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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17

Meet your Posher, Kate!

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Hi! I'm Kate. My days are spent keeping my kids alive and happy, my community running smoothly, and my hair Cheerios-free. I recharge by gardening and hiking. Thanks for stopping by!
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vicky_ymcagirl Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 this is a wonderful community of women 👭always willing to help!! 😇 my short time here I have learned the 3 most important things to be successful ... 1️⃣ share 👠👗 2️⃣ follow 👣👣 3️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet! Happy Poshing! 💖
Jan 02Reply
twe3100 @maddagirl Feel free to check out my closet, Christmas Sale! plus $2 off items $10 & up. Fast shipping, Bundles & Offers welcomed! Happy Poshing!
Jan 04Reply
rcmclin Your first sale was my first purchase! Thanks for the sweet note. What a great idea! Now I'm inspired to sell my daughters things that she only wore once. Or never and still has tags 😣
Jan 06Reply
katzkoz Ha ha? You're too funny! Cheerios free! So true!👍 Welcome! Welcome to Posh! You'll find, that Posh is a very social & supportive community ! If U have any questions or need help, there's always a Posher to help! Or, just pop in my closet and ask away! Id be happy to help! "SHARING" is key! When U share an item in Ur closet to Ur followers, it goes into their "feed" for THEIR followers to see. The more followers, the more potential sales! Happy Poshing!👍💕
Feb 01Reply
alca1234 Make an offer on the silk dress and it's yours!
Feb 01Reply
alca1234 You know what, if you can do $11 let me know and I'll head to the post office now!
Feb 01Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Your closet is beautiful! 💖 @jodisjewelry @lisa2644 @pink_bee @mlaferte @exwolfe @christelrhoades @ptl8 @nic39 @cbltrio @faithscloset1914 @lizray529 @kenzie_alexis Girls stop by and say hello to Kate, she has an awesome closet! 🤗
Feb 02Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey friends, when you have a few minutes would you please drop by this new poshers PC closet and show some of the posh love we are so famous for! 💖👭☺️ @derinda @abstractdreams @beautyshineson @femmefeline @bdbcsr @tezza630 @kbarkhimer
Feb 02Reply
croweart Hi! I'm Lisa. Welcome to Posh! Hope you have lots of fun and make lots of sales!!!! Enjoy! @vickyss And Agreed...Beautiful closet!!!
Feb 02Reply
abstractdreams Welcome to Posh Kate!💕Shares = Sales! No ine sees our closets otherwise (unless they brand search).👍🏽 Thx for the intro!! Are you a Posh Mentor yet?? You should be!!💋@vickyss
Feb 02Reply
maddagirl @abstractdreams Thanks for the love and shares! I'm still new to this but I'm learning the ropes quickly!
Feb 02Reply
my38strings @maddagirl Hi Kate! Love your closet!
Feb 02Reply
abstractdreams There is a bit of a learning curve. Lol! I've been here since 2012, lmk if I can help or you have questions!👍🏽💋
Feb 02Reply
abstractdreams And...thx to you as well!!💕
Feb 02Reply
baj0908 I am absolutely LOVING your closet!! Such beautiful things! ❤❤❤❤
Feb 03Reply
ashquez1 Thanks for the shares and your purchase! I sincerely appreciate it and will continue to reciprocate the kindness! How many kiddos do you have? How old? I'm home with three myself 😊
Feb 03Reply
blair_treat08 Thank you for all of the shares! I really love the items in your closet. Hope you're having a great day!
Feb 03Reply
kalisstyle Great closet! Love your pics! 👌🏼
Feb 04Reply
gigworn @maddagirl thanks for your purchase ! I'll ship these out tomorrow 😊👍!
Feb 05Reply
lmcortright hey pretty lady - I LOVE your closet. super cute style 😻
Feb 06Reply
maddagirl @lmcortright Thanks for the love!
Feb 06Reply
gabriellejyoung Thank you for sharing! 💓
Feb 07Reply
vicky_ymcagirl You are so welcome! 👍🏻 Have I already ask you...Do you like the follow games? 🤔 just let me know & I will tag you on them....Increased followers ... Increased exposure ...increased sales..🤑🤗 if not, that's okay too 👌🏻and if any of this gets to be too much, just let me know! I had to ask to be taken off a couple of lists cause it was a little overwhelming! 😬😄
Feb 07Reply
themagicarmoire Hi Kate and welcome to the party that is Poshmark! I am fairly new, too! I love it so far! Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to help get them answered! Looks like you are already well on your way!💗
Feb 09Reply
hiilei Hi Kate! So nice to meet you & welcome to poshmark 💗😊 Lovely closet! If you ever have any poshmark questions in just a tag away ✨😄💕
Feb 13Reply
maddagirl @hiilei I took your suggestion. :). Thank you!
Feb 13Reply
hiilei 😊👍🏽 you're welcome! I bet you'll start receiving lots of host picks now 💕✨
Feb 13Reply
suziezq Thanks for looking🤓
Feb 13Reply
jaimefisher1 Hi there! Cute closet! Love your pics and style! 😍😍😍 will share! And please check out my closet!
Feb 14Reply
jackieromps Hi Kate! Thanks for all the shares! You are rocking it with sales! Your closet looks great and your pictures are great too! It makes such a difference to have good pictures! I haven't had much time to put more stuff in my closet and I have a ton to add. Congrats!!
Feb 17Reply
kaesbass @maddagirl Awesome closet Kate!!☺️💕💕💕
Feb 20Reply
carenhope Just wanted to say I like how you've presented your closet! Thanks for sharing one of my items.
Feb 21Reply
vicky_ymcagirl All your swimsuits are so cute!! 💕
Mar 04Reply
cathyzimm62 @maddagirl Hi Kate!!! Sounds like you are one busy Mama!!! Enjoy it while they are young, because they will grow up in a blink of an eye!!! Welcome to Poshmark!!! 💕😋💕 thanks for the shares!!! 💋
Mar 05Reply
midwest_threads So nice to meet you!!!
Mar 05Reply
italian_bella You are very pretty!!
Mar 06Reply
msmith317 Welcome to PM!
Mar 06Reply
stylenu Hi Kate, I'm Leigh! It's nice to meet you. You're closet is beautiful and looks like you're having fun 😊
Mar 07Reply
giorgipaige Hi I'm Giorgi, I saw you noticed one of my items. Let me know if you're interested in them! :)
Mar 08Reply
heathercol Adorable closet!! 😃
Mar 08Reply
creativetypes Such a cute closet!
Mar 08Reply
lighthousefinds I love your closet! So cute 😊
Mar 08Reply
lucky7bohogirl Beautiful closet. Everything looks like Spring & makes me happy just looking at it. :)
Mar 08Reply
empresaria Thanks for sharing!👏🏼🌸
Mar 08Reply
gryn Thanks for the shares..have a wonderful week 😊
Mar 08Reply
cocobiel @maddagirl Hey! Fantastic closet! I could have shared every item! Ha! I'll be back. Xo ❤️
Mar 08Reply
autumn711 thank you for sharing!!! :)
Mar 09Reply
lecain79 Beautiful closet!
Mar 09Reply
poshcaptain Hi! You have such a cute closet! 😎
Mar 10Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 10Reply
sol3cito Thanks for sharing!
Mar 11Reply
rmudow85 @maddagirl your closet and photos are gorgeous! One of my new favorites on Poshmark. Looking forward to keeping track of your new listings and sharing with others.
Mar 11Reply
cnn0922 Such a great closet! Wish we were the same size.
Mar 13Reply
marymutt2002 @maddagirl fabulous closet 😍
Mar 13Reply
carhawk Love your closet!
Mar 14Reply
kmford2 Thanks for the shares! Love your closet 😊
Mar 14Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offer.
Mar 15Reply
seller01 Love your closet!❤️
Mar 15Reply
itsoinky Thanks for the shares! Your closet is awesome! :)
Mar 15Reply
travelluver This long time buyer- first time seller thanks you for sharing her closet!
Mar 15Reply
ahove Beautiful closet.
Mar 16Reply
klbc3 You have a great closet and really great photos! Thanks for helping me with shares :) -kristen
Mar 18Reply
thrumsey Great closet!
Mar 20Reply
amberlmcd You have a beautiful closet!! Love all the bright colors! ! 🌈😊💚
Mar 20Reply
kfrickle you have such a bright and cheerful closet!
Mar 20Reply
carenhope @maddagirl Hi again, Kate! I'm profiling Poshers who rock and would love to include you. 😊 More details here (copy&paste into a browser):
Mar 20Reply
_thriftychic23_ Cute closet!
Mar 20Reply
mmmartha Holy crap, your closet is gorgeous!
Mar 21Reply
klee928 agreed. love how you sorted by color!
Mar 21Reply
shoestyling @maddagirl 🙋💕Lovely closet💕Wishing you many sales😃🎉
Mar 22Reply
maddagirl @carenhope Please use my lead off profile pic here. Thanks!
Mar 22Reply
kalend Thanks for sharing my item! Basically I'm going to donate them soon so feel free to check/make an offer, lots of them can be $3 if bundle and even free :)
Mar 22Reply
sunshineali @maddagirl I am at work with limited availability. I would love to purchase all of those dresses, plus the pink one. Let me know how much. I can friends and family it.
Mar 22Reply
ahimsams Hi there! I just wanted to stop in and comment that I LOVE how you've organized your closet! Great job! 😍
Mar 22Reply
artamanda Wow great closet and photographs! I would love some tips from you - you are clearly successful at this poshing biz : )
Mar 22Reply
anissanicolle I ❤️ your closet! Super cute!! Keep up the great work!! 😊
Mar 23Reply
karendaugherty Your closet is beautiful! Love the organization and it's like scrolling through a rainbow haha! 💕😘 xx, karen
Mar 24Reply
misst523 @maddagirl yup, totally want your whole closet. Oh, and NH? I went to Colby-Sawyer. 😀🎉
Mar 24Reply
vikkimr You have a beautifully displayed closet- kudos to you!! 💐
Mar 25Reply
shlivingston Cute closet!!
Mar 25Reply
nvanessa I love your closet!!! So beautiful and organized!!! 💘💘💘
Mar 25Reply
lighthousefinds Obsessed with your closet and your photography🌟👯
Mar 27Reply
briannalynnnn Love love love your closet! I love to organize my closet by color but never thought about doing it to this closet! Such a great idea 😊
Mar 28Reply
bmonska @maddagirl i shared your entire closet on pinterest just now. I wish i was your size! ♡♡
Mar 28Reply
kenaneb Just wanted to say your closet is the most organized I've ever seen! Bravo! You have amazing lighting for your pictures too which is so hard to do. I'm very impressed! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 29Reply
cmcbryde Super cute stuff!
Mar 29Reply
pinkleopard24 In love with your closet!!
Mar 29Reply
cawolfgang I love the way you have your closet organized! How do you do it with all your responsibilities! There are so many cute things that I love. Lost some weight so not sure where I am fitting now. Thank you for all the shares!
Mar 29Reply
lake_jane Probably the most beautiful closet I've come across!!!
Mar 29Reply
akehillt @maddagirl ohmygosh just realized your closet is color-coordinated and I'm obsessed! my actual closet in my house is color-coded! thanks for the shares!
Mar 29Reply
ssodano Beautiful closet!👗🎀
Mar 29Reply
caroliepoly Hii Kate, nice to meet you. I'm Carol! :) I would love for you to check out my closet when you get the chance. Thank you and happy poshing xoxo 💕
Mar 30Reply
caitski4 Can I just say that I love that you list your clothes in color order! It appeals to my OCD side! 💜💙
Mar 30Reply
maddagirl @caitski4 Funny! I actually spend way too much time trying to figure out how to order them so that it makes sense in my own little mind. (Currently my categories are Spring, Summer brights, bathing suits, yoga, The Other Dresses I don't know where to put, Fall/Winter, Jeans, Shoes, then things I forgot to move up. ;) Even writing this makes me think "Ack! I've got to reorganize!!"
Mar 30Reply
mrscvogt If I was your closet size...OH if I was your closet size!!!😳😍 Fabulous closet Kate!!
Mar 30Reply
missbsoto Your closet is amazing! Am I the only one that noticed that it's color coordinated?! That just blew my mind! 😳
Mar 31Reply
findingabc The color coordination in your closet is adorable!!
Mar 31Reply
alysiab93 @maddagirl thank you for all of the shares! If I wasn't trying to downsize, I'd buy just about everything you have!
Apr 01Reply
posherlauren @maddagirl I love how you organize your closet - the color scheme is so pretty!
Apr 02Reply
angelicanorris Your closet is so organized! I love!!!
Apr 03Reply
naptimeshoptime Your closet is SO pretty!
Apr 03Reply
poshsweetly Hi Kate, just stopping by to let you know I think your closet is amazing! Also, I know this is really random but I love your wood floors. I am about to show them to my husband and make my puppy-dog face. Wish me luck. Lol. Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 03Reply
maddagirl @kwalden01 Ha! I just read this to my husband! It's bamboo - the most ecologically conscious wood flooring you can put in,because it regenerates so quickly. Also one of the least expense, and readily available. I think even Home Depot and Lowes carry it now. :)
Apr 03Reply
poshsweetly Eco-friendly may have won him over ... He's researching and I'm doing my happy dance now! Thanks so much for the helpful info! Have a lovely Sunday!
Apr 03Reply
poshhobby @maddagirl Nice closet! I am not your size, but if I were, I be shopping here. Happy to share!
Apr 03Reply
midwestbohemian Love your closet and the color coordinating!!! I hope you expand your size offerings someday!
Apr 04Reply
tillie214 💖Absolutely adorable closet!!!!!💖💖
Apr 04Reply
tillie214 @kdubbs54 Check out this closet !!! So cute😘
Apr 04Reply
kdubbs54 @tillie214 LOL!!! I'm not supposed to be buying anymore, but you just ruined that!! LOVE this closet!!😘
Apr 04Reply
maddagirl @tillie214 @kdubbs54 THANKS for the love guys!! 20% bundle discount so feel free to make this closet *your* new closet... ;). Have a great day!!
Apr 04Reply
kdubbs54 @maddagirl I am in awe of your closet and your success!! You need to teach me, lol!!
Apr 06Reply
pandada Happy poshing Kate 😚😘💐💐
Apr 07Reply
nikunafeixw I see u on wantables stream all the time!!
Apr 08Reply
maddagirl @srbean84 Omg, that's so funny. The sweater I'm wearing in this pic IS from Wantable!! Small world on clothing social media! :)
Apr 08Reply
nikunafeixw Yup it def is! Wantable Style Edit still seems to be catching on & ironing out the kinks .. I get really great boxes and then I get like the leftover junk a month later;(
Apr 08Reply
maddagirl @srbean84 Totally agree. I think the stylists listen less well and try less hard than StitchFix, but I usually like the clothes more. Eh. I guess I like them both equally.
Apr 08Reply
ynar I love your closet !! 😍💕
Apr 08Reply
maddagirl @ynar Why thank you!!
Apr 08Reply
ynar I love your organization in the ítems , how you sorted by color and the details that you use for the pics and most importantly, pretty clothes 😉
Apr 08Reply
nikunafeixw I know, I explained to wantable that I was very disappointed in their last style edit and they basically could care less. Stitchfix sent me a personal email after I got a lot of drab dull items..from a senior stylist asking lots of questions and offered me a free stylists fee credit to try it again! My last wantable was all black items - hello, it's spring!!
Apr 08Reply
nikunafeixw The clothes from wantable def seem better in quality & brands - I agree.
Apr 08Reply
maddagirl @srbean84 Lol! You can look at my closet and see how much black I wear... ;)
Apr 08Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers.
Apr 10Reply
adorableloan @maddagirl you have such a cute closet!! 😍😍❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply
shenanigans949 @maddagirl Hi Katie, love your closet. Royal blue & lavender are two of my favorite colors so I'll be checking back often!
Apr 11Reply
marinadugina @maddagirl Hi Kate? So what do you think about StichFix so far? I tried it once and sent the whole package back because I found it overpriced but think I'm gonna try it again😊
Apr 11Reply
maddagirl @marinadugina Well, Poshmark makes everything else look overpriced!! LOL! I think it's ruining stores for me forever! As far as Stitchfix goes, I think I have to mentally frame it as a different type of value. I really like it because an expert stylist, like someone who *actually* knows something about this stuff, looks at me and picks clothes, thrusts them at me and says "Here. Try these on. These will look great on you."
Apr 11Reply
maddagirl @marinadugina SF got me out of my rut. They send all sorts of things that I'd never pick off the shelves and I LOVE trying them on. I think of Stitchfix as teaching me how to dress. Thank God someone finally took on that role!! :)
Apr 11Reply
marinadugina @maddagirl Ok, thank you! I'll do it again, want to refresh my spring/summer wardrobe!😉
Apr 11Reply
bajanme27 Welcome to poshmark. .your closet is the colors.
Apr 12Reply
heymah You're the only other Posher I've seen who organizes her closet by color like I do! I love the way yours looks, such a clean layout! 💕
Apr 12Reply
littlemommax4 What a cute closet, I love it!!!!!!!!!
Apr 12Reply
loreenny Love your closet!!!
Apr 13Reply
moonbunnytoo Very impressive color categorized closet!! 😊👍
Apr 13Reply
tburg21 Hi! I'm Tammy and just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful closet!!!! Also-Lmk if you want me to tag you to follow games parties announcements and I'll be happy to do so. I'm going to nominate your closet for a Host Pick!! More PFFs need to see it!!! 😀🌸💖💞💕
Apr 13Reply
snuzz614 Great closet! Adorable dresses!
Apr 14Reply
elena1rose @snuzz614 do you have bundle packages
Apr 14Reply
maddagirl @elena1rose I'm not sure if you meant me, but I offer a 20% on all bundles of 3 or more. :)
Apr 14Reply
snuzz614 @elena1rose yep! 10% 2, comment on one of my items and I can change to 20%
Apr 14Reply
elena1rose @snuzz614 ok great I am at work but when I get home I will do thanks again. Luv your dresses 💜😊💙
Apr 14Reply
oliveyoumore Beautiful closet!! 💕💐
Apr 15Reply
brittny729 I just have to say the the color order of your closet is awesome! Love 💙
Apr 15Reply
sparker1966 Love your closet but even after losing a lot of weight I still can't wear small's!! You have some beautiful dresses. If you have any larger sizes I'd like to know more about your other listings. I forget already what they were called. Guess I'm just getting old!! Lol. You offer 20% off the total as a gift. Ty
Apr 15Reply
jazzmehtazz Love love love your color organization! Beautiful closet!
Apr 17Reply
signaturefinds I love your closet!
Apr 17Reply
adrienne68 Omigosh!! With my light case of OCD, this closet is the best!!! I love how colored coordinated everything is😍
Apr 17Reply
dova Thank you for sharing and I love your closet
Apr 17Reply
baileydose Your closet is amazing!
Apr 18Reply
runwayposh O my!! You are one busy Posher!!
Apr 18Reply
midwestmagnolia Your closet is gorgeous!!
Apr 18Reply
macheryl You're closet is an inspiration. Love the color organization!! Please let me know if you have any tips to better sales 😁🙏🏾
Apr 18Reply
mercedezbenzo @maddagirl Lovely Closet👗
Apr 19Reply
maree_r91 @maddagirl Hi! Just wanted to say that you have a beautiful closet. Love the color coding! 😊✌🏼️
Apr 19Reply
chateau_chic Love your closet! ❤️ so many gorgeous pieces!!
Apr 20Reply
allyoop23 Hi Kate! Im Ally! 💜Welcome to Posh!💜 I hope you love it as much as I do! Your closet looks GREAT! Let me introduce you to some friends! These ladies below have helped me & have great examples of closets to follow! I also have a new poshers post in my closet & Im happy to help you! 🌻@alise28🌻@annahalsey🌻@bellaconfusione 🌻@hrachal🌻@hvandyne🌻@katolarae 🌻@kden_wallace🌻@kookc🌻@larochelle 🌻@lauras_boutique🌻@nami001🌻@thegoodchic 🌻@wendibearr
Apr 20Reply
51twenty Hi Kate! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜Thank you @allyoop23
Apr 20Reply
tburg21 Beautiful CLOSET !!!! : )
Apr 20Reply
jmelvinq @kendahlleigh check out this cute closet ;)
Apr 21Reply
jpiacenti4564 You have quite an impressive closet my dear. Probably one of the neatest and organized I've seen on PM! So so pretty. Love your stuff too. I'm a sucker for Athleta and tie dye!
Apr 21Reply
suanne6781 Kate, I love your closet and was happy to share it. Sadly everything is to small for me or I would have ordered about 6 of your dresses. I hope they sell. Thanks for the follow. I am new so need all the Posh love I can get. Have a blessed day.
Apr 21Reply
larochelle hi! my name is rochelle, welcome to poshmark! pls feel free too tag me if you need help with anything! also, i would advise you follow @official_forum and recommend it to other newbies:) hope you will find it useful :) cheers!!!💝💝💝💝
Apr 21Reply
mctracey You have such an adorable closet! Every time I share from it, I am just drawn to each listing. Your cover shots are beautifully simple yet chic and enticing. Love it!! 😍
Apr 22Reply
luvlypnay Happy poshing!God bless!
Apr 24Reply
readeadams I love your closet. Nice listings, nice photographs.
Apr 28Reply
christinapurtle What a wonderfully neat closet! Refreshing to see!
Apr 30Reply
rlcgh222 Do you want to buy my apt.9 turtle neck sweater like dress, I can give you a better deal.
Apr 30Reply
jill555 @maddagirl welcome to the posh community. 💕😃 love your closet. Thanks for sharing mine. @poshgarden this looks like a closet you might like 😉
May 03Reply
motherskiss HI!!! Congratulations! Your closet has been mentioned in our Facebook Poshmark support group - "The Best Poshmark Tips" as an awesome Fresh & Fab closet. If you would like to join us we have over 1600 members who would love to meet you. Please, no need to return the shares. :) you were nominated by @poshgarden !!!
May 03Reply
poshgarden @jill555 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼😘
May 03Reply
jill555 @poshgarden @motherskiss great news!!! 👍🎉👯 and @maddagirl sharing is the way girl! 😍thanks for visiting my closet!
May 03Reply
flairchange Love your closet
May 03Reply
isleofchic @maddagirl great closet, kate! beautiful selections and wonderful presentation! :)
May 04Reply
katemonster215 @maddagirl thanks for the shares-holy crap what a closet! Do you just collect a bunch of people's stuff to sell?
May 04Reply
bthcstr I love your closet, super cute! Thanks for the share!
May 04Reply
ianthe37 Thanks for all the shares! Love your closet, so many choices! 🙆🏻🌟
May 05Reply
lizzielou5 I feel like I need to fess up to you that you were my ABSOLUTE INSPIRATION for so many of my photos, and I sure hope you are flattered and not offended. Please forgive me if you are, but your closet is just too good to ignore. Happy Day :-)
May 09Reply
floralgiraffe Your closet is beautiful! The way your shots are styled is fabulous. :)
May 12Reply
lizzielou5 I'm still loving all of your pictures, and will continue to share them all over the place because you (unknowingly) helped with mine :-) I love the uniformity of them, and how you've managed to show exactly what the dress looks like in your cover shot. You're still awesome!!!
May 14Reply
redpianistsclst Beautiful closet!! I love your styling!!😄💖
May 16Reply
lolavivi What a beautiful and tasteful lady you are! I have never seen anything that simple yet elegant! Color coordinated!! Insane!!!!! You family should be soo blessed with the mom like you! Which I am sure they are' good job!❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 16Reply
shia92 Cute closet!! 💕
May 17Reply
liannam Beautiful closet! :) :)
May 22Reply
samtxng Thanks for the share 💖 I currently have a limited time flash sale going on, so check out my closet and tell me if you're interesting in anything! I'm dishing out huge discounts right now :)
May 24Reply
textilesntea @maddagirl lovely💙✌🌻 you and your closet. You're my poshpiration, if there's such a thing😚 may you tell me how you get your pictures so clear and full of light? I've tried and can't seem to get it. They're beautiful😍
May 25Reply
mottsie Love your closet!
May 26Reply
sweetsassyjilly I'm mesmerized by how you keep your closet color coded!!!!
May 27Reply
comradeatg Just joining the chorus of praise for your meticulously color curated closet! It's a thing of beauty 😻
May 29Reply
hautecloseteur thank you so much for the shares!! I hope you have a beautiful day ☀️
May 29Reply
captain_jack16 Ohhh! Such an awesome time I just had!!! I rarely make it to the end of closets due to time... but your style and choices are amazing! You have inspired me! I'm new to posting items and You have me motivated to redo my virtual closet! I have soooooo many things I have not posted, again due to time or they have no hanger appeal, you are so talented! Looking forward to purchasing from you. I love everything. Thx for sharing; )
May 29Reply
tia728 Can I just say I LOVE how your closet is organized. Very cute! Thanks for the share 💕
May 29Reply
lillyonthehill Beautiful closet. : )
May 30Reply
stylewithsara Hi welcome to posh!! I'm having a beginning of summer sale and open to all negotiations!! Everything must go!! Check out my closet I just uploaded so many new items today!! Happy poshing❤️❤️💞
May 31Reply
malamom @maddagirl I love the neat, crisp look of your closet😀& ty for sharing
May 31Reply
taffetaandtwill Your closet is beautiful! Thanks for the follow. :)
May 31Reply
cindutch Love your closet! So colourful!!!!! 🌹
May 31Reply
epitomeofstyle Hi Kate! I love the way you arrange your closet by color, very organized... Do you mind sharing what app you use in taking a whole dress picture that fits in a square? Thanks!
Jun 04Reply
maddagirl @epitomeofstyle Thanks for the sweet comment. Seriously, I just use my phone, and I tilt it a little bit. If it's a maxi dress, sometimes I have to stand on my bed to get it all in (my cover photo will usually have the skirt folded back). Hope this helps!
Jun 04Reply
epitomeofstyle @maddagirl Thanks! It certainly helps. I think I tried it one time(standing up on the bed to take a pic) but considering I'm 5"2' doesn't help lol. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 04Reply
liwis Love the way you put the colors together on the page! Beautiful closet!
Jun 04Reply
cookies4all @maddagirl, thanks for the Posh Love!!! 💕😘
Jun 05Reply
hazelandhope Just stopping by to tell you how much I love your closet!
Jun 05Reply
larcir I made a mistake and not sure how to remedy it. I didn't realize you aren't supposed to ship to APO addresses. We are stationed in South Korea. It allowed me to put in my address with no issues then later I read a bunch of FAQ's and saw the APO shipping thing. So sorry. Is there any way to pay a flat rate shipping to get it here?
Jun 06Reply
larcir I'm willing to pay for my mistake and realize I won't be able to order again until I move back to the states. So sorry for the inconvenience. :( Let me know what I can do.
Jun 06Reply
missihassler @maddagirl Your closet is beautiful! Love how you have organized it by color. :)
Jun 08Reply
lil_red_ink Awesome closet.!!! How do u get the listings to stay in color order?
Jun 10Reply
maddagirl @lil_red_ink Haha! I literally have to share my entire closet from the bottom up, every time, to keep things in order. I've rethought the wisdom of this about 100 times!!
Jun 10Reply
avathebulldog So pretty how you color coordinate!! Nice to meet you!!! 💖
Jun 10Reply
shelleybella Thanks for sharing from my closet. You have an awesome closet, so many pretty things!
Jun 10Reply
kitkat5722 Pretty color coding on your listings💗
Jun 11Reply
beautyplusmore Love how you color coordinated your closet haha cute!! Thank you for the share 💕💕😘
Jun 12Reply
erla1229 Thanks for sharing my closet! Your closet is beautiful - great pics & love how it's organized by color!! 😊
Jun 13Reply
cramermari I see you like blue😊, me too!
Jun 17Reply
touchofgrey @maddagirl gorgeous closet!
Jun 20Reply
jabrett103 ᑭᒪᑌᔕ TᗩG ᗰE Iᑎ ᗩᒪᒪ ᑌᖇ ᑎEᗯ ᒪIᔕTIᑎGᔕ TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ🙏
Jun 23Reply
aritahasani I love this!!! You seem like such a sweet lady😊 Best of luck to you !!! Xoxo❤️❤️
Jun 29Reply
aritahasani Oh & of course, I have to say feel free to make any offers on whatever you like if you see something that catches your eye!! Always willing to negotiate and bundle for discounted prices within your budget 😊😊😊😊😊❤️
Jun 29Reply
creative2 @maddagirl 😄Hi Kate; I'm Heidi & it's so nice to e-meet you. I love your closet & your philosophy regarding "buying used"; (Posh is an ideal resource)! I apply that idea as well: (I design/construct handbags using re-purposed materials & the bonus is they're one of a kind too). I enjoyed my "cruise" through your closet.💞😊💓
Jul 02Reply
brina78_ You have an amazing closet!!!! Your dress selections are bright, colorful, and fun! I'm plus sized but my niece is will love this! I'm in awe!
Jul 02Reply
paiged03 Hello Kate! I just wanted to tell you I LOVE how you have your closet set up, all color coded! It looks so great!! I'm sure will make tons of sales!
Jul 09Reply
newyork222 "Cheerios-free" - LOVE it! 🎈🙋🏻💐
Jul 10Reply
m0mmame0w @maddagirl beautiful closet! I love the color organization!
Jul 11Reply
kellygigimalia Thx for Sharing my closet listing !! You have a fun and cute closet !! 💕💞
Jul 13Reply
b16cordova Welcome to posh!🌺🎉 follow me and check out my closet, if you see something you like make me an offer and I will try to give you best deal. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!!🎉🌺😊
Jul 16Reply
klinhwilson You have such a great closet with actual discounted clothes and amazing pictures!! Love love love sharing your items <3
Jul 18Reply
janellno5 You are a doll and sounds like your kiddos are super Blessed to call you Mom!!! 💞💞💞
Jul 22Reply
kdachmm You have a beautiful collection of clothes in your closet! 💞💕 wish I was a small! 😍
Jul 24Reply
catwalk2reality And you made it !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💜
Jul 25Reply
poshmark8530678 Love your closet😍
Jul 25Reply
kimberlyskorner Hi there Just wanted to say that your pictures are so amazing. I can't seem to get the whole picture thing down.but like I said yes are great
Jul 27Reply
double__trouble Ur closet is cute!💗💗💗
Jul 28Reply
cramermari I see you like blue, too! Such pretty things. Not my size but I enjoy sharing.😊
Jul 28Reply
glitzylife Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out your phone. Lol. I know I can't. It's so addicting. Come and visit sometime. I
Jul 28Reply
verygoodidea great closet! love the way you listed items in color order😍
Jul 30Reply
twinmom2007 Hi Kate, I'm Colleen. Feel free to check out my closet. I'm very flexible on prices.
Aug 01Reply
myblueskydays @myblueskydays hi again' you have the cutest dresses! I only sell retail so far...but I'm a bit surprised they look like they are worth so much more!! Still learning...if I was a small , forget the bundle, I'd buy a sack!! Beautiful closet!!!😊✌🏽💖
Aug 03Reply
bellasbeauties Kinda close to N.H. Well Methuen is next to Salem .
Aug 09Reply
maddagirl @bellasbeauties Definitely local!! :)
Aug 09Reply
lalunablu @maddagirl have a wonderful weekend! ❤️
Aug 13Reply
mylovelycloset1 Hi dear. Welcome to check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to make an offer ☺️👍 and I just want to let you know that I have today special deal buy one dress get second same price dress as a gift 🎁🎁🛍🛍🎉🎉🎉
Aug 14Reply
rebag12 @maddagirl I love your closet!!
Aug 15Reply
theprincess_s Wow! Pretty closet! I'm so glad I found it!🌺❤️💕
Aug 16Reply
jazzyfran Welcome to the wonderful community of PoshMark. 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸
Aug 17Reply
simplyraymac beautiful closet!
Aug 22Reply
klbc3 Hi Kate- I love your updated profile picture! You look so pretty! Hope you had/are having a great summer ☀️
Aug 24Reply
saramaxxx I love your dresses!
Aug 29Reply
ggthetaex you have a gorgeous closet:)
Aug 31Reply
threadcounts Great closet 😍😍😍❤😘
Sep 01Reply
sammy63 @maddagirl thanks i take offers and i do holds as long as you need 😊
Sep 02Reply
studioitera @maddagirl Lovely closet!💕💕
Sep 03Reply
abir1977 Hi welcome to poshmark. Very nice to meet you. Please let me know if you any questions about my listening. 🤗😘😍❤️🌹💚😋
Sep 04Reply
artisticwhit Hahahaha!! LOVE your is perfect! Cute stuff in your closet too!!! Very nice to meet you Kate.😊
Sep 04Reply
jackparberry I like your attitude!!
Sep 06Reply
houseperiwinkle Thanks for all the shares😘 Wow😍😍😍
Sep 08Reply
nicoleaimee Hi Kate- you bought the black shoes from me- what's wrong with them?
Sep 08Reply
sweetcheeses Hi Kate - Your closet is stunning with really distinctively styled pics. Nice to meet you!
Sep 11Reply
italian_bella @maddagirl thank you for the shares!!
Sep 11Reply
mammaking Thank you so much for always willing to share items in my closet! Your closet should be the 'Posh Model' closet! It's absolutely beautiful and SOOO organized!!!! 😊😊. Would you mind if I ask how you contact everyone when they 'like' your listing (the way you notify everyone of new listings/sales)? Do you type in each individual posh address or is there a way to send it to everyone with one message?
Sep 12Reply
thehautedress Thank you for your purchase! I'll be sending your bundle out later today!
Sep 13Reply
adarlingcastano Nice to meet you!! Thanks for the shares!!
Sep 16Reply
ultressa @maddagirl Hi there! Thanks for following my closet ☺️
Sep 17Reply
moorfun Hi love welcome to POSHMARK all Bralettes are on sale just letting you know so u can bundel your favorite items love u girl. I see you love free people you will fall in love with my BRALETTE great selection of colors and styles. XOXO
Sep 24Reply
intentcloset Your closet is so pretty! I'm glad I found you because I love dresses 👗!
Sep 28Reply
cvannou @maddagirl thank you so much for your order but unfortunately the box weighs 13 pounds, I tried a different box but it is still over the 10lb max. I will need to split the order in two and can discount so you only pay the shipping once. My apologies for the inconvenience. I will cancel the order now and tag you in the two bundles.
Sep 29Reply
danamarieee Super cute closet'
Sep 29Reply
rindercella1221 I made offers on a bunch of things but maybe we can bundle?? U can email Me at
Oct 06Reply
the_evenstar Gorgeous closet—love the organization by color.
Oct 20Reply
jparker0012 I love, love your closet!!
Oct 21Reply
moorfun Hi love welcome to posh Mark family I be more than happy to make you a bundel for a great price just let me know what you need xoxo Happy Friday
Oct 22Reply
msdme13 Hi Kate!!! Absolutely LOVE your closet!!! ☺️
Oct 27Reply
cynthialb Hi. Beautiful closet!
Nov 02Reply
ta2dch1x @maddagirl Girl, this is the most beautifully organized closet in all of Posh land! I love it! I know that you never have Cheerios in your hair - you are too well put together for that!
Nov 03Reply
kmblarsen Your bundle was shipped without one item accidently. I will put it in the mail tomorrow. My sincere apologies.
Nov 05Reply
kmblarsen Tracking number. USPS 9500115449526310072765
Nov 05Reply
baylie_renee Hi there! I just wanted to let you know the sale I am running right now for previous customers of mine!! I am doing 25% off all bundles 💕 let me know if you see anything! Have a great day!!
Nov 15Reply
triciabean94 10 for 10 shares?! Lmk!💕
Nov 20Reply
dawnwellss @maddagirl Great closet!! Love the lighting you have on your photographs. Is there a certain app you use? I'm still fairly new and still learning. Thanks in advance! 😊
Nov 20Reply
triciabean94 Another 10 for 10 shares?! Lmk!💕
Nov 20Reply
jamiel12 @maddagirl Hi! I created a bundle and made an offer. If you don't like the offer, would you be willing to counter offer? Let me know. Thank you!
Nov 21Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing!
Nov 28Reply
gemma3mdz Very nice closet!!!😊
Dec 02Reply
cramermari Hi, I love your blue dresses! So pretty!
Dec 04Reply
mskriden Your closet layout is amazing! Best I've seen.💙💜💗💚💛
Dec 14Reply
kikistore I'm a gardener and hiker too! Except I just found Poshmark for the winter months! Will look at your closet...
Dec 18Reply
maddagirl @kikistore lol! Posh has definitely become my hobby in the cold months!!
Dec 18Reply
kikistore I am SO loving your dresses!
Dec 18Reply
mv777 @maddagirl Hi! Just wanted to make sure u saw my bundle offer? Thx.
Dec 28Reply
axelamai Hey there! Happy new year! I just wanted to let you know that I think you're closet is amazing and I'm inspired by how well organized! Do you have any tips on how you to take such awesome pics!!
Dec 29Reply
maddagirl @axelamai Thanks for the super sweet comment. Your closet is totally cute, too! I find that using natural light is best (even if it means devoting a Saturday morning to taking pics). If I absolutely can't use natural lights I'll try to edit my pic to correct for the lighting (though I never like the results quite as much). thanks I such again and happy posting!
Jan 01Reply
aschanick @maddagirl Your closet is amazing 😝
Jan 03Reply
lindafinds You have great items in your closet and so nicely photographed and displayed 😀😀😀😀
Jan 03Reply
ymk88 Your closet is one of the more amazing closets that I've seen! I follow the same brands for the most party! I'm assuming that you have an "in" with Athleta as you have so much! Gorgeous.
Jan 03Reply
maddagirl @ymceng Thank you so much, that was really nice to hear! No in with Athleta, just a sincere love affair (which extends to prAna too). :). I'll send your items out tomorrow morning. Hope you love them!
Jan 03Reply
maddagirl @lindafinds Thank you so much - I appreciate your kind thoughts!
Jan 03Reply
wfda such a beautiful smile and so pretty
Jan 04Reply
ceeceebo You have a lovely closet with great pictures! Thank you for the share and happy new year!!!
Jan 06Reply
marialin21 Love the part about keeping your hair Cheerios free! 😊💕
Jan 06Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Jan 06Reply
rondee1 Love your closet, just wish I could wear your sizes. Rats, rats, rats!
Jan 06Reply
elizabethk323 Gorgeous closet, Kate! I love the way you organize your items by color. Beautiful! ❤️
Jan 13Reply
_b_ren_ Love your closet, and it's so wonderfully organized!
Jan 17Reply
elevations I love how you have your closet organized ... lots of super cute things too!
Jan 19Reply
dressedbygeri Great closet!! Love your style 😍. ❤️Geri
Jan 20Reply
kaywilliams1 I came across your closet and absolutely adore everything! Love your set attitude also. Much love and sales!
Jan 22Reply
doyenne_la Lovely page 🌼💐
Jan 25Reply
enavant Hi Kate! I love all the gorgeous dresses you have listed! Your closet is dangerous for me! 😊
Jan 28Reply
shelliedm Hi would you consider trading dress for something in my closet? I have excellent trade feedback. Thank you
Jan 30Reply
hollygolightly7 Hi Kate! Do you have anymore free people or anthropologie shirts you are going to post?
Jan 31Reply
maddagirl @hollygolightly7 Yes, anthro, but I won't be listing fir several days.
Jan 31Reply
hollygolightly7 @maddagirl Great. I'll check back soon then!
Jan 31Reply
maddagirl @hollygolightly7 Wonderful! Thanks!
Jan 31Reply
mv777 One of my fav closets! U make PM fun!!🤗
Feb 04Reply
maddagirl @mv777 why thank you!!
Feb 04Reply
taymcn Can I be taken off the follow game list
Feb 04Reply
maddagirl @taymcn Done, thanks!
Feb 04Reply
mamamadeusa Your closet is arranged in an OCD lovers dream!! I love it. ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 05Reply
sjml214 Your closet is so beautiful! I couldn't stop scrolling! I'm sad I have too much junk in my trunk to fit your gorgeous dresses.😔
Feb 06Reply
agneslia I love you closet. Very neat pictures and cute stuff ❤❤❤❤
Feb 06Reply
kholdefer I love your closet ! It makes me happy ! ❤️
Feb 07Reply
maddagirl @babiebrittie Haha, thanks!
Feb 07Reply
hellogwenny Great closet, Kate! Love the color organization! 💞
Feb 08Reply
flynnesmom @maddagirl Hi Kate- loving your closet! I wish we were the same size. How did you organize it by style and color, it's perfect!
Feb 11Reply
maddagirl @flynnesmom thanks - it's a labor of love (and insanity!). I'm constantly moving things around. :). Everything is shared from the bottom up. Item by item, whew! Happy poshing!
Feb 11Reply
lilybean17 Great closet!! 💞😄
Feb 19Reply
skootermarie I love how you color coordinated your closet. Wow! It's great!
Feb 19Reply
dancingirl88 You have such a fun classy closet! I'm so impressed by your organization! Your dresses are so fun! I'll be stopping by again soon!! 💕☀👍🏻
Feb 19Reply
maddagirl @dancingirl88 Thank you so much!!
Feb 19Reply
lkeeton9 Hi Kate! I hope you had a nice long weekend! Your bundle is at the post office awaiting a scan. I hope everything is perfect for you. Thank you!
Feb 21Reply
callmecordelia Hi Kate - I'm Kate too. Acutally, Kathryn. Hope you will enjoy Poshmark as much as many of us do. Mostly lovely women on this site. I will keep an eye on your closet. kate
Feb 22Reply
hmsimon1 Thank you for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹🌹
Feb 22Reply
clarey1 Best closet I have seen!!!
Feb 22Reply
maddagirl @clarey1 Well THAT comment just totally made my day! Thank you!
Feb 22Reply
kittycafetoo I LOVE how your closet is color coded! Too cute.
Feb 22Reply
redbud_bargains Hi! Love your closet and style! I am just getting started with Posh. Have sold a little off and on with eBay over the years but finding I really enjoy the Posh community, simplicity of listing and easy shipping! I am wondering where you source so many great, gently used clothes and accessories?!? Do you buy wholesale? I'm trying to expand and want to offer more items that are along the same lines. Instead of cheap 'new' boutique stuff.
Mar 06Reply
redbud_bargains Con'd.. limited to 500 characters! I It known for conciseness! I would appreciate any info you would be comfortable sharing. If preferred, my email is: jesonge1205@gmail. Oh. And I also recharge the same way you do! Digging the the dirt and hiking in the woods keeps me sane! Thank you, Donna
Mar 06Reply
maddagirl @jesonge1205 Ha! Already responded by the time this posted, lol. It's under your last item in your closet. :)
Mar 06Reply
laughlamb @maddagirl I just logged in to accept your offer, but it had expired. If you are still interested, I would agree to $20. Thanks so much for considering!
Mar 09Reply
bradsmom2005 Thank you for all the shares ❤️😊
Mar 12Reply
melissadarrimon You have such a beautiful closet!! I'm aspiring towards something of the sort someday. Teach me how to get your beautiful listings with kiddos because I can barely get a decent pic done with my little one lol!😄
Mar 14Reply
iteachfirst Love your closet!!
Mar 14Reply
j_ladu0214 I LOVE your closet and how you have everything in order!
Mar 14Reply
maddagirl @melissadarrimon HAHA! I totally get that! Benadryl... ;)
Mar 14Reply
miss_nyx @maddagirl You have a lovely closet! It is full of great items, and the color grouping is very visually appealing. Any advice for a selling newbie?
Mar 14Reply
havesomeflair @maddagirl Hi. You have a beautiful closet🎉🎉When do you think is the best time to share your closet during evening parties according to your successful experience? Thanks so much🎉🎉
Mar 15Reply
solucy Good morning. Thanks for all the sharing. Your closet is so lovely and well organized. Love it!!
Mar 15Reply
mattis728 Love your closet! When I finally get around to creating a thread to bookmark my favs, I'll be putting you in there! Great presentation! 👍🏼
Mar 17Reply
maddagirl @mattis728 Why thank you! So awesome to hear!
Mar 17Reply
lyzas Thanks for sharing,Kate !
Mar 18Reply
shoppala Beautiful closet!😍😍😍😍@shoppala #newbie
Mar 18Reply
mth_and_dtr would you consider 20% off the bundle I created?? thanks
Mar 18Reply
ainsleyscloset You have such a great closet! OMG I LOVE that you listed by color!!
Mar 19Reply
zapstock You there?? Someone bought my dress that I was holding in my bundle!!
Mar 19Reply
maddagirl @zapstock I see that, so sorry! Unfortunately the items are live while "in your bundle" or while you put out an offer and wait to hear. Someone can always press buy. :(. Unless you have me specifically hold it out, like the J Crew dress.
Mar 19Reply
erepeter I love how your closet is color coded!
Mar 22Reply
charlib3 Cheerios!!! 😂😂😂 I remember those days ❤️❤️❤️ Too cute...
Mar 24Reply
ladydy20 I can offer you $66 off the total bundle without the 10% discount off. If you do a bundle with your purchases it come out with the total due $66.60 off. Make an offer on which way you choose. Thx🌹
Mar 26Reply
ladydy20 Just marked down prices tonite and cannot go lower! In great condition,
Mar 26Reply
born2posh Hi Kate! I love your closet! Your photos are great!
Mar 28Reply
sandragittleson Hi There, love your 🐾🐾, I'm sandra... i hear your closet is awesome! I can't wait to see for myself! I'm selling some great items of my own! Hope you can come check it out! don't hesitate to ask me any questions 😉Thanks so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 31Reply
myclassycloset Thank you for all the shares ☺️
Mar 31Reply
oohlala123 Thank you for all your shares! I had my niece sopping for your dresses. She is just getting ready to teach special needs children, I'm so proud of her! This is her passion. So she wants to get some cheerful dresses to welcome them to school. Her name is Jennifer ,so she's going to put them on her phone and probably shop tonight. If you could help her , it will truly be appreciated. You have a gorgeous closet!👗💐🍎
Apr 01Reply
maddagirl @oohlala123 Will do, absolutely. Just a note that I'm east coast, so if my eyes close early on her I'll be back in touch in the morning. :). I think she might have already made an offer. (A Jennifer did).
Apr 01Reply
oohlala123 @maddagirl lol that's her! She's on her way home, she's so anxious to get started. She's a very sweet girl. Let me know if she buys
Apr 01Reply
kristylynn11 @maddagirl your closet... Is amazing! How do you keep the cheerios out of the pictures?! 🤣😂 JK! But seriously, your closet is amazing! Where do you get all these clothes?!! Are they all from your personal closet?!! I'm in awe, literally. My only regret, I'm larger than most everything in your closet with size 10/12 with enormous size 11 feet 😢
Apr 01Reply
gat8or Hey Kate, just wanted to stop by and say hello. I appreciate the love, tags and support. Nice having met you and being in the team. Stephanie
Apr 02Reply
megahnscloset Amazing smile!! Parenting is a blessing , one day I hope to utilize the things learned from my mommy and nana . Until then I try to be a responsible big sister 😄.Raising kids to become good citizens can be easy if we are good examples , thanks for being a mom that takes the responsibility of parenthood seriously !! I bow and applaud you😄
Apr 02Reply
maddagirl @tehajah Thank you so much!
Apr 02Reply
monae83 Thanks for the shares😘. You have a lovely closet.
Apr 06Reply
thebluewindow I like how you kind of color coded your closet..such a good idea
Apr 11Reply
echadwell Holy moly thank you for all the shares. 😍
Apr 11Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😘 have a great day ❤️
Apr 12Reply
brindleracer66 @maddagirl Hello, Kate! I'm Whitney...thank you for all of the shares! Your closet is so much fun! Sharing now🌹 Have a fantastic rest of your day!
Apr 12Reply
spreadlove Hello! 🙋 I know there are so many great closets on Posh but I would love for you to take a minute and check out mine! I have great reviews, great prices, a variety of sizes, and plenty of items new with tags! I also like to include a free gift here and there as well! Thanks so much for your time - I'm grateful! ☺️
Apr 13Reply
mkbkrista You have such a beautiful closet!!💕
Apr 15Reply
clc030410 Thanks for all the shares, I think it's so cool how your closet is separated by color😆
Apr 17Reply
divine777 I love your closet!! Simply stunning in all ways!
Apr 17Reply
sharonmarie840 Thanks for all the shares! I appreciate them! You have a lovely closet!
Apr 20Reply
eileenmangia Fabulous closet! You have curated each piece with care! It shows so much effort! ❤️🙏🏻🌷🌸💕
May 03Reply
rjrkbythebay This post cracked me up! Thanks for the smile 😁 I hope you're having a Cheerios free day LOL Rachel
May 03Reply
kristibre Hi Kate I missed your $21.00 offer for the athleta swim bottoms. I'll accept 21 if your still interested!
May 08Reply
georginawalker Hi Kate💝Just love your closet!!!! I think I just shopped there for over 30 minutes🎀👗🎀👗🎀👗So many lovely things and such great photos and descriptions....I couldn't purchase all my likes or I would need another closet for myself 😜But I did buy a couple of your treasures...Thank you ahead of time💞💞💞
May 08Reply
maddagirl @georginawalker Thank YOU! I super appreciate all the love! Will send these out to you tomorrow morning. Hope you love them!
May 08Reply
georginawalker @maddagirl Hello Kate💝Just wanted to thank you again for my lovely package today....I loved your sweet handwritten thank you....and I just enjoyed the Geradelli chocolate as a bedtime treat💝
May 11Reply
maddagirl @desireesjwlrybx Thank you so much!!
May 12Reply
savannah2575 Hi I'm sorry I had just committed one item from your bundle to another posher earlier today and she just bought hat one (the black athleta sweater). I'd love to consider another offer if you're still interested in the other items!
May 13Reply
sbfashions 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🙌🙌🙌🐶🐶✔xo ttys
May 14Reply
khardy31 LOVE your closet, where these all your clothes? Wish I had a closet this large!
May 18Reply
kotankis Kate, I just bought a bundle and while I love most, a couple of the dresses do not fit. Can I use your listing pictures to repost?
May 23Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day! ❤️❤️❤️
May 23Reply
simplyrajames I love your closet layout!! :-)
May 25Reply
savannah2575 Hi just checking into make sure you're happy with your bundle! :)
May 25Reply
maddagirl @savannah2575 hey there, thanks for checking in. I actually honestly haven't had a chance to open it yet but I hope to in about two hours and I will definitely read it then. Thanks so much for your patience!
May 25Reply
bronwyn3313 You have a beautiful closet. I could spend all day in there!
May 25Reply
maddagirl @bronwyn3313 Thank you so much!!
May 25Reply
ktfunkbeat One of the most amazing "closets" I have seen. Beautiful things 🌸🌹🌼🌺. I may have found a one-stop shop
May 26Reply
maddagirl @ktfunkbeat Well that's an AWESOME comment to receive - thank you so much!!
May 26Reply
savannah2575 @maddagirl gotcha thanks!! :)
May 26Reply
spreadlove Hi 🙋 Just stopping in to say hello! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Be well and spread love 💛
May 26Reply
jovigraham Beautiful closet!!! Love the color coord...💕
May 27Reply
jovigraham Thank you for sharing
May 27Reply
paytonhar I hope you are loving poshmark and finding some amazing styles or having speedy sales 😊 Feel free to stop by my closet and check out what I've got! If you see anything you like send me an offer! 😘 I am also giving away a free gift with any purchase 🎁 Have any questions? Don't hesitate to ask! ☺️ Happy Poshing! 👙👗👚👖
May 29Reply
carcho I am so impressed with your vibrant photos. The lighting is amazing. Your listings have the most beautiful patterns. Everything looks gorgeous!!
May 30Reply
maddagirl @ashleybachelder @carcho Thank you both so much!!
May 30Reply
glamazon82 Love your closet! #PMClosetGoals :)
May 30Reply
rachelraehunter So literally every time you add new listings you have to go through and share every single item again to reorganize your closet? Is that right? I feel like there MUST be a shortcut... I'm inundating people daily with my shares just to get it reorganized! Also- how do you add so many listings quickly? I have about 100 pieces to load but I can't figure out how to do that without taking
May 31Reply
maddagirl @rachelraehunter Ha! There is no secret nor shortcut to either sharing or listing. I wish!!
May 31Reply
leili24 Beautiful closet, Welcome to posh🌺please visit my closet when you get a chance, I welcome offers😀
Jun 02Reply
ivangellys Welcome to Poshmark family! 🎉😁 Im brand new to posh and loving it. My store has a huge range of women designer clothes for such affordable prices! 👠 If you find anything in my closet that you love, I will ship same day or next day shipping and I always include a random little freebie😍 💁🏼 Remember, 5% of the profit made from my closet will go to help fight CANCER! 💪🏼 Buy for a cause and bundle on 💜
Jun 04Reply
sweetsaelym Beautiful Closet Kate !! LOVE !
Jun 04Reply
acfree14 Hi Kate. Just a heads up that a lot of the items in your bundle are going to be deleted tonight. Anything you want just make me an offer!!
Jun 04Reply
aclothingwindow Beautiful closet! 💞💞
Jun 05Reply
tupa_b In love with your closet!!! 😍
Jun 05Reply
maddagirl @tupa_b Thank you so much!!
Jun 05Reply
theticsoddshop Congrats on CO-HOSTING but also a bigger congrats on keeping your closet in perfect color order, HOLY CANOLI, amazing 😍👌
Jun 08Reply
jojeda18 Your closet is gorgeous!!!!
Jun 09Reply
maddagirl @pilgrim777 Thank you!!
Jun 09Reply
maddagirl @ericacherch Thank you so much!!
Jun 09Reply
maddagirl @jojeda18 Thank you very much!
Jun 09Reply
jbrookens Love your closet! Wish my life was this organized!
Jun 09Reply
maddagirl @jbrookens Oh my goodness, me too! My posh closet is the most organized thing in my life! Lol!
Jun 09Reply
southpawbass Hi! Just wanted to tell you that your swimsuits and dresses are absolutely gorgeous!!
Jun 10Reply
vickag24 @maddagirl thanks for sharing back. I wanted to ask you, I was sharing someone else's closet, by the time I shared 4 items you had 10 of mine?!?!? I am in the phone, what are you using?! I heard it's easier on PC, or maybe I just slow, it's 3:50 am here after all😱😩
Jun 12Reply
marinamorena @maddagirl Beautiful closet! Happy Poshing! ;)
Jun 14Reply
marchild_ja Love your closet❤
Jun 15Reply
maddagirl @medennison Thank you so much!!
Jun 15Reply
captaincouture What an amazing closet! Everything about it is so impressive!! Now to figure out which of my million likes to purchase first! I look forward to doing lots of business with you ❤️📦👠🎈
Jun 15Reply
maddagirl @workn4berkn Wow, thanks for the awesome compliment!! And the answer is always All... ;). Xoxo
Jun 15Reply
rachelraehunter @maddagirl thanks for all the shares!
Jun 16Reply
beckspleck Beautiful closet! 🌿
Jun 16Reply
nkakas @maddagirl I just love your closet! I always find something I like and have bought from you a few times now! Thank you!
Jun 17Reply
rachelraehunter Hey Kate! How did you send me a little 'nudge' with a bundle I was thinking over? I can't figure out how to do that for people!
Jun 17Reply
requisitethread Great closet- love the colorized organization 👏🏻👍🏻
Jun 18Reply
heytherika Your closet is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 21Reply
maddagirl @heytherika Thank you so much.
Jun 21Reply
maddagirl @coledianne Thank you - so kind of you to say!
Jun 21Reply
maddagirl @rachelraehunter Sorry, I forgot you asked this. Click on the dressing room and toggle to their bundle. You can make an offer on their bundle. Let me know if you don't see that option.
Jun 21Reply
rachelraehunter @maddagirl thanks for your reply! I don't see that- maybe it's only on a desktop?
Jun 21Reply
maddagirl @ellenel08 Thanks! I love all your beautiful Savvy shoes! (And I grew up about an hour north of you, by Brattleboro). Happy poshing!
Jun 22Reply
toogorg Hi! You sound like a super woman to me! I was amazed at how many items you have listed in your closet and then went on to read about your busy life!! Pure admiration!! 😊💕
Jun 27Reply
toogorg "Superwoman"
Jun 27Reply
maddagirl @toogorg Wow, that's was super nice to hear. Thank you so much!! Sitting here in my pjs sipping coffee, its hard to find the motivation to want to get up and conquer the world today, lol. Thanks again for the wonderful comment and happy Poshing!
Jun 27Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi Kate you have such a beautiful closet!! All those dresses! ❤️❤️👗👗 the style is great too!
Jun 27Reply
shopsarahkate Love your closet!!! You have so many pretty dresses! 💕
Jun 29Reply
maddagirl @shopsarahkate Thank you so much!!
Jun 29Reply
maddagirl @ashleyandme01 Thank you! That's nice to hear. :)
Jun 29Reply
elle_sempai Your closet is so colorful and lively! Love it :-)
Jun 30Reply
ycbear22 Thank you for the follow, I really appreciate it 💕
Jun 30Reply
fabfindz01 Cutest closet I have seen so far 😍 wow 👌🏼
Jul 02Reply
maddagirl @fabfindz01 Wow, thank you so much!!!
Jul 02Reply
jennyjoe798 Gorgeous closet!!
Jul 02Reply
pretty_ascanbee Hi Kate your closet is so gorgeous. The style and colors of your clothes take me back to my childhood. Just beautiful like you. Posh love. 🌺💕🌷
Jul 02Reply
maddagirl @madelrv That's really lovely, thank you so much for the note!
Jul 02Reply
kjajra I love your closet! You have a great taste in fashion :)
Jul 02Reply
blueeyedbelly And with a closet that looks this good I can't believe you haven't had many more HP's. I'm going to see what I can do about that. Lol. It can help!!
Jul 02Reply
maddagirl @blueeyedbelly Why thank you so much! That's awesome of you!
Jul 02Reply
blueeyedbelly Oh you are so welcome. I love helping others and you just seem so true blue and super sweet! You def deserve more HP's too
Jul 02Reply
blueeyedbelly Thank you so much for ALL your shares. I appreciate your time on that. I will be sharing yours from now on and added you to my party and follow game list. If you don't want to be tagged and follow games just let me know! Have a great holiday weekend!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 02Reply
jovigraham Hello Kate ... love your closet !! So vibrant!!! 🌸🌸💕💕🌸🌸
Jul 04Reply
cmscordato Moving sale. Open to offers. Thanks
Jul 04Reply
shandsey Good evening I shipped the boots this morning. I'm not sure why it hasn't updated with shipping info. Hopefully you'll receive the tracking tomorrow. Thanks, mandi
Jul 07Reply
maddagirl @shandsey I'm a seller too and I totally get it. Hopefully it will update tomorrow. No worrries. :)
Jul 07Reply
raychalerai Beautiful closet! 💗💗💗💗
Jul 09Reply
the_posh_loft Wow your closet is gorgeous hence all of the likes and shares!
Jul 09Reply
maddagirl @jordanj0908 Thank you so much! @raychalerai Thank you, too!
Jul 09Reply
thompsonrl WOW! Great closet Beautiful pics Amazing selection!
Jul 13Reply
hsadlemire As I'm sure you can see, I just spent quite a bit of time creeping your closet haha. I looooooove it!! We have a very similar taste in clothes. I'm in the process of buying a new house but I will DEFINITELY be back once we move haha.
Jul 14Reply
vitoclarke Love your closet 😍 excited to follow!!
Jul 14Reply
sunshinelilies Lovely closet!💞
Jul 16Reply
jeaneparadis Sounds like my kinda life!! Happy to meet you--I'm Jean in Tucson, where monsoon rain has finally come and a painting is on the easel😊! All the best in Poshing to you!!🌺🌺🌺
Jul 16Reply
jeaneparadis Speaking of Coffee, wish I was in NH right now, going to our favorite coffee place, Mad River Coffee near Thornton. You gotta go if you're ever near there!!☕️ the food is wonderful too, and I loved that there was a little corner for games, crayons, etc. 🍁🌿🍂🍃
Jul 16Reply
rbhollins Thank you for your purchase! I will have this wrapped up and shipped out tomorrow morning.😊
Jul 17Reply
lesleymmc You're closet is just absolutely gorgeous!! #poshgoals 😍 I could have scrolled through it for hours. Happy Poshing 💕😊
Jul 17Reply
mariegbean Inspiring closet! If I were the right size, I would be BUNDLING!
Jul 17Reply
johnnajohnston ❤️ your closet!!! 😍
Jul 18Reply
wiillab Your closet is gorgeous!
Jul 18Reply
boobalore you have a glorious closet!
Jul 21Reply
miffymilany Thank you for following!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Jul 22Reply
nc7teech @maddagirl Your closet is great!!!! Very colorful and nicely organized!!! 😊
Jul 23Reply
smluxuryhome Kate I LOVE your Closet. Your dresses are beautiful and your merchandising STUNNING. Wish I could wear your size! Post a picture of those beautiful kids. Thank you for a wonderful stroll!
Jul 29Reply
spreadlove Hello! I just stopped in to say hello! I would be grateful if you checked out my closet, I always include a free surprise with purchase! Either way, have a wonderful day!
Aug 03Reply
melisa_m0819 Yes I did see that they are 8.5. Thank you for checking with me. I look forward to receiving them.
Aug 04Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for share.
Aug 06Reply
mandykakes @maddagirl hi! I just stumbled upon your closet through @shaunaday closet crushes list (and realized I was already following your closet) but I wanted to *posh* by and let you know that I adore your closet! You have super cute style and love how you present your listings! Happy poshing! 💁💞💛☀️
Aug 06Reply
maddagirl @amandaguardo2 Thanks so much for stopping in and saying this. Hi!!! Your closet is super adorable!
Aug 06Reply
gypsythrift22 @closetfantasy here is a great closet to check out! The epitome of fresh flat lay. 💐
Aug 07Reply
peg25 ❤️cute closet! When you have time check out my closet! 🌸🌺
Aug 09Reply
tlm1227 I know you get this all the time, but I just love your closet girl! Everything is nice and neat and even color coded!! 😍
Aug 13Reply
dazzlingdeals Love your colorful style 🌺
Aug 13Reply
conniec Love your closet! You have so much and it's color coordinated!!
Aug 14Reply
tbroccolino Hi Kate! You have the best closet! Thank you!
Aug 16Reply
jessytocin Welcome to Posh! 👽🖖🏼 Feel free to check out my closet and message me if you have any questions! ✨Happy Poshing✨
Aug 23Reply
maddagirl @mjbuckoski Thank you so much!! Taking pictures of new things right now, and my energy and motivation just ebbed low. Your message came across at a perfect moment!
Aug 27Reply
pandada Happy poshing Kate. Beautiful closet❤️ Feel free to check out my closet when you have a min k. 😚😘💋💃
Aug 29Reply
ellasaunt I wish I could share everything in your closet. It's all so cute😊
Aug 30Reply
ellasaunt 🙏🙏Thanks for the shares🙏🙏🙏
Aug 30Reply
maddagirl @ellasaunt Thank YOU! What a sweet thing to say!
Aug 30Reply
bar @maddagirl Hi Kate! Barbara from Team Posh here! I reached out to you in regards to an amazing opportunity in regards to PoshFest - kindly check your email when you get the chance. Thanks so much!
Sep 11Reply
kateyrog Hi Kate! I recently bought the green Boden skirt - which came beautifully wrapped with a thoughtful card. I was not feeling particularly special today when I noticed the 'You are enough' card you also sent. I just wanted to let you know that it made me smile so much 😊. Thank you, Kate, for being so thoughtful. You changed my day. ❤️ Kate R 🌸🌺
Sep 18Reply
maddagirl @kateyrog And you made my night! Thanks for taking the time to tell me that!
Sep 18Reply
tjourada @maddagirl have one of the best closets out there :)
Sep 23Reply
zalfam @maddagirl I absolutely ADORE your closet, beautifully done and so well kept! I have to tell you how much I relate to your "thank you SO MUCH posh world for filling up the previous one" sentiment... deeply.
Sep 24Reply
tkenslow I adore your closet. So so many lovely things. 💕💕
Oct 01Reply
kailynsage95 I saw that you shared a lot of my items, would you like a bundle?
Oct 05Reply
arasevera Thanks for the shares!!!💕 USPS literally JUST delivered your shipment-I can’t wait to pick it up!
Oct 06Reply
kamykaze Omg no wonder!! You’re an Anthropologie expert!! 😄
Oct 10Reply
maddagirl @kamykaze Ha! Not really. But those two brands are two of my favorites. Especiallly Weston Wear, to be honest. I love their designs and their fabrics.
Oct 10Reply
mrslinux Wow, you have a great closet!
Oct 15Reply
maddagirl @mrslinux Thank you so much!
Oct 15Reply
bellaturner16 Beautiful closet 😊🌸😊
Oct 16Reply
bellaturner16 @maddagirl you are truly welcome 💕💕💕
Oct 16Reply
erinmcawesome Great closet! Thanks for the shares and love today! xoxo
Oct 16Reply
thewhitecat Thank you for the Shares!! I LOVE NH! When I left CT it was either Virginia or NH! VA was a lot more affordable. Happy Poshing!
Oct 16Reply
maddagirl @thewhitecat I used to have a cat very similar to yours - love the pic (though when it was just a tiny thumbnail is looked like a kitty in jail, which I love and appreciate too!). Happy poshing!
Oct 16Reply
maddagirl @erinmcawesome And to you! I feel like you shared half my closet for me! I’m sending a few more your way, but please don’t feel obligation. :). Happy poshing!
Oct 16Reply
thewhitecat @maddagirl His name was Spike and he was my friends cat. Sometimes they do misbehave and deserve a time out :) xoxo
Oct 16Reply
darlinginak 💕Thank you so much for all the shares!! 💕
Oct 24Reply
brianna1627 Your closet is gorgeous!!
Oct 31Reply
goshops @maddagirl Aaaawe...!! Thank u for all of ur shaaares!! Didn't expect thaaat many! Great surprise...🤗
Oct 31Reply
butee4sal LOVE.LOVE.LOVE your closet. beautifully coordinated.
Oct 31Reply
maddagirl @butee4sal Thank you so much!!
Oct 31Reply
maddagirl @goshops Yay! Happy poshing!
Oct 31Reply
maddagirl @brianna1627 Thank you so much!
Oct 31Reply
maddagirl @thewhitecat Ha! Yes. Absolutely. They live by cat rules.
Oct 31Reply
lorraineellen Thanks for excepting my offer!! I’m new at this and really 😊 excited. My children are all grown up. My last boy is now at collage. Enjoy the controlled craziness of parent hood. I loved every moment and wouldn’t change a thing!!!
Nov 01Reply
maddagirl @lorraineellen Thank YOU! Such a sweet note too, I appreciate it. I’ll send these out to you this morning. My post office usually picks up around noon, and scans either mid afternoon or evening so you’ll see your tracking info update then. Hope you love these gorgeous boots and welcome to Poshmark! Nothing is the same again once you discover it! :)
Nov 01Reply

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Dover, NH
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Dover, NH
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