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Updated Jul 22
Updated Jul 22

Meet your Posher, Katelyn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! My items are authentic as I don't believe in scamming my fellow Poshers. Not only will I list items from my own closet, I will be incorporating my hubby's/daughters' items as well. I DO NOT TRADE and I will not sell on any other site. I will no longer discuss individual item prices through comments. Please make an offer if you are interested and we can go from there. I believe my prices are fair and will decline any offers that are too low. TY for checking out my closet and... HAPPY POSHING!
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crys_g90 This is so cute!!!! Not sure if your a nurse as well but if you are, happy nurses week!!! I wish I would have found your closet before you sold all of your pandora charms.. I would purchased asap!! Lol have a great day!!
May 09Reply
katiekate37 @crys_g90 Thank you for your sweet comment! I am a nurse :) I just joined 5 days ago and love the posh community. Ppl were messaging me left and right during my Pandora posting. That and Nike hats lol. Didn't realize it would be so popular. I'll keep you in mind and tag you when I list more charms 🤗
May 09Reply
crys_g90 Ahhh I love nursing. Just so rewarding. And I'm so glad you joined posh. I love your closet. I wish you many sales.. And you'll LOVE POSH!!! Yes, please tag me for any pandora posts.. :)
May 09Reply
poshgirl222 Love my bundle purchase! Please tag me in any future baby girl listings : ) happy poshing!
Jun 05Reply
katiekate37 @maxc4 Thank you so much! More girls clothes 9m-3T will be listed either later today or tomorrow 😉
Jun 05Reply
mandyb2016 @ppbuiii I love this closet!!!
Sep 12Reply
trafam29 Love your closet ❤️🌸🌸
Jul 19Reply
katiekate37 @trafam29 thank you 😘
Jul 19Reply
druelas @katiekate37 Thank you!!u am sooooo addicted to your Poshmark closet!!
Jul 22Reply
druelas @katiekate37 Question You removed the MK watch I was interested but are you willing to let go at an offer of $50?
Aug 06Reply
katiekate37 @druelas It was not worth selling at a low price so I just gave it to my aunt bc she loved it so much
Aug 06Reply
mycrowsnest Ty for accepting my offer!
Sep 03Reply
jclark306 @katiekate37 hi! I just ordered a bunch of things from you but may I ask your measurements for an idea on sizes. I’m 5’4” 135lb I know your pants are too small but the tops will probably work? Thank you!
Dec 14Reply
katiekate37 @jnbecca hello! I am 5’4” and weight fluctuates between 120lb-130lb. The tops you purchase are loose fitting so it will def fit you. Thank you... I will drop off your items today!
Dec 14Reply
jclark306 @katiekate37 thank you! 😘
Dec 14Reply
rockwell1 Hi, I made an offer but I’m afraid I made it too low accidentally. I can’t seem to change my offer but I’m happy to increase 😊 I would really like to buy it as I’ve been searching for a hooded version of that raincoat for quite some time now. Thank you!
Jan 04Reply
mynahshine Love your closet & your policies as well! I had to giggle a little at the Chanel bags & Receipt holders etc. it seems like they multiply if left alone to long. I have a bunch I never know what to do with & the white box when you order online! I have over 15 stacked up!
Jul 08Reply
katiekate37 @mynahshine Right?!! I’m glad someone gets me. I have more but I think that’s quite enough to list for now 😂 might as well since they just sit there collecting dust! Easy for us but not for others as it’s not as easy to acquire unless you buy something. Maybe someone else would have more use for it. Anyways thank you for checking out my closet. It was kind of you to message me. Have a great day :)
Jul 08Reply
tmp_closet I hope you’ll be posting items again soon! I miss shopping your closet, You’re one of the top sellers I know I can trust with quality items! 💕
Feb 29Reply
katiekate37 @tloveee327 That’s very kind of you! I’ve been busy with being a nurse, going back to school, and two little ones. Not to mention house remodeling. Which means..... a whole corner of items to list! As soon as I get my home ready for earthquake/coronavirus outbreak here in the Bay Area (you know 😉), I’ll be sure to tag you! Thank you so much for supporting me and trusting me :) Take care love ❤️
Feb 29Reply
tmp_closet @katiekate37 wow! You definitely have a full plate! Thank you for taking time to reply to me, that’s so sweet of you! Props to you for being a nurse & mommy AND going back to school! I am an MA hoping to be a nurse in the future so that’s pretty inspiring. Whoo hoo, I cant wait! Thank you 🤗♥️ & you take care as well!
Feb 29Reply
katiekate37 @tloveee327 I wish you nothing but the best of luck!! I’m sure you’ll be a nurse in no time! I love all MAs. They work so hard and sometimes don’t receive the credit they deserve! Working on becoming an NP so busy busy. I just started listing in case you wanted to know 🤗
Mar 04Reply
tmp_closet @katiekate37 thank you so much! 💕 & wow!! So very inspiring, that’s awesome! Good luck on your journey on becoming an NP 💪🏽
Mar 05Reply
nsahar Hi Do you have more Louis Vuitton perfume samples i am very interested
Jan 30Reply
hcspitzer Hi! Unless im missing something, you havent shipped my purchase. i paid for 10 days ago. I'm confused b/c your closet says you ship out in 1 day? And i see that you have been active on Poshmark as recently as 3 days ago......
Apr 16Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey:) love your closet!!! All orders on my Items usually go out same or next day!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gift with all orders:)
Jun 18Reply
modr4 I made an offer on your Shelliemay bag but it says it expired did you receive it?
Mar 21Reply

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