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Updated Jan 15
Updated Jan 15

Meet your Posher, Katie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Katie. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, Nike, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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sea4emm Hi my name is Emily, thanks for sharing ⚘
Mar 09Reply
kpledger13 @wordsmithshop absolutely! You made purchasing from you so much fun! I’ll definitely be checking out your closet again!
Mar 19Reply
hphearts Hey girl! Just saw you liked a few of my items, thanks so much for stopping by ☺️ if you’re interested in buying, I’ll do 3 for $25 on the Vintage Scarf, Pink V-neck Sweater, and Lush Black and White plaid shirt! 💕 just click “add to bundle” on each of these items and I’ll send the offer your way! Happy poshing 🌸
Apr 19Reply
hphearts My bad, the plaid shirt’s brand is BLL! 😘
Apr 19Reply
gmastyles Hi! I’m just wondering if you’ve heard from the lady that got your purse?
Feb 01Reply
gmastyles @kpledger13 I got a message from Posh that labels have Ben sent to you & her to be able to switch your items. Please let me know if you’ve gotten it yet. Thank you.
Feb 02Reply
kpledger13 @gmastyles I got the label for her but I’m worried about her sending my bag. She hasn’t been in contact
Feb 02Reply
gmastyles @kpledger13 @kpledger13 l’ll let posh know we’ve not heard from her & ask if you should ship her package or hold on to it. I’m so sorry this is such a mess! I feel awful! I’m usually very careful There’s no excuse, but I have an idea “why”... I’ve been in & out of ERs & facilities for an explanation for being sick since November! I must be improving since I get a “free day” every 6 or 7 days or so. OK...TMI!!!! I’ll keep you informed. Please let me know if you hear anything at all. Thanks .
Feb 02Reply
gmastyles Hi! I have just communicated with Posh again & am waiting for a response on your bag. I have also reached out to the buyer of the dress & Jeans & hope to hear from her. I thought I’d check with you to see if you have heard anything from anyone?
Feb 04Reply
kpledger13 @gmastyles i just heard back from the girl that received my purse. She asked if she could keep it to which I told her no. I am not happy about this situation and if the other buyer trying to keep my purchase is not making this any better
Feb 04Reply
gmastyles @kpledger13 i know. She asked me if she could buy it & pay me more but I told her you paid for it & it was yours. I can only assume she’s new to this & doesn’t understand how it works. I am so sorry about this. I always try to be so careful & double check everything. I guess if I feel bad enough to go to the ER, I should wait to send out packages. Please let me know when you get it! I know you’ll love it!
Feb 04Reply
kpledger13 @gmastyles i appreciate you trying to remedy the situation and that you didn’t let her buy it out from under me. I understand things happen and my frustration isn’t really with you at this point. I hope you are feeling better and doing well. Hopefully this situation resolves soon
Feb 04Reply
gmastyles @kpledger13 she told me she would send it tomorrow. Please let me know when you get it. Thank you, tests are still being run. The next results may determine a “vacay” closing of my site. New tests are requested as a result of what they don’t like or are “off”. If more are ordered, I think I need to concentrate on this. For that reason, I’d like to know this situation has resolved. Thanks for being so patient! I understand your frustration. You should be enjoying your beautiful purse by now!!
Feb 04Reply
start_a_trend Thank you so much for making a purchase from my closet! 🎊🎉👏🏻 Your bundle will be shipped today! 🛍☺️
Mar 30Reply
kpledger13 @start_a_trend thank you! I can’t wait to get it! 😊😊
Mar 30Reply
start_a_trend Thank you so much for the 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating! 🛍🎊🎉
Apr 01Reply

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