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Updated Sep 02
Updated Sep 02

Meet your Posher, Dorothea

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Dorothea. Some of my favorite things are anything soft comfy and a hint of boho, gypsy without the hubby's a jeweler from way back so I get spoiled by him often and just have way to much stuff, thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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worldofdreams @dorotheahoney Thank you for your purchase. I can't send out your order because PM doesn't let me print your shipping label with the error message "Buyer must update their shipping address" . Please let me know once your shipping address is updated, so I can send out your order. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day. Respectfully Su
Feb 12Reply
dorotheahoney Not sure why there is confusion but I will be able to get to my computer l will be able to at least verify it in a free hours
Feb 13Reply
dorotheahoney There seems to be an issue on PM end hopefully today the address will be corrected, thanks for your patience!
Feb 13Reply
dorotheahoney I think I've resolved the issue plz let me know
Feb 13Reply
dorotheahoney I think I've resolved the issue plz let me know
Feb 13Reply
worldofdreams @dorotheahoney Yippi I just received the email with the label. Your package will go later on the way to you.
Feb 13Reply
hodaya Hey Hun plz check out some of my new cool and unique listings. 💝much love
Feb 15Reply
dorotheahoney address all fixed, thanks for all the sales I'm super thrilled with everything I have bought so far!
Mar 04Reply
cceseretti Thanks for the five star rating! Happy you liked the jeans!
May 09Reply
bja333 Please check out all my likes. I mentioned to you that I dnt get paid til next thur the 30th. If you can wait that long. Pls let me know! Thanks. 😊
May 23Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 01Reply
brookestanley45 @dorotheahoney hi there! I saw your message just now regarding the extra earrings I sent to you. Extremely sweet of you to check with me, 💕, I had put a little thank you letter in your package, but it easily could’ve gotten missed, I put the extra earrings in for you as a thank you for your lovely purchase 😊 I hope you have a wonderful day, thank you again! 💕
Jun 04Reply
dorotheahoney @worldofdreams There was no note, dear! My pleasure to check and make sure you weren't missing something, thanks again such a sweet extra treat!
Jun 04Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like not the jeans and cuff bracelet! Feel free to “bundle” your likes and I’ll send you a private offer. Have a great day!🌸
Sep 10Reply
cindeesgems Thank you Dorothea! Your purchase will be shipping out today 💜🌻hope you are having a great Monday!
Oct 07Reply
sparklestuff Hi! You purchased a messy bun toboggan from me and I just got it out to pack up. IT'S NOT BLACK! I am so sorry! It's a dark navy and with the flecks, almost looks a deep purple. Again, I apologize. I will not ship it until I hear from you as you may to cancel. Again, I apologize!!!
Oct 26Reply
dorotheahoney @sparklestuff no worries, I really appreciate the he as ds up any chance you can send me a pic? Not a big fan of purple, blue yes possibly
Oct 26Reply
sparklestuff @dorotheahoney I will add pics of the 2 toboggans that I have to my listing that you purchased. One is the dark confetti and the other is a dark teal confetti. Just let me know. Thanks so much for understanding!!!
Oct 27Reply
sparklestuff @dorotheahoney I added a new listing and linked you to it. It has the 2 colors of toboggans that I have. It wouldn’t let me edit the sold listing. Thanks again for being so understanding! ❤️💙💜
Oct 27Reply
dorotheahoney @sparklestuff sounds perfect thanks so much
Oct 27Reply
sparklestuff dorotheahoney Let me know if you like the teal confetti toboggan and I will get it shipped in the morning. :) If you want to cancel the order, I completely understand! Thanks so much...again!
Oct 27Reply
dorotheahoney @sparklestuff the dark confetti or real would be fine dear, sorry I actually bought several yesterday for all 5 of my daughters and 2 granddaughters so whichever you pick will be great
Oct 27Reply
sparklestuff @dorotheahoney You are so sweet! I will get it in the mail tomorrow!
Oct 27Reply
1sorchestra Hi, I did an offer to likers earlier today. $30.00 is what I am offering!
Oct 27Reply
dorotheahoney @1sorchestra what did I pay you for the one yesterday?
Oct 28Reply
1sorchestra @dorotheahoney I do not think that you purchased anything from me yesterday. I was just looking through my notes and saw that you liked the tablecloth and thought I would offer you the same price that I had sent an offer to the likers earlier this evening
Oct 28Reply
sparklestuff dorotheahoney Toboggan shipped and arriving in 3 days. Thanks again! :)
Oct 28Reply
onroute22 xshare
Nov 03Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy week 🤗can you Check my closet when you have time and thank you
Nov 22Reply
devynnjanae Hi Dorothea! I’m sorry for commenting here, couldn’t figure out how else to message you. I received my Zara top, I appreciate the offer and quick shipping, you’re a great seller! It’s very cute and I do like it but unfortunately it is navy blue not black like the posting says, and will not work for my outfit. I am not sure how to go about handling this, I am still kind of new at using Posh and I haven’t had any issues before,so I wanted to reach out to you first. Thank you, Devynn
Jan 14Reply
dorotheahoney @devynnjanae Sorry to hear you are not happy with the color, I swear I thought it was black, not a dark black but none the less black not navy blue??? But I could be wrong, I'm not positive but I think you can click on problems or inquiries when you accept the shipment and poshmark will ask questions to satisfy the buyer and seller, did you already accept shipment? before reaching out to me? If you did then I am really not sure but if you search your account settings I'm sure there is a way
Jan 14Reply
dorotheahoney I want all my buyers to be happy so I will help any way I can
Jan 14Reply
devynnjanae @dorotheahoney yes ma’am, I initially thought it was black as well until I put it on with my black pants and stepped outside and in the sunlight it’s very clearly blue, which is a shame bc it’s SO cute but unfortunately I need it for a specific outfit for a parade coming up. I have not yet accepted the package so I’ll try your suggestion. If I didn’t have a specific budget for this parade I would just buy something else
Jan 15Reply
devynnjanae @dorotheahoney I just explained what was going to to my husband and he told me not to worry about it and if I like the top, which I very much do, that I should just keep it and get another one for the parade. Thank you ma’am, I truly appreciate the response and willingness to help, I’ll keep this and wear it with blue jeans!! Sorry for the confusion, and thank you again
Jan 15Reply
dorotheahoney @devynnjanae I'm glad you like it and get to wear anyways, best wishes
Jan 15Reply
devynnjanae @dorotheahoney thank you, you as well 😊
Jan 15Reply
arae77 Thank you so much for your purchase Dorthea. I will have your necklace shipped tomorrow if I can't make it by the Post Office today. Have a wonderful day! ❤
Feb 13Reply
chicnation @dorotheahoney nice to meet you
Feb 16Reply
rhetal Hello, I'd like to invite you to peek in y closet. I have a lot of jewelry specials, 3 for $35. just bundle and save. Thank you.
Feb 17Reply
arae77 Hey there, Dorothea. Thank you so much for visiting my closet again & for you purchase ❤ I will have your bracelet shipped tomorrow. Have a wonderful Day! 🕊🌸
Feb 17Reply
rhetal Thank you for your order, it will be shipped first thing tomorrow. please enjoy gift included.
Feb 18Reply
abi530 Hello dear. Please accept our apology for not being able to get back to you earlier. We had some delay on our Poshmark account processing and also had a holiday yesterday so postal services were closed. If you are still interested in, I will ship the item today. Please let us know. Thanks for your patience.
Feb 18Reply
abi530 Hello, Please accept our apology for not being able to get back to you earlier. We had some delay on our Poshmark account processing and also had a holiday yesterday so postal services were closed. If you are still interested in my cosmetic LANCOME, I will ship the item today. Please let us know. Thanks for your patience.
Feb 18Reply
arae77 Hey there, Dorothea! I dropped your bracelet off at the Post Office today, but for some reason it wasn't scanned with the other items I shipped as well. I keep track of the scans through here. I contacted the manager at the PO, & he said that he would scan it himself. So, you should be getting it soon! Thank you again, so much ⚘
Feb 19Reply
dorotheahoney @arae77 that's happened to me before as well...seems to work out eventually, thank you for the update dear
Feb 19Reply
dorotheahoney @abi530 still want the item and I've been charged already so plz shop asap
Feb 19Reply
arae77 @dorotheahoney Have a wonderful day🦋❤❤
Feb 19Reply
arae77 @dorotheahoney And thank you so much for your thoughtful & positive review/feedback 💕
Feb 19Reply
rhetal Thank you so much for the rating. I'm so glad your happy, enjoy.
Feb 22Reply
dallasshayshay Check out my closet! I have a pair of WHBM jeans I think you’ll like! Have a great day! 💗🧡💛
May 23Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. FYI, weekend sales NOW ON!!! I am having DIY jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail tools, home decor and accessories etc. on sales! let me know if you are interesting, I will provide you a good discount!😉
Aug 08Reply
debbielangford Hi Dorothea! Thank you for your order for the Prana scarf. It is beautiful and on its way to you. Have a great week! Debbie
Nov 02Reply
mybabyclad Hi I'm sorry.I cant go lower on the Pioneer woman bundle.I just had lowered the price yesterday.
Nov 05Reply
1970tlbalas you can take 30% off all bundles
May 24Reply
bboopers54 Thank you so much for all of your shares very much appreciated. Have a great week
Sep 21Reply
kw8111 So happy you ♥️ the ring! Thank you for the wonderful rating!
Sep 23Reply
passionboutique Hello, I wanted to let you know that the mailman has been trying to deliver your package.
Nov 29Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, welcome to Poshmark. 🎄Christmas is coming to town🎶 We are starting the Christmas Sale, BUNDLE 2 / 2+ items wtill get 25% off, 5 / 5+ items will get 35% off. Welcome to stop by my closet. Happy Holiday 🎄🎉🥰
Dec 17Reply
addictposher Hi! I just sent you an offer on a pair of burlap rocket dog slip on shoes and then I was looking Thir your wonderful closet and I noticed you gave a corkscrew garland and some sewing patterns and I’m curious to know if you are a crafter. If so, I have a BUNCH of patterns I will ship with the shoes if you purchase. And I have a bunch of corkscrews if you’re interested!
Feb 02Reply
dorotheahoney @audleedressed why yes I'd love to get some patternd
Feb 02Reply
dorotheahoney @audleedressed Thanks darling, just bought the shoes you made me such a great deal and yes I'd love to see any patterns you'd like to get rid of and the lose wine corks would be lovely too. I'd be happy to send you the lovely flower tablecloth free for a thank you, when I get your box it will have your address....:)
Feb 02Reply
addictposher Hello:) sorry such a late message! I was able to get out after the snow melted a bit to ship your rocket dog shoes and I put some corks, patterns I thought you may be interested in and an extra gift in the box☺️ I will be listing some more patterns soon if interested! Thank you fir your purchase!
Feb 05Reply
diamondistas @dorotheahoney 🙋 Dorothea, I sent you a special offer for the WHBM Feel Beautiful Destroyed Sequin Patches Crop Leg Jeans you like. Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to browse my closet by clicking here➡️ @diamondistas and make an offer on anything you like. Have a great day! 😊
Feb 08Reply
fgchs Hi Dorothea! My name is Gabriela and I would love for you to check out my closet, I hope you find something you like, I’m always willing to negotiate my prices and usually ship next day, looking forward to do business with you, have a great rest of your day and happy poshing!👍😊
Feb 25Reply
uneekbuys Thank you for your purchase. I will ship it out this morning and have a lovely day.
Jul 09Reply
bfjj1973 Jacket still not scanned. Poshmark is looking in to it. Thank you for your patience.
Sep 08Reply
amytberens Hi Dorothea. Thank you so much for the share on the new sundance yellow trench. It is so amazing. you are stunning, I want my hair to look like yours, but my gray sucks. I am newer here, an old therapist, turned hippie grandma with surgeries doing posh. I need all of the help I can get and truly appreciate you. Not pushy, low mark up, and take care of customers. Decent offers welcome. I am so excited that I found this jacket in warehouse. Many blessings. May you have an amazing day.
Sep 17Reply
cutehosiery @dorotheahoney Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 29Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Oct 29Reply
grojivxatu Good afternoon, how are you today)) My name is George, I'm a Silversmith, and many of my items are exclusive Artisan Finds. I hope you have a minute to check my closet. Everything is real, authentic, and made by hand! Best Gifts Here)))I sincerely appreciate your interest. Kind offers are welcomed. Thank you. George @grojivxatu
Nov 23Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Jun 19Reply
lynnbeckylynn Thanks so much for all the sharing. We appreciate you and wish you great success with your bargains and sales 😍
Jul 17Reply
darlie444 Just followed you, looking at stuff to share. I just wanted to say that I love your hair. :) mines all black with lots of grey roots. I’m looking forward to having it be the color of yours.
Mar 11Reply
dorotheahoney @darlie444 you're the sweetest
Mar 13Reply

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Missoula, MT
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Missoula, MT
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