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Updated Mar 16
Updated Mar 16

Meet your Posher, Heidi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Heidi. I am downsizing and cleaning out my closet and also getting into some fun new boutique items! Thrifting has become my new hobby too! My tastes are from eclectic to vintage to classic so you surely will find something you like in my closet! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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wafflewarehouse Welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 14Reply
mailecabral Hi, Welcome! My name is Maile & I’m an official Poshmark Ambassafor. One of the keys to success on this platform is “sharing”. You can share your own listings as well as others to your feed & to Poshmark Parties that happen 3 times a day! Posh etiquette is to share back when someone shares you! Sharing = sales foe sure. ❤️❤️❤️ Happy Poshing!
Jan 22Reply
coach_nicole Welcome to Poshmark. It’s fun and can keep you busy. Feel free to reach out if you have questions on buying and selling.😊
Feb 13Reply
feefeesfabfinds Hi Heidi, it's Fee😸Fee and I want to welcome you to the best place on earth to buy and sell, Poshmark. Here you will find a warm, friendly community of supportive women that want to help you succeed. Come say hi and check out my huge selection at GREAT prices. Bundle & SAVE 10% PLUS pay only one item shipping. Spend over $50 SHIPPING IS FREE ON ME! Happy P❤️shing!
Feb 13Reply
betsita_sa This is Maxine sanders you can ship my black jacket poshmarrk sent you anew shipping label im sorry i posted here but i cant find the email address ti reach you although i Do receive Your messages
Aug 04Reply
hsmgreen123 @betsita_sa I got the new label in my email today so I will be shipping it out tomorrow to you. Enjoy!
Aug 05Reply
sinsofcyn ⚘ Hello Heidi....... hope you're staying safe in that lovely part of the nation used to live in Seattle. .Kindly Allow yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS😉JAM PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties,Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Junque 💗       Watch for YOUR PERSONAL REQUESTS.........COMING SOON    IF POSSIBLE .........🐛STAY HOME, BE SMART, STAY ACTIVE, BE HEALTHY 🙏   Cynthia
Aug 11Reply
cathy_phelps U have a great closet! I love vintage! I share share share! Have a great evening!
Aug 17Reply
hsmgreen123 @cathy_phelps Thanks, and thanks for the shares! Things are sooooo slow right now 😞
Aug 17Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount
Dec 26Reply
jebwa Hi @hsmgreen123 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers on authentic luxury handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more! 😊
Dec 29Reply
Jan 06Reply
brandisstyle7 Good Evening, thanks for following! Feel free to check out my closet I do bundle discounts and accept all reasonable offers. Have a great night and stay safe!
Jan 07Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following I’m Emily if you like any of my items create a bundle or send an offer for a Sweet Deal! Happy New Year❄️😊☃️🎊🎉
Jan 12Reply
hugsandprayer Thank you. Btw. Gorgeous closet 😘
Jan 16Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi there please take a look around my closet tonight and if you see any two items you would like to purchase I will take 15% off your entire order and you will get a free gift value at 5 to $10 just for shopping my closet. and just to start you off here is a $3 credit. I have a $10 minimum order due to my low low prices for the next 30 minutes I will give you an additional $5 off for any order over $20 luv your pics😍
Jan 16Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 28Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
Feb 04Reply
caninowbe Hi my name is Katherine and I love to shop .. I have new clothing for sale.. new baby clothes..come on over to my closet.. hope you find something you would love to have.. nice to meet you, have a wonderful day...
Feb 09Reply
caninowbe Hi my name is Katherine and I love to shop .. I have new clothing for sale.. new baby clothes..come on over to my closet.. hope you find something you would love to have.. nice to meet you, have a wonderful day...
Feb 09Reply
caninowbe Hi my name is Katherine and I love to shop .. I have new clothing for sale.. new baby clothes..come on over to my closet.. hope you find something you would love to have.. nice to meet you, have a wonderful day...
Feb 09Reply
caninowbe Hi my name is Katherine and I love to shop .. I have new clothing for sale.. new baby clothes..come on over to my closet.. hope you find something you would love to have.. nice to meet you, have a wonderful day...
Feb 09Reply
nkum_inovitin Here's my referral link for Coinbase. Get $10 in free Bitcoin when you buy or sell $100 or more:
Feb 11Reply
janfast Hi Heidi! Thanks for following my closet!
Feb 17Reply
japerry73 Thank you for the follow Gorgeous
Feb 21Reply
justinconrad862 Hey!! Thanks for the follow :) I’ll be checking out your closet soon. I also have a bundle discount. If you bundle 3 or more items you’ll get a 10% discount and free shipping!! Enjoy the rest of your day 💙💙
Feb 22Reply
swrlgrl105 Thanks for following my closet! I have lots of new listings and Love offers if you'd like to take a peek! Have a great day!
Mar 22Reply
urstyl Hi Gorgeous 😘 Thank you so much for all the Posh love 💖🌻 Wishing you lots speedy sales and many blessings 🙏 Happy Poshing 👗👠👒💋 - Carmen
May 18Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 19Reply
londonschells8 Hi Heidi! Thank you for following me! I peeked in your closet and look forward to to getting back to peruse it further! I hope you’re having a FANTABULOUS Day! Kind regards and Happy Poshing! 🤗💜
May 26Reply
hsmgreen123 @londonschells8 Thank you! Just heading out into the garden and sunshine! Happy day to u as well! 🥰
May 26Reply
cinderella927 Hi Heidi‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week‼️Would you like your closet featured⁉️ I have openings Mon 6/14 Tues 6/15 Wed 6/16 Thurs 6/17⁉️ Let me know‼️
Jun 13Reply
hsmgreen123 @cinderella927 Can you tell me what it involves? Why does it have to be scheduled? Thx 🥰
Jun 13Reply
cinderella927 @hsmgreen123 I'm sorry I went thru the list of who liked The RUNWAY to make sure I reached out to everyone as group (35) will be starting this week. If you're not familiar with share follow groups I would suggest reading the listings. I schedule people in advance because of the extra traffic thru your closet that day while poshers share your items. Some like to feature items etc. When featured you share 5 items from the other 3 closets you are featured with. Certainly feel free to decline!
Jun 13Reply
hsmgreen123 @cinderella927 That sounds fabulous…u pick the day…I am flexible! Thanks for including me
Jun 14Reply
cinderella927 @hsmgreen123 Wonderful! I will put you in tomorrow 6/14! Look for the price drop around 11:00a.m.ish and I am EST
Jun 14Reply
annabarbeau Huge congrats on hosting tomorrow! I’d be so honored if you considered some of my listings for a host pick 💕
Sep 05Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Sep 06Reply
emilym892 Hello there! I love your closet! So many beautiful things 😍 keep up the fabulous work and wishing you lots of sales! Happy Poshing 🌟🌈
Sep 06Reply
upstairs_attic Hi Heidi, I’m Morey, I’m still figuring things out and am I a host pick?
Sep 07Reply
hsmgreen123 @upstairs_attic Hi Morey. I selected a bunch of host picks for the Bag party today at noon. They would have been featured at the party from 12-2.
Sep 07Reply
upstairs_attic @hsmgreen123 😊 thank you so much I so appreciate that I’ve never been selected and today is my birthday so I’ve been busy and just noticed that I was selected thank you so much Heidi sorry I couldn’t be there
Sep 07Reply
hsmgreen123 @upstairs_attic Awww…well happy birthday. Hopefully your purse got some attention and you’ll make a sale.
Sep 07Reply
mary_puleo #2 best closet ever!!! You rock! Keep on rockin, you make me happy.
Sep 08Reply
hsmgreen123 @mary_puleo Thank u. Let me know if u want me to make u an offer on your bundle.
Sep 08Reply
tatnaples Hi Heidi! Thanks bunches for the follow, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Sep 21Reply
sspitery WOW! You have a great closet!!!!
Oct 31Reply
hsmgreen123 @sspitery Thank u🥰🥰
Oct 31Reply
poshmelynne Aloha Heidi😊🌺beautiful Familia and awesome closet🤩😍❣️You sure have much to be thankful for❣️🙏🏼Keep Poshin and sharin joy with others…thanks agn and pls check out my humble closet sometime 😉I just might have something you like🌺🌺🌺
Nov 20Reply
hsmgreen123 @poshmelynne Thank u for the nice comments! Hope u have a wonderful holiday and fabulous sales! 🥰🥰
Nov 21Reply
kallorymahl Thank you for the offer and purchase - I’ll get it to the post office tomorrow! :)
Nov 28Reply
raezer2323 Hello Heidi from Wa.State. Congratulations on your new coat.🥂🎊💃 I will ship out today.Have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas.🎊🎁🎄🥂💃🙌🙋‍♀️
Dec 03Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 05Reply
dianahadit_ Hey Girl 👋 CONGRATS on HOSTING! I was hoping you could consider one of my items for the party. I would appreciate the support💕
Mar 25Reply
lnr829 Hi Heidi thanks for following! I just shared from your pretty closet♥️ I consider all reasonable offers on my reasonably priced items😊 have a good night!
Mar 25Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Mar 25Reply
gr8buysforyou Hi Heidi, I must say, you have a wonderful closet, and you have great prices too! I have shared some of your items with my followers. Have fun tonight co-hosting. I would be very honored if you would check out my closet for a Host Pick. I have beautiful One-of-a-Kind fashion jewelry! 💖Posh Hugs, Karen from Huntington Beach, CA.
Mar 25Reply
projectmode @hsmgreen123 Hello!! Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!
Mar 26Reply
angieloren Hello there Heidi!! Congrats on your co hosting tonights party!! 🥳🥳💃🏻💃🏻 Cheers!! 🥂🥂 I would love if you had time to visit my closet @angieloren and my soul sista like she calls me @lizcbaldini and hope something catches your eye for a host pick! I have all the requirements to be a poshmark ambassador except the amt of sales, liz and I are a tag team, i sleep during the day, she doea during the night, 🙂
Mar 26Reply
thecopperpenny Hello and Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 on Co-hosting tonight's party 🥳. Would it be too late to consider picking something from my closet for host pick? ⚘️
Mar 26Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Its closet clear out time! Check out my closet and bundle your likes. Ignore the price and send me your offer. All reasonable offers are accepted 😉
Jul 04Reply
nikkinicole0789 Thank you for checking out my closet. Plz like, share and follow my closet and I’ll be sure to return the favor. My closet includes Mens, womens, kids, shoes and home goods. NEW with tags and gently used items ONLY. I’m willing to negotiate any reasonable price. Daily and weekly DISCOUNTS! Ask how to get FREE SHIPPING! BUNDLE AND SAVE NOW! FAST 24 HOUR SHIPPING! Satisfaction guaranteed! (All items and cleaned/sanitized and package neatly)
Jul 04Reply
monicah81 Hi!! Nice closet!!
Aug 01Reply
pjhb Hi Heidi! Thanks so much for sharing my curtains and drinking cups! Excellent condition! Thanks for visiting my closet! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ seller!
Aug 02Reply
triplesquared Hi Heidi, thank you so much for following!!
Aug 08Reply
jerichofa Hello there beautiful! Nice to meet you! Happy Friday! How are you!
Sep 24Reply
coracoller Hi Heidi 💜.How are you? I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your Fab closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 17Reply
hsmgreen123 @coracoller Thanks for the kind comments. Looks like you are new to Posh. Welcome! I wanted to give u some advice on your titles…recommend u remove any emoji or icons and keep your titles to exact words that people might search for. They look super cute but my understanding is that these emojis mess with the search algorithm. Good luck and Happy Holidays!!
Nov 17Reply
thriftwgrace Hey there, I’m just stopping in to say Hello and missed you! I happily shared an item from your closet. Whenever you have time feel free to browse my closet -- You may see something you like. (My sizes vary across the board) Ciao Bella...and Thanks a million! @thriftwgrace
Apr 16Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great afternoon and successful Poshing!😊
May 18Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jul 15Reply
cutehosiery @hsmgreen123 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 13Reply
brandauthentic Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Oct 17Reply
merriflelds Thank you for co-hosting tomorrow’s thankful and trendy - posh party! Please consider any of the Asian decor home items from my closet! Thank you so much and I’ll see you at the party!🌻 Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 22Reply
brandauthentic Hey posher!!💛🙌 Come & Join to BrandFam! We only sell 100% authentic designer items! If you would like to be notified about our live shows like our “Crazy Mom’s Deals” listing!🔔Don’t forget to make offer on items in our closet and get the discount✨
Nov 23Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎊🎉 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Nov 23Reply
ditooshop @hsmgreen123 Happy Thanksgiving! Congratulations on cohosting today's Thankful & Trendy Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks
Nov 24Reply
tmg7777 🎉🥳🎊Happy Hosting & Blessed Thanksgiving!🎉🎊🥳
Nov 24Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳 Congrats! 🙏Thanks for hosting us in the 🙏THANKFUL & TRENDY 🦃 PARTY!🌜✨ Please pop over to my closet and check me out for Host 🏆 Picks. I’d be over the moon 🌙 to be featured! 💋TY! See you in the party.🤸‍♂️🎈 Cheers!🍾 🥂 🤸‍♂️
Nov 24Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! I’ll be doing the same thing in the morning (Boho Party)!! I’d be grateful for a host pick tonight - I’ll return the favor tomorrow!! (Send me a bundle 😁). Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Nov 24Reply

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