩷I’ll catch you at Ashley’s show??
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog Ughhh That really makes me so mad. She sure did make sure she didn’t have to lost that sale😡..I tell you IF it arrives any other than what it should DO NIT accept it and take pictures. Also I would NOT accept it so she has to wait the full Four days to get her money and after that I would make sure I give her a bad rating as she left for you!
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell the thing is I wasn’t even paying attention at that minute when it happened! Did she give me a bad rating idk what she thinks
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell what did should be I don’t even know because I wasn’t even looking at it
Aug 29Reply
hobodog It should be
Aug 29Reply
hobodog @debbiedarrell when it arrives , I will take pictures and inspect it carefully and possibly refuse it
Aug 29Reply
hobodog Don’t even know the brand don’t know anything about it
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell @hobodog She can’t rate you! BUT you can rate her and I would! I don’t even know what it looks like either but think it’s a sweatsuit. I’m hoping it’s good and maybe you will like it. I’m very curious about it as well. Even when posh says “please accept “ don’t and she will have to wait till Posh releases the funds! I had a girl cancel a purse because she was mad that I asked for tracking # and sent me nasty message and even BLOCKED me!I got it anyway and posh had to step in to get my pmt.
Aug 29Reply
debbiedarrell I just checked on the girl that did that to me and she deleted her entire account so my rating would go away and now I can’t re comment because she blocked me. This girl is very young! Omg some people.
Aug 29Reply
thriftwgrace MAY I SHARE MY CLOSET WITH YOU? Hello, I’m just stopping by to say Hi and missed you! Whenever you have the time, please visit my closet as you may see something that makes you smile. (We have a few smaller sizes too!) Thanks much, Grace. @thriftwgrace
Sep 04Reply
aneta_r Hi, I clicked by accident can you please cancel my order
Oct 10Reply
ginnycallaways Hi there! I’m so sorry but I accidentally sent you a bundle that was meant for someone else. Please disregard. Thanks so much! 😕
Oct 16Reply
cutehosiery @hobodog Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 28Reply
brandauthentic Hey my dear💗 We're @Brandauthentic, your trusted source for designer bags👜 As a leading company, we're excited to offer you exclusive access to our live shows with unbeatable discounts of over 50% off our page prices💥 Our extensive inventory features 100+ items sold daily, and we add 200+ new arrivals every day🆕 Don't miss your opportunity to elevate your style to the next level✨ Follow us to stay in the know and never miss our incredible deals. Your fashion journey upgrades here🛍️
Jan 25Reply
phillyndahouse Hi there! What show are you talking about?
Apr 27Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🤗🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Our Closet Has Something For Everyone! 💖Womens 💖 Mens 💖 Kids New Boutique Rare Vintage Retro Fashion Clothing Jewelry Purses Accessories Shoes Home Decor Holiday Toys Collectibles and more ! 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
May 19Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello!! How are you today, please take a minute to check my closet 😻 I hope you will find your little treasure here. Thank you. Albina
Jun 30Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 22Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there! I wanted to share that we're updating our closet. When you get a chance, feel free to swing by for a quick look. If anything catches your eye, buy NOW while the item is still available. We entertain reasonable offers too! Thanks, and stop by often as we list new items weekly. Grace.
Aug 23Reply
magnoliamays Thank you for the share!! Come visit this coming Saturday. My listing is the 1st in my closet to get a reminder! I have a crazy game show with insane luxury bundles and wins! I'll have Prada, YSL, GUCCI, LV, Valentino, Kate Spade and so much more! Nothing like those mystery shows where someone has you spend $180 and you win a toy Leggo and poker chip. Everyone wins a bundle and there are so many ways to get raffle tickets for an entry to win a Louis Vuitton Cartouchiere! I hope you can join
Oct 01Reply
mlejea Hello welcome to the crystal and jewelry side of Poshmark! Happy Hour Crystals friday at 5pm on my channel for amazing deals and a grand prize giveaway. hope you can come 😊@mlejea
Mar 08Reply

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