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Updated Aug 02
Updated Aug 02

Meet your Posher, K.

Meet the Posher



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Style is easy. Fashion is cheap. But quality , Quality , QUALITY... is never cheap nor easy. There is a feel that comes with Chanel, LV, Goyard, Eton, Etro, Canali & others. BUT you don't get that feel, with a fake. Replicas suck. Sure, you get the Look, and the looks..half simply admiring while the other 1/2, discerning people, are thinking I am not doing business with a faker. And you just lost business. Business in 1001 ways. You lost credibility. Looking good without credibility, pointless
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jdooge thanks for the like all clothing is 10 dollars or less
May 02Reply
jdooge if I bought al the tennis shoes size 13 and down how much would you charge I sell shoes and am running out of shoes
May 02Reply
khoasky7 @jdooge give me your price :)
May 02Reply
jdooge how many just give me what you want I understand the value of your shoes and the price break on them already I have over 100 pair of shoes so I know the deal you are giving I just do not want to low ball u
May 02Reply
khoasky7 @jdooge just sneakers correct...? You have nice shoes :) I'll look em over and hit you up. Driving, wife texting , not happy... hahaha!
May 02Reply
khoasky7 @jdooge or ALL shoes, female and dress shoes ?
May 02Reply
khoasky7 @jdooge tennis shoes got it... she didn't read tennis
May 02Reply
khoasky7 $450
May 02Reply
justsugarz Thank you for the follow back and the shares!
Jun 08Reply
khoasky7 @justsugarz 🙏have a wonderful wonderful day!!!
Jun 08Reply
justsugarz @khoasky7 thank you 😊 and you as well!
Jun 08Reply
sdfree Khoa, thanks for all the shares!! ❤
Jun 10Reply
missjones511 Thanks for checking out my closet, and all the shares! You are so kind!
Jun 11Reply
khoasky7 @missjones511 you are awesome, your personality shows through in your smiles and the warmth of your glow 😍
Jun 11Reply
khoasky7 @sdfree 👍have a wonderful weekend !
Jun 11Reply
missjones511 @khoasky7 awww thank you so much! I really appreciate you saying those kind things! ❤️
Jun 11Reply
olychka Thanks for a visit and shares💕much appreciated!!!
Jun 26Reply
khoasky7 @olychka My goodness... you are Gorgeous and genuinely sweet! 😭ok ok .... note to self ... learn to be sweet and save up for that tummy tuck.... 😂it's not fair, you are not supposed to be this nice and that BEAUTIFUL.😻
Jun 27Reply
olychka @khoasky7 Hahaha... You are so funny, love you personality, thanks for the compliments!!!
Jun 27Reply
khoasky7 @olychka ❤️you are what you are... and I am buying my upgrades!!! Lol
Jun 27Reply
olychka @khoasky7 LOL... Btw cute dog😍it it husky?
Jun 27Reply
khoasky7 @olychka her name is Badtzmaru, German shepherd Wolf Husky. She is a person and has the intellect of a 14 year old minus mathematical skills. She is the alpha in the yard and keeps dogs weighing 4 times her weight in line. She is not mean, but stern. She'll hug me like my child, with one arm around me neck and one on my shoulder as she rests her head on me and she'll put a paw on me to calm me when I seem a little amiss.. I can go on and on..the important stuff, wow, you are so gorg....ha ❤️
Jun 27Reply
olychka @khoasky7 wow so smart.... You keeping her in a cage?i have a cocker spaniel, also extremely smart Alfa dog named Maximilian very protective of me if he is next to me on a couch, my daughters can't sit near me, lol
Jun 27Reply
khoasky7 @olychka hahaha yes, we luv our alpha types huh! The cage is for at night and the door is left open. As a baby, I had put her in and she slept through the night and she has been that way ever since. But if I leave her outside in the yard, there is activity throughout the night and plenty of surprises in the morning, form birds she catches because she is so quick and agile to some nice shoes she took from neighboring homes.. in pairs she brings em!
Jun 27Reply
khoasky7 Maximilian is so handsome, he look more like Maxibillion 🤗! Love the curls and the way colors ebb and flow as he moves and lighting changes. Good boy Maximilian! Tell those daughters to find their own Posh inventory! Hahah jk!
Jun 27Reply
olychka @khoasky7 haha... yes we certainly do! Good I hate when people keep their dogs in the cage because they're to lazy to train them.. anyways was nice talking to you, happy poshing💐💕😊
Jun 27Reply
lorhen What a cute pup😍😍😍😍
Jul 02Reply
annabananies Good morning :) I just purchased a pair of black sandals in your closet for my sister, I think she'll love them~ Great closet and adorable Dog ♡♡♡
Jul 12Reply
khoasky7 @annabananies Good morning Thank you , 😊 thank you so much! I will pack tonight and ship out either tonight or tomorrow, depending on time I get home from the airport :)
Jul 12Reply
annabananies @khoasky7 That would be wonderful, thank you SO much ! :)♡
Jul 12Reply
kitty97006 @khoasky7 love that fog! I have toy and mini aussies!
Jul 17Reply
khoasky7 @kitty97006 awesome! Dog lovers unite!!!
Jul 17Reply
annabananies ♡Thank you again for everything :)♡
Jul 17Reply
khoasky7 @annabananies you are very welcome! A sister with heart, like yourself, is what has gotten me through the toughest of times. You are are my hero and many other peoples too I am sure
Jul 17Reply
annabananies ♡♡♡@khoasky7 Your sweet words and gifts in my package made my night :) Thanks for being an awesome Posher and Posh friend♡ Hope you have a wonderful night, and I'll be back soon!♡♡♡
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @annabananies good night! 😌
Jul 18Reply
drgenia I think you and Lorhen are incredibly rude. I asked a question regarding the scratching on her boots and I asked the order to be cancelled. Ha. I would never buy soiled boots, let alone MK. I hope people everyone reviews your comments. As a JD, I expect you to read facts and display a bit more class. Smh
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @drgenia ahh .. I figured it out. I am sorry, nothing personal. It's a sold listing NO ONE would view because it's not live nor renewed. Further, to purchase, click confirm, and then ask questions after then cancel, is well.. I'll leave it at that. A conversation, though publicly available, but in an obscure location and not on display like a renewed listing, between two people.. being read and followed by you is like eavesdropping
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @drgenia so please, show some class and let it go.. don't reveal yourself to be a certain number of negative words and an eavesdropper on top of that. Tsk tsk.
Jul 18Reply
drgenia @khoasky7 Your words speak volume . Checking why and when an order was cancelled is not eavesdropping. Class. Well coming from you that means nothing.
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @drgenia the Why of the cancel was by your request ... so if that is your reasoning for checking why, like you were a victim, then there is something short circuiting inside... the when is irrelevant because funds did not change hands unless you you hoping the package had been sent despite the cancel, then it's a whole new level of low... but in any case, I gladly call you sister. It's midnight. I never sleep so thank you for the entertainment.
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @drgenia And if it allows you to sleep better saying your piece, though irrelevant, then good night.
Jul 18Reply
drgenia @khoasky7 I did find it satisfying. Seller's responses were rude. I Just wanted you to know that nothing is private . Lesson learned. I would call you sister as well. Peace.
Jul 18Reply
khoasky7 @drgenia thank you and you know... I like a strong woman that speaks her mind. You are wonderful. My daughter needs to have more ladies with voices to learn from
Jul 18Reply
lorhen Changed your greeting🤔😍
Jul 20Reply
khoasky7 @lorhen yes, gotta keep it fresh
Jul 20Reply
lorhen @khoasky7 Maybe I should change mine....🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Jul 20Reply
khoasky7 @lorhen Hahahahaha!
Jul 20Reply
khoasky7 @lorhen did you read the messages just above these with Drgenio ?
Jul 20Reply
lorhen @khoasky7 Yes, I did. I did exactly what she asked. Never even wrote to her. Why is she going around reading our convos...? I was "rude" to her? You see...cancellation was the right response. And all her future purchases (if any) will be nullified.
Jul 20Reply
khoasky7 @lorhen no , it ended well... just wanted to share we are good now :)
Jul 20Reply
khoasky7 @lorhen :) you are gorgeous
Jul 20Reply
lorhen @khoasky7 😆You are!♡♡♡♡
Jul 20Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh!! Thanks for visiting my closet.😀
Aug 05Reply
thexanaducloset Hi, please check our my $12 shoe sale and the top 20 Monday sale in my closet. Happy Poshing! 😊
Aug 14Reply
ozziesgirl1969 Thank you for the shares! 💕💕
Aug 28Reply
stephnoelle69 Hi!! Thank you SO much!! I put your purse in the mail today. I hope it ships out tonight. Holiday time is crazy with the post office lol.
Dec 10Reply
khoasky7 @stephnoelle69 thank you so much!! No pressure, one day more one day less , it’s all good!! 🙏 happy holidays and be blessed!!!
Dec 10Reply
stephnoelle69 Hi! Just seeing how you like your new purse? (:
Dec 12Reply
khoasky7 @stephnoelle69 will be home in 3 hours 😅
Dec 12Reply
khoasky7 @stephnoelle69 I think it’ll come today.... wasn’t there last night ☺️
Dec 12Reply
stephnoelle69 @khoasky7 Oh really. I am sorry! Mail has been a little crazy! Lol
Dec 12Reply
khoasky7 @stephnoelle69 lol. You are too nice... no hurry, just cause you asked how I like it and the posh system sends notices as soon as it is scanned by the post office but not necessarily delivery, which is usually a day behind... so just to keep you in the loop ☺️ have a great day
Dec 12Reply
stephnoelle69 @khoasky7 Thanks! You too!!
Dec 12Reply
khoasky7 @stephnoelle69 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍!!!! Omg!!! So awesome
Dec 13Reply
lostangelx3 @khoasky7 , Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!! 🎉
Dec 28Reply
olychka @khoasky7 thanks again for your shares❤️😘 Happy New Year!!!
Dec 28Reply
kitty97006 Adorable dog!
Dec 28Reply
dgenuine1 Can you please ship my order right away I need it by Friday..THANK YOU
Jan 16Reply
khoasky7 @dgenuine1 Hi! ,already dropped off at the post office 🙏😊
Jan 16Reply
vtgcovergirl Love the pup!!
Jan 19Reply
khoasky7 @riglem65 thanks , my best friend, Badtzymaru... or Bats for short... human smart and super intuitive. Part husky parts sugar and spice and everything nice 😊
Jan 19Reply
vtgcovergirl @khoasky7 Love it! Great name btw! I completely get the “super intuitive” part. I’m pretty sure mine completely understands everything I say to him!
Jan 19Reply
joseruiz31 hi how are you if you can tell where this store is located
Feb 15Reply
khoasky7 @well_wisher 😍❤️❤️❤️! If you like dogs, you for sure can not be a bad person👍
Feb 23Reply
khoasky7 @well_wisher agree with you 100! ... sad story... wanna hear it?
Feb 23Reply
addisonnice hello, going thru, making your items and the Donna Karen blouse has a button that's loose, ripped. unsure how to re arrange a bundle. I aM happy to include other clearence items to make up for the blouse ?
Mar 01Reply
khoasky7 @addisonnice if it’s good to you, it’s good for me .. I know you’re a goddess ☺️
Mar 01Reply
andyr221 Great closet! Take a look at mine too if you get a chance:) sending you lots of positive vibes to make quick sales!!
Jul 03Reply
lorhen Happy Holidays to you and the family!😍😍😍😍😚😚😚😚😚😚
Dec 09Reply
lasvegasnv @khoasky7 Hi! Thank you for the shares! I checked out your closet and then my eyes got tears and warmed my heart. I'm like Wow this is wonderful, great idea. I would love to know more. If you get a chance bundle me, I would like to participate ❤
Apr 04Reply
rachel121686 @khoasky7 hey, just wanted to let you know someone reported all your listings for transactions off posh. I personally dont care but it was in my review these items. People suck!
Apr 07Reply
khoasky7 @rachel121686 thank you so much Rachel!! ❤️
Apr 07Reply
g1arlock Check out my closet I have some cool stuff for dogs 🐶🐕🐩🐾🐾🐾🐾
Apr 15Reply
bluecircle21519 You are AMAZING!!! Your support of @arcross82 is blowing my mind!!!!!💚💙 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #teamamanda2019
Apr 16Reply
khoasky7 @jlgordon396 thank you so much, your presence on the team is tremendous too! And your closet move is a testament of your conviction
Apr 16Reply
bluecircle21519 @khoasky7 Awww what a sweet comment!! Thank you, that means a lot!! @arcross82 truly means a lot to me and OBVIOUSLY to so many others!!! (Yes, Amanda, I tagged you so you could see the L💜VE!!)😘
Apr 17Reply
arcross82 @jlgordon396 thank you!!!!!! I’ve been in and out of hospital all day for tests. Last one is in 45 min. MRI. it’s been a long day n I’m starving. Can’t eat or drink. It’s movie, bowl of cereal, bowl of ice cream dinner type of night. I don’t care how bad it is for me 😂😂😂😂 day in the life of the critically ill. 🤷🏻‍♀️💚💙💋
Apr 17Reply
bluecircle21519 @arcross82 awww sweetie, you definitely deserve that bowl of ice cream!! I may have a bowl, too!! Lol!! Love you chickie😘😘😘
Apr 17Reply
selinarslan Hi, I do not want to give you a bad review and assuming it is an honest mistake but my last purchase of adidas ultraboosts came in 2 different sizes!!!!. I would appreciate it if you can send me the right shoe in the correct size!
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan 🥵. Omg!!!! I am so sorry ... please do a return to sender with that package and I will send you a proper pair .. I don’t know how that happened
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 I can send them back once I receive the shoes I paid for. really do not want to pay for shipping. This is really disappointing.
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 and. I would appreciate overnight shipping
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan the other way to do it is buy another pair, then get the shoe you need out of the pair , and open a case and send it back and you will get your full credit and shipping refunded by Posh.
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 do you think that is the best way to make up for your mistake?
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 shoes also did not come with tags as advertised and I was going to oversee that until I realized the right shoe was half a size off
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan there is a method to the system, all shoes are checked at point of purchase AND before sent out. Parley series don’t come with tags , it’s an environmental concept line. Not saying you are, but there are 6 people out there with free pairs of shoes using this exact method And they did not have a new account like yours either
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 Are you accusing me of something? It is very very disrespectful! The honorable thing to do is to own up to your mistakes! Please look at my previous purchases and see if I complained about anyone’s items before! I can send you a picture of the shoes you sent me! You can also go look at the picture you posted WITH a tag! I think an apology is due at this point
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 and if you had checked the shoes before you sent out, how come you did not notice the size difference?!?
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan that pic shows a sticker, not a tag. The method laid out to execute this is fair, you buy, you receive, you open case, you get full refund. I said earlier I am not saying you were, but this send me first and I’ll send you back on Honor system, has been done before, 6 times, I got gipped 6 times, those accounts had 1000s of followers and history, so fool me once, fool me twice.., it’s not you, but I am tired and I’ve really tried, and you have a solution to your conundrum
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan thank you for your time, I look forward to helping you resolve this
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 I understand and I am sorry you got ripped off before. Could you please assure me that you have the correct right shoe? I do not want to waste anymore time on this and want to believe in your honesty
May 24Reply
khoasky7 @selinarslan thank you and yes, I have pair of 8.5 left
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 great! Please hold on to the pair. I will start the return process
May 24Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 I have contacted the customer support to send me a return to seller information. They told me they have not heard back from you yet. I really want to resolve this situation. I would really appreciate your help And support in this. I am stuck with a 8.5 and a 6.5 shoe pair. Thank you so much!
Jun 06Reply
selinarslan @khoasky7 I look forward to you keeping your promise and helping me resolve this mistake by cooperating with customer service. Have a great day!
Jun 08Reply
tayyy1235 Are you open to offers on your items?
Sep 07Reply
raykon Hi, Please let me know when you ship sneakers
Nov 30Reply
morningstarr50 Please let me know when you ship,Thank you.Happy New Year
Dec 31Reply
morningstarr50 @khoasky7 So wrong what you're doing to people. it clearly says only authentic stuff on poshmark. if I had not been moving into our new home this past weekend I would've reported you earlier.
Jan 07Reply
morningstarr50 @selinarslan same thing happened to me with her hopefully it gets resolved, I'm irate that she's allowed to continue doing business on here. wrong size and truly not authentic.
Jan 07Reply
morningstarr50 you really need to make this right!!
Jan 07Reply
khoasky7 @morningstarr50 take it to adidas and ask if it’s authentic, it is , and read the ad, it says fit ment is 1/2 -1 size larger than label and you chose your size.... tell me it does not fit
Jan 07Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 20Reply
cutehosiery @khoasky7 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 21

Westminster, CA
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Last Active: Mar 21

Westminster, CA
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