Meet your Posher Emme
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Thank you for stopping in and checking out my online boutique 🧵👗👡 Everything I sell is in either Brand New Condition with tags, or in Excellent Pre-owned condition! I am a big advocate for our One and Only Mother Earth, I am all about recycling, re-using and re-purposing. Feel free to contact me or make an offer!! Most offers are accepted 💜

78 others
like this

Hi, welcome! I shared a few goodies to your closet, just a small sampling of some of the great items that I have for sale in my closet. Whether you are here to buy or sell, you will find that this is a fun place with lots of great, helpful people! Please donr hesitate to ask questions, we are here to help!
Oct 30Reply

Oct 31Reply

WOW!!!! What an amazing closet you have!!!! You have done really well!! Thank you for all the shares!!!💝💝💲💝💝💲💝💝💲💲💲💲💝💲💝💝 sending lots of luck your way💝💝💝
Jan 19Reply

@jenniferk80Thank you so much for the shares too! God luck with your sales!!! oxoxoxoxox. if there's anything you like, let me know and I'll trade you for something ;). I don't like to do trades, but you totally deserve it for all the shares!
Jan 19Reply

Hi Maria, thanks for the shares...let me know if you see something you like or if you have any advice or recommendations you may have regarding my closet...Your closet is awesome...Happy Poshing 😄😍😄
Jan 28Reply

💃🏼👋WELCOME 😜 to POSH ❤️❤️Hope you are having a POSHing day 🎉🎉🎉💋💄Happy POSHing🌹😜.
Feb 01Reply

I would love to offer you whatever you want for your sweet little poodle! (Boy or girl)? I have a big white standard girl I think she had some human genes ( poodles are the smartest dogs that’s why they mix them with everything now, a client brought me a bichonpoo from Columbia right off the plane named Luna she’s mean though! Kiss that pup for me thanx
Mar 05Reply

@impeachtrump awwww, thank you 🤗😘
I love my little Charlie 💞💓❤️. He’s the love of my life. We’ve been together 9 years! I got him when he was 12 months old. He had been bounced around from home to home, nobody wanted him. Can you believe that!!! He had bowl issues for a year after I got him, i tried everything to get him regular. I blame anxiety. He’s the perfect baby!
Mar 06Reply

@impeachtrump P.s Why is Luna mean? Bites?
Mar 06Reply

She doesn’t bite, she has always just had this growling then a bark that sounds like she’s going to attack you! But she’s also a lover if she knows you. She’s 14 now and still growls and barks but just a little slower!
Mar 06Reply

@impeachtrump 💓💞 unconditional love!
Mar 06Reply

Sorry I declined the offer but found the exact same purse like new for $39.
Mar 19Reply

@teebach you don’t have to apologize! That’s wonderful for you! Have a blessed day!
Mar 19Reply

@madclove I lost my dad a few years ago. I want you to stop my Share Group. I know that time flew. It still hurts. Maria. Spend time on you!! Love you 😘
Apr 05Reply

Adorable dog!
Apr 11Reply

Sooooo cute !!!!!!😍💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞adorable!
Apr 11Reply

Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Apr 11Reply

Bichon or Poodle?? Soooo cute!! 🐾❤️
Apr 13Reply

Hello! 🙋🏽 Thanks for following me 🚶🏾♀️🚶🏾♀️🚶🏾♀️🚶🏾♀️ Happy Poshing ☺️☺️☺️and have a Fabulous Friday 🌺🌺🌺🤗🤗🤗
Apr 13Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Maria, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 13Reply

HI....I love your closet. I work at a local East Sac consignment that some of your higher end items would do well in. Just a thought....if your having issues selling on can try them. They are Article Consignment. Check them out on Instagram.
Apr 25Reply

@madclove thanks so much 😊 for your kind words
Apr 26Reply

Your dog is so cute!! 💕🐾💫
Apr 26Reply

Beautiful closet 😍!!
Thanks for the follow, I immediately followed you back!! I want want want your lovely items. 🤩
Apr 26Reply

@madclove oh wow i am madly in love with your charlie... and its so crazy i just read that you rescued him at 12 months old... i rescued my bailey at the same age and we have him 9 years now... he is either a bishon or a toy poodle we arent sure, but he looks like your sweet charlie.. they are the sweetest and smartest dogs ever... 💕🐾
Apr 29Reply

@daisymaypost I have a lot of love and respect for people that rescue their 4 legged babies!!! Thank you for rescuing yours! ❤️💜😘
My baby Charlie is my #1 love! Thank you for your kind words. He’s definitely very smart, and as of late, very demanding. I’m thinking it’s his older age. Come to think of it, he’s high maintenance. lol, he’s worth it! I wouldn’t sell him for a million dollars!
Apr 29Reply

@knitwitdesign thank you so much 😘 he’s just like a little boy, only he doesn’t grow up, he stays the same. 😂
Apr 29Reply

@madclove you took the words right out of my mouth.. lol.. my baby is exactly the same way.. and i feel exactly the same way about him as you do for yours.. have a beautiful day.. 😍
Apr 29Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! I appreciate it very much!
May 03Reply

Awe, I ❤️ Your dog !
May 03Reply

@scrappycavie thank you, I love your pup too! Such a cutie pie!! 🤗🤗🤗😍😘
May 03Reply

Love your poodle!😄🐾🐾🐆
May 04Reply

@kittenkat17 thank you so much Michelle! He’s the sweetest, most loving human being I know. Oops, did I say human being?? 🤫🤫
May 04Reply

I love your closet too! I need to give you a new ship to address for the hiking shoes I just bought. Not sure how to reach you though? I'll try to send you a love note.
May 19Reply

New address
Loren Philips
5 Cherokee Place
Whitehall, MT 59759
May 19Reply

@litning will do!
Are you still interested in the Victoria Secret beach bag? If you bundle your other likes I’m happy to extend discount & give you free shipping because you purchased the hiking shoes. 💕
May 19Reply

@madclove no thanks, I'll be just fine with the shoes. If you could confirm your shipping to Montana I'd be so grateful. Plan to do a lot of hiking there
May 19Reply

@litning ooooh!!! I’m so jealous, but very happy for you!!! Watch out for those 🐻 bears 😉
May 19Reply

@madclove I've never been, and look forward to getting there and having your hiking shoes meet me there. Thanks again for shipping to the other address.
May 20Reply

@litning placed in mail for Montana, just now!
May 26Reply

Hi, Madclove. I'm in Montana, but the package has not arrived. Looks like it was sent to San Diego and rerouted or something? Anyway ... I ordered it over 2 weeks ago and I am getting impatient. Can you tell me when it will arrive? Also I ordered a bra last week - has it shipped yet? Thank you.
Jun 03Reply

@litning Good morning, it seems the post office didn’t accept the Montana address because the boots were mailed to your CA home. I’ve been waiting for your boots to be mailed back to me, as they’re still in transit. I’m hoping the boots are delivered to my address today. IF the boots are delivered to my home today, we can have both your bra & boots mailed to your Montana address. But before we can do a Montana shipment, you’ll have to contact Poshmark to make the address change.
Jun 04Reply

@litning hello again :) if you want me to keep the bra purchase separate from your boots, I can ship your bra out today. I was trying to save you some money in shipping.
Jun 04Reply

@madclove I'm a little confused. How would you be saving me money on shipping? I ordered the boots on May 19th and they haven't arrived. Could you tell me when I can expect to receive my items?
Jun 04Reply

@madclove ... I don't understand. The post office did not accept the boots because they were mailed to my California address? That shouldn't have happened.
Jun 04Reply

@madclove I did contact Poshmark to make the address change and they told me to contact you.
Jun 04Reply

@litning the boots are in transit. According to tracking system they’re in Elk Grove, Ca (my city). I will ship your bra out today. It will be sent to your San Diego home. I will keep the 2 transactions separate.
Jun 04Reply

@litning the Bar Codes on the shipping label sent the boots to San Diego, I typed the Montana address, but the post office still sent the package to San Diego.
Jun 04Reply

@litning you’re welcome to cancel the hiking boots transaction as I honestly don’t have more information on their whereabouts.
Jun 04Reply

@litning hi Linda, please scroll up to read my messages to you.
Jun 04Reply

Thank you, I have been reading them. I understand the bra transaction was cancelled. I do not understand why you said you were going to send it to San Diego. I do not understand why you sent the boots to San Diego. It's incomprehensible to me that the post office decided to send them other than where you directed them. Anyway, I'm over this. It's time consuming and annoying.
Jun 04Reply

@madclove Hi! Your closet is gorgeous! Also letting you know that I can ship tomorrow if you would like the dress 💞☺️
Jun 08Reply

Thank you SO VERY MUCH for bundling all my likes for me!
Jun 17Reply

Love your closet and thanks for the follow! Can you share some #PoshLove by checking out my closet and sharing anything you think is cool? I have 2 for $12 Any Tees as well. Thanks!
Jun 18Reply

@illind hi Dylan, just shared 30 items from your closet! Thank you for your shares! Good lucky & happy Poshing!! 😉😘
Jun 18Reply

thank u so much! u ROCK!
Jun 18Reply

hi my name is george and I would like to invite u to come check out my closet if u happen to find something u like make me an offer I usually ship out items the same day or next day all my items look the same as pictures or even better in person thanks for taking the time to read this message I hope I can be of service to u have a wonderful day ☺
Jun 19Reply

Merry Christmas fellow ninja sharer!! I love your closet!! Hope to run into you again:) I am sure we will!!
Dec 25Reply

💜💖Hey hun, just stopping through to let you know that you have such an amazing sense of style and a beautiful closet! Have a Poshtastic day!💥🎉🎊
Feb 14Reply

@madclove “ Hi Maria , you shared 3 signs in my closet as part of the share group an hour ago . Please share 3 listings from my closet . Thanks much 🌺
Apr 12Reply

Greetings 🌿🌱🍂🍁🍏Thanks for sharing your special Posh Closet with me 🌱🍁🍂🌿🍏 I wish you so much continued success on Poshmark 🍁🌱🍂🌿🍏🍁🌱🍂🌿Happy POSHING 🙂 Ambassador MZ_ TSB
Sep 27Reply

Hi babe I was just wondering when you were planning on shipping the bundle I purchased on the 3rd of this month... Just curious... Please let me know...
Oct 05Reply

@iambeautybiotch hi! Went out in today’s mail. Thanks for reaching out💜
Oct 05Reply

@madclove ok thank you so much.... Have a great day!!
Oct 05Reply

@iambeautybiotch you too! 🦋
Oct 05Reply

Hi Thank You for your help that was awesome I loved in Calif for 43 years going back soon. love it
Nov 23Reply

@christy_hardy I love CA too! I love we are so close to the beach and mountains. Where about a in CA did you live?
Nov 23Reply

@madclove I was in Huntington Beach when I left cant wait to go back in Florida now do not like at all
Nov 23Reply

Your photos are lovely!
Dec 10Reply

Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Have a great day!
Dec 22Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East & hijab friendly clothing 💕Love your listings by the way!
Nov 10Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Nov 16Reply

Hi, I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and how much I enjoyed sharing your closet. Happy Poshing 🌻
Jan 09Reply

Hi there 😄 You look like you've got a great eye for style 🕶
...Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! ❤
Apr 12Reply

Hi @madclove , thanks for following us 💗 . You will find the best selection of luxury handbags in our closet. Happy poshing!
Jul 10Reply

Thank you for follow.
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for sharing.
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for sharing.
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for sharing.
Jul 24Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything
Aug 29Reply

Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 13Reply

Nov 18Reply

Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Dec 02Reply

Good Morning Emma!I’m with you!! And it looks like you’re enjoying Mother Earth!I’m a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to my Sharing and Shopping community. I’m a complete fashionista! I worked for years in Network Television and Internet Media. I then adopted two beautiful daughters and started my Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of beautiful clothes, most still with tags, never worn as now all I wear are leggings! So shop, bundle, save money and SAVE THE PLANET!
Apr 01Reply

💕🦋Mother Earth🌎💕🌺🌈🌤🌸
May 22Reply

🌞Take time to smell the flowers🌷
Shop w/confidence~5🌟 Seller😍
🖤MissInk's Closet🖤
Cordially invites u to a unique place
that sells QUALITY items, many sizes, styles, colors, & patterns.
~💗Prompt replies.
~💕Orders handed by me w/care,
~📫Ships within 24hrs
🚫No pressure or rush, & right here when u have any ?'s, or concerns😊
🤗Thank u for stopping by💕
May 22Reply

Hello there ☺️ I hope you’re doing well! I’d like to invite you to my shop. I am always posting new earrings so there is an array of different options to choose from. Additionally, I do clip ons and screw earring clips for those that don’t have their ears pierced! Also, I have bundle deals going on for the month of June! 💕 please let me know if you’re interested :)
Thank you for your time and happy shopping ❤️
Jun 13Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark. I wanted to take a moment to send you a discount of 20% in our classy & vintage jewelry with free shipping. Whether you’re window shopping or ready to purchase I truly appreciate you browsing closet. Happy Poshing!
Jun 21Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Aug 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Dec 05Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 04Reply

Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Jul 25Reply

👋Hello & welcome to Poshmark. I’m Virginia. This app is incredible and allows you to shop from anywhere at anytime. The community is wonderful and the variety is endless. Some of the options are confusing though. Offers, bundling, shipping, discounts, likes, shares, listing, and commons are tricky. I’m here to help👍. From here, we can continue to chat. NOW let’s get started, tap here➡️( @posh_vlf ) and obeserve, or shop my closet. V 🙂👍🛍️
Aug 10Reply

Hi Emme! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Feb 06Reply

Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Feb 28Reply

Emme, Thanks so much for Sharing my Stuff!!
Feb 28Reply

Thank you for following my closet! Check out my closet as I list new items almost daily. I encourage you to make offers on all my items. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I respond as soon as possible or within 24 hrs. Again, welcome to my closet and Happy coming Spring!
Mar 21Reply

Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 07Reply

Hi 👋 , My name is Marlyn and would like to welcome you to my closet I have different brands and Items available for sale 🛍️. I'll price are negotiable. Would love to have you as my future customer!!! Thanks for the follow 😊 Will follow back and share some of your closet. Together we are a POSH TEAM☺️
Apr 15Reply

Thank you for sharing 👍happy Poshing.😊
Apr 17Reply

Hi. I hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend. I'm having a 4th of July sale now through Sunday! Take 30% off of any items in my closet. Just click on the like icon, and I will send you the offer! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment. Happy 4th and Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 05Reply

Thank you so much for the follow Emme! I feel very welcome here :-) it really means a lot!! I'm excited to be browsing and appreciate you and your shop is cute! Happy to follow back!! And only if you're interested, feel free to check out my palm free skin care on my profile heading link! Thanks again and I wish you a beautiful Sunday! -Alexis
Aug 11Reply

Hello ! Thank you so much for the follow! I wanted to let you know I do LIVE Poshmark shows on Monday & Thursday @ 8:35 PM EST @sonja1234 and have some beautiful pieces for auction prices! Consider this your personal invite - also please follow my friends @backporchdealz and @swankythreads . They also do posh shows during the week. Just click on our profile to bookmark the show ! We would LOVE for you to join for some fun and fellowship !
Aug 22Reply

Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Aug 25Reply

Thanks for the follow! And an even bigger thanks for sharing some of my items!
Sep 04Reply

Hello 👋🏽 Emme, thank you for the follow and wishing you much success on Poshmark!
Dec 15Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet... Mel
Feb 16Reply
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