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Updated Apr 22
Updated Apr 22

Meet your Posher, Erin

Meet the Posher



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Hello! My name is Erin, and I am from beautiful northern Idaho. I am wife to James, and step-mom to our 3 beautiful children. I'm a farm girl at heart, and my 5 rescue horses benefit the lion's share of my financial success from reselling. I love fashion and the thrill of the hunt, and use Poshmark as an outlet to sell some of my best finds. Excellent customer service is my #1 priority, and I truly love every piece in my closet. Any questions, please feel free to ask - Happy Poshing
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pescloset Welcome to Poshmark and good luck with your closet!
Jun 12Reply
liquidationking Welcome to Poshmark. Enjoy the journey If you have any questions just ask. Happy Poshing.
Jun 29Reply
churromaiz12 Thank you for sharing my closet sweetie we are close neighbors I’m in Utah 😊
Jul 03Reply
moonstruck8275 Your closet is very appealing. Nice job!
Jul 04Reply
idahogirlthrift @moonstruck8275 can't tell you how much I appreciate the compliment. It's definitely a work in progress with much room for improvement, but it's getting there. 🙃
Jul 04Reply
moonstruck8275 I love organization! And I can see you are good at it! I'm a very new posher...just since the end of March. I was having so much fun with my layouts when i started. I think my husband thought that was all there was to Poshmark! I've always loved both clothes and taking pictures, so for me it was a marriage made in heaven! Are you enjoying your experience?
Jul 04Reply
idahogirlthrift @moonstruck8275 definitely enjoying the process so far (just started in June). Lighting issues have been the bane of my existence lately, but I think I've finally found a workable solution. I'm too intimidated by flat lays to even attempt them! Yours are gorgeous! 😍
Jul 04Reply
moonstruck8275 You are doing great! Yes...the light is SO critical. When I started taking pictures in March I had to find the perfect time of day, on my bedroom floor, with all the curtains open, and overhead lights on, and my I-phone to the fullest as to not get shadows. Even then sometimes my husband would 'report' seeing shadows! Funny huh? For me, flat layouts were the way to go! I love to accessorize/style clothes! It makes me so happy and allows me to be creative.
Jul 04Reply
idahogirlthrift @moonstruck8275 well here's to us both figuring things out! 🥂
Jul 04Reply
moonstruck8275 BTW, I grew up (close to where you live) in a small farming community 20 miles SE of Spokane called Rockford. I used to go to Sandpoint some, but mostly Coeur d'Alene. We were practically neighbors I guess!
Jul 04Reply
manzzi32 Thanks for the shares 🌺
Jul 15Reply
tingting316 ... Thank you for sharing my listing 😊
Jul 20Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Erin! Wanted to compliment your beautiful closet, it really stood out to me. If you're a buyer, I invite you to check out my closet for some similar sizes and styles. Have a great night and I wish you many sales! ☺️
Sep 14Reply
sndyn Hi Erin ! Thanks so much for sharing from my closet ! SO SWEET OF YOU!!sndyn💙🧡💚
Sep 21Reply
pastel_belle Thanks so much for stopping by my closet and for sharing one or few of my items I hope you have an amazing day!!!
Sep 21Reply
baycityfashions H Erin Thank you so very much for all your shares! I think your closet and your clothing are so beautiful, I now know were I'm shopping! : ) Jill
Sep 22Reply
idahogirlthrift @baycityfashions Jill, you're too kind! Your closet is lovely, and your photos are stunning! ~Erin
Sep 22Reply
coffee_n_posh Welcome to poshmark, i hope you have an awesome shopping experience 🎁🎉
Sep 23Reply
msmandilynn Hi! From Boise!
Sep 25Reply
marieg13635 Injoy shopping 🛍 bless day 🦋😊👍
Sep 26Reply
jstribb Thanks for sharing!!!
Sep 30Reply
peachiekeenco Hey lady! I saw your username and clicked your about me section and we’re practically neighbors! Lol I live in Athol 😊 Yay team Idaho girls 😉
Sep 30Reply
idahogirlthrift @hollyrae123 That's so funny, I just had another woman from Cd'A message me earlier today about how close we lived! Definitely yay team Idaho girls!! So nice to know that I'm not the only one in this little corner of the world doing this!
Sep 30Reply
peachiekeenco @idahogirlthrift I agree I love that!! I always try to look around when I’m at the thrift stores to look for other people who may be resellers but I can never tell! Lol
Sep 30Reply
idahogirlthrift @hollyrae123 lol. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb when I'm out sourcing! I'm always the only one with an overflowing cart... 🤑🤣
Sep 30Reply
beacbee Thank you for sharing, that was very thoughtful😊! Ps...that must be a mare😂
Sep 30Reply
idahogirlthrift @beacbee oh my, a mare indeed! 🤣
Sep 30Reply
beacbee @idahogirlthrift lol, I know that attitude very well. Love my mares😂
Sep 30Reply
deecollections thank u so much 4 the share. im extremely new
Sep 30Reply
idahogirlthrift @deecollections you're so very welcome! Getting started can be a bit of a bumpy road. I haven't been at this terribly long myself. If you have any questions I can answer, please don't hesitate to ask!! ~Erin
Sep 30Reply
deecollections aww that's so appreciated. I can't believe how great the people on here seem
Sep 30Reply
idahogirlthrift @deecollections you'll get some spammer sales types, but for the most part the community is pretty solid. ❤️
Sep 30Reply
bimmy123 @idahogirlthrift hi Erin, wow! You have a beautiful spirited horse! I wish I could ride like that. I had 2 hip replacements after a car accident 20 years ago and now am afraid to ride. Idaho is a gorgeous state. I toured up in Coeur d'ALene many years ago and was fun. I just wanted to compliment you on your beautiful closet, it's so nicely displayed and your photos are wonderful! Thanks for the shares! 💕
Oct 04Reply
idahogirlthrift @bimmy123 I had her in for training, and she was so lovely, if a little feisty at times! Thank you so much for your compliments on my closet, and you have perfect items for me to share! Love your handbag collection! ❤️ Hope you have a wonderful Friday!! 🌴
Oct 04Reply
davidclark873 Happy poshing! I love your closet’s aesthetic! 🤗
Oct 05Reply
styledbyrhonda Thanks for sharing, we have something in common , Horses 🐎
Oct 05Reply
hayzeeweiner I shared one of your listings too! ❤🎊
Oct 07Reply
mjfaith158 @idahogirlthrift Hey if you are interested in any of my purses I will give you a discount please let me know if you see anything you like!!
Oct 08Reply
studiorengirl Thanks for the shares! Such a pretty horse in your photo.
Oct 09Reply
idahogirlthrift @studiorengirl You're very welcome! And thank you!! 💕
Oct 09Reply
missniahposh Ty for the share. Btw if you like it, I'm practically giving it away. Lrt me know! :)
Oct 11Reply
t_wxes001 Thanks Erin C, you have good taste in fashion. Some of which people wear today. I am new. Happy poshing here.
Oct 13Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet. Mama needs to secure the get a new bag. 😀 Appreciate it & Happy Poshing!
Oct 17Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi, feel like getting some free stuff. GREAT! Just buy 2 items and get 15% off and get a free backpack and jewelry grab bag valued at $10. Here's a free $5 to get u started
Oct 21Reply
mywisteriaporch @idahogirlthrift Hi Erin, Wondering where in Idaho you are located? I am in Middleton, SW of Boise. I would like to find more Idahoans to network with. Interested? Dorie :-)
Oct 22Reply
idahogirlthrift @mywisteriaporch Hi Dorie! I'm about as far away from you as is possible in Idaho! I'm just barely south of the Canadian boarder in the panhandle. 💕
Oct 22Reply
mywisteriaporch @idahogirlthrift Well, I sure appreciate your reply. Funny thing, I've been doing this for nearly 2 years now and have NEVER sold to anyone in Idaho, and only 1 sale a long time ago on eBay! Every other state except Alaska and Idaho, even Guam! Thanks again :- ) Dorie
Oct 22Reply
idahogirlthrift @mywisteriaporch now that I think of it, I've never had an Idaho sale either, although I did just have a sale to Alaska the other day! Us Idahoans are a special bunch! 🤣
Oct 22Reply
mywisteriaporch I guess so! 🙂
Oct 22Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Oct 23Reply
mellowmomma Thanks for all the shares 😊
Oct 28Reply
ljstyle4you Thanks for sharing my item! 😁
Oct 29Reply
mamamadeit Really nice seat on that ride right there. 💙
Oct 29Reply
idahogirlthrift @mamamadeit lol. It was a very half hearted attempt on her part. 💕
Oct 29Reply
mamamadeit @idahogirlthrift maybe. But that's a deep seat. Good for you. Nice line.
Oct 29Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my items and spreading the Posh love! 😊💕
Nov 01Reply
libertylady63 Hello 👋 Erin, thanks for liking, sharing, and following my closet! You have a beautiful and fun closet! As Arnolds Schwarzenegger says “I’ll be back!” I am currently adding new items to my closet, so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Nov 06Reply
island_sos Hi Erin, I'm delighted to meet you. Please stop by and take a peek at my-Closet 👠👕🧥🧤👗👛 I promise no skeletons in there. 💀 I'm offering a free gift for everyone who makes a purchase over $15. And I have a buy 5️⃣ items w/ ❄️ snowflake in TITLE, PAY only $2️⃣5️⃣ + s&h. All my items and inspected and clean. Share a few, I'll return the favor❗#PoshPassionate
Nov 07Reply
ariel1200 me and my husband have been thinking about moving to Idaho (: we love Oregon but we don't love all the people here, and allot of new ones moving here of late
Nov 08Reply
momcoug Love your closet and share your joy in thrifting !
Nov 09Reply
dealsdeletedebt @idahogirlthrift omg! this photo!!! 😜 that horse is being so BAD and you are sitting so tall and confident! that is too funny! 🐴
Nov 09Reply
ano0823 Great closet!!! 💕💕 I LOVE your style❤️ check out my bogo 20% free People in my closet! Happy Poshing ! Just ❤️ or throw in bundle & will adjust pricing 💜💚💙
Nov 12Reply
stylegals Thanks for the share. What a great closet. And your horse looks just like my old mare!😉
Nov 16Reply
businesshome Thanks for sharing!!🌺 Beautiful horse. 😊 Happy Poshing
Nov 18Reply
meekola Beautiful horse.
Nov 18Reply
au_meridian Hello fellow Idahoan! Great pics, thanks for the follow and closet visit....🦃🎄...Happy Holidays
Nov 22Reply
duke1959 As an ex professional ski instructor in Vail, and Professional Hinting Guide, I love the horse pictured. II have t ridden everything from, Arabians, Apaloosa; my favorite everyday workhorse on 1,000,000 acres is my buddies.....Mustang.I will follow you. I'm getting over cancer....again. I live alone but have charities. I will keep in touch ma'am. Thank you.
Nov 25Reply
idahogirlthrift @duke1959 I will be sending positive thoughts that your fight with cancer is successful, and that you'll be cancer free soon! 🙏
Nov 25Reply
babsgilbert Welcome🤗 to Poshmark! I found Poshmark to be a great community of sellers and buyers brought together for one common goal... to see perfectly good products be used by good people at good prices! 🤑 Here's wishing you lots of luck,☘ fun,😆 and success👩‍🎓 poshing!👖👗👚👠👜👒💄 Take time to stop by my closet @babsgilbert to see me, like me, follow me, or find something you may just feel you can't do without. Yours truly, Barbara
Nov 25Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by, and sharing my closet/boutique😊I’m happy to do the same for you🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holiday’s 😍😍
Nov 26Reply
sharonblood Thank you so much for the shares! Hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving 🦃 I love your closet and shared some things I thought were nice. Have a great weekend💕🦋
Nov 29Reply
novembershop Thank you for sharing my listing, I appreciate that ☺️. Take care.
Dec 04Reply
rosemastellone Hi Erin, Enjoyed browsing your closet as the items are beautiful and the layout is very distinctive. Thanks for following my closet and I shared some of your amazing clothing. Wishing you lots of sales and a happy holiday season.
Dec 08Reply
mariva931 Hi Erin, thank you so much for visiting and following my closet 🤗🤗 Have a wonderful rest of the weekend 🤗 🤗
Dec 09Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram....squarevt2018 and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is amazing! ❤️
Dec 09Reply
mywisteriaporch Hi Erin, beautiful closet. I finally had a sale from a gal in Boise! Happy Holidays to you! Dorie
Dec 11Reply
sophiesspace great closet fellow posher from the beautiful state of Idaho!
Dec 12Reply
simple0902 Thank you for sharing hope you shop my closet soon !
Dec 13Reply
raebabyscloset Love your closet Erin!! Thanks for the shares!💐💕💕
Dec 16Reply
keepitposh Happy Poshing, Beautiful! :)
Dec 21Reply
g_sowers What was she doing here? I mean the horse. 😂
Jan 07Reply
idahogirlthrift @g_sowers Lol. She was voicing her opinion of the situation. 🤣
Jan 07Reply
kkandmoss I love your closet💖 And what you wrote about yourself. Your an awesome person with awesome taste🌸
Jan 15Reply
idahogirlthrift @kkandmoss Awww... thank you!
Jan 15Reply
terab2020 Erin, thank you for taking the time to stop by my closet. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. BTW outstanding photo, looks really exciting!
Jan 17Reply
ctaul6 Hi Erin! From one Idaho Equestrian girl, to another... thank for the shoes. Your note brought a smile to face and made my day. Thank you! Cortney
Jan 20Reply
idahogirlthrift @ctaul6 I was tickled when I saw the Idaho address. I've been down that way for some clinics a little while ago and thoroughly enjoyed my time there! Wishing you lots of equestrian love! ~Erin
Jan 20Reply
ljstyle4you thank you for sharing my listing! 😍
Jan 24Reply
lisabrownshow So many gorgeous bags!!! I had to force myself to stop looking for now!!
Jan 28Reply
zoenmad Hi🌺. Just wanted to tell you you have a beautiful’s apparent that you value your commitment to Poshmark💝😊
Feb 04Reply
thxithaspockets Love your closet! The pictures and selection are great!
Feb 10Reply
idahogirlthrift @thxithaspockets You are too kind! Thank you so much for the lovely compliment! 😊
Feb 10Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hope you and your Family are having an awesome 2020. I appreciate you liking and sharing my closet. I'm returning the Posh Love.  Caring is Sharing. Chase away the winter blues with a cup of coffee and Poshing in your Pjs. If you have a chance take a look at my closet and see if something catches your eye😊 I'd be more than Happy to make you an offer. plus I'm always having some sort if Sale.  Wishing you Lots of Success on your Poshmark journey.  Blessings
Feb 10Reply
imashoeluver Pretty 😍🥰closet
Feb 12Reply
graceworksshop Hi Erin! Idaho gal here too! (Boise) I have a ton of questions and was hoping I could pick your brain! Looking forward to hearing from ya! 🥰
Feb 14Reply
graceworksshop @idahogirlthrift Do you have an instagram too?
Feb 14Reply
idahogirlthrift @graceworksshop Lol! Umm... I think so, but have absolutely no idea how to use it! I'm relatively certain I'm IdahoGirlThrift on there as well.
Feb 14Reply
graceworksshop @idahogirlthrift Found it and messaged you!
Feb 14Reply
erikakessler1 @graceworksshop Thanks for sharing my closet
Feb 17Reply
slgray007 Thanks for sharing!
Feb 18Reply
babsgilbert Erin, Thank you for the share! 🤝 Happy Feburary! ❤ The month of love!❤ Let's continue to spread the love throughout our Poshmark community by sharing each other's closets!👚👠👕 It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are rewarding for everyone. I hope you catch the love bug!❤🐞 Thanks for sharing!💕
Feb 18Reply
gmamouse6 beautiful horse
Feb 18Reply
idahogirlthrift @gmamouse6 Thank you! 😊
Feb 18Reply
idahogirlthrift @leannescloset13 Morning, Leanne! Completely up to you. As long as you purchased them by about 2pm PST today I can get them out today and you should (theoretically) have them by Saturday (assuming the USPS God's are on our side!). Otherwise, you can definitely check with me when you get back.
Feb 19Reply
idahogirlthrift @leannescloset13 Lol. We'll cross our fingers they'll be there in time. I'll be double sure these get out today! Happy Wednesday!
Feb 19Reply
shipptoyou Thank you so much for sharing!!♥️♥️
Feb 20Reply
giamorriskern Thanks for sharing my listing!!!
Feb 23Reply
littletiny58 Hi Erin🤓 Thankyou for Checking out my Closet Following And Sharing👍Happy Shopping 🛍 And Poshing To You 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Feb 24Reply
nena47 Thanks for checking out my closet & sharing
Feb 25Reply
missbusker Thank you for the share and like on my closet. Feel free to ask questions or leave an offer. Happy Poshing 🤗🌸
Feb 27Reply
deect Hi! I have a pair of white denim jeans that I can only imagine a cowgirl wearing because they are so much stronger than the jeans we wear in CT. Then I saw your pic of you on a horse. Please tell me what you think.
Mar 11Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😉
Mar 12Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 13Reply
oksurpriseme Thanks for sharing 💕
Mar 30Reply
jrlo23 Thanks for sharing my item!!!
Apr 04Reply
rockcandy4u Wow, Your Grey Paint is gorgeous!
Apr 05Reply
idahogirlthrift @rockcandy4u Thank you! She's definitely the prima donna of my heard. Definitely a girl who knows how fabulous she is! Impatiently waiting until the snow melts off my arena so I can start riding again! 💕🎠
Apr 05Reply
rockcandy4u @idahogirlthrift I had an Appaloosa who was such a Diva too. She would prance like an arabian if she knew she was being watched. You'll be in the saddle soon!🤗
Apr 05Reply
idahogirlthrift @rockcandy4u I have 2 appies as well (mother and son), plus 2 breeding stock paints (also mother and son) and then Miss Fancy Pants. All 5 rescued from slaughter. All now living the pampered life. 😊
Apr 05Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😃 Beautiful horse, Make me an reasonable offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Apr 09Reply
jocole96 Thank you for your purchase will ship tomorrow, UPS already closed, Have a blessed day!
Apr 10Reply
poshtoniii Thank u for the follow and share! Your closet looks great! PS Love the horse pic! Took riding classes last year and fell in love with horses 🐎🥰
Apr 11Reply
poshtoniii Whoops I don't know if u follow me, but I appreciate the share 😊
Apr 11Reply
idahogirlthrift @genzgirl Lol. I'm following you now! My life would be a little (maybe a lot) easier if I didn't love horses so much, but they sure spice things up! I've got 5 at the moment. :-)
Apr 11Reply
idahogirlthrift @jocole96 Lovely! Thank you so much!
Apr 11Reply
poshtoniii @idahogirlthrift thank you so much! I've only been on Poshmark for 2 days but it's connecting with Poshers like you that have made it such a warm and positive experience so far! ☺️
Apr 11Reply
idahogirlthrift @genzgirl well, welcome to Poshmark! Getting started can be fun and challenging. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask!!
Apr 11Reply
jrlo23 Thank you so much for sharing my item.....stay safe!!!
Apr 18Reply
mommom501 I hope you will come to visit my closet and take a look at the gorgeous 100% silk equestrian vest from Brooks Brothers. It is a true classic and in great condition. It is vintage and always beautiful! ❤️
Jun 26Reply
cjfabarez Hi! I’m new to selling, so I apologize for the delay but I just wanted to say thank you for sharing one of my listings! I appreciate the support!
Jun 27Reply
idahogirlthrift @cjfabarez You're so very welcome! Happy to help. 😊
Jun 27Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹
Jun 28Reply
erikakessler1 Thanks for sharing
Jul 01Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Hi fellow Pacific North Westerner 🙏🛍🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 02Reply
dtopkat Welcome to Poshmark. I live in Detroit but spent a year in Wallace, ID fighting fires for the USFS. Beautiful country.
Jul 09Reply
astridcompany Hi, thanks for the share! 😊
Jul 13Reply
randeescloset Nice to meet you 🐴 Fellow equestrian 🐴🐴🐴 in So Cal
Jul 20Reply
eleniluvs2shop Thanks for sharing 🤗
Sep 16Reply
heavenlyglam 30% off sale for black Friday. All week long. Just put in an offer and it will be accepted!!!
Nov 27Reply
allamoda145 Hello, Thank you so much for all the Posh shares! All the Posh love is much appreciated! Big smiles!👗👠👛
Nov 29Reply
kapuartstudio A other Idaho gal! I am the other side of Sandpoint...and sometimes Noxon, Montana. Poshmark has been good to me, and have met some very nice folks through it. Wishing you a safe end to the year and good holidays!
Nov 29Reply
idahogirlthrift @kapuartstudio I’ve met some lovely people as well! Nice to ‘meet’ you!! Happy holidays!
Nov 29Reply
maryl13 I don’t know if you remember me, but when I first started on Poshmark in October 2019, you sent me a general welcome and offer to help. And, I contacted you for help several times early on. I became a Poshmark Ambassador by January 2020 and overall have had a great first year. I even have been able to assist others who are new. I owe so much of my success to you and your generous help in the early phases!! So, thank you!! Happy holidays!! Many blessings in the new year!!!
Dec 10Reply
idahogirlthrift @maryl13 For hours I've been trying to formulate a response to your message that could adequately describe just how much I appreciate you reaching out to me. Suffice it to say, I'm failing miserable. I'm so, so very thankful that a few tips from me could help you out on your reselling journey. Your message has brightened my day in a way I'll never be able to convey. Thank you! And happy holidays to you and yours!!
Dec 10Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for sharing my closet! Merry Christmas, stay safe! 💖 Happy Poshing ✨
Dec 24Reply
juliasfinds Hi Erin, thank you for the discount on that skirt I really like it I'm not ready to buy it just yet... not sure it would fit as I've gained weight and currently I'm a size 8.
Mar 21Reply
2girls2122 Beautiful horses It makes me happy to know there are caring people out there to rescue any animal..I help out a rescue to place dogs in there forever homes..It is wonderful ❤.Give them all a kiss from us ..Wishing you many sales and buys..Have a great weekend 😊
Apr 09Reply
norasark67 I LOVE YOU ALREADY!! any horse, let alone rescue horse lover is a friend of mine!!! Best Wishes to you, 🤠 your family, and your animals (I'm guessing rescue dogs too?). Happy Sales and stay healthy 💪
Apr 11Reply
norasark67 oh and I love the buckskin paint picture!!
Apr 11Reply
idahogirlthrift @norasark67 You are too kind! Happy sales to you as well, and stay healthy!
Apr 21Reply
rospoly Hi, nice to meet you! You have a lovely closet ❤️!
May 02Reply
cortezm99 Hi there! 😊 I just wanted to say thank you for the “share” love you’ve shown in my closet. It is very much appreciated! I will be sure to return the favor if I haven’t already! 😊💋
Jun 19Reply
angie27leal Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! 💕
Jul 14Reply
hannahbouchard7 Rescue horse pals!!
Jul 22Reply
idahogirlthrift @hannahbouchard7 Woot woot! I swear we should get tattoos and have a secret handshake or something! 🤣
Jul 22Reply
kirstencxx Hii I love your stuff! Thank you for the offer. I have a question about the 8651 Docs, are they US M 7 or US F 7? The UK or europe size would help too!! Let me know :))
Jul 29Reply
wholesale_posh Great eye for style
Aug 25Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Sep 02Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I ❤️ your horse photos. I hope you are having a great Labor Day weekend and successful Poshing!🌼
Sep 06Reply
fairshop Hey have you had any luck selling riding pants or boots on here? I’m just thinking what to list and I have some barely used pants and boots. Thanks in advance
Sep 12Reply
idahogirlthrift @fairshop I’ve sold numerous pairs of breeches and boots with no trouble. 😊
Sep 12Reply
fairshop @idahogirlthrift awesome thankz
Sep 12Reply
itzallgoodw Thanks for sharing
Sep 24Reply
mvlarson Hey girl! We are basically neighbors. I now live in mica but I went to college at NIC and grew up in Metaline falls! ❤️
Oct 09Reply
mvlarson @moonstruck8275 I live in Mica!! 8 min from Rockford. I was just telling her that we are neighbors. Your right!!
Oct 09Reply
theedysue Kool kloset Erin😎 And love ❤️ your equestrian rescues 🥰😇👩‍🌾🐴👏
Oct 18Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Nov 21Reply
lexcray Beautiful photos! Your horses are gorgeous!❤
Dec 12Reply
jilster1014 I will share for you to help your animals!!!!! Love what you are doing ;)))))))
Dec 26Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Erin. Thank you for the follow and the shares. I really appreciate it. Your animals are beautiful. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Jan 03Reply
16chickens Hi Erin , love your pictures !!!! You have a really nice closet ❤️
Jan 08Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️
Jan 30Reply
072365 Hi, can you discount the shipping on the black collared sweater.
Feb 04Reply
duhburford My heart is set on being an Idaho girl by summer! 😍 I love it there. My son is there, as well as my auntie. My closet is part of my relocation fund. Feel free to stop by. I give at least 20% off on bundles of 3+. Happy Poshing! Blessings! 💕💙
Feb 08Reply
dogtownusa the goat and the horse are great but I LOVE those dogs
Feb 16Reply
irishcloset21 Hey, just wanted to say your closet looks really well put together and I’ve enjoyed looking through it! I noticed that you’ve been on here for a while and sold quite a few listings; is there any chance you have any tips for a semi-fledgling posher? Have a great day!
Apr 06Reply
blushing_dahlia Love your pictures ! My parents grew up in Twin Falls and my huge extended family all live in southern Idaho, but Northern is just beautiful . One of my favorite states ever💕💕💕Happy poshing! Jen
May 22Reply
dbl2016 Erin, thank you so much for sharing a few items from our closet. We really appreciate your support. Enjoy a lovely weekend.
Jun 18Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️🌺
Jun 29Reply
cutehosiery @idahogirlthrift Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 29Reply
kateb28 Beautiful horses and rider!! 💗
Sep 10Reply
turnkeyes Thanks for the discounted offer, but dress is too small for me.. I’ll continue to visit your shop… thanks again..
Oct 28Reply
lavra_l I love your closet - you have great taste! 🌺🌺 Have a nice evening, Laura
Mar 06Reply
fishingfund Cute! I have a buff colored cocker too. He is 14 yrs old tho.
Sep 21Reply
barry_bailey Hi there Erin ! 😊
Jan 19Reply
hollywoodheidi haha, only in my dreams will I be able to have horses again!
Mar 11Reply

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