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Updated Sep 18
Updated Sep 18

Meet your Posher, Kathleen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kathleen. ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING WELL!!! I am a retired professional cake decorator. I have always been artistic. At ten years of age I taught myself to crochet and five decades later it is still my favorite hobby. Now for the first time after many years of gifting my work I am sharing it here lovingly with you! Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Coach, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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farmhergirl Hi Kathleen! Your afghans are beautiful! So much hard work, time and love clearly have gone into them🤗. I’m certainly going to keep you in mind if I need a perfect 💝 gift. Thanks for sharing!
Jul 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @farmhergirl oh thank you soon much. I have been crocheting since I was about ten years old. I have rheumatoid arthritis and no longer can work. I'm a retired professional cake decorator. I think crocheting helps my hands actually. I certainly appreciate your kind words!
Jul 21Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! I am having a Buy One Get One Free Sale and everything in my closet is included. Just bundle the items that you like and I’ll send you an offer. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 24Reply
cathy_phelps Love all of your hand made items!! I share share share. Have a great evening!
Jul 25Reply
cuddleupcrochet @cathy_phelps oh thank you so much...I have many more I need to get posted! Have a wonderful evening
Jul 26Reply
pdufault120 Hi, Kathleen. Your crocheted baby blankets are lovely, worth every penny!🌷
Aug 03Reply
cuddleupcrochet @pdufault120 Thank you so much! it is nice to hear you feel my blankets are worth what I'm asking for them. Generally I can crochet a baby blanket in two days. The material cost is a bit high now with the virus but I only use one specific brand because it is a high quality yarn that is extremely soft. I truly enjoy making them.
Aug 03Reply
thevoomroom Your products are so so beautiful!!
Aug 04Reply
cuddleupcrochet @thevoomroom oh thank you so much...good luck on Poshmark...I love crocheting...and will be posting scarfs, cowls and hats this fall...I love NYC too..I practically lived there as I traveled there for five years for my late husband's cancer treatment in Manhattan...again thanks for your kind words!
Aug 04Reply
lorilob 👋Hi Kathleen, Your closet is THE sweetest💝. I just discovered it through your generous sharing of my closet, thank you‼️ I love just hanging-out in your closet sharing and looking at all of your lovely blankets. My Mom and Grandma use to crochet a lot (they are gone now) and your closet reminds me of them and their craft. Your closet is such a lovely offering. And I hope you won’t mind if I share it a lot😊‼️
Aug 05Reply
annamariemazza Thank you so much for all the shares! 💕 and your blankets are absolutely darling 😍❤️
Aug 13Reply
jillcerroni Hi Kathleen, your blankets are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing my closet. 🛍 ❤️
Aug 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @jillcerroni Thank you so very much! I love making them. I've given so many away over the years. Now I thought it's time to try selling them too. Good luck to you!
Aug 15Reply
shelana2007 BEAUTIFUL!! I don’t have any babies, and I hope no more grandchildren lol. I am marking your closet to share with people at church, hopefully we can go back to in person service soon. You are incredibly gifted.
Aug 16Reply
cuddleupcrochet @shelana2007 oh that is so sweet of you. I have an autoimmune disease so the virus has me cooped up at home. I crochet every day and I really enjoy making baby blankets. I am working on two adult Afghans now and also have many cowls to post here too...I'm new to Poshmark so i really appreciate the help! I hope you can attend services in the near future. Take care!
Aug 16Reply
cuddleupcrochet @annamariemazza awhhh thank you! Have a wonderful day!
Aug 16Reply
kimbalayac @kathleenlent your items are gorgeous!!! Very beautiful!!!
Aug 29Reply
kimbalayac @kathleenlent I’ll be sure to share!! 👶
Aug 29Reply
cuddleupcrochet @kimbalayac oh thanks ever so first attempt at selling them...I've been gifting my items to loved ones for many years...I certainly appreciate your kind words:)
Aug 29Reply
kimbalayac @kathleenlent my mom used to knit sweaters, blankets, hats.... and there is NOTHING like a home made blanket!!! I’m sharing and showing everyone!!! 🧶
Aug 29Reply
cuddleupcrochet @kimbalayac awh... thank you...very sweet of you...I knitted when I was very young but ended loving to crochet more...I have given so many full sized afghans away over the years and now hope to sell them...the cost of yarn doesn't really leave much of a profit but it is a labor of love
Aug 29Reply
ermdl Hi. Everything looks beautiful and you are very talented. Happy Poshing. Hope you sell a lot of these baby blankets. They are beautiful :))
Aug 30Reply
betsnrick Beautiful work🙂🦋
Aug 30Reply
kimseely When I need a baby blanket I know exactly where I will go...I'm trying to think of someone that needs one just so I can buy one from you!! Beautiful..and from Florida!
Aug 30Reply
janjan5495 Thank you! For your Share!! I enjoyed reading about your craft. Handcrafting is an Art. I wish you Success with your closet!!! If I can ever be of help let me know!!!
Aug 30Reply
janjan5495 Simply Beautiful !!!
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lorilob oh thank you so much! I truly spend hours everyday crocheting. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis and it actually helps my hands.
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @annamariemazza Thank you...they are a labor of love...I really enjoy seeing babies wrapped up in my daughters are in their thirties but no grandchildren yet (fingers crossed)...making these blankets make me happy
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ermdl Thank you...I've always been artistic and have never been able to just sit and do nothing so I work on my crocheted items just about every day...I am a retired cake decorator and I've always drawn well...I may also start trying to sell some original artwork...have a nice weekend
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @betsnrick Thank you very much!
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @kimseely I love being a Floridian....moved here three years ago to retire by the beautiful beaches here...if I could be a mermaid I'd be thrilled...Thank you so much for the kind words and I can do custom work too...have a wonderful weekend
Aug 30Reply
annamariemazza @kathleenlent Aw that’s so sweet! Maybe in the next few years for your daughters, you never know! These blankets are the cutest! 💕
Aug 30Reply
caligurl_xoxo Hi Kathleen, these are gorgeous!
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @caligurl1975 Thank you! Hoping to sell first attempt at selling my work...I appreciate your kindness
Aug 30Reply
rosepb Beautiful work! I have shared!
Aug 30Reply
mkcybersales Your closet is lovely...What beautiful handcrafted items!
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @mkcybersales Thank you so much for the kind words...have a great day
Aug 30Reply
ermdl @kathleenlent Have a great Sunday!
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ermdl you as well :)
Aug 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @mkcybersales I appreciate your kind words!
Aug 31Reply
sweetpeacin Hi, Kathleen. Thank you for the follow and all of the shares. It is greatly appreciated! Happy Poshing! 🙂💝
Sep 01Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sweetpeacin oh thanks...I'm just getting started and at first didn't understand this whole following concept lol...wishing you much success!
Sep 01Reply
silverlady1986 Kathleen, I love all your crochet blankets, I used to make them many years ago, Loved doing them. You do a beautiful job, I wish you much success here on Poshmark.
Sep 01Reply
janfast Hi Kathleen! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Sep 01Reply
cuddleupcrochet No thank you! Have a great day...
Sep 01Reply
cuddleupcrochet @silverlady1986 Very sweet of you to take time to wish me well! I have RA and I think it helps moving my hand joints. Luckily I have always loved crocheting and doing artistic endeavors! Take care
Sep 01Reply
silverlady1986 @kathleenlent Your welcome, Happy Poshing 😇
Sep 01Reply
fancyynancy17 What BeAuTiFuL blankets and afghans! 🌸💕🌸
Sep 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @fancyynancy17 Thank you...sweet of you to say so!
Sep 02Reply
fearorlove Wow!!!!! Your blankets are absolute pieces of art! Thanks for the follow! 💗
Sep 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @fearorlove Thank you and you are quite welcome! I am very new to Poshmark...lots to learn and I'm hoping to be my crocheting keeps me occupied...take care and the best of luck to you
Sep 02Reply
fearorlove @kathleenlent I shared some of your work because it's truly gorgeous. 💜
Sep 02Reply
lovelyfufus Hi Kathleen! What a beautiful closet. Your crochet work is so lovely! Thank you for following. May you have many sales and have a nice day ☺️💕
Sep 02Reply
marcusarh your blankets are beautiful. so much work goes into them. do you have them on Etsy. think that's a great place to put them too. good luck.
Sep 02Reply
crownscloset Thanks for the shares👍😊🙏
Sep 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @crownscloset My pleasure! Have a nice holiday weekend...
Sep 02Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 03Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sandydallison Have a great holiday weekend
Sep 04Reply
sandydallison @kathleenlent thanks! You to.
Sep 04Reply
amandab0511 hello!! please stop by my closet!  I am moving overseas soon and need all of my stuff gone asap!  I am accepting almost all  offers and can give huge discounts on bundles!  I have both mens and womens clothing.  I'm also offering free shipping and a free item from my closet on bundles of three items or more! please let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 08Reply
enlovegy 😁 Just stopping by to say 🙋‍♀️, have a great poshmark day 🤗 🤸‍♀️
Sep 08Reply
thirpp Thank you for the shares!! When you are back from vacation I will share some of your items. Enjoy yourself.
Sep 09Reply
thirpp By the way - your items are beautiful!
Sep 09Reply
cuddleupcrochet @thirpp thank you...I certainly appreciate your kind words and that you'll be sharing my items!
Sep 10Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!!❤❤❤
Sep 10Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lilac_and_daisy oh you are so welcome...have a great day
Sep 10Reply
callie2 Lovely, simply beautiful work. The best I’ve ever seen! I don’t need one, I just HAD to tell you that if I was buying a baby gift, this is the place to go. So I’m going to ‘Like’ you. I just want to know who and where you are.I have 9 Grandson’s, 6 - 22 years old, and yes, after I say that people will actually say, ‘no granddaughters?’ Oh, ya, we never talk about her.
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @callie2 Thank you for the compliments...I have been crocheting since I was a I'm almost sixty!...I have been artistic all my life and have always enjoyed creative endeavors...I was a professional cake decorator off and on for many years too...some of them in the little towns of Harvard and Woodstock where you can see the bakery in the movie Groundhog Day!...I have no grandchildren yet but have hope I will soon.
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @marcusarh Thank you. I did post a few months ago but I didn't understand how the concept worked with gathering followers...recently my daughter told me about Poshmark so now I get it...I have about 18k followers now so I think I may be successful...fingers crossed lol but that makes crocheting challenging haha
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lovelyfufus sweet of you...thanks so much!
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @fearorlove Thank you...I appreciate your kindness
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @janfast my pleasure :)
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rosepb Thank you so much
Sep 11Reply
callie2 I had read you bio and knew a lot of what you said. I crocheted 4. Afghans when I was pregnant the 1st time, and never kept it up. T went to a class at one of those dig stores that carry a lot of fabric, and crafting material for any you want.
Sep 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @callie2 oh I see...well crocheting is not for everyone...some people prefer to knit...I have two daughters but neither has wanted to learn...yet...maybe someday
Sep 11Reply
callie2 Oh, I didn’t finish. So I took a class, bought all the yarn so they would be from the same color lot, went home and it’s all but a blur. I was too old and didn’t have my old German Aunt (I adopted her. She didn’t have any children and I could tell see wanted to share mine) looking over my shoulder catching those Oopps.
Sep 11Reply
lovelyfufus You're welcome 💕
Sep 11Reply
stylishchic3 You are so talented!!! Just did a bunch of shares! Wish I had one of your beautiful blankets 22 years ago! Now I have to wait for grand babies! 😂 Please come check out my closet— I am having a Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off! Stay safe and happy! 💕
Sep 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @stylishchic3 lol...I'm almost 60 and no grandchildren either...but soon I hope...I just love seeing babies wrapped in my blankets...I have two daughters, 30 and 32...they give them as baby shower daughter in NC had two baby showers today...both virtually...she said the expectant mothers loved the blankets I made...made me smile...thank you and take care...PS...I'll be listing a lot of pretty cowls and some hats and scarfs this week too
Sep 12Reply
stylishchic3 @kathleenlent Wonderful— can’t wait to see them because I definitely don’t fit in your beautiful blankies! 😂
Sep 12Reply
skyw8trss Hi KATHLEEN!! Your crocheted treasures are sooooo beautiful!! I’m also a crafter and love all your patterns 💋❤️😍. Thank you sweetie for all the shares from my closet! Bat of luck with your sales😍😘
Sep 13Reply
skyw8trss LOL!! I mean the BEST of luck.......teehee
Sep 13Reply
cuddleupcrochet @skyw8trss bat of luck will work next month...Halloween is just around the corner ( hoping covid doesn't interfere too much)
Sep 13Reply
parrishpyro hey there love just wanted to say thank you for sharing my items and I will continue also sharing your items throughout the time that we work online on poshmark thank you (✿ ♡‿♡)
Sep 13Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 13Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Kathleen on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Sep 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @05teddy11 oh same to you...a big storm is heading this way...lots of rain for The Florida Panhandle...have a great week!
Sep 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @parrishpyro Thank you so much! I am off to a good start and certainly appreciate the help!
Sep 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @blingurnewfashw Same to you! Have a great week!
Sep 15Reply
05teddy11 @kathleenlent thoughts & 🙏🙏🙏- take care 🙏🙏❤️💜🥰
Sep 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @05teddy11 you are too sweet...thanks again!
Sep 15Reply
ljmrod23 Hello Kathleen, I came across your beautiful baby blankets by chance. I am waiting for a close friend to reveal her baby's gender before I purchase one of your beautiful & gorgeous blankets for her baby. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us! Sincerely, Lisa
Sep 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ljmrod23 Hello Lisa, Thank you so very much for the kind words. I have quite a few to choose from. My daughter had two virtual baby showers to attend last Saturday and she gave my blankets as gifts. She said both mothers-to-be loved their gift. That made me smile. Babies are so sweet and innocent. The world needs more of that now! Have a nice day and I look forward to talking to you in the near future!
Sep 15Reply
beachy107 Your hand crocheted blankets are so beautiful! So special!
Sep 16Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beachy107 Thank you for your kind words! Lol it keeps me out of idle hands here!
Sep 16Reply
karlensclassics Hi Kathleen. Thanks for following me today. I love your work, beautiful pieces!
Sep 17Reply
cuddleupcrochet @karlensclassics thank you so much and you are welcome...sorry for the late response...Hurricane Sally put my area through the wringer today plus I have a migraine...tomorrow will be a better day hopefully! .
Sep 17Reply
karlensclassics @kathleenlent No apologies necessary, living in Florida, I am all too familiar with hurricane issues, and I hope you feel better soon.
Sep 17Reply
xxgwenaniniexx thank you for sharing, I absolutely love your closet and wish I was that good lol, I'm a beginner compared to you. when it comes to crochet. I will definitely recommend someone coming to you for anything crochet I enjoy the hand crafted things more than anything and love how well it can be done. thank you and I appreciate you ❤️
Sep 19Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ermelgriffith oh thanks...5 decades of practice lol...when I was growing up I was the sixth of seven children...five older brothers yikes and one little mother had to work thus I became like Cinderella...she wanted me to dust and scrub the I taught myself to crochet so I'd be too occupied to do the housework lol
Sep 20Reply
xxgwenaniniexx @kathleenlent I've been crocheting for like 10 years and still don't know how to do some stitching lol
Sep 20Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ermelgriffith try looking at youtube for ways to learn new stitches...or patterns!
Sep 20Reply
jenlarkar i appreciate you taking the time to share!♡♡♡
Sep 20Reply
cuddleupcrochet @jenlarkar you are quite welcome...have a nice weekend
Sep 20Reply
susandunn63 @kathleenlent You are so talented, crocheting and cake decorating, both a true art! The baby blankets are so lovely and can't wait to find someone to gift with one!
Sep 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @susandunn63 oh I miss decorating cakes but it is actually a lot of work...I've been cursed lol with being artistic all my life...I really should take up drawing again...Yes please keep me in mind as my items do make lovely gifts...I had a neighbor recently buy ten baby blankets from me just to stash away for future baby shower gifts!
Sep 21Reply
platinumvault Good evening Kathleen, All of your blankets are just gorgeous! I am so glad I found you! I will share your work and once I decide on a blanket I will purchase one:) Beautiful work and it is like finding a gem, finding you!
Sep 21Reply
peace2all711 Hi Kathleen and welcome, you are so talented!! Your work is beautiful. 💜✌️
Sep 21Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 26Reply
beesmims Wow!!! Gorgeous! So many beautiful choices. 🙃 like you at a young age I learned to knit, sew and do needle work but not crochet 🧶 I could never get it down. You have a real special talent here...
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beesmims oh thank you...I did some sewing in high school a d always sewed Halloween costumes for my won first prize one year for a costume I made for my daughter a d her best friend...I made them into a peanut a d jelly sandwich...fond memories for sure! Thank you for liking my handiwork...have a nice weekend
Sep 27Reply
aliwah absolutely wonderful works! I really appreciate scrolling through to see this variety! I will follow and share💛Alice@aliwah
Sep 27Reply
beesmims @kathleenlent do you do special orders for specific colors? I would love that popcorn stitch in black!
Sep 27Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East & hijab friendly clothing 💕Love your listings by the way!
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @momof2boys621 oh thank you so much for the closet is a work in progress...I basically crochet every day...I am new to Poshmark and it is going well...just need to tweak a few things! Do you sell any Indian attire?
Sep 27Reply
momof2boys621 @kathleenlent What a great skill to have! Yes I do sell Indian Attire. I have a navy blue set (beaded skirt & top) as well as pink bangles (bracelets).
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beesmims yes I can do a special order for you. You are referring to the large gray afghan I sold correct. It would be $89.00 firm because of the hours it takes to make this larger piece and black is a bit harder to work with (see it while working). I'm new on Poshmark and realize now by the time I give Poshmark their share and pay for materials I am almost working for free.
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beesmims If you definitely want one let me know and I'll purchase the yarn tomorrow and start on it for you right away! I could have it finished in about a week approximately. Thank you so much!
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @aliwah Thank you...I appreciate your kind words...keep watching as I am adding new items as quickly as I can finish them!
Sep 27Reply
beesmims @kathleenlent I was just inquiring, exploring options, I’m not ready to commit just yet...but when I am you’ll be the first to know 😊
Sep 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beesmims Thank you for replying...that is just fine...I'm here if you decide youd like to place a custom order...have a wonderful evening
Sep 27Reply
catharinez Thank you for more shares. 😁 Happy to see you sold the beautiful afghan I liked. I couldn’t talk my husband into to replacing the 30+ year old ratty blue one he uses in the den. Sigh... The cake in your photos is gorgeous! Have a nice week. Catharine 🍁
Sep 28Reply
cuddleupcrochet @catharinez that is so daughter moved in with her future husband and he had an awful 70ish orange and brown ripple afghan... so she asked me to make him a new one...he is currently deployed and is in Somolia...and he took the afghan I made him along with him! ...that made me smile
Sep 28Reply
bloom38 Yes these are so beautiful. 😍
Sep 28Reply
poorrunnr All of your items are SOOO Beautiful and Pretty!!!! 😍
Sep 28Reply
cuddleupcrochet @poorrunnr Thank you...I truly enjoy making to Poshmark and it's been very rewarding when people have received their items and have been so pleased with what I've made with my two hands!
Sep 28Reply
cuddleupcrochet @bloom38 Thank you! Have a wonderful day!
Sep 28Reply
vicki_huff Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I am loving yours-really beautiful pieces!!! Stay safe and healthy
Sep 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @vicki_huff Thanks very kind of you!
Sep 30Reply
the_juul_closet Thank you for sharing from my closet! Your work is beautiful! 💜😊
Oct 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @butterbinks Thank you and thanks for recognizing it as work....many, many hours of work...I used to be a professional cake decorator and yes it can be a lot of fun...but believe me it is work...long hours...I'm retired at least you can sit while you crochet! Take care!
Oct 05Reply
the_juul_closet @kathleenlent it’s becoming a lost art really. My husband and I love handcrafted artisan pieces. I just love platforms like Etsy to purchase one of a kind items. Everything from beautiful afghans to jewelry to art, we both prefer to gift unique things. My aunt has made my daughter several blankets that she calls her “special blankies”. They are definitely special! I appreciate your artistry! 💜
Oct 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @butterbinks Thank you for sharing your thoughts...I do counted cross stitching too...I made a group of old traditional santa claus pictures that I want each of my grown children to not anytime soon
Oct 05Reply
gemguru Your blankets look like little confections, am not surprised you did cakes. Thanks for all the shares, again. You have been on here longer than me, so just picking your brain. Does Posh monitor at all any of the fake jewelry on here? Not even getting into the counterfeits. Do some people really believe that a 6ct emerald is real for $100?
Oct 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @gemguru Thank you!...I have been on Poshmark for only a couple months but I've been really enjoying the experience...I've enjoyed chatting with my buyers for jewelry I am not familiar with what goes on here...I do believe to list specific items there is a different process...I too have some jewelry items to sell but I don't know if I will list them here
Oct 05Reply
gemguru @kathleenlent I have seen so many costume pieces (obvious) but labeled as “real”. I have sold more of my jewelry on other sites than on here. If you need any help identifying a gem in your jewelry or pricing it, I would be more than happy to share my knowledge. You have been so kind sharing my closet💝 Stay well, Kathleen. Enjoy the Fall 🍁🍂
Oct 06Reply
mariva931 Hi Kathleen! Beautiful creations!! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet, I truly appreciate it! Take care, be blessed and have a wonderful rest of the weekend 🤗😘
Oct 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @mariva931 oh thanks so very much and all the same to you...have a nice day
Oct 11Reply
janfeehan My goodness. You make such beautiful things! I looks like every one has been made with love! Beautiful and perfectly made! Ready for gifting to special friends and family!
Oct 14Reply
cuddleupcrochet @janfeehan Thank you so much...I'm a retired professional cake decorator and I've always enjoyed making things...I've been on Poshmark for about 3 months...I've enjoyed that everyone has been really pleased with the items they have purchased from me.
Oct 14Reply
cathy_phelps Great pieces!! Thanks for the posh love! Have a great evening!
Oct 17Reply
babyribbon Do you make dresses or sweaters?
Oct 18Reply
cuddleupcrochet @babyribbon I have in the past...just getting started here on Poshmark and it's nice to get feedback...are you meaning for children or adults...I do custom work when asked
Oct 18Reply
babyribbon Okay 👌🏽 got adults
Oct 19Reply
katwoman1957 Absolutely beautiful closet!! Love all your things. you do lovely work!!
Oct 24Reply
cuddleupcrochet @katwoman1957 Thank you very much. Today I've been crocheting parts of my daughter's Halloween costume. She is a sonographer at a fertility clinic and is dressing up as the stork. As a child I made her many homemade one year I made her and her friend into a peanut butter sandwich...I've been blessed with creativity
Oct 24Reply
katwoman1957 @kathleenlent What a wonderful God given gift! you are blessed!!
Oct 24Reply
cuddleupcrochet @katwoman1957 Thanks again and have a nice day
Oct 25Reply
janfast Thanks for the shares! 💕🌸
Oct 25Reply
cuddleupcrochet @janfast have a wonderful evening...thanks!
Oct 25Reply
janfast @kathleenlent Right back at ya! 🤗💕
Oct 25Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow and shares🕷 Happy Poshing 🎃🕯🖤
Oct 25Reply
lillievonstoop1 Beautiful blankets!!! Absolutely stunning! ❤
Oct 25Reply
thirpp Thank you for the shares. Very kind!! 🌻
Oct 25Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Kathleen. Thank you for all of the shares. I greatly appreciate it! Happy Poshing! 🙂💝
Oct 26Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sweetpeacin you are quite welcome! have a great evening...
Oct 26Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listings from a couple of days ago!! (I am catching up on Posh)😊
Oct 27Reply
catharinez You’ve been busy! Perhaps expanding into menswear? 😁 I actually added one men’s item but that will be it. (A beautiful sweater none of my men will wear. Sigh...) Enjoy your weekend! 🎃🌕🍁
Oct 31Reply
cuddleupcrochet @catharinez Happy Halloween! I helped my significant other clean his closet. Sending a bag of nice clothing to Goodwill but I thought I'd try selling his ties. I do have a lot of my own clothing to sell. Many nice things I just do not need anymore because I do not dress up for an office position anymore or rarely wear a dress to go out for dinner. I do love taking cruises and getting dressed up for dinner. I'll be happy when it is safe to go on a cruise!
Nov 01Reply
cuddleupcrochet @catharinez I've been enjoying Poshmark and I am officially an ambassador nice to hear from you!
Nov 01Reply
famigliacloset Hello! Beautiful work! I have a suggestion for you...NOONE sells toddler scarfs! I have looked high and low Google included! If you ever do pleasr let me know! ❤️🇮🇹 (The Grammy)
Nov 01Reply
cuddleupcrochet @famigliacloset I have several I just haven't had time to get them listed...last week I took the time to get the majority of my adult cowls online here...I have I think pink and purple...I'll list them tomorrow when the sun is shinning so they photograph better for accuracy of the shades of color! Thank you for your help!
Nov 02Reply
famigliacloset @kathleenlent Great I will ck them out...we have 1 boy and 1 girl! Thank you!
Nov 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @famigliacloset well maybe you could help me...I dont have any grandchildren...yet lol...if you could tell me the lengths you would want them to be and the widths too...and tell me their ages...heights too is you could...I made a couple newborn Cocoon sets but didn't have a newborn to try them on...hard to judge if I got the dimensions correct
Nov 02Reply
famigliacloset I would be more than happy to help! I think a snod/cowl would be good this way children can’t remove them! I will be with my grandson tomorrow and if I can get him to sit still for one minute i will measure what I think will work for a toddler. ❤️🇮🇹
Nov 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @famigliacloset excellent and thanks so late husband was traded at Memorial Sloan-kettering in Manhattan for five years...I just love NYC
Nov 02Reply
famigliacloset @kathleenlent I’m sorry to hear that!!How devastating! I am Kathleen as Son lives in Brooklyn which is cool for musicians or artists! My daughters live in CT. I list as NY to avoid Trolls! Have a lovely night!
Nov 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @singingcicadas oh thank pleasure!
Nov 02Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Your talent brings back many memories. Be safe, my new friend.
Nov 02Reply
cuddleupcrochet @polka5dots oh thank you so much...your comment actually brought back the memory of a lady who sat down to teach me to crochet...50 years ago! Have a wonderful day!
Nov 02Reply
catherine69nj Beautiful handiwork! The very best of luck to you today and always💕
Nov 06Reply
cuddleupcrochet @catherine69nj Thank you very've never been able to sit idle...the best of luck to you and enjoy the upcoming holiday season!
Nov 06Reply
catherine69nj @kathleenlent thank you, you as well. It sure will be different this year🥺
Nov 06Reply
penny326 Hi Neighbor Posher thank you for the shares very much I’m returning in-kind also you crochet beautifully you have some of the most gorgeous stuff in your closet I’ve ever seen your truly a master at it it’s nice to see somebody close by that does Poshmark have a good weekend. Sincerely Penny
Nov 06Reply
cuddleupcrochet @penny326 Oh thanks so much Penny...I hope you have a great weekend too...sweet of you to be so kind
Nov 06Reply
sebianchi1279 Your crochet is so beautiful!
Nov 14Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sebianchi1279 Thank 50 years of experience
Nov 14Reply
stacyana818 you are a beautiful artist and your love for your gift shines through your work!
Nov 14Reply
cuddleupcrochet @stacyana818 Well thank you so much for your kind words...Happy Holidays!
Nov 14Reply
dulciesdelites Lovely!! Thank you for following me🙏
Nov 19Reply
cuddleupcrochet @dulciesdelites Thank you...have a wonderful day
Nov 19Reply
cuddleupcrochet @555madison oh thank you and the same to safe is right!
Nov 20Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for sharing!🥰
Nov 20Reply
cuddleupcrochet @dulciesdelites my pleasure...same to you and Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 20Reply
tweedydo2 💕💕🐾🐾 🙀Beautiful cake💕
Nov 21Reply
tweedydo2 🥰😷🙏 The Power of a Smile 😊 😷Even when wearing wearing a mask Researchers also found that when we smile, more blood reaches our brain, and this improves our mood. “I try to smile even when I do not feel like smiling. When I do smile, I feel a change inside, and it really makes me feel better.” Even behind my a mask .” (Proverbs 3:27) Yes, by this simple gesture, we can benefit ourselves and others. Why not make an effort to share this most valuable gift​—a warm smile? KEEP SAFE🙏💕
Nov 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @tweedydo2 Thank you for promoting masks! it really means so much to people like me that have compromised immune systems. Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 21Reply
tweedydo2 Yes Kathleen it is really showing ❤️ love of Neighbor... keep safe.
Nov 21Reply
tweedydo2 I’m hoping to send some encouragement 🥰 We are all going Through so much Stress and sadness today . IF there is a God WHY is He allowing all these horrible things to happen 😔sickness & death.? That was my big question. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to get the answer from God himself in his Word the Bible.💕Please look at this video that was Specially made to help people to find the answers in their Own bible. type in search why study the Bible video
Nov 21Reply
stonecoldsgurl @kathleenlent I loved perusing your closet! You do beautiful work with your crocheted afghans and scarves! I'm "liking" your closet to come back again!
Nov 22Reply
cuddleupcrochet @stonecoldsgurl oh thank you...I'm a retired cake decorator and it gives me a creative outlet! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 22Reply
lilianekamel Hi Kathleen, all your items in your closet are so beautiful you are really talented! I will definitely keep you in mind if I need any baby gift. Good luck with everything.
Nov 28Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lilianekamel Thank you...I appreciate your kind words...Happy Holidays!
Nov 28Reply
debc627 @kathleenlent Thank you so much for your generous sharing. I'm stuck at home too and would love to learn how to crochet! you're inspiring me to learn. 💗
Dec 03Reply
outlawthreads Hi!! You're my 60k follower! ~~ I would love to give you 25% of your order! You can bundle multiple items,or just one! All orders $60 and over, after 25% discount recieve free shipping!! Just like or bundle your items and let me know!  If you have any questions, let me know!❤❤ We carry Coach, Micheal Kors, Cole Haan, and so much more!🎄❤
Dec 06Reply
annabelturk Thank you, Kathleen for sharing my listings! You are truly very talented, beautiful crocheting!! Happy Holidays! Annabel🌺
Dec 07Reply
cuddleupcrochet @annabelturk Thank you so much! I truly enjoy seeing the end results of my work!
Dec 08Reply
sheeba13 I love your closet. I miss going to all the craft shows where you can buy homemade blankets for babies. I have passed my kids blankets down to them for there children. What a blessing to share with us😇
Dec 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sheeba13 Thank you...I enjoy making the baby blankets best...I would like to make some sweater sets but I do not know if the younger generation likes that style anymore...I'm trying to make more modern blankets too but traditional designs are nice as well...Happy Holidays
Dec 12Reply
purpleroseaz Thankyou for the offer but I’m finished with 2020. Perhaps next month/year
Dec 24Reply
cuddleupcrochet @purpleroseaz lol I hear you! Merry Christmas and a 2021 filled with too many blessings to count...
Dec 24Reply
valerie3612003 Merry 🎄 Christmas!!!! 🎁🎄🎅
Dec 25Reply
cuddleupcrochet @valerie3612003 oh thank you...I hope you've had a great day with your girls...New Years is just around the corner!
Dec 26Reply
upwardway Hi. I went looking for the Roseville pottery bowl you inquired about and could not find it in storage. I think it was sold but never removed from my Posh listings. I deleted it before realizing I hadn’t answered your question. Just wanted to rectify that and thank you. Happy Poshing!
Dec 30Reply
cuddleupcrochet @upwardway Oh thank you is God's way of telling me to stop buying is all good...Happy 2021...take care
Dec 30Reply
debc627 thank you so much for your generous shares! wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous new year!🎉🥂🍾💕
Jan 01Reply
zebra37577 Hello Kathleen! Thank you for the like on the planter. Please feel free to make an offer on it and anything else you like.
Jan 14Reply
gingerjordan75 Kathleen, thanks for the shares doll, I really appreciate it ❤ 🙏 😊 ♥
Jan 16Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time poshers and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Jan 16Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 19Reply
sherrycohrs Beautiful blankets! 🥰
Jan 20Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sherrycohrs oh thank you! have a great evening...😊😊😊
Jan 20Reply
lisa_catlin Hi Kathleen. Your crochet pieces are lovely. I used to crochet and I know what it takes. Sharing with my followers!
Jan 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lisa_catlin Thanks so daughter thought I should give Poshmark a I gave everything I crocheted over four decades away...she thought it was time I profit a bit from the hours and hours of work...but the items are a labor of love...I will share your closet too! Take care
Jan 21Reply
lisa_catlin @kathleenlent 💖 Your daughter is correct! I paint, make ceramics, and create assemblage and I keep giving things away. I am going to see if anything sells here as I make more. I wish you a prosperous year!
Jan 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lisa_catlin oh good luck to you Lisa and please keep in touch! I have met so many kind artisans here and they understand how much goes into making something with your own two hands...I'm artistic and eventually hope to do other creative endeavors that are not so time consuming like crocheting...I use to paint ceramics and I was a professional cake decorator so I have steady hands and get compliments on my penmanship often...
Jan 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lisa_catlin I may finally pick up some drawing pencils happy our Poshmark paths crossed!
Jan 21Reply
lisa_catlin @kathleenlent OH! I'm so glad our paths crossed, too. Get those pencils out! I am working on my website that has some of my stuff but it is just a start. I am a graphic artist and it has taken me years to start it. You know...the cobbler's children have no shoes. lol I need to focus on getting it done but today, school started and I'm going to be busy. I'm taking 5 classes, working on my BFA, finally!
Jan 21Reply
mamafreen Thanks so much for sharing from my closet! Have a lovely evening.😊
Jan 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @mamafreen you too!🤗🤗🤗
Jan 21Reply
rhonda_anne Hello Kathleen! I love was admiring all of your lovely work in crochet.......
Jan 27Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you for the shares.....
Jan 27Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rhonda_anne you are welcome and have a great day
Jan 27Reply
msdaae Thank you so much for all the shares!!! I absolutely love your closet! You have so many beautiful things! You are so talented! 🥰
Jan 31Reply
cuddleupcrochet @msdaae Same to you...thank has been keeping me out of trouble the pandemic is keeping me in my home and I'm thankful I can crochet to stay productive
Jan 31Reply
msdaae @kathleenlent I love to crochet as well! I would love to be able to be as good as you!
Jan 31Reply
aastuff Hello; your work is so beautiful. I also taught myself to crochet but not as young as you. You inspire me to get back to crocheting & see what I can do. God bless.
Feb 05Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Feb 05Reply
mortiz62269 Hi, thanks for following! Let me say thanks by sharing!😊❤️
Feb 06Reply
pinktenaj Hi Kathleen, how are you and your family? Hope you are all doing well. We have been lucky here🙏. I’m anxious for us to be able to get vaccinated and hopefully all this will start improving. I thought of you, as we’ve talked knitting and crocheting before. I finally finished my blankets I knitted for my 4 Grandchildren..didn’t make it in time for Christmas 😬. Anyway, I was wondering about any ideas to be able to personalize them? Like a label? That says their name, or a few words?
Feb 07Reply
flowerfairies Thank you for the information on the salt and pepper shakers.
Feb 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @flowerfairies you are welcome...I was looking at a book on Noritake last evening and saw the pattern in it
Feb 08Reply
dillonmarsha387 Hmu cutie
Feb 10Reply
bopsmom1 Thanks for the like on my sugar bowl. I ship daily if you are interested .
Feb 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @bopsmom1 Thank you...I purchased a set of the Apple pattern and will have to wait on buying the Desert Rose pattern until I sell a few baby blankets...have a great day
Feb 15Reply
bopsmom1 @kathleenlent Understood— my items are the apple pattern.
Feb 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @bopsmom1 oops🤣🤣🤣 ok...I still need a sugar bowl ...Have a great day
Feb 15Reply
freespiritsandy Hi Kathleen. I will ship your package off ASAP! I am currently snowed in and I am hoping I can get out tomorrow. I have it packed up ready to go and I added some goodies. So sorry, I normally don’t have to wait this long but I can’t get out of my driveway much less to the post office. The minute I can I will get it off to you. Thank you for your purchase and visiting my closet!
Feb 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @freespiritsandy oh no worries...please dont rush out in bad weather...I grew up in Chicago so I know how bad roads can be I live in careful...Thanks so much
Feb 16Reply
freespiritsandy @kathleenlent thank you so much sweetie. Well I tried! I have 10 packages to ship but I literally cannot get out of my driveway. It’s uphill and I just can’t get up it! I put down another 15lb bag of salt so hopefully it works it’s magic and melts some. It was -3 this morning and right now it’s 2 degrees. I need to move to Florida, it’s my favorite place in the US! lol.
Feb 16Reply
chloescloset07 Hi Kathleen, thank you so very much for all of your shares and posh love. 💞💝 I truly appreciate your kindness. 🌷🌻🌹 Many wishes for many sales this new year and of course some purchases too. 👗👠👚👜 Be well and take care ~ Barb 😊💜💛
Feb 17Reply
cuddleupcrochet @chloescloset07 oh thanks so pleasure...have a wonderful evening 🤗🤗🤗
Feb 17Reply
chloescloset07 @kathleenlent Absolutely my pleasure. 🌻💞🌷 Thank you!🥰 Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Feb 17Reply
bargainsercher Thank you for the share ❤️
Feb 22Reply
cuddleupcrochet @bargainsercher oh you are quite welcome and have a wonderful evening 🤗🤗🤗
Feb 22Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time posher so and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Feb 27Reply
chipmunck1 Thanks again for sharing 😀
Mar 04Reply
cuddleupcrochet @chipmunck1 the same to you...have a great weekend 🤗🤗🤗
Mar 05Reply
pinktenaj @kathleenlent Hi Kathleen, glad you got the slippers pretty fast. Now let’s just hope they work out well. I had a sturdy shoe box, but didn’t know about mailing them in that. I need to get more mailing boxes, I ordered some from USPS but haven’t seen them yet. Wrapping could of been better, once I get my hand back all will be well. Thank you so much for the rating and comment my friend, very much appreciated 🙏
Mar 18Reply
maryeee18 As many have told you....I also have to say your blankets are SO SO SO beautiful!!!! Personally, I think you could ask more for them!😊. I crochet, but am not as advanced as you are...but I’m working on it😂🥰. I love your patterns, especially the hearts! Beautiful work!!! I’ll definitely share your closet and tells my friends!!!👏💖🌷
Apr 16Reply
dianne62 Kathleen, thanks so much for your shares. Your crochet blankets are beautiful. You have a wonderful talent.
Apr 24Reply
cuddleupcrochet @dianne62 oh well reading your comment was a wonderful way to start my day...thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend 🤗🤗🤗
Apr 24Reply
clothingarmoire Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my Dad just got PCS orders for Ft. Benning, GA. My parents were hoping we would stay here until my Dad retired and my brother graduated but the government doesn't always give you what you want. I will probably list items here to help my Mom clear out the shop since she will be busy selling our house and the warehouse.
May 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @clothingarmoire oh thank you...I hope it all goes well...yesterday day was my birthday and my daughters are here with me at Disney World.
May 08Reply
clothingarmoire @kathleenlent happy birthday & mother's day
May 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @clothingarmoire Thank you very much! 60 yikes
May 08Reply
vintage7125 Hi Kathleen! I would love to purchase your Robin Williams Biography. I am new from a couple of months on Poshmark and wuold to know how to purchase from the US. Can you let me know how to do it? if it's possible? :) Thanks
Jun 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @vintage7125 oh ok...I can reach out to Poshmark help for an answer
Jun 06Reply
cuddleupcrochet @vintage7125 did you try using the buy it now button?
Jun 06Reply
aldermanmarcela hi ! sweet Kathleen 💓 nice to see you here today ❣️ come look at my beautiful ❤️ closet I truly appreciate... speedy delivery 🚚
Jul 27Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1900 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 13Reply
organicbeinginc Thank you so much for all the share love!! I truly appreciate it!! It’s nice to meet someone who has the same passion for crochet and baking. I went to pastry school and it is one of the most cathartic hobbies!! I wish you many blessings and deep gratitude! 😃🙏🏻🥰
Oct 05Reply
francinepr1 I love you stuff!! Soo beautiful!!!! I am going to share your closet on my Pinterest I use to make these 100 yrs ago when i was a kid with my grandmother! You do very good work! Nice to meet you! Francine
Oct 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @francinepr1 oh thank you so much...I started crocheting when I was 10 years old...I enjoy making things!🤗🤗🤗
Oct 12Reply
francinepr1 @kathleenlent soo beautiful!! I use to be able to make baby / doll clothes baby booties, blankets.. my Nana taught me when I was a little girl. I know i could probably figure it out.. but every day is always so rushed.. no time for anything.. 🥵🤯but I did get a Circuit!! YAY!!! I hope to make something tonight with it!!! 🙏🙄👍👊😜🥵🥂 unless i fall asleep 😆🙄😜🤣😂its nice to meet you and i will share your closet again tonight!! Tank you for sharing!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 🥂🌹
Oct 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @francinepr1 what is a circuit? paper cutter?
Oct 12Reply
francinepr1 @kathleenlent Yes!!!! Im so excited!! I have no idea what im doing, but im defiantly making something tonight!!!!! 🤞 (ok well im gonna try ) I ordered svgs and cant download them its been days.. ugh.. learning curve and no time.. 🥵 do you have one??
Oct 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @francinepr1 no but I wish you luck...main thing is to have fun...I dont know what you can do with those...I'll have to look into that...I've done a million crafts over the years...I'm a retired professional cake decorator
Oct 12Reply
jincctrack Your baby blankets are adorable! I will keep you in mind for future baby gifts. 🥰
Oct 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @jincctrack oh thank you so much...🤗🤗🤗🤗
Oct 12Reply
mmimmalove Hi friend! Thank you for follow, like or share my closet. Hope you are enjoy Poshmark. Good luck and many blessings!😉
Oct 22Reply
sheerinfarhana Hi Thankyou for all the shares , that was very sweet of you 🥰
Oct 25Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sheerinfarhana You are so welcome...I love the baby you make them?
Oct 25Reply
sheerinfarhana @kathleenlent oh Thankyou yes I made them 🥰
Oct 25Reply
rosierecycles Oooo! Beautiful baby blankets!! 💕🐥
Oct 28Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rosierecycles you've made my day
Oct 29Reply
rosierecycles @kathleenlent I’m so glad‼️😁 TRULY … BEE~YOO~TEE~FULL work‼️❤️👏🏽👏🏽😊🌹💪🏽♻️
Oct 29Reply
loveandbuyme Thank you so much for your purchase.🥰
Oct 31Reply
cuddleupcrochet @loveandbuyme oh I couldn't resist the dresses...I don't even have any grandchildren to give them to🤣🤣🤣...Thank you have a wonderful weekend
Oct 31Reply
loveandbuyme @kathleenlent Lol - I sometimes buy what I don’t need, but I love. I can so relate. Thanks again for your purchase.💖
Oct 31Reply
cuddleupcrochet @loveandbuyme lol I love cookie jars...this week I told my husband my significant other I'd sell off some of my excess Christmas decorations then an hour later I ordered a Santa cookie jar🤣🤣🤣
Oct 31Reply
sargebill Kathleen good evening and thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha. That cake is beautiful, a work of art,perfect Saint Valentines Day cake or an anniversary cake, keep up the great work.
Nov 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sargebill Thank you and you are welcome...I'm a very retired professional cake decorator...I do the occasional cake still for family weddings and friends...have a wonderful weekend
Nov 05Reply
sargebill @kathleenlent You do great work, I proposed to my fiance last valentine's day, she's getting antsy now, got most of everything done, pure Italian, we have all the food taken care of, all the family's cooking, her sister is loving it.
Nov 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @sargebill daughter's wedding was postponed a whole year due to covid but she finally tied the knot in late July...a beautiful event from start to finish...oh I love everything Italian...if I could choose to be Italian I would be...such great last date with my late husband was in Little Italy in Manhattan...a date I'll never forget
Nov 06Reply
sargebill @kathleenlent Thank you so much, when I met the family 1st time they pulled a good one on me,had the godfather playing,well Sam and I went back to the car,got our felt hats white carnations and a violin case, walked back in, they thought we left, Sam told em we got an offer you can't refuse, opened it, 3 bottles of red wine.
Nov 06Reply
happyestate How can I ever thank you for ALL the Shares from my Closet? You were so generous! I wish I could return the favor, but you must be on vacation since I found no available listings in your Closet. When you do have items I can Share, kindly let me know. Best wishes and God bless you, Linda
Nov 07Reply
cuddleupcrochet @happyestate awh... I wanted to show my daughter your creative closet!... yes I'm in Salt Lake City visiting her until after Thanksgiving 🤗🤗🤗
Nov 07Reply
happyestate What a lovely, giving person you are! Thank you so very much. Do either of you like clean, romantic novels? I have four of those in my Closet . . . God bless you, and enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving together. Linda
Nov 07Reply
tatnaples Hi Kathleen, beautiful work, thank you for sharing! And, thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @tatnaples Thank you so very much ...🤗🤗🤗
Nov 08Reply
tatnaples @kathleenlent my pleasure! 💜🙇‍♀️💜
Nov 08Reply
redbird57 Beautiful work! So many gorgeous things!
Nov 13Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 15Reply
stacyana818 Hi again Kathleen, thank you for the shares! Merry Christmas😆😇
Dec 21Reply
kgirlscloset @kathleenlent Hi Kathleen, it’s nice to see you, thank you for the shares. I have so enjoyed the scarves I bought from you. I hope this message finds you well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dec 23Reply
cuddleupcrochet @kgirlscloset oh glad to hear that...I'm good...after not seeing much of my children due to pandemic now that I'm vaccinated and boosted I will see three of them for Christmas of the four...right now my son has covid and thankfully he was fully vaccinated...Have a wonderful Christmas
Dec 23Reply
kgirlscloset @kathleenlent oh so happy that you will be seeing your children for Christmas. What a blessing! I hope your son recovers quickly. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dec 23Reply
betsypolk Your blankets are beautiful! I’m glad to share them! Too bad my baby is 20. 😊
Jan 04Reply
cuddleupcrochet @betsypolk Thanks so baby is almost 32...and my eldest almost 39...still waiting for a grandchild to crochet a blanket day!😊😊😊
Jan 05Reply
annabelturk Hello!🌺 Happy New Year! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again! You truly are SO talented. Wonderful closet Kathleen! Thanks for sharing too!😁 All the best, Annabel
Jan 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @annabelturk oh thank you sooo much...I appreciate your kind words 🥰🧶🥰
Jan 12Reply
haineyboutique @kathleenlent —thank you so much for the shares. You have such a wonderful closet. the blankets are exceptional. I, too have been crocheting since my youth. I’ve been inspired recently and started back making hats. 😃. Take care and stay safe.
Jan 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @haineyboutique I enjoyed looking at your pieces...very nice...I told my significant other tobury me with a stash of yarn lol
Jan 15Reply
bathandbodyplus You do beautiful work!! 😍 You certainly have a gift! 😊
Jan 22Reply
cuddleupcrochet @bbwplus oh thank you...very kind of you☺🧶😊🧶☺
Jan 22Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 26Reply
rosierecycles Thanks for your shares‼️I remember your afghans now 💕☺️ BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL work 🌹
Feb 14Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rosierecycles Thank you...I've been keeping busy because I'm having shoulder surgery on Friday...I'll be out of commission for awhile...gosh I love your artistic closet...wonderful and so creative!!!💜💜💜
Feb 14Reply
rosierecycles @kathleenlent Thank You‼️☺️💕 … Hope all goes well for you on Friday 🤞🏽💓🌹
Feb 14Reply
awoww55 Hi Kathleen, thanks for the follow! Sent some share love your way 🌻 Happy posing & wishing you many sales!
Feb 21Reply
b_hesslink Most definitely will be shopping in your closet when i get the able to💓💜gorgeous pieces!
Feb 24Reply
ggblanca beautiful flawless phenomenal work!!
Mar 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ggblanca oh thank you😊😊😊
Mar 05Reply
ggblanca you welcome
Mar 05Reply
likeyourbag Thank you for all the shares!! ❤️ I’ll be shipping your cute stuff today-I hope you love them. 🤗
Mar 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @5ocsomewhere Thank should pull those knitting needles out!!!😊😊😊
Mar 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @5ocsomewhere excellent...did you see the picture above here posted on my Valentine's Day cake?
Mar 08Reply
likeyourbag @kathleenlent oh wow! Beautiful!!
Mar 08Reply
cuddleupcrochet @5ocsomewhere oh thank you...I never got rich but I truly enjoyed people's appreciation for my creativity
Mar 08Reply
rosierecycles Hope you are doing well 💕🌹
Mar 09Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rosierecycles oh how kind of you to think of me...yes I'm doing well and the shoulder is getting less painful each day...starting rehab therapy next week...I hope you are doing well too😊😊😊
Mar 09Reply
rosierecycles @kathleenlent 😉 Good‼️Thought of your beautiful baby blankets with Spring and Easter right around the corner 💐🐣🐰 (I am a Recreational Therapist and I think I just can’t help it 🤪) Hope you are feeling up to creating again soon 😁❤️🌹
Mar 09Reply
rosierecycles Thank You‼️Wasn’t even vying for the shares 😂😂💕💋
Mar 09Reply
donig1 Thank you so much for sharing!❤️🙏
Mar 11Reply
cuddleupcrochet @donig1 likewise...have a great weekend and good luck on selling too😊
Mar 12Reply
nyfshop HI! PM is giving FREE SHIPPING! rn FYI! :)
Mar 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ossanandme have they ever done that before? wish I had known sooner...thank you😊😊😊
Mar 15Reply
cuddleupcrochet free shipping today at 2pm Eastern time...for one hour!
Mar 19Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Everything need to sell fast, Please!
Apr 06Reply
cuddleupcrochet @beautifynails oh thank you and I'll share your closet in a bit...have a great day
Apr 20Reply
butterfly4122 Hi I was seaking your pricing on cups & saucer as I have same brand but heritage white in my closet. Had for 50yrs. think it's vintage.
Apr 24Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Apr 24Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
May 21Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 27Reply
elevatecrochet @cuddleupcrochet Thank you for all the shares! I truly appreciate the support. It is always a pleasure to check out your beautiful "cuddly" crochet items 🧶 Happy Crocheting ❤ 😊👍
Jun 07Reply
cuddleupcrochet @elevatecrochet awh Thanks so very much and likewise...have a nice evening ☺️😊☺️
Jun 07Reply
ajooj Hello I’m trying to get rid of my inventory. The more you bundle the more you save🤗 I’m accepting all reasonable offers so please check out my closet bundle up your likes and send me an offer😁 no reasonable offer will be refused 👍
Jul 19Reply
kappes100 I can see you are a talented lady and such great buys in your closet! Lovely delicate things.
Jul 30Reply
drmichaela Please offer again so i can accept Thank you in advance
Aug 19Reply
drmichaela 12.00 plus 5.95 shipping
Aug 19Reply
cuddleupcrochet @drmichaela I sent you an offer this afternoon. $12.00 and 5.95 shipping
Aug 20Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet. I provide 15% off for 2/3 items or 20% off when you bundle 4/more items from my closet. Pls feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Pls feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun as I have a large selection to choose from. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
Aug 27Reply
watsonlilmommy @cuddleupcrochet hello how are you doing check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out also have some beautiful bracelets set
Aug 28Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Sep 23Reply
carollloyd Hi Kath!! Are you and Neil, dog, all okay?? Carol
Sep 29Reply
cuddleupcrochet @carollloyd oh yes thanks we are fortunate it did not come into the Panhandle...sweet of you to ask ☺️
Sep 29Reply
cutehosiery @cuddleupcrochet Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 05Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Mar 24Reply
cuddleupcrochet @marywilliams130 You are welcome ☺️ 😊 😉
Mar 24Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for all the shares 😊
Mar 24Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse or tote.....this month in April 2023
Apr 01Reply
carollloyd Happy Easter 🐣🐰 Hope all is well. Hope to talk soon. Carol
Apr 08Reply
kathyratliff275 Hello Kathleen, I am going to purchase some yarn from in the near future & I was wondering if you also sell instructions/patterns for making specific items such as scarves, blankets, etc? Thank you, Kathyratliff275
Apr 12Reply
carollloyd file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/1c/12/EDF7ACE9-1F5E-4287-AFF9-7F4540D78F49/IMG_3043.jpeg. HiKath!! Let me know if u can open pic of baby with blanket. It’s beautiful. Carol Enjoy Holiday Weekend. Hope feeling well and grand daughter is doing just fine.
May 28Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 21Reply
faiefinds Your work is beautiful!💕
Jun 21Reply
cuddleupcrochet @fayelhodges Thank you 😊😊😊
Jun 21Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 23Reply
kirstyscloset Hey there! 😀 Love your closet! Thank you SO much for the generous shares!! I shared your listings as well! I really appreciate the help and support, especially as a single mom with a teenage daughter, while also going through a personal emergency. I’m very grateful for you! 🥹🙏🏼❤️ Wishing you and your entire family lots of love, happiness, good health, peace, laughter, joy, blessings and success in all areas of your life! God Bless you!! Happy Poshing! 🛍️🤗🌷💛💃🏻💕
Sep 01Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Kathleen... I would like to invite you to see my watercolor paintings... they are for sale and I do take offers....
Sep 12Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you for visiting and sharing my art.....blessings on your sales!
Sep 12Reply
cuddleupcrochet @rhonda_anne BEAUTIFUL 😍 of luck to you as well
Sep 12Reply
rhonda_anne @cuddleupcrochet Thank you so much!
Sep 12Reply
mariephinney Thank you again for quick shipping and wonderful items. Since you’ve mentioned starting a yarn business, there is a site you can purchase great yarn from at good prices to resell. They sell ice yarn and you can set up as a reseller. It’s Check them out. Good luck with your store and wish you much success.
Sep 15Reply
ceeblue56 Hi Kathleen, Thank you so much for your offer. I was visiting your closet by accident I pressed like. I thank you for understanding! Cheers! Maritza🦋 💥🦋💥🦋💥🦋
Nov 05Reply
cuddleupcrochet @ceeblue56 oh you are too 😋 have a great evening
Nov 06Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Jan 22Reply
lesleyh2os hi Kathleen, my granddaughter is finally going to have her first baby. I have been looking for you for awhile. do you have any baby blankets left?
Jul 16Reply
cuddleupcrochet @lesleyh2os yes I do. I'll get some pictures for you tonlook at later today..
Jul 16Reply
lesleyh2os hi Kathleen, we should be finding out any day about gender. my grandkids love the blanket. I will be in touch soon. hope you are doing ok. hope your treatments still holding and you are feeling better.
Aug 19Reply
pinktenaj Hi Kathleen, I thought of you and wanted to check in. You have lots of great yarn for sale, I’ll have to shop your closet as I’ve picked up knitting again. I’m currently working on a blanket as I had to have hip replacement surgery and needed to keep busy during recovery. I broke my femur years ago and complications from that led to the surgery. I’m doing great now, from wheelchair to walker to cane. Now that I’m up and about my blanket has taken backstage right now.
Sep 12Reply
pinktenaj I’m keeping busy now going to Grandkids ballgames now that I’m able. It’s easy to take health for granted till something like this happens. I’ve had minimal pain so that’s a blessing. I hope you and yours are all doing well and I’ll be back to shop🙂
Sep 12Reply
lesleyh2os hi, Kathleen. Just wondering how you are doing. thinking of you!
Oct 31Reply
fgchs Hi, what would it be your best offer If I bundle everything so that I could save on shipping? Thanks
Dec 11Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi! I'm a top rated seller and will be listing 100s of items a bit at a time..please like my profile and check back often! drop me a line on a bundle to let me know what sizes or items ur seeking! I share when others share. I'm a disabled RN and appreciate every sale no matter how small! ☺️💞✌️
Dec 30Reply

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