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Updated Aug 12
Updated Aug 12

Meet your Posher, Fran

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Frances. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, J. Crew, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I have a cat friendly home and cats shed even though I keep my home as clean as possible but there may be a few rouge kitty hairs that like to travel to different states, so if you are allergic or offended by a couple of stray hairs that I may have missed please think twice about purchasing 😻.
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moonshine225 Welcome to poshmark!! 😄
Sep 26Reply
musemax Welcome to Posh!
Sep 27Reply
springerlover Welcome to Poshmark! 🍁
Sep 27Reply
chonka68 Gorgeous Kitty😻❤Welcome!Any questions-happy to help👍
Sep 28Reply
thrift2find Thank you for the welcome.Yes she is a pretty kitty and she knows it :).Still trying to figure things out and thanks for asking
Sep 29Reply
robok8 Hello! Thanks for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day! I do love to give extra discounts on bundles
Oct 11Reply
tibbie Yes, your Emily does look like my Princess Tibbie. Plus, my mom’s name was Francis with an I. 💕💕💕
Oct 13Reply
clovergrove Hi Frances !!! Thank you so much for all the likes!!! Happy Poshing. 😊🍀
Oct 17Reply
thrift2find @clovergrove you are your closet..I`m still learning the ropes here so hopefully I`ll get the hang of things
Oct 17Reply
sunset08 Hi Frances ~ Welcome to Poshmark, I hope you are enjoying it here! Thank you for the LIKE! If you ever have any questions or need help with anything please let me know, happy to help! Have a great day and Happy Poshing!!
Oct 19Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for the like. I reduced price if interested.
Oct 31Reply
1kentucky Beautiful kitty. Have a great Posh day!💃🛍❤
Nov 04Reply
thrift2find @1kentucky thank you...and your puppy is the cutest ..
Nov 04Reply
flamebrand Thanks brotha
Dec 06Reply
jgreen0722 Hello Frances, l always stop,shop and share a cat lovers closet. There are a lot of cat lovers at Poshmark. The cat on my closet is Tory and she is the queen of the house. Your fluffy fur baby looks so sweet, l would love to know the story of how you got such a cute cat if you feel like it . Stay safe and warm,Best Wishes, Jennifer G,Cat Lover/fellow posher.
Mar 14Reply
thrift2find @jgreen0722 Thanks for the comments about my kitty. Your kitty is beautiful by the way. My fur baby’s name is Emily and she is a complete diva. She loves a belly rub so she rolls over on her back a lot lol. I got her as a rescue 3 yrs ago. She was found in the hollow of a tree truck with 5 babies She did have a previous home cause she was very tame. She is my spoiled little girl and she shows her love everyday
Mar 14Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Francis , Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to meet you ! Happy Poshing 😚😙💕💕💔💕💟💗💖💟💗💖💖💖❣💙
Mar 20Reply
thrift2find @debsdesigndealz thanks for the welcome. Still learning the ropes but starting to get the hang of it and happy posting to you too
Mar 20Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda I Make One Of a Kind Jewelry If you are Buying or Selling.... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile Best of Luck to you.....💖and Stop in to see me! **** Jewelry Makes the Outfit***💋
Mar 22Reply
luckyshaul @cleokat60 Hi Dear, thank you so much for checking out my closet. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Poshing :)
Mar 26Reply
ingridwhitworth Hi! Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet! Cute kitty!!
Mar 28Reply
lenalory5 Thank you for sharing my items in social media! I am very happy.😀
Mar 29Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark,, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, I give discounts on bundles 😃 Happy Poshing
Mar 29Reply
lazarusheart Omg sooo cute!!
Apr 08Reply
oliver_and_co Thank you for sharing my closet!
Apr 12Reply
jgreen0722 Hello Frances, l can tell you are a cat lover. Me too, the cat on my closet is Tory and she is the queen of the house. I and my husband have done street cat rescue for many years. One of our many rescues produced four sweet kittens. You can see two of the kittens in my listings in my closet. Your kitty looks so sweet ! So if you get a chance tell me about your kitty. When l see a cat closet l stop,shop and share. Best Wishes, Jennifer G Poshmark Ambassdor 🙏🌸
Apr 22Reply
jgreen0722 Thanks for letting me know about you fur baby. You rescued her and the kittens too. Doesn’t it feel good to know they will never be on the streets, cold, hungry and homeless. They are so truly grateful and loving. I will keep your closet in my permanent file. Thanks Again Jennifer G , Cat Lover / rescuer 🙏🐈🌸
Apr 23Reply
zardiva1 @cleokat60 Awww, Emmie (haha 😀), you sound like such a sweetie 😘 I love your super-fluffy fur! 😃😘🐈
May 02Reply
keikiscloset Love your kitty!😺
May 02Reply
thrift2find @keikiscloset well thank you. She is such a diva too😸. You have a beautiful kitty also.
May 02Reply
keikiscloset @cleokat60 Ah, I do love my boys. Pets are the greatest! 😁
May 02Reply
mariva931 Hi Frances 👋 thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 😘😘
May 05Reply
looloo007 Cute blouse
May 08Reply
thrift2find @looloo007 Yes it is very cute 🙂. Thank you for your purchase too and I will mail it first thing in the morning for ya. 😸
May 08Reply
looloo007 Thank you
May 08Reply
straycatstitch @cleokat60 Hi Frances, Cute Cat! Just followed you on a Instagram. I’m there too @vlbutler42 😊
May 17Reply
pearshapeposh Thank you so much for all the shares! Have a fabulous weekend! 🥰👍
May 25Reply
ninetimes99 Hi Frances, So delighted you’re following my closet & glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies, as I’m here to help, & always open to feedback. ✨🌸✨ Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
May 27Reply
annieweaver442 Just liked many of your things. So pretty. How can I bundle for a good price? Sorry I’m not very good at this! Lol. Hope to hear from u. Thanks
May 30Reply
daffodildog23 Wow, Frances you sure seem to be the most laid back posher ever! 🤓 best regards. Elizabeth
May 31Reply
thrift2find @daffodildog23 😆. Yeah she spends a lot of time on her back and I swear she thinks she’s a dog. 😸
May 31Reply
nancy_jenkins Thank you for all the shares. I really appreciate 🤓
Jun 08Reply
missamandaposh 😻😻😻
Jun 08Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jun 20Reply
prettypinkmink Omg love your fur baby. I had two maine coons who have since passed due to old age. They are the best. Now i have four rescues who wake me up at 5:30 every morning for work. No need for alarm clock.
Jul 07Reply
amanisb15 Hello! Thanks for the follow! Come check out my closet. If you bundle 3 or more items from my closet you receive 20% off of your entire order!! 😁
Jul 16Reply
creeksidesales Hi! Just found your closet. Small world....I am a reseller too also in Tappahannock😎
Sep 12Reply
thrift2find @pfseac ....Well hello, it is a small world. I’ll check out your closet later and share 😁👍.
Sep 12Reply
creeksidesales @cleokat60 Thanks! You have done a great job with your closet 👏👏👏👏
Sep 12Reply
ragsandfeathers Thanks for checking out my closet! I have a huge 🍁Autumn🍁 sale going on right now. 30% off 3 items, 40% off 4, 50% off 5+! Look for the leaves!
Oct 23Reply
claireleslie07 What a pretty kitty!
Dec 02Reply
thrift2find @claireleslie07 Thank you !!! She is such a diva and definitely thinks she’s the cat’s meow😸
Dec 02Reply
claireleslie07 @cleokat60 I love her expressions!
Dec 02Reply
aazadi Hi. Love your kitty. Now I am going to check out your closet.
Feb 21Reply
aazadi Hi. Love your kitty. Now I am going to check out your closet.
Feb 21Reply
denimandiamonds Hi! I’m Bonnie. @Denimandiamonds I checked out you closet because of the pictures of your beautiful kitty. Maine Coon? I have 2 beautiful Himalayan kitties that allow me to share their home. I still haven’t figured out how to add their pictures to my page. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank u for following!
Feb 22Reply
thrift2find @denimandiamonds ....Hi and thank you for looking in my closet. Yes she is a Maine Coon and she is such a diva😸. If I’m not mistaken I think you can add pics on your about page ( it’s been awhile so I might be wrong about that though).
Feb 22Reply
denimandiamonds Hi Francis! Just letting you know I’m having a big sale until midnight. All clothes are 50% off; all shoes and bags are 25% off until midnight tonight. Bonnie💖 @denimandiamonds
Mar 01Reply
girlshopper2020 hi! thanks for passing by! hope you have a joyful week and more sales! ... pretty kitty! (we just lost ours a month ago) cherished every moment w him/her! HAPPY POSHING! 🌹 take care and be safe always
Sep 22Reply
ethigpin Thanks for your help with my questions
Sep 26Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Oct 27Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 05Reply

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Warsaw, VA
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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Warsaw, VA
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