Meet your Posher, Kara
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Hi! I'm Kara. Some of my favorite brands are Hot Topic, Deb, and Rue 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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I'll be able to ship your package first thing friday morning :)
Jan 23Reply

@erickams thanks :)
Jan 23Reply

Welcome to PM! This is a fun place to shop for your favorite brand, find that perfect item you have been searching for, or sell your less favorite closet inventory. So, time to list that stuff you don't wear anymore and do some shopping. Closets with 10 or more items sell more and make more, so round up your stuff. I'm a suggested user, so feel free to visit my closets for ideas of what to list and how to photo your things. Come visit! @aqua38 or @tovawg
Jan 26Reply

🙋🏻 welcome to Poshmark 🎉
Jan 26Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jan 27Reply

@erickams hey, I was wondering if my stuff was shipped out? I'm just wondering so I can make sure someone checks my mailbox when I'm out of town and my stuff doesn't get stolen. . Thanks :)
Jan 31Reply

@mackenziea7x yes this Thursday! I havent had a chance to get to ahold of a printer all this time so i do have to apologize for the inconvenience!!
Feb 01Reply

@erickams i was just wondering if you could update me with what's going on with my packages? I don't mean to be a bother, but I've waited almost two weeks for it to just get shipped out . Thanks.
Feb 05Reply

@mackenziea7x Hello, I had shipped out your package already this afternoon. Once delivered, you'll have to file a return.
Feb 07Reply

@erickams will do.
Feb 07Reply

@erickams I looked through the FAQ on Poshmark and it said that if an order has been shipped it can't be canceled. But you said you shipped it and I canceled it so I contacted Poshmark through email. The only reason why I canceled it is because if something was dropped off at a post office or was shipped out , it would have been scanned in the system immediately. There was no information of something being shipped or anything.
Feb 07Reply

@erickams I'm simply trying to get my money back & making sure that you keep the Full House series. If I receive the package or any information from Poshmark I'll let you know.
Feb 07Reply

@mackenziea7x Hello! I shipped your package earlier this morning, so you'll have to file a return
Feb 08Reply

@erickams you said you shipped them yesterday, I replied back to you yesterday and you ignored me. If they are sent to me I'll return them, but any orders that have been shipped out you wouldn't have been able to canceled. Maybe you should contact your post office.
Feb 08Reply

I did not get those notifications from before, I apologize for the late reading. Alright, I understand. I dropped your package off along with many others this morning at the post office. It takes a few hours to receive the notification that it has been scanned because I get the same notification that you do too. I can't answer that for you, but all I can say that it is at the post office, once received you'll have to return. Again, I apologize
Feb 08Reply

My aunt had told me she had shipped yesterday, constacted her this morning to see if she did, she didn't. So, I did this morning.
Feb 08Reply

contacted *
Feb 08Reply

@erickams hello, I wanted to tell you that I received the full house package. Once I get my refund which should be within the next few days, I can rebuy it from you if you make a new posting. Or I can ship it back to you, whatever you prefer. Also, I wanted to tell you that I haven't received the CDs and it said they were delivered. I'm not complaining or anything.
Feb 09Reply

@erickams just maybe the labels got mixed up or something. But I did uncancel my order since Poshmark said the CDs were shipped out, they asked if I wanted to still purchase or not. I decided to still purchase them. Please let me know what you'd like to do for the Full House series. I just want to make sure I receive the refund first, but if you'd like me to ship it back I will once I receive it. Thank you.
Feb 09Reply

@mackenziea7x I'm truly sorry, I must have gotten mixed up with the orders. Since the full house series is in your hands, I say it is up to you if you want to buy the item back. Just say the word and I'll make another post for it so you could repurchase. As far as your CDs go, it says, "pending acceptance" on my end and I hope it gets to you as soon as possible, terribly sorry for the wait on the order.
Feb 09Reply

@erickams It is okay, when I receive the refund I'll message you to make a new posting, I just don't want to pay twice for something. Not blaming you or anything, Poshmark is acting completely strange. It snowed here so I'm wondering if possibly it got delayed or lost because people go crazy . I'll be looking out for it . Thank you!
Feb 09Reply

@mackenziea7x Ahh that's a shame, but yes please do notify me once you get your refund in order, I'll be happy to create a new post for you and I'll be checking on the app frequently to see how everything is coming along! Have a great day, enjoy the Full House set! I've never even opened it! lol :)
Feb 09Reply

@erickams hey, I just wanted to let you know that I received the refund. Whenever you can make a listing I'll rebuy it. Also, I didn't receive the CDs I accidentally pushed the order accepted when I meant to click the order inquiry to contact support so I guess you get the money for the CDs too. Anyways just let me know .
Feb 10Reply

@mackenziea7x Aw man, I received an email saying you got the package and I got all excited! please keep me updated with that. And I'll make the listing in just one second
Feb 10Reply

Hello! :) Just checking in, have you received your package? Also, how would I receive my earnings for the full house series? I'm a bit confused myself on how to complete the process of shipping if you have the product.
Feb 12Reply

@erickams I haven't received the package. I would just send out a empty box or envelope with the paper on it just so it goes through processing. Then I'll mark delivered once it immediately is shipped. If you need to find a box, U haul and grocery stores will usually give them away for free.
Feb 12Reply

@mackenziea7x alrighty gotcha!! will do. I'm concerned as to where your package is, I wish you didn't have to go through this process!! I apologize. What has poshmark said to you regarding this issue?
Feb 12Reply

But it says it has to be shipped out before I can accept it & for you to get your money. So it looks like the only way is to ship out an empty package to me.
Feb 12Reply

@erickams They haven't replied to me, by chance could you have accidentally shipped it out in someone else's order ? I saw you had other CDs in your store.
Feb 12Reply

@mackenziea7x Yes, I had shipped out another order of cd's but it wasn't on the same day. But of course I can contact the buyer just in case but I'll go ahead and contact poshmark about the issue as well!
Feb 12Reply

@erickams thanks, I appreciate it.
Feb 12Reply

@erickams hey, I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to ship anything out, and that you should be receiving the money for the Full House series. I guess after a few days it lets you accept the order. I just wanted to let you know so you don't have to go through all that trouble .
Feb 12Reply

@erickams hey I got my CDs today.
Feb 17Reply

@mackenziea7x awesome!!! finally
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for your purchase, I will ship them out tomorrow morning 😄
Dec 18Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Dec 22Reply
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