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Updated Feb 08
Updated Feb 08

Meet your Posher, John

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Hi! I'm John. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kaybeefashion Hi there! Your item will be picked up today for shipment. We will keep you posted! We appreciate your interest and purchase. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Jul 06Reply
sirrio Hey good sir, I saw you have some interest in my Patagonia down jacket. The best I can do is $50 since seller fees take a big portion. Hope to do some business with you!
Jul 15Reply
wuxtry Hi! Yes I was intrigued. But it was a bit of an impulse given that I don't really need another puffer. But I thought that if it was an irresistible bargain I would buy it. $50 is certainly a reasonable offer not not irresistable. ;-) If it lingers and the price softens, reach out! Thanks.
Jul 15Reply
aldcgirls_tho Hi John!! I’m Nina, all of the items in my closet are brand new, I would love for you to take a look🤗 I am trying to sell before I leave for college, so feel free to offer any price you feel is suitable. Always open for negotiations!
Jul 22Reply
girardr I will ship the paranoia sweater tomorrow :)
Aug 01Reply
wuxtry @girardr thant you!
Aug 01Reply
wuxtry Thank*
Aug 01Reply
girardr @wuxtry sorry I wasn’t able to ship it Saturday! It’s on its way to you now ☺️
Aug 03Reply
wuxtry Thank you!
Aug 04Reply
mrsdelamarter Hello! Thank you for your purchase, I will ship it first thing tomorrow!
Aug 05Reply
wuxtry @mrsdelamarter thank you!😊
Aug 05Reply
kriegerm83 Hi, John, sorry to be so brusque in declining your offer for the Filson coat. This is my first time using this service (can you tell?) and I'm not up on my negotiating skills. I turned down your offer of $150 because the coat really did retail for $400, and is still in excellent condition. if you could come up above $200 I will run that by my husband.
Aug 05Reply
wuxtry No need to apologize! I typically only ask for 10 or 15 percent off but just the day before I had bought a red plaid version of this coat for $145 and in my excitement thought I might also be able to get a green one around the same price. It was a bit of an impulse purchase and I really don't need another. So I will hold off on another bid. If it lingers and you do decide to sell at $150, keep me in mind. And, again, never feel bad about hitting that decline button! You're doing great. :-)
Aug 05Reply
wuxtry @kriegerm83 No need to apologize! I typically only ask for 10 or 15 percent off but just the day before I had bought a red plaid version of this coat for $145 and in my excitement thought I might also be able to get a green one around the same price. It was a bit of an impulse purchase and I really don't need another. So I will hold off on another bid. If it lingers and you do decide to sell at $150, keep me in mind. And, again, never feel bad about hitting that decline button! You're doing grea
Aug 05Reply
rstechelin Sorry for the slow response. I just got home from a short trip. When packing the coat I did notice two stains on the elbows. I can send pictures if you would like. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Aug 06Reply
wuxtry @rstechelin That's very nice of you to offer. Yes, I'd love to see photos. No rush. Thanks again.
Aug 06Reply
rstechelin @wuxtry I made a copy listing and added photos. please take a lool and let me know. thank you for your understanding!
Aug 06Reply
wuxtry @rstechelin Thank you again. I think I'd like to cancel the sale. I really do appreciate you pointing those out before shipping.
Aug 06Reply
rstechelin @wuxtry Completely understand. Thank you for looking!
Aug 06Reply
wuxtry @rstechelin One more question: Do I have to take action to close the sale or does that happen on the seller's end?
Aug 07Reply
rstechelin @wuxtry let me see if I can on my end.
Aug 07Reply
rstechelin order is cancelled. have a wonderful day. thank you again for your understanding!
Aug 07Reply
wuxtry No problem. I hope we can do business some day in the future. You've been great.
Aug 07Reply
wuxtry @kriegerm83 I keep on stumbling on this as a indulge my Filson addiction. Would you consider $175? :-)
Aug 11Reply
kriegerm83 @wuxtry I checked with my husband, $200 is as low as he's willing to go.
Aug 11Reply
wuxtry @kriegerm83 Good to know.
Aug 11Reply
monluc2 Hello neighbor
Aug 14Reply
bluefoxbostian @wuxtry Thank you for the very kind and well written review. I appreciate it. I'm also happy to know you like the coat. It was one of my favorites, a fabulous brand.
Aug 29Reply
wmargo Hi John! Mailing Patagonia pullover today. Sorry for the delay, I was out of town until late last night.
Aug 31Reply
wuxtry @wmargo no worries. Thanks for the update.
Aug 31Reply
_alexjahn Hi John! I just accepted your offer on the Patagonia Synchilla! Since the post office is closed tomorrow I will ship it out first thing on Monday. Thank you for your purchase!
Sep 26Reply
wuxtry @_alexjahn Thanks for accepting my offer and thanks for the update on shipping! 😊
Sep 26Reply
_alexjahn @wuxtry Hi quick update! I had an unexpected big assignment to finish (as I am a college student) but am free all day tomorrow to ship. So sorry for the short delay!!!
Sep 28Reply
wuxtry @_alexjahn no worries. Thanks for the update.
Sep 29Reply
no_vanity Your order will be in tomorrow, sir! Thank you!
Sep 29Reply
wuxtry @no_vanity Thank you!
Sep 30Reply
no_vanity @wuxtry shipped this morning!
Sep 30Reply
wuxtry @no_vanity thanks for the update!
Sep 30Reply
alliebogle Hi john! Thanks for your purchase. I’ll be sending out the vest today!
Oct 02Reply
wuxtry @alliebogle Thank you! :-)
Oct 02Reply
lexidreamy Your Patagonia down jacket was shipped today.
Oct 05Reply
wuxtry @flatusdoc Thanks for the update!
Oct 05Reply
quurex Thank you very much for your purchase, John. I will ship it tomorrow.
Oct 20Reply
wuxtry @quurex Thank you! I look forward to getting it. :-)
Oct 20Reply
quurex @wuxtry So happy to hear that you enjoyed your purchase. Thank you very much for awesome rating and note, highly appreciated! 🙏🥰
Oct 23Reply
kuchwara Hi john! sorry for the delay getting your order out, am in the process of moving but it's out now and on it's way to you!
Nov 10Reply
wuxtry @kuchwara No worries! Thanks for the update and good luck on the move. :-)
Nov 10Reply
abeag hi-its abeag:) just wanted to let you know that I always have a buy any 2listings and choose a 3rd one free deal. & I also luv to trade. thanks so much for checking out my closet!
Nov 12Reply
wuxtry @abeag I saw the 2/3 deal. I'll keep an eye on that! Thanks. :-)
Nov 12Reply
katiemelon Hi John I feel bad about the stain on the vest. I did not know it was there. Can you take a picture of it for me?
Nov 13Reply
wuxtry @katiemelon I understand. It's not obtrusive so I could see it being missed. It looks like some vanilla ice cream dripped down the front right panel. I can take a photo tomorrow but I'm not sure how to send it.
Nov 13Reply
katiemelon @wuxtry vanilla ice cream - that’s funny. Yes, definitely didn’t notice it. No worries on sending a pic - I was more curious as to how I missed it. I try to be a conscientious seller and don’t want to mislead any buyers. Please let me know if you are unable to get the spot out. Thank you.
Nov 13Reply
wuxtry @katiemelon Your prompt response and willingness to work through my issue are worth a couple of extra stars. I revised my rating. Thanks for reaching out!
Nov 13Reply
katiemelon Thank you for the updated rating. I really appreciate that!
Nov 13Reply
olivia_139 I also have a BNWOT nano puff parka in my closet if you’d like to bundle!
Nov 19Reply
olivia_139 Let me know if you’d like to and I can cancel the one and bundle!
Nov 19Reply
wuxtry @olivia_139 I'll take a look now!
Nov 19Reply
wuxtry I think I'll just stick with the Bivy. Thanks!
Nov 19Reply
olivia_139 @wuxtry sounds goodb
Nov 19Reply
meg_middlebrook Hello John! 😁✨ thank you for your purchase of my Patagonia synchilla pullover! A great snag... it’s quite lovely!! I just have an entire closet full of them (slightly obsessed with them), so I’m trying to part with some, lol. I plan to ship tomorrow or Saturday. Enjoy it!! 💘 I may be posting more for sale & if I do I will tag you!
Nov 20Reply
wuxtry @meg_middlebrook Thanks, Meg! Looking forward to getting the snap T and I'll definitely keep an eye on your closet as you add new items! :-)
Nov 20Reply
daniellery1 Hi! Thank you so much for your purchase!! I will get that in the mail tomorrow morning(:
Nov 28Reply
wuxtry @daniellery1 thank you!😊
Nov 28Reply
wuxtry @snowlinehospice Thanks for the jacket, Maureen, and for all you do.
Dec 14Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Dec 18Reply
sumi_ Hello your purchase has been shipped yesterday, carrier has to scan the label.
Dec 30Reply
vodkoffeee Thank you for your purchase! I will drop it off at the post office tomorrow. 🙂
Jan 08Reply
wuxtry @vodkoffeee Awesome. thank you!
Jan 08Reply
olivia_139 Hi! I have a perfect condition Nano puff jacket in a size large. It’s been worn once but just didn’t fit. Do you have an XL you’d be willing to trade or sell?
Jan 18Reply
carafolilawn Hi John. I am shipping out the Jacket today. Enjoy its a good one!
Jan 19Reply
shannonchild Hi there! Your Patagonia sweater will be shipped this Monday. I appreciate your patience ❤️
Jan 24Reply
wuxtry @shannonchild awesome. Thanks
Jan 24Reply
kaythrifty Hello 😊 Just wanted to let you know I dropped off your package at the post office but it may not be scanned till tomorrow since its Sunday. Have a great week!
Feb 01Reply
abtlk Thank you for your purchase! I’m glad that you are happy with it.
Feb 23Reply
pep4223 John, you have good taste for Patagonia vintage tees! As it is late Saturday, your shirt will not be able to be shipped until Monday morning. Look for it to start tracking Monday afternoon or evening. Warm Regards, Pepper
Mar 06Reply
wuxtry @pep4223 Thanks for the update, Pepper. Be well.
Mar 07Reply
personalconcept Good day! Thank you for your purchase. It is Scheduled for shipment on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Thank you.
May 10Reply
wuxtry @personalconcept Thank you! :-)
May 10Reply
vintage2classic Welcome 🌻 Best success in selling and buying. 🦋 Lorri
Jun 22Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 15Reply
iseo 💃Happy month of February 2023 🙏.Sending Lots of Posh ❤️❤️❤️❤️your way . Feel free to take a peek at my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Feb 04Reply
inkdout1 Hello, welcome to Poshmark. I'd like to share a little something I've learned. Shares = Sales. At the end of the day, you should have more shares than followers. However you need followers first. Just click on the word "Followers" below the huge picture on anyone's page. It will have so many numbers above the word "Followers". After you click on that, thousands of names will come up to click on & follow. If your here to just shop, that's all good to. All the best. God Bless. Happy Poshing!
Mar 29Reply

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Last Active: Mar 10

North Easton, MA
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Last Active: Mar 10

North Easton, MA
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