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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Erica

Meet the Posher



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Hi I’m Erica! I love Jesus, and my kids and I love clothes! I like to give and get good deals, so please make offers! Thanks!
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wcfashions Welcome to Poshmania! Feel free to follow me and ask any questions you may have about this app!!! Stop by my closet anytime, and check out some of my items! Happy Poshing @wcfashions
Apr 12Reply
shoestyling Welcome to Poshmark! You will love it here. Happy to answer any questions :)
Apr 12Reply
relovemaui Welcome to Poshmark! I'm excited to follow your closet! Feel free to check mine out and follow along as well! :) Happy Poshing!
Apr 12Reply
grace4d Hi Erica! Welcome to posh! how are you liking it so far? If you need anything please ask.. We don't mind helping at all. Have you checked out @official_forum yet? Lmk if I can help you in any way☺️. I think you are off to a great start! 🌻🙋Dee
Apr 27Reply
sheperdspath @grace4d thank you so much, I appreciate that! I'm really enjoying having a closet! It's so neat to see the kindness of everyone on Poshmark, kind of like a family! I do have one question.. if someone buys more than one item, do they get shipped separately with their individual shipping labels?
Apr 27Reply
grace4d @sheperdspath yes if they buy them separate it would be 2 separate labels/ shipments. I would encourage them to use the bundle feature - to get one price shipping for up to 5 lbs..🌻🤠🙋Dee
Apr 28Reply
sheperdspath @grace4d thank you! That helps me so much!!
Apr 28Reply
jackiemarie1 So glad you like your shirt! Thanks💜
May 03Reply
sheperdspath @grace4d hi. Could I ask another question? I'm wondering how to organize listings where you want them. I would so appreciate the help!😊
May 10Reply
grace4d @sheperdspath right now, you organize by sharing them in the order you wish & to your followers.. I do mine web based so it doesn't take very long. Plus the more shares you do or your own items? = The more exposure for potential sales too. 🙋🌻🌻Dee
May 10Reply
grace4d @sheperdspath ur welcome! 🙋🌻🌻🌻De3
May 11Reply
nanamims Hi, this is Roberta (Nanamims) as for the past 8 years we have been raising our 3 grands--12;101/2-boys--71/2-the Princess. I am disabled due to many surgeries from a car wreck. I had to do something to *help me feel that I am helping with the family; *help sell through their cute clothes! Etc, so I would appreciate your shares, & I am a very good sharer! Be Blessed & take care...Nanamims
May 11Reply
fivetenandahalf Very nice closet, thanks for following mine!
May 12Reply
sheperdspath @fivetenandahalf thank you! You as well!
May 12Reply
sheperdspath @nanamims it is so beautiful that you are raising your grandchildren, God bless you!
May 12Reply
myblueskydays @sheperdspath @myblueskydays what a lovely pic!! Your beautiful!! 😋✌🏼️💗
May 14Reply
sheperdspath @myblueskydays thank you 💖I was looking at your pictures as well and thinking how beautiful you and your family are!
May 14Reply
myblueskydays @sheperdspath thanks!! I needed that!!😋✌🏼️💗
May 14Reply
silsprbea @sheperdspath welcome to posh! I joined in march and have been on a little less than 2 months. I've been following and sharing like crazy since I joined and today I reached the 10k follower mark when you followed me moments ago (was watching the counter, lol!) I just wanted to say thank you for following me. Have a great night and happy poshing!
May 15Reply
sheperdspath @silsprbea it's kinda like work but it's more like fun 😄🌸
May 15Reply
exwolfe Welcome to poshmark Erica, I am Cindy. So very nice to meet you. I have to confess I had to look up where Whitewater is on the map since we are in the same state. I wish you all the best with your new closet and if I can be of help with any questions feel free to ask:)
May 17Reply
sheperdspath @exwolfe hi Cindy! Thank you so much for reaching out to me! I am enjoying poshmark so much, everyone is so kind and inviting! God bless you!
May 17Reply
sheperdspath @exwolfe I used to live in buffalo county! Most beautiful area and I miss it!
May 17Reply
exwolfe Wow, that's where we are:)
May 17Reply
sheperdspath @purplej thank you Jill!
May 25Reply
gaylebgray Hi Erica! I received my package today; thanks so much! There is a striped hooded sweater that I didn't order so just wanted to let you know. Let me know what to do :)
May 30Reply
sheperdspath @gaylebgray the striped shirt is a gift 💕hope she likes her clothes!😃
May 30Reply
gaylebgray @sheperdspath Thank you so much! You were way too generous! Hope that you are blessed in return 😁
May 31Reply
sheperdspath @gaylebgray God is so good, gracious and generous 🌈I'm glad you are happy
May 31Reply
gaylebgray Aww, thank you so much! Hope He blesses your richly!
May 31Reply
sheperdspath @gaylebgray thank you so much, you as well 💖
May 31Reply
sheperdspath @maticemcmillan thank you ❤️
Jun 16Reply
rewindboutique Hey soul sista!! Love love your closet and whole vibe!! I can tell you have a sweet soul and radiate positive energy :) ☮️💕🌺🌻
Jun 23Reply
sheperdspath @tripyirishhippy oh thank you, that is so wonderful to hear!! I'm going to be checking your closet out after supper 😉🌸
Jun 23Reply
rewindboutique @sheperdspath Sounds good! I look forward to poshing with you 😋
Jun 23Reply
melinda0698 I can do $7 on black vanity sweater if you make offer, thanks!
Jun 25Reply
sheperdspath @melinda0698 thank you, but I've decided to stop shipping for myself and save my poshmark money for private school funds😁
Jun 25Reply
sheperdspath @melinda0698 shopping not shipping 🙃
Jun 25Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addictinmg. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Jul 01Reply
sheperdspath @glitzylife Hi Jan! I am enjoying it , thank you! And yes, I'm addicted, my phone is ever so near me 🙃
Jul 01Reply
mgebauer123 You look like Clair Danes in the movie Polish in this pic. Beautiful. 🌻
Jul 14Reply
sheperdspath @mgebauer123 oh my goodness, that is such a sweet thing to say!💕A long time ago someone said I looked like her☺️Thank you! And your closet is beautiful💖
Jul 14Reply
mgebauer123 @sheperdspath you really do it's an amazing pic. Ty🌻🌼love your harem made those...any others?? Am considering them. Really cool.
Jul 14Reply
sheperdspath @mgebauer123 I did make them, with love ☺️thank you,
Jul 14Reply
sheperdspath @mgebauer123 I make things all the time, whatever comes to me 🌸🌈
Jul 14Reply
mgebauer123 @sheperdspath if you ever make more of those type or Anything else u post for sale let me know. Just tag me if you remember. Those pants are BOMB!!♠🤺🤹
Jul 14Reply
sheperdspath @mgebauer123 thanks!!! I love your free people top
Jul 14Reply
bar10der U have 7 kids 😲... bless you ... what's their age range from?
Aug 12Reply
sheperdspath @bar10der I have 5 months, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 13!!😆
Aug 12Reply
bar10der @sheperdspath holy moly ... I would be in a straight jacket ... u look soooooo young ... 🤔THOUGHT I HAD ALOT🙈😉
Aug 13Reply
sheperdspath @bar10der how many children do you have?
Aug 13Reply
bar10der @sheperdspath FOUR BOYS .... 17yr...13yr...10yr... & 4month
Aug 13Reply
sheperdspath @bar10der that's a lot, honestly I think after you have 4, more doesn't seem like more
Aug 13Reply
bar10der @sheperdspath ..... true u got a point ... i'll have my sisters two kids plus my husband's brothers two kids ALOT... like almost all summer I had them alllll... PLUS if they wanted a friend over and actually it was better with more because they take care of everybody
Aug 14Reply
bar10der The cost of feeding them is a WHOLE OTHER STORY🤣
Aug 14Reply
sheperdspath @bar10der I agree with everything you said 😆
Aug 14Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Aug 16Reply
etwasinspired I see you're from Whitewater- hi from Fort Atkinson!
Aug 18Reply
acfree14 Hi Erica. Thank you so much for the extra tops. You are such a sweetheart. I think we seem to have a lot in common... I often do the same thing. We must stay in touch. Xoxo
Sep 11Reply
sheperdspath @acfree14 I'm so glad you are happy, it's so much more fun to give! I would love to stay in touch! I still have my eye on your closet 😁
Sep 11Reply
acfree14 @sheperdspath I feel the same way. I LOVE giving people gifts!! Talk soon!!
Sep 12Reply
sheperdspath @acfree14 I just saw your sweet comment, I really needed that just now, thank you so much ❤️
Sep 12Reply
acfree14 @sheperdspath your welcome. I barely know you and I already know that your awesome. 😜
Sep 12Reply
sheperdspath @acfree14 kindred spirits 😃
Sep 12Reply
acfree14 😊
Sep 12Reply
acfree14 Hi Erica. I just saw your message. I’m sorry that you are closing your closet... is it just because it’s so time consuming? I would LOVE to keep in touch. I don’t always check my email so I am going to give you my cell. 484-547-9674. If you want to please send me a text so that I have yours. Xoxo
Oct 08Reply
wristonlinda If you would like to bundle your 3 likes I can give you an awesome offer. Thank you for visiting my closet. Have a Blessed Evening
Mar 05Reply
wristonlinda The measurements for the Chaps sweater are armpit to armpit is 18”, across the bottom of the sweater is 17”,shoulder to hem is 23”, sleeve length is 27”. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. Have a Blessed Evening
Mar 10Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 17Reply
cutehosiery @sheperdspath Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 06Reply

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Last Active: Dec 18 2023

Whitewater, WI
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Last Active: Dec 18 2023

Whitewater, WI
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