Meet your Posher, Gale
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Hi! I'm Gale. Some of my favorite brands are Guess, Coach, Nike, and Free people. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) you can also follow me on twitter at Lyrikal_lyla

13 others
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Hi Gale! My name is Raci and I'd like to say hello! I hope you're enjoying being here. If you haven't already, check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum where you will find helpful information for those new to Poshmark. There's a wonderful facebook group run by Dani @motherskiss which you can request to join - The Best Poshmark Tips and Advice. Bookmark too! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me as well if you have any questions.
Best of luck to you & Happy Poshing!!
Jan 03Reply

@virago Hi Raci thanks for the tip I appreciate it this whole thing is very new to me :)
Jan 03Reply

@lewan01 You are very welcome!!! We all were newbies once. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need any help!! ❤️💕❤️
Jan 04Reply

@lewan01 Hi Gayle! Welcome to Poshmark!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎀🎀🎀🎁🎁🎁 very nice to meet you! I'm Jesh. Thank you so much for sharing some of my listings. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 😃🎀
Jan 15Reply

@ashjesh thanks for the welcome and the shares 😄
Jan 16Reply

@lewan01 Pleasure is mine! 😃🎉💕
Jan 16Reply

Hi Gale! I'm Lori and welcome to Poshmark! You're going to meet so many great women who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have or just looking for guidance. @poshuniversity is a really nice starting point and you can refer back to it again and again. Love your little furbaby! Is it a Pom? Everybody posts their furry ones and we animal lovers love them! Happy Poshing! ( you're gonna hear that one a lot!)
Feb 02Reply

@sassafras19 Hi Lori 😀I have 2 American eskimos that look pretty close to Poms I see you have a beagle very cute! I will be sure to check out the posh university Thanks for the welcome and Happy Poshing to you too!
Feb 02Reply

@lewan01 You're so welcome! Always here if you need!
Feb 02Reply

OMG Ur furbaby is BEAUTIFUL ❤ 🐾 Absolutely Adorable 😙 💓 Puppy kisses 😙
Feb 06Reply

@anmllvr thanks so is yours love the picture in the tub😀🐶
Feb 06Reply

Greetings 🐇
Apr 15Reply

@zandiye hello 🙂Nice closet !
Apr 15Reply

@lewan01 Thank you 🐻
Apr 15Reply

Do you think you have enough jewelry? When I was looking at the shoes the other day I had no idea of all those other closet full of stuff. I have been looking for over an hour and I just pulled up my size, which is A plus size, but always brings up all the jewelry with it. I'm amazed at all the jewelry!
Jun 03Reply

@lewan01 hi can I just hear some details about this adorable white dog??! I'm in love!! Will make an offer! Lol. He's so cute this pic made my day!
Jun 13Reply

@skittenmitten8 lol aww thank you I have two small American eskimos Ricky and Lucy they are my babies lol.
Jun 13Reply

@lewan01 is that pic when he was a puppy?? I can't take it - cute overload!!!
Jun 13Reply

@skittenmitten8 lol no that's a current picture they stay small
Jun 13Reply

@lewan01 ok that's even better!! Are they cuddly?! Sorry, I know this is not a pet app, but I have never seen anything like this! And also there are a lot of animal poshers on here... anyway, thx for sharing! I think my two big boy kitties are twice the size but would be afraid. They have never seen dogs before except at the vet when they are in the crate haha. Happy poshing!
Jun 13Reply

@skittenmitten8 that's okay I am an animal lover I have two cats as well they get along fairly well lol. Iol as per my husband I am not allowed near a pet store I'll come home with another one lol. They are big mushes The female I taught to give hugs and the male is so sweet. The best dogs i have ever had in my life!
Jun 13Reply

Thanks a bunch for the follow and sharing from my closet ✌❤
Jun 16Reply

Hi 😊💕 I'm Alixe! I hope you enjoy my closet && please let me know if you have any questions 🛍💐👠👗👒👔
Jun 21Reply

@abmccaig Hi Alexie really nice closet wish you were my size you have great taste ! 🙂🌸🎀
Jun 21Reply

Hi Gale, than you so much for following and sharing🤗😍
Jun 21Reply

@arshmani no problem 🙂 it's tough getting started. If you'd like I can tag you on follow games so you can get more followers 🙂
Jun 21Reply

@lewan01 Yes, indeed😍 sure, please do🤗 that would be really kind of you😘Let's grow together😜
Jun 21Reply

@arshmani no problem 🙂it helps a lot :)
Jun 21Reply

@lewan01 sure, it does😜thanks a bunch😘
Jun 21Reply

@arshmani no problem 🙂
Jun 21Reply

@lewan01 😘🤗
Jun 21Reply

Thanks for the that a llama?
Jun 23Reply

@arasplayground hey no problem 🙂 this is an alpaca
Jun 23Reply

He/she looks naughty..😁😁😁
Jun 23Reply

@arasplayground 😂
Jun 23Reply

Your dog is sooooo cute!! Happy poshing 🛍️⭐
Jun 25Reply

@rika91321 thank you so it urs! 🙂🐶
Jun 25Reply

@lewan01 I used to have an American Eskimo her name was Snow Fox (Foxy). She was the sweetest little girl. Miss her still been 7 yrs since she went to the rainbow bridge.
Jun 26Reply

@mzpitty1 aww sorry about foxy 😔 they are really such great dogs 🐶
Jun 26Reply

@lewan01 you betcha. I HAVE RESCUE mINI SCHNAUZER WITH ALLERGIES. and a border collie Eng shepherd mix.
Jun 26Reply

@mzpitty1 aww those are so cute ! I had a dog with allergies it was a lot of work taking care of him he was allergic to everything
Jun 26Reply

Jul 03Reply

@purplepassion68 aww thank you I saw yours as well adorable! Can't wait to get the ring 🙂 Happy 4th 🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 13Reply

Wow, is that a miniature American Eskimo dog in your picture, I had one for 19 years and she was my baby. I miss her everyday
Jul 16Reply

@roxy_67 yes it is I have 2 of them. They are the best dogs I have ever had.
Jul 16Reply

@lewan01 oh my God that breaks my heart, I lost my Sophie a year ago, it was one of the hardest things I've been through. I still cry. She was the best dog I have ever had. Aren't they wonderful
Jul 16Reply

@roxy_67 aww I am so sorry about your dog it's really hard they are like a family member. Will you get another one?
Jul 16Reply

@lewan01 I don't know, it wouldn't be her, and even when I have looked I never see them around here.
Jul 16Reply

@lewan01 Great fur baby😊
Jul 19Reply

Good evening Gale. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 25Reply

@hmsimon1 Hi Hank you have an amazing talent your closet is really awesome 🙂
Jul 25Reply

@lewan01 thank you 😁
Jul 25Reply

just wanted to stop by and say hi!. i love your little pup in the pictures. your closet is really great too! have a good one
Sep 11Reply

@tedmich hey thank you I see you have some cute puppies of your own 🐶 you also have a cool closet 😎
Sep 11Reply

Thank so much for the ratings, god bless 😘💕
Nov 29Reply

Thanks for following my POSH closet!!! I absolutely ❤️ shopping and selling on Posh. 👚👠👕👖👞👡👗👙👒👓🧢👝🎒 The Posh community is awesome.😁
Dec 01Reply

Hi Gale! Thanked you by sharing but just HAD to stop and say hello cuz it looks like you're maybe an Eskie Mom too judging from the cutie in your photo! Nice to meet you :)
Dec 16Reply

@debilee01 Hi Debi fellow Eskimo mom I have 2 they are the best! Yours is so cute!! 🙂Happy Poshing! 😊
Dec 16Reply

@opticalcarrie thank you 😊
Dec 24Reply

Thank you for sharing
Jan 18Reply

@cceciliasstuff 🙂
Jan 18Reply

Second photo is of an alpaca. Same w first? I was truly stumped at first since it was cut off probably to peer out at us! Happy P🌞SHING!
Jan 23Reply

On second look 👀 I bet it's a doggie!
Jan 23Reply

@treasures2luv the one for this is an alpaca the other one is my puppy lol
Jan 23Reply

Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Jan 24Reply

Love your sweet fur baby's. Those are the sweetest faces. My Annie, a fur kid, helps me bundle. See her at my closet❤️❤️
Mar 01Reply

Congrats on hosting the Pumpkin Patch Ready party! If you get a chance please consider reviewing my closet for host picks. Thank you so much and I appreciate your consideration. You have an amazing closet 💚
Oct 13Reply

Congrats on hosting the posh party 🎉 please check out my closet for a possible hp ☺️ thank you💕💕
Oct 13Reply

🥂Here’s to a successful party🥂
Oct 14Reply

🍁👻🎃🍂Boo! It's Autumn & time for Pumpkin Patch Ready Party! I'll be there.💕 I've got a bunch of items that would make great Host Picks. Would you have time to take a look at my closet?👜👗👒 I'm Poshmark Compliant, a Poshmark Ambassador, 😊 Top Sharer on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest. I'm also a 5-🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Seller & 💕Fast Shipper!🔥 C U @ the Party! HAGDP-Have A Great Day Poshing! 👜👗👒Tricia 🍁👻🎃🍂
Oct 14Reply

Heyyy!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Oct 14Reply

Hello, love your dog. Is it an Eskimo?
Oct 14Reply

👍 love the fur baby
Dec 26Reply

@sweetemerald thanks 🙂
Dec 26Reply

Awwwww! 😃😘🦙
Dec 31Reply

Check out my closet you might find something for that special furry friend in your life 🐕
Jan 19Reply

I called the post office again.Explained to them that i get on the average of atleast 4 packages a month from poshmark.I also told them thst i have not moved .I am still living here in the same house and address.They are now telling me they can not locate my package.I want my jackets. I will give them til the end of day.I will be going in the post office tomorrow2/1/19 before 10am.I will keep you posted.Please believe me i believe it is a post office problem.This makes no sense.
Jan 31Reply

@uvon123 I believe it unfortunately I’ve seen this happen before they lose packages and if it was undeliverable they should’ve sent it back to me and we see tracking coming back to me
Jan 31Reply

They told me that on Wednesday 6:45pm they tried to deliver and was told that i had moved.They did not come to my house it is only 2 people living here.Myself and hubby.I want my 2 jackets.I am very disappointed. I am going to post office tomorrow and let them know that this is not acceptable.Thank You a waste of time and postage.
Jan 31Reply

@uvon123 yeah that is crazy I just don’t get it probably lost it or delivered it to wrong address on accident
Jan 31Reply

@uvon123 okay just heard back from poshmark it sounds like their tracking is showing they are sending it back to me.... they said if nothing happens by the 6th they can resolve it for us. If u still want the coats when I get them back I can have poshmark help to get it set up. I’m sorry for the problem with the post office.
Jan 31Reply

They better find it.On my dashboard, the drivers remarks were that I moved leaving no forwarding address.This clown was not my regular mailman.I will be at post office in morning.I do not like this at all.
Jan 31Reply

Great i want my jackets.I am hot as a pot of rice.But i feel a little bettet know thank you.I want both my jackets.Still going to post office in morning.
Jan 31Reply

@uvon123 ok no problem when I get them I’ll mail ur jackets back out again
Feb 01Reply

Will you check the address and zip i do not want this happening again.I am curious to know the address that was used.Thank you.I am still going in to post office yhis morning.
Feb 01Reply

@uvon123 yes I will let u know The address
Feb 01Reply

Thank you
Feb 01Reply

Just left post office.They told me that the package is being sent back to you.I asked them what address was on package.They confired that the address was mine.I told them that i havenot moved and there postman had to go to the wrong house.It was a postal mistake.
Feb 01Reply

Why should yoy pay for extra shipping.
Feb 01Reply

@uvon123 that’s insane and so messed up I think poshmark will fix that though I just have to let them know when I get it back and wait for new labels
Feb 01Reply

@uvon123 okay I got back the package your post office opened it up... the card was opened and removed from the envelope and they taped it back up again....everything else is fine I notified posh I’m just waiting on them to tell me what i need to do to re send it I’ll keep u posted...
Feb 05Reply

Hello fellow LIer 😁
Feb 05Reply

I have received ai atleast 4 packages from posh since.This incident and 3 from ebay.I went there and reported to them saying it was not fair to you or me.There incompetence is you extra mone. to resend the jackets and me anxiety because I want them I have bought shoes to match both. Of course they looked at me like i was crazy.
Feb 05Reply

@thegirlingrey hi there neighbor 🙂
Feb 05Reply

@uvon123 okay so the next step posh is going to reach out to u to confirm your address and that you still want the coats once that is done they will issue a new label
Feb 06Reply

I received. My 2 beautiful jackets and necklace.Tried to go online and get yoir money released to you and got a message to go to support.I went to support and emailed them to please release your money I love my 2 jackets and necklace thank you.
Feb 11Reply

That’s great I am so glad you got your jackets! 🙂you should be getting the boot covers soon too I mailed them out at the same time.
Feb 11Reply

Hi gale, I am looking at a coat in your closet. The Colleen Lopez coat. Do you have a smoke free home? Great closet by the way.
Mar 07Reply

@cowiche hi there thank you 😊 I have a smoke free closet, but I do have dogs if u couldn’t tell from my pictures lol 😜
Mar 07Reply

@lewan01 thanks! your dog pictures are cute!
Mar 07Reply

CONGRATS on hosting BEST IN JEANS 👖If you’re looking for host pics, PLEASE check out my closet @utopiacoach!! Thank you and good luck tomorrow!! 🍀
Mar 15Reply

What a fun theme! Congrats on the party!! Have been poshing for one month now and I LOVE it! I have a few great options for jeans theme, and I would be honored as a host pick. Thank you for the consideration! See you at the party!! 💕💜
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on hosting! I would love for you to consider one of my items for the party. If not one of my items, then an item from one my PFFs: @1threadatatime @thefripperyfox
Thanks so much!!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on hosting the jean party 🎉 👖I just added jeans to my closet (I’m a new posher just getting started) I would love 💗 if you could look into my closet for a possible host pick 😊 thank you! Happy Poshing 👖👛👙👗👚👜👠
Mar 16Reply

Hi I noticed you're hosting the Jean party and thought if you had a sec you could check out my closet for a possible pick! Thanks so much💕
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on your Party Hosting, what a great honor! #HappyPoshing
Mar 16Reply

Wow congratulations on HOSTING!!🎉🎉 So special!! If you get a minute would you see if I have a HOST PICK?? I don’t have many!! Thank you @gigi11155🎉🎉🎉
Mar 16Reply

@lewan01 hiya 👋☺️🌺🌺🌺 would you please consider my jeans for host Pick 💖💖💖
Mar 16Reply

Hi 😊 would you mind checking out my closet for a potential host pick for the best in jeans 👖 party 😊❤️🎉🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Mar 16Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for your sweet love note! I'm really happy that you are pleased with your purchase and I want to thank you again for your purchase! I really appreciate your business!! 💕🥰💝😊💗 Happy Holidays!!!🎄🎁🎉🎊
Dec 14Reply

🙋♀️ HEY! 🙋♀️
The more you purchase, the B I G G E R the discount I will offer!
I have something for everyone of all ages, sizes & genders!
Don't forget to check out my RANDOM items for you and your home. 🥴 You'll find some weird and unique things for sure!
Mar 14Reply

Hi there, I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 Happy Poshing 🎉
Jun 21Reply

@lewan01 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 29Reply

Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jan 07Reply
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