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Updated Jul 16
Updated Jul 16

Meet your Posher, Faith

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Faith. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

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studiolace Hello! Welcome to Poshmark!! 💖😊
Nov 07Reply
jazdoll82 🎉🎉🎉Hello Welcome to Posh🎉🎉🎉. Come check out my closet and I’ll check out yours. Follow me too :) If you have any questions please feel free to ask :) Happy Poshing!
Nov 08Reply
retinoicacid @jazkim hello! I just shipped out the louboutin shoes today.. sorry the holidays kinda delayed things a bit.. please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
Dec 29Reply
anyangel Thank you for your purchase . It will ship tomorrow😊
Jan 02Reply
mariyadubrov Hi Faith, thank you for purchase. Please enjoy these 💕💕💕
Jan 10Reply
bellevue360 Thanks so much for your purchase Faith! I’ll get your new bikini out first thing tomorrow! 💗
Feb 09Reply
faithrosebryan @bellevue360 I’m sorry this Bikini wasn’t what you wanted when you bought it from the other posher... I’m sure I’ll get lots of use out of it here on the beach. 💜
Feb 09Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Feb 14Reply
midoa Hi Faith 😊 feel free to put an offer on the Abercrombie skirt that u like, I’m offering a free shipping today on purchase of $39 & up! Happy poshing my dear 🤗
Mar 05Reply
faithrosebryan @midoa thank you for the offer! The skirt is the only thing that peaked my interest however. 💜
Mar 05Reply
midoa @faithrosebryan if that’s the only thing u like, I can drop the price 10% off so u can get discounted shipping. Let me know if u really want it so I can do it, otherwise I’ll keep it as is 🤗
Mar 05Reply
kissmyapples @faithrosebryan hello faith I just wanted to let you know I did drop your package off at the post office to go out today for some reason it's not showing up that it actually did go out but I hope that tomorrow it does if not I will what has to go to the post office in find out what's going on
Mar 06Reply
faithrosebryan @clothinggirl Thank you for your help :)
Mar 06Reply
kissmyapples @faithrosebryan hello faith I'm sorry to let you know I just found out that the skirt that you were supposed to get was accidentally shipped to another person cuz I put the wrong shipping label on the round packages so I'm just letting you know what's going on so if you do receive a package most likely it's going to be not the skirt it will be another item like dress.
Mar 08Reply
faithrosebryan @clothinggirl thank you for letting me know, I will be on the lookout. Should I just mark it “return to sender”?
Mar 09Reply
kissmyapples @faithrosebryan yeah you can do that Return to sender and then I'll send it back to you
Mar 09Reply
faithrosebryan @clothinggirl would it be possible for you to send me my actual top in the meantime....? Otherwise, with shipping time, that’d take forever.
Mar 09Reply
kissmyapples @faithrosebryan I have to wait for it to get it back here. Once I get it I will pay extra and expedite to you quicker.
Mar 09Reply
kissmyapples @faithrosebryan another thing. I don't know what top your mean. It was skirt you purchase.
Mar 09Reply
afrikanreine Hi there, hope all is well with you, I just wanted to know if you were still interested in the heels, i am going to the post office tmrw and it would be a great chance get those out to you so you could get it sometime early next week. Thanks for visiting my closet and hope to hear from you soon😉
Apr 20Reply
fparese Hey, Faith😀
Jun 07Reply
pixiepigsy Thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship out your watch tomorrow 😊❤
Jun 10Reply
pixiepigsy Hi. I just checked to see if the battery works for the watch and it unfortunately doesn't work anymore. I'm very sorry about this. Please let me know if you want me to cancel your order ❤
Jun 11Reply
pixiepigsy I might be able to take the watch and get the battery replaced today. I'll give you an update. So sorry about this. Let me know what are your thoughts ❤
Jun 11Reply
pixiepigsy Hi Faith. I just took the watch to the watch repair place and got the battery professionally replaced. Please let me know if you still want this watch and I will definately ship it out tomorrow. There's no scratches after replacenent. Hopefully I can hear back from you soon 😊
Jun 11Reply
luvclos Hi Faith! Sorry for the delay looking for the sarong- please bear with me. Thank you for your patience have a wonderful day Sheila🙏🏼♥️
Jun 15Reply
mst5717 Hi, thanks for the likes 🌷
Sep 02Reply
mst5717 Thank you Faith🌷
Sep 05Reply
jmb4evr2009 Hey love! I was just wondering if you had received my messages about the agent provocateur bras? I sent the grey and pink one out this morning :-) but I was going to see if you were still interested in the black and pale pink one? I also noticed you like the peach sequin top in my closet as well. If you want to bundle them I can give you a discount. If not no worries at all, I just felt bad that you had mentioned that if you had known they were part of my closet you would have bundled :-(
Sep 17Reply
jmb4evr2009 Please rate your purchase
Sep 21Reply
huakanani hey girl! once the payment goes through I’ll ship your products!
Sep 26Reply
faithrosebryan @huakanani that’s not how posh works sweets. PoshMark has my payment now. The seller (you) mails the order, and once USPS tracking shows I’ve received the order, PM releases the payment to you.
Sep 27Reply
huakanani @faithrosebryan oh not for Posh! I meant the payment for the package I scheduled for pickup. sorry for the misunderstanding!
Sep 27Reply
faithrosebryan @huakanani I’m sorry, I’m still very confused.
Sep 27Reply
huakanani @faithrosebryan They payment I made to ship my package is pending so once it goes through your package will be shipped
Sep 27Reply
faithrosebryan @huakanani why would you need to make a payment for the package? A paid shipping label should of been provided for you from posh since I paid for shipping along with the payment to you.
Sep 27Reply
huakanani @faithrosebryan i had to pay for an updated shipping label. Your package will ship tomorrow
Sep 27Reply
huakanani Hey girl, have you received your package yet?
Oct 14Reply
faithrosebryan @huakanani 👋 no.... I live in Panama City Beach and was hit directly by Hurricane Michael.... a lot of my city was destroyed... there’s no running water, electricity, or mail delivery..... not sure when I’ll be receiving any mail.... hopefully soon. Fingers crossed.
Oct 14Reply
huakanani @faithrosebryan I’m so sorry to hear that, hope all is well! Sending love and prayers to your and your close ones❤️
Oct 14Reply
faithrosebryan @huakanani thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 14Reply
dragonfly1111 Hello :-)! I see that you've received your purchase. If you have the time could you possibly accept and rate it. Thank you Melissa
Oct 27Reply
kpmia with my medical license I need to order about 50 boxes to get the price (after POSH fees) you offer. Sorry I can’t accept it. The lowest 370$
Nov 11Reply
kinderteach Hey girl, sorry to bother you, but I saw you wrote a love note to the seller that you bought the Olaplex No. 2 17.75 oz bottle from. I was wondering if you looked at your exp. date bc mines from 2/2015 and still says “patent pending.” Olaplex received a patent in August of 2015, and i have asmaller bottle of No 2 i got directly from Olaplex through my ex sis in law who’s a hairdresser, and it is adifferent color and now says “patented” on it. jw if she was selling everyone old bottles.
Nov 12Reply
faithrosebryan @kinderteach OMG I would of never noticed that. It says “CPNP# 1896763 Notification Date: 20/2/2015 Made in California, USA Patent Pending” -there’s no expiration date on it though.... So this is old product??
Nov 12Reply
kinderteach YES! Started off nice & said she didn’t know it was old until she saw the pics. The writing on the bottom of these bottles haven’t said that since their patent. i never responded, bc I was letting Posh handle it. Then she got extremely rude multiple times&asked y I didn’t have my EX SisInLaw order it for me. EX is y! She started explaining Olaplex, so she knows it’s old! Long story& can only type500 words. Sorry I broke the news! People like that ruin the fun of the site!
Nov 17Reply
faithrosebryan @kinderteach gah! That’s horrible! 😠 and stupid. And misleading and mean. Thank you for letting me know. Trying to hide the facts and mislead is just plane rude. - Side note: you’re awesome for letting me know 💜💜💜
Nov 17Reply
quiroznancy Thank you for your purchase i will be shipping tomorrow evening ! 😊 Have a great day 😊
Dec 13Reply
faithrosebryan @quiroznancy thanks luv 💜 Hope you have a great night!
Dec 13Reply
hanabisayuki Hi Faith! Thanks for the offer! I can do $25 free shipping through 🅿️🅿️ with tracking provided. If it works, leave your 🅿️🅿️ email and I’ll forward a request! ☺️
Dec 13Reply
quiroznancy Hello hope your having a great day ! Just wanted to keep you updated that I just shipped ! 🤗
Dec 14Reply
krissyjeffares Hi!!! I hope that you’re enjoying poshing! I am about to be adding a ton of new items over the next few weeks! Including some TRUE RELIGION jeans ;) ! I’d love for you to check them out. I’m offering a private discount if 25% off your first order of two or more items from my closet! Happy shopping!!!
Dec 19Reply
mmdell11 Hi!! I hope your day is going well! I just wanted to let you know I am trying to clear out my closet & im having a 3 for $20(or less) on certain items! feel free to check it out! I'm open to offers, bundles & shares!! Happy poshing❤️❤️❤️
Jan 17Reply
nysiaa1 Hi , please rate your purchase
Jan 31Reply
mostrong0816 Thank you for your purchase 🤗 I have to apologize for the delay. I realized yesterday that the mailman DID NOT pick up your package. Even with the flag up they just pushed it to the back of the mailbox and delivered new mail. 😡 To top it off. When I saw this yesterday, the flag was still UP 📫 I’m taking it to the post office today and filing a complaint. Grrrrrrr!
Feb 01Reply
faithrosebryan @mostrong0816 it’s totally ok doll 🙂 I completely understand 💜
Feb 01Reply
busyworkinmomma Thank you for purchase, will get in mail tonight or in the morning!😀
Feb 08Reply
faithrosebryan @busyworkinmomma Thank you darling! 😁 you’re awesome 💜💜
Feb 08Reply
busyworkinmomma @faithrosebryan So are you! Have a blessed day!🤩
Feb 08Reply
faithrosebryan @busyworkinmomma you too! 💜 I hope you have a beautiful weekend! 💜☺️
Feb 08Reply
busyworkinmomma Thank you for the 5☆ rating, much appreciated!!🤩
Feb 15Reply
faithrosebryan @busyworkinmomma of course darling! 💜💜 it was well deserved!
Feb 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 03Reply
jmb4evr2009 @faithrosebryan Hi Faith! Thank you for your interest in my Agent Provocateur bra. $90 would be my very lowest on here due to the high fees. Let me know if you're interested I can ship 1st thing tomorrow morning ❤❤
Jun 03Reply
elegancie Thank you for your like, feel free to make an offer !
Sep 13Reply
masha16 Hi lovely! Happy Halloween! Hope you are healing well and fast! Idk if you want the joico kpak but if you do, I'll take an offer ( but text me first so I can add a shipping discount) or ill send it as a gift if you find anything else you like- if not, its always great to hear from you!!! Have a lovely night!!
Nov 01Reply
brooklyn_glam @faithrosebryan I’m so happy you loved the jeans!!!! I just knew you would. Thank you for the excellent rating and additional comment. You rock. Enjoy them 🥰
Nov 06Reply
creativethrift thank you so much for your purchase! I know you'll love the Jeans😊👍may all your poshing be prosperous and I have the same pair of Jeans but in gray and I just haven't posted them yet so let me know if your interested. same price!
Nov 07Reply
me_cheap Hi, I am having a CRAY CRAY 😜 SALE over at my closet!!! 4 for $19.00 come on by and shop today! I have all 5 star ⭐️ reviews. 🛒🛒🛒
Nov 12Reply
katydid1010 Hi! I’ll put the tights in the mailbox in the morning. Thanks for the purchase!
Nov 24Reply
lindanguyen236 HappyPoshing ❤️
Jan 29Reply
janet4missions Hi Faith! Thank you for your purchase. I will bring your package to the Post Office tomorrow and you should have by Saturday! Janet 🌴💜🌴
Feb 06Reply
lindanguyen236 HappyPoshing ♥️
Feb 19Reply
masha16 Hey girly, how's your back?
Apr 29Reply
karen_m_dresses @faithrosebryan Hello! I’m the seller of the bundle of cropped tops you’ve ordered! Before I ship I’d like to ask if you would accept it in white color? I did a mistake in my inventory :( and I don’t have the black one. I’d like to ship the order for your satisfaction, do you think we can contact somehow? (I’m so sorry, I’m such a beginner!)
Oct 29Reply
faithrosebryan @karen_m_dresses oooh that stinks 😕 umm I don’t really wear white, but I guess that would be oki. Thank you for letting me know. 💜
Oct 29Reply
karen_m_dresses @faithrosebryan You're so kind! I want to be honest with you and write you the situation: My inventory was mistaken with all the cropped tops, and I've just realized it now how much. This is what I have: Pink Cropped Top, size 6 - Blue Cropped Top, size 4, 6, 8. I feel terrible and apologize! Please let me know what I can ship to you right now. I would love to mail all 4 tops for you to compensate you so you can sell if the size doesn't fit.
Oct 29Reply
faithrosebryan @karen_m_dresses Thank you for letting me know ♥️ Sending the 4 of them is really kind of you to offer, thank you. 💜💜💜
Oct 29Reply
karen_m_dresses @faithrosebryan I thank you! ❤️
Oct 29Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Nov 12Reply
faithrosebryan @bdesjardins13 🥰 Thanks Darling, I will. ♥️
Nov 12Reply
vintagelini Hello! I saw that you liked a listing of mine :) if you’d be interested in a bundle, at the moment all bundles are 50% off (or more for larger bundles)😃 Let’s work something out!
Dec 28Reply
mechelle539 Hi there! If you’re interested in some new items, take a look at my closet. Hope you can find something you like :)
Mar 12Reply
rivergirl35 Thanks for your offer. I am willing to meet you halfway 🤓😊  If that works for you, great! If not, I understand. Either way, Happy Poshing!
Jul 26Reply
yourmanegirl hi love! I am out of town currently which is the reason for the shipping delays! I will ship it out first thing on Monday :)
Mar 16Reply
themysticpisces @faithrosebryan Your order never started tracking, I’m assuming it may be out for delivery, an order I shipped the same day states it’s out for delivery today so hopefully you get it! ♥️
Mar 26Reply
faithrosebryan @themysticpisces Thank you for letting me know. I’ll let you know when it arrives.
Mar 26Reply
cutehosiery @faithrosebryan Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply
watsonlilmommy @faithrosebryan hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 05Reply
demilehr2 please check out my closet ..authentic designer items..beautiful condition..Thank you and be safe
Jan 23Reply

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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Riverview, FL
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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Riverview, FL
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